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Pretending Ch 07

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‘Connie!’ Emily shouted at her sister happily while sitting on the front porch. Connie grinned as she stretched. She hadn’t seen Emily in months. She got a shock, though, when Emily stood up—Emily was pregnant!

‘Em!’ She ran over to hug her sister. They embraced, then Connie stepped back, looking at Emily’s slightly rounded figure. ‘When did this happen? How far along are you? Why didn’t you tell me?’

Emily laughed. ‘Slow down, sis. I’m sure you know how this happened, and I’m about five months along.’

‘So why didn’t you say anything?’ They linked arms as they walked into the house and sat on a couch. ‘Is everything all right?’ Connie asked with concern.

‘It is now,’ said Emily. ‘I’m sorry, Connie. It wasn’t that I didn’t want you to know. There were just some complications at the beginning, and then I had to have an amnio and we were worried about the results. We didn’t tell anyone except Mom and Dad and John’s parents before that. But the results came back fine and now we’re getting all excited.’ Emily beamed.

‘Oh, I’m so glad everything’s all right.’ Connie squeezed her sister’s hand. ‘Congratulations! Boy or girl?’

‘We don’t know yet.’ Emily smiled. ‘We can’t decide whether to find out. I’ll show you the ultrasound pictures later. I just had a checkup a couple of days ago.’

‘This is so great.’ Connie hugged Emily again. ‘I can’t believe I’ll be an aunt!’

‘Will Simon be an uncle?’ Emily teased.

‘Well, honorary, I guess.’ Connie looked at her, puzzled. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Sweetie, I’m the one who’s supposed to be a little slow these days.’ Emily winked at her sister. ‘Mom told me about you and Simon—and it’s about time, I say. You guys have danced around it for years. I’m glad you finally got together.’

‘Oh.’ Connie hadn’t told Emily about the arrangement. At the moment, they were alone, but she could hear Simon and her parents outside. Emily’s husband must have run an errand for their mom, as Connie hadn’t seen him or their car. ‘The thing is—’ Connie started, but before she could continue, her parents and Simon came in the house.

‘Where’s my mouse?’ Their father’s voice boomed. Edward Davetsky was a large man who put one in mind of Santa Claus, despite looking nothing like the traditional images. He was tall and lean but it was his spirit, Connie thought, that brought Father Christmas to mind. He called Connie his mouse because she’d been so small when she was born.

‘In here, Grampa,’ she teased. She stood up and ran back into the foyer, Emily following more slowly. Her parents stood there, with Simon behind them.

‘Well, come on, hug your old man,’ he instructed with a grin. Connie did, tightly. She missed her parents, and it was especially acute around holidays.

‘It’s good to see you, hon,’ said her mother.

The girls looked like an exact cross between their parents. Black hair from their father, green eyes from their mother, and height fixed in the middle.

‘You, too, Mom,’ Connie said. Her mother smiled and held her arms open. Connie hugged her and stepped back next to Simon.

‘Wow, Emily!’ Simon grinned. ‘Look at you. How did you get that basketball to stay put under that shirt?’

Emily came over and hit him on the arm, then gave him a quick hug. ‘Double-sided adhesive tape, nosy. How else?’

Simon laughed. ‘Seriously, congratulations!’ He put an arm around Connie’s waist.

‘Thanks,’ said Emily. She glanced at Connie, who looked a little uncomfortable. Emily wondered if she wasn’t comfortable with affection in public. She smiled to herself. Simon would be good for Connie.

‘Now, let’s get these bags up to your room and then you can help me with dinner,’ said Lydia.

‘How was the trip?’ her father asked, grabbing one suitcase. Simon grabbed another one and a smaller travel bag. They started up the stairs in a line, Emily remaining behind when her cell phone rang.

‘Good, thanks,’ said Simon.

Connie nodded in agreement. ‘We left early and there was hardly any traffic. I guess everyone did all their driving yesterday.’

Connie and Simon had decided to leave early Thanksgiving morning, as they were so tired from work and didn’t want to fight the onslaught of holiday travelers. It had worked out well. They’d managed to leave before eight, stopped once for restrooms and food, and had arrived before one o’clock.

‘You made good time,’ said her mother. ‘Dinner will be around four. I’ve invited Sophia, from down the street.’

‘Oh, that’s nice.’ Connie dropped her bag on a chair in the bedroom. ‘I haven’t seen her for ages. How’s Ben?’

‘Ben will be here, too,’ her father said.

‘I thought Ben was overseas,’ Connie said. ‘The last I heard his unit had deployed to Iraq.’

‘He was injured,’ said Lydia.

‘What happened?’ Connie asked. ‘Is he all right?’

‘He is,’ her mother assured her. ‘But he had to be discharged. His unit was ambushed.’

Connie glanced from her mother and then to her father, looking for more details.

‘He lost an arm, Connie,’ her father said. ‘It was an IED. Otherwise he’s fine, and he’s bearing it very well. Insists on being called ‘Lefty,’ actually.’

Connie giggled. That sounded like something Ben would do.

‘You’ll like Ben,’ she said to Simon, who had laid his suitcase on a small table by the bed. ‘He’s a lot of fun.’

‘I’m looking forward to meeting him,’ Simon said.

So far it was all going well. Lydia hadn’t said anything to hurt Connie’s feelings, the ride had gone well, and he was glad to have a change of scenery. With an early dinner, perhaps he’d be able to steal Connie away before it grew too late. He supposed he could wait until tomorrow, but wanted to talk to her sooner.


Connie had been right, Simon thought. Ben was a nice guy, and they had a mock serious argument on the merits of the Mets versus the Yankees, and then about the National and American Leagues in general.

Dinner was a lot more comfortable than it would have been with his family, Simon reflected. Especially with whatever disagreement he was having with his brother. He wasn’t sure what had started it. Politics, probably, he decided. He and Jason were frequently opposite on issues, and although Simon tried not to talk about it too much, sometimes he couldn’t help it.

Jason tended to take a difference of opinion as a personal offence. Presumably Simon had questioned Jason’s position on something, and Jason had responded by ceasing communication. He got over it, but Simon had learned the best thing to do was apologize—which he had—and then wait for Jason. Ah, family, he thought, all dysfunctional in their own way, like Tolstoy said.

The only thing wrong with dinner was that Lydia took any opportunity to get Ben and Connie talking together. That had made Simon not a little jealous, although he didn’t say anything. Still, he thought it was rude, to be encouraging someone’s girlfriend to pay attention to another man when her boyfriend was right there. After all, Simon thought, she doesn’t know we’re pretending.

Connie and Ben noticed it, too. They rolled their eyes and chatted when directed, but would soon fall back to previous conversations, Ben with Connie’s father, and Connie with Emily. Does Lydia think I shouldn’t be with Connie? Simon wondered. Had Ben and Connie ever been an item? He didn’t think so, Connie never mentioned it, and he was sure she would have. Simon tried to ignore it as he talked Connie’s father and Emily’s husband, John.

After the eating was done and most of the dishes cleared away, Sophia and Ben said their good-byes. Simon felt his heart rate speed up as he began to figure out how to pry Connie away for a talk. His hopes were somewhat dashed when Lydia asked Connie and Emily to go with her for a short visit to another neighbor down the street.

‘The poor Fishburns,’ Lydia said. ‘He fell and hurt himself, although thank heavens he didn’t break a hip. But he needs a walker for the moment, and when her arthritis acts up, she can barely hold a cup of water. Come with me, girls, and help me take them some leftovers, will you?’

‘Sure, Mom,’ said Connie. She grabbed the opportunity to postpone talking to Simon. It was silly, she knew, but her nerves were getting the better of her. The women packed some turkey and side dishes into some plastic containers and put them in a cooler to take down.

‘I’ll carry it.’ Connie teased Emily, ‘You shouldn’t carry anything heavy in your condition.’

‘Oh, don’t you start,’ groaned Emily. ‘If John had his way, I’d be on bed rest.’

‘Don’t knock it,’ said her husband. ‘I’d stay with you.’ He came over and put his arms around her, nuzzling her neck. Connie quashed a pang of jealousy.

‘I’ll be back soon,’ she said to Simon, and gave him a shy kiss. She’d never kissed him in front of anyone else.

‘I’ll be here. I’m going to clean the table with John and your dad when we play poker.’ He gave her a quick squeeze, wishing he had time for more.

‘Ha,’ said Emily. ‘Where were you when we really had to clean the table?’

The women set off for the Fishburns’. Connie and Emily were very fond of them. They had been surrogate grandparents to every kid on the block while the girls were growing up. After a bit, Emily proposed that she and Connie return while Lydia visited for a while longer, saying she was tired. Connie suspected Emily was using the pregnancy as an excuse to get her alone. She was right.

Emily grabbed her sister’s arm as they started walking. ‘Okay, Connie, what’s going on?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You started to say something earlier, when I remarked about you and Simon. What was it?’

Connie sighed. ‘It’s going to sound silly, but we’re just . . . pretending.’

Emily stopped and stared at her. ‘What are you talking about?’

‘I talked to Mom about three weeks ago.’ Connie resumed walking. ‘She was pushing me about the last guy I saw, his name was Ron.’ She told Emily what Ron had said, and Emily’s eyes narrowed.


‘Yep.’ Connie nodded in absent agreement. ‘Too bad I never see it soon enough.’ She continued before her sister could interrupt. ‘Anyway, Simon and I were talking about the holiday, and I said he should pretend to be my boyfriend, to get Mom off my back for a while. I was kidding, I swear!’ She held her hands up to ward off protests. ‘Honestly, Em, I didn’t mean it. But then Simon said he’d do it and then . . . well, here we are.’ She shrugged and looked away.

‘It sounds nuts,’ Emily said, ‘but there’s more, right? You sound like there’s more.’ Like Simon, she knew the signs when Connie was trying to avoid a subject. ‘Come on, tell me.’

Connie sighed and kicked a rock on the sidewalk. ‘It was going fine. We were ‘practicing.’ Simon called it ‘rehearsing.’ We went on dates and acted like a real couple. Then a few nights ago, I was afraid I was going to have a nightmare.’ She described Simon’s offer to sleep together, and what had almost happened, in broad strokes.

‘You’re adults, you know.’ Emily kept Connie walking past their house. This was a conversation in need of more distance. ‘There’s nothing wrong with what you did.’

‘I know. It’s just . . . well, I guess it’s two things. First, I freaked out about my leg.’

‘You have to let that go,’ Emily interrupted. ‘Simon is not the type of guy to care about that.’

‘Yeah, I know. He even said so. That’s totally on me. But the other thing is . . . .’ She swallowed. ‘I love him, Em. This whole time, it’s been fun and killing me at the same time. I know I need to tell him, but I’m so afraid he doesn’t feel the same, and then everything will change. He’s been my best friend for ages. What do I do?’

‘You tell him.’ Emily was never one for hemming and hawing over an issue. She looked at something, saw a course of action, and took it. ‘You have to take the chance, Connie. It’s stupid not to.’ They stopped and she studied her sister, seeing the full extent of Connie’s apprehension for the first time. ‘Besides,’ Emily continued, ‘I don’t think you have anything to worry about.’

‘Why not?’

Emily laughed. ‘I may be pregnant, but I’m not blind, Connie. Simon’s got it bad for you, he has for a while. I saw the way he looked at you. That’s not someone pretending.’

‘You really think so?’

‘I know it’s hard.’ Emily put an arm around Connie’s shoulders. ‘I know you’re afraid. But you have to try. I really, really think it will work out for you. You just have to take the chance. Talk to him. Soon. Tonight if you can.’

‘I want to.’ Connie gave her sister a tentative grin. ‘Thanks, sis. Let’s go see if I can tear him away from the poker game.’

‘Are you kidding?’ Emily asked, turning back around so they could walk to the house. ‘John will mop up with him. Simon won’t know what happened.’

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The middle aged man sat alone on his bed. Frustrated. Not getting enough from his wife of twenty plus years, but getting too much work at his job. He worked early mornings through to afternoons or even sundown, at times. With what little time he did have to relax, he spent making repairs to the family house and whatnot. And when the family had a holiday (which would come around 3-4 times a year), he was lucky enough to be the one who would fork out the money. Yes, Steve was a giver. His...

2 years ago
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First Contact

I meet you in a restaurant bar. We have a few drinks and as the evening progresses, you flirt and laugh at my jokes as I endeavor to capture your fascination. As I’d hoped, you agree when I suggest we ‘get to know each other better’. Having already discovered that we both love to read, garden, watch movies, including porn, and like to be nude around trusted people, I follow you home. We put on Nine and a Half Weeks, munch on strawberries after dipping them in chocolate and sip candle-warmed...

3 years ago
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Baby Its Cold Outside

That dreaded sound rang through the dark bedroom and Sarah groggily reached out to stop it. Reluctantly she opened her eyes and looked at the time- the ungodly hour of six-thirty stared back at her. Sarah gave a small sigh- she had to be at work in an hour, before which she wanted to shower, eat breakfast, maybe even go for a run. But that meant that she had to get up out of this warm bed. her husband, David,  moved slightly in his sleep. He pressed his deliciously warm body against hers and...

Love Stories
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Stiefmutters fall

Hallo mein Name ich Doris 43 Jahre 166cm groß sehr Schlank mit hängenden schweren Brüsten. Was ich sicher meinen beiden Kindern zu verdanken habe. Die mittlerweile ihre eigenen Wege gehen. Nach dem ich mich von ihren Vater getrennt habe lernte ich einen Neuen Mann kennen. Der vor 2 Jahren gestorben ist bei einem Betriebsunfall nun war ich Witwe. Zusammen lebten wir in einem kleinem Eigenheim Martin mein Schwiegersohn wurde vor ein Paar tagen 18. Der junge macht mich wahnsinnig kein Bock auf...

4 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 16

The limousine had dropped Jamie at the Oglethorpe. Inside he spoke with a pretty young girl obviously new with the hotel but very well trained in customer relations. Jamie inquired if it would be possible to have food ordered from The Dolphin's Wing and deliver to the hotel to be served in his room. "Of course Mr. Lauderdale would you like to tell me your order and the time you would like it served." Jamie gave the list of things he wanted and added two bottles of white wine from the...

1 year ago
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Office Romance I Opening up

"Hi, I am Swetha. will you please fill up this form and hand it over to me" I landed in Hitec city , hyderabad for a final round of interview, it was an IT company and i was being interviewd for manager's position. I took the form and thanked shwetha who guided me with the formalities, she got an easy smile and was very helpful. my interview lasted for an hour and at the end of it i got the offer letter, a very lucrative offer with a decent hike i already made up my mind to join this company,...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Emma Hix Skylar Snow Naughty Trainee

Zachary Wild, a regular client of the massage parlor, enters the establishment and approaches the reception desk where his regular masseuse is waiting and explaining things to a second masseuse he doesn’t recognize. His masseuse Skylar Snow greets him and explains that she’s training a new employee, Emma Hix. Emma introduces herself and seems very flirty and forward with the client, which he is not used to. Skylar asks Zachary if he minds if Emma sits in and audits the massage, and...

2 years ago
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Stars in our Eyes

"Come live with me and be my love And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dales and fields, The river and the mountain yields." Ariana's voice was high and clear in the darkness, the sweet melody drifting through the air and off into the trees. She was singing to Rachel, who was stretched out naked beside her on their sleeping bag, eyes closed, perfect lips smiling. There was no moon that night, but a sky full of stars blazed down at us. Rachel lay on her back, her...

3 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 25

Megan, Sammi, Eric, and I sat on the bed, staring at our visitor. Sometimes, you wonder why something surprises you, but it does nonetheless. The romantic mood was mostly gone; mostly, but that didn't keep Megan from slipping her hand between my legs and absent-mindedly stroking me slowly. I doubt she realized she was doing it. She had eyes only for the girl in the corner. Sammi was doing similar things with Eric, paying no more attention. It would be interesting when Julie returned with...

2 years ago
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How My Chikki Became My Girlfriend

Hi, its Raj again with my real story which happened long back in 2007 when I was 18 years old I lost my virginity to my mom’s younger sister aged 33 whom I used to call chikki. Before reading this story I wanna inform you all that this is quite a long story but it has some erotic moments so if you have patience you can read it. Her name is Shilpa. She is the only person who studied well and having a good job in my mom’s family. She was working as a production controller in reputed MNC in goa....

4 years ago
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Visiting a gay club

Now I'm no stranger to visiting gay clubs because i am a black crossdresser but this time was different, I had went out of town to visit my cousin and her husband with my intentions to drive back that night but I ended up staying there longer than I thought so instead of driving the two hours back I got myself a hotel room for the night. It was about 10:30 and I was wide awake and needed something to do so I google crossdressing/gay clubs there and found there was a gay club about a mile from...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Alexia Anders Kimmy Kimm Santa On My Mind

Jay and Tommy both assume the position of Santa Claus and deliver presents under the tree in the still of the night. But their stepdaughters, Alexia and Kimmy, hear the two and investigate. Jay and Tommy hide behind the Christmas tree, and much to their surprise, the girls, start putting on a show in the living room. Alexia and Kimmy explore each other’s bodies and start scissoring before they are finally interrupted. To keep the fun going, Jay and Tommy suggest a holiday activity the...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alexis This Exit ANAL Next Services 102 mi

So why should a girl this hot and with such an accomplished background be doing this you ask? Well today’s ExCoGi hottie is very well spoken and speaks more than a few languages fluently. She plays numerous musical instruments and teaches her skills to aspiring youngins in order to give back to her community. This girl’s very well educated and… Wait, I’m not making a very strong case as to why am I? Let’s just say this girl’s got an appetite for sex and anal at that. She’s done DP a...

1 year ago
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Exploited John

John O’Connor looked up from his position in left field and noticed for the first time an older man talking to his coach beside the dugout. He could see the two laughing as they talked and wondered who he was, knowing that if the coach liked him he must be a good guy. A load crack of a wooden bat smashing into a ball rolled across the field drawing his attention back to the game. Quickly scanning the sky, he spotted the ball arcing high into the bright blue sky and heading right towards him. He...

2 years ago
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Im a Bit Tied Up this Afternoon

“Come on, Annie, surely “Fifty Shades of Grey” isn’t as bad as that,” said Alan. “But it is!” I argued, getting on my high horse as usual. “It’s just so badly written – I mean, she just has no idea how to construct a story, or describe things interestingly, or make believable characters. It’s just a masturbatory fantasy!” “Well, yes, but then that’s the point of it, isn’t it?” suggested Sue, sipping at her red wine. “Well, if I want to get off, there’s a lot of much better-written stuff on...

3 years ago
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Uncle Gave Permission To Fuck His Wife 8211 Part I

Hi I am Raj. I am from Kerala working as a software engineer now in Cochin. This story happened 9 years ago when I got my first job in Trivandrum. I was not familiar with that town, so my parents arranged my stay with a distant relative of my dad. His name is krishnan. He lived with his wife Uma and son rahul. He was working as a manager in a five star hotel and wife was housewife. rahul was studying on 9 th that time. Now coming to aunt Uma, she was around 40 that time. her boobs are more...

1 year ago
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Margos Own Story 2 Carlo

After a few moments of moaning and heavy breathing he suggested, “Let’s get in the back,” which we did. I don’t know why but I looked at the other cars to see if anyone saw us open the doors and change seats. Carlo quickly took off my top and undid my bra. I was a 34B back then but he didn’t seem to mind my petite boobs. In fact, he started by kissing my ears and then my neck – a kiss on the neck fires everything up in me all the way down to my love organs – and then the tops of my breasts. Oh...

4 years ago
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My first time

I am a 17 year girl. My name is Sapna. I have fair and slim body and height of 5 feet 4 inch, long curly black hair. My body structure 30-26-30. I have 30 B size breasts. I am studying in a school and its my real true story of first time sex. I had sex with a classmate boy, Rajiv. He is tall 5 feet 9 inch, handsome and has 7 inch cock. It happened like this… We used to have group tuition. We are 6 students in a batch – 3 boys and 3 girls. Alternate days we used to have tuition and it happens at...

3 years ago
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361 Lifes a dad losshellipbut

361 Life`s a dad loss…but “It says James Edmond Maddison on the licence in his wallet, lives out on the marsh near Brooklands” the policeman looked at the remains with gloom, he was addressing a fireman over the remains of the old ford consul just being slid onto a recovery truck from the dyke (known locally here on the marsh as drains). The car would never run again, “the girls got a chance I reckon, and the woman is nearly uninjured, just one broken arm and both wrists the ambulance man said...

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Kenyada Cam

“Come on, baby,” begged Kenyada Henderson.“No,” protested his wife. “I don’t feel like it.”“Alright,” the forty-eight year-old rolled over to his side of king size bed.Kenyada threw off the covers and walked into the master bathroom. He went into his closet and put on a pair of Polo Ralph Lauren relaxed fit jeans and a quarter zip fleece pullover. He picked up his wallet and cell phone off the nightstand and walked towards the bedroom door. “Where are you going,” asked Stephanie...

2 years ago
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Anger Not Those Wild Wyldewood BoysChapter 2

There is no simple way to describe the holy and sacred ground that is Joe's Bullpen, the finest watering hole and saloon in the entire Wildewood. Built in 1859, it really ought to be listed as a registered state historical landmark, but Joe so far has refused to file the application. That would definitely "invite tourists and floods of other riff-raff", he mutters each time the subject comes up. It's a shrine to those sacred Wilde institutions of 19th century railroad robbery, more modern...

1 year ago
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Blacked Cadence Lux Anya Olsen How I Got A Million Followers

Anya has been building up her social media status up for a while now and has been pretty successful in the process. After being hit up by a famous rapper’s representative, Anya gets the chance to increase her status to a million followers and she’s taking Cadence along for the ride to meet him and the man himself. After Anya has taken as many selfies as she can manage its time to repay the favour. Anya gets intimate with these two hot guys almost immediately, and when Cadence walks...

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foot lovin story

It’s time for me to slowly pull my new jogging socks on, over my oiled feet with bright red nail varnish. I love to feel sexy even when jogging. It’s really cold outside so I have just pulled up my sheer black pantyhose to keep my legs and feet really warm, plus, when I am jogging, the nylon rubs on my pussy and makes me really wet and my clit really hard. Bending over and lacing up my trainers, I can’t help but rub up and my legs to feel how sexy they feel, especially in my tight jogging...

1 year ago
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Unfaithful Milf Slut

Julia lay across the bonnet of her car completely naked her 34dd tits pressed against the cold metal. Her long legs slightly spread exposing her pink arsehole and hairy pussy lips hanging down. She had been positioned like this for 30 minutes in the car park. It was midnight now and she wondered if he was going to turn up. She’d left her husband looking after the k**s making excuses about getting something from the office. When the only thing she wanted from the office was the big cock of the...

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