UnconqueredChapter 6 free porn video

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The hills that spread between Nex-Ho and the Wildfree Forest were tall enough that, by the time they had jogged to the top of them, Ember was puffing and panting. Goat Who Wrestles, his sagacious mentor and the tutor of the Vengeful Crystal Hawk Style, was sitting on a platform that rested atop Ember’s head like the world’s largest, least comfortable hat. Ember, who knew that he could leap half a league in a bound and tear houses out of their foundations, knew that he could have carried Goat without sweating – and his two Lunar Wives, June Devilborn, and maybe more. But doing so would have made his anima flare as the energies of the Unconquered coursed through his dragon-lines.

And Goat had, at the beginning of the hike, said: “Whatever you do, Sunboy, do not flare your anima.”

“Oh? Is this is a martial arts training thing? Like, control your anima, control your spirit! Control your spirit ... whoaaaah!” Ember had kicked at the air so aggressively that a concussive wave of compressed air had snapped out from his foot and smashed into a dumpster that was left by the wall of Nex-Ho, sheering it in half. “Oh, uh, oopse, uh-”

Goat had snorted, then hauled out his palanquin hat, then jammed it onto Ember’s head, and said: “No. We just don’t want the Fae to know you’re the Unconquered.”

“Will they be upset?” Ember asked.

“Oh, no, they’ll be delighted,” Goat had said. “You’ll be the one who won’t enjoy being devoured by the greedy mouths of ten million million fae for the next two centuries.”

And so, Ember’s neck and shoulders felt like one big knot of tension and sweat beaded on his forehead and his shoulders and dripped from his fingers. His whole chest, in fact, was glistening like he had been oiled. He wanted to bend his head forward, to try and catch his breath. But doing so felt like it might snap his neck right off, considering the weight balanced on his scalp. Goat, who was smoking from his pipe, blew out a small dragon of smoke, which winged into the sky before finding a cloud to lay upon and take a nap.

“I’m honestly moderately impressed!” Goat said, puffing again.

“Really?” Ember asked.

Goat blew out the smoke cloud of a small, three breasted woman, which floated in the air before dispersing. “No, most Unconquered would have been able to handle this with ease, even without flaring their anima. At least, from the stories.” He chuckled. “Lets hope they were all exaggerations, or else you get to be the worst Unconquered, eh?” He clapped his hands. “Mush!”

Ember groaned and started down the hills towards the Wildfree Forest – which looked a great deal like the Wildfree Forest that had spread to the north and east of Rataka Village. Ember almost went cross-eyed trying to remember the map of the Land while also avoiding skipping in mud, tripping on rocks, or running into stunted trees that had managed to grow into the hillside. He sprang over a small creek and landed with a grunt, the palanquin hat rocking on his head. “Question!” he gasped out. “Wild ... free? But ... Rat-” he gasped. “Taka!”

“Every Wildfree Forest is Wildfree Forest,” Goat said, tapping at his pipe, then breathing out a ram that ran through the air. “The same way that all pure ocean is Pure Ocean – they’re a metaphysical concept intruding into our world, a middle ground between raw chaos and the ordered reality of the Sun, the Moon, and the Gods.” He chuckled. “Watch your wits.”

“I’d be able ... to watch my wits ... if Chirp ... and Xora ... could come ... and ... help!”

Goat snorted. “Yes, I’m quite certain that your Lunar Wife and your Lunar Saris...” Goat’s voice grew more gentle on the second word and Ember felt a teeny bit less like stabbing him in the junk. Goat respected Chirp. Now, if only he’d respect Ember, they’d be good. “ ... are going to let their Unconquered Husband head into the Wildfree Forest, court the Queen of the Fae and screw her brains out so hard that she’ll give us free passage through the deep chaos, without following.”

Ember slowed as he came to the bottom of the hill and the foreboding wall of the Forest. Trees spread out to either side – thick and heavy with leaves, with bark of near midnight black. The space between the trees was shadowed, making the lances of light from the sun overhead seem all the brighter. He could taste an otherworldly spice on the air, and his tongue tingled in his mouth, as if he was already chewing on the forbidden fruits of the fae. He shook his head – and Goat yelped, his pipe clattering over the edge of the palanquin hat and to Ember’s feet.

“Hey!” Goat snapped. “I only have six hundred of those left.”

“How do those all fit in your loincloth!?” Ember asked.

“As if I put my soulgem on my forehead where anyone could see it,” Goat said.

Ember, who hadn’t even thought to look for Goat’s soulgem – as no one in Rataka had had one until he had been incarnated as the Unconquered – opened his mouth. Closed it. “Right.” he said. Note to self, he thought. Never ever ever see Goat naked. Also, investigate your inventory!

He knew that he had at least one possession of the Third Unconquered in his soulgem. Maybe he’d have something from Good King Bahul in there? Or something from the First Unconquered? Or the Fifth! Or ... any of them! But then Goat’s foot clomped against his hat – rattling the whole structure. “Forward!” He said. Ember wanted to glance back over his shoulder, to see if he could see Chirp and Xora. But instead, he started forward, walked between two trees, and stopped short – the hat catching on both trees and tugging off his head. He had a second of horrified shock at the sudden lack of a weight on his neck – and then-


Ember slowly turned around and saw Goat sprawled in the wreckage of the hat, his legs canted wide, his palms spreading on the ground behind him. His beard had a huge splinter stuck through a large tuft of it, and his bald pate gleamed in the sunlight that beat down on him from overhead.

Goat spat his pipe out and stood. He picked the wooden splinter from his beard and flicked it away.

Ember tried to say ‘sorry’ and ‘oopse’ at the same time, but the words choked in his throat like two rickshaws slamming into one another in a busy street and all that came out was a strangled ‘sopse!’ but before he could get a real word out, Goat smirked at him. “I was wondering how long it’d take, my student.” He walked past Ember.

“Yes!” Ember said, loudly. “I meant to do that.”

Goat stopped, turned to face him, then reached out, grabbed Ember by the ear, and dragged him into the Wildfree Woods.

As the two of them vanished, Chirp and Xora peeked up and out of a pair of bushes. Xora glowed faintly with a pale, silver aura – paradoxically making her rather easy to see ... if you could spot her in the preternaturally perfect hiding spot she had chosen, guided by the essence of the Moons, which coursed through her veins the same way that the power of the Sun flowed through Ember. She cracked her knuckles so loudly that Chirp ducked for cover, before emerging back out of the brushes, blushing furiously.

“I’m seriously considering...” Xora paused. “Um...”

Chirp blushed. “Kicking Goat’s butt?” they suggested.

“W-Well, I mean, I don’t want to kick anyone’s butt,” Xora whispered, her head ducking forward slightly.

“Oh!” Chirp said, their ears perking up slightly as they bared their fangs. “You hold him, I kick his ... you know ... man bits.”

“The dick?” Xora asked.

Chirp blushed. “I was trying to be, um, a bit more circumspect.”

“He’ll be circumspect once I’m done with him,” Xora said, frowning. “That’s what folks from the Desert of Glass do, I hear.”

“ ... what?” Chirp whispered.

“They take some glass and-” Xora held up a finger, then mimed sawing the tip off.

Chirp gaped, her ears pinning back. “Really?”

“Not the whole tip!” Xora said, hurriedly. “Just ... the skin part.”

Chirp gaped even harder. “Why?!”

“Their god gives them superhuman strength for doing it,” Xora said. “They can fly. And shoot mana blasts out of their eyes.”

“Oh,” Chirp said, blinking. “Okay, that makes sense.”

The two of them realized that Goat and Ember were now distant shadows in the dimness of the forest. Chirp nodded. “Okay,” they said. “Lets use our animal forms to track them.” They flashed with silver light, becoming a small, fuzzy, flat nosed bat with even more pronounced fangs than they normally had. They flapped around – and Xora blushed, rubbing her hand along the curved fin that sprouted from the back of her neck. Chirp squeaked, in the tongue of the bats: “Oh! Right!” They flashed back to their humanoid form. “Lets just sneak.”

“Yeah!” Xora’s body glowed silver as she channeled mana into her – and despite being nearly six feet tall and clad in heavy muscle, managed to creep through the woods without making a noise, nor disturbing a brush. Chirp followed after, their body swiftly being almost impossible to see in the deep, brooding darkness that dominated between the trees.

Together, they followed – towards the heart of the Wildfree Forest.

“And then the Bonies came around the hill,” Goat said. “And the only person standing between them and the village was me and Junie. So, I looked at her, and she said ... they won’t eat me if they’re busy eating you. And then she started to run. Now, normally, most people would take that as a good reason to get upset. But you see, they don’t call em Bonies because they’re covered in bones.”

“Wait, they’re not covered in bones?” Ember asked, trying to keep up with his sifu in both the physical environment of the Forest – which had grown thicker and wilder with every step – but also the space of his seemingly endless panoply of war stories.

“Oh, no, they are,” Goat said.

That was when the young person stepped out from around the tree. They were the same height as Ember and looked somewhere between male and female – they had the facial features of a woman, but the short, well tended beard of a man. The fact that their skin was a crystal blue and their hair was sea green wasn’t actually a definite indicator that they were a Fair Folk – as there were humans with blue skin and green hair all over the place. It was something subtler. Something that was almost indefinable – ineffable. It was in tiny movements, in graceful cant of the head, in the liquidity in the eyes, in the alien emotion that flitted through them.

Ember knew that this person was a fae, from their head to their toes.

“Greetings!” the fae said, bowing almost in half, flipping one hand wide. “I am the Greeter. You are almost at the Goblin Market – might I ask your name?” They stood, smiling at Ember, who smiled back.

“I’m Ember,” he said, holding out his hands.

“May I have your pronouns?” Greeter asked, taking Ember’s hand.

“Uh, sure,” Ember said as Goat choked on his pipe. “He him?”

“Thanks!” Greeter said, smiling broadly as he stepped back and away, then turned and sprinted into the darkness.

Ember blinked. [] reached down to scratch the back of []’s neck. Then [] yelped. “What the fuck!?”

Goat held his pipe in one hand, the tip caught between two of his fingers. He reached out and bopped Ember on []’s head. The pipe felt shockingly solid and weighty – Ember winced and clapped []’s hands on []’s head. [] scowled at Goat. “Dude!”

“Yes, I am,” Goat said, his eyes flicking down.

Ember looked down at []self and blinked slowly as [] realized that something was missing. [] placed [] palm between [] legs and gulped slowly. “Goat. My dick is missing.”

Goat shrugged one lanky shoulder. “That’s why you shouldn’t be so lose with your lips with the fae. Have you never heard the saying: Loose lips get you fucking fucked, you fucking idiot, never give the fae anything, you absolute cretin, gods help us all that you’re the Unconquered this cycle.”

Ember glared at him. “That’s the saying, huh?”

“The whole saying, exactly,” Goat said, puffing on his pipe. “It’s weirdly exact for such a widespread saying, buuuut-”

Ember threw up []’s hands and put them over []’s face. “Great. I have two lunar mates, and I’ve managed to completely ruin our relationship in one fell swoop.” [] groaned. A rustling sound came from the tree above [] and when Ember looked upwards, [] saw that the a large, sleek face was peering from the leaves. [] had just enough time to realize it was his wife, Xora, before she tumbled, head first out of the branch and crashed into []. Ember sprawled on [] back and groaned as Xora scrambled to get her arms underneath her and pushed herself upright.

“Sorry!” she said.

“Xora!” A bush hissed.

“Sorry!” Xora said.

“It’s okay, Chirp...” Ember groaned as [] pushed []self up. Xora walked backwards on her knees and her palms, then sat back on her thighs. She looked down at [] and Ember looked back up at her. Ember had noticed before that [] Amethyst was tall – but at the moment, [] felt completely and utterly undone. It made Xora look even taller, even more imposing. And Ember hated it. [] hated how much being dickless made [] feel weak and pathetic.

How stupid!

How stupid could [] be, pinning everything on a tiny bit of anatomy. Well, not so tiny. But still, comparatively tiny. And unimportant. [] could walk and breathe and punch. [] could still defeat evil. But at the moment, all Ember wanted to do was shrink away from Xora, who was looking at [] nervously. “Sorry for landing on you,” she said.

“What’s wrong?” Chirp asked, immediately flapping out of the brush. They landed behind Ember and shifted from their drakhul bat form to their human form, so their pale hands could slide along Ember’s chest, hugging [] tightly. “What happened?” They looked up at Goat, who had decided to sit down on a moss covered stump. Goat puffed on his pipe.

“The Unconquered has been unmanned. Literally,” he said.

“I feel really stupid right now,” Ember whispered.

“Oh? Feeling weak? Indecisive?” Goat puffed out a thin streamer of smoke which formed into a coiling snake in the air. “Don’t beat yourself up about it too badly, oh Unconquered one.” He grinned at [] and cocked his head. “See, you’re not just missing your dick.”

“Ember’s missing his ... their...” Chirp’s brow furrowed – their mouth forming words, but not the sounds. Xora was mouthing the same thing, and looked just as confused. Ember’s brow furrowed a bit.

“You haven’t just lost an organ, Ember,” Goat said. “The fae are able to consume, trade and manipulate concepts. Direct metatextual attacks upon your shinima.” He reached out, twisting his pipe about to tap Ember’s forehead – tapping right against []’s soulgem, which clacked loudly. “You’ve lost your own conception of masculinity – which is far more than just a dick.”

“Shinima...” Ember put [] hand against []’s soulgem. [] nodded. “I remember, June mentioned that. It’s like the things they make before they make houses. Blackprints?”

Chirp giggled. “Blueprints,” they whispered in his ear.

“Blueprints,” Ember said. “And ... and...”

“Soulgems can store items and possessions,” June said, her voice growing clipped and distracted as her eyes swept up and down the scroll, reading the long columns of letters. “Via shunting it into your Otherspace using a metamagical construction, shaped and controlled by imagination inputs and shinamatnic fluctuations, mostly modulated by mana expenditure.”

Ember scrambled to [] feet and focused. Golden flames flickered along []’s fingers, crackling as the soulgem set into [] forehead began to glow. A scroll came flying out of it. Ember caught it and shook [] head. “Nope!”

[] tossed aside the scroll, then the small gemstone, the jade pendent, the tiny golden wolf ring, the small stick wrapped in beaded strings. [] only paused on the papyrus sketch of the gorgeous, golden skinned woman posing naked before a massive crocodile, before tossing it away with a shake of [] head. Xora and Chirp both stood and backed away from the growing collection of stuff.

“What are you doing?” Xora asked.

“I’m looking for a-” Ember blinked as a glowing bead of pale red light shot from [] soulgem, landing in [] palm. Ember beamed down at it, then closed [] palm tight around the light. It flared between her fingers and Ember breathed a slow, shuddering sigh of relief as she closed her eyes. Then her eyes snapped opened. “What the-”

Chirp put their hand over their mouths. Xora blinked several times in rapid succession.

“Nice rack,” Goat said, grinning. “Though, uh, with that kind of frontage, you’ll need to adjust your stance a bit.”

Ember, who had been gaping at her ‘frontage’ for the entire time, realized that she was now shirtless and rocking the most impressive tits she had seen since Xora had taken off her top. She clapped her hands over her breasts and let out an almost Chirpish squeak. “Goat!” she hissed. “Nice rack?”

“Well, it is,” Goat said, puffing on his pipe.

“I’m the Unconquered, you know,” Ember hissed. “I can kick your ass.”

“Hmm, can you though?” Goat asked.

Ember flushed, closed her eyes, then forced herself to calm down. But it was hard: The emotions roiling inside of her came in such a sick, sweet, complicated brew that it was hard to isolate any one thing, to narrow anything down. She felt an intense sense of relief to be something again – but she also felt a crawling, creeping dread about being a girl. And that made Ember worry: Did he really look down on being a girl? Was it that horrible of a thing?


“I just don’t wanna!” Ember wailed.

“You don’t want to get your gender back?” Goat asked, standing up. “Odd aspiration, but-”

“No, I just ... I don’t want to be a girl,” Ember said. “Not like this. I want to be me, not...”

Chirp stood and pressed up against Ember’s back. Xora hugged against her front. The two of them squeezed Ember tightly, nuzzling and kissing her – making Ember squirm and blush. Then Ember felt Chirp kiss her ear, before whispering. “Hold very still, we’re going to fix this right up.”

Using their bodies as a shield, the two Lunars worked with blinding speed, plucking leaves from the air and from the trees nearby, weaving them together, and then binding Ember’s chest up tightly. They stepped backwards and Chirp gave Ember a big thumbs up. “There we go,” they said, nodding as Ember felt the strange stifling feeling of the binding around her chest. She put her fingers against the leaf bindings, while Xora ruffled her hair.

“How does that feel, Ember?” she asked.

“Nice,” Ember said, slowly. “And ready to do this. Goat, we’re going to get my gender back.” She paused, then clenched her jaw. “And from here on out, treat me like a man. Cause I am. No matter what pronouns I’m borrowing.” He blushed, then clasped his hands together as he realized that was a little bossy for referring to his master. He bowed low and added a respetful: “Sifu.”

Goat inclined his head. “As you say, Ember,” he said, his voice actually gentle for once. Then he chomped down on his pipe again. “But we got a problem. A fae trade is permanent – you can’t just beat Greeter up until he gives your gender back. You need to get him to trade back.”

Ember frowned.

“I have an idea,” Chirp said, blushing.

The group leaned in as Chirp whispered their plan.

And slowly, they began to grin.

The Goblin Market was a profusion of chaos and delights. The high trees of the Wildfree forest grew even taller under the fairy light glow of a thousand fireflies that danced through the air above the market, like flowing rivers of light. Those seemingly infinite spires broadened out to form the front facing walls of many market stalls: Wooden bark was carved aside to create alcoves and seats for merchants, their wares laid out for all to see upon blankets of woven dreamcloth and shimmering silk. Maggot-shaped spirits of decay vomited up bile onto fine platters that went for the hefty price of a newborn’s dream, while the many colored goblins that ran the market swept up any dropped currency into the floating bellies of blimp-like tenders. Fae of both Seelie and Unseelie courts walked by in glittering procession – clad in ice and snow, flame and leaves. Their servants would sometimes dart out, to offer bottled souls to finely crafted goods, while their cataphracts shoved aside anyone who was foolish enough to stay in their way.

But it was not merely the spirits and the fae of the deep Sunder who had come to the goblin market to trade.

Red robed factors from the distant courts of the Gyognorian islands, their faces plated in solid gold to prevent a single emotion from being shown, came to stalls that sold soul-eaten slaves. Spider limbed mutants culled from the Deserts of Glass, their bodies still sprouting the foot long black shards from the storms that had mutated them, haggled with goblins over automatic crossbows and mage bombs. And there was at least one Locust Person, sitting in a bar, glaring at Ember as if Ember owed him something.

Or her something.

Ember wasn’t entirely sure what the Locust Person was, as the only reason he knew they were a Locust Person was because Goat had scowled and muttered ‘fuck, a Locust.’ The Locust was actually one of the last exotic beings in the Market: They were two armed, two legged, had a head. Their face was concealed behind a pig-like snout of rubber and metal that ended in a circular nozzle that seemed to be what they breathed through. Scratched, red lenses were set above their eyes, while a coal-miner’s helmet was strapped to their head, and a long leather trench coat hung around their shoulders. They had a pistol sized crossbow strapped to their hip and had fingers wrapped in leather. Despite the fact their mask covered their mouth completely, they were holding a glass that had been given to them by the goblin bartender. It seemed they drank it by just ... thinking at it hard enough.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Ember whispered to Goat.

“Mostly,” Goat said, shrugging one shoulder.

Ember sighed and tried to feel masculine. It was hard, though, when his body and his shinima both had a great big feminine piece jammed into it. That was, in and of itself, more frustrating the longer it went on. Partially because he was at least ninety percent certain that he’d have enjoyed trying out being a woman. But not like this. He pressed his thighs together, hated the lack of feeling he was used to, and looked back at the Locust.

The Locust was still glaring at them.

“ ... Goat, why is the Locust looking at us like we owe it something?”

“I dunno,” Goat said, then grinned.

A fae was emerging from the crowds. Ember flicked a glance over to where Xora was sitting and trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. He wouldn’t have believed it possible, considering she was huge and muscular and beautiful. But Xora had thrown a set of robes over herself – borrowed from one of the passing merchants who had been so focused on their haggling that he hadn’t had a chance to spot Xora snatching it and leaving behind a few gold coins. Those robes, plus her assuming a hunched posture, meant that she looked like a massive pile of robes wrapped around something indescribably evil and terrible.

Which, in the Goblin Market, were a dime a dozen.

The fae they had come to meet, the fae that Chirp had picked out, took their seat across from them. They were ice blue, with a beehive mound of hair that looked as if it might actually be a hive, considering the faintly ominous buzzing that kept escaping from it. They were dressed in a long, silver robe that flowed around their body with enough distance to render any attempt to place their gender almost impossible. Even their hands were covered with silver – silver gloves, which clinked and clattered as the fae placed their hands on the countertop. The gnarled wood that served as the table rasped oddly against the silver, as if the two items weren’t supposed to be touching and the world knew it.

“So,” the fae said. “I’ve been told you have something of immense value to trade with the one known as Greeter?”

“Yes,” Ember said, inclining her ... his head. “Greeter buys and sells genders, right? That’s what our information said.”

“Your information is correct,” the fae said. “But before we continue: I am Broker. Who are you?”

“I’m Sifu,” Goat said.

“I am Student,” Ember said.

Broker inclined his head ever so slightly – the intonation of his voice made it clear to Ember, in a bone deep, definitely magical sort of way. “I see you understand the ways of the Market,” he said. “Greeter, though, claims that he has access to a very potent set of he hims. What will you be trading?”

Ember reached into his belt pouch, and then withdrew the small, white furred drakhul bat that was Chirp when they were in their animal form. Sitting on his palm like a white puff of snow against the crimson of his skin, they spread out their wings and let out a tiny ‘chirrup’ noise. Their nose flared outwards, and their tiny fangs glittered in the pale firefly light of the Market. Broker put his hands to his face and let out a soft ‘ohhh!’ - then reached down and gently brushed his finger along Chirp’s belly. Ember noticed, very faintly, a flicker of silver light along the back of Chirp’s wings and managed to hide a grin.

If he could pump his magical prowess into climbing, leaping, lifting and throwing, why couldn’t Chirp be magically adorable?

It’s not like they needed much help.

Broker lifted his eyes to Ember. “I ... this is a remarkable specimen, but...”

“We shall sell this bat’s gender,” Ember said, quietly. “In exchange for Greeter’s gender.”

“The value...” Broker rubbed his chin. “I have examined many genders in my time – but the equivalence is hard to quite measure out here. This bat is very cute, but ... not quite on par with the masculinity that Greeter got.”

Ember scowled, then slammed his palm down on the table. “You think-”

Goat placed his palm on Ember’s shoulder “No, student,” he said – his voice reedy and soft, as if he was a wizened old man. “You must know that sometimes, when equivalence cannot be attained, sometimes, quantity must be found instead.” He turned his head to Broker, his eyes unfocused. He actually managed to look as if he was a blind old man – and Broker seemed to smirk slightly at that. “Perhaps we could exchange the bat’s gender for several genders of lesser values. Do you know Greeter’s stock?”

“His stock is quite plump,” Broker said, his voice becoming wry. “Many people come without being aware of the trick...” He sighed, then lifted his palm. His fingernails glowed, then projected beams into the air above his hand. Where those beams intersected, an orb appeared, and the orb was covered with small glyphs. Ember read a few of them as they swirled by – they were mostly gender symbols. He nodded. “There’s a broad range: Hes, theys, shes, xirs, zirs-”

“We’d like to purchase ... five hims,” Goat said. “Two hers and a they.”

Broker snorted, softly. “You ask for too much, old man.”

“We’re asking for a fair trade!” Ember snapped, and slammed his palms back down on the table again, half standing up. He had to exercise a great deal of effort to manage to look very growly and glarey without also making his anima flare. It was nearly as hard as keeping his own pronouns straight. Or, in this case, queer. Broker pursed his lips ever so slightly.

“Very well,” he said. “I will buy your they for four hims, one her and a xir.”

“They or no deal,” Goat said, placing his hand on Ember’s shoulder and gently pushing him back to his seat – just as they had planned.

“I don’t understand this,” Broker said. “You already have a they...” He nodded to Chirp, who seemed to be enjoying her role as ‘definitely a normal drakhul bat.’ They were currently curled up into a tiny ball of chalk white fur, bristling outwards everywhere their wings didn’t cover. And their wings covered a great deal, so they ended up looking a bit like a woman’s hair brush given an odd, ergonomic form. Broker scowled at Goat. “Why not take a xir – you can trade a xir for everything from a dream to five years of youth in the Goblin Market.”

“I wish what I wish,” Goat said. “But if you wish, I can throw in the story of why we wish the they. Would that be enough to convince you.”

“Is it a good story?” the Broker asked.

“It’s ... passable,” Goat said.

Broker rubbed his chin. “I’ll buy your they for four hims, two hers, a they and the story, if it’s passable.”

Goat inclined his head. “This they is the they of a bat, an animal, a foolish beast. It was born betwixt genders by a fluke chance. But a they purchased from Greeter would be taken from a mortal human, and thus, applicable to someone in our party who wishes a they pronoun. Hence, the trade.”

Broker frowned. “It is, as you say, a passable story.”

Goat held out Chirp in one hand. Broker held out his hand – and several glowing beads hung in the air beneath his fingers. Each bead had its own unique color, its own unique sense of itself. And yet, just looking at them, Ember could immediately tell which was which. Yes, two of them were red-ish, but one of them was the fierce, masculine red of a male person, and the other was the husky red of someone who smoldered with feminine potence. One of the feminine orbs was a brilliant blue spark, like the flash of a lightning, and it nearly hurt Ember to look at it. It was a pronoun that screamed I’m gay, gay, gay, I’m super duper gay, I like girls, and I’m a girl, and we’re super gay. He shook his head in slow wonder.

Same as Unconquered
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Satans BrideChapter 37

In the days which followed Tiana was away much of the time. In her absence Darius administered Mioki's discipline although his whippings were not nearly as severe as his bedmate's. He was putting the whip away when Mioki dared ask. "What will happen to our child?" "Not OUR daughter, Mioki, MY child. I shall raise her in a life of luxury..." "And decadence!" Mioki dared to interrupt. "She will have what she wants and anything else, she will learn to take! She will not be weak like...

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The Nightingale

DING DONG! The hideously loud noise sounded again, renewing an attempt to crushing his skull. Ronald tried to sit up, but his stomach was cramped. After another night on a twenty-year-old mattress that sagged in the middle like a meteor crater, he found his back was also a mess. DING DONG! DING DONG! He finally managed to log roll to the edge of the bed and get his feet under him. He slipped his ratty bathrobe on over his pasty white body, before valiantly pushing himself erect. His pushed his...

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Natural Part 1

This is a work of fiction. The persons named in this story are fictional characters and are not meant to represent any actual person either living or deceased. Natural Part 1 By Marti B "Joe Lossin is not your normal cross dresser." This simple little thought was conceived in the deepest recesses of Joe's subconscious. On the surface, this statement seems innocent enough but to Joe's subconscious, it looked like the perfect weapon. You see, Joe's subconscious is a lot like...

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Dream MasterChapter 22 Steps

Tuesday night Christine and I dressed up to hand out Halloween candy with Doreen. We had been invited to join Tony and Tina at a costume party they were attending, but I didn't think Christine was quite ready for that show yet. Now if Amber had been there... Later, after the candy and kids were all gone and we called it a night, I went to see a young boy named Bobby. He had indeed come a long way in the last year and didn't need Walter to look after him any longer. The first thing I...

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App for that Public Story

Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. ***BEEP*** ***BEEP*** ***BE You silence your phone and just lay in bed for a moment before you get up with a massive effort and just sit on the edge of your bed for a moment. Summoning the energy you get your shit together and head down to the college cafeteria for breakfast. Grabbing a plate of pancakes I sit down and start to think for the first time today. Looking down at my phone again I...

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The House Of GIFTS

Prologue Pepper, the 23 year old President of the Gamma Iota Fi Tau Sorority, stood at the top of the staircase of the immaculate house where she and her sisters lived. Pepper has an athletic build, with sun kissed skin and dirty blonde hair that cascades down ending at her shoulder blades. She is wearing a leather biker jacket with a white vest top underneath and a pair of form fitting skinny jeans with a pair of block heel boots on her feet and a pair of stylish sunglasses on her face. She...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 61

I don’t mind waking up stark naked in bed if I’m wrapped in the arms of someone I love. Finding myself naked, with my arms and legs tied down, gagged, and with nothing covering my modesty or lack thereof isn’t something I think I care for. That, and seeing a man sitting in a chair near the bed just reading a book. If I’m going to be tied up and on display, at least he could be leering at me, after all. I tried to speak and the gag felt like I was spitting dry sand out of my mouth. He heard...

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The fire crackled in the corner, filling the room with a heady mix of wood smoke and vanilla. The curtains were drawn, protecting them from the cold, dark night outside. In the same armchair, a couple sat watching the flames flicker and spark in the stove. The man was dressed in soft pyjama bottoms and a black t-shirt. The girl, cradled in his lap, wore only the rope-cuffs he’d tied around her hands and ankles weeks ago. She hugged him for warmth, but also because she loved to be close to him....

Oral Sex
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 16

We instantly reappeared in the Grove of the Eternal Flame in our own Realm and Reality. "Where are we?" all four women asked, as they looked around them at the large open space surrounded by the large ancient oaks. "This is the Grove of the Eternal Flame in the O'Connell Realm," Pat informed them. "It's much warmer here than it was at your Grandfather's Palace," Clare and Cathleen said, as they looked around at all of the green grass in the Grove. "Yes, we live in Central...

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Daddys AsstoMouth Cockslut

I grunted with satisfaction, and so did Sissy, as my thick meat slid home within the adorable, fourteen-year-old's ass, turned up submissively to receive me. Obviously, I had found a way to become comfortable with — hell, delighted with — my shocking discovery of a few months back, to wit: that my own kid, a mere eighth-grader at the time, was secretly a cock-craving, would-be slut. At first, I was shocked, and extremely disappointed. At the time, I was to learn, Sissy had not yet done...

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Sex in bus

Hi guys n gals this is fabian from goa. This is my second story. My first was sex in office for whihc i got many responses. The story what i am presenting is which i experienced while going to mumbai . When i reached the goa bus station after it was almost dark and thinly crowded. By the time i reached there i had boozed and also i had decided to fuck someone soon after reaching the lodge that’s the reason i had purchased a condom pack 5’s pack.before boarding the bus there were 3 buses waiting...

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Mrs Jones p6

It was Friday night and I was sat at home waiting with my phone for Mrs Jones to call, it had been nearly two days since we last fucked, and because we had done it in the middle of the afternoon, in her back garden, and she had let me fuck her in the ass, I was now hornier than ever to touch her hot thirty something body again.But by eight o'clock I was beginning to think she would never call, when finally my phone buzzed 'Come to my backdoor in ten minutes' the message read, so I quickly...

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Watching Her First Porn

Watching Her First Porn 1 &hellip,There always has to be a first time a girl watches her first porn. Im Tanya and mine was a porn video. I was doing a sleepover at my girlfriend Sissys house and her brother was a pest. He was older and loved to pick on us girls. That night he decided to try and get us all horny. He was always trying to feel up Sissy. She wouldnt let him but secretly liked the attention. I wanted him to try and feel me up, but he wouldnt. He knew my dad would pound his ass if...

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Fantasies Fulfilled

FANTASIES FULFILLED by Throne "Priscilla, we are ready for our tea," his wife Abagail said, intentionally using a plummy voice. Paul took a steadying breath. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. It had been one thing to have the fantasy. To imagine himself as a perfect maid, serving his wife and one of her friends while he was in full uniform. His face made up conservatively but femininely. No hair anywhere on his body. But it was something else again to actually be...

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PrisonChapter 2

As mum pulled up at the entrance of St Mary’s school, she parked the car near the entrance. She asked, “Do you have your lunch money with you? Are you going to be ok? Do you want me to come inside with you?” When she finished, she leant forward to kiss me on the cheek; I just put my hand out. “Mum please, I’ve got it from here.” I got out of the car and started making my way to the school gate when I noticed a couple of boys staring at me. As I approached them, I saw they were two of the...

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Sex games 5 Part 2

The alarm went off and we woke up for the beach party. We were a little frazzled from all that had already happened today. You had already fucked four men. We took a shower and freshened up. You put on your white bikini and a T shirt. We went out on the deck and could see the glow from the beach fire. We walked to the party. There were about thirty people there, the majority of them seemed to be in their early twenties. It was a wild party scene. The young women had on tiny bikinis and a number...

Wife Lovers
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 42 Narvenia

Ileana led me slowly down the hall, stopping in front of the communal bathrooms, as Anna came out the door. She paused to look at me, then brushed my cheek with her lips. Ileana dropped my hand and stood on tiptoe to kiss my other cheek lightly. Neither said a word, so I turned and went in. The girls had scattered candles throughout the bathroom, and they flickered with the breeze. The rains had softened to a steady drumming on the roof, and the smell of fresh cut flowers, honeysuckle maybe,...

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The Day of Reckoning

Excited wasn’t the word for it. She knew it would happen – one day.Arrangements had been made and her mother was sitting at the table ready to take control of her kids for the day; at least for the next four hours. Questions were asked and answers were given. Her mother knew she was hiding something but nothing was being revealed by Angel’s responses.She leant down to kiss the youngest but wasn’t prepared for the questioning nature of where she was going and why they couldn’t go with her.“Mummy...

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Family Truth or dare

Characters William Harris - Father 49 years old Emma Harris - Mother 42 years old Avery Harris - Daughter 18 years old Helen Harris - Daughter 18 years old Rick Lewis - Father 48 years old Mia Lewis - Mother 44 years old Alisa Lewis - Daughter: 18 years old Daniel Lewis - Son: 18 years old Story The Lewis and Harris family had a tradition of playing games on Friday night. That night wasn't any different and everybody was already waiting for the Lewis family to come over. The doorbell ring at...

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A Big Boner Surprise

Rachel and I had been best friends since high school and we were in college in our final year. To celebrate our final semester in college we had a private party in her dorm room.We had the music up loud and jumped around with drinks in our hands. I had had three vodka shots already and I was starting to feel tipsy. I grabbed hold of Rachel when we sat down on the sofa and I said a bit tipsy, "I love you Rachel. You're my best friend. But I haven't told you a secret about me.."Rachel put her...

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Truth or Dare1

This is a fantasy story of when I was a kid it involves young sex and please tell me what you think of it it is my first story the names have been changed for the saftey of the people   Hi my name is Michael i am 13 years old 5'8 avarage bodey and weigh about 125 pounds there is two days left for school and I am in the motocross  finals for British Columbia my two best friends are Spencer and Morgan they help me out in my practice for biking this is the day that I thought would never...

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 11 Counter Attack

"Here let me help you." The mellow rich voice sounded familiar, yet Rachel couldn't quite match it with the speaker's face. "Thank you." Rachel took hold of the proffered hand to steady her as she stepped down. As soon as Rachel had stepped back down onto the floor, she looked at the stranger. He had the round always friendly and self satisfied, bland looking face she associated in her mind with a successful television evangelist or a fundamentalist Baptist preacher. To Rachel the...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 99

I awoke and untangled from the arms and legs that had enveloped me. I glanced to my left where Tamara had been snuggled up to me. Even though she hadn't participated with Mr. Happy, Susan had ensured she didn't go without an orgasm or two. The clock on the nightstand showed it to be seven-thirty. I went to the kitchen and started the coffee. As I headed back to the bedroom, I nearly ran over Donna. "Excuse me," she said. "It's my fault. I just started the coffee," I...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 13 Friday evening back at home

Crawling a bit, feeling the larger plug spreading her insides a bit, her back hole stretching around the foreign object, Niki could feel her skin as it began to cool, her nasty juices and urine drying as she moved slowly across the grass. Milo, looking back at Max walking back into the house, centered in on their new bitch as soon as saw that ‘Master’ was done with her. Licking, he darted his snout between her crawling legs, and his long tongue ran from her clit up to the odd protruding...

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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 11

Brianna pretended to be searching for something in her locker. In reality, she was paying very close attention to the interaction happening at the other end of the bank of lockers. She couldn't hear what was being said, but from the gestures and expressions from Melissa and Tyson, she could make a pretty good guess. Something happened between the couple, and from what Brianna could make out, it had been building. During the last month, the pair went from regular public displays of affection...

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Marriage Of Two Couples 8211 Part 5

We could not help but share with you our experience on a holiday to Jaipur. This is actually written by Seema, and edited by me. Please enjoy, and do give your feedback. More than ten readers have given their feedback. Some have shared their experiences. This motivated us a great deal to write more for you. So please keep the feedback flowing to Our next move was in Jaipur, wherein we four checked into a suite, right the next day of our rendezvous. After checking out the property, we had...

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The Fuck Fest Of My Family 8211 Part 1

It all happened when I was in vacation in my home. I am the only guy who was in hostel. My brother and sisters were day scholars. When my exams finished, I want to give a surprise to my home mates. So I didn’t tell anybody about my visit. When I went to home, the door was opened. I entered. I was hearing some noises from my dad and mom’s bedroom. I tried to open the door, but it was locked from inside. So, I went to back of the house. I peeped through a window. Oh my god, I can’t believe what I...

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The Worlds First Futa 01 Transformed into a Futa Chapter 1 Futas First Time

Chapter One: Futa's First Time By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “You're going to be fine, Becky,” my wife smiled, her youthful face spreading wide with her grin, her blue eyes so loving. Sharron's strawberry-blonde hair framed the smooth features of her cheeks. She hardly needed makeup at all, but we were about to go on a live-streamed talk-show, beamed out across the internet to the entire world. “You've done this a thousand times.” “And I'm still nervous every...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart III 5 Lets get naked

"So are we going to get naked, or what?" Joey said again. "It's your call, Tim. Who goes first?" "Hey Joey, have you seen Suzi naked since that night in the mirror?" "Nope." "Well, I guess you're the first contestant," I said to Suzi as I placed my hand on her tummy. "I figured," she said not moving. "Heh. Hey, I'm just going to sit over here and watch," Joey said. "No you're not. Get over here. I haven't told you the rules yet." "Rules?" "Yeah, I just thought...

1 year ago
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My Fiends Are VampiresAnd They Want To Use Me and My Friend For Sex

Introduction: This was the first fic i wrote after a very long time…yet another vampire fic. Who are you? I dont know why I asked. I knew perfectly well who he was. Ian Somerhalder. The hottest guy on campus. Every girl was after him, including my best friend. What I should have asked was why are you here, at least I wouldnt have sounded like some uneducated freak then. I didnt need to know who he was, but why he was there, sat in my apartment, on my desk, half naked, when I dont even know him,...

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The Quarry

The Quarry Alexis and Kelly were best friends while growing up in their suburban Denver neighborhood. They were a great match for doing things together because as much as they were the same physically, they had individual and unique personalities. Both girls were tall and thin with almost identical athletic bodies. 5’7, all legs, tan everywhere, perky grapefruit sized breasts, beautiful yoga butts, long straight hair, and both had pouty thick lips and perfect white teeth. Alexis had olive skin,...

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"I wonder what we'll being painting tonight," Sharon said to her classmate, Hazel, as both they and five or six other women entered the studio of the adult art class at the local junior college, "I dunno," Hazel replied, "but I'm getting tired of all this still life crap, I hope for once we get to paint a portrait of somebody!!!" "Me too," Sharon replied quickly while taking her place behind her easel in the third row, "that's really the reason I took this course, I wanted to learn how to paint...

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Office Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hi dosto , Mera naam aman hai mai Mumbai me ek private consultsncy chalata hoo, Mai average body ka hoo aur mere lund ka size 7 inch hai Mujhe chudai karna bahut pasand hai khas kar jab mai mote gaand wali larkiyo ko dekhta hoo to pagal ho jata aur dil karta hai ke usko wahi patak kar chod du. Ye ghatna mere office ke staff ke sath meri chudai ka hai, mere office me ek ladki kaam karti thi uska naam kasis tha wo dekhne me bahut sexy thi, uski bari bari chuchi thi uski bade bade gaand the jise...

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Problems with daughters boyfriend

Raising k**s on your own is a difficult task at best. Having a teenage female at home is even more difficult. The life changes they experience at this age, the hormones, and the peer pressure, not to mention the drama of teenage girls. So this story begins with just that my teenage daughter. I’m a single mom in my mid 40’s I stay fit, and think I look good at this stage in life.The time had come that she had found the first love of her life and the dating began. It didn’t take long for the...

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Black Irish

Tiernan was black Irish, rough black Irish. When he was growing up his family had a mobile home and they were forced to move from time to time when their presence was deemed unsavoury in an area. Naturally, the kids he encountered, especially the boys, were tough and fist fights were a regular occurrence. The fights were often encouraged by the fathers who enjoyed betting on the outcomes. In this environment, the rod was never spared and kids regularly had their backsides whipped. Kiernan and...

Gay Male
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From Tease to Taken

Megan was your typical high school senior who lived a sheltered life in a beautiful suburban home with a loving mother and father; your classic all american midwestern girl. From a young age Megan had always been into ballet and swimming leaving her slim and athletic but also a bit of an outsider at her large school due her travel and sports, especially with the boys. It also didn’t help that despite having an athletic physique, she didn’t have many of the attributes that typical high school...

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My Girlfriend Fucked Him

This happened in college. One night my girlfriend Jen and I were making out in my bedroom. I had one hand inside her blouse and another up her skirt, and it was just getting really good when my roommate Ricky walked in. "Whoa, sorry," he said seeing us. "Don't worry; I'll sleep on the couch." I felt bad because I knew he'd get no sleep outside in the dorm common room, so I pulled a blanket over me and Jen and told him to stay a while. I figured the least we could do is drink a beer with him...

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The Bosss wife

At the time I was seeing a married woman, I was single, but we could see each other ll the time, we had to wait to her husband went away. In the times when we were apart I would write explicit emails and stories. I was in work, and had been working on a big project. As the ‘official’ work day was over, I was still sat at my computer and my mind wandered off, I was thinking of my next encounter, and we were due to go out for the day, sex outdoors. I knew I could turn her on with a story, so I...

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Slowly Moving On Chapter 4

She turned back, smiled and watched me walk away.  I don’t think either of us knew what else to say.Chapter 4:  Medically Necessary?I woke up the next morning all kinds of confused.  I know that Grant and Justine were trying to help.  They were also in need of help.  Christ, they had really been there for me since Jenn died.  They just went along with my charade of saying the right things all the time to not worry them, when they knew the whole time that I was hurting.  They didn’t call me on...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 6

DAY 10 – The fourth day of my ‘enslavement’ Harry woke me with a start, my whole body moved and I woke up as he thrust his cock quick and hard into my pussy. His subsequent hard and deep thrusts quickly made me cum. He later told me that my pussy was dripping before he started and asked me what I was dreaming about. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember but I was glad that I was very wet when he first thrust hard into me. It was the last day with the Jeep, therefore my last day of me being...

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DevilsFilm Sarah Lace Adira Allure His Wifes Secret Lez Affair

Adira Allure shows up at Sarah Lace’s place to check out her new apartment. As Adira looks around, Sarah expresses her gratitude to Adira for helping her get the place. Adira gets a flirty look in her eye, sitting down. She bites her lip and pats the couch, motioning for Sarah to sit down next to her. Sarah comes over, taking a seat. Sarah mentions that it’s tough being on her own, and Adira says she’s NOT on her own…she has Adira, not to mention a great job at...

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Seeing Sisters 3

BBW steals her sister's hot bfPt 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-s-rs-434988Pt 2 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-sisters-pt-2-bbw-steals-hot-bf-from-hot-793101Robin stood in her bedroom, kimono open, framing her firm, thick, and shapely curves. The bathroom door opened and through a billow of steam, the naked man of her dreams, stepped forward. He was kind and sweet and handsome with an athletic build; he could date any Barbie girl he wanted. Evidence: Chuck was dating her Barbie-doll...

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Spizoo Nadia White Perfect POV

Beautiful, busty, blonde, Nadia White is always ready for action. Her incredible breasts, big red lips and silky smooth skin make her a true beauty. She doesn’t waste any time dropping to her knees and completely choking down this hard cock. If you like sloppy, gagging sluts then you’ll love Nadia. She soon spreads her thick legs and gets pounded roughly, just the way she likes. Moaning like a complete whore she cums repeatedly. When she is completely satisfied she takes a huge load...

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Jess and the Life Changing Weekend Part One

Chapter one.I can't easily explain why I did it in the first place. Sure I was home alone and kind of bored and my husband, Peter, hadn't exactly been paying a lot of attention for a while but I guess there are no real good reasons for it. I won't deny though that it was very exciting and the consequences were, well, very unexpected. Do I regret it though? Not really, not since Peter made a decision that affected all of our lives without even discussing it with me.It was a stinking hot day, one...

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The First For The Three Of Us

Nicole and I had been living together for over a year when we discussed the possibility of having another woman join us in our sexual adventures. I would run my fingers around and over her clit while describing my desire to have another woman’s making the same motions on her. She always fell into a sensual hypnotic trance becoming so wet and even reaching orgasm before penetration. Continuing with the fantasy as we lay on our sides my cock probing the depths of her sweet hot cunt my fingers...

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Blondie and the Black Knight

I’d been spending a lot of time in the Twomps, lately. Yeah, eastside Oaktown, where a white girllike me really had no business being. Only, I was cool, ‘cause I knew Twiman, and he made sure everybody knew it. Not that I was one of his girls, and I sure as hell wasn’t one of his gangers. You see, growing up off International, I’d spent more time couch surfing than I had at home. Me and my dad just didn’t get on, more like he didn’t give a shit where his youngest was. You might say the...

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The Landlord Part 6

The final part of the story, the full scope of the landlord and pimp Mr Wilton becomes apparent and it is all too late for the pretty little sissy. Her life has been taken over and she has gone a long way passed the part of no return. THE LANDLORD PART 6 CHAPTER 1 Thailand had been great to start with; we spent two weeks visiting Pattaya, a couple of islands and Bangkok. In the sleazy sex-tourist resort of Pattaya I saw the lady-boy whores at work. At first I was worried that...

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Finishing School Part 1

Finishing School by Yvonne Kristine Emerson Liz drove Yvonne to the train station. Two laden trunks were in the trunk of the car. Lovely dresses and petticoats, a few nightgowns and all the lingerie Yvonne would need for her sojourn at finishing school. Three months was a long time, but this was very necessary for Yvonne's development as a lady. Yvonne was sitting quietly, her eyes were a bit misty. Liz noticed the tears and reached over and touched her knee....

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My House My RulesChapter 35

The Tau Ceti Liberation Army flew straight up like a Pixie fountain. Within ten seconds, all twenty of them were hovering in a ragged circle over the hatchway. Pete dropped down, closing the door. "We can use the ruins as a landmark if we stray far." He explained. "Allison, Mary and Lisa. Fly up a few hundred feet and scout around." Allison radioed back, "Nothing nearby except the ruined building, but there is a Quonset hut sort of thing, some cages and a tall fence over there. I'm...

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Merry Christmas Pete

I was moping around the house when my younger sister, by a year, came into the living room. Bev didn't have my problems. Everything was easy for her. She was almost 2 inches taller, had light brown hair that was usually in a pony tail and easily attracted whatever guys interested her. Where I was short and skinny, Bev was tall and more of a cheerleader type. And to top it off, she was every bit as smart as me. "What's up Pete?" "Nothing. Same old shit." "Bummer. So, what do yo want...

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The Arranger

I placed the ad in an “affairs website”, feeling bored, uneasy, and unsatisfied at home. My husband tried his earnest best to satisfy me, and it was not unusual for me to come twice, three times, even more when he went down on me. He was a considerate lover, but I felt there was something missing. Looking back, it was a sense of adventure, even danger. I wanted something other than the safety, and the predictability of our marital bed. So I placed the ad. And I got the usual responses. Cock...

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Revenge Play Part 1

Cathy is an awesome friend. Such fun, so natural, that you never actually notice that she’s drop dead gorgeous, or if you do, it’s in an academic way because she doesn’t use it as a weapon. Well, correction, I’d never known her use it as a weapon. “Mark wants me to go away for the weekend with his soccer club,” she was telling me. “I don’t want to go. I hate the women there. They’re mean and bitchy and it’s a continual game of one-upmanship. It’s always about who’s legs are the prettiest, who...

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My wifes fantasy finally comes true Part two

So what did happen after my wife's first double penetration?Once we returned from Amsterdam things definitely didn't return to normal. For some reason her first double penetration had stirred something deep inside my wife. Her sex drive had now found a new level and she wanted to experiment more and more. For me watching my wife with them two guys was maybe the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed and I would be a liar if I said otherwise.So after some serious thought we both decided we were...

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Awesome Pussy Fucking

Awesome Pussy FuckingBy: Londebaaz ChohanI had thought about it, planned it and deliberated it many times in my mind. I wanted to make it different that day. I wanted to fuck Dorothy and I wanted to fuck her, but when she begged me, compelled me to do it. After what she did to me last week, I was not going to spare Dorothy. I wanted to show, prove to her; what this monster cock of mine can get me. Dorothy was the sister of my c***dhood friend Joseph. We practically grew together at least from...

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