ComrieChapter 60 free porn video

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Those on Lorenzo's yacht off of Tangier were just finishing breakfast when Alana told Sergio that Aoife would be calling him shortly. Sergio looked at her with a questioning expression. Just then his phone rang. Lorenzo answered it. He talked with Aoife for a few moments about how things had gone the previous day, before handing the phone to Sergio.

"Hello Aoife," said Sergio.

"Good morning," replied Aoife. "I hope you had a good night relaxing on the boat."

"Yes. I think we all did. Judging by Lorenzo's reaction, I take it that everything went fine."

"Yes. Everything went pretty well. We had a few injuries, but considering everything, it went very well. There will probably be one or two more incidents today, and maybe some tomorrow. We have the impression you put the word out to the brothel owners."

"You caught me. Yes, it was something like that," replied Sergio, with a smile. "I just told them that if they put the employees they purchased in Tangier in a room off by themselves, they probably wouldn't have any embarrassments." Realizing she may not understand he added, "Embarrassments hurt business."

Aoife laughed, and said, "What an interesting way of handling it. The reason I've called is in response to your earlier offer to assist with this mess. We have found quite a bit of correspondence describing the Council of Brother's plans that includes a lot of names. If that were to show up in places where it would be published, it should be sufficient to cause many of their members to be prosecuted. If you let everything show up, it could cause your organization some embarrassment, but we don't think it would have any long-term impact on most aspects of your business. It would show that you are not necessarily a supporter of the terrorists, even though you owned the warehouse. If some of the participants were easily found, it could speed up prosecution. We will leave it up to your discretion as to what gets released."

"You are certainly placing a lot of trust in me and The Organization."

"We don't think it is misplaced. Both you and Lorenzo are very honorable people."

"Thanks. We will do it, but it would be easier if I was at home."

"We can arrange that. Someone will pick you up within the hour."

"Thanks, bye." Sergio handed the phone back to Lorenzo and said, "I am going back to the house. Aoife is sending someone to take me, and I would like for you to go as well."

Amber and Lorenzo looked at each other for a few moments, before he said, "Amber, please don't take this the wrong way, but you are free to choose what is best for you. I feel especially blessed to have had our short time together. I will always be a friend you can count on. Never forget that I do care a great deal for you, but I think hanging around me is not the best choice for your future."

"I know," replied Amber, with large tears in her eyes. "My time with you has been the most memorable time in my life. I will never forget you or our time together. I too, will always be a friend you can count on." Amber moved over up to hug Lorenzo, and then gave him a very passionate kiss to seal their friendship. When they broke apart she turned to Sergio, and taking his hands said, "You have a very loyal friend in Lorenzo. Please, both of you look out for each other." She then gave him a hug and a kiss as well.

"Gee Amber, we haven't left yet," said Lorenzo.

"Yea, so we get to do all the cuddling again." Amber then pumped her fist in the air, causing everyone to laugh.

"Sergio. Lorenzo," said Alana, "you could come visit us. All you need to do is to give us a call and we will pick you up."


"Just say Dóchas into the phone." Lorenzo gave her a funny look. "It will work." Lorenzo just shrugged.

Amber helped Lorenzo get his things together, and then they went up on deck. Once there Lorenzo went to talk to the Captain, as he felt that there could still be problems before the ship reached home port. They had turned toward Sicily late yesterday afternoon, after the events in Tangier were finished. The Captain told Lorenzo that no one appeared to be trailing them. Lorenzo then went back to the group on deck. He had just reached the group, when a smaller version of a shuttle appeared next to the ship.

"Well, it looks like your chariot is here," said Emelia of Alana's Clan. "We can board as soon as you are ready. Bev and I will be going with you. The trip will take about an hour."

"The rest of us will wait here until Emelia and Bev return," added Cathal. "Our systems tell us that this is the best strategy. You should tell your security people to be very cautious for the next month or so. Communications secure enough for open conversations will be a problem for some time."

"We try to always approach electronic communication as being insecure," replied Sergio. "I guess now we need to worry about people hearing our thoughts."

"Not from us," replied Alana, quickly. "Both of you seem to have the ability to sense it. Many on Earth also have that ability, if they listen. As for us, it is only among close friends that we openly share thoughts. Beyond that it requires specific permission. If you broadcast your thoughts, it is assumed you meant to share. Where we live, if you seek to look without permission, you will find yourself isolated, or worse. Are there exceptions? Yes. Does this help?"

"Yes, but I was just kidding with my comment," said Sergio, looking a little uneasy.

"Sergio, relax," replied Cathal. "No offense was taken. Alana wasn't sure that you were aware of our rules for telepathy."

"Thanks," replied Sergio, and offered his hand to Cathal. Cathal clasped it in both of his for the handshake, causing Sergio to smile. That started the hugs and kisses, with each wishing Sergio and Lorenzo well, along with the hope of seeing them again. Amber was the last to wish them well.

Alana's Clan watched the scout ship depart before settling back to relax. "Amber," said Elyse, "Lorenzo will never forget you. The two of you have a very special bond. It is a bond similar to what Cathal has with his Special Ops teammates."

"I know. Tell me what is it like on Dóchas?"

"So, you want to be a space traveler," replied Cleo.

"If that is what the Órarduine are. I think it is more than that. There is so much more that I need to know. When can my telepathy be fully enabled?"

"I thought it was."

"It seems like something is missing."

"We may not be able to help with that, but can we look?"


The group appeared to be quietly resting in the deckchairs while Alana's Clan tried to determine why Amber felt something was missing. Together with Amber, they went over the different aspects of telepathic communication and the psionic abilities that most of them had. There were a couple of areas that puzzled Alana's Clan, the same ones that puzzled Amber.

"Amber," said Elyse, as they finished, "when we get to Dóchas, I think you should talk to Aoife about what you are sensing. We suspect those are psionic attributes, but we are not familiar with them."

"Cool. Then we are going to Dóchas?" replied Amber, with a large smile and a twinkle in her eye. "I can do the conversion there."

"Yes, it can be done on any of the ships, or at An Clochán. Are you sure that is what you want to do? It cannot be undone."

"I can see why you are worried about me rushing in to choose to be an Órarduine. I could make a case that is the best thing for me to do. Due to the drugs Akil's group gave me, I will be insane and looking 90 years old in ten years or less. Although that is not the reason I think conversion is for me. I can't express it, I just know it is the best choice."

"Amber, we sense the truth in what you say."

"The scout ship will be here in a few minutes. Can we board the shuttle now?"

"Sure," said Cathal, sensing Amber's urgency, "I will tell the Captain we are leaving, and give him a contact number in case he needs assistance."

"There are two ships out there, watching. We can't see them because they are over the horizon. They are using a balloon-supported antennae."

Alana watched Amber as she spoke, then said, "Cathal, tell the Captain he is being followed. We will leave a special monitor on the mast that will warn him well before they are close enough to cause a problem. Let's board."

With that, Cathal went to talk to the Captain while the rest of the clan boarded their shuttle. When Amber entered, her face glowed with happiness as she looked around. "This is just like my dreams." Those with her just smiled.

When Cathal boarded the shuttle, he said, "Let's give those following Lorenzo's yacht something to remember."

"What do you have in mind?" replied Alana.

"If we fly just under the speed of sound a few meters above the ocean we will create one heck of a rooster tail. If we are cloaked it will be even more mysterious. But I think above the speed of sound will be even better."

"Alpha02 AI, set a course to approach the ship following the yacht on its port side, then cross their bow at 100 yards."

"Acknowledged. I will set altitude to optimize rooster tail."

It was dawn on Comrie when Captain Lewis looked out over the lawn at the people sleeping on blankets. When they had boarded the shuttle at Bethesda, she had concerns about how they could help. One of the Órarduine medical staff had briefed them during their trip here. They asked for at least two doctors or nurses to work with each one of their staff, as their staff knew what resources were available. By doing this, they thought that they could effectively evaluate four to six people at a time. At the time Captain Lewis had doubts, but it had worked very well. All of them knew the hard part would be today, as reality set in.

"Is that you Norma?" asked Elanor.

Norma turned and gasped. "I never expected to see you here." As she spoke, Norma tried to remember the last time she had seen Commander Brown.

"Well, I'm here. It was pretty exciting last night, wasn't it?"

"I had some doubts about their plan, but it really worked well. When did you arrive?"

"Oh, I think around 1900 or so local. It looks like you have been promoted since I last saw you."

"I think you have as well. Actually, I have been promoted twice."

"Congratulations. Yes, I received my promotion last year. It was right after an assignment similar to this one."

"Let's get some coffee, then I would like to hear your story." Just as Norma spoke a woman came up and handed her and Elanor a cup of coffee, surprising both of them.

"Well for a story, there is not really much to tell. It started out with us preparing for a field exercise on an SAS base. The facility had been set up the day before, and we were to report the next morning. It was around 2300 hours or so when all of us received a call telling us that the exercise had started. We were directed to be at the field hospital within the hour, or sooner if possible. It was a challenge for some, but we made it."

"So? There must be more."

"Well, about an hour after we arrived, several ships like the one we were on last night landed next to our hospital. They had brought us a group of women and a few men to care for. I was surprised to see quite a few SAS and Irish Spec Ops helping the patients into the hospital. The patients had been extracted from some place in Africa. Oh, that reminds me where I remember that voice from."

"What voice?"

"I heard a man talking last night, and it sounded just like Calvin, the SAS mission commander. Anyway, the next day quite a few Órarduine came to visit with our patients. It wasn't like this time, as most of the patients just needed someone to talk to while they recovered. I can't say much else about it."

"I think we will need to do much more than just counseling with this group."

"Yes. You know Órarduine are telepathic?"

"Oops." Norma blushed.

"So, I take you are still bi." said Elanor, laughing.

"Yes. I was admiring several of them last night."

"They won't mind. Their attitude toward interpersonal relations is that they must be consensual, other than that, pretty much anything goes."

"I wonder what we will do for clothes."

"Connie told us last night, during a lull, that they would provide us with something like a Salwar Kameez outfit to wear." Norma looked puzzled. "It is a loose wrap-around skirt and a loose blouse or jacket. I'm sure you'll like them. They are providing them to anyone that wants one. The medical staff will wear dark red, to make it easier to find us."

"I noticed that most of them were naked, which I understand is normal for them."

"Yes. They told us that we should not feel pressured to adopt their mode of dress. Connie told us that she thought the patients had seldom worn any covering since being abducted."

"Let's get our two groups together at breakfast, so we can share what we have talked about."

"Fine. I'll see if one of their doctors can join us."

Just then, the chime sounded for breakfast.

In a tall building, Fatin looked out over the city. He was located high enough that he could see the desert surrounding the city. His thoughts were in turmoil. The reports they were receiving were hard to believe as they indicated that their special elite training camp had vanished. In addition to that, yesterday there were news reports of an explosion on the Tangier waterfront, wiping out a bunch of buildings. Since hearing that, he had been unable to reach either Akil or anyone else there. If the reports were true, it would greatly complicate their plans.

Fatin's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He turned and looked as his servant entered. The expression on his face told him all he needed to know. Fatin listened quietly as the servant said, "The reports were correct but understated. Where the training camp was, there is now only barren land. The warehouse and adjacent buildings are no more. Reports now arriving indicate that the transfer points are gone as are the staff, and the ships positioned to raid the alien's island are not answering radio calls. Our missile development area is fine. The details are in the folder."

"This is a disaster. I expect representatives from the Council shortly. Show them in when they get here."

"Yes, Master," replied the servant then left.

It wasn't long before Hatim, the Council representative, arrived. A few hours later two more Council members arrived. After reviewing the reports, they discussed the impact of their losses on achieving their goal. Just from reading the reports it was clear that this was a major setback in terms of timing, but the plan still appeared to be viable. After discussing the information, they turned their attention to considering who could have done this without any warning. If the Organization or any of Earth's governments had been involved, they would have heard about it, long before it began. It wasn't long before they realized that only the Órarduine aliens could have done this.

When Fatin saw the opportunity he said, "Perhaps we should use our satellite weapons against them. They were designed to take out other satellites as well as Earth installations, so they should be capable of destroying their space ships and their island." He paused and then continued with, "I believe we have completed one of our special communication satellites, and there are plans to build more. These are the same as those the Chinese and Russians launched for us. Since we lost those two satellites, the Chinese and Russians are closely monitoring the launch teams and sites. However, if we take our time, our agents can arrange for them to be launched. As hungry as both countries are for funding launches, I think it should be fairly easy."

Hatim said, "By that time our launch site should be operational. The team developing them has projected that the two pads can be completed in seven months or so. If we are going to use the satellites against the space ships then we should strike the island as well. That should be enough to pay them back for what they have done to us."

Their meeting lasted well into the evening. When it ended they had a proposal to put before the full Council, with the goal of paying back the aliens for destroying their facilities and killing their members. It would also show the world that they were a power to be recognized.

Fatin sighed in relief as he watched the two men depart. Before they met, he had anticipated being blamed for the failure. The issue had never come up and they had a plan that could achieve an aspect of their goals, if it worked. While he could initiate some of the preparations, it was the Council's decision to make. He wondered if they would wait until all the pieces were in place.

It was just before lunch on Dóchas when the shuttle carrying Alana's Clan settled onto its cradle in the hangar. Sarah, Aoife, Maeve, Tara and Alison were waiting for them when they stepped out. Cathal introduced Amber to Sarah and Alison before joining the hugs and kisses welcoming Alana's Clan back.

"Alana," said Cathal, "with this kind of welcome back, we need to go on more trips."

"Oh, give me a break," said Aoife, tapping him on the shoulder, "we always have hugs and kisses for our friends." When she reached Amber, she took her hands and said, "We are all very glad you chose to join us."

"You mean I can," replied Amber, with tears in her eyes. "I thought..."

"No, Alana's Clan just wanted you to be certain about your choice. Let's go have lunch. Judy will join us there. After lunch we can look at those items that are bothering you. I know Alana's Clan was correct, in that they are other psionic abilities."

"When can I start the conversion?" asked Amber.

"Within a day."

After lunch Judy and Aoife joined with Amber to look at her abilities and the areas she didn't understand. They went over the parts Alana's Clan had helped her with and showed how to fine-tune some other abilities. Aoife told her that one of the areas had to do with telekinesis. The other one, of about equal intensity, would allow her to anticipate future events.

"Amber, those areas will be more active after you are an Órarduine," said Aoife. "Remind me after you are up and I will help you understand them."

"Wonderful. I sensed some apprehension about my choice to be an Órarduine."

"There was when we first heard about it. However, after being with you, we are no longer concerned. We are pleased that you have chosen to join us. We think you will love it here as much as we do."

"This is the only decision I have ever made with absolutely no doubt about it being the right one."

–-- –-- –--

It was late morning at Comrie when Sarah, Siobhan and Maureen looked out of the shuttle as they approached the island. "Wow, look at all the people," said Sarah.

"I never thought the rescue would involve this many people," replied Siobhan. "I wonder what we have gotten ourselves into."

"Amy just told me that some of the guests are looking forward to our arrival," said Sarah. By this time the shuttle had turned so that it followed the island's valley up to the arrival area, it then hovered just above the ground. "I am not sure what to expect. Both Múirne and Ursula were very insistent that we come and welcome our guests. They felt it would help them believe that their ordeal was over. Even with all my experience, I find it hard to comprehend the anguish these people must have experienced."

"Our natural openness and security is all we can offer. Let's hope that it will be enough to help them find themselves." With that, the three stepped outside and looked over the crowd. They were surprised by how quiet it was. Múirne and Ursula walked over and gave each of them a hug. Together they walked up to the patio that overlooked the arrival area. As they did, Sarah remembered another meeting that was held on this same patio a long time ago.

"Your right, Sarah," said Maureen, "the situation we have now is very similar, except for the size of the crowd, a different perspective, and a different kind of conditioning."

"We will need another ship or two if they all decide they would rather join us than go home."

"Many of them may feel that they no longer have a home," responded Siobhan.

"Good morning," said Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen, Múirne and Ursula in unison, both verbally and telepathically, to the crowd.

"Good morning," came the response.

"We are very pleased that you accepted our invitation to visit us," continued Sarah, Siobhan and Maureen and paused for a moment to see if anyone noticed their tongue in cheek comment. "We hope you enjoy your vacation here as our guests."

Someone in the crowd muttered, "It is certainly an improvement on our previous accommodation." Several of those around her chuckled, causing Sarah, Siobhan and Maureen to smile.

"We represent the Command Staffs of the three space ships orbiting overhead." They then introduced themselves and named each of their ships. "All of our family, which includes those on our ships and on Mars, are pleased to know you are free. You are welcome to stay as long as you want to.

"Currently we have three groups of people here. They are staff, those who came for interviews and those who arrived in the last 24 hours or so. The staff includes those from England and the US who are assisting with your medical care. Our comments are mostly directed at those we rescued in the last 24 hours or so.

"When you arrived here, our medical staff gave each of you a medical evaluation. The doctors tell us that all of you arrived under the influence of behavior modifying drugs. It will take a few days for them to clear out of your body, even though you have taken an antidote. Since the behavioral drugs do not interfere with your comprehension, we came to tell you what we know about those who kidnapped you, where we are and who we are.

Same as Comrie
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We would have reached Kuppam around 2.45 am. I quickly put my satisfied gun inside and we pretended as nothing happened. The person sitting in front of this lady got up and started to go when the lady in the 30 asked the lady next to me to share her seat together. This lady with whom I had the session, quickly said let this gentleman sit, poor him has been standing for last two hours or so. This kind words somehow got me excited or may be the excitement was on the prospects of sitting next to...

1 year ago
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Les fminisatrices 5 Alexie

R?sum? de l'?pisode 4: Doria Nicole, en poursuivant sa f?minisation, d?couvre de nouveaux aspects de Doria, la m?re d'Agathe. Elle d?couvre les origines de ses go?ts ?tranges, mais aussi le fait que Doria fait partie d'une organisation importante de femmes dominatrices. Pendant les vacances, Nicole est troubl?e de d?couvrir qu'elle attire les gar?ons... Mais elle finit par se faire violer par l'un d'entre eux, et d?couvre ainsi certains aspects plus difficiles ? vivre de sa nouvelle f?minit?. Mais elle n'en e...

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The set up

Lyn looked so dainty in her short skirt that was well above her knees. It brought back visions of my school days when the senior girls would try to outdo each other for the shortest skirt. Her skirt was more like a wide belt than a short skirt.We had met her downstairs and my wife, Sue said, “You look lovely tonight Lyn. That skirt is very sexy. Did you leave your panties off like I asked?” and with this Sue placed her hand on her thigh. “Hhhmmm, you not only look good you feel good, honey....

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Clementine in HellChapter 18

"Why have we driven out here, darling" Viola asked Rashumba innocently. Inside her heart was working overtime. Could this be it? She had been here for a week now and Rashumba and James had treated her magnificently. Had she not known of his betrayal of Clementine, Viola would have been happy to meet James again. He had great appeal and was still great to look at. She understood very well how Clemmy had succumbed to his charms. But James was busy today and Viola and Rashumba were alone, and...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 16

ENURRUA DAY THIRTY-EIGHT "Tarifa?" Aihola's voice was soft in the early morning, as the sun began to filter into the many natural holes in the top of the mountain cave. Tarifa moved her head slightly from where it rested on Aihola's firm chest, her Drow Mistress's arms holding her tightly. Their bodies were pressed close together, sharing warmth and sensation even through their clothes, but while it felt glorious to be in her arms again, Tarifa felt like something was missing. "Yes...

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Professor Pam Mr Roberts Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Next Morning. . . My arm hurt with pins and needles, it was awakening wrapped around Pam’s shoulder. I wiped the scabs from my eyes and watched her sleep. Her red hair flowing over her shoulders, she looked simply marvelous. How can a woman look so attractive in the morning before she ‘put on her face’? She was a glamorous creature. She was stunningly sexy. The more I watched her, the more I felt something for her. My eyes drifted to her breasts. They were mouth watering. The...

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Used In A Booth

I was in a book store out side of Atlanta, on the east side I believe, looking at some mags that had pictures of huge male phallus. Now I know only a very few men have penis that exceed seven inches and even fewer that has penis that exceed ten inches, but the thought of entertaining a man with a penis that extends twelve inches is enough to put me into a lust filled frenzy. Lost in my thoughts, I was unaware of the man inching up to me, I was so absorb in examining the picture of a huge...

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Serving the Cuckoldress Next Door Chapter 1

Please enjoy the first chapter from my new book, Serving the Cuckoldress Next Door.It's available on Amazon and free for Kindle Unlimited members: 1 Again the girl next door was having sex. Again her moans could be heard through the thin apartment walls. Again Pete was in bed, furiously masturbating as he shamelessly listened to what sounded like great sex. Her name was April. She’d lived in the apartment next door for six months. Pete could still...

2 years ago
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The Taboo Portfolio

The fat man was sweating so much that one might think he was attempting to solve Los Angeles' current water shortage. His body's exudation of mammoth quantities of perspiration had nothing to do with the temperature of the room. No, the dim lit room was well ventilated, and a couple of desk fans kept the room's climate as pleasant as a picnic by a bubbling brook. It was the man's boiling blood, threatening to cook him from the inside out, that had turned him into a sudoriferous spring. As...

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Matched PairsChapter 3

The process of accommodating four adults through a single bathroom was a major task. It began at ten and required nearly an hour. Fred and Maggie, as hosts, allowed Pat and Charlie to go first. Fred did his part by staying out of the way. He had half a beer to finish and the air was a warm and pleasant. He stood on the dock and listened to the night. The two bedrooms were arranged such that they shared a common wall. Fred was the last to finish in the bathroom. Charlie and Pat had been in...

4 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 19

I barely had my eyes open before Zoë had slammed my door open and skidded across my carpet. She jumped. I froze, flinching more from fear than agony, as she landed her knee on my thigh millimeters from The Once and Future King. “It’s all green!” She hissed at me. “What the--You mean outside of the box--You made it out, OK?” Mom knocked on my open door. She was still pulling on her seafoam green robe and looking more than a little pissed. “It’s 6:30! On a Saturday!” She reached for my door...

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Dreaming About Ashley

I was at a business conference out of town and returned to my hotel. You were there! Standing in front of the window looking out on the city. You were in a short dress, very low cut back with a halter type top that tied around your neck. It was clear that you were wearing no bra. "What a nice surprise" I whispered as I came up behind you. I let my hands roam over your back and felt the tingles of arousal. I slipped a hand inside each side of your dress and reached around to find your breasts. I...

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Parent Teacher Confrences

I had just sent my son, Adam, off to high school. I was asleep on the couch when the phone rang. I slowly got up and checked the phone. It was the school. I knew exactly what they were calling for. My son got in trouble again and his teacher wanted to meet with me after school. I wouldn't care as much if his teacher wasn't my ex boyfriend. After Adam came home I yelled at him for beating up one of his friends and then I left to talk to his teacher. I walked down the hall and stopped in front of...

Group Sex
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HerLimit Lily Veroni Anal Superstar

Today in the studio we have a beautiful Italian MILF that can’t wait to have her body used by her Italian coperformer. She has a lot of experience and her ass hole is begging to be pounded hard but before that she give a wet blowjob with lots of deepthroat and spit. Right after that Christian Clay wastes no time and shoves his thick dick into her ass, stretching it out while she is sucking his toes, moaning in pleasure. Her pussy is not treated to any dick today because it’s an anal...

2 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter Two

2 ((((Another chapter re-written...))))              The next morning in the kitchen Jason was all over me as soon as we heard the water running for his dad's shower. He was developing a real knack for deep kisses that was beyond his years. His hands were definitely attached to a teenager though as I found my tits and ass pawed and squeezed. When he broke our kiss long enough to ask if he could stay home again today I was finally able to get control of his hands and holding them away had to...

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Gary and I Have A Threesome With Kelly

It was February of 1993. Back in 1976, when Kelly was sixteen years old, she was at a party at a friend’s house that turned into an orgy and she was fucked by a half-dozen men that all worked together at the Ford dealership. A couple of them were double her age and one’s name was Gary. Fast-forward sixteen years and we had moved a couple of states away. Needing her Mustang repaired, Kelly went to the local Ford dealer the previous October. Lo and behold, Gary was the service writer.Her car...

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The First One

She was on her knees. His cock, long, thick and perfectly formed, was in her hand. It was rock hard and curved upward. Her other hand ran across the tight stretch of skin over the muscles of his lower abdomen. For some strange reason, she knew that was a sensitive spot. She lifted him so that she could lick the surface of his scrotum, loving the feel against her tongue. Then she started at the base of the underside of his cock and drew the flat of her tongue up the length of his shaft. That...

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Power Failure

Note to the reader: Hi. My name is Angie, better known as Tasty Little Pop Tart to my readers. The condo in this story will be easily recognizable to a select few. Maybe more, depending upon my actual readership. It appeared in my short story Apparition, though with a different cast of characters. This story is similar, in that Matthew has a weekend alone with a sex toy and his mom's lingerie. It is totally different in that Matthew doesn't make it through the night as a boy. He gets high...

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Working For It

[ For Robert!!! ]Richard: I like young, straight guys who, though they identify as 'straight' are still 'curious', as they tell me, to experience what it's like to be controlled by an older gay man. Many have girlfriends, too, but are still intrigued to do a little experimentation; and I'm happy to introduce to them something they have likely never, ever known before---an orgasm that, rather than achieved quickly, as they typically experience it, arrives only after a very, very lengthy session...

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Airport Layover Encounter

I used to fly frequently to the upper Midwest, connecting on Comair airline through the Cincinnati airport (actually in northern KY). The regional jets were not always reliable, and I found myself on more than one occasion with a cancelled evening flight, and no available connections until sometime the next morning. As soon as I was aware of the likelihood of a cancelled flight, I would immediately call for a reservation at a nearby hotel, since rooms quickly filled up when bad weather forced...

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Boobs Ka Na

Hello dosto mera naam Rashid he me Jammu ka rahne wala hu city Janipur. Aaj me apko apni sachhi story batata ta hu. Me marketing ki job karta hu. Isliye aksar travelling karma padta he lekin is traveling me agar apki kismat achhi ho to kabhi kabhi apko bahot fayda bhi hota he. Ab me apko apni story batata hu ak baar me Janipur se Ahmedabad jar aha tha by bus. Subah ka moka tha sardiya chal rahi thi to thand bhi kafi thi. Me plat form par bus ka wait kar raha tha meri nazar ak aurat par gayi wo...

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Learning to Love Again

Harry smiled as he watched Susan come up the drive- way, bags of groceries perilously balanced in her hands. Always so independent, Susan rarely asked for help in anything. She prided herself in “getting the job done”. As she walked through the door, she called, “Hi sweetie! I’m home!” Harry moved towards her to take some of the groceries from her. “Why didn’t you ask me for help, Sue?” Harry asked. “I wasn’t...

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Donna the Devoted Dog LoverChapter 7

The Great Dane was not the property of Irina, Donna’s newest like-minded friend with a fetish for dogs with big cocks. He belonged to a senator’s wife recently divorced from her pussy chasing husband who only wanted young interns or recently graduated secretaries looking for a sugar daddy to take good care of them. Donna jokingly asked Irina if she could “borrow” the dog for some casual coupling and was gifted the dog to stay with her overnight back at her condo near the beach. The dog was...

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Hottest Girl In The School 8211 Urvashi

Hello Readers, Im Pranay from Patna, and I am a regular visitor of this site. Few of the stories posted here got me thinking that maybe even I should pen down a few of my own experiences. Today I am going to tell you guys about my first story. My first time’ It was in the 11th grade when I was going to turn 18, and I know that it is a very wrong thing to do but I had a bet with my friends that I was going to lose my virginity before I turn 18. So first I’ll tell you a little something about...

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Sucking off a stranger from the club in downtown

I brought home a complete stranger the other night to my fiance.I made my hubby sit in the corner naked while i made out with this guy,Things got real hot and i blow him and made him bust a load all over himsself.if you want to see the full videos visit my sitecurious cristine dot comand for sneak previews check my pix..i love making men cum...

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Controlling Subconscious Mind Of A MILF For Sex

Hi, I am Karthik, and I am 26 years old from Hyderabad. I forgot the username and password of my old ISS account where I had written 7-8 experiences of mine with different women, so I created a new account. Also, I posted the second part of my first sex story, however, it is not yet posted here on ISS so apologies for that too. So, how did I fuck this new bitch just by thought alone? I learned about the law of attraction a year ago and have been applying it to different aspects of my life ever...

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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 7

"I thought I'd grab some lovemaking supplies." Amanda told them quietly with a bashful little smile. She'd reproduced what Corey had put on his tray the night before as closely as she could. That included a pitcher of apple juice with ice, three glasses, a terry washcloth in a bowl of warm water, two folded fluffy towels, a big bowl of fruit and cookies, a mickey of Absolut vodka, and a jar of skin cream. "Don't mind me. Just carry on with what you were doing." Amanda whispered as she...

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The Biograph Cinema

I visited the Biograph Cinema in Victoria London in the 70’s as a fairly naïve teenager, who ended up m*****ed. Shame the place closed, I was enjoying being fiddled with by dirty old men.The Biograph was clearly the haunt of the Dirty Mac Brigade, and all of those sorts of men my Mother had told me to watch out for. Aged 18 I’d never even kissed a girl let alone had someone else make me cum. So, I was drawn back to the place. Like any teenager I wanked at least daily, but the previous episodes...

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With My Huge Strong Maid

had sexual relationships with these all and this adventures excitement attracts me.Today I’m going to share with you one of such incidents which happened this year. This is related to my maid. Since I live with my parents, my mother interacts with the maids/servants more than me.I just usually interact with them if I have to give away any special instructions for the work I need to get done. We had a maid who was working for us for 5 years, but due to her failing health and old age, she decided...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 7 Rules

Jessica struggled to get out of bed quietly. She woke to find herself sandwiched between her sons, both snuggled up against her, and sound asleep. Toby was nestled up against her back, snoring lightly, an arm wrapped warmly around her waist. Andrew was facing away from her but backed up against her and was snoring even louder. Jessica squirmed out from under the covers and slid down the bed to the foot, where she slipped to the floor and stood up. Turning, she tossed the sheet back over the...

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Daddys Little Bitch

Introduction: Katies Stepdad gets fed up with his daughters antics and trains her to be his pet bitch. Daddys Little Bitch by Katie Spencer ([email protected]) *** Chapter 1 Katie wasnt sure if she was the prettiest girl in town, but she damn well knew she was the hottest. She had just turned 18 and was beginning her senior year in high school. She was 54 and 120lbs with curves for days, long wavy brown hair, and a deep dark tan. She had developed large breasts at around the age of 12 and...

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Nadiarsquos desire

The two people sat on the sofa and a person could see that Nadia was clearly fed up with her husband, Donny. "I wanta know something and I want a 'real' answer this time," Nadia said with a slur in her voice, wishing that she hadn't had three back teeth pulled last week. Donny was sick and tired of her constant bitching and complaining, he looked at her and replied. "Should I even ask?" he said and Donny wished that he'd never come home from work early. "What's wrong with me?" she asked and...

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My mates mum

You remember the guy I had my first bi experience with, Chris?His Mum was great, Sharon, always lending me her cigarettes, giving me alcohol whenever I went round. Always having a laugh, we were, a proper nice lady.If I called round and he was out, she'd invite me in and we'd chat about nothing in particular, smoking cigs and drinking wine.Well, one of these times I went round for Chris and he was out getting pissed somewhere. She invited me in and we chatted about school, television and the...

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Company Executive PT2

People do not change. They just don’t. At least she hadn’t changed. Not much that is and although like most people there were the little things which she did differently here and then, but nonetheless she always knew she wanted it all life and she felt it was time to pursue those after all these years had passed. See, Marielle was always a “closet” slut in a manner of speaking. No, she didn’t flaunt it or dress up and act it out like in her younger years, but even then when she was younger when...

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Biker Bitch 2

I could tell that Rick wanted to Fuck her just by the look of pure lust in his eyes. He told her to get on her knees beside the bed and move the dam pillow. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she looked at me and moved to the floor. Rick then signalled to the three guys on the couch they got undressed and moved over in front of my wife. They had different size cocks 6, 8 and about 10 they were were very much rock hard and I could tell these guys really wanted to fuck my wife. ...

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Melissa Plays Messalina

Melissa had been reading all about Roman history and the lifestyles of the emperors and their wives. She had long reached the part about the famous Valeria Messalina, Claudius’s third wife who apparently challenged a prostitute to a fucking competition and won. In those days, the wealthiest women were not short of men, but in this day and age, you could wait forever.Melissa had been waiting; four weeks to be precise and today was the day; the hour, rapidly approaching. She had posted a...

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Plain Jane And the Nerd Superman Grow UpChapter 11

Jane's dance performance capped off a great open house. As much as the tours through the pristine facility were memorable to the crowd, with Jim, Dr. Anderson, Victoria, Harry, and Jane proudly showing off Riemer Studio & Health Clinic, along with the delicious catering via Victoria's connection with a fashion mogul, the dance performance was the crowning moment. The process of peeling away a garment with each piece, bringing the intimacy deeper with less and less dancers, culminating...

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SweetSinner Gia Derza My Dad Your Dad

Gia Derza & Mark Wood: Gia becomes incensed when her sister brags that she fucked their foster father, Mark. She always thought she was his favorite ever since he kissed her a few years ago. She surprises her foster father in bed to confront him about his deception. He claims his other foster daughter was lying, that if he was going to fuck one of his them, it would be Gia. She needs proof of his devotion, proof that can only come in the form of Mark’s cock, which is exactly what she...


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