DóchasChapter 24 free porn video

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At Siobhan's house, several people had been watching for the bus since breakfast. Nancy chuckled several times at their antics. Even though they had been up late, they were all up and packed before breakfast. As soon as they saw it, a cheer went up and they were heading out the front door as the bus stopped at the curb.

When it stopped, Sally and Cheri stepped out and said, "Good morning."

Sally added, "Why don't you give your bags to Cheri? She will put them in the luggage compartment."

While the group boarded the bus, Nancy, Briana and Siobhan walked through the house checking to make sure everything was off or secured. During this Gee joined them. After introductions, Nancy said, "Gee is going to house sit while you are gone. Another will arrive later today."

Siobhan said, "You really didn't need to do that, but thanks. We do appreciate it."

"Well we thought it was appropriate, considering there were people monitoring your movements."

After walking through the house Siobhan said, "Well if Gee doesn't have any questions, then I'm ready," as she picked up a small bag.

"Me too," added Briana.

Gee walked them to the door and said with a smile, "Have a great time."

"Thanks," replied Briana as she linked arms with Nancy and Siobhan. Together they walked out to the bus. The angle of the light made Nancy's robe look almost transparent. This made it appear that she was just wearing high heels and drew the attention of a few people passing by.

Reaching the bus, Sally said to Nancy, "Are you trying to cause a scene?"

"No. Why?"

"Your robe looked almost transparent part of the time."

"I wondered why those cars slowed down."

Nancy then gave Sally a hug and followed Briana and Siobhan onto the bus. Seeing Rusty sitting in the driver's seat she said, "Well this is a surprise." She gave him a kiss before sitting down in the first row. As soon as everyone was seated, the bus began to move.

Sally announced, "We have another stop to make before we get to the airport."

After picking up a group of three, they headed toward the airport. When they passed the turnoff for the main terminal, someone said, "We missed the exit."

Nancy stood facing the passengers and said, "The airport we are using is a little further on. We should be there in about half an hour. You are probably wondering, why?" There were several nods. "We thought it was best to avoid large crowds or tightly controlled air space. We've tried to keep as low a profile as possible in setting up your visit. I think all of you can imagine the commotion there would be if it was generally known why we wanted to meet with you. Doing it this way also protects your privacy if you decide not to join us in our adventure."

Claudine, who was sitting in the back raised her hand. "Yes?" asked Nancy.

"I believe you said that clothing was optional this week." Nancy nodded yes. "Can we start now?"

"It would be better if you waited until we were on the plane. We don't know how many people we will see at the airport."

"Cool. I can't wait until we are on the plane." Many on the bus chuckled.

"Why are you so anxious, if I may ask?"

Someone said, "She hardly keeps her clothes on in the house."

"I am very comfortable that way," retorted Claudine. "To answer your question Nancy, I spent a good part of my life living in nudist colonies with my family before I went to school. Since I lost them, I have missed the atmosphere of living in a nudist camp. I am very much looking forward to this week."

"In that case, I think you will feel right at home."

About half way to the airport, Rusty said, "Nancy we have two cars following us. They've been with us since shortly after we left Siobhan's."

Nancy started to go to the back of the bus, when Rusty added, "Never mind, they aren't behind us now. There seems to have been an accident." Even so Nancy was quite tense when she sat back down.

"Relax Nancy," said Sarah. "We have been watching the video feed from the drones shadowing you. The two cars following you contained the surveillance teams monitoring Siobhan's and Briana's residences. The first car had a tire blow out. Apparently the driver couldn't control it, as it swerved then rolled. The second car rammed the first one while it was rolling. A tractor trailer almost plowed into them but managed to stop in time. He stopped to assist, as have several other cars. The highway is blocked by the mess."

Siobhan looked at Nancy and then Briana. "Did someone just talk to you?"

Nancy was startled by the question. When she looked at Siobhan and Briana, she was quite certain they had heard Sarah. "That was Sarah updating me on a situation behind us. Two cars were in an accident." Then switching to verbal she added, "Yes. From your expressions I believe you both heard her comments and mine." They nodded. "We were talking telepathically."

Siobhan blushed as she said, "When I hear voices like that I usually don't pay much attention, as I am never sure whether they are real or not. This time everything fit together and was sort of like last night. Again, sorry for eavesdropping."

"My apologies, as well," said Briana who's blush was brighter than Siobhan's.

"No apologies are necessary. It wasn't a private conversation. Rusty, Sally and Cheri heard it as well. I will continue to talk to you this way for a bit since both of you can understand me." They nodded yes. "My impression is that this is new to you, but considering last night perhaps not unexpected." They again nodded yes. "We think everyone on the bus has this capability, which is one of the reasons we approached you. Later we can show you how you can manage it. Sarah's Clan will talk about telepathy and mind linking later today, I think."

"Yes. Nancy is correct."

"You're listening?"

"Yes, partially. We have been keeping tabs on you since last evening, either through you or by one of the drones or bots. Sorry about that but it seemed to be the safest choice."

"I am glad you have. I was uneasy for a while."

"Yes, we noticed, which was part of the reason for doing it." Nancy noticed the amazed expression on both Briana and Siobhan's faces.

"You know Briana and Siobhan are in this link."

"Yes. It appears that theirs is already functioning," she said with a smile in her voice. "They just need more experience communicating this way. It took us a while to be comfortable with it. I suspect, if you look inward a bit, you can figure out how to strengthen it. Actually it would be better to wait until you are here, then we can show you. We will also show you how to manage your connections and other related stuff. Oh, by the way, the bus driver is Rusty, one of my spouses."

While listening to Sarah, there were excited expression on their faces. "Wow this is so neat," they said.

"Yes, it is."

The bus slowed and turned into the airport entrance. It was a small regional airport that only served executive and private aircraft. As the bus pulled toward the ramp gate, it opened and they drove out onto the ramp. They pulled up next to an executive jet. Even before the bus had stopped, everyone was standing in the aisle. When the door opened they followed Sally and Cheri out. Sally stepped aside and motioned them to continue onto the plane. She then went to help Cheri with transferring the bags. Once the bags were loaded, Sally and Cheri waited by the jet's steps, while Rusty drove back to the parking lot.

As soon as Claudine was inside the plane, she began removing her clothes. It didn't take her long as she wasn't wearing much more than Nancy was. When she saw it, Nancy smiled. Several others had followed Claudine's lead. Nancy released the clasps on her robe and slipped it off, joining them.

Rusty walked briskly back toward the jet and followed Sally and Cheri up the steps into the plane. He paused at the front of the cabin for a moment and said, "Hi. My name is Rusty and I am one of Sally's spouses. In a couple of minutes we will depart. Glad to have you on board. I would join you in your nudity but I have a few more trips after I drop you at the resort. Nice bods though." Several chuckled and a few blushed as he turned to go up to the flight deck.

Conan was looking out the window when he saw a tall blond exit the operations building and begin walking toward the aircraft. Seeing the similarities with Sally he said softly, "She must be another of Sarah's Clan." It was so quiet on the aircraft that everyone heard and laughed causing him to turn bright red.

"I've told you that your voice carries," said Siobhan as she chuckled at his discomfort and patted his arm.

Rusty had paused on hearing him and now said, "Yes that is Alison. We will be your pilots today." With that he turned and continued up onto the flight deck. Alison stepped in said, "Hi," to everyone in the cabin before also stepping up onto the flight deck. The steps folded up and the cabin door closed. Once it was shut, Conan saw the ground crew pull the chocks away from the wheels and then a few moments later heard the engines spin up. When they turned toward the ramp, Conan saw the ground crewman waving his wands directing them toward the runway. He thought, "This is some airplane."

"What?" said Siobhan.

"I was just thinking this jet is amazing. Usually you feel bumps as an aircraft rolls across the ramp, like you do in a car. The engines are really quiet as well."

When they reached the end of the runway, they paused while Alison checked with operations. Since this field did not have a tower, they broadcast their intent to depart. They turned onto the runway and immediately began to accelerate. After a short roll, they lifted off and began to climb rapidly but still well within the limits of the jet everyone saw. All those watching on the ground would see is an executive jet taking off, and not the shuttle it really was.

Shortly after they lifted off Nancy stood and said, "You can now move around. There are refreshments in the galley. Please help yourself." No one moved as they were riveted on the view out the windows. Several had flown before and were amazed at how quickly the aircraft had risen.

"Nancy, how high are we?" asked Conan.

"Alison will give you the details in a moment."

Just then they heard Alison say, "We are now leveling out at 200,000 feet. Out the right side you can see North America with the Atlantic Ocean on the left."

"Wow!" exclaimed several passengers.

"We thought that since we will be talking about working on space ships this week you should see Earth first hand from the edge of space."

"This is obviously not an executive aircraft," said Conan.

"That's correct," said Nancy. "We disguised our shuttle to look like an executive jet. Guess it was effective?"

"Very much so. Before college I flew in one several times with my dad. When I first saw it I didn't notice anything unusual about it, but now several things stand out. On takeoff the acceleration did not push us back in the seat, and then there is the altitude we are at. Also before we started moving you didn't say anything about buckling in."

Unknown to the passengers, the shuttle's radar signature was so small that ATC radar treated it as noise. Its performance also contributed to the returns being treated as noise. This lack of visibility meant that the flight crew and AI were responsible for avoiding other objects. Once they were over an uninhabited area, cloaking was initiated so they truly became undetectable.

It was close to an hour later when the shuttle banked right, to begin descending toward the resort. It settled onto the ocean side of the large lawn near the main building. When the door opened everyone could smell the sea air as they hurried out of the shuttle. Once everyone had exited, Rusty stepped to the door and looked out to see if the bags had been unloaded. Seeing they were he said, "See you at dinner. Nancy will stay with you until you are settled in."

He stepped back inside again and the cabin door closed. The group watched as the shuttle quietly moved toward the ocean then began to rise, as it did, it vanished from sight. Its sudden disappearance caused the group to gasp. Seeing their reaction Nancy smiled and thought, "I guess, I looked like that the first time." She then said, "As you can see, the shuttle can become invisible on command. We refer to it as being cloaked. Now if you will come with me, we can get your accommodations squared away." Nancy led them to the main building. During the short walk she pointed out the different facilities. "Beyond what you can see, there are several recreational areas on the resort. We have a swimming pool, tennis, and an exercise room. There is a golf course but we would like to save that for later in the week. Sally has set up an outside dojo. She is an instructor for Aikido and Yoga and can probably assist you with other martial art's practice. Nearly all the staff has some proficiency in martial arts."

Bob was waiting on the porch and Nancy said, "This is Bob one of my spouses." There was a look of puzzlement on a few faces. "We have a number of family groups here. Some narrow minded people may call them harems, which to them implies someone is superior, but that is not true in this society. Our group consists of two men and four women. Bob and I have a daughter and son. Our daughter, Joyce, is a member of Sarah's Clan and our son, Adam, is with US Special Operations somewhere."

Inside, Julia, Susan and Alice were waiting by the registration desk. After giving everyone their room keys Julia said, "We have given everyone their own room as we didn't think to ask your preferences. If you decide to share with someone, we don't care but would like to know as it will help us locate you. Now Nancy will show you the building where your rooms are. One more thing, please stay within sight of the main buildings for today."

Nancy led them to an adjacent building and let them sort out their room arrangements. Before leaving she said, "Lunch will be served in 2 hours. Shortly before that a chime will sound to remind you."

"Thanks," said Siobhan.

Nancy went back to the lobby to wait for Rusty, Sally and Alison to return with the next group. She was quite comfortable with the way things had proceeded so far. As soon as she was in the lobby, her fellow spouses surrounded her and gave her a hug. They broke for a minute and sat down on the couch and cuddled. "I missed cuddling last night," said Nancy.

Stan kissed her. "We missed you too even though we were connected with you. I think I have a better understanding of Betsy's comment regarding touching and cuddling, as it seems more important to us now."

"Where is the rest of Sarah's Clan?"

"Sarah, Terry, Joyce and Star are monitoring the guests while they get settled," replied Julia. "Judy, Jill, and Janet went up to the ship with Jean's group. Erica asked them to come up and assist with Briana's friends and those arriving with them. The rest are combing the grounds to determine if there are any lurking surprises. Amy's Clan, Judy, Jill and Janet will be here by dinnertime. Also, two more pairs of lions will arrive with them."

"Half of Ann's group is working on getting dinner set up and the rest are with the nannies back at the enclave taking care of the babies and the farm."

Just then there was a chirping sound. "Looks like Rusty and Alison are approaching." Nancy and Susan rose to go down to meet the shuttle.

The group came out of the shuttle in a hurry followed by Maureen with a screaming woman in an arm lock. Maureen's dress was torn so much, she was nearly nude. The woman was swearing and screaming while trying to scratch or hit Maureen.

Rusty and Alison followed them out. They relieved Maureen from trying to handle the woman. She immediately turned her attack on them although without being nearly as effective.

Sarah came running over, then stopped just short of them and said, "I've got her." With that the woman quieted down as Rusty and Alison released her. She stood in one spot but continued to twitch and jerk about.

Nancy asked Maureen, "Who is she?"

"You don't know? She told me you had approved her joining our group for the pickup. None of us have ever seen her before."

"We haven't either." Turning to the group she said, "This is Susan. She will take you to the registration desk where your rooms will be allocated. The registration desk will also have information on all the facilities available. Maureen, can you stay with us for a moment?"

She nodded yes, as the others moved off with Susan.

"Well she wasn't on our invitation list. Can you tell us what happened?"

"Well she seemed very nervous when she joined us at the pickup point, which didn't seem too surprising as none of us knew her. I attributed it to her being extremely shy, as most of us are familiar with the feeling. On the way to the airport, she became even more withdrawn. She did ask where we were going when we passed the exit for the commercial airport. Rusty told her we were using a private airport. When Rusty drove onto the airport ramp and up to the jet, she really began to shake. Once we were all on the plane, she seemed to become very pale, quiet and withdrawn. We took off, and when Rusty told us how high we were, she went crazy. The view was beautiful; I just wish I could have seen more of it. But just as I got a good view of Earth, she grabbed the back of my dress and yanked. Fortunately it ripped, otherwise I think I would have bounced off of the cabin wall. From then on it was a free-for-all until I managed to get her in an arm lock. And here we are."

"We need to make another trip, would you like to go with us?" asked Rusty.

"You bet, but what about her. I need to tell my friends. Is it okay, if I am nude?" she asked as she removed the remains of her dress.

"Susan is telling them now. A couple of people will be here to take care of our surprise guest in a few minutes. Once the medics arrive, we can leave."

"I'm going on this trip as well," said Nancy. "I think it is better if we have another person on the craft."

Rusty and Alison nodded their agreement as Alison said, "That is why I sent them off with Susan. I guess, I was kind of rude."

"I didn't see it that way," replied Maureen.

A few minutes later two bots arrived with a stretcher followed by Cheri. After the woman was secured to the stretcher and being carried away Cheri said, "I am to go with you."

"Glad to have you along," said Nancy as they boarded the shuttle.

"I hope this is quieter than the last trip," said Maureen. She sat next to Nancy in the window seat. She hardly spoke as she looked out the window on their way to the next pick up point. The next two groups would meet them at the airport.

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Chapter 9. Saturday the first day of the weekend rides. Nena awoke and along with Mandy went and gave the others an early morning wake up call. Julia for her part did not join them as she was still suffering from the morning sickness. "I wish this would go away," she said. Doctor Helga was one who Nena did not have to wake up as she was on her way to visit Julia. "Oh good Doctor, Julia is been sick again." Kim and cousins were very surprised when there was a knock at...

2 years ago
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Fucking Friend8217s Hot Sister

Hello, friends, I am Rohit (name changed) and I belong to Delhi. I am a regular reader of this indian sex stories dot net. I am 5’7 with the decent built body and 6.5 inches dick. Any unsatisfied housewife or lady can contact me on Feedback is always welcome. I have read many sex stories or can say sex experiences of people who had shared here and have had few of my own. I really don’t know whether sex stories or experiences shared here are real or fake. But, this gave me the courage to share...

2 years ago
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The Dirty Show

The crowd at Detroit's annual erotic art show wasn't oppressively large. It was just heavy enough to be lost in if one wanted to choose that. We had been there long enough to take in most of the displays. In truth, anticipating our plan was a bigger turn on. Besides, the real show was the crowd. A collared male wearing only a leather vest and leather chaps was being led by a no-nonsense looking female with a riding crop. She seemed to be advertising for whoever wanted to be next to be punished....

3 years ago
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A Story of a Wife loving Black Cock

A long time ago, in my early twenties, I got the chance to try one and loved it! I had him sucking on my tits and then he fucked me so good! I always wanted to have him do it again but was afraid people at work would find out about me fucking a black man! I have masturbated many times to the thought of his Big Black cock!Ever since then, I have always wanted another one. Just the thought of having another black cock makes me cum so hard! I still love to fantasize about one and play with my...

3 years ago
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Threesome With IAS Coaching Students

Hi…Mein hun james () . Agar apko meri kahani achchi lage to mail karna mat bhulna…Baat kuch saal pehle ki ha … me mukherjee nagar, delhi me reh rha tha… me pg pe tha aur job kar rha tha. mere samne wale ghar me ladkiyan pg pe rehti thi. Eye contact to hota rehta tha aur muth bhi kai baar mari par baat karne hi himmat ni padti thi. Ladkiyan wahan ias ki coaching ke piye ati thi aur kuch mahine baad ladkiyan badal jati thi. Me city me akela tha aur isliye girlfriend ki khoj me tha. Mene bhi kai...

2 years ago
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Broken Hearts Busted Stereos Ch 02

Janey sighed as she dialed the first 6 digits of Ted’s cell phone before hanging up. Why she had even asked ‘Los for it was beyond her. She just thought that maybe by now he’d be himself again. Head hung as she hung up the phone. It was over. There was no more hope. A tear stung her eye before she shook it off. It had been over two years ago, she was just entertaining some stupid high school fantasy. If she wasn’t so close with his brothers she probably wouldn’t bother leaving her house at all...

4 years ago
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The Dorm Room Diaries Tempting Terrell

I’m what people call a slut, a whore, or a cock addict, I’ve heard it all. I’m a queen bee with the looks and attitude to match. I have long rich espresso hair that reaches past mid-back and dark blue twilight eyes to match. I’m on the short side, but nothing a sexy pair of heels won’t fix, and I have the sought after hourglass figure which I must maintain with regular trips to the gym. Girls want to be me and guys want to fuck me, but honestly I don’t care what people think, I just love cock...

3 years ago
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My stepsister Lisa part 2 movie night

The morning after our first sexual encounter, Lisa went to visit her friend Hailey, who lived in the next town over. She stayed the night, hence we hadn’t talked very much apart from a goodbye when she left. Trying not to alert any of our family members, she tried to act normal. I could tell she didn’t know how to behave around me though. She seemed afraid to look me in the eye, but had a shy smile on her face anyways. It was starting to get dark when she returned, going straight to...

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Home Run Part 4 Third Base

Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 4. THIRD BASE That night after dinner I took a shower and selected one of my new bras to wear and a matching panty. I inserted the breast forms into the cups and put on a new blouse and skirt. When I joined Miriam in the living room she said, "You look darling in that new outfit. We made a great choice there!" I was anxious to get to first base and then to second base and I flopped down beside Miriam and coyly tried to signal...

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amazing night

It’s a typical night at our house, I’m knitting in bed, Chase is watching TV, but we both know whats coming as soon as we decide the k**s are in a deep enough sleep that we won’t wake them…finally the time comes, and Chase turns off the TV and rolls my way. Immediately he attacks me shoving his tongue deep down my throat and kissing and nipping at my bottom lip while his hands graze up my stomach and knead at my breasts before finally pulling lightly at my nipples, making them both rock hard. ...

4 years ago
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Rental Wife

This story relates to my wife rittu.We got married in 2004 and after two years of marriage we shifted to Delhi and were living in a hotel as we were looking for a house on rent.Getting a house on rent in Delhi was very difficult task and the rent was also very huge and we were unable to find the house at desired location. Rittu had a sexy ripe fig and whenever we used to look for the house the landlords would always feast their eyes on my wife body.She had big boobs and sexy ass pounding out of...

2 years ago
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Surprise part 2

‘I asked what time I should pick you up next week?’ ‘Huh, oh.’ I was day dreaming. ‘Next week? Umm, I don’t know. I can manage to get here myself, thank you.’ ‘You’re not thinking of skipping out, are you? I promised everyone an encore, you wouldn’t want to disappoint everyone would you?’ you say with a evil grin. ‘I am planning on coming! I just don’t need a ride that’s all. I have gotten here on my own, and I will continue to get here on my own! Thank you, and goodnight.’ **** The get...

4 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 24

Renee stood looking down at Alex, listening to the wind howl in cold fury outside the house. It was a bitter, frightening sound. One that she had heard a lot of since returning to Eureka. It had been no joke getting Alex here. All the way he had been gray, ill. His skin clammy with a cold sweat breaking out at the hint of a harsh word. They would have helped him. She and Fran were willing. But it was impossible on the crowded railroad car. When they dragged him off the train Renee had been...

1 year ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 43

Most people who know me will tell you that I always speak my mind and I always have something to say, but I was speechless when Daddy told that little girl that I was her sister. I totally spaced out, kind of in a trance; my mind in overdrive, trying to figure out how Daddy could have had a child without me knowing. There had to have been some woman around three or four years ago who disappeared long enough to finish a pregnancy and give birth. Someone Daddy got close enough to impregnate...

4 years ago
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The DreAMerS part 4

I climbed a purple mountain surrounded by a blood red sea chasing after the girl who floated away from me on a warm breeze.She was wearing a silver and gold skin made of small oval-shaped scales with multi-colored feathers spreading winglike under each arm. Laughing, she swooped down to hover above me with those wings slowly wafting back and forth as I stared up at her as I tried to catch my breath."Well, look at you," she smiled, "Alive again."I took a step towards her as she watched me. Her...

Love Stories
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Little Megan Takes Cuntrol of Mom

In taking control of Pop, Megan had shown how brutal slut she could be. But the next day things continued in a most unexpected way.Mom came home after staying at the college the night before, she was greeted by her perverted daughter... and, well, If you thought Bryan, the Pop had trouble controlling this young woman, wait to you read how she treats Tina, her Mom!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As Tina pulled into the drive her heart sank. Bryan’s car was gone,...

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Cindys Birthday PresentChapter 5

Special Agent Scott Peterson looked over at his partner and grunted slightly to get her attention. "What the fuck are we doing in New Jersey?" he mock snarled at her. Special Agent Nikki Crawford smiled slightly. "What we always do, our job," she replied. Scott leaned back in his seat and snorted softly. "I suppose so, but what do you think the FBI is needed for at a cow farm?" "It's not a cow farm" the slender dark haired agent replied. "It's a dairy research station." Scott...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e20 Monika Matysik 23 Martyna Matysik 24

Series 5, Episode 20: Monika (23) and Martyna Matysik (24) sisters from Walsall, originally Poznan. We open on an ultra-long-shot ... Our animated image going a step further back to show the whole of the planet ... And then an over-the-top burst of Rule Britannia sounding out over the top as the Earth turns and the United Kingdom comes into focus below us ... Then fall toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, with the music playing all the way down ... Heading toward the middle of the country...

3 years ago
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My Son RichardChapter 6

“Hey, everybody, Daddy’s home.” “Dammit,” Richard said, pulling out, putting on his boxers and quickly leaving the room. Smart kid! Abandoned, I began a party using my fingers, as the master of the house walked into our room. “What the hell are you doing?” “Haven’t you ever seen a woman masturbating, Robbie?” “Yes, put something on, please?” “Robbie, I’m horny, fuck me, please?” “I need to take a shower, please put some clothes on, Constance?” I hate that ... I absolutely hate it when...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 176 Pissy Chrissy

Pout all you want! I’m not leaving you here alone where you can get into something that will get you in deeper shit with mom. We waited on Ralph, Fern and Hailey to head down the road before I got the keys for the Lotus. Sharon about came right there on the spot. The crotch belt pulled between her legs made her cum when it pushed on her clit. I forgot that Chrissy hasn’t even ridden in the Lotus yet. Did she even know I had it? Unlike when I took Frank out, I didn’t hug the corners as the...

2 years ago
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Fun with aunt while parents are away1

When I heard them discussing me and the fact that, even if I was 18, they didn't want me staying alone, I immediately thought of Aunt Alma. "Mom, Dad, I'm old enough to stay by myself but if you think I need an adult to supervise me, why not at alma. Uncle John is gonna be away for months and she's gonna be by herself in that house. It's such a waste of money to pay rent when she could move in and stay with us. Normally, I would have been insulted to have been left with a...

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Threes A Crowd

A couple years back my marriage got a bit turned upside down. Long story short, my wife was bored at home and wanted to try seeing other men outside our marriage. I didn't like the idea at first, but after some discussion and negotiation, we made a deal that she could see other man, but only if at some point I would get to participate. Another factor of the deal was that she would indulge my deepest fetish by wearing whatever clothing or costume I desired for the event.Fast forward just a...

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He Took My Virginity

I was about 16 and still a little chubby. It was around 11pm and I was walking home from a party. The bus has stopped running and I had a couple mile walk home. A older gentleman pulled up to me and asked if I needed a ride, normally I would say no thanks but it was damn cold. I got in his car and he turned up the heat; so I too off my gloves. He asked me my name and I gave him a fake name “Mike.” He told me his name but I didn’t care I was just happy for the ride and to be out the cold. He...

1 year ago
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Ring of Bales

There were twenty carefully screened guests in attendance on the first night at our new location.  That was several years ago.  Now, of course, there would be many more – we call them members now – and that original arena, that ring of bales in the barn, would be too small to hold them.  But those original twenty guests, fourteen men and six women, still speak in hushed tones about the spectacle they were privileged to witness that first night.We had set up the presentation area with straw...

3 years ago
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Mami Ko Blackmail Karke Choda

Hello everyone…This is ricky..And today  I  will tell you about my first oral sex and how  I  blackmailed my hot & sexy mami and fucked her…..Toh aap logo ko zyada bore na krte hue mai apni story per aata hu..Mai aap sabhi ko bata du ki yeh story bhot lambi hai kyuki maine is story ko detail mei likha hai. Meri ek hi mami hai jinka naam hai shalini gupta….Age 32 aur unka rang bhot gora hai…..Unke measurements 36-34-37..Aur vo kuchh kuchh shruti hassan ki tarah dikhti hai….Is story ki main...

1 year ago
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Bobbies Wedding Getting Ready

The idea was suggested by Janice337's excellent story 'The Sissy Bride- What to Expect on Your Wedding Night'. I am grateful to Janice337 for her permission to let my imagination take a slightly different turn. Bobbie's Wedding ? Getting Ready. Copyright Jamie B 2005 'Time to get you ready Bobbie!? she exclaimed, and look who I have found to help us. I turned, my stomach opening into a bottomless pit, when I saw my beautiful Kaitlin standing in the doorway. She burst through with...

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BlackValleyGirls Ivory Logan Ebony Diabolical Sleepover

Ivory Logan is a sexy black girl with a petite frame and an easy smile. She comes over to have a sleepover with her best friend, Raven Reign. The girls feel very comfortable around each other, so they have some fun while changing into their pajamas, playing with each others boobs and shaking their asses. They are going to watch a movie but they have not decided which one, so when Ravens brother, Nathan, shows up, they are open to suggestions. He lends them a DVD of a recent horror movie he...

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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 24

Savonne laughed, when McAllister asked if they would be challenged if they did not appear more as a duke traveling with a retinue should. "I am relatively unknown, it is true, but in most of Denaria, the counts of the March and the dukes who command will ride on a horse, and not in a carriage. Twenty-four is enough of a retinue." McAllister found himself warming to the man. Nonetheless, it would be a week's ride, if they were not delayed, through the various city-states along the northern...

2 years ago
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Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...

4 years ago
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38 year age gap

THIS HAPPENED IN 2013Over the road from us were a really young couple, they were renting the property and had done for about 12 months. This particular day, it was sunny and she came over, carrying a toddler and asked me if I could do her a favour, I’d rarely seen her before only from a distance, she asked me if I could lend her a fiver for a taxi, I gave her £5. Three days later she came back to see me, Donna was at the store, the day was beautifully sunny and the temperature was rising. She...

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Anita Hot Village Mom 8211 Part 2

This is the second part hope you guys enjoy.Please read the first part as it is direct continuation .Its all fantasy just enjoy. Anita woke up and saw her completely nude in the arms of Raj.She recalled the pleasures of last night she felt a mix of happiness and guilt.She looked at Raj he was in deep sleep his face was rested on her breasts he was sleeping like a baby on her. She carefully put her son aside she saw his 9 inch dick which had fucked her for hours last night.she got up her feet...

3 years ago
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A Boring summer holiday Day 2

Both Sam and Jo were woken the following morning by their mother calling up the stairs “I'm off to work I've left a list of chores for you to do don't forget see you this evening. “About an hour later Sam was woken again. This time by his sister. Jo kissed him on the forehead and climbed on to his bed.” Morning Sam. Thanks for yesterday it was great fun.” Sam looked at his sister she was wearing a floral print nightdress. He had seen it before, not on his sister but only in the washing....

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Choose your own adventure Episode 1

Because this is the first episode, it will only contain explanations of the possible situations and no sexual adventures. Please vote so that Jack may experience some fun! Hi, my name is Jack. I’m 17 and just about to enter my senior year of high school. I have a big cock, but I need some advice on what to do with it. What follows are some situations I found myself in recently, all of which could lead to some real fun, but I’m confused. Which one should I...

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