UnconqueredChapter 8 free porn video

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Ember, the Glorious Unconquered, shatterer of chains and toppler of thrones, stood in the doorway to his own bedroom, with his Ruby and his Amythest wife standing to either side of him, each gaping at the scene before them. Laying on his belly in the middle of the bed was Jerin Kah, the Infused Knight of Wood and loyal servant of the evil Regent. He had been stripped, hogtied, and was currently looking halfway to panicking, while Ceaith, the catgirl that had nearly gotten Ember killed several times now, stood behind him, pouring liberal amounts of lubricant over the purple strapon that she had slipped around her still clothed thighs.

The fact that Ceaith was also Ember’s Lapis, one of the five Lunar wives that he had been magically wed to the instant he had become the eleventh Unconquered, just made the situation more surreal for him.

“How did he get out of the brig?” Ember asked, pointing at Jerin.

“How did she get on this ship?” Chirp asked, glancing at the window that showed the swirling, infinite mass of the Sunder that spread out in every direction around the Starshrike.

“How did she get that strapon?” Xora asked, her eyes focused on the slippery, slick looking sex toy. Ceaith grinned at her and tossed the empty lubricant bottle over her shoulder.

“Will any of you help me?” Jerin Kah asked, whimpering as he craned his head back at the sound of the bottle striking the carpeted floor. “I’m not into this!”

“No,” every single member of the Solar/Lunar sextet said at the same moment, in the same tone of voice.

“To answer the questions in the order in which the were asked,” Ceaith said, smirking insolently at Ember, then slid up behind Jerin Kah. Her strap on bumped against his thigh as she leaned over, growling in his ear. “Why don’t you tell me what I wanna know before I show that pretty infused butt of yours whose boss.”

“Okay! Okay!” Jerin said, nodding hurriedly.

“Good, I-” Ceaith started.

“You didn’t answer any of our questions!” Ember snapped, stepping forward. “And you’re not going to just rape a prisoner. I won’t allow it.”

Ceaith looked at him, then mouthed something slowly at him. Ember’s brow furrowed. “I’m faking it? What do you mean you’re faking it?” He asked.

Ceaith grabbed onto her massive mane of brown hair. “Arrrrgh!”

“Hah!” Jerin seemed to relax instantly. “I knew you didn’t have the nerve, Lunar.”

Ceaith grabbed the strap and yanked it off, then threw it at Ember’s head. Ember ducked and Xora caught it. The strap vanished almost instantly and Ember stood up, glaring at the catgirl. “What the hell!?” he asked.

“What the hell? What the hell? I’m about to get vital fucking information out of this Regency lapdog because he’s scared that if a finger goes up his butt he stops being a man, and you fucking blow it and you ask me why I’m angry?” Ceaith asked, stabbing her thumb against her chest as she walked over Jerin’s back – casually putting her weight on his spine. Jerin made a sound somewhere between a pillow being compressed in a vice and a curse word. She stepped off the bed, getting as into Ember’s face as it was possible for her to get. Which did require her standing on her tip toes – while Ember was more lithe than broad, he did have a few inches on the other girl. Her tail lashed as she continued speaking. “What do you want to do next, give away the ship because a poor widdle godling got sad and pouted at you? Oh, you could try and fight the entire Regency army non-lethally, because kiwwing people is wrong.” She pouted, fluttering her eyes at him in a way that was definitely meant to be insulting.

Ember crossed his arms over his chest. “Jerin Kah has joined our side.”

“Right! Of course! An Infused Knight just switched sides, great job Unconquered,” Ceaith said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ember’s temple twitched as he scowled. “Listen. I’ve got just enough patience for one June, not two.”

“Considering how she’s the only hot one-”

“Hey!” Ember snapped. “Xora is super hot! And Chirp is even hotter! Except they’re the same level of hotness, because I don’t put any of my wives on a pedestal.”

“Wives, right,” Ceaith said, rolling her eyes. She put her palm on Ember’s chest, pushing him against the door frame as she stalked past him. “Tell me how that works out for you.”

Ember gaped after her. “Hey! You’re one of them!”

Ceaith, who had gotten remarkably far down the corridor in the short time it took for Ember to collect himself, stopped. Her hands clenched and uncleaned. The fingerless leather gloves she wore creaked around her knuckles. “What did you say?” she asked.

“You’ve got a lapis soul gem,” Ember said, stepping away from the door. “Ergo-”

Ceaith spun to face him. “I’m never. Ever. Ever going to consent to being your wife,” she said, glaring right at him. “I didn’t ask to be chosen to be the Lapis. I didn’t ask to be told that I’m going to be responsible for fixing up every little fuckup in the Land. I didn’t ask any of the gods for any of this bullshit!” She thrust her finger at him. “So if you think you can stick your dick in me-”

“I don’t!” Ember shouted back, stepping forward.

“What? You don’t want to fuck me?” Ceaith asked, glaring up at him.

“Of course I do!” Ember said, glaring at her, panting as their noses almost bumped.

Ceaith panted back. Energy seemed to crackle between them. Xora and Chirp watched from around the corner of the doorframe. Ceaith’s ears flattened back against her head as she glared up at him. “W-Well ... I don’t,” she said, her voice very definite.

“Then fine!” Ember said, stepping backwards, blushing as he crossed his arms over his chest. His heart was hammering a million miles an hour – maybe faster. “Fine.”

“Fine?” Ceaith asked.

“Fine!” Ember said, nodding. “I ... I’m not going to ... I don’t...” He closed his eyes, trying to think straight. Part of him wanted to keep shouting at Ceaith for how she had acted – both here and in the Goblin Market. But another part of him, the part of him that had spent his entire life watching people treat June like shit, said: Hey, hold on. Look at things from her perspective. She didn’t choose to have this happen to her. She didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask for this. But we got it. So, don’t be a dick about it. And so, Ember breathed out a slow sigh.

“I’m not going to force you to do anything, Ceaith,” he said, quietly. “But while we didn’t choose to be married, we are. T-Through magic.” He gulped. “And that means trying to make this work.” He held out his hand. “Partners?”

Ceaith opened her mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. Then, almost more angry now than she had been early: “How fucking dare you be ... fucking reasonable about this!”

“What?” Ember asked, completely non-plussed.

“I ... was getting a good fucking angry all built up and you’ve shot a hole right through it. Dick.” Ceaith crossed her arms over her chest, ducking her head forward. Her hair was bristling outwards, like a cat fluffing up when threatened by a predator or a particularly ominous cloud.

Ember snorted. “You can punch me in the face if-”

Ceaith punched him in the face.

Ember blinked a few times. It hadn’t actually hurt. Her knuckles had glanced off his jaw and left his head tingling from the impact. He rubbed his jaw and noticed that a slight golden glow flickered around his fingertips – a tiny anima spark from where he had toughened himself up. He grinned. “Feel better?”

Ceaith rubbed her knuckles, then smirked. “Can I use my claws?”


“Eh, it’ll do,” she said, shrugging one shoulder. She brushed past him, then paused, halfway between him and the door to where Jerin Kah was tied up. “If I can’t interrogate him, can I at least get what he’s told you about Iremire?”

“Iremire...” Ember rubbed his cheek more. “That’s where we’re going, Ceaith. We’re going to find out how the Regency makes Infused Knights.” He smiled. “We’re basically on the same mission.”

Ceaith paused. “Yeah...” She said. But he could almost smell she was holding something back. Ember stepped slightly forward, reaching out – every instinct he had wanted to sweep Ceaith into his embrace. To nuzzle up against that massive mane of brown hair that she had. To pet her. Gods. He wanted to hear her purr more than he wanted to breathe oxygen. But he clenched his hands and clasped his hands behind his back and tried to ignore the way Ceaith unconsciously leaned towards him.

“Why are you actually going?” Xora asked.

Ceaith snorted. “Ah. Right. Ember can’t ask cause he has to earn his Nice Guy points so he gets to fuck my gay ass.” She shook her head. Xora, her blue cheeks darkening, shook her head.

“No, that’s not-”

“My sister,” Ceaith said, quietly. “She was taken to Iremire. I want to find her. Okay?”

“Wait, did you say gay?” Ember asked, blinking.

Ceaith looked at the ceiling. “Yes. Gay. Like your friend June, I like pussy. I like girls. I like women. I like everything you’re not.” She turned around, scowling at him. “Got it?”

“Yeah!” Ember said, nodding. “I mean, sure. Right. Cool.” He coughed, then nodded again, holding out his hand. “I shall comport myself with, uh, respect! Towards your ... feelings. And not ... be...” He trailed off. “Bad?”

Ceaith looked at him. Then down at his hand. Then back at him. Her left ear twitched. “You’re such a fucking dork.”

“Man, you would get along with June,” Ember whispered.

Ceaith grinned. “Who do you think let me on board.” She licked her lips. Very salaciously.

Ember probed at his own feelings, the same way he might have poked at a broken tooth with his tongue. He tensed, half expecting every emotion that he had been taught to feel welling up. Jealousy. Anger. Humiliation. After all, Ceaith had basically just said that his best friend had fucked his wife, before he’d even gotten a chance to kiss her. Or touch her in a non-martial arts battle related fashion. But instead of feeling any of those emotions, the only thing that Ember felt in his breast was a growing sense of...


He grinned, then gave her a thumbs up. “Nice!”

Ceaith snorted, her ears flicking up. “Maybe this’ll work after all, dork.”

Chirp and Xora smiled at one another.

“Also, I’m going to be fucking her,” Ceaith said, jerking her thumb at Xora, then to Chirp. “And them, if they bottom.”

“They do!” Ember said – causing Chirp to squeak and duck behind the door.

“Niiiiice...” Ceaith purred.

The Starshrike’s passage through the Sunder was faster and safer than it would have been through the surface world. But it was not so instantaneous that it could be brushed through with a sentence, and yet, so much of it was the tiny mundanity that the great epics do not speak of. They talk of the Unconquered striding the world and smiting his foes. They rarely speak of Ember, laying with his head in Xora’s lap and his legs crooked over Chirp’s legs, speaking animatedly of his youth in the village while Chirp and Xora giggled.

They rarely speak of the training regimes – glossing over them with a single phrase. They don’t speak of the one handed push ups in the cargo hold while Goat stood on his back and smoked a pipe. They didn’t speak of how all three Lunars watched, Chirp waving their hands over their head and shouting encouragement, while Ceaith ate fruits and spat the pits in arcing patterns that landed around Ember’s head.

The epics did not speak of the stilted, tense conversations between a man and wife, married by magic and fate, not by any inclination, as they both tried to maintain a civil attitude with one another.

But as was the way of such things, all journeys came to an end.

Ember, his wives, Goat, June and Jerin Kah all met in the briefing room of the Starshrike, which Ember had initially thought was a very large, very strange kitchen. But with the Shrike’s engines back on, the huge table in the middle had proved its use: It was able to, like June, project glowing images of whatever they wanted. June had figured out how to use it and was using it, currently, to let Jerin Kah give them information about Iremire Cauldron before they arrived. It currently looked like a bowl, but the rim of the bowl were mountains. The base of the bowl was filled with a red liquid that burbled ominously, and from the center of that base rose a sheer, black island, which itself had a sheer black tower built onto it. Large, gull winged ships that had massive balloons underneath each wing floated in the air around the mountains.

“So, two skyships,” June said, frowning. “Dragon class.”

“Is that bad?” Ember asked, leaning forward to examine the skyships. Their prows had large, snarling dragon heads carved in the place where the Starshrike had a tapered point.

“They’re armed with enough mana cannons to glass the entire village of Rataka with a quarter of their broadside,” June said. “And Iremire itself has enough magitech hate to throw into the air to refight the Battle of the Three Legged Dog.”

“What happened to the dog?” Xora asked.

“The battle didn’t involve a dog,” Goat said, cheerfully. “It was called that because the general on one side was a human-dog hybrid, and he had this huge-”

“Anyway,” June said, cutting her sifu off. “Jerin, got any more things to say about the defenses?”

“Well, beyond the fact that it has a compliment of Infused Knights backed up by a whole legion of Legionaries?” Jerin asked, shrugging his shoulders. “Not really.”

“Right, right,” June said.

“Where are we going to emerge?” Chirp asked.

“See this red goop?” June said, pointing down at the basin in the center of the bowl of mountains. “That’s sunderstuff. Iremire pumps it out of the deep chaos using focused induction fields. They then use it for raw material, I think.”

“Can we fit up the pipes?” Ember asked.

“Lets see, they’re roughly the width of your dick and are exposed to high pressured, high speed, sunderstuff that’s cold enough to flash freeze a god at all times. So, yeah, sounds reasonable,” June said.

Ceaith snorted. She was lounging in the back of the room, where she could watch everyone with her blue/green eyes.

Ember rubbed his chin. “I have an idea.”

“Oh boy,” June said.

Ember stated his idea.

Silence filled the room.

“Can Ember, Xora, and Ceaith hold their breath that long?” Goat asked.

“Yes,” Xora said, blushing. “Don’t ask me how I know that.”

“Yup,” Ceaith said. “And it’s cause a goddess sat on my face at least twice as long.”

“Ladies,” Ember said, making finger guns.

Goat grinned. “Sounds good.”

June groaned.

Chirp looked as if they were about to faint out of pure terror.

The afternoon shift on the walls of Iremire was an unpleasant one. For Legionnaire Keth and Legionnaire Suul, it was an unpleasentness they were both still getting too. Keth and Suul had been transferred to Iremire from their postings in the cushy south – where the deserts were huge and mostly uninhabited, the cities were loyal, and the women were beautiful, plentiful, and loved women in uniform. Keth tried to not think of the luminous southern beauties, with their dusky skin, their bright red hair, their golden body paint. Keth tried to not think of the huge, silken sheets of the bed that she had been billeted to in the Imperial Garrison – the Garrison that had been constructed out of solid gold by a grateful southern populace.

But it was so damn hard, especially when she was trudging along the flat, black top of the Iremire’s walls. The sun shone down overhead, with an unmercifully harsh glare, and the sky was completely clear of any clouds. To her left, there was the central keep of Iremire – where the rest of the legion was drilling, and the distant sound of crackling lightning and screaming prisoners could be heard. To her right, there was the sheer drop, almost five hundred feet straight down into bubbling sunderstuff that served as the Iremire’s moat.

Sweat beaded on her forehead, dripping down her nose while her armor clinked and rustled with every step, her spear feeling heavy in her hand. Behind her, Suul trudged forward, her breath soft and panting.

“Remember Hashin?” she asked.

“No ... no, not Hashin,” Keth moaned, her eyes closing. “Don’t remind me of Hashin.”

“Remember that trick she could do with her-”

“Please, Suul, stop,” Keth stopped in her trudging. She turned back to look at the lantern jawed face of her comrade in arms. “I don’t want to remember Hashin.”

“What about Triss?”

“Not Triss,” Keth said. “Nor Linda, nor Berie, nor Xandi, or Candi, nor any of them.”

“ ... what about-”

“What the fuck is that?” Keth asked.

Suul and her stepped over to the side of the wall. Because Iremire wasn’t designed for sieges, the edge of the wall lacked proper crenelations. And because Iremire was designed by madmen, for madmen, it lacked a guide rail at all. This meant both Legionaries gave it a severe berth, craning forward to peek over the edge while still giving themselves plenty of space before getting even slightly close to the straight drop into the mutagenic broth that served as Iremire’s moat. But below them, they could see a small, white shape zipping up towards them. Suul’s brow furrowed, but Keth shook her head slightly.

“It’s just a bat,” she said as the bat finished flapping up – chirping rhythmically, as if it was trying to pace itself out. It was a cute little thing. It looked like a drakhul bat, but someone had taken the normally sleek, predatory frame of one and turned the poofiness up until it was essentially all poof. Keth grinned.

“Look at that cutie,” Suul said.

The bat flapped between them.

Then it transformed into a slender, pale white skinned enby with long pointed ears, sharp fangs, and bright red eyes, who immediately kicked out with both legs, caught both Legionaries on their jaw, and then dropped, all three of them touching down at the same moment. Suul’s helmet rolled away and fell right over the edge of the wall as Chirp focused, their soulgem glowing. Ember shot out, feet first, landing on his back next to the dazed Keth. He drew in a deep, gasping breath. “Holy fuck,” he whispered. “It is really c-”

Xora landed on him.

Then Ceaith on her.

In a shockingly short time, Ember was standing and dressed in a legionaries’ uniform, while his three Lunar wives were all dressed in similar uniforms. As Chirp fastened their helmet on, Xora looked down at the two Legionaries that Ceaith was dragging towards the nearest guardhouse on the wall. Then she looked over at Ceaith and Ember.

“But there-”

“Unconquered,” Ember said, flicking some golden light away from his fingertips.


“Unconquered!” Ember said, grinning at her.

Ceaith sauntered back, cracking her knuckles as she glanced around the walls. Two more Legionaries had just emerged from the guardhouse at the far end of the wall and were beginning their patrol. “What are the chances that those two find the two we tied up?” Ember asked. Then his eyes widened. “Jerin!”

“Jerin?” Chirp asked. Then their eyes widened. “Jerin!”

Jerin Kah crashed onto the wall between the four of them, his face slack, eyes staring. Ember dropped to his knee, his armor clacking slightly. “Oh gods, he’s not breathing!” He grabbed onto Jerin Kah’s face.

“Breathe into him!” Chirp squeaked.

“That’s how you fix drowning!” Xora said, nodding. “Draw a breath, then breathe into him!”

Ember nodded. He drew a breath, a tiny gold flicker crackling around his mouth. Then he leaned down and pressed his mouth to Jerin Kah’s, breathing into him. Jerin’s chest swelled and then went slack – and then his tongue swept into Ember’s mouth, his hand reaching up to cradle and cup the back of Ember’s head. The kiss went on for another few moments, Ember kissing back with a resolute, determined intensity. Ceaith, who was watching this with a little grni, said: “You know, the kissing isn’t actually necessary right?”

Ember jerked back, gasping. “Oh!” he said. “I thought-”

Jerin sprang to his feet. “Hah! Guess it took you longer to subdue the noble legionaries than you expected, huh?” He asked, adjusting his uniform.

Chirp and Xora exchanged glances. Then Chirp and Ember exchanged glances.

“S-Sure!” Chirp said, nodding.

The interior of Iremire was just as unpleasant as the exterior. The corridors were all very high and very narrow, with ceiling lights that glowed with a pale red light, washing everything in hues of blood red. The stone that they walked along was smooth and black – and Ember swore that he saw a ghostly face every few feet, pressing against the glassy surface. “What are ... what is this place built out of?” he asked, softly as Jerin Kah led them along.

“Soulcidian,” Jerin said.

Ember stopped dead. Chirp walked straight into him and even Ceaith looked shocked, her normally cool, unflappable air shattering as she hissed: “Excusafuckingwhat?”

Jerin turned back. “What?” he asked.

“You built this place ... out of dead people?” Ember whispered. Chirp hugged him from behind.

“No, no, no,” Jerin said, shaking his head. “Soulcidian isn’t dead people. It’s a magical material that stores dead people.” He placed his hand on Ember’s shoulder. “This entire place is one big spiritual magnet, so that prisoners who kill themselves cannot escape into the cycle of reincarnation.”

Ember gaped at him.

“And you thought this was okay?” Chirp squeaked.

“I mean, they’re bad guys,” Jerin Kah said, nodding.

“Like me?” Ember asked. “Or my villagers?”

Jerin opened his mouth. Closed it. He frowned. Then he turned. “Come on. The laboratories are this way, I think.”

They rounded a bend and came into a large chamber that looked as if it served as the arterial junction between many other parts of Iremire prison. There was a central desk with a bored looking functionary sitting at it, their high cap set with a lapis gemstone, almost as if they were a parody of Ceaith’s status as a Lapis Lunar. Their forehead, though, had the more standard black bead that people in the Regency seemed to have for their gemstone. Several other people were walking past. Some of them were Legionaries in heavy armor. One was a woman with heavy goggles on her face and a thick white robe that made Ember think of a chef or a cook. She was the one who glanced over at them first.

“Jerin? Jerin Kah?” She asked.

“Doctor Craven!” Jerin said, stepping forward, taking her gloved hand and kissing it. “A pleasure to see you again.”

“Oh Kah, you’re incorrigible,” she said, giggling.

“That isn’t how you put it last time we met,” Jerin purred.

Doctor Craven giggled again, like a school girl. “You mean the first time we met?”

Ember opened his mouth to speak, then clamped it shut, remembering he was supposed to just be an ordinary legionnaire. Ordinary rank and file types didn’t ask the Infused Knights if they had really gone straight from the infusion process to banging their doctor on the slab. But Jerin, remembering their mission, said: “We’re here looking for a specific prisoner.” He nodded. Ceaith relaxed fractionally behind them and Ember reached back subtly to take her hand, squeezing it.

“Who?” Craven asked.

“One Thalina,” Jerin said. “She was picked up in a rebellion sweep in the north, I believe. High command wants her for more questioning.”

“Ah...” Craven tapped her goggles. They glowed and whirred, spirals appearing on them. “Oh! Oh, she’s part of Batch-2. I’m sorry, she...” She shook her head. “We’ll have her soulgem for you in an hour.”

“I need to talk to her now, in this life,” Jerin said.

Ember saw that Craven’s resolve was firming. “Sorry, Jerin. Only members of the thaumatechs are-”

Ember knew that they couldn’t waste time. Every second was another second that Batch-2 might get ... whatever happened to batches here. He knew it couldn’t be good. And so, he stepped forward, took hold of Craven’s wrist, then leaned in close. He whispered into her ear, trying to sound as deadly serious as he could. “I suggest you take us there right now or else we’re going to have serious trouble.” He managed to impart a crack of command into those words without his anima glowing to life beyond a subtle spark that flew from between his lips and swept into Craven’s ears. Behind her goggles, her eyes widened.

“I suggest you listen to my uncomperable friend here,” Jerin whispered.

“R ... Right,” Craven whispered. She started to walk forward. “C-Come along.”

Ember moved to walk beside Craven, with Jerin to her other side. The lunars followed after, but Ember could feel Ceaith’s urge to sprint ahead, barely kept in check by the needs of stealth. They came to a set of stairs, which led down – the temperature growing from overwhelmingly hot to merely unpleasantly warm to actually rather chilly. At the bottom of the stairs was a large door of brass and wood, with a strange set of glass tubes mounted on a pair of hinged arms. Craven took hold of those, leaned forward, and set them against her eyes. The tubes glowed and the door chirruped, then swung inwards. Here, the walls were made of solid brass, not soulcidian. Stepping out of the cold black corridor should have been a relief, but for some reason, Ember was feeling more and more uneasy by the moments.

Craven’s hands shook as she walked. “I-I’ll have you know, I’m just a thaumatech. I don’t ... I don’t make any of the decisions, I just ... work the machines.”

“That’s not a great way for us to begin our relationship,” Ceaith growled, her claws springing out of her fingertips. “What the fuck are you people doing here?”

Craven ducked her head forward as they came to a set of corridors, each one leading to a different room. Each room had a glass window in it and one of them had another thaumatech standing in it. He glanced back and saw them. “Craven! What the fuck are you- that’s an IK!” He pointed at Jerin – but Ember was already in the room, tugging off his helmet. He used the helmet to whack the thaumatech onto his back, stepping up to the glass. He looked into a room ... and was filled with not horror, but rather, confusion.

The room had about fifty people in it. They were of every kith, clan and breed. He saw men and women and even a few children. They looked terrified and all of them were dressed in a cheap white smock, some of them already frayed and tattered. They were crammed into the room so tight that they could barely move. But he saw Ceaith’s sister almost immediately – she was the other catgirl. Though she looked utterly terrified, unlike Ceaith’s normal expression of confidence.

“What is-” Ember started.

The ceiling glowed.

Pillars extended out of the ceiling, each one tipped with a brass orb. It roiled and crackled with green lightning – which slammed down into the foreheads of each of the people in the room. At the same instant, each person in the room screamed. Their fingers clawed at their heads, their bodies writhing and straining with pain. Muscles strained and veins bulged as their howls reached a pitch so high that it could be heard, if faintly, through the glass as the strobing green lightning pulsed into them again and again. Ember’s eyes widened and he drew his fist back.

He punched the glass.

“What are you doing!?” the man he had knocked over shouted. “That’s solid adamant-”

Ember drew his fist back again.

When he punched again, his whole body exploded with golden radiance. Flames roiled along his arms and shimmering dragons played around his body as his anima flared like a bonfire. His knuckles struck a glancing blow against the adamant window. The window shivered, like a leaf in the breze. Then it shattered. Then the wall around it shattered as well. The roaring sound of the metal tearing itself apart was nearly as loud as the screams from the people in the room. But as the dust cleared and Ember stepped into the room, his anima glowing ... every single strand of green lightning leaped from their initial victims, drawn from them...

To him.

The lightning bolts slammed into Ember’s soulgem and he staggered to one knee. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt before in his life roared through him. His nerves burned and his bones sang like crystal. His skin rippled and his muscles tightened. He couldn’t even scream. His eyes closed as he felt the glowing spark of his own life dimming within him. He gasped – and then a blurring shape shot past him. He opened one eye – and saw Chirp, Ceaith, and Xora. They had drawn the legionarie swords they had taken, and were slashing through the air. One after another, the bronze orbs were sheered in half as they leaped again and again and again, moving like graceful dancers.

With each bolt that was ended, Ember felt the pain lessen, then lessen, then lessen again.

Ceaith landed by her sister, hugging her tightly as the last of the orbs was felled. “Thally!”

Ember grinned. “Hah...” he said. “Got em.”

The thaumatech was beginning to creep slowly to the side of the room, crab walking, as if he was worried standing up would draw more attention to him than standing. Ember was beaten to the punch by Jerin – who picked him up and then slammed him against the wall. “What the fuck is this?” Jerin snarled. “There are children in there – what the fuck are you doing here?”

Same as Unconquered
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Spring, 1986 The rest of that year went by in a blur for me. I was so busy I barely noticed the passing of one month into the next. Besides the extra school work I was doing, soccer season got into high gear when we got back from Christmas break. I also began taking karate lessons from retired U. S. Army Lt. Colonel Masahiro Yoshino. He was an ancient Japanese vet from World War II who agreed to teach me, since he had no sons to whom he could pass his knowledge. He required me to study with...

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Lick My Wounds

I wasn't looking for anyone, my previous long term relationship had fell apart quite messily. Now all I wanted was to be left alone and to lick my wounds; but she had other ideas. I was sitting with the rest of my group at lunchtime, I was on the fringes, not really getting involved in their conversation, when she sat down opposite me. "Hi, I'm Lily," she said brightly. "Hi," I said, not really looking at her. Then after a long pause, she started again. "I'm on the Business course...

2 years ago
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My Hangover Cure

I had the hangover from hell and felt like shit, but it didn’t matter, I still had to go to work. Served me right I suppose, just partied a bit too much but what the hell, its only life. I showered, shaved and put a suit on, feeling slightly better, but not much. At least it wouldn’t be a hard day and I might even be able to sleep through some of it. I’m a buyer for a fashion house and I was off to the launch of a new lingerie product to see if there was anything for next season. Most guys...

2 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 9 Taking a Chance

That May picnic was the beginning of a series of dates that Michelle and I enjoyed. Sometimes to a movie or play, often for dinner, occasionally for a ballgame. It was on one of those dates that there was a distinct shift in our relationship. Until then, we had held hands, kissed lightly and generally behaved ourselves. I think we both could feel the pressure building. It changed after we had spent a pleasant evening at a local play. We were in her late model Lincoln and I was driving. In...

3 years ago
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Slutty Wife in the Back of a Van

Let me start by giving you a brief background of my wife and I. My name isRichard and I am a computer professional responsible for the operation of alarge IT department and my wife Lisa is in retail sales. I am 34 years old, 6'tall, and weigh 185lbs with brown hair and eyes. My wife is 28 and absolutelygorgeous, she stands 5'4"and weighs 125lbs with blonde hair and green eyes, shehas a nice set of 38C breasts that are wonderful to behold and likes to keepher pussy clean shaven which I assumed...

4 years ago
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The Reluctant Papa

One for the Nude Day contest. Here we have Daniel, Craig’s father, struggling with his son’s recent arrival at the London apartment. Daniel is also having difficulty in coping with Craig’s Ukrainian girlfriend parading around in just her underwear. I hope you enjoy the following effort. Feedback is welcome. I had a beta-reader with this, so any errors that remain aren’t my fault. …Okay, a joke, of course any glitches in the text are down to me. Thank you for reading. GA — Koh Samui,...

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The Pranksters Deed Dedicated to the lovel

He is but still rather young in years. The hangover from his 27th birthday was still fresh in his mind even though it was now almost two months past. He was always seen as the joker in school and he loved making people laugh. Cupid came knocking on his door about two years ago and even though his parents frowned at the fact that the love of his life was 42, she was his world. He understood that there would be instant responsibility as she had two k**s but he did the best he could. Even though...

3 years ago
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My Linda

I have always been interested in seeing how far one can convince a person to do something that is not normally their normal procedure. I was looking for a subject, that was flighty, conceited, self opinionated, would never apologise and yet was willing to allow someone to try and break that spirit within. I placed an ad in an overseas paper, specifying that I was willing to support, for the whole of their life, a life style where they would have no needs missed, that they would travel...

4 years ago
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So Many

Introduction: My ex was a member of a club for a while Oh Hell, a little of everything happened. My ex was a member of a club for a while. It was mainly all men and a hunting and rifle club so he used it to go stay drunk and get away and to tell stories of things he never had done. I decided I was going with him one weekend and even though he objected and swore up and down I went. I wanted to see what hey did all weekend and also, the idea of all those men (at that time in my liffe) made me...

2 years ago
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MyPervyFamily Michelle Anderson Secrete Suspended Sex Part 1

I get home to find my hot teen stepsister Michelle digging through a pile of mail for her suspension letter. Problem for his is, I already have it and am threatening to rat her out unless she does some favors for me. I get her to do some chores while I perv on her for a bit, but let it go. The next day, she walks in on me jerking off so I start ordering her around – take off your top, take off your shorts. She’s a little resistant, but she listens – I check her pussy and she...

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Vixen Daisy Stone He Loves My Big Butt

Daisy is a fashion design major and all she wants to do is get to Milan. Everyone in the major has applied to go but there are limited spaces, but she’s been offered a spot and she is super excited. The only condition is that she has to complete an Italian language course, so she has been set up with a teacher who she gets along great with, but her grades are still slacking, so it’s time for her to become proactive and see if she can get what she needs another way. It’s time...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 42

Mornings in Hawaii are important to me. I was out on our suite's patio waiting for the first light to bloom over the water. A tall drink was placed into my hands as I watched intently. Dewey said, "I don't get to see this where I live. I'm as addicted to it here as you are." Arms encircled me as I watched and lips kissed my ear as the person said, "I knew you would be up to watch the sunrise. Hold me while we watch the show." Mercy came around and sat on my lap with a drink of her...

2 years ago
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Money part 1

--- Money, Part 1 (Mf, cons, inc, oral, reluc, f-solo, M-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- "Hey, Dad," Janey said to her stepfather as he walked in the front door from work. "Hey, sweetie," Mike replied as he removed his shoes and jacket. He noticed that his stepdaughter looked pensive. "Everything okay?" "Do you know how I can earn $40 quick?" Mike looked at his cute 15-year-old stepdaughter with her dyed pink blonde bob cut and tight half-top and jeans showing off the...

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There Can Be Only One Chapter 32

There Can Be Only OneChapter 32Since Bill Gorman’s return three days ago, Ross’s sexual fun with his mother had been limited to the occasional grope of her tits or ass and the brief fingering of her pussy whenever the chance arose. He was always surprised at how moist her cunt was when he had the sly feel, and the degrading remarks that always accompanied his m*****ing only seemed to arouse her more. The horny teenager was not that particularly bothered about his lack of opportunity to engage...

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Tumblr CousinChapter 5

That was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. It convinced me to call a halt to things before something bad happened, and I flatly refused to do anything else while I was home on break. Unfortunately, as I was to discover in the not-so-distant future, it convinced both girls to take other actions they’d discussed. Lori begged for a while, to the point that I told Mom and Dad I needed to go back to school a couple of days early to “get ready for my next semester.” That was...

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The Ultimate Lovedoll

"Yes, Christina?" Lydia Dunn asked, without a loss of her legendary self control. "I don't recall us having an appointment." Christina weathered the stare and marched right up to her boss's desk. "I want to know why my investigation of the XTC Doll Company has been shut down!" she exclaimed. Lydia Dunn arched her eyebrows. "I was prepared to tell you during our normal staff meeting this afternoon. I saw no point in continuing this fishing expedition of yours. I would also...

1 year ago
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My First and Hers

*Note, this is NOT a true story* My name is Aaron and I'm 18 years old. I've never been to popular with the feminine half of our population in high school, but I finally got laid by my little brother's blonde hair, brown eyes. She's only 4'8" but she has a killer body, huge ass. It's almost bigger than it should be for her petite frame. Anyway, she came over on this day, just like any other day, and my brother and her are fond of board games like Monopoly. Well, that's what they were playing...

First Time
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My mother and I needed each other

When I turned 18 years of age, my libido went off the roof.I just couldn't stop masturbating, I used to do it all the time, four to five times a day, sometimes even more.I got my first job at a Golf club, but got fired after being caught masturbating in the woman's locker room by a female player.And it's not like in pornos, she didn't come and join me in the fun, she freaked out, told my boss, and I got fired on the spot.And it doesn't help to hide when you're a loud moaner either.The next day...

3 years ago
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Mike Naked in CollegeChapter 4

Sunday, September 13, 2009 Today was the beginning of Billy's and my week in The Program. Per instruction, we put all of our clothing in suitcases and took them to Dr. Wagner's office. She was there waiting for us. "This is everything?" "Yes." "Good, now we have to do the little spiel. Your assignment is to remain completely naked at all times while on campus, except for certain safety-related circumstances, until exactly one week from now. You will write a report on your...

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Senses “You smell nice!” Those were the first words that Suzie said to me when I met her in the ‘flesh’ that didn’t have anything to do with work. They were also the first hint I spotted that she had a disability. I had known her for almost six months but our ‘relationship’ had been limited to phone calls, e-mails and the occasional video chat/conference. It soon transpired that she had the sort of dry sense of humour that appealed to me. When I first saw her laugh on my monitor I began...

First Time
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Cumming over Jrsquos face

I went out with J for over 9 years, but we did have a 7 month break after the first four. We had met through work and initially the sex life was great. We split after 4 years partly because sex had become non existent. When we got back together we tried to keep the sex life as active as possible but generally we did it in missionary position. There had been some extreme experiences for example the time J gave me a handjob on a naturist beach in Fuerteventura and the time she had set up a...

4 years ago
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My YouthChapter 24 Marge

I met Marge on a weekend assignment from my Army Reserve unit. We were ‘volunteered’ to work at a convalescent home to relieve the staff one weekend a month. Marge was the switchboard operator there. To describe her, it’s fair to say she was the spitting image of Cher, American Indian in heritage, but extremely fair skinned. Small breasted with a B cup, she was slim all over but drop dead gorgeous. Of course, all the guys in my unit were vying for her attention, but she only smiled and...

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Idella 2

It was now going on to a month . I was fucking Idella everyday, Idella was sucking his limp prick to an orgasm and I was shooting my jism into her beautiful pussy. but Fred's cock was not getting hard..Yet he was enjoying the hell out of our fuck sessions. He would lay there in bed with us rubbing and massage his cock, when Idella wasn't sucking it, and telling me how to fuck her. Drive it in her hard Billie Joe. and when Idella would start cumming Fred would be kissing her sucking...

2 years ago
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Lilly Coming of age part 4

May 2007Lilly had just forteen the week before and she was happy. Her Dad had agreed to paint over the Unicorn and rainbow walls over her room as a present. The problem was, the smell of latex paint made her gag. So with the May evening hinting at summer, she had grabbed her sleeping bag and headed out to the hammock that was strung between the garage and big oak in the back yard. It was in the shadow of the garage and she had always liked “camping” there.Her brother Larry, who had just...

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The Office

This one's for rumdrinkingfan ...It’s Saturday, Jane’s decided to go shopping and you’ve agreed to give her a lift because Dave’s away. You’ve always fancied her and can’t decide if she’s be up for a little bit of fun, given the chance. You’ve often seen her watching you quietly when you’ve been around at the house and there was that time at the barbecue when she was sitting opposite you and you were convinced that she had gone commando and was flashing deliberately. Imagine your disappointment...

2 years ago
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When my two best friends and I decided to make an annual tradition of taking a week-long camping in Oconee National Forest together with our wives, we had no idea how much fun it would end up being. We were as different as three white guys from the suburbs can be, but having been friends since kindergarten, we were as close as brothers. Nick was tall, blond and athletic; his wife Nina was a busty Italian girl, with a heart-shaped ass and pouty lips that were equally likely to sweet-talk you or...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 11

Strong hands grabbed him and held him up as the snakes of the woman’s hair reached out and sunk their fangs into various body parts. The venom allowed the gorgon to move Kal’s body in the area where he’d been bitten. Getting him standing, she pulled him over and leaned him up against a nearby wall. Terror gripped Kal’s mind. He was still recovering from the shock of believing he was about to die when the searing pain from the snakes’ venom began exploding everywhere they bit him. It faded...

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Theatrical….6He let go of me and locked the door, he came in front of me and knelt down, I looked up at him, “are you ok?” he asked, “I’m fine” I said “but better for seeing you” I said, “did he come inside you?” he asked, “no, did you come inside her?” I challenged, “no, she cried off after her third orgasm, I left her entertaining the troops” he said, “look, can you do me a big favour, will you make sure that my sister is ok, she was the other woman in the shelter and my niece, the bride to...

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Adventures in FloridaChapter 3

My wife was restless the fourth night we were in Florida. She had not felt well during the day, and we had stayed in. It seemed best to not leave her alone. She would have been suspicious. I just spent the day on the computer while she rested on the sofa. That night I didn't want to attempt to go to Erica, so I sent her an email. I told her we would have to meet the next night here at the town home. My wife wanted to drive all the way to St. Augustine in the morning, returning late. That...

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Private Kris The Foxx Anal Addicted Teen

Kriss the Foxx loves to ride her bike, however there’s one thing that this horny teen loves to ride even more… cock! After a crash on her most recent outing Kriss has found herself a knight in shining armour to take her home and of course there’s only one way this teen will be cheered up. Don’t miss any of the action on www.private.com in Private Specials, Anal Loving Teens 2 where this sexy girl shows of her cock sucking skills before offering up her tight ass for an awesome anal fuck as she...

4 years ago
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Angry Sex is the Most Passionate

‘A glance from across the semi-crowded room A glance, a glance, just a glance You slipped a pencil in my pocket In class, when I needed it for maths Yes you turned around and gave me a smile I’ve never felt anything like this in a while Then it turned into you, talking to me, All I felt was glee Then over the next few days, My heart became a maze You followed through the right way You reached the end and said you’d stay But I didn’t know the right way myself So when you left, I was...

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Sex in the Rain

It had been hot and dry the past few days with the temperatures in the nineties but feeling more like it was a hundred degrees outside. Finally, they were calling for rain, which Ann could not wait for. Her and Will were on vacation and both had been too hot and tired to have much sex. Yes, they had air conditioning but the heat still seemed to creep into the house. As she stood there looking out into their backyard, she was glad that they had decided to put up a high wooden fence that...

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Submissived Darcie Belle Using My Submissive For Stress Relief

Darcie Belles boyfriend was preparing for a big day at work. It did not go so well, so he called her up from work letting her know he would need to relieve some stress when he got home. Darcie prepared herself mentally and physically for what she was about to endure. She waited for him nude in the hallway with her ass and pussy spread wide open. He then dragged her by the hair to the living room where he maliciously slapped her with his cock and fucked her. She was treated like a good for...

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2428 Andromeda B (The Milky Way) The United Colonies Federation (UCF) fleet was in an entirely different galaxy, and they found remains of 400 year old designs for human vessels, produced by the Axis Nations Federation (ANF). 402 years prior... 2016, Andromeda B (The Milky Way) An ANF fleet was fleeing from United Nations Federation vessels (UNF/UCF 400 years in the past) and the ANF fleet activated their FTL drives but instead of ending up on another side of the Milky Way, they were...

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Changing Realities Part two

I was a fit man, hardly any fat on me, well-muscled. Consequently, I was able to hold my liquor quite well and was barely feeling what we now call a "buzz," when Dao-Ming suddenly leaned across the table. "You need to take me to bed, Lawrence," she whispered, caressing my hand. "It's time for your adventure." Those quiet alarm bells were once again sounding in the back of my head, but I was never one to hesitate when a beautiful woman propositioned me. I called for and paid the...

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PetiteBallerinasFucked Gina Gerson Perfect Form

Ballerina babe Gina Gerson wants to practice her moves, but she is always distracted by her partner Nick Ross. Despite her best intentions, it is not long before Gina’s clothes start coming off once Nick joins her. Their lips are soon locked in an intimate kiss that lets Nick know that Gina is his to please. He starts by dropping to his knees behind her so that he can pull Gina’s leotard aside and then bury his face and two fingers in her greedy twat. Gina is quick to show off her...

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My Life In a Dress

The following story is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. This is my first attempt at an erotic story of any type. It is my sincerest hopes that you enjoy this story. All warnings apply. If you enjoy this story e-mail all responses to me at [email protected]. This is not your typical story about a boy who needs to or has to dress like a girl but I thought some people would like something different. This story was updated on March 2, 2005. Hope you enjoy. This...

5 years ago
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My Reward

As I walked down my driveway for the last time I wondered if there was anything I could have done different to save my marriage. How could I have kept my wife-the woman I loved above anything else, the one I wanted to spend my entire life with-from taking another man to be her lover? How could she profess her still undying love for me after she had not just fucked him but begged him to fuck her over and over as she screamed out her ecstasy? I felt the tears trying to run from my eyes as I...

4 years ago
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In the Bathroom Stalls Chapter 1

I’m Nick. I have auburn hair and hazel green eyes. My best friend is Chris. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. Our story started when we were sixteen. We had a similar build. We both had creamy skin and stood tall at 5’8′ (tall for sixteen anyway). We had other friends and all, but we were always inseparable. We both had six packs, and as far as I was concerned, fairly endowed dicks. From what he told me, his was 7.5 inches. I was guessing he was a grower because he had about four inches...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 11E

We dropped by Martha's place, changed clothes, and then spent the rest of the afternoon on the Staten Island Ferry. Martha showed me what she called the "expected tourist attractions" -- the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, City Hall. As dusk was underway we walked uptown toward Greenwich Village, where she took me to a hairdresser for a very expensive haircut. Gradually, Martha cheered up. Gradually, I became more sullen. The city was dark. We strolled through New York University and...

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Biwi Ko First Time Chudwaya

Hello friends, Mera naam suhas hai, main mumbai ka rehane wala hu. Age 37 years hai, shadi shuda hu aur shaadi ko 7 saal ho gaye hai. Meri wife ka naam vrushali hai, woh 33 years ki hai. Yeh story tab ki hai jab hamari nayee nayee shaadi huee thi. Main shaadi ke pehale se gay sex enjoy kar chuka tha. Aur khub lund chuse huye the. Mere ek top gay friend ne ek baar mujhe kaha ki “Teri shaadi hone ke baad teri biwi ko bhi main chodunga, tum dono ko ek hi bed par ghodi banaunga aur fir uski chut...

1 year ago
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My Latest Conquest

I’m a thirty two year old lesbian; actually a bull dyke is how I’m described, I’m five foot eleven inches tall, weigh in at one hundred ninety two pounds and am very muscular for being a women. I lift weights every other day, run in-between lifting and am strong as most men and in excellent shape. I also love young, small fems and devote a lot of my free time to finding and fucking them. I usually go to a les bar where they have small rooms in the back you can rent by the day, month or year so...

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Lyin EyesChapter 4

I watched my soon to be ex-wife make her way into the dark paneled conference room. I was seated at the head of the long table near the windows. The bright sunshine kept my face in shadow and she had to squint to make sure it was me. I sat in a big executive chair, leaning back and affecting a relaxation I didn't truly feel. I knew I masked it well. I'd practiced often enough. "I wanted to see you before all the lawyers got at me," Laura said hesitantly. She pulled out a chair a few...

2 years ago
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Alices Revenge

Bill and Bob came bounding into the room. They were taken aback at seeing their dad standing there with his belt in his hand. Their hearts sank as he glared at them. They knew that he had learned of their sexual abuse of Alice ( see ALICE GETS RAPED), the boy's thirteen-year old step-sister. Their glances quickly took in the presence of their step-mom and Alice sitting in wing-chairs. The females looked at them very sternly. "You have raped and sodomized your sister. Because she is thirteen...

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Breaking the Amazon

NOTICE: The author cannot accept contributions to this story from other authors at this time. I thank those who have expressed such an interest, and am flattered by your wish to involve yourself in the story. Thank you for your understanding. The Sapphire Eagles, Queen Lianee's elite forces, believed that they were taking on a regiment all but broken. They believed your forces harried and exhausted, cut off from re-supply and on the brink of desertion. It took time, effort, and some well-paid...

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brother sister

brother and sister: An Unexpected Get TogetherMy sister Vanessa and her husband Michael were probably the most idyllic couple I'd ever met, they positively glowed whenever they were in each other's company, and both being naturally happy, vivacious people, it was always a delight to be around them, although as I lived a few hundred miles away, that didn't happen all that often, so when I got the call from Vanessa inviting me to come and stay the weekend with them, I jumped at the chance. I was...

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Secret KissesChapter 6

It was Friday night. Stephanie stood in her closet trying to decide what she was going to wear for her evening with Kelly. I seem to do this a lot, she thought to herself with a smile. A few minutes ago, she had kissed Benjamin's sweet face and sent him with a backpack full of stuff out to his grandparents' waiting car. David was off on a business trip for two days. As she looked at her clothes, she remembered the other day at school when Kelly had talked to her about Friday night. "I...

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E086 Out on a sailboat

The next morning Emma awakes around eight in the morning.  Donald is not there.  She is a little hazy about where she is until she remembers she is in Donald’s bedroom on Cape Cod.  But where is he?She gets up a bit groggy and fumbles to the bathroom to shower.  It is different not having Donald in it with her.  The first time is so long.  She dries and styles her hair, and then wonders what to wear.  It is a little strange to her that in just over four months, she is so used to Donald taking...

Love Stories
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Scene Two at the Boarding School

As I entered the dorm building, I couldn’t help thinking what just happened to me. I was sent to the Head Master, Mr. L., for punishment for missing a drill and not paying attention in class. He spanked me then made me suck his cock. Then he sucked mine and also fucked me. I was no longer an eighteen-year-old virgin geek. I was his to do with as he pleased. His last words were for me to report for another spanking tomorrow. I couldn’t wait. I went up to my dorm room and stripped down. I grabbed...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Waves of time pt 3

The water over the sandbar lapped at my legs just above my ankles. I stood remembering that day not so long after I came to the beach at the start of summer, that day Brenda and I kissed and held each other right here. Now it was the end of summer and tomorrow I would be leaving. I was wearing the bathing suit she had left behind. I pulled it off in a single motion and stood there with it wadded up in my hands. I held it to my nose and took a deep breath. Her smell was gone, just like she was....

3 years ago
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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 14 Thursday afternoon Bec

Editor’s Note: The next page is unlabeled but it is in Bec’s recognisable handwriting on hospital stationery. The context indicates it belongs here. Thursday 2nd December. I don’t really want to write about what happened this morning. It’s embarrassing. Now I think about it, I felt like I was taking part in some grand epic story full of witches and centaurs and daring escapes and great battles. Maybe I could write that story sometime, but not today. Parts of it are fuzzy in my head. I...

2 years ago
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Shaadi Season

Hi reader,bahote dino baad main apni story likhne jaa raha hoon sobh sey pehle tou main apne purane fans ka shukriya ada karna chahta hoon k un logon ne meri stories ko pasand kiya aur real main bhi mujh sey miley. for a change main apni yeh story hindi main likhna chahta hoon unlike earlier in English. sobh sey pehle tou apna chota sa intorduction karwadoon my name is Raj. hydspesial mera pet name hai im quite special so thats why log mujhey hydspesial kehte hain if you like my sotry u can...

4 years ago
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Watching My Mum Take A Huge Young Cock

Hi I Am Kyle , 18 m uk My Mum Is Called Suzanne , She Is 48 years old ,She Has Short Blonde Hair,Blue eyes and is nicely tanned , she is not fat but has a bit of a chubby belly due to age , she has natural 38c breasts and is trimmed down below.About 4 years ago my mum and dad divorced and my dad moved far away, he still sends me money and stuff at Xmas but we dont really see each other alot due to the distance.i have lived alone with my mum for the past 4 years ,she has had the odd boyfriend...

2 years ago
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Sleazy Satanic Cult 3

“It is not just pleasure we own, we owe it all to pain. Now, you will understand what it takes to be one of us.” “I am all yours to use, Sir.” “Call me Rogarth, Daemon. From now on, you are ours; especially mine.” Rogarth released Daemon. As the hounds entered the chamber naked with cocks engorged and equally just as huge. They began staring down at him; and as Daemon crawled back from his captive towards a dark corner but to no avail escape had finally captivated himself in the excess...

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Relatives from Out of Town A Halloween Story

I think the wee folk are playing with me, but this is the story the Pixies gave me for this year’s Halloween specials. It rolls some Celtic traditions in with some other traditions from the old times to present a tale of a witch who isn’t really a witch... except that she is. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =It all started when cousin Bridget made her prophecy. Bridget has always been a very weird little girl. Perhaps I should say she has always been a very weird... and very little......

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In The Parking Garage

Man, you guys will not believe what just happened to me. I'm sitting in my car, at the University just minding my business, looking at porn how I usualy do, while I'm waiting for my girlfriend to get done with class. Well usualy I'm more alert, but today I was so horny, looking at this little blonde girl sucking a big black cock, usualy I would turn it off as I seen someone coming. But I was so caught up that I didn't notice, beautiful, dark haired student walk up behind my car, I guess she...


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