UnconqueredChapter 8 free porn video

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Ember, the Glorious Unconquered, shatterer of chains and toppler of thrones, stood in the doorway to his own bedroom, with his Ruby and his Amythest wife standing to either side of him, each gaping at the scene before them. Laying on his belly in the middle of the bed was Jerin Kah, the Infused Knight of Wood and loyal servant of the evil Regent. He had been stripped, hogtied, and was currently looking halfway to panicking, while Ceaith, the catgirl that had nearly gotten Ember killed several times now, stood behind him, pouring liberal amounts of lubricant over the purple strapon that she had slipped around her still clothed thighs.

The fact that Ceaith was also Ember’s Lapis, one of the five Lunar wives that he had been magically wed to the instant he had become the eleventh Unconquered, just made the situation more surreal for him.

“How did he get out of the brig?” Ember asked, pointing at Jerin.

“How did she get on this ship?” Chirp asked, glancing at the window that showed the swirling, infinite mass of the Sunder that spread out in every direction around the Starshrike.

“How did she get that strapon?” Xora asked, her eyes focused on the slippery, slick looking sex toy. Ceaith grinned at her and tossed the empty lubricant bottle over her shoulder.

“Will any of you help me?” Jerin Kah asked, whimpering as he craned his head back at the sound of the bottle striking the carpeted floor. “I’m not into this!”

“No,” every single member of the Solar/Lunar sextet said at the same moment, in the same tone of voice.

“To answer the questions in the order in which the were asked,” Ceaith said, smirking insolently at Ember, then slid up behind Jerin Kah. Her strap on bumped against his thigh as she leaned over, growling in his ear. “Why don’t you tell me what I wanna know before I show that pretty infused butt of yours whose boss.”

“Okay! Okay!” Jerin said, nodding hurriedly.

“Good, I-” Ceaith started.

“You didn’t answer any of our questions!” Ember snapped, stepping forward. “And you’re not going to just rape a prisoner. I won’t allow it.”

Ceaith looked at him, then mouthed something slowly at him. Ember’s brow furrowed. “I’m faking it? What do you mean you’re faking it?” He asked.

Ceaith grabbed onto her massive mane of brown hair. “Arrrrgh!”

“Hah!” Jerin seemed to relax instantly. “I knew you didn’t have the nerve, Lunar.”

Ceaith grabbed the strap and yanked it off, then threw it at Ember’s head. Ember ducked and Xora caught it. The strap vanished almost instantly and Ember stood up, glaring at the catgirl. “What the hell!?” he asked.

“What the hell? What the hell? I’m about to get vital fucking information out of this Regency lapdog because he’s scared that if a finger goes up his butt he stops being a man, and you fucking blow it and you ask me why I’m angry?” Ceaith asked, stabbing her thumb against her chest as she walked over Jerin’s back – casually putting her weight on his spine. Jerin made a sound somewhere between a pillow being compressed in a vice and a curse word. She stepped off the bed, getting as into Ember’s face as it was possible for her to get. Which did require her standing on her tip toes – while Ember was more lithe than broad, he did have a few inches on the other girl. Her tail lashed as she continued speaking. “What do you want to do next, give away the ship because a poor widdle godling got sad and pouted at you? Oh, you could try and fight the entire Regency army non-lethally, because kiwwing people is wrong.” She pouted, fluttering her eyes at him in a way that was definitely meant to be insulting.

Ember crossed his arms over his chest. “Jerin Kah has joined our side.”

“Right! Of course! An Infused Knight just switched sides, great job Unconquered,” Ceaith said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ember’s temple twitched as he scowled. “Listen. I’ve got just enough patience for one June, not two.”

“Considering how she’s the only hot one-”

“Hey!” Ember snapped. “Xora is super hot! And Chirp is even hotter! Except they’re the same level of hotness, because I don’t put any of my wives on a pedestal.”

“Wives, right,” Ceaith said, rolling her eyes. She put her palm on Ember’s chest, pushing him against the door frame as she stalked past him. “Tell me how that works out for you.”

Ember gaped after her. “Hey! You’re one of them!”

Ceaith, who had gotten remarkably far down the corridor in the short time it took for Ember to collect himself, stopped. Her hands clenched and uncleaned. The fingerless leather gloves she wore creaked around her knuckles. “What did you say?” she asked.

“You’ve got a lapis soul gem,” Ember said, stepping away from the door. “Ergo-”

Ceaith spun to face him. “I’m never. Ever. Ever going to consent to being your wife,” she said, glaring right at him. “I didn’t ask to be chosen to be the Lapis. I didn’t ask to be told that I’m going to be responsible for fixing up every little fuckup in the Land. I didn’t ask any of the gods for any of this bullshit!” She thrust her finger at him. “So if you think you can stick your dick in me-”

“I don’t!” Ember shouted back, stepping forward.

“What? You don’t want to fuck me?” Ceaith asked, glaring up at him.

“Of course I do!” Ember said, glaring at her, panting as their noses almost bumped.

Ceaith panted back. Energy seemed to crackle between them. Xora and Chirp watched from around the corner of the doorframe. Ceaith’s ears flattened back against her head as she glared up at him. “W-Well ... I don’t,” she said, her voice very definite.

“Then fine!” Ember said, stepping backwards, blushing as he crossed his arms over his chest. His heart was hammering a million miles an hour – maybe faster. “Fine.”

“Fine?” Ceaith asked.

“Fine!” Ember said, nodding. “I ... I’m not going to ... I don’t...” He closed his eyes, trying to think straight. Part of him wanted to keep shouting at Ceaith for how she had acted – both here and in the Goblin Market. But another part of him, the part of him that had spent his entire life watching people treat June like shit, said: Hey, hold on. Look at things from her perspective. She didn’t choose to have this happen to her. She didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask for this. But we got it. So, don’t be a dick about it. And so, Ember breathed out a slow sigh.

“I’m not going to force you to do anything, Ceaith,” he said, quietly. “But while we didn’t choose to be married, we are. T-Through magic.” He gulped. “And that means trying to make this work.” He held out his hand. “Partners?”

Ceaith opened her mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. Then, almost more angry now than she had been early: “How fucking dare you be ... fucking reasonable about this!”

“What?” Ember asked, completely non-plussed.

“I ... was getting a good fucking angry all built up and you’ve shot a hole right through it. Dick.” Ceaith crossed her arms over her chest, ducking her head forward. Her hair was bristling outwards, like a cat fluffing up when threatened by a predator or a particularly ominous cloud.

Ember snorted. “You can punch me in the face if-”

Ceaith punched him in the face.

Ember blinked a few times. It hadn’t actually hurt. Her knuckles had glanced off his jaw and left his head tingling from the impact. He rubbed his jaw and noticed that a slight golden glow flickered around his fingertips – a tiny anima spark from where he had toughened himself up. He grinned. “Feel better?”

Ceaith rubbed her knuckles, then smirked. “Can I use my claws?”


“Eh, it’ll do,” she said, shrugging one shoulder. She brushed past him, then paused, halfway between him and the door to where Jerin Kah was tied up. “If I can’t interrogate him, can I at least get what he’s told you about Iremire?”

“Iremire...” Ember rubbed his cheek more. “That’s where we’re going, Ceaith. We’re going to find out how the Regency makes Infused Knights.” He smiled. “We’re basically on the same mission.”

Ceaith paused. “Yeah...” She said. But he could almost smell she was holding something back. Ember stepped slightly forward, reaching out – every instinct he had wanted to sweep Ceaith into his embrace. To nuzzle up against that massive mane of brown hair that she had. To pet her. Gods. He wanted to hear her purr more than he wanted to breathe oxygen. But he clenched his hands and clasped his hands behind his back and tried to ignore the way Ceaith unconsciously leaned towards him.

“Why are you actually going?” Xora asked.

Ceaith snorted. “Ah. Right. Ember can’t ask cause he has to earn his Nice Guy points so he gets to fuck my gay ass.” She shook her head. Xora, her blue cheeks darkening, shook her head.

“No, that’s not-”

“My sister,” Ceaith said, quietly. “She was taken to Iremire. I want to find her. Okay?”

“Wait, did you say gay?” Ember asked, blinking.

Ceaith looked at the ceiling. “Yes. Gay. Like your friend June, I like pussy. I like girls. I like women. I like everything you’re not.” She turned around, scowling at him. “Got it?”

“Yeah!” Ember said, nodding. “I mean, sure. Right. Cool.” He coughed, then nodded again, holding out his hand. “I shall comport myself with, uh, respect! Towards your ... feelings. And not ... be...” He trailed off. “Bad?”

Ceaith looked at him. Then down at his hand. Then back at him. Her left ear twitched. “You’re such a fucking dork.”

“Man, you would get along with June,” Ember whispered.

Ceaith grinned. “Who do you think let me on board.” She licked her lips. Very salaciously.

Ember probed at his own feelings, the same way he might have poked at a broken tooth with his tongue. He tensed, half expecting every emotion that he had been taught to feel welling up. Jealousy. Anger. Humiliation. After all, Ceaith had basically just said that his best friend had fucked his wife, before he’d even gotten a chance to kiss her. Or touch her in a non-martial arts battle related fashion. But instead of feeling any of those emotions, the only thing that Ember felt in his breast was a growing sense of...


He grinned, then gave her a thumbs up. “Nice!”

Ceaith snorted, her ears flicking up. “Maybe this’ll work after all, dork.”

Chirp and Xora smiled at one another.

“Also, I’m going to be fucking her,” Ceaith said, jerking her thumb at Xora, then to Chirp. “And them, if they bottom.”

“They do!” Ember said – causing Chirp to squeak and duck behind the door.

“Niiiiice...” Ceaith purred.

The Starshrike’s passage through the Sunder was faster and safer than it would have been through the surface world. But it was not so instantaneous that it could be brushed through with a sentence, and yet, so much of it was the tiny mundanity that the great epics do not speak of. They talk of the Unconquered striding the world and smiting his foes. They rarely speak of Ember, laying with his head in Xora’s lap and his legs crooked over Chirp’s legs, speaking animatedly of his youth in the village while Chirp and Xora giggled.

They rarely speak of the training regimes – glossing over them with a single phrase. They don’t speak of the one handed push ups in the cargo hold while Goat stood on his back and smoked a pipe. They didn’t speak of how all three Lunars watched, Chirp waving their hands over their head and shouting encouragement, while Ceaith ate fruits and spat the pits in arcing patterns that landed around Ember’s head.

The epics did not speak of the stilted, tense conversations between a man and wife, married by magic and fate, not by any inclination, as they both tried to maintain a civil attitude with one another.

But as was the way of such things, all journeys came to an end.

Ember, his wives, Goat, June and Jerin Kah all met in the briefing room of the Starshrike, which Ember had initially thought was a very large, very strange kitchen. But with the Shrike’s engines back on, the huge table in the middle had proved its use: It was able to, like June, project glowing images of whatever they wanted. June had figured out how to use it and was using it, currently, to let Jerin Kah give them information about Iremire Cauldron before they arrived. It currently looked like a bowl, but the rim of the bowl were mountains. The base of the bowl was filled with a red liquid that burbled ominously, and from the center of that base rose a sheer, black island, which itself had a sheer black tower built onto it. Large, gull winged ships that had massive balloons underneath each wing floated in the air around the mountains.

“So, two skyships,” June said, frowning. “Dragon class.”

“Is that bad?” Ember asked, leaning forward to examine the skyships. Their prows had large, snarling dragon heads carved in the place where the Starshrike had a tapered point.

“They’re armed with enough mana cannons to glass the entire village of Rataka with a quarter of their broadside,” June said. “And Iremire itself has enough magitech hate to throw into the air to refight the Battle of the Three Legged Dog.”

“What happened to the dog?” Xora asked.

“The battle didn’t involve a dog,” Goat said, cheerfully. “It was called that because the general on one side was a human-dog hybrid, and he had this huge-”

“Anyway,” June said, cutting her sifu off. “Jerin, got any more things to say about the defenses?”

“Well, beyond the fact that it has a compliment of Infused Knights backed up by a whole legion of Legionaries?” Jerin asked, shrugging his shoulders. “Not really.”

“Right, right,” June said.

“Where are we going to emerge?” Chirp asked.

“See this red goop?” June said, pointing down at the basin in the center of the bowl of mountains. “That’s sunderstuff. Iremire pumps it out of the deep chaos using focused induction fields. They then use it for raw material, I think.”

“Can we fit up the pipes?” Ember asked.

“Lets see, they’re roughly the width of your dick and are exposed to high pressured, high speed, sunderstuff that’s cold enough to flash freeze a god at all times. So, yeah, sounds reasonable,” June said.

Ceaith snorted. She was lounging in the back of the room, where she could watch everyone with her blue/green eyes.

Ember rubbed his chin. “I have an idea.”

“Oh boy,” June said.

Ember stated his idea.

Silence filled the room.

“Can Ember, Xora, and Ceaith hold their breath that long?” Goat asked.

“Yes,” Xora said, blushing. “Don’t ask me how I know that.”

“Yup,” Ceaith said. “And it’s cause a goddess sat on my face at least twice as long.”

“Ladies,” Ember said, making finger guns.

Goat grinned. “Sounds good.”

June groaned.

Chirp looked as if they were about to faint out of pure terror.

The afternoon shift on the walls of Iremire was an unpleasant one. For Legionnaire Keth and Legionnaire Suul, it was an unpleasentness they were both still getting too. Keth and Suul had been transferred to Iremire from their postings in the cushy south – where the deserts were huge and mostly uninhabited, the cities were loyal, and the women were beautiful, plentiful, and loved women in uniform. Keth tried to not think of the luminous southern beauties, with their dusky skin, their bright red hair, their golden body paint. Keth tried to not think of the huge, silken sheets of the bed that she had been billeted to in the Imperial Garrison – the Garrison that had been constructed out of solid gold by a grateful southern populace.

But it was so damn hard, especially when she was trudging along the flat, black top of the Iremire’s walls. The sun shone down overhead, with an unmercifully harsh glare, and the sky was completely clear of any clouds. To her left, there was the central keep of Iremire – where the rest of the legion was drilling, and the distant sound of crackling lightning and screaming prisoners could be heard. To her right, there was the sheer drop, almost five hundred feet straight down into bubbling sunderstuff that served as the Iremire’s moat.

Sweat beaded on her forehead, dripping down her nose while her armor clinked and rustled with every step, her spear feeling heavy in her hand. Behind her, Suul trudged forward, her breath soft and panting.

“Remember Hashin?” she asked.

“No ... no, not Hashin,” Keth moaned, her eyes closing. “Don’t remind me of Hashin.”

“Remember that trick she could do with her-”

“Please, Suul, stop,” Keth stopped in her trudging. She turned back to look at the lantern jawed face of her comrade in arms. “I don’t want to remember Hashin.”

“What about Triss?”

“Not Triss,” Keth said. “Nor Linda, nor Berie, nor Xandi, or Candi, nor any of them.”

“ ... what about-”

“What the fuck is that?” Keth asked.

Suul and her stepped over to the side of the wall. Because Iremire wasn’t designed for sieges, the edge of the wall lacked proper crenelations. And because Iremire was designed by madmen, for madmen, it lacked a guide rail at all. This meant both Legionaries gave it a severe berth, craning forward to peek over the edge while still giving themselves plenty of space before getting even slightly close to the straight drop into the mutagenic broth that served as Iremire’s moat. But below them, they could see a small, white shape zipping up towards them. Suul’s brow furrowed, but Keth shook her head slightly.

“It’s just a bat,” she said as the bat finished flapping up – chirping rhythmically, as if it was trying to pace itself out. It was a cute little thing. It looked like a drakhul bat, but someone had taken the normally sleek, predatory frame of one and turned the poofiness up until it was essentially all poof. Keth grinned.

“Look at that cutie,” Suul said.

The bat flapped between them.

Then it transformed into a slender, pale white skinned enby with long pointed ears, sharp fangs, and bright red eyes, who immediately kicked out with both legs, caught both Legionaries on their jaw, and then dropped, all three of them touching down at the same moment. Suul’s helmet rolled away and fell right over the edge of the wall as Chirp focused, their soulgem glowing. Ember shot out, feet first, landing on his back next to the dazed Keth. He drew in a deep, gasping breath. “Holy fuck,” he whispered. “It is really c-”

Xora landed on him.

Then Ceaith on her.

In a shockingly short time, Ember was standing and dressed in a legionaries’ uniform, while his three Lunar wives were all dressed in similar uniforms. As Chirp fastened their helmet on, Xora looked down at the two Legionaries that Ceaith was dragging towards the nearest guardhouse on the wall. Then she looked over at Ceaith and Ember.

“But there-”

“Unconquered,” Ember said, flicking some golden light away from his fingertips.


“Unconquered!” Ember said, grinning at her.

Ceaith sauntered back, cracking her knuckles as she glanced around the walls. Two more Legionaries had just emerged from the guardhouse at the far end of the wall and were beginning their patrol. “What are the chances that those two find the two we tied up?” Ember asked. Then his eyes widened. “Jerin!”

“Jerin?” Chirp asked. Then their eyes widened. “Jerin!”

Jerin Kah crashed onto the wall between the four of them, his face slack, eyes staring. Ember dropped to his knee, his armor clacking slightly. “Oh gods, he’s not breathing!” He grabbed onto Jerin Kah’s face.

“Breathe into him!” Chirp squeaked.

“That’s how you fix drowning!” Xora said, nodding. “Draw a breath, then breathe into him!”

Ember nodded. He drew a breath, a tiny gold flicker crackling around his mouth. Then he leaned down and pressed his mouth to Jerin Kah’s, breathing into him. Jerin’s chest swelled and then went slack – and then his tongue swept into Ember’s mouth, his hand reaching up to cradle and cup the back of Ember’s head. The kiss went on for another few moments, Ember kissing back with a resolute, determined intensity. Ceaith, who was watching this with a little grni, said: “You know, the kissing isn’t actually necessary right?”

Ember jerked back, gasping. “Oh!” he said. “I thought-”

Jerin sprang to his feet. “Hah! Guess it took you longer to subdue the noble legionaries than you expected, huh?” He asked, adjusting his uniform.

Chirp and Xora exchanged glances. Then Chirp and Ember exchanged glances.

“S-Sure!” Chirp said, nodding.

The interior of Iremire was just as unpleasant as the exterior. The corridors were all very high and very narrow, with ceiling lights that glowed with a pale red light, washing everything in hues of blood red. The stone that they walked along was smooth and black – and Ember swore that he saw a ghostly face every few feet, pressing against the glassy surface. “What are ... what is this place built out of?” he asked, softly as Jerin Kah led them along.

“Soulcidian,” Jerin said.

Ember stopped dead. Chirp walked straight into him and even Ceaith looked shocked, her normally cool, unflappable air shattering as she hissed: “Excusafuckingwhat?”

Jerin turned back. “What?” he asked.

“You built this place ... out of dead people?” Ember whispered. Chirp hugged him from behind.

“No, no, no,” Jerin said, shaking his head. “Soulcidian isn’t dead people. It’s a magical material that stores dead people.” He placed his hand on Ember’s shoulder. “This entire place is one big spiritual magnet, so that prisoners who kill themselves cannot escape into the cycle of reincarnation.”

Ember gaped at him.

“And you thought this was okay?” Chirp squeaked.

“I mean, they’re bad guys,” Jerin Kah said, nodding.

“Like me?” Ember asked. “Or my villagers?”

Jerin opened his mouth. Closed it. He frowned. Then he turned. “Come on. The laboratories are this way, I think.”

They rounded a bend and came into a large chamber that looked as if it served as the arterial junction between many other parts of Iremire prison. There was a central desk with a bored looking functionary sitting at it, their high cap set with a lapis gemstone, almost as if they were a parody of Ceaith’s status as a Lapis Lunar. Their forehead, though, had the more standard black bead that people in the Regency seemed to have for their gemstone. Several other people were walking past. Some of them were Legionaries in heavy armor. One was a woman with heavy goggles on her face and a thick white robe that made Ember think of a chef or a cook. She was the one who glanced over at them first.

“Jerin? Jerin Kah?” She asked.

“Doctor Craven!” Jerin said, stepping forward, taking her gloved hand and kissing it. “A pleasure to see you again.”

“Oh Kah, you’re incorrigible,” she said, giggling.

“That isn’t how you put it last time we met,” Jerin purred.

Doctor Craven giggled again, like a school girl. “You mean the first time we met?”

Ember opened his mouth to speak, then clamped it shut, remembering he was supposed to just be an ordinary legionnaire. Ordinary rank and file types didn’t ask the Infused Knights if they had really gone straight from the infusion process to banging their doctor on the slab. But Jerin, remembering their mission, said: “We’re here looking for a specific prisoner.” He nodded. Ceaith relaxed fractionally behind them and Ember reached back subtly to take her hand, squeezing it.

“Who?” Craven asked.

“One Thalina,” Jerin said. “She was picked up in a rebellion sweep in the north, I believe. High command wants her for more questioning.”

“Ah...” Craven tapped her goggles. They glowed and whirred, spirals appearing on them. “Oh! Oh, she’s part of Batch-2. I’m sorry, she...” She shook her head. “We’ll have her soulgem for you in an hour.”

“I need to talk to her now, in this life,” Jerin said.

Ember saw that Craven’s resolve was firming. “Sorry, Jerin. Only members of the thaumatechs are-”

Ember knew that they couldn’t waste time. Every second was another second that Batch-2 might get ... whatever happened to batches here. He knew it couldn’t be good. And so, he stepped forward, took hold of Craven’s wrist, then leaned in close. He whispered into her ear, trying to sound as deadly serious as he could. “I suggest you take us there right now or else we’re going to have serious trouble.” He managed to impart a crack of command into those words without his anima glowing to life beyond a subtle spark that flew from between his lips and swept into Craven’s ears. Behind her goggles, her eyes widened.

“I suggest you listen to my uncomperable friend here,” Jerin whispered.

“R ... Right,” Craven whispered. She started to walk forward. “C-Come along.”

Ember moved to walk beside Craven, with Jerin to her other side. The lunars followed after, but Ember could feel Ceaith’s urge to sprint ahead, barely kept in check by the needs of stealth. They came to a set of stairs, which led down – the temperature growing from overwhelmingly hot to merely unpleasantly warm to actually rather chilly. At the bottom of the stairs was a large door of brass and wood, with a strange set of glass tubes mounted on a pair of hinged arms. Craven took hold of those, leaned forward, and set them against her eyes. The tubes glowed and the door chirruped, then swung inwards. Here, the walls were made of solid brass, not soulcidian. Stepping out of the cold black corridor should have been a relief, but for some reason, Ember was feeling more and more uneasy by the moments.

Craven’s hands shook as she walked. “I-I’ll have you know, I’m just a thaumatech. I don’t ... I don’t make any of the decisions, I just ... work the machines.”

“That’s not a great way for us to begin our relationship,” Ceaith growled, her claws springing out of her fingertips. “What the fuck are you people doing here?”

Craven ducked her head forward as they came to a set of corridors, each one leading to a different room. Each room had a glass window in it and one of them had another thaumatech standing in it. He glanced back and saw them. “Craven! What the fuck are you- that’s an IK!” He pointed at Jerin – but Ember was already in the room, tugging off his helmet. He used the helmet to whack the thaumatech onto his back, stepping up to the glass. He looked into a room ... and was filled with not horror, but rather, confusion.

The room had about fifty people in it. They were of every kith, clan and breed. He saw men and women and even a few children. They looked terrified and all of them were dressed in a cheap white smock, some of them already frayed and tattered. They were crammed into the room so tight that they could barely move. But he saw Ceaith’s sister almost immediately – she was the other catgirl. Though she looked utterly terrified, unlike Ceaith’s normal expression of confidence.

“What is-” Ember started.

The ceiling glowed.

Pillars extended out of the ceiling, each one tipped with a brass orb. It roiled and crackled with green lightning – which slammed down into the foreheads of each of the people in the room. At the same instant, each person in the room screamed. Their fingers clawed at their heads, their bodies writhing and straining with pain. Muscles strained and veins bulged as their howls reached a pitch so high that it could be heard, if faintly, through the glass as the strobing green lightning pulsed into them again and again. Ember’s eyes widened and he drew his fist back.

He punched the glass.

“What are you doing!?” the man he had knocked over shouted. “That’s solid adamant-”

Ember drew his fist back again.

When he punched again, his whole body exploded with golden radiance. Flames roiled along his arms and shimmering dragons played around his body as his anima flared like a bonfire. His knuckles struck a glancing blow against the adamant window. The window shivered, like a leaf in the breze. Then it shattered. Then the wall around it shattered as well. The roaring sound of the metal tearing itself apart was nearly as loud as the screams from the people in the room. But as the dust cleared and Ember stepped into the room, his anima glowing ... every single strand of green lightning leaped from their initial victims, drawn from them...

To him.

The lightning bolts slammed into Ember’s soulgem and he staggered to one knee. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt before in his life roared through him. His nerves burned and his bones sang like crystal. His skin rippled and his muscles tightened. He couldn’t even scream. His eyes closed as he felt the glowing spark of his own life dimming within him. He gasped – and then a blurring shape shot past him. He opened one eye – and saw Chirp, Ceaith, and Xora. They had drawn the legionarie swords they had taken, and were slashing through the air. One after another, the bronze orbs were sheered in half as they leaped again and again and again, moving like graceful dancers.

With each bolt that was ended, Ember felt the pain lessen, then lessen, then lessen again.

Ceaith landed by her sister, hugging her tightly as the last of the orbs was felled. “Thally!”

Ember grinned. “Hah...” he said. “Got em.”

The thaumatech was beginning to creep slowly to the side of the room, crab walking, as if he was worried standing up would draw more attention to him than standing. Ember was beaten to the punch by Jerin – who picked him up and then slammed him against the wall. “What the fuck is this?” Jerin snarled. “There are children in there – what the fuck are you doing here?”

Same as Unconquered
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The Business TripChapter 3

Darren nuzzled his face into Marcia’s hair and inhaled her scent. “Are you sleepy?” she asked. “Not really. I’m enjoying the closeness.” “I didn’t think guys cared about closeness.” “Some of us do. This guy does.” “Feels good to me.” “Does it still feel wrong?” he asked. “No ... Not now.” “You said you’re drawn to me,” he said. “Like a moth to a flame.” “Why?” “Because of how you make me feel,” she replied. “I mean -- I never thought I’d fall for an older man.” “I’m not that much...

2 years ago
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Dark Tales

PLEASE READ! Hi! It's been a very long time since I've updated this and I apologize for that. I decided that I would start writing again and instead focus on one story instead of many. Sorry if you prefer one of the other stories, I might go back to them someday but right now I only have time for one. The story I will write will be a new story that is loosely based off the second story and can be found here. I will try to include some images to make it more interesting. The story can be found...

3 years ago
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Back Dive Ch 07

Ch. 07 – Inspired Swimming and Diving The Diving: Sullivan had three dives in the finals scheduled for early afternoon. He and the other finalists warmed up as the distance swimmers finished their events. The team competition was not going very well. Sullivan’s team was in a disappointing third place. It looked like the two high school swimmers were going to place in the distance swim, which would mean points they had not counted on. However Sullivan was in eighth place in the 3-meter...

1 year ago
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mom8217s friend8230my lover

By: gopi Hai ISS readers! My name is gopi, 21. I am great fan of this website. So here is real life incident. This is the incident which took 6 months back, where I fucked my mom’s friend. Her name is Geetha (name changed). She was 45. Let me tell her figure. 40DD/32/44. U guess right! She is very much fat. I love her ass, pussy, boobs ahaaaa. Incident was like this once I went to Geetha aunt’s home to give her some utensils which my mom told to give her back. When I reached her home I saw no...

3 years ago
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Trekking Trip To Three Pussies 8211 Part 1 Bang In The Train

It was summertime and after completion of 6th semester’s exams of my engineering, the vacation was going on. I was a bit bored and my friends from college went to their native place for vacation. While surfing on the internet, I saw an Ad of trekking trip to Manali and my mind thought why not go for it? I was alone and but felt that I will be able to find friends from the trip group. I somehow managed to convince my parents as they were not letting me go alone. Immediately, I booked the trip...

2 years ago
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Librarian Conference Part I

Mary hesitated for a moment at the door. She knew the man inside, professionally. He was a brilliant writer and she found him fascinating, yet what she was about to enter into was completely different. As a librarian, she really appreciated him. But as a woman, could the same be said? She’d come this far, she couldn’t chicken out now. She knocked on the hotel door tentatively, not knowing what to expect. The door swung open. Inside, the suite was dark. She couldn’t see beyond the hallway that...

3 years ago
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Mrs Patterson

With Christmas approaching, it wasn’t uncommon for the sales and installation of TVs to drastically increase. Apparently Mrs. Patterson decided she needed a new TV in their master bedroom which, as he always happened to do, Mr. Patterson was happy to oblige for her. The call came in a week before Christmas with the plans of having it mounted and fully operational by Christmas day. Picking up the work order, I was thinking I only had to mount the new TV and then leave the old one to do as they...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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knapped by an Alien Chapter 6

Catherine began to fuck her with the strapon, Susi's insides clinging to the strapon as she dragged it from her clenching asshole, only to push it back in again, each time going deeper. Each time Catherine forced her open to the large strapon, the bottle can sized head of her strapon tearing her open. “You have half of it now, Susi, can you feel my strapon in your hot and tight asshole,” fucking her with a powerful thrust that knocked the air from her lungs.“WWWHHHOOOSSHH, OOOWW,” Susi yelled,...

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Saath Sex Pehli Baar

Mera naam Vicky hai. Main north ka rehnewala hoon. Meri height 5’8 hai aur athletic body hai. Mera khaas dost hai Jolly. Wo bhi north se hi hai. Hum bahot saalo se dost hai. Humare bich koi secret nahi hota. Hum jyadatar waqt saath hi hote hai. Yeh kahani us waqt ki hai jab hum college me the. Ek baar humne hill-station ghumne jaane ka plan banaya. Koi dost ready nahi tha is liye hum dono hi chale gaye. Hill-station ka mausam bahut hi suhana tha. Halki barish aur fog rehta tha pure din. Hum...

2 years ago
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I'm in my early 30's and my mother-in-law is around 50 and for years now i have sniffing and licking her dirty panties until last summer. one Saturday afternoon i went over to my mother-in-laws as i do every weekend yo mow her lawn,after i finished the lawn i went inside she wasn't home like normal so i went to her room like i do every week and went through her laundry and found a how pair of light pink cotton panties. i sat on the floor against the bed and jerked off as i smelled the dirty...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Nami Petite asian hot wife loves cock

– 45 years old – She is married to her high school sweet heart – She also had a live in boyfriend fuck buddy – Husband travels a lot for work so she has backup dick – The boyfriend and her like to play with other couples – She is bi sexual and might get a girlfriend someday too – Her favorite thing to do to a man is suck cock – She likes when a long cock is shoved down her throat – Loves to swallow and taste cum – She allowed me to fuck her super tight almost virgin asshole – Not afraid to get...

1 year ago
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loosing my virginity

I going to tell you about the time I lost my virginity. I lost the virginity in all three holes with in an hour’s time. I was 14 years old and back then, I was a very hot and petite little thing and I knew I had the goods. All the boys chased me and I pretty much was a prick tease. I went to a Jr. Sr. school which is 7th grade through 12th grade, and my 17 year old brother was a popular football player and always protected me and watched me like a hawk. With my parents being so...

2 years ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 4

Bashar picked up the pottery food storage containers from the underground room three days after the gate was installed. During those three days away from the dig Johnny stayed busy by operating what amounted to a free clinic for the local villagers. He set up an awning outside the dispensary and treated anyone who walked up. Word of the clinic spread quickly and he and Hala stayed busy. For Johnny, treating the ill and injured without the pressure of collecting exorbitant fees, was what...

2 years ago
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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 1

Hello everyone, this is Diganth and I am 24 years old. I am 5 feet 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, I am a medium built guy with a 6″ size dick. This is a real story and it’s quite lengthy so, I have written them in parts. Readers who have missed my other stories please do read and enjoy. The person involved here is Ashu whom I have had sex with earlier in my previous story. I hope everyone is safe during this time...

4 years ago
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It was early March. I was in my senior year of high school, sitting in a chair in a Chapters bookstore and reading a Neil Gaiman book when I had the peculiar feeling of eyes gazing all over my bare legs and big breasts that peeked out of my tight halter top. Depending on my mood, sometimes I like to be watched. When I looked up, I was caught off guard by a tall raven-haired beauty staring at me. She wore a pale blue sundress with a plunging neckline and skirt that stopped short above her...

1 year ago
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Kim blackmailed part 5

Bonnie: ok bitch, time to take that skirt up a bit (with an evil grin) Kim waited some seconds before she did what Bonnie had asked for. Bonnie: not like that whore, I want it up so you are sitting on your ass, and everyone trying to peak will see what they want. Kim took a deep breath before she stood slightly up to take her skirt up. As she did that she knew that she was dripping wet and that anyone who would look down under her desk would see her naked, shaved cunt. Bonnie then turned up...

2 years ago
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TangoChapter 2

Mrs Margo Richmond was relaxing in her bath-tub after a trying day at her office. With her head rested back and her eyes closed she softly sponged her breasts as her thoughts swam around her head. Her day had started well enough, having carefully dressed in a prim grey formal suit that subtlety showed off her sensual lithesome figure. She’d had an important staff meeting with her underlings and at 39 she still enjoyed the lecherous admiration from male colleagues, for there was no doubt...

4 years ago
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I Walked Away With a RedheadChapter 10

We would be three going to my parents’ house. I had talked with my mother and all was well. We talked about traveling with three and would use Morgan’s SUV for the trip. I packed and went over to their house. I drove up and saw Morgan’s SUV in the garage as I pulled up. She was waiting. She popped out and hugged and kissed me. She said, “Evan, it’s good to see you. Let me back out and you pull into my place. If there’s any weather, you will be undercover.” “Thanks. That’s one thing I look...

2 years ago
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The Dog Licked Us

My wife and I love sex and anything sexual. We are in our mid 40's and are always doing it. Our religion does not permit sexual activity with other people, although we often share our fantasies with each other about which of our friends we would like to fuck, and who we would swap with if we could. You know - the normal hyper sexual stuff. Yesterday was Mother's Day. After our family had been to the in-laws house for lunch, our kids decided to stay for a movie with the grandparents. My...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 37

At five o'clock the four of us walked into a restaurant, having made reservations previously. Alan and I looked quite respectable in suit and tie, but the girls, that was a whole different dimension. Getting dressed, Cindy asked, "Are you SURE, Dan? I mean, another dark green dress?" "You don't like it?" "Oh, no, baby, I think it's beautiful. But..." she started. "I just think that it sets your hair off perfectly. You're beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. And I can't help but...

4 years ago
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High Seas Pirate

There's something great about pirate settings for erotica. I'm trying out stats/variables for a more RPG experience, so hit the 'Start' Game' button. Hit the 'customize' tab to set your own name. If you enjoy the story, feel free to add it to your favorites or leave some likes on the chapters. You are a lowly crew member—named Jack—on a pirate ship, with dreams of one day being captain of your own ship....and hopefully finding plenty of plunder and booty on the way. You wake up with a start....

4 years ago
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Me My Girlfriend and Her Mom Part 4

For three days, a sexual fire burned in the beach house. Ashley and Jill stopped going to work, Ashley even stopped going to classes. They stayed locked in home, constantly fucking like their lives depended on it. They started their days waking up in Jill’s bed, their naked bodies intertwined, still sticky from the night before. Whoever woke up first would go down on the other. As promised, the first morning after their threesome began with Jill on her stomach, shaken from sleep by the...

3 years ago
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Hiring a HousekeeperChapter 14

Bill slowly floated up from the deepest sleep he could ever remember. He was warm but was having trouble breathing. Something was pressing him down. Something was touching his sides and was on top of him. Disjointed pieces of memory floated in his mind as he tried to make sense of where he was and what he was doing. He moved one arm and froze. The memories crashed home when he heard a moan beside him and felt a hard breast pressed against his side. Bill opened his eyes and slowly turned his...

1 year ago
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My times with Madam Part 1

This is a bit of a long but true story of a relationship with a woman some 20 years older than me. I first met her in Manchester and chatted to her about photography. She said that she had an interest in taking photos of her friends. I then got an invite to pop around if I was passing for a coffee. Several weeks later I happened to be in Manchester so gave her a call. She was only too pleased to let me visit that afternoon so that we could chat. I really didn't know where this was going, only...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Married Lady Who Lied As Single Part II

Hi guys Ramesh again here with my second part of story. For the first part, search with same name part 1. For those who don’t know I will introduce myself first. I am a 28 years old Software engineer residing in Bangalore, looking for open relationship with females. Mail me your comments and feedback here at and get free lifetime pleasure if interested. Coming to story my heroine is a married lady Kruthi from Bangalore. We became friends in online chat. Later exchanged phone numbers and...

2 years ago
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Wifes been all go since her Aunt Madge visited, planning the start of her new job. Since then Steph has re-appeared and the girls caught up over drinks. Catching me in the hall way, Steph pecked me on the cheek and her hand cupped by balls through my trousers. Asked if I was ok with the arrangements and perhaps while the wife was out to work she could come over and help out, her hand squeezing the sack a little harder. Extracting myself and saying your always welcome (so the wife heard), the 3...

3 years ago
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Jos Surprise

Jo was told to hurry by her father. Her fourteenth birthday surprise was waiting at Uncle Ed’s. When the chubby, plain, bespectacled little blonde girl and her parents arrived at the remote farm one sunny Saturday, she threw herself at the man-mountain which was her uncle. Ed scooped her up easily and she gripped her legs round her favourite uncle, as the families proceeded to the barn. His massive gnarled hand cupped Jo’s meaty buttocks and his crotch stirred as usual at the heat generated,...

3 years ago
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My friend Sally Part 1

I meet Sally on a sex dating site and although she knew from my advert that I cross dressed we originally meet for straight male / female sex. She was a mature lady with massive boobs who was hot for sex as hubby was unable to provide the service she now desired. We use to meet at a motel half way between where we both lived.After a couple of meetings we got to talking about some more kinky things we would both like to do. One of these for me was meeting her with me as Jenny the sissy maid...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 53

Eventually, we caught a local flight to Brittney. The plane was so small, we took up almost half of it. "You a member of the mile high club, Boss?" Sean asked. "Why; you want to join?" I looked down the aisle. There was an air waitress, but she was at the other end of the cabin. "Seriously?" Sean grinned. "Hell yes!" "You got a clean plug handy?" "Of course!" He chuckled. "I always keep a spare." He rummaged through his bag, found it and gave it to me. "We all wear or...

2 years ago
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Staining the Pure

The lights were dimmed, the overly heavy music turned up to the fullest. I sat on a stool at the busy bar of the downtown club, not yet reaching the climax hour when the real party people showed up. With their overdone makeup, too short, too cheap clothes and screaming like they were wild about the place as if it were a palace. Of course it isn't too early either, the people who wanted a drink and deafening music to drown their thoughts out left as soon as more teens and barely legal adults...

3 years ago
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Sindhi Girl In Mechanical Engineering Interview 8211 Part 2

The remaining of my day went in anticipation of how the interview day will be and what the reaction of every one of my colleagues in college would be. Knowing that it was a dream company in a mechanical college, I was sure it would be crowded and chaotic for this Sindhi girl. But anyway, there was no going back now. I had to give the interview at any cost, as my mom had made it very much clear. And finally, the day of the interview arrived. The interview was to start around morning 8:30, so I...

2 years ago
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Dantes Birthday Present

Dante was a large, muscular man. He was dark complected, and dressed like he had walked out of an American Eagle ad. He liked his women small, but thick. Scarlet was 5’2, with long, curly red hair. She had medium sized breasts, and a very voluptuous ass. She was wearing nothing but a pair of black thigh highs and a pair of black pumps. She was shaved clean for the occasion. The girl, Vanessa, had blonde hair that hung to her waist. She wore it in loose curls that framed her pretty...

1 year ago
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Gamdom popped up in my inbox this morning, and I didn’t initially know what the site was about. Given the fact that I usually review hardcore pornography, I looked at the name and kind of thought it was going to be a BDSM site where all the dominatrixes were showing off their legs. I like bad bitches with sexy gams, so I got out the lube and settled in to start my day with a kinky fap. Imagine my surprise when I pulled up the front page, fully hard and lubed up, and found a gambling site...

Betting Sites
1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mary Rock Stacy Cruz Two Pussies One Cock

Enjoying a shower together, Mary Rock and Stacy Cruz get both playful and intimate. Between flinging water at each other and helping one another soap up their breasts and pussies, the girls are clearly ready to enjoy themselves. They continue their flirtation as they get dressed in just the skimpiest of outfits, donning bras and panties as they go to the bedroom where Ricky Rascal awaits them. Climbing into bed with Ricky, Mary and Stacy flank him with kisses. He lets his hands roam freely,...

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A Business Trip The Husbands POV

Hi, Everybody! I wrote this as an exercise, to try things from a different point of view. It was recommended by a friend that I try it this way, as my writing has been in sort of a rut. In this case, I tried a man's POV. I find writing in this view very hard for me, as I am constantly wishing I am the bad girl in this scenario... but oh the fantasies! I'll let the reader discover the plot and perhaps you will leave me comments on it? Oh, and please don't forget the usual copyright blah,...

4 years ago
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Kate and LynChapter 4 Towards the Weekend

That night I lay in bed, wrapped in the darkness, remembering my time with Lyn, savoring the feelings we'd shared. I could not help rubbing myself, one hand lightly stroking my breasts, another between my legs. It wasn't much of a battle; as much as I enjoyed touching my breasts, between my legs made me shiver and nearly come. Two, three times, I tip-toed almost to the edge of orgasm, each time holding back the last little bit. I concentrated on my clit, rubbing it hard and fast, gasping...

2 years ago
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Porn Shop Perv

It's amazing how a person get extremely horny during certain periods each month. There are times I can go for a month, maybe two or three and then suddenly I’m ready to jump onto anyone for a fuck and suck. I crossdress, but I haven't gone out in broad daylight in a while. I purchased panties and stockings to wear to a local adult sex store under my normal clothes. I even shaved a nice landing strip on my pubic mound above my pathetic cock. But I love being smooth and I love feeling hands on my...

3 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 35

Tim had thoroughly enjoyed his lusty fuck with his mother, Sue, the night before. The next day at work, he felt his cock grow into a fully urgent erection from just remembering how hot she'd been as he'd mounted her and then fucked her good until he blasted a babymaking load of his cum deep into her fertile pussy. Tim loved to fuck Sue and he loved to fuck Cindy, too. He loved to fuck every single female in the family that was wiling to lie back, spread her legs for him, and let him blow a...

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Sommertage II

Ein kleine GEWINNSPIEL: :-) --> Die Szenen aus der ERSTEN Geschichte waren alle wahr - bis auf eine! Okay, aus "dramaturgischen Gründen" (so "standfest" bin ich nicht wirklich) wurden die Szenen alle auf einen Tag zusammengeschrumpft. --> Die Szenen der ZWEITEN Geschichte sind alle erfunden - bis auf eine! Das sind alles Fantasien von mir und manche auch von meiner Frau. Super-Preisfrage: Welche Szene dieser zweiten Geschichte ist die echte (d.h. welcher Thread) ? :-) Jede gewünscht Antwort...

2 years ago
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Slut wife Terry Webb from Virgin bride to slut wif

I am truly a "Slut Wife". I actually wear that badge proudly. SLUT means Sex Loving Unfaithful Twat and that sums up who I am. After publishing my photos in hundreds of magazines years ago and being exposed on public beaches and in lots of other public places I finally crossed the line and had an affair. NEVER had either hubby nor myself been with any one else until I strayed but I figured hell I had already been fucked in so many guys minds that I might as well make it happen for real. After a...

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Twisted Stepsister Xll

The last chapter was short so it was put on my blog sorry for that.Starting back on Friday AM I was up at 7:30 short run and then found Jen heading to the tennis court so I joined her. We hit for about an hour. We took a quick shower and jumped in the hot tub for around 30 minutes. Jen took my clippers to my hair so it would short for to nights game then another shower. Time for food so I had an apple and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just messed around until they dropped me off at school...

2 years ago
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Home Again

A.C. Delaney stared up at the tree that had been the bane of his teenage years. Not many blocks in this part of Brooklyn had trees like this, so a lot of activities had circulated around it. It was home base for playing hide and seek. It was the place you all hung out under on a hot summer day. Most importantly, it was the site of "the dare". Ten years ago at the age of twelve, that had been the focus of the most terrifying moment of his young life. That was the day he'd completed one of the...

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One night only

This is of course entirely fictional.I was tired. It was late, near midnight. It had been a long day of meetings, meetings and more meetings. Dinner was even more business. Business travel was never fun and all it ever did was leave me worn out. At least it was a nice hotel, just for once the company had gone to a little expense rather than booking me into the kind of flea pit I usually had to endure.My flight home wasn’t until 6pm the next day and I was trying to decide whether the hotel bar...

3 years ago
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How A Day Of Teasing Led To A DayLong Threesome

Sheila and I started dating after a year of working together. I was an executive in the company and she was a relatively new analyst so we had to keep our relationship secret. However, we both loved public play and the risk of it all. A lot of buildup at work led to a wild night of sex and a threesome the following day. This is how it all unfolded.Sales Meeting - Friday, 9:30amOur weekly sales meeting had just concluded. She stayed to speak with me after. “I have a few questions,” she said. I...

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A Princess New Life

I woke sometime in the night, something was wrong. My bedroom was dark, just like it was supposed to be, but there was a noise I could not place. I took a deep breath trying to clear my head but that was a mistake. Foul tasting fumes filled my lungs. I struggled against whoever was holding me but passed out again. When I woke my head was pounding in time with my heart; The noise of birds singing somewhere was not helping. My eyes felt crusty, my tongue tasted like dirty socks. If it weren’t...

4 years ago
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A world divided

Female´s and futa´s rule the planet, and are divided into 3 factions. Male´s have been hunted almost to extintion, they fight back against the female´s and futa´s. There are some females who belive that males have to right to live and be part of society. Land facton are diveded into 2 groups, the ones that belive female, futa can exist together, and the ones that belive that female and futa´s should rule the plant. The male side of the land faction is ruled by Jack. The famale side is ruled by...

2 years ago
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The beach trip part 2

After a world class blow job on the balcony we moved into the room and went to bed to sleep this time. In the morning, I got up for some coffee and left Tammy sleeping. I slip on my bathing suit and went down to get some breakfast and coffee and bring some back to the room for Tammy also. As I was getting my coffee I looked up and the same guy as the night before was at the counter filling the cereal container. I walked over to talk with him and I asked him if the beach was good today. He...

2 years ago
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Teaching New Position To Young Married Neighbor

We were recently married and lived in an apartment in a big city. Those were the fun days when we were very excited about sex and used to experiment a lot. We had a couple moved in our neighborhood, who were also recently married. Neighborhood lady Mira was in her early 20s, and my wife soon became friends with her. Mira was good looking, with nice figure and her boobs seem to be in good shape from what I could make out from above the dress. They used to talk a lot while I was gone for work.One...

4 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 23

Steve’s fenders bolted ... all the holes fit ... the gauge was correct ... they looked perfect. Better than new. “What colour?” Alice said. “I thought the same as the body,” I said. “I dunno,” she said. “Google?” We looked. I, on my desktop, and she on her laptop. There was a ton of, “That’s nice,” and, “I like that.” A few “Eww’s,” and, one, “That’s positively ugly.” Evidently, we were on the same page because the rejection exclamation was said like twins. “Come here, look at this.”...

1 year ago
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Sex Bomb

Hi folks . I am first to this site and also this is my first submission so please tell me your moments.I am a handsome guy with muscular body and working in MNC here the story begins .  was 18 year old . Just finished my 12 th and waiting to join college . My neighbor is a sex bomb i have masturbated thinking about her many times .Her name is Rnu (name changed) She got married and went to USA when i was studying 12th . i was wishing for a chance to fuck her and time gave me the chance .My...

1 year ago
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The Older Woman Part 3

To my surprise, they called me a few days later for another sitting job. Apparently, everything was cool. I honesty couldn’t quit the tapes, but I was really careful about putting everything back just as I found it. I sat for them one last time late in August -just before I went off to college.They came home that night around 10:00... Told them how the evening went and passed on a few phone messages... The usual routine. Then there was this pause in the conversation. After a few silent moments...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Ivy Lebelle Double Penetration 3Way

Stacked sex goddess Ivy Lebelle calls on therapist Small Hands to help mend her failing relationship. When boyfriend Tommy P. explains his confusion about the situation, Small Hands describes the things he’s doing wrong. Things take a turn when Ivy sucks Mr. Hands’ cock, and the therapy slowly evolves into a kinky anal threesome. Slobber seeps from Ivy’s mouth as she gives a raunchy double blowjob. The dudes take turns plowing her plump ass. Ivy’s cunt squirts...

4 years ago
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A Surprise On The Seventh Hole

After spending a full day golfing with my husband, I decided to write a letter to him, recapping the day's events. That was a great idea for us to go golfing today. I really had a great time. I also enjoyed the dirty talking that we did as we walked the course. It was a beautiful day. The sun was beaming on us, sweat starting to bead on our foreheads, between my boobs and in my pants. It was hot, but not as hot as you or what happened on the seventh hole. As we approached the seventh hole, the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Time for Payback Ch4

Freddy walked out of the airport the Californian sun hit his face. Ok so what to do now Freddy thought to him, how about a car. He made his way to the parking lot. In the parking lot Freddy saw a women who looked to be in her mid thirties getting out of a red BMW he watched her throw her keys in her suitcase and that is when Freddy jumped on this opportunity. He paused time and went through her suitcase and found the keys, Freddy thought about doing something to her but he did not want her to...

1 year ago
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Runner Girl Ch 10

Amy sat on the floor between John’s knees watching TV as he played with her hair. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Thanksgiving,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to, sweetheart, I want to. It’s business as usual in the UK, and I get out of visiting my family.’ ‘I thought you said you love your sisters.’ Amy turned and met his eyes. ‘Don’t you want to see them?’ John laughed, ‘Of course I do, just not on holidays. They’ve all moved to different cities and if I visit one, the other two get their...

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