Ten O'Clock Facial free porn video

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Margie was up early enough to almost have the pool to herself. The brochure was very effusive on the subject of the mineral-rich waters, to the extent where it stopped just short of promising eternal life.

Being slightly dubious of any claims made in marketing material, Margie rather doubted she would be running a marathon any time soon, far less surviving her allotted life span, but she had to admit that after a colon-cleansing (according to the hyperactive breakfast hostess) organic feast, she felt sufficiently energized to at least take a stroll around the grounds.

She was joined by Marianne, a buxom woman, like herself on the mature side of fifty, who appropriately enough waxed lyrical about the upper lip wax, elbow wax, inner thigh wax and brow and lash tint she’d indulged in the previous day. Margie had considered a wax of some kind herself, but after perusing the brochure she’d decided that she wasn’t sufficiently hirsute for the treatment to be worth enduring. The French Upgrade had been magnificent, though, and the Greek Candles so relaxing she’d almost drifted off to sleep. She’d also had her suspicions about reflexology well and truly vanquished.

“Enjoy the scented epidermal scrub,” Margie said to Marianne as they stood before the main building.

“I absolutely will,” Marianne replied. “What’s your next pleasure?”

“I’m booked in for a facial at ten o’clock,” Margie told her.

“You’d better hurry,” Marianne replied, looking at her watch.

In the event, Margie was a couple of minutes early. The door to the treatment room was ajar, so she knocked gingerly. A woman appeared, wearing a white coat and a welcoming smile. “Hello,” she said. “I’m Julie, and you must be Margie.”

“That’s right. I hope I’m not too early.”

“Not at all. Come on in!” Julie walked across the floor oozing the kind of brisk efficiency Margie admired. She was a little surprised when the woman locked the door, and it must have shown because Julie said, “We don’t want to be disturbed, do we?”

“No,” Margie said. “I suppose we don’t.” She watched as Julie returned to her desk and began clicking on a mouse. The woman was perhaps a little older than herself, with a corn-coloured bun adorning the top of her head. She seemed nice, though, as did all the staff she’d encountered at the spa.

“Would you like the single, double or triple treatment?”

Margie frowned. She’d had no idea there were multiple options, but since she was enjoying a fixed price package and her husband had instructed her to make the most of her stay, she giggled and said, “A triple sounds terribly luxurious.”

“A triple it is!” Julie said, pressing a few keys. “Some think it frightfully decadent, but personally I’d go for the triple myself every time.”

“Well, I am determined to make the most of my stay.”

“Quite right too. Now, facials can get terribly messy, so I need to know if you want to remain fully dressed, strip down to your undies, or strip off completely.”

That was strange. Margie understood what Julie was driving at, but surely things couldn’t possibly get that messy? “Um, I think I’m quite happy to keep my clothes on,” she said.

“Whatever you say,” Julie said with a big smile designed to relay that the customer was always right. Once again she tapped on some keys. Then she looked up. “Well then, shall we commence your treatment?”

“Please,” Margie said, still a little taken aback by the question of dress, or perhaps undress.

Julie reached beneath the desk and pulled out a pair of latex gloves which were applied to her hands with two loud snaps. Then she gestured to the large, decorated screen behind her. “If you’d just like to go round there.”

Margie did as she was instructed, still feeling that this all seemed more than a little strange. She was just as surprised to find a new screen behind the first. The second screen looked sturdier and was painted red. It had a small hole in the centre and a small stool in front. Since Margie had imagined something a little more comfortable that enabled her to relax in a supine or at least semi-supine position, she felt compelled to say, “This isn’t quite what I expected.”

“That’s what all our first-timers say,” Julie said brightly. “Please, take a seat.”

There was only the one seat to take, but since her experience of the spa so far was one of the utmost professionalism Margie imagined that however strange this seemed, it was designed to maximize the benefits of the treatment. She sat down, the hole in the screen directly in front of her. Julie knocked on the screen, and that was when Margie squealed. An erect penis had emerged through the hole and was pointing straight at her.

“Would you like to extract the nutrients yourself, or would you like me to handle it all?” Julie was asking.

“This seems highly irregular,” Margie said.

“Not at all,” Julie replied with her sunniest voice. “It’s the most natural remedy in the world. I’ll have no artificial ointments in my clinic!” Before Margie had time to respond, she was stunned to see Julie grab the erect organ and begin working her hand with all the dispassionate efficiency of a nurse measuring a patient’s blood pressure. “The spermatozoa work their way into your pores and devour every impurity they can find. There really is nothing to rival this method.”

Margie had never heard of such a thing, but she didn’t want to question Julie, who surely knew much more about these things than she did. She settled for a noncommittal, “I see,” while watching the woman’s hand move, the spongy head of the swollen penis emerging and disappearing from sight. There was some slight squelching too; latex combining with pre-emission. Then there was a faint grunt from the other side of the screen.

“Our client has lovely deep cleavage!” Julie called out. “You’d just love to see your spunk dribbling between those large mammaries, I’m sure.” Perhaps registering Margie’s shock, she added in a whisper, “It helps to give the providers a little encouragement, you know.”

Margie imagined it did. There was certainly a louder grunt from behind the screen. Julie’s hand was working faster, the sound of latex tossing throbbing gristle adding to the obscenity.

“Cum for me!” Julie exclaimed. “Cum for me, you big, horny stud! The face of a MILF is waiting for your big, creamy load!”

The embarrassment was so great, Margie almost wished she’d opted to strip naked. Her clothes would be soaked with perspiration after this. There was a new grunt from behind the screen. Julie cupped her hand and rested the bulb in her palm while she continued working the shaft. “Here I cum!” a young, male voice exclaimed. Within seconds thick, white cream was spilling out into Julie’s gloved hand.

As obscene as it was, Margie couldn’t tear her eyes away from the twitching shaft that seemed to have a surplus of fluid to give away. At last Julie released it, and it disappeared from view. The woman moved behind Margie, and soon deft fingers were distributing the fluid evenly over her face, before latex hands rubbed gently, massaging the cream into her skin.

Suddenly the whole thing stopped being obscene and became absurd. Margie found herself giggling helplessly. She didn’t think for a second that Richard had chosen this spa for her because of this but, goodness, what if he had?

“Hold still!” Julie urged. Margie tried, but still broke out into intermittent giggles as Julie moved her hands across her chin and cheeks and rubbed the bridge of her nose with determined fingertips. “Now doesn’t that feel amazing?”

That wasn’t quite the word Margie would have chosen, but not wanting to sound ungrateful, she said, “Yes, it does!”

“You see! I told you! Now, are you ready for the second dose?”

“Yes,” Margie said, still feeling that the whole thing was so absurd it was entirely possible she was having a very peculiar dream. Her ordinary self really shouldn’t, but she’d feel foolish saying she’d changed her mind. At least that’s what she told herself.

Julie knocked on the screen. Almost immediately a second erect penis emerged through the hole, this one a little fatter and meatier than the previous. Latex fingers closed on it, but this time Julie’s hand didn’t move. Instead, she said, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to extract the nutrients yourself? Perhaps have a little taste?”

Margie wouldn’t. Or rather, she shouldn’t. She’d never been close to cheating on Richard, and she didn’t want to start now. On the other hand, would it really be cheating? It was just a body part, after all – she’d never even know to whom it belonged. Nevertheless, it seemed disloyal. Her husband’s gift to her had been a spa weekend, not the taste of another man’s hard cock. And yet she had to admit that the sight of that large bulb was tempting. What was it people said about Vegas? As if she could read her mind, Julie said, “We take confidentiality very seriously indeed.”

Margie’s tongue was out, and before she had thought things through properly it was touching the swollen head. “That’s right,” Julie said. “Just you enjoy yourself!”

There was a little too much relish in the woman’s voice, Margie thought. But somehow she couldn’t tear her tongue away from where it was teasing the meatus.

Julie spoke again. “I hate to rush you, but you have to do more than just tease. My next client is due in about twenty minutes.” She removed her hand, and Margie found her lips instinctually sliding down the thick shaft. “Mmmmm!” Julie exclaimed loudly. “The sight of your horny young cock inside this MILF’s hot mouth is such a turn on!”

The grunt from the other side of the screen told its own story. Margie moved her lips and wriggled her tongue, feeling exquisitely naughty, and guilty with it. The spa’s advertising material spoke of a highly enjoyable sensuous experience, but this seemed to take the literality of promotional one-liners to extremes.

She would have shrieked with surprise had she been able to when Julie with one deft movement wrapped Margie's hair round the latex hand and drove her head forwards. Then she felt relieved, realizing that Julie leaving her no choice in the matter absolved her of guilt. “Don’t be shy, Margie!” Julie said brightly. “Think of the good all those nutrients will be doing to your skin!”

That was the last thing on Margie’s mind as Julie made her head bob on the meaty organ. There was renewed grunting from the other side of the screen. “Oh wow!” Julie exclaimed. “If we didn’t need your spunk for medicinal reasons, I’m sure this horny MILF would love to have you fuck her doggy style!”

As embarrassing as it was, Margie felt that it was also true. She was always happy to fellate her husband, but always as an hors d’oeuvre, in anticipation of the main course. Here there would be no main course, but that didn’t stop an incoming tide between her thighs that she imagined wasn’t going to go away.

“Oooooh!” the stud groaned, as Julie continued working Margie’s head on the stiff dick.

“Are we getting close?” Julie called, in that bright, sunny voice that might as well have been asking if a patient’s nasal complaint had reacted positively to prescription spray.

“Half a minute, maybe,” the stud grunted.


Margie could stand it no longer. In next to an instant she had her dress up and a hand inside her knickers.

“Ooooh!” Julie exclaimed. “This horny MILF must really love your cock! She’s started rubbing herself!”

“Oh, fuck, yeah!” the male voice said.

Margie thrummed her fingers against her clit, suddenly gripped by a pleasure that was altogether wrong and indisputably right. Julie was pulling her off the cock, saying, “Close your eyes, dear! And keep your head absolutely still!”

She heard knocking and felt the stud’s huge bulb against her forehead. There was the sound of slippery rubber, the cock being tugged, then seed was billowing out. “Excellent!” Julie said. “Just feel that vitalising cream trickle down your face, dear! It will provide such lustre!”

Margie moaned softly at the back of her throat. What she was feeling was increasing arousal as she continued to play with her clit, even giving it a little pinch when Julie started massaging the thick, fresh emission into her skin. “That’s right, dear!” Julie cooed. “You enjoy yourself! It’s what you’re here for!”

The rubber hands moved across her skin, making sure to distribute the cleansing ointment evenly. Margie felt Julie’s hands on her cheeks, giving a last little rub before guiding her head. Her lips came up against a new rigid cock and parted willingly, but she kept her eyes closed, hearing Julie say, “This MILF’s really eager! So eager for your healthy young spunk!”

“I’ve got plenty to give!” a young voice said. Margie’s head began to swim as it was once again driven back and forth on a thick, meaty shaft. She applied more pressure to her swollen clit, rubbing hard as she indulged in the fantasy that she had no choice. Just as she loved it when Richard pinned her down on the bed at home, or held her hands behind her back while he took her hard from behind, she now allowed herself to be a passive recipient of youthful steel.

Back and forth, back and forth; Julie moving her head forcefully. Saliva churned as Margie’s breathless moans seemed to spur Julie on to more verbal depravity. “The client is one super-hot, horny MILF!” she exclaimed. “Your dick looks so good in her mouth, and she’s loving it there! I just know she can’t wait to feel your gigantic load all over her ecstatic face!”

Continuing to move Margie’s head on the erection at speed, Julie breathed, “I love my job!” Of that there could be no doubt, Margie decided. Efficiency seemed to have given way to other feelings entirely. But then she was loving it too. She rubbed frantically at her clit, lost to her own arousal. She heard Julie’s voice again. “She’s being such a good slut! Cum for her! Shoot your load all over her face!" Margie couldn't tell if she was burning with arousal or embarrassment, especially when Julie added, "She’s such a cumslut!”

“Yes!” It was a strangled cry, and whether it tipped her over the edge or whether she was ready anyway, Margie would never know. All she knew was that she was exploding, crying out. There was the sound of slippery rubber and male grunts echoing in her ears as she contracted violently. Huge jets of semen were plastering her face.

In a daze she felt Julie’s fingers grow gentle, massaging the copious emission into her skin before saying, “There! I think we’re all done!” Gingerly she opened her eyes to find the woman smiling at her the way a nurse smiles at a patient after a routine examination. “I hope you feel suitably revitalised!”

Margie’s legs felt weak, but she couldn’t just sit there. She followed Julie back round the screen, searching for the right words. “It was most invigorating,” she said at length.

“Well, that’s what we’re here for,” Julie smiled. “This may have been your first time, but I hope it wasn’t your last.”

“So do I,” Margie said.

As she left the room, she saw a figure heading her way. At first, all she saw was a mass of shocking pink, shortly discovering that it was some kind of sportswear covering a large blonde woman she’d conversed with over yesterday’s dinner, and who now winked at her as she came closer and said, “What did you have? The triple?”

The pair of them stopped. “Yes,” Margie said. There seemed no harm in admitting it since the blonde was obviously aware of the nature of the treatment. But it was still unnerving that the woman had guessed correctly “How did you know?”

“You’ve got a stain on your top,” the blonde said, patting herself. “That usually only happens on the third dose, when Julie’s got herself worked up and gets careless.”

“I see,” Margie said.

The blonde was eyeing her curiously. “First time?” she suggested.

“Yes,” Margie replied, wondering if psychic powers were also on offer at the spa.

The woman leaned forward and lowered her voice in a conspiratorial fashion. “Make sure you come back for repeat visits,” she said. “They won’t tell you this now, but after your third time, they offer you the full bodywork.” She winked and was gone before Margie could react.

She felt herself tremble slightly. The full bodywork; after what she’d just experienced it sounded both alarming and extremely tempting. Not least because as unsure as she’d been about Julie’s claims for the cleansing properties of semen, it appeared she’d been right.

At least that was what Margie took from her husband’s assertion on her return home that she hadn’t looked so radiant since their wedding day. “If that’s what the place does for you,” he said, “it might be worth making it a regular treat.”

“I’d like that very much, dear,” Margie said, just about managing to keep a straight face.

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"WHA?!" A just arriving Ryoko yelped, suddenly finding her self standing at finger point, while Tenchi, among others blinked in surprise. He however was the only one suddenly very aware of the pressure Ayeka was exerting on his arm as just to the other side of the Princess, certain galactic law officials where sizing up the pending predicament. "And now it gets really interesting!" Kiyone thought glumly. Not, without an appropriate amount of sympathy for Tenchi to be sure. "OH!"...

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Kristen and Jefferys Incredible Adventure Part 3

~~~~~J~~~~~I heard her laugh as she closed the door on me. Damn, she was going to cook me dinner, and we were going to spend the night together. This was happening like in a novel or a movie. In two days, not even full days yet, I had gone from a years-long, secret voyeur of a woman I worshiped at a distance, to her lover! And that laugh after my comment... she had to enjoy anal.I had to control myself, and not get carried away. This still could be just a fun fling for her, a temporary...

Straight Sex
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 81 Funaho

Lady Funaho had changed little since Mihoshi had last seen her. But then, she had 'changed' little in the last thousand years if the truth were told. One did not bring such matters up around the queen of Jurai However, if one wished to remain in good health. "I would say that this is an unexpected pleasure." The queen politely intoned. "But of course we know that would be untrue." Kiyone stood staring, uncharacteristically mute. Mihoshi however, having met the queen on more than one...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 89 Here Comes The Bride

Sasami had been waiting patiently as she might. Attempting to hold a sense of what she believed was termed 'cultivated composer'. That managed to last until the first few bars of the all too familiar 'Wedding March' began. For the way that her heart leaped in her chest it might well have been 'Toccata en Fugue'. She quickly reminded herself that she was not about to greet some mad doctor or even a disfigured deranged organ playing actor for that mater. This was her wedding day and...

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Adult Empire Facials

When it comes to cumming, the face is one of my favorite options. There are a million reasons for this, but I think what guys genuinely love is how demeaning it is. If a bitch lets you cum on her face, it's evidence that she would do anything for you. Plus, it gives us a great view of our work. The more of her face I leave painted, the more pride I feel.Jizz WinsThere is something satisfying in watching a bitch have to get up and go to the bathroom to clean your jizz wad off of her face. For...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 43 Platonic Bomb

"Ow." Kiyone moaned softly. Fidgeting when gently as possible, Tenchi laid her down. "Lie still." He commanded, equally soft, before turning purposefully to a squat cupboard at one side of the Olsen's entryway. "Hold on." He told her soothingly. "I'll be just a moment." He would rather have taken her to the shrine however she'd insisted her injuries were not severe and the Olsen with its supply of healing herbs was closer. Once certain his back was to her Kiyone allowed her...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 117 Details Details

"I'm surprised they're allowing us so much time together really." Tenchi huffed. Sparing only a few glances the direction of the massive tent the Jurian's had set up in the vicinity. Noting with some amazement something which had been absent only yesterday now towered over and almost completely engulfed most of the old rest stop. "Don't they have some traditions about, you know? 'Seeing' the bride before the wedding or some such?" He finished. Deliberately ignoring the now...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 141 Departures

The next hour or so was blessedly uneventful, for the most part. Beginning with the Grand marshal being sent on his merriest of ways, 'sarcasm intended', with a surprising minimum of fuss. Azusa's bemusement at having so efficiently defused the situation however suddenly melted upon his return to the vicinity of the front yard. The very moment his dark brooding eyes had set upon where Ayeka stood. Something poignant seemed to have passed briefly between father and daughter. Enough...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 28 The incident

Several minutes, and as many buckets of soapy water later. The female contingent of Wataru's crew had almost restored the mini to showroom condition. While Sara, Mikito and Yoshi worked, the interval also witnessed Yuba's final tentative re-emergence from the caravan. "Now, Yuba dearest." Michele attempted to console. "Everyone has a moment or two of dementia now and then." "My god!" Yuba wailed, as Michele steered her sullenly towards a rest stop bench. "I really showed my...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 9 Cops and Ramen

Tenchi dragged more than walked himself up the darkened entry hall. Even by his standards, this had been one exhausting day. Thoughts of food, bath and bed circled his mind while trudging past entry into the living room, wondering who would be still up at this hour? Seated across from the doorway from him, Katsuhito sat holding a sleeping Mayuka while providing Ayeka a shoulder against which to slumber. It would have been an idyllic scene, if not for how pissed he currently were at his...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 26 Tenchi the magnificent

'Tenchi the magnificent', glanced under at the first hold down's release mechanism, then again at the rectangular shape muted under the bright green tarp on top. Realizing he'd barley noticed it on the stage/bed behind Yuba. "Well, She had nice legs." He admitted privately, among other distractions at the time. "You go round." He started, pausing when noting Todd staring into the distance with a look of undisguised wonder. Just then on the ground, in front of him ... a moving shadow,...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 38 Thats a wrap

"Tenchi?" Kiyone whispered urgently. "Uh?" he attempted, then embarrassed at the slight lapse, swallowed the portion in his mouth. He'd been concentrating on his meal, desperately avoiding eye contact with Sasami while ignoring Ayeka's periodic flinging of visual daggers at her sister. "What's on your mind Key?" He whispering at diminished volume. "Is, they're something wrong with your Grandfather?" She asked. "Huh?" "Would you mind?" Ayeka muttered, annoyed as Kiyone...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 118 True Blue

Turning to regard the new speaker even as the others, Tenchi felt something in the location he normally associated as his brain simply freeze. In his twenty-one years he'd done and believed he had 'seen', many a great thing. Some of which could even be termed 'miraculous' Perhaps even godly. This however was the first time he could specifically remember seeing someone who actually looked ... Well, like one always expected an alien to look. She was blue! His mind instantly shooting...

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Hortense Triumphs

The male sensed that today was different as he was led to the room by his Mistress, naked leashed and on all fours. He had surrendered everything to Madam Hortense Brigham, the plump 60 year old woman who had drawn him into her web, teasing him into her world of domination and beyond, breaking his spirit completely through cruel and rigorous punishments and humiliations, reducing him to the controlled and obedient slave he now was. She had promised him he would be disposed of when the whim...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 6 Regrets

Smiling, his mind in a whirl Tenchi was yet again, wondering ... He was still uncertain exactly what had made that moment any different from countless others, but having no real regrets. What was more, it had all come so natural, instinctively. like he had done it before ... Had he? It was after all just a kiss. Mechanically it wasn't 'brain science' or even 'rocket surgery', but at the end of any day, is a kiss just as kiss? He'd always wondered also ... Well, what Ryoko would taste...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 46

Day 3: (Faster than the speeding bullet.) The steady rhythmic hum of the passenger car nestled about him. The dull regular 'clackity-clack' as the train's bogies made their way across countless trestles beneath. So oddly soothing in its way as one came to terms and accepted. That after a time, it had almost Lulled Tenchi in to a kind of daze. Last night had been complete and utter hell, his thoughts wandered briefly backwards. The events of the previous day insuring a state of total...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 96 Visions And Plans

"Daaaaaadeeee." Tenchi seemed to hear from a great distance. "You gonna wake up?" The darkness shrouding his senses seemed to be lifting gradually, though the room about him remained fuzzy. "Key?" The child's voice came again. "Why don't he open he eyes?" Tenchi tried to concentrate, certain that he recognized the voices. Not an easy feat, feeling like he was swimming in Jell-O. "Give him a moment sugar bear," He seemed to hear distinctly. "You're daddy's been through a...

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Tenjho Tenge Rewritten

You sigh as you enter your new high school, its pristine walls high looming dauntingly above you with every passing step... After ages of training, you have finally managed to perfect your family's personalized style of martial art - an obscure mix of judo, hapkido, and wudang. With your newly-sharpened prowess, it was easy to secure a spot in Tadou Academy, and equally easy to find yourself the center of attention among the freshmen. A young man soon approaches you, a chibi-looking girl...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 32 Dead To Rights

"I tell you Tenchi it was Achika!" Kiyone swore. "Right in front of me plain as day!" Having cleaned and washed, no longer looked like a victim of a food riot, Tenchi stopped. Turning slightly, holding the ends of a towel around his neck in both hands, staring at her evenly. "Why don't you believe me?" Kiyone challenged. "First of all," He told her slowly. "I never said that I didn't, Key." "Well what do you think..." She began. "What I said, was 'let's not talk about...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 72 Porchside deplomacy

Elsewhere at roughly the same time, Tenchi was making his way along the house sun porch. Briefly he paused, taking the majestic view of the placid lake offered from this angle. Then, taking a deep breath, he smiled. "The coast is clear Mr. Sheagame." He addressed the empty air. "You can come out now." There followed a long pause during which nothing happened. Then suddenly, sounds of shuffling from underneath prompted seconds later a slight squeak. Signaling in turn loose boards being...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 83 Over a barrel

"Excellent!" Funaho breathed decisively, as Kiyone continued to glare holes in her. More than anything, Key thought the Queen seemed ... Relieved? Almost like she was expecting another answer? She wasn't certain, and didn't know that moment if she gave a damn anyway! "Not like this!" Ayeka openly wept, still kneeling on the floor leaning forward to bury her face into hands. "Please eternal Tsunami! Not like this!" She whispered, almost inaudibly. It was difficult to watch and almost...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 88 Only Too Human

Hero had been sitting at the base of the entry hall stairs staring despondently at his shoes for several minutes. He been siting there far longer he supposed, lost in thought uncertain of his next move. His conversation with the queen had raised far more questions than it had answered. To say nothing of the considerable inner turmoil it had stirred up! The same questions had been rolling through his mind, over and over again since the Queen had made it her business to be elsewhere and no...

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The New Tenants Part 1

Chapter I. It had been a tough couple of years and Bill was relieved when he found a tenant for the upper floor of his duplex. This was the final step in the rebuilding of his life after the divorce. On his own for the first time after 22 years of marriage, he had decided to make a new start. A new city, a new job, and the restoration of the duplex had provided a complete and welcome break with the past. He was pleased with the new tenants. Lisa was a single mom in her late thirties and a...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 35 Aint no picnic

Their arrival at stair's end was not at all disappointing. As usual, Sasami had pulled out all stops preparing lunch. The largest permanent table in the rest stops area covered with bright linen. Even from where they stood, the aroma was sheer heaven. "You know Sasami," Kiyone was saying, while Katsuhito and Washu looked on. "You're going to a lot of trouble for just a lunch!" Watching as the second princess was finishing a few last touches with Kiyone holding a box, on which Sasami...

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AlohaTube Facials

There is a question that haunts me every single waking moment of the day. I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat crying this question out to the gods. In the silent moments when I have nothing but my thoughts to keep me company, it's this question that comes to mind: Where should I cum next?So Many Places to Cum, and So Little TimeThere are just so many options. The world is my oyster, and it wants to be covered in as much of the Porndudes cum as he can manage to produce.Of...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 21 How rude

Ayeka stood, slightly stooped over eyes closed, totally out of breath. Slowly, methodically the princess began taking deep 'lung-fulls' of air. Sara, at that moment being the closest to the stairs stood blinking at the young woman's sudden appearance. Glancing then back along the ancient flight to a curious a trail of dust still spiraling, linking the front of the distant house to the top step of the shrine. "Who is that?" Yoshi asked voice brimming with awe, still standing over where...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 53 Mr Goldstein

"Ah Mr. Masaki!" The man behind the counter said in surprisingly fluent Japanese. Tenchi had never considered himself racist, but hearing his native tongue from an someone of such obvious Jewish origin, without a trace of accent was ... Well, just plain odd. Not that 'it' coming from what appeared to be a floating wooden log was any less strange. "Or a bronzed, elf eared, blue eyed blond bomb shell for that matter!" He thought with a smile. "I understand you need some custom sizing...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 69 A Heros welcome

"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 122 Man And Wife

"You are now Husband and wife," A voice coaxed softly behind them. With every thing going on it took Tenchi some seconds realizing it was Masaki addressing them. "There is no longer a need to restrain yourselves!" Ayeka's mother smiled. Responding to the gentle urging Tenchi opened his hand shifting his grip. Only just aware of the last of the vines still entwining their fore arms falling away. Noting in its passing the delicate patterns now indelibly there understandable more livid...

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DaftSex Facials

We would all agree that very few things in life come close to being as exciting as jerking off to high-quality porn. Even for you fuckers that love to wank off to amateur porn, you would agree that the Jacking off experience is always better when the camera can capture clearly those little details as the slut gags on a cock.There are a shit ton of free porn websites out there, hell!! Porn websites are popping up daily. However, just a few free porn tubes can provide users with full-length...

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Kristens Big Mistake Redux by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite © copyright 2014, 2019, 2020 by Millie Dynamite Kristen’s trip went well, she’d bought dozens of new outfits, spent a fortune on all kinds of indulgences, and enjoyed herself indulgence in the resort getaway. She felt satisfied and only wanted to get home to her husband to play the part of a loving wife. He’d be happy, she returned two days ahead of schedule, and she would satisfy his every whim, the old fart had always been an easy mark. Passing over the exchange, she...

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SxyPrn Facials

Something is thrilling about watching a chick's face getting covered in cum. While I do think that cum belongs in the throats of bitches, a chick's face covered in cum is a pretty sight to behold. I like a slut that swallows but shooting cum on her face is equally exciting.For a lot of guys fucking a bitch isn't complete without shooting cum all over her face. Though I don't agree with the premise. Giving her a creampie or pumping all of the load down her throat are also great ways to end an...

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