FamiliesTied Cadence Lux Victoria Voxxx Vampira Moderna
- 2 years ago
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Ember, the Glorious Unconquered, shatterer of chains and toppler of thrones, stood in the doorway to his own bedroom, with his Ruby and his Amythest wife standing to either side of him, each gaping at the scene before them. Laying on his belly in the middle of the bed was Jerin Kah, the Infused Knight of Wood and loyal servant of the evil Regent. He had been stripped, hogtied, and was currently looking halfway to panicking, while Ceaith, the catgirl that had nearly gotten Ember killed several times now, stood behind him, pouring liberal amounts of lubricant over the purple strapon that she had slipped around her still clothed thighs.
The fact that Ceaith was also Ember’s Lapis, one of the five Lunar wives that he had been magically wed to the instant he had become the eleventh Unconquered, just made the situation more surreal for him.
“How did he get out of the brig?” Ember asked, pointing at Jerin.
“How did she get on this ship?” Chirp asked, glancing at the window that showed the swirling, infinite mass of the Sunder that spread out in every direction around the Starshrike.
“How did she get that strapon?” Xora asked, her eyes focused on the slippery, slick looking sex toy. Ceaith grinned at her and tossed the empty lubricant bottle over her shoulder.
“Will any of you help me?” Jerin Kah asked, whimpering as he craned his head back at the sound of the bottle striking the carpeted floor. “I’m not into this!”
“No,” every single member of the Solar/Lunar sextet said at the same moment, in the same tone of voice.
“To answer the questions in the order in which the were asked,” Ceaith said, smirking insolently at Ember, then slid up behind Jerin Kah. Her strap on bumped against his thigh as she leaned over, growling in his ear. “Why don’t you tell me what I wanna know before I show that pretty infused butt of yours whose boss.”
“Okay! Okay!” Jerin said, nodding hurriedly.
“Good, I-” Ceaith started.
“You didn’t answer any of our questions!” Ember snapped, stepping forward. “And you’re not going to just rape a prisoner. I won’t allow it.”
Ceaith looked at him, then mouthed something slowly at him. Ember’s brow furrowed. “I’m faking it? What do you mean you’re faking it?” He asked.
Ceaith grabbed onto her massive mane of brown hair. “Arrrrgh!”
“Hah!” Jerin seemed to relax instantly. “I knew you didn’t have the nerve, Lunar.”
Ceaith grabbed the strap and yanked it off, then threw it at Ember’s head. Ember ducked and Xora caught it. The strap vanished almost instantly and Ember stood up, glaring at the catgirl. “What the hell!?” he asked.
“What the hell? What the hell? I’m about to get vital fucking information out of this Regency lapdog because he’s scared that if a finger goes up his butt he stops being a man, and you fucking blow it and you ask me why I’m angry?” Ceaith asked, stabbing her thumb against her chest as she walked over Jerin’s back – casually putting her weight on his spine. Jerin made a sound somewhere between a pillow being compressed in a vice and a curse word. She stepped off the bed, getting as into Ember’s face as it was possible for her to get. Which did require her standing on her tip toes – while Ember was more lithe than broad, he did have a few inches on the other girl. Her tail lashed as she continued speaking. “What do you want to do next, give away the ship because a poor widdle godling got sad and pouted at you? Oh, you could try and fight the entire Regency army non-lethally, because kiwwing people is wrong.” She pouted, fluttering her eyes at him in a way that was definitely meant to be insulting.
Ember crossed his arms over his chest. “Jerin Kah has joined our side.”
“Right! Of course! An Infused Knight just switched sides, great job Unconquered,” Ceaith said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Ember’s temple twitched as he scowled. “Listen. I’ve got just enough patience for one June, not two.”
“Considering how she’s the only hot one-”
“Hey!” Ember snapped. “Xora is super hot! And Chirp is even hotter! Except they’re the same level of hotness, because I don’t put any of my wives on a pedestal.”
“Wives, right,” Ceaith said, rolling her eyes. She put her palm on Ember’s chest, pushing him against the door frame as she stalked past him. “Tell me how that works out for you.”
Ember gaped after her. “Hey! You’re one of them!”
Ceaith, who had gotten remarkably far down the corridor in the short time it took for Ember to collect himself, stopped. Her hands clenched and uncleaned. The fingerless leather gloves she wore creaked around her knuckles. “What did you say?” she asked.
“You’ve got a lapis soul gem,” Ember said, stepping away from the door. “Ergo-”
Ceaith spun to face him. “I’m never. Ever. Ever going to consent to being your wife,” she said, glaring right at him. “I didn’t ask to be chosen to be the Lapis. I didn’t ask to be told that I’m going to be responsible for fixing up every little fuckup in the Land. I didn’t ask any of the gods for any of this bullshit!” She thrust her finger at him. “So if you think you can stick your dick in me-”
“I don’t!” Ember shouted back, stepping forward.
“What? You don’t want to fuck me?” Ceaith asked, glaring up at him.
“Of course I do!” Ember said, glaring at her, panting as their noses almost bumped.
Ceaith panted back. Energy seemed to crackle between them. Xora and Chirp watched from around the corner of the doorframe. Ceaith’s ears flattened back against her head as she glared up at him. “W-Well ... I don’t,” she said, her voice very definite.
“Then fine!” Ember said, stepping backwards, blushing as he crossed his arms over his chest. His heart was hammering a million miles an hour – maybe faster. “Fine.”
“Fine?” Ceaith asked.
“Fine!” Ember said, nodding. “I ... I’m not going to ... I don’t...” He closed his eyes, trying to think straight. Part of him wanted to keep shouting at Ceaith for how she had acted – both here and in the Goblin Market. But another part of him, the part of him that had spent his entire life watching people treat June like shit, said: Hey, hold on. Look at things from her perspective. She didn’t choose to have this happen to her. She didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask for this. But we got it. So, don’t be a dick about it. And so, Ember breathed out a slow sigh.
“I’m not going to force you to do anything, Ceaith,” he said, quietly. “But while we didn’t choose to be married, we are. T-Through magic.” He gulped. “And that means trying to make this work.” He held out his hand. “Partners?”
Ceaith opened her mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. Then, almost more angry now than she had been early: “How fucking dare you be ... fucking reasonable about this!”
“What?” Ember asked, completely non-plussed.
“I ... was getting a good fucking angry all built up and you’ve shot a hole right through it. Dick.” Ceaith crossed her arms over her chest, ducking her head forward. Her hair was bristling outwards, like a cat fluffing up when threatened by a predator or a particularly ominous cloud.
Ember snorted. “You can punch me in the face if-”
Ceaith punched him in the face.
Ember blinked a few times. It hadn’t actually hurt. Her knuckles had glanced off his jaw and left his head tingling from the impact. He rubbed his jaw and noticed that a slight golden glow flickered around his fingertips – a tiny anima spark from where he had toughened himself up. He grinned. “Feel better?”
Ceaith rubbed her knuckles, then smirked. “Can I use my claws?”
“Eh, it’ll do,” she said, shrugging one shoulder. She brushed past him, then paused, halfway between him and the door to where Jerin Kah was tied up. “If I can’t interrogate him, can I at least get what he’s told you about Iremire?”
“Iremire...” Ember rubbed his cheek more. “That’s where we’re going, Ceaith. We’re going to find out how the Regency makes Infused Knights.” He smiled. “We’re basically on the same mission.”
Ceaith paused. “Yeah...” She said. But he could almost smell she was holding something back. Ember stepped slightly forward, reaching out – every instinct he had wanted to sweep Ceaith into his embrace. To nuzzle up against that massive mane of brown hair that she had. To pet her. Gods. He wanted to hear her purr more than he wanted to breathe oxygen. But he clenched his hands and clasped his hands behind his back and tried to ignore the way Ceaith unconsciously leaned towards him.
“Why are you actually going?” Xora asked.
Ceaith snorted. “Ah. Right. Ember can’t ask cause he has to earn his Nice Guy points so he gets to fuck my gay ass.” She shook her head. Xora, her blue cheeks darkening, shook her head.
“No, that’s not-”
“My sister,” Ceaith said, quietly. “She was taken to Iremire. I want to find her. Okay?”
“Wait, did you say gay?” Ember asked, blinking.
Ceaith looked at the ceiling. “Yes. Gay. Like your friend June, I like pussy. I like girls. I like women. I like everything you’re not.” She turned around, scowling at him. “Got it?”
“Yeah!” Ember said, nodding. “I mean, sure. Right. Cool.” He coughed, then nodded again, holding out his hand. “I shall comport myself with, uh, respect! Towards your ... feelings. And not ... be...” He trailed off. “Bad?”
Ceaith looked at him. Then down at his hand. Then back at him. Her left ear twitched. “You’re such a fucking dork.”
“Man, you would get along with June,” Ember whispered.
Ceaith grinned. “Who do you think let me on board.” She licked her lips. Very salaciously.
Ember probed at his own feelings, the same way he might have poked at a broken tooth with his tongue. He tensed, half expecting every emotion that he had been taught to feel welling up. Jealousy. Anger. Humiliation. After all, Ceaith had basically just said that his best friend had fucked his wife, before he’d even gotten a chance to kiss her. Or touch her in a non-martial arts battle related fashion. But instead of feeling any of those emotions, the only thing that Ember felt in his breast was a growing sense of...
He grinned, then gave her a thumbs up. “Nice!”
Ceaith snorted, her ears flicking up. “Maybe this’ll work after all, dork.”
Chirp and Xora smiled at one another.
“Also, I’m going to be fucking her,” Ceaith said, jerking her thumb at Xora, then to Chirp. “And them, if they bottom.”
“They do!” Ember said – causing Chirp to squeak and duck behind the door.
“Niiiiice...” Ceaith purred.
The Starshrike’s passage through the Sunder was faster and safer than it would have been through the surface world. But it was not so instantaneous that it could be brushed through with a sentence, and yet, so much of it was the tiny mundanity that the great epics do not speak of. They talk of the Unconquered striding the world and smiting his foes. They rarely speak of Ember, laying with his head in Xora’s lap and his legs crooked over Chirp’s legs, speaking animatedly of his youth in the village while Chirp and Xora giggled.
They rarely speak of the training regimes – glossing over them with a single phrase. They don’t speak of the one handed push ups in the cargo hold while Goat stood on his back and smoked a pipe. They didn’t speak of how all three Lunars watched, Chirp waving their hands over their head and shouting encouragement, while Ceaith ate fruits and spat the pits in arcing patterns that landed around Ember’s head.
The epics did not speak of the stilted, tense conversations between a man and wife, married by magic and fate, not by any inclination, as they both tried to maintain a civil attitude with one another.
But as was the way of such things, all journeys came to an end.
Ember, his wives, Goat, June and Jerin Kah all met in the briefing room of the Starshrike, which Ember had initially thought was a very large, very strange kitchen. But with the Shrike’s engines back on, the huge table in the middle had proved its use: It was able to, like June, project glowing images of whatever they wanted. June had figured out how to use it and was using it, currently, to let Jerin Kah give them information about Iremire Cauldron before they arrived. It currently looked like a bowl, but the rim of the bowl were mountains. The base of the bowl was filled with a red liquid that burbled ominously, and from the center of that base rose a sheer, black island, which itself had a sheer black tower built onto it. Large, gull winged ships that had massive balloons underneath each wing floated in the air around the mountains.
“So, two skyships,” June said, frowning. “Dragon class.”
“Is that bad?” Ember asked, leaning forward to examine the skyships. Their prows had large, snarling dragon heads carved in the place where the Starshrike had a tapered point.
“They’re armed with enough mana cannons to glass the entire village of Rataka with a quarter of their broadside,” June said. “And Iremire itself has enough magitech hate to throw into the air to refight the Battle of the Three Legged Dog.”
“What happened to the dog?” Xora asked.
“The battle didn’t involve a dog,” Goat said, cheerfully. “It was called that because the general on one side was a human-dog hybrid, and he had this huge-”
“Anyway,” June said, cutting her sifu off. “Jerin, got any more things to say about the defenses?”
“Well, beyond the fact that it has a compliment of Infused Knights backed up by a whole legion of Legionaries?” Jerin asked, shrugging his shoulders. “Not really.”
“Right, right,” June said.
“Where are we going to emerge?” Chirp asked.
“See this red goop?” June said, pointing down at the basin in the center of the bowl of mountains. “That’s sunderstuff. Iremire pumps it out of the deep chaos using focused induction fields. They then use it for raw material, I think.”
“Can we fit up the pipes?” Ember asked.
“Lets see, they’re roughly the width of your dick and are exposed to high pressured, high speed, sunderstuff that’s cold enough to flash freeze a god at all times. So, yeah, sounds reasonable,” June said.
Ceaith snorted. She was lounging in the back of the room, where she could watch everyone with her blue/green eyes.
Ember rubbed his chin. “I have an idea.”
“Oh boy,” June said.
Ember stated his idea.
Silence filled the room.
“Can Ember, Xora, and Ceaith hold their breath that long?” Goat asked.
“Yes,” Xora said, blushing. “Don’t ask me how I know that.”
“Yup,” Ceaith said. “And it’s cause a goddess sat on my face at least twice as long.”
“Ladies,” Ember said, making finger guns.
Goat grinned. “Sounds good.”
June groaned.
Chirp looked as if they were about to faint out of pure terror.
The afternoon shift on the walls of Iremire was an unpleasant one. For Legionnaire Keth and Legionnaire Suul, it was an unpleasentness they were both still getting too. Keth and Suul had been transferred to Iremire from their postings in the cushy south – where the deserts were huge and mostly uninhabited, the cities were loyal, and the women were beautiful, plentiful, and loved women in uniform. Keth tried to not think of the luminous southern beauties, with their dusky skin, their bright red hair, their golden body paint. Keth tried to not think of the huge, silken sheets of the bed that she had been billeted to in the Imperial Garrison – the Garrison that had been constructed out of solid gold by a grateful southern populace.
But it was so damn hard, especially when she was trudging along the flat, black top of the Iremire’s walls. The sun shone down overhead, with an unmercifully harsh glare, and the sky was completely clear of any clouds. To her left, there was the central keep of Iremire – where the rest of the legion was drilling, and the distant sound of crackling lightning and screaming prisoners could be heard. To her right, there was the sheer drop, almost five hundred feet straight down into bubbling sunderstuff that served as the Iremire’s moat.
Sweat beaded on her forehead, dripping down her nose while her armor clinked and rustled with every step, her spear feeling heavy in her hand. Behind her, Suul trudged forward, her breath soft and panting.
“Remember Hashin?” she asked.
“No ... no, not Hashin,” Keth moaned, her eyes closing. “Don’t remind me of Hashin.”
“Remember that trick she could do with her-”
“Please, Suul, stop,” Keth stopped in her trudging. She turned back to look at the lantern jawed face of her comrade in arms. “I don’t want to remember Hashin.”
“What about Triss?”
“Not Triss,” Keth said. “Nor Linda, nor Berie, nor Xandi, or Candi, nor any of them.”
“ ... what about-”
“What the fuck is that?” Keth asked.
Suul and her stepped over to the side of the wall. Because Iremire wasn’t designed for sieges, the edge of the wall lacked proper crenelations. And because Iremire was designed by madmen, for madmen, it lacked a guide rail at all. This meant both Legionaries gave it a severe berth, craning forward to peek over the edge while still giving themselves plenty of space before getting even slightly close to the straight drop into the mutagenic broth that served as Iremire’s moat. But below them, they could see a small, white shape zipping up towards them. Suul’s brow furrowed, but Keth shook her head slightly.
“It’s just a bat,” she said as the bat finished flapping up – chirping rhythmically, as if it was trying to pace itself out. It was a cute little thing. It looked like a drakhul bat, but someone had taken the normally sleek, predatory frame of one and turned the poofiness up until it was essentially all poof. Keth grinned.
“Look at that cutie,” Suul said.
The bat flapped between them.
Then it transformed into a slender, pale white skinned enby with long pointed ears, sharp fangs, and bright red eyes, who immediately kicked out with both legs, caught both Legionaries on their jaw, and then dropped, all three of them touching down at the same moment. Suul’s helmet rolled away and fell right over the edge of the wall as Chirp focused, their soulgem glowing. Ember shot out, feet first, landing on his back next to the dazed Keth. He drew in a deep, gasping breath. “Holy fuck,” he whispered. “It is really c-”
Xora landed on him.
Then Ceaith on her.
In a shockingly short time, Ember was standing and dressed in a legionaries’ uniform, while his three Lunar wives were all dressed in similar uniforms. As Chirp fastened their helmet on, Xora looked down at the two Legionaries that Ceaith was dragging towards the nearest guardhouse on the wall. Then she looked over at Ceaith and Ember.
“But there-”
“Unconquered,” Ember said, flicking some golden light away from his fingertips.
“Unconquered!” Ember said, grinning at her.
Ceaith sauntered back, cracking her knuckles as she glanced around the walls. Two more Legionaries had just emerged from the guardhouse at the far end of the wall and were beginning their patrol. “What are the chances that those two find the two we tied up?” Ember asked. Then his eyes widened. “Jerin!”
“Jerin?” Chirp asked. Then their eyes widened. “Jerin!”
Jerin Kah crashed onto the wall between the four of them, his face slack, eyes staring. Ember dropped to his knee, his armor clacking slightly. “Oh gods, he’s not breathing!” He grabbed onto Jerin Kah’s face.
“Breathe into him!” Chirp squeaked.
“That’s how you fix drowning!” Xora said, nodding. “Draw a breath, then breathe into him!”
Ember nodded. He drew a breath, a tiny gold flicker crackling around his mouth. Then he leaned down and pressed his mouth to Jerin Kah’s, breathing into him. Jerin’s chest swelled and then went slack – and then his tongue swept into Ember’s mouth, his hand reaching up to cradle and cup the back of Ember’s head. The kiss went on for another few moments, Ember kissing back with a resolute, determined intensity. Ceaith, who was watching this with a little grni, said: “You know, the kissing isn’t actually necessary right?”
Ember jerked back, gasping. “Oh!” he said. “I thought-”
Jerin sprang to his feet. “Hah! Guess it took you longer to subdue the noble legionaries than you expected, huh?” He asked, adjusting his uniform.
Chirp and Xora exchanged glances. Then Chirp and Ember exchanged glances.
“S-Sure!” Chirp said, nodding.
The interior of Iremire was just as unpleasant as the exterior. The corridors were all very high and very narrow, with ceiling lights that glowed with a pale red light, washing everything in hues of blood red. The stone that they walked along was smooth and black – and Ember swore that he saw a ghostly face every few feet, pressing against the glassy surface. “What are ... what is this place built out of?” he asked, softly as Jerin Kah led them along.
“Soulcidian,” Jerin said.
Ember stopped dead. Chirp walked straight into him and even Ceaith looked shocked, her normally cool, unflappable air shattering as she hissed: “Excusafuckingwhat?”
Jerin turned back. “What?” he asked.
“You built this place ... out of dead people?” Ember whispered. Chirp hugged him from behind.
“No, no, no,” Jerin said, shaking his head. “Soulcidian isn’t dead people. It’s a magical material that stores dead people.” He placed his hand on Ember’s shoulder. “This entire place is one big spiritual magnet, so that prisoners who kill themselves cannot escape into the cycle of reincarnation.”
Ember gaped at him.
“And you thought this was okay?” Chirp squeaked.
“I mean, they’re bad guys,” Jerin Kah said, nodding.
“Like me?” Ember asked. “Or my villagers?”
Jerin opened his mouth. Closed it. He frowned. Then he turned. “Come on. The laboratories are this way, I think.”
They rounded a bend and came into a large chamber that looked as if it served as the arterial junction between many other parts of Iremire prison. There was a central desk with a bored looking functionary sitting at it, their high cap set with a lapis gemstone, almost as if they were a parody of Ceaith’s status as a Lapis Lunar. Their forehead, though, had the more standard black bead that people in the Regency seemed to have for their gemstone. Several other people were walking past. Some of them were Legionaries in heavy armor. One was a woman with heavy goggles on her face and a thick white robe that made Ember think of a chef or a cook. She was the one who glanced over at them first.
“Jerin? Jerin Kah?” She asked.
“Doctor Craven!” Jerin said, stepping forward, taking her gloved hand and kissing it. “A pleasure to see you again.”
“Oh Kah, you’re incorrigible,” she said, giggling.
“That isn’t how you put it last time we met,” Jerin purred.
Doctor Craven giggled again, like a school girl. “You mean the first time we met?”
Ember opened his mouth to speak, then clamped it shut, remembering he was supposed to just be an ordinary legionnaire. Ordinary rank and file types didn’t ask the Infused Knights if they had really gone straight from the infusion process to banging their doctor on the slab. But Jerin, remembering their mission, said: “We’re here looking for a specific prisoner.” He nodded. Ceaith relaxed fractionally behind them and Ember reached back subtly to take her hand, squeezing it.
“Who?” Craven asked.
“One Thalina,” Jerin said. “She was picked up in a rebellion sweep in the north, I believe. High command wants her for more questioning.”
“Ah...” Craven tapped her goggles. They glowed and whirred, spirals appearing on them. “Oh! Oh, she’s part of Batch-2. I’m sorry, she...” She shook her head. “We’ll have her soulgem for you in an hour.”
“I need to talk to her now, in this life,” Jerin said.
Ember saw that Craven’s resolve was firming. “Sorry, Jerin. Only members of the thaumatechs are-”
Ember knew that they couldn’t waste time. Every second was another second that Batch-2 might get ... whatever happened to batches here. He knew it couldn’t be good. And so, he stepped forward, took hold of Craven’s wrist, then leaned in close. He whispered into her ear, trying to sound as deadly serious as he could. “I suggest you take us there right now or else we’re going to have serious trouble.” He managed to impart a crack of command into those words without his anima glowing to life beyond a subtle spark that flew from between his lips and swept into Craven’s ears. Behind her goggles, her eyes widened.
“I suggest you listen to my uncomperable friend here,” Jerin whispered.
“R ... Right,” Craven whispered. She started to walk forward. “C-Come along.”
Ember moved to walk beside Craven, with Jerin to her other side. The lunars followed after, but Ember could feel Ceaith’s urge to sprint ahead, barely kept in check by the needs of stealth. They came to a set of stairs, which led down – the temperature growing from overwhelmingly hot to merely unpleasantly warm to actually rather chilly. At the bottom of the stairs was a large door of brass and wood, with a strange set of glass tubes mounted on a pair of hinged arms. Craven took hold of those, leaned forward, and set them against her eyes. The tubes glowed and the door chirruped, then swung inwards. Here, the walls were made of solid brass, not soulcidian. Stepping out of the cold black corridor should have been a relief, but for some reason, Ember was feeling more and more uneasy by the moments.
Craven’s hands shook as she walked. “I-I’ll have you know, I’m just a thaumatech. I don’t ... I don’t make any of the decisions, I just ... work the machines.”
“That’s not a great way for us to begin our relationship,” Ceaith growled, her claws springing out of her fingertips. “What the fuck are you people doing here?”
Craven ducked her head forward as they came to a set of corridors, each one leading to a different room. Each room had a glass window in it and one of them had another thaumatech standing in it. He glanced back and saw them. “Craven! What the fuck are you- that’s an IK!” He pointed at Jerin – but Ember was already in the room, tugging off his helmet. He used the helmet to whack the thaumatech onto his back, stepping up to the glass. He looked into a room ... and was filled with not horror, but rather, confusion.
The room had about fifty people in it. They were of every kith, clan and breed. He saw men and women and even a few children. They looked terrified and all of them were dressed in a cheap white smock, some of them already frayed and tattered. They were crammed into the room so tight that they could barely move. But he saw Ceaith’s sister almost immediately – she was the other catgirl. Though she looked utterly terrified, unlike Ceaith’s normal expression of confidence.
“What is-” Ember started.
The ceiling glowed.
Pillars extended out of the ceiling, each one tipped with a brass orb. It roiled and crackled with green lightning – which slammed down into the foreheads of each of the people in the room. At the same instant, each person in the room screamed. Their fingers clawed at their heads, their bodies writhing and straining with pain. Muscles strained and veins bulged as their howls reached a pitch so high that it could be heard, if faintly, through the glass as the strobing green lightning pulsed into them again and again. Ember’s eyes widened and he drew his fist back.
He punched the glass.
“What are you doing!?” the man he had knocked over shouted. “That’s solid adamant-”
Ember drew his fist back again.
When he punched again, his whole body exploded with golden radiance. Flames roiled along his arms and shimmering dragons played around his body as his anima flared like a bonfire. His knuckles struck a glancing blow against the adamant window. The window shivered, like a leaf in the breze. Then it shattered. Then the wall around it shattered as well. The roaring sound of the metal tearing itself apart was nearly as loud as the screams from the people in the room. But as the dust cleared and Ember stepped into the room, his anima glowing ... every single strand of green lightning leaped from their initial victims, drawn from them...
To him.
The lightning bolts slammed into Ember’s soulgem and he staggered to one knee. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt before in his life roared through him. His nerves burned and his bones sang like crystal. His skin rippled and his muscles tightened. He couldn’t even scream. His eyes closed as he felt the glowing spark of his own life dimming within him. He gasped – and then a blurring shape shot past him. He opened one eye – and saw Chirp, Ceaith, and Xora. They had drawn the legionarie swords they had taken, and were slashing through the air. One after another, the bronze orbs were sheered in half as they leaped again and again and again, moving like graceful dancers.
With each bolt that was ended, Ember felt the pain lessen, then lessen, then lessen again.
Ceaith landed by her sister, hugging her tightly as the last of the orbs was felled. “Thally!”
Ember grinned. “Hah...” he said. “Got em.”
The thaumatech was beginning to creep slowly to the side of the room, crab walking, as if he was worried standing up would draw more attention to him than standing. Ember was beaten to the punch by Jerin – who picked him up and then slammed him against the wall. “What the fuck is this?” Jerin snarled. “There are children in there – what the fuck are you doing here?”
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Angela White and Ryan Driller are both doing their exercise routines on opposite sides of a gym. They keep stealing glances at each other until Angela’s face lights up with recognition. She approaches him, revealing that they’re old friends that have drifted apart! Although their meeting is brief since Ryan has to run, they exchange numbers and promise to catch up soon. Angela soon finishes her routine and arrives at the massage parlor where she works. She debates sending Ryan a...
xmoviesforyouThe sound of crickets. A hooting owl. The cool breeze against his skin. Sore limbs from laying on a hard wood and metal park bench for too long. Sean awoke, slowly, to find himself yet again in the odd, but strangely familiar circumstance. His pale blue eyes opened and peered up at the shimmering kaleidoscope of stars in the night sky. 'No. Not again. Please, not this again...' He righted himself on the bench, grunting as stiff muscles flexed. His sneakers hit the pavement as he...
The pounding on my door started at ten a.m. sharp. I wasn’t happy. I’d only been asleep about two hours, having spent most of the night living another man’s life half a world away. What sleep I’d had was restless as the dreams kept flooding my sleeping brain—dreams made so vivid in my mind through his laptop computer. People don’t realize how much of their lives are on their personal computers. Photos, email, links, music ... lovers—it’s all a part of who they are. When I dive into a...
Clover City is not the pristine metropolis that the fliers would indicate. Sure the city has a bustling business world and a gourmet flair, but crime and corruption run fairly rampant. You have slid into the less friendly side of life and the less picturesque part of town. Will you rise to power? Fall by the wayside? Give in to a life of lust? Clover City is a place that benefits the lucky. Toss the dice and hope for the best. Your name is: John Doe If you want to play someone of the opposite...
I'd been keeping my eye on you most days of the week. I couldn't help but notice you on the bus in that short dress. I could nearly see your pussy clearly but then you'd only tease me. I decided to follow you home. As you walked in through the front door of your empty house you didn't quite close it. I had my bag full of the rope I was going to tie you with it was now or never. I creeped in through the door closing it gently behind me. You where standing there with your head phones in looking...
Dan had kept in touch with Penny Buxton in New Zealand by e-mail. She was clearly enjoying herself teaching English at a school at Christchurch. She was also playing hockey and tennis and meeting lots of people. Two years after she left she became engaged. Dan was happy for her. He had always felt that an attractive, intelligent girl like her would be snaffled up quickly. Nevertheless he now felt completely free to enter the marriage market himself. He was in no rush. He was enjoying life at...
A week after our last encounter I was once again dressed in my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose with the gusset removed. I had arranged to meet Megan in the same charity shop we had met in before. As I walked along the road to the shop I spotted her car parked not far from the shop and glancing in the window as I passed, I spotted a bag on the back seat with its contents spilling out. There were several packs of pantyhose and stockings and at least one suspender belt and some other...
Sofia joined the company almost a year to the day that Simran had started there. They were in the same department and couldn’t avoid each other. Which was a shame as from the very first they did not get on. Really it was Sofia that was at fault, wherever the sultry brunette had been before she had always been the centre of attention. Always the loud & fun girl. She was in her late twenties now and to have it re-enforced as to how beautiful and desirable she still was a real fillip to her...
Ryan Driller is too busy studying for the bar exam to put up with his stepdaughter’s shit. When Emma Hix decides to blast music to practice being a DJ while Ryan is studying, Ryan tells her to turn it down. Emma sasses him and taunts him with her certified nubile body, but Ryan leaves. Emma isn’t about to take her daddy turning her down, so she goes back to playing loud music and then pops her little titties out of her shirt to really reel Ryan in. Ryan is doing oaky at turning down...
xmoviesforyou“Let’s head over to West 4th for a pickup game, whadda ya say?” It was a hot summer New York night, the kind where it doesn’t dip below 80 degrees and anyone and everyone is out and about, looking for something to do. The idea sounded like a great one to Ernesto; his friends, however, weren’t as enthusiastic. “Whadda ya fucking crazy? It’s fucking hot as fuck. What the fuck do I want to fucking go all the way to fucking Manhattan for a fucking game of fucking basketball to further sweat my...
Hey juicy babes. This is Harish from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. My age is 24. I am a normal guy with good looking. I am very much interested in sex but I don’t have any girlfriends to have fun. So I contacted many fake male escorts and left money. I was horny and desperate to have fun. So I posted an advertisement on a site saying I provide massage service for women in Coimbatore. I got calls from men but no women called. I felt bad on that day. On next day evening, I got a call from a lady asking...
Finally, Lenore's birthday arrived. Mom told me I was going to baptize her. This very idea gave me a raging hard-on. It was very electrifying just to think about ravishing such a fresh, innocent beauty. Lenore was 5'6" in height and had black hair. She was the only one with green eyes, mine were brown. Although she always dressed conservatively, I estimated her figure to be 34D-24-34. She had a pretty face that exuded innocence. Nevertheless, her face looked very sexy. Since my eighteenth...
While you are riding a frail bicycle, you tend to keep your eyes on the road. At least I did, what with the threat of squirrels and rabbits throwing my ass in a ditch filled with water on the side of the road. With that threat removed, I was able to take a better look at the plants growing along the cracked blacktop. There were beautiful old trees with Spanish Moss hanging everywhere. If those trees had been white, they would have looked like a young woman in a bridal gown. That moss was just...
Laying in my bed you tell me that tonight you want to go for a change and hit a club. Reluctant as you know my stance on nightclubs, and my abundance of 2 left feet i have to swallow and go with the flow. Still you sense my lack of enthusiasm so you retreat to the bathroom to get ready. Channel flicking and waiting for you to prepare you open the bathroom door to be revealing a small black lacey number. Leaning against the door frame you say "well.... what do you think?"Walking to the bed and...
I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Cancun, the land of sin, sex and getting wasted. College years and 4 of us girls decided to go have a wild time in Mexico. All of us are pretty girls and we knew we will have no problem getting hot guys to fuck. And we were all open to having fun of all kinds, together or individually. We rented 2 rooms facing the pool with balconies that connected. We all had...
Laying in my bed, I reached in my nightstand, pulled out my 8in white dildo and sucked it in my mouth. I wanted to get fucked by him but I knew that the distance prevented us from being together. I picked up my phone and dialled his number, only to be told that he can’t talk to me now. Fuck him, I thought, as I pressed the end button on my cell phone. I wanted to have phone sex with him, my ‘tender_cowboy’ from my lush friends. I wanted him to make me cum hard like he has been doing on the...
Hi everyone. Below is a conversation between a work colleague and I. She was doing her best to not get turned on but failed miserably! It might not be the easiest thing to follow but basically it's me (Neil) and Michelle talking. During the chat I tell her what happened between me and another girl (Lilly).I should probably have changed all the names, but fuck it !PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know in the comments if it makes sense and is interesting to read?thanks, Inhales[12:12:25] Michelle...
When Gina Valentina has to raise money for college she figures the best way to do that is with a summer job. When she calls her step-sister down to the living room she unveils her plan: massaging clients right out of their living room. Kenzie Reeves is confused. Is Gina gonna have strangers come over to the house? Gina says it’s no big deal and asks her sister to be her first client. After all, she’s gonna need to practice to get good at massaging. But Kenzie doesn’t want a...
xmoviesforyouSitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...
He fought hard to believe if what he had been noticing for a while now was true. It was difficult to conceive it would be that easy, easier to believe there was a catch. Daniel was twenty-eight years old and had had his fair share of flings and relationships, but nothing that would stick; nothing the way he’d have really hoped for. He felt his life was short of excitement, short of what he looked for in someone. Then, Diana appeared, and everything changed. She was his soon-to-be step-sister,...
Hi to all and I have been reading ISS for quite some time so I decided to submit my story to ISS. My chachi is 5.2 height and looks very sexy is 30 years of age but looks not more than a 21 yr old girl and her figure is 28-24-26 .quite huge size of boobs and ass by seeing her assets anyone can think of sleeping with her although she is mother of one and not wasting time coming to story in month of august last year our family decided to go to Vrindavan. Usually my mom chachi and I goes every...
IncestWe had been dating for nine months. The sex we shared was very intense and always a turn on, no matter what we were doing. Peggy was very sexual and had a great body. She enjoyed having her pussy licked, sometimes more than actual penetration, which was fine with me. She has a wonderfully shaped butt and one of the prettiest and best tasting pussies I’ve ever seen. A few weeks back, I started experiencing a deep depression. The only thing I had to look forward to was the chance to have sex with...
FetishI had been feeling lonely during the last weeks; since my beloved hubby had flown on three consecutive business trips and we had not time to even get a good quickie. I was even tired of touching myself, or pushing some huge dildos up my horny cunt. I needed a real man’s cock before I would get mad.I made a contact in the net. The guy had posted some of his nice pics. He was black, in his early thirties, muscled and very handsome…After chatting during three nights; he proposed me to meet him to...
Up there in the Top Ten of the greatest rubrics ever is, ‘Get a College Degree and BIG earnings will follow’. Yeah, right. Blonde and blessed with a willowy figure now all the rage although unfortunately hiring bosses still looked for applicants with big breasts, er when hiring females, Willow Wright was not altogether bright but had struggled through to possess a good college degree. She also possessed the despondency associated with twenty-seven unsuccessful job application interviews. She...
When we hit the third tier of the city, Chandra looked at me. I could tell that she was familiar with this area. I led her to the inn and showed her the stable. "You need to find the stablehand, Gail. Gail will also take you to your quarters, have her introduce you to Orlanth; he's the wizard's apprentice that we need to return to his guild. When I'm done with lunch, I'll find you and Orlanth." I turned and left her to her own devices. I could tell that she was not all that happy with...
Standing there in my yard, looking up at his office light, a sense of dread began to fill me.Oh no, I thought to myself. Was he watching out the window? Did he see me kiss Adam? Nonsense, I told myself. He probably just forgot it was on. I made my way past the pool and let myself in the door to our attached garage. As soon as I was in the interior door I heard my husky's nails excitedly click across the linoleum floor as she ran to greet me."Hiya Buffy! Who's a good girl? Are you happy to see...
Straight Sex“I think we need to get out of here before we shrivel up like raisins” you say laughing. Looking at me you smile suggestively. “Let’s get into bed and work on that again”. “You’re on!” I say, leaping out of the tub and running to the bedroom with you right on my tail… Continued… Beginning of a great long weekend! (Part 3) As we race out of the bathroom we leave wet foot prints along the floor to the bedroom. I can feel you right on my heels. With one quick motion you wrap your strong arms...
We were vacationing, my mother, and little sister, and I. We came to visit my grandma in Brazil. She lived in a little town that was created siding a paradisiacal beach called Agua Azul. That translated literally as Blue Water and, oh boy, was it blue. The portion of sea that reached those parts was a beautiful mix of green and very light blue, translucent, and the waves crashed softly onto the constantly burning sands. We left winter at home to arrive in the hottest South American summer I...
Yes, my did a strip and gang bang for my daughters college freinds after she set it in motion, unknowingly. This will need some backstory, so forgive me. I was married to Steve at 19 and began swinging with my husband at 20. He loved to see me sahred with others and video taped a lot of what I did when we played. For years there was a box of video tapes in the back of my closet after we divorced with 10-12 years worth of my sexual exploits on them. Then I went back to college in my 30's and met...
What would evryone think?how would you be able to explain any of thisagain back home alone in that cute pink skirt and camisole, blond hair going down on your shoulder , hair swinging rubbing your face making you feel girly as you need to keep em away from the big black cock toy you just keep sucking on and on watching pornyou told yerself it was just some fantasy when you order itbut really, just are happy sucking on it now , in your room at night . when everyone normal would be sleeping,...
Young, busty brunette Scarlett Alexis looks darling in skimpy booty shorts and a tiny top. The freaky cutie admits to surfing sketchy dating sites for new fuck buddies, teasing the camera as she chats. Scarlett soon welcomes director/dominant stud Bryan Gozzling into view. He grabs her by the neck and crudely caresses her curves. Bryan strips off her tiny shorts and fingers her twat, manipulating her anatomy to a squirting orgasm! She returns the favor with a slobbering blowjob, choking and...
xmoviesforyouThere is something about eye contact when it’s made. We both felt the chemistry the very first time. She was very petite and slender not overly attractive, but she turned me one. Next visit was about a month later and we started talking. Found out that she just was recently divorced and we started dating. I lived on Long Island (worked there) and traveled to home to NJ on weekends. Stayed with her each weekend. Our first sexual experience took place at her Pharmacy after closing….I satisfied...
At fifteen Rosie O'Donovan was an embittered girl, at war with the world. Her mother had been a prostitute who died after one of her johns had beaten her up in a back alley because she had refused to let him bugger her. That and her daughter's name and address were all she told the hospital staff before she died. Rosie was taken into care at the age of five. She was not told the cause of her mother's death but she resented the fact that she had died without a thought for Rosie. She also...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Las’s cock,” I groaned, throwing Nathalie off of me. The former virgin rolled, on the ground, gasping in shock. Shadows surged around her, wiggling and writhing on the ground like angry snakes. I stared up at the faerie standing over me, her arms folded beneath her large, soft breasts. Nipple rings glittered as her tits rose and fell. She had purple eyes that almost glowed with an...
6. The next morning Jena came from her room wearing a tiny half shirt that just did cover her 36-inch breasts and a small pair of powder blue bikini panties "Hi Mom." Jena leaned to kiss her mother and went to get a drink of water. "Sounds like you and Daddy had a good one last night!" She smiled pushing back her long, thin brown hair as she sat across from Lena seeing that her sexy Mom was only wearing a pair of panties. "Mmm, me and Daddy always have fun at night!" She smiled to see...
I pushed myself away from my desk in frustrated boredom. I am sick of this job and the people I have to work with. Almost all of them are lazy and work harder to get out of their assigned work than they would if they actually did it. The first fifteen years I had worked here I did my work then went around and took work off other's desks to help, to be a team player. It got to where they would just drop folders off on my desk even if it were assigned to them. It has gotten to where if I even...
Breakfast was typical, except for one or two bolder guys who came into our section to sit at the tables allowing them a clear beaver shot on 'my girls' once in a while. We all got a kick out of seeing them blush when Kelly turned around to face them full on with a direct look and a smile. Then she licked her lips lasciviously. We all laughed as we left, betting that at least one of those two guys had probably cum in his pants. I had to concentrate really hard on the math exam that morning....
Jada Sparks is a freaky MILF not wasting any time or shying away from anything. She is excited to unzip Potro’s pants and as soon as she see’s his big dick she starts to deep throat it. Getting face fucked by a big dick turns her on very much and makes her want it even harder. After having her ass hole fingered, she bends over and takes his cock all in, rolling her eyes and moaning in pleasure. As much as she likes to receive pleasure Jada also likes to give pleasure performing ass...
xmoviesforyouBed Page! What could be better than perusing my website, finding a really sweet porn tube full of free smut, and then furiously stroking yourself to a mind-boggling, explosive climax? How about getting some hot slut to do that stroking for you? Maybe you can even upgrade from the handy to a full-fledged, full-completion oral massage. I guess it just depends on what the erotic masseuse happens to be offering and how much cash you’ve got in your pocket. Whatever the case, BedPage can help you...
Erotic Massage SitesCassie and Rose met Josh and me when we came into the mud room and started stripping off our fire-fighting outfits. Neither of us had done that much. We directed traffic, assisted with hoses, saved a horse. The older guys handled the real work. Our chief and Sheriff Donaldson were taking care of the investigation. We were still beat, though. The two women wrinkled their noses as they stripped us bare. "Showers," Cassie said. She led Josh out and upstairs. "Let's get you to the master...
"No Juan...Daddy just won't let me be with you," Stacey said amongst impassioned kisses from her Latin lover. Stacey's father forbade her from seeing Juan since she had gotten pregnant from him. "It's ok babe...I've got a plan to make your dad understand what we have," Juan said as he pulled away from Stacey looking her in the eyes. Juan's eyes were a beautiful emerald green that Stacey just couldn't help but get lost in. Stacey was a gorgeous girl with an average physique including...
Chapter One It was a flat November morning, a morning when colours run and the mist hung in the jaws of the estuary above the liver-coloured flott. A slatternly wind was ruffling the tussocks of coarse grass that grew along the littoral, doing nothing to shift the grey curtain. The air smelt of salt and older, darker things. Even the normally raucous gulls were muted, their endless carping muffled by the damp air. No horizon was discernible. The sky coalesced into the iron water, leaching all...
EroticMy sweet Heather looks like an angel. With her curly apple tinted blonde hair, big creamy D-cup boobs that she's self-conscious about, freckles across the bridge of her cute nose and pale blue sympathetic eyes, she drives the boys crazy on the campus where she's an assistant teacher and from which I graduated last year. What they don't know is that she's a lesbian and I'm her lover. She's the yin to my yang. While she's a 5'5" curvy girl with a sweet face of light, I'm a 5'7" athletic woman...
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to fuck them, One Ring to breed them all and the spawns will be born. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful world called Prime Earth. This was a world of peace and harmony. It was controlled by three races who could use magic. Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Dwarfs, strong bodies, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And Human, the weakest among the three, having shortest life but were gifted with boundless imagination. Then...
FantasyIt was 8AM when I came out of my stupor. I just knew that it was going to be one busy ass day for me. My first call was to Blevins. "Hey you fucked up old man, you want to do me a favor. Let me buy you breakfast?" I said into his message machine. "If not today, then tomorrow." He picked up the phone at that point. "Helen's at 9." He said it, then he was gone. Strange, I thought. I washed my beat up body and scraps of hair. Once I had removed any dirt that might have attached itself...
Hi ISS Readers. I am happy to share my first story which happened 2 years back. Let me tell about me.. I am a stud looking guy with bet looks and a nice smile. My tool is 10cm long 5cm broad. I am fond of pussy licking. You can have a talk with me or can send your feedbacks on This is my first story so it maybe noobish. Forgive me for my mistakes. This story happened when i was in tenth grade. I was preparing for my exams so I used to be at my home only. My mom used to take tuition in the...
Dear Diary, It's me, Angel. I haven't written in a while, but I'm 17 now. My birthday was just last week, but it wasn't that great. Anyways, yesterday was Halloween and I went with my friends to a costume party. It was my first time going to a party that wasn't hosted by friends from school. Becky got the invitation from her boyfriend, who is in college. We all went as slutty princesses and I was Snow White. The costume was a little tight and my 36c breasts were hard to squeeze into it....
HardcoreYour choices across this story will affect how each of your sisters respond to you, and what they are eventually willing to engage and do with you. There are no 'wrong' answers here, so just enjoy and make choices as you please. Enjoy. "Stranded in a cabin at the edge of the world." "Hmm?" You raised an eyebrow at your sister as you both huddled near the fireplace. "Can't you hear him?" She paused looking at you, firelight illuminating her face. "Can't you hear Dad? You know if he was here...
IncestRyan McLane phones for a date for the evening. He has specific preferences about who he wants. She has to be Asian and she has to have big tits. McLane emphasizes big, really big tits. The agency tells him that they have just the right one for him. When the lady in question shows up at McLane’s house, he goes into shock when he hears her say “Minka is here.” He’s been a longtime fan of the amazing Minka and has been crushing on her for a long time through her movies and...
xmoviesforyouBrandy decided to approach her brother first. He was unlikely to throw her out of the house, and, if he threatened to tell her father, she could blackmail him into silence with her knowledge about his masturbation. She expected him to laugh at her and then call her a pervert. Brandy was a very innocent young girl. She found him in his room, reading a comic book. "Aren't you a little old to be reading comic books?" she asked, as an ice breaker. "No" he said shortly. He was almost...
Zoey was excited for her first babysitting gig. The man she was working for seemed nice and was also pretty hot. He gave her one rule and one rule only which was do not leave the house. It was such a beautiful day though so she decided to sneak back to the pool for just a little bit once the kids were all taken care of. Just as she was soaking up those prime rays her client returned home. He was pissed that she broke the rules, but she quickly made it up to him by letting him ram her hairy...
xmoviesforyouThe collaring ceremony and reception had been a great success. It was a small affair but all had a good time. There were only 10 people in attendance, but were very close friends to the Mistress and her newly collared sub. The actually ceremony had been short and sweet, it had been just a mere formality as the two had been together for 2 years now. They signed the formal agreement, which they had drawn up together. It contained limits, expectations, and rules regarding their union. Next the...
Tara (Emma Jade) is expecting her boyfriend Charlie to pick her up for prom, and is surprised when Charlie’s parent Mr. Nichols (Charles Dera) arrives at her door instead. Mr. Nichols says that Charlie is running late, so he offered to pick up Tara. She accepts this explanation, and gets into Mr. Nichols’ car. As Mr. Nichols drives, he says that he wants to take this time alone to get to know Tara better – especially since she’s gotten more serious with Charlie. While...
xmoviesforyouThe Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 55 (Thursday - week 8) Back... and forth... and back... and forth. In his dreams, he was once again dressed as a baby... a baby girl of course. Naturally, he was thickly diapered and sucking on a pacifier - mimicking his situation in real life. But that of course wasn't what his dream was about. He was wearing a little-girl style dress - all pink and white lace with ribbons and bows everywhere. The short skirt was puffed out very wide by all...
It was something I, who had lived in the town for years, was completely unaware of. I knew there was a Rugby club in town of course, and that they had a club house, but I didn't know about the annual “stag” nights that took place. At least I didn't until my mate Tony invited me to one. This was a few years back now, before we were both married, and I remember Tony being a bit vague about the whole thing. He and I had visited London strip clubs and had a good time in the past,, so he knew I...
Messenger 14“Do you know where Anthony is?” Julie asked.“No,” Laura shrugged. "I know where he was; but he could be anywhere now."“Anywhere?”“Anywhere within a hundred miles of where I left him. Can't you track him with your phone?”“He left his phone at the office.""Why do you need to find him. He's coming back."“Are you sure? I mean how am I to know?"“He is coming back. Believe me. You need to think about what you want from him so you know when he gets here.” Laura paused for a second, “and...
NovelsExtra TowelsThe day was sunny and hot, just right for watching those bikini clad beauties down at the pool. But for me this would be a lonely day stuck in the hotel room with my computer working on the new specifications for the equipment my company had to install. This was a resort town and I was on vacation but my boss phoned me with an emergency, the client needed a last minute upgrade to the equipment. The work was supposed to have been finished with me enjoying some rays, cool beers and...