An ClochánChapter 21 free porn video

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The conference at An Clochán resumed after lunch with Laonize giving the presentation on the Atewa World. Egulle then presented the details on the Alliance’s organization, the composition of its governing body, its responsibilities and limits. After his presentation Sarah, Siobhan and Maureen returned to the riser. They said, “Until we break for dinner, the floor is open for questions. We will act as moderators during this time. Our goal is to see that everyone has an opportunity to ask a question or speak. We hope that the questions will be such that the answers are of interest everyone. When a delegation has a question, we ask that one person rise and wait to be recognized. You will be recognized in the order that you stand. Due to the limited time available, if your question is essentially answered before your turn, please do not ask it again. Remember that there will be a reception this evening where you will again have an opportunity to speak with the Alliance’s representatives one on one. Before we begin, are there any concerns with these guidelines.” They waited a few moments then Sarah said, “Let us begin.” She hardly had the words out of her mouth before delegates from three countries stood to be recognized.

It was close to two hours later that the chimes sounded indicating that it was time to prepare for dinner. When Laonize finished answering the current question, Siobhan said, “The chime indicated that dinner will be served in an hour. Let’s hear two more questions then we shall break to eat.”

As Orgaine was finishing the first of the two questions, Prime Minister Thomas stood to be recognized. When Orgaine finished Maureen said with a smile, “We now recognize Ms Thomas for our last general question before dinner.”

Prime Minister Thomas said, “Thank you. I have a brief comment and a question. My comment is that we’ve been very impressed by your candor in describing each of your home worlds. Each of you has traveled slightly different paths to be here. In your descriptions we think you’ve shown us a possible way to achieve a similar future. We admire your patience with our questions, even when the answer, although not specifically stated, was contained in an earlier one. However there have been very few of those. On behalf of my country; thank you for coming here and taking the time to talk to us.” Applause started and grew until everyone was standing and enthusiastically participating. When the applause quieted she continued, “From your perspective, what do you think is the most significant thing we need to do to succeed as you have done?”

Commander Egulle said, “This has to be a path all of you find together. To us the most common element in all our presentations was all of the planet’s breeds coming together and working with a minimum of discord. Or to put it another way, respect for others without exception is the first step in resolving nearly all interpersonal issues. Achieving this is largely in the hands of your leaders, as is moving forward in a way that has long term benefits everyone. Along with this, it is almost a requirement to be open minded, to listen and to be honest and respectful in all communication and interaction. Included in this is a willingness to admit you are wrong or misunderstood an issue. Fully recognize individual freedom, as long as it does not trample on another’s freedom. In terms of speech, this is very difficult when you strongly disagree with the speaker. Even so, if you evaluate their comments carefully you will usually find nuggets of truth within them. Recognizing these will aid you in understanding each other.

“Many governing bodies are prone to creating rules or laws that impose a specific behavior on its people. These are seldom successful. They actually undermine the government’s credibility, and provide opportunities for corruption. They also sow the seeds of discontent. Every world is different but they have a lot of similarities, as we have tried to show with the presentations.

“On a slightly different topic, we’ve been asked by several delegations for specific technical knowledge, or items that would address issues they have. We seldom do that as we’ve learnt that breeds do better when they make the discoveries, and decide how to apply them, themselves. Although this usually requires more time, it does fully utilize your inherent strengths by applying the knowledge to fit your needs. Just giving things to someone tends to undermine their self-worth, besides creating more greed and discontent.”

A voice said, “Can you give an example of laws, or rules, on behavior?”

“Sure, an easy one to point to is prostitution, which is common to every world we’ve met.”

“But, that is immoral,” came a reply in a condescending tone.

“The way you use ‘immoral’ implies your position is based on a religious precept, and that that is used as the justification for making it illegal. If it is illegal then why is serial monogamy legal? Money transfers hands in both cases, and serial monogamy creates social upheaval for some, if not all, members of the family units. As alluded to earlier, everyone must be respected and treated fairly otherwise there is discord.

“Prostitution is legal in all the Alliance of Worlds, but only if the participants meet two requirements. They are doing it of their own free will and they are adults. Forced prostitution, regardless of how it’s done, is a form of slavery and not tolerated. If it involves children then it is a capital crime and quickly dealt with.

“As to religion, for us the belief in a deity is a very personal issue, thus we leave it to the deity and the individual to sort out. This is an area that as parents we teach and lead by example.

“Next I suspect someone will ask what we consider criminal behavior. Primarily it is: Murder. Assault. Theft, both physical and intellectual. Forced slavery. Child abuse. I am probably overlooking some but those are the primary ones. Generally, in the Iridien World there aren’t any laws specifically based on a religious precept, they instead focus on the common good. With respect to slavery, in the Iridien World voluntary slavery is accomplished with a contractual agreement. In it, the slave gives the dominant control of their life to the extent stipulated in the contract.”

As Sarah, Siobhan and Maureen stepped up to the podium Aine and Brigit joined them. Together they said, “I hope you found today as interesting as we did. We still have enough time to stop by our suites and freshen up before dinner, which will begin in about 45 minutes. As it was last night, casual dress is preferred. After dinner our choirs will provide a variety of music for our listening pleasure in this room. Like last night, it will be a time for you to socialize, and there will be refreshments. It can continue as late as you want to stay, however, departures begin shortly after breakfast. The times for those will be provided in the morning.”

The applause began immediately as everyone stood. The representatives from each World bowed and then encouraged Sarah, Siobhan and Maureen to do the same. When it ended, Sarah introduced Aine and Brigit to the Alliance’s representatives.

After dinner, Siobhan, Sarah and Maureen were sipping their refreshments while watching an Órarduine choir begin their first song set. They were joined by three of the Israeli delegation.

After the introductions Debrah said, “We don’t know who thought of this arrangement but is a very nice way to introduce the Alliance of Worlds to us. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a casual gathering of Earth’s government’s leaders.”

“Thank you,” responded Siobhan. “We know that some were apprehensive about coming here. Based on the participation we’ve seen, we think everyone is glad they came.”

“Well the length of time between their arrival and this event worried many. Although the news releases provided through you calmed many concerns. From our perspective they were well done, as was the interview with the Iridiens.”

“We have some questions we would like to ask on a different topic, can we talk here?” asked Rachelle.

“We can, or would you like a more secure location?”

“A more secure location would be good. However, leaving with you would certainly draw some unnecessary attention so perhaps it is best to stay here.”

“If we stay here the best way to remain secure may be to use telepathy. That is if you are agreeable, we can use it to see and answer your questions. This doesn’t make you telepathic and all the effort is on our part. We would read your question and answer the same way. All of you would see the answer and would probably think you heard us speak.”

“Okay.” After glancing at the others she added, “I think we can try it. Can you tell us what happened in Tangier?”

The question caused all of them to smile as Siobhan said, “The answer to that is rather long and a bit complicated. Since you’re staying for the presentation on A-Celia we could arrange for your departure to be the last.”

“While I would enjoy staying longer, the Prime Minister needs to be back as planned. There is a cabinet meeting scheduled right after our return.”

“And you’re included?”

“Yes. We would like to be the first to leave after the A-Celia presentation.”

“We can do that.

“To answer your question, an Órarduine will soon come get you for an incoming phone call. They will take you to a location where you can meet quietly with our Security staff. They can answer all your questions. There may be some answers that we would prefer not to be made public. Those will be noted as such.”

“Thank you.”

“We will stay here and enjoy the music but we will be linked with our staff.”

“We were surprised that there was hardly any mention made of religion or worship.”

“The members of the Alliance approach religious issues in much the same way we do. Generally we don’t show or profess our faith the way people on Earth do. Most, if not all, of us believe in God. Speaking for us, it seems that many religious practices on Earth focus on what an oracle said, along with the speaker’s interpretation. Many times it seems as though no attempt is made to understand the true context, or the situation, existing when the oracle’s statement was initially made. This is often difficult due to so much historical information being destroyed by each succeeding or conquering ruler. From our perspective, if you do not understand the customs and practices at the time of the oracle’s statement, then you probably do not fully understand the true intent of it. Not knowing the true intent leads to different interpretations, with some obviously wrong.”

“Did you agree with the comment Egulle made about prostitution?”

“Absolutely. We see it as an individual’s choice on how they survive. Depending on circumstances that may be the only choice a person has to survive. Obviously it is not a good long term choice for either gender. Making it illegal only gives the criminal element a market to control, and to make money from it. We see the choice of being a prostitute as an issue of personal freedom when the individual willingly initiates the activity. If they are forced into it, then it is a violation of their freedom, which to us is a crime of forced slavery. Forced slavery is a capital crime.

“In a broader sense, many governments have sought to control the behavior of their people through law or rules. However, instead of changing the behavior, they only succeed in adding another business opportunity for the criminal element.”

“An interesting analysis that from my perspective has considerable merit. Unfortunately, when there is a religious aspect many do not weigh, or even consider, all the issues, especially if it challenges their religions position.”

Just then an Órarduine came up and said to the Israelis, “There is a call for you. They said it was urgent.”

“Thank you. Where do we go?”

“Just follow me.”

As the three Israelis went to take the call Siobhan said, “Do you think some terrorists are targeting Jewish women like they did Caucasians in Tangier?”

“Well that seemed to be the implication. I wonder if Sergio could assist them.”

“I think those meeting with them will bring it up if appropriate.”

“Good point.”

Sarah, Maureen and Siobhan turned their attention back to the choir’s performance while monitoring the meeting with the Israelis. From time to time they glanced around the room to assess the activity. Nearly all the attendees from Earth were talking with representatives from the Alliance of Worlds. A few discussion groups included Órarduine. Some groups were seen pausing to listen to a particular song then return to their discussion.

Sarah looked at Siobhan and Maureen and smiled. They could sense the satisfaction their spouses felt for how well this had gone so far.

When the Israelis returned, they walked over to Sarah, Maureen and Siobhan. Rachel said softly, “Thank you for arranging that presentation. It filled in a lot of blanks and eliminated some errors in our understanding of the events. If we can ever be of assistance, please contact us.”

“Glad to be of help. As you know, we don’t tolerate forced slavery for any reason. That dislike sometimes makes it hard for us to adhere to our directives.”

“We fully understand that as directives are often expressed with hard boundaries. However, in practice they are seldom well defined so it makes deciding when to act, and how strongly, difficult. We think your response was appropriate, and perhaps more restrained than we would be in the same circumstances.”

Their attention was drawn to the stage as Sophia said, “On behalf of all of us, thank you for your attention this evening. We hope you enjoyed our performance.” The applause continued until she held up her hand for quiet, and when it was quiet she added, “The next song has a special meaning and will be our closing song.”

With that the choir began singing The Prayer©,

“I pray you’ll be our eyes,
And watch us where we go,
And help us to be wise,
In times when we don’t know...”

As the stanza progressed more and more Órarduine joined in until they were all participating. They sang the song all the way through and then repeated it in English. As they sang in English, the words were shown on the two large screens. After the song there was again a long applause. It lasted until Kelsey said, “Okay we give. We will sing a few more. We would really like to do more than that but our voices are getting weak and it is getting late. Besides, we all have to work tomorrow and some are traveling.” There were several chuckles.

After two songs Chelsey said, “This next song is titled the Parting Glass which we think sort of fits this evening.” As the choir progressed through the song many of the Órarduine joined in singing both the Gaelic and English verses.

After the applause ended, Chelsey said, “The next song will definitely be our last for this evening, it is similar to The Prayer. It is known as the Celtic Prayer©. We will sing it first in our own language, which Gaelic speakers should recognize, then in English. The words will be on the screens. Please feel free join in.” This time all the Órarduine, and some of the others, joined in with the choir as the song began in Celtic.

When tis the hour at the end of the day,
That we must take the time to pray,
And a certain song our hearts do say,
Our children had a better life today,

Now tis the hour at the end of the day,
That we must take the time to pray,
And a certain song our hearts do say,
Our children had a better life today,

Our song and dance will bring us peace today

When they finished, Rachelle turned to Sarah, Maureen and Siobhan and said, “We have really enjoyed our visit. Please let the choir know how wonderful they are. It is unfortunate they could not have performed in Israel.” Both Debrah and Elias nodded their agreement.

“Security became a very big issue for large concerts. It may be possible to arrange a video concert as security would not then be an issue for us, but it could still be for the audience.”

“I would love to hear them live again. Let me see what the others think.”

“Fine. Just let us know and will see what the choir wants to do. We are pleased that you have enjoyed the conference. You know you could always visit us again.” Seeing their expressions she added, “Just send us an email, or call us as you have our number.”

“That is an excellent idea, but I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“You wouldn’t be. See you at breakfast.” They each exchanged hugs before the three Israelis moved toward the exit.

Shortly after the reception started the contract staff gathered in a room a considerable distance away. It was as far away as it could be and still be in the complex. Ursula, Múirne, Madeline and Jan waited at the front of the room for confirmation that everyone was there.

Múirne said, “Seeing them all in one spot gives the numbers a different perspective.”

“Yes, it does,” responded Tom of Madeline’s Clan. “Nearly 10% of the family is contract staff, and it was a considerably higher percentage.”

Jan said, “It looks like everyone is here as the door is closed.”

Madeline looked at Jan then out over the room and said, “Good evening. Thank you for coming. Since I am not sure that you know all of us, I’ll start with introductions. We are from Staffing.” She then introduced the others in the department. She followed this by introducing James and Eilidh, as well as noting their specialty.

“This evening we want to cover two topics. One is our move to A-Celia and its effect on you. The second has to do with visits that some of you’ve had from some conference delegates.”

As she finished the sentence, Breacadh said, “There are three conference delegates in the room. They have been exploring on their own rather than going to the reception.”

“Okay. Let’s out them and let the staff decide whether they should stay.”

“Before I continue, we have an issue to deal with. I have just been informed that three conference delegates have joined us. Breacadh please identify them.” With that an image of each of them was projected on the wall along with their name and country. Once recognized those in the room quickly moved away from them.

“Staff, you have the choice of whether they stay or go. Before you answer, we should tell you that we don’t plan on making public anything regarding the topics of this meeting.”

While Madeline was speaking the three delegates moved next to one another. When Madeline paused, the woman raised her hand. In response to a nod she said, “My name is Ciannait and I am with the Irish delegation. I am very embarrassed as I didn’t realize this was a closed meeting. It was not my intent to cause problems for anyone by coming in here. I find this place fascinating and have been doing some solo exploring in spite of the risks. Since this is my last chance I wanted to see some areas again on my own before going to the reception. As for entering this room, I did so because my curiosity was tweaked when I saw so many entering. So I am blaming my curiosity, but that does not excuse my poor decision. I guess if I was a cat I would be dead now.” Her pun caused several to chuckle. “Personally, I hope that I can stay but I will willingly abide by your decision. Whether I stay or not, I will not mention this meeting to my delegation without appropriate permission from you.”

Another raised his hand and said, “My name is Li Quaing and I am with the Chinese delegation. Ciannait has nicely summed up my reason for exploring and why I am here. Whether you permit me to stay or not, I assure you that I will abide by any restrictions you place on sharing the information heard here. I hope you will trust my assurances.”

The third then said, “My name is Nadine and I am with the French delegation. Although it sounds as though I am copying Ciannait’s pledge, if allowed to stay I will not share what I hear here unless you permit it. I am upset that by my unasked presence here I have tainted the trust your family placed in me by letting me visit. This is most fantastic place I’ve ever been to.”

Ursula said with a smile, “Does anyone else have a comment?” When no one responded she continued with, “All those who want these three people to leave, silently indicate your wish to Breacadh.”

After a few moments Breacadh said, “No one expressed any objection to them staying.”

“Breacadh informs me that no one objects to Ciannait, Li Qiang, or Nadine staying. We do require that you not repeat anything you hear or see during this meeting.

“In a broader sense, and as a reminder for everyone here, overheard comments can have far reaching effects and lead to unintended consequences for everyone, including those who are not here. So you should always be aware of your surroundings when a sensitive topic is discussed.”

Múirne said, “We know our upcoming departure has caused a bit of anguish for many, if not all, of you. An issue arose earlier today that caused the Command Staffs to review the reasons behind terminating the contract staff before leaving for A-Celia.

“As a result, they’ve come to the conclusion that you can come with us but...” Her further comments were drowned out by many cheers followed by applause. When it quieted down she began again, “but there is a requirement, as well as some things that you need to seriously consider. The requirement is that you must be an active telepath. Our medical staff believes all of you have that capability and think some of you are using it without realizing it. If you are interested in continuing working with us then make an appointment for a telepathic evaluation.”

When it quieted down Ursula said, “That is the easy part. If you go with us then you will be about a month away from here. We don’t know how frequently there will be ships traveling between the two solar systems. So, once we leave it could be a significant time before you could return. Also, there is a difference in aging due to the way we will travel. Why bring this up? We think you should consider discussing this with your family. One way to do this is to invite them to join you at New Comrie. We think it should be for a week but it should be at least a couple of days. Longer than a week is possible.

“Why was the review now? Earlier today the Command Staffs learned that some of you were being encouraged to return to Earth. Before yesterday this was by correspondence, but last night members of several conference delegations visited some of you. Actually, instead of ‘encouraged’ perhaps ‘coerced’ or ‘demanded’ is perhaps a better word choice.

“Prior to joining us some of you signed a contract that committed you to work for a specific company after the contract with us ended. While there is nothing wrong with that, we are irritated that some conference delegates have used their visit to deliver the message. In one case the person was strongly encouraged to fulfill their obligation within a week or so. We don’t have a problem with you leaving, or how soon you do so, as long as it is your choice and freely made. At the same time, we don’t understand this push. Currently we are projecting that it will be at least a year before we move.”

Kane said, “I thought the species conversion was a requirement.”

“It is to be a crew member on our space ships. This requirement was established several years ago and was valid in context of that time, which was that we were really short on crew members. One reason for the requirement is that an environmental suit’s functionality is significantly reduced when worn by a human. This in turn makes tasks more difficult to accomplish. Other reasons are that tactical suits and the fighter personal capsules require an Órarduine to function.”

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Afterwards, I called down to extend our stay and we lay in bed making plans for the day! While we couldn't top the previous night, we could try something different. This time, I demanded, Megan would be aware of what she was doing!"Let's start by laying out your lingerie by the window!" I ordered.Megan dutifully set out her wardrobe on the chair and stood by the window in her white lingerie and dark brown stockings. I picked out a pale blue pushup bra, blue lace garter belt, and crotchless...

2 years ago
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Palak Chachi Aur Unki Beti

Ye story meri aur meri Palak chachi ki hai. Iss story me main aapko bataunga ki kis tarah maine apni chachi ko jabardasti choda aur hamesha ke liye apni randi rani bana li….Hum sab ek hi ghar me rhte hain mera papa aur unke 2 bhai. Dono ki shaadi ho chuki hai.. Palak meri chote chacha ki wife hai. Dikhne me thodi moti aur pet nikla hua hai. Lekin gaand aur bade mumme bahut hi mst hai. Ye story shuru hoti hai jb meri college ka xam khatam ho gya tha aur lambi chutti chal rhi thi. Ek din main...

3 years ago
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Papa Aur Maa Ki Chudai Dekhi 8211 Part 1

Hi main Pinky, Jaunpur, UP se. Yeh meri pehli kahani hai toh umeed karti hu aap sab ko pasand ayegi aur aap ka khub pyaar milega sab ka. Aap sab apne feedback aur mails mujhe pe bhej sakte ho. Main sab ko reply kar ne ki try karungi. Ab jyada aap sab ko bore na karte hue story start karti hu. Ye ek real story hai aur kuch bhi juth nahi uss mein. Sab se pehle apko sab ka introduction de deti hu. Meri family mein hum 3 members hai. [1] Mere papa Suryadeep Verma (49) ache physique broad shoulders...

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MyFriendsHotMom Ariella Ferrera Dana Dearmond Reagan Foxx 24129

Happy Mother’s Day! To celebrate this wonderful day, we’ve got a trio of hot MILFs gabbing about passionate sex! Ariella Ferrera and Reagan Foxx are at Dana Dearmond’s home for their book club, in which each of them is reading a romance novel fit with steam sex scenes! Dana leads the way in reading about a hot fuck session, for only if she could get the dick she hasn’t had in so long! The topic of cock becomes real when her son’s friend Logan arrives to fix her boy’s laptop, and Dana tells her...

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Are you a Scan Lover? I guess that’s kind of an ambiguous question because you don’t even know what kind of scans I’m talking about yet. You’re reading this on ThePornDude, so obviously, I ain’t going to be reviewing some bullshit soccer-mom blog that scans old recipes out of grandma’s cookbooks, nor am I going to waste your time rambling about the best place for grandpa to get an MRI or X-ray. I’m not going to be talking about police scanners, either, although they can be useful if you’re...

Porn Forums
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Dost Ki Chachi Ki Gand Mari 8211 Part 1

To indian sex  stories dosto mera naam hai akash.Mai pune me rehta hu meri age 21 hai. Patla hu dikhne me thikthak hu.Mai mba ki padhai kar raha hu.To ab baat karte hai is kahani ki heroine ki jiska naam hai neha. Neha ki age hai 36 saal. Uske do bache hai ek 17 saal ka ladka aur ek 13 saal ki beti.Neha aunty dikhne me kayamat thi.Mai to jabse dekha unke pyaar me pad gaya. Unke ka figure tha 34-32-36. Dikhne me vo bilkul apsara thi Mai apne dost ke yaha har 2-3 din me jata tha. Vahi se unse...

1 year ago
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Bah Humbug

Bah Humbug Nikkie Silk Ben wasn't sure if he had heard the first knock on the door as he was concentrating so hard on what he was doing. It was probably only the second knock which penetrated his thoughts, making him sit back and sigh in frustration. Shit, he thought, I don't need this interruption. His research paper was due in a few weeks and he needed to focus on it. He pushed back the chair from the table and with a frown on his face, walked to the front door. As he passed the...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Five

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Boys Will Be Girls The three Wrens and three Leading Recruits were sitting engrossed in the movie. Michele rested her head on Jason's shoulder and they were still holding hands. Jean was reaching into Mary's popcorn bucket every few minutes, chewing popcorn around swigs of beer; he was enchanted by her perfume and found her very attractive but he had no idea how to woo her. Then he reached for some popcorn and misjudged and...

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SweetSinner Kendra Spade Back In The Game

Kendra Spade possesses everything a babysitter should. Compassion, care, and an adorable personality that instantly wins over the heart of soon-to-be-divorced older man, Mark Wood. Mark’s insecurity and his child has made it difficult for him to meet women, but Kendra turns all that around by helping him fix his online dating profile and providing him with a little sex on the side – something every man needs for a confidence boost. With Kendra willing to spread her legs every time...

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My Wife and her Best Friend Lay a Trap

My wife’s bestfriend, Jenn, is a sweet, open and sexy woman with beautiful eyes and mouth. I have appreciated her compact body from ‘afar’ on many occasions, but last night, I got a whole new perspective, up close and personal… ** Jenn lives out of state with her husband, Greg. Greg is a good enough guy, but he, apparently, has a very low sex drive, a bit of information I recently picked up when I overhead a telephone conversation between J and Jenn. Of course, I couldn’t hear Jenn’s...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 22 Two Cocks Score Hole In One

Introduction: We meet up with an old friend for some fun on a golf course. Sharing Cindy Chapter 22 Meeting Up With an Old Friend Any of you who have read the first couple of chapters of my tale, are familiar with my friend David. He was the first guy I had my wife (then girlfriend) show her body to. He was also the first person who I watched fuck her. He was from the neighborhood we had all grown up in and once we moved away we never lost touch, but we didnt see a whole lot of each other. ...

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The Creature chapter twentyseven

CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN I lay there very still. I knew they were both still sleeping, based on the way they were breathing. It was really surprising to wake up like that with my brother's hand on my crotch. And I wondered how long it had been there. I didn't hurry to remove it. He was asleep, after all. And it felt pleasant. I started thinking about the dream I'd had. (I was PRETTY SURE it had only been a dream!) Remembering it, combined with having a hand on my crotch, started to make me feel...

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Watchman And Me 8211 Part 2

I’m Rahul, an 18 year old boy narrating the second part of my experience with my watchman and lover. After my watchman gave me a brilliant orgasm and a final kiss and went down to finish his shift, I realised the pain on my nipples and the pain of love bites all over my slender body. I stayed mostly naked for the rest of the evening, wearing only a thong and watched TV. More than anything I wanted to get more of what had started. I kept looking out of my window and noticed the watchman staring...

Gay Male
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Berry Picking

I always enjoyed picking raspberries, blueberries and other wild fruit to make jams and jellies and such. We live near the outer boundaries of the city where there are open fields and wooded areas a frequent and this give me a chance to harvest wild berries and such for our enjoyment. One beautiful day I got my berry picking pail and headed for an area that I knew there was an abundance of wild raspberries. Being only about a half mile from the house it was an easy walk.I began picking plump...

2 years ago
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The Locket

Rough Draft -- Please let me know if you think it's worth finishing ??????????? After trying to get her alone all night I finally managed to corner Heather in her kitchen, the dull chatter of the eight or so other guests in the background.? She'd come in to get another bottle of wine and I knew this would probably me my best chance, so I'd tried to casually follow her.  ??????????? "Heather, can I have it please?"? Fingers crossed that she'd just hand it over, but as she'd been...

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Mom with Benefits Part 2

"Knowing you like I do, I sensed that you probably guessed that I wasn't that comfortable about our mother-son sex. Even though I tried not to show it." She took a sip from her glass. "I went to Nikki to talk to her about it, to find out what she has to say about the subject. She was my closest friend and she was certainly the most open minded and experienced about sex." I moved closer to her on the couch and kissed her on the lips. "As you know she is a psychologist and I very much...

4 years ago
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No Hands

My husband, Luke, and I had just gotten into an argument and now he was trying desperately to make it up to me. I wasn’t in the mood for it. “Oh, come on, Reina! Let me love you!” “You can love me all you want, Lucas, from your side of the bed.” “Fine. You’re gonna want it, I know it.” We got into bed, and to further prove my point of annoyance with him, I went to sleep with my favorite stuffed animal, a panda Pillow pet, in my arms. “Cock-blocked by a panda.” I laughed at him.

3 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 42 Wedding Bells

“Where are your parents?” Raven answered, “I don’t know. They said they’d be here.” She was regretting her decision to invite her parents. They had disowned her for marrying Lenny and then had dumped on her when she divorced him. They hadn’t talked in years and the recent exchanges had been less than positive. Alice said, “You’re a lovely bride.” She fussed a bit more with the wedding dress. She wanted this wedding to be perfect. She had waited too long for Andrew to get married. “You’re...

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Your adventures in Naruto

(feel free to add to the story if you like) Your name is John Doe you are 18 years old, 5'11 spiky white hair and red eyes. You wearing sunglasses to cover your eyes, you also have a weird birthmark on your right arm. All you can remember from your childhood is a few people, and a pair of red eyes with evil shining in them. You are on your way to the Hidden Leaf Village since you decided to return after living in the Hidden Sand Village for half of your life. Your uncle decided it would be...

2 years ago
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My First Girlfriend vol3

Chapter 9: FridayFriday morning when searching through my collection, I could not find any pairs that weren't thongs. I could have sworn there were more bikinis and briefs but I guess I was mistaken. And I guess today's the day I wear a thong all day. Up to this point I had been choosing pairs that seemed the least feminine - something I could maaaayyybe pass off as European mens or something - but today something in me had switched. I was tired of trying to pretend to myself that I wasn't in a...

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Cockslave Bruce

Cockslave BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse. This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in...

1 year ago
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Tales of the eKids Chapter 03

Part 6 Elle Adkins lay with her eyes closed; her face grimaced as if in pain. Her fingers were slowly caressing her small round breasts as she worked her pink nipples in time with Eamon Turner’s tongue. She was alone in her bedroom. A few meters away in an adjoining bedroom Emma Adkins and Eamon Turner were making love. Eamon was deep in Emma, and Elle felt every inch of his length, every centimeter of his breadth, every ridge on the head of his cock. Elle was in concert with her...

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Melodys Voice

The pale beauty of the moon spilled across the kitchen floor, casting long shadowy fingers over Melody’s face. She sat, unmoving in a cushioned chair, her leg pulled against her chest, her pale arms crossed atop her knee. She hid her face in the crease of her elbow, the trail of silvery tears ending just above her perfect lips. Blinking her thick, black lashes against the accumulating tears, she stifled a tiny groan. Her leg extended towards the floor, each tiny, pink toe pointed into a...

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Jane gets Hardcore

I have been married to my wife Jane for 7 years. She is a very attractive woman with leg legs and small firm breasts. We have 2 children and in general we are just an average couple but at times we do like to spice things up. We were out in a pub getting her drunk enough to go to our favourite spot where she would let me screw her in the car while people watched from outside. It was several weeks since she had met one of her "colleagues" for sex and she'd got bored with our usual sexual routine...

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Black WolfChapter 4

When the celebration had quieted down and the women had all had a chance to kick and spit on the two bodies, Black Wolf called Snake and Morning Mist to one side to discuss what they should do. Morning Mist was the woman most looked up to in the village, so Black Wolf figured that she could make decisions for the rest of the women. He was smart enough to know that it would be impossible to get that many women to agree on anything in less than a week, and they did not have that much time to...

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Conquerors RewardChapter 6 Feeling A Little Hungry

Dana awoke the next morning to find Diun eating ice cream. From the look of it she saw it was her French vanilla. "Hey!" Dana said as she watched him eat another spoonful. Swallowing Diun said, "What? I woke up this morning and was really hungry." Walking over to the ice cream container she found it empty. "So you ate all my ice cream!" Dana said. Shrugging Diun replied, "It tasted good. You have really good taste." "Don't try to kiss up. You owe me a new container of ice...

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Badge of Dishonor Ch 04

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter four Soft hands slid over Tim Jackman’s body and wrapped around his penis, which began to swell. He groaned with delight. Tim was twenty-eight years old, moderately good-looking, and bulky, but not fat. He had light brown hair and hazel eyes that twinkled when his good sense of humor was in use. He stood six feet tall in his bare feet. The hand kept stroking him insistently, then another joined in, rolling his balls and...

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EvilAngel Alina West Dirty POV Creampie Date

Petite hottie Alina West joins director Mick Blue for a private date, and he shoots intimate, POV-style footage of the sexy encounter. The Austrian stud chats with Alina as she shows off her plump booty in skimpy porn-wear. It’s an abbreviated tease because Alina can’t wait to fuck! She kneels before Mick, soaking his knob in slobber while giving a crude blowjob. When he’s fully ready, the young girl sticks her sweet ass into the camera and rides his throbbing rod. Alina...

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GayMaker Strikes Again

I kept telling myself, "how the hell all of this happened?"I was a common straight guy which likes to do weights at the gym where I had been for years. John was the coach there, and we became friends. He had a girlfriend and I wanted to have one, everything was normal until the day I saw him naked in the locker room. "Wow, what a lucky man!" I thought when I saw his cock. I felt envy and shame, because mine was tiny compared to him.I could not help staring at it while we were talking. He caught...

2 years ago
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The SmithChapter 35 Public works

“That looks like a cement mixer.” Clarissa commented at our makeshift contraption meant to hold and rotate the Junction. “In this case, it’s easier to rotate the spherical shell than make a machine that can wind the coils.” “I’ll pretend that I understood what you said.” “Think of it as a ball of yarn, we need to make sure that the whole thing is covered evenly, but on the inside. Turning the ‘Stick’ is easier in this case than hand winding the thread.” “That big red machine with the nose...

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Household Dominance App

After getting screamed at for leaving the toilet seat up your energy is at an all time low, you've just been getting abuse from everyone in the house just for your existence and you can't really take it anymore. You dont know when having to work from home will end but it has been weeks already and there is no end in sight. Frustrated you start browsing the web on your phone when an ad shows up at the bottom of your screen. Become the master of your household today with this one nifty app! Well...

1 year ago
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Birds eye lust

Prologue: I always thought that my first experience would be with my wife on my first night but my age of innocence was over when I fucked a 33 year old married woman in my vicinity. Let me have the pleasure of explaining to you how this happened in my life and how she ended up being my fuck buddy. Here we go……….. Chapter: 1 Construction of my slut’s residence I was sixteen then and I was living in my flat for the past 11 years. So, I pretty much knew almost everyone who lives there. It was at...

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Shastas TaleChapter 5

Nesho's order to evacuate resulted in action somewhat reminiscent of an anthill being kicked over or maybe a beehive that had been whacked by a stick. People were scurrying here and there in what would look to an outside observer to be complete chaos. Chaos it may have been, but a very controlled and productive chaos. Within hours the files pertaining to Dent's shipping business and governmental records were loaded into a cart and hustled off to a predetermined safe location. Most of the...

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Hot Afternoon

Dustin’s cell phone rang early one blazingly hot August morning, waking him up with a jolt. ‘Hello?’ came Dustin’s raspy and groggy voice. ‘Hey Dustin! It’s Tyler. I was just thinking. Ain’t nothing happening and was wondering what’s up with you?” Tyler was one of his best buds and lived a couple of streets over. “Just beating this damn heat. I was going to spend the afternoon out at the pool. Listen, if you got nothing going on, maybe you wanna come over.” “Yeah, that’d be great. You sure...

2 years ago
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The 2nd AmendmentChapter 9

As usual, the newspaper was loaded with reports of problems at the charity homes for the elderly and the homeless who were not necessarily elderly. Especially, abused women and their children were among the primary targets of teens who were bored and high. Nancy and I talked about it and wondered what we might do to help. Our lawyer told us how to contract with the management of these shelters so that they were our legal clients. We charged $1 per evening for our work, and we did this...

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My Aunt teaches me 2 Initiation

“What about an early morning session Maria?” my aunt husked, once her sucking at my neck had been completed. I knew she was aroused for she had been rubbing her bush against my leg, whilst giving me the love-bites and her slit had become thoroughly wet and slippery. “Yes, good idea, but who is going to have him first?” Maria replied. “Actually perhaps you had better, after all I had first call on his sperm last night. Once you have completed, I shall actually enjoy the challenge of...

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George Finds a Milk Bar

George Lewis was an older gentleman. He was single and never married. People asked him from time-to-time why he never married. George traveled a lot and basically could not commit to one woman. When he traveled, he would get massages that would finish off with a “happy ending.” Asian massage parlors would offer premium services. George found younger women would giggle and hold the penis so tight that it hurt and was not pleasurable. George liked the older women who took their jobs seriously....

1 year ago
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Consent 4

This chapter starts where the prior chapters left off.I slowly wake up, stretch and roll over, Karen is gone, but Celeste is quietly sleeping. I try to be quiet, but Celeste begins to stir. I lightly kiss her cheek and pull the sheet over her. "Go back to sleep dear, you were wonderful, but rest.I leave for my place, shower, and go to bed again. I wake the next morning about 11. Well, I guess two pussies can wear out a guy!Karen calls and asks me to meet at her place tonight at 7 to talk. So I...

1 year ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

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