An ClochánChapter 23 free porn video

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Jill and Janet met Siobhan's Clan when they arrived on Dóchas. "We're glad you're here," said Janet, "it seems like it's been forever since we got together for fun."

Tiff pulled Janet into her arms and gave her a very emotional kiss as she stroked her mane and ass. Janet responded by caressing her. The others chuckled at Tiff's response to the comment about fun. The kiss and caressing continued until both were breathing heavily.

Finally, Siobhan said, "Janet, you should make it clear to Tiff what you mean by fun." Her comment prompted everyone to laugh.

Once the two separated Janet said, "Well as I said, it has been a while. Maybe more of that kind of fun later. Everyone is in the lounge waiting for us."

As they walked to the lounge Tiff said, "Are you all still playing with electric stimulation?"

"Yes," replied Jill. "We all do to some extent. Janet, Alison and I are probably the most frequent users. It is usually after we've worn Rusty out, before it was our turn. For us, using electric stimulation with the right person we find our orgasms are nearly as intense as they are with Rusty."

"That's true," said Janet. "We are so fortunate to be here with them."

"I guess we are like your clan," replied Kendra. "Several of us find that it easily takes us to an intense orgasm. We all prefer to join with Conan in sharing that. Sharing seems to make it so much more pleasurable, that is also true when we share our physical love with any of our spouses."

"True," replied Janet just as they walked into the lounge.

The two clans began greeting each other with kisses and hugs. Most were as intense and intimate as those that Janet and Tiff had exchanged earlier.

"Is everyone horny, or just glad to be together again?" asked Sarah.

"Both, in spades," replied Keira quickly with a smile as she reached over to caress Aoife's ass. Everyone laughed at her quick response.

"I don't know about horny," said Joyce, "but going by the odor and the guy's condition, I think that we are all a little aroused."

"I thought we were going to play volleyball," said Eileen. "Then after dinner perhaps something quieter."

"Oh, we're going to play volleyball alright. Our children are anxiously waiting for us to join them in the gym. Several have offered to be on your team so that the rotations are more even."

"Good idea," replied Siobhan. "Their youth ought to offset some of the difference in height and numbers."

"Now, the last time we played our team matched yours in numbers," said Alison.

"Yea, but the difference in height gives you all a bit of an advantage."

"Could be," said Claudette, "but that just means we have further to fall."

"It really doesn't matter," said Kendra. "This is for fun, and I refuse to look at it any other way."

"I was only teasing," said Siobhan.

"I know, but I don't think everyone had picked up on that yet. Besides, I would rather play than talk trash."

"Yes!" replied everyone as they headed for the gym.

Their fourth match had just ended when the dinner chime sounded.

"Dinner time already," said Keira a little breathlessly. "Boy that time went fast."

Earnán said, "Yes it did. It was really great to join in with you."

"We are glad you did as it let all of your parents participate."

"How are Ahha and Mapk?"

"They are doing fine. Gail thought they would be in the tubes for about another 14 days."

"We thought Ahha said it was only going to be for two weeks."

"That was the initial plan. Once they began, the autodoc extended the time to both slow down the conversion and take it farther to completion."

"So there is nothing wrong?"


"Good," said Iris, a daughter of Sarah's Clan. "We are anxious for them to be with us again."

"No more than us," replied several of Siobhan's Clan. Tiff continued, "We know they are with us, but it is so much better to be able to touch or hold someone you love. They have quickly become an integral part of our family."

"We know that they think you are the greatest. Well, we kind of agree with them."

"Thank you," replied Tiff pulling Earnán into a hug and giving him a very intense kiss.

"Hey, that is my son you are seducing," said Tara with a smile.

When Tiff broke the kiss she said, "I wasn't seducing him. I am just conveying our love for him; and such a fine young man too." Tiff turned to Iris and said, "Thank you," before pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her as she caressed her back.

"Wow," said Erin, "Tiff is hot tonight."

"She gets that way sometimes," replied Eileen, "well actually, most of the time."

When Tiff and Iris separated she said, "Eileen, you are just jealous."

"Not really, just a little envious in this case."

"Let's go freshen up for dinner," said Sally.

Siobhan's and Sarah's Clan, along with their children, gathered together in their suite after dinner. A few had started to play cards then Erin picked up her harp and began to gently pluck the strings.

"Erin, is there a fiddle close by?" asked Siobhan. "If there is, I'd like to join you."

"Yes, there are several in the closet. I didn't know you played."

"I played as a child. Since things have settled down some I have been playing again. It must be contagious as several of my spouses have resumed playing, and others are learning."

"Yes we have," added Aisling. "I think all of us find it relaxing, whether we are playing or listening."

"Amen," replied the group.

"Siobhan, the fiddles should be in tune."


"Can we play with you?" asked Keri, one of Sarah's Clan's daughters.

"Most certainly," replied several adults.

Several more instruments were brought out. Soon there was a group consisting of several fiddles, Uilleann pipes, two guitars and an accordion, along with the Celtic harp. They each played a few notes to become comfortable with their instrument.

"So, how do we want to do this?" queried Joyce.

"Why don't we take turns in leading a song we like? Then if others know it they can join in, or if we really like it we can run through it several times so that everyone can learn it."

"Sounds like a plan," said Erin. "I'll start off." She first played "Maple Leaf Rag." Everyone was fascinated by the tune. She followed it with "The Entertainer" before pausing.

"That was neat," exclaimed Iris. "I've never heard music like that."

"The style is called 'ragtime' and it isn't usually played on the harp." She then told them the names of the songs.

"Can we try it?" asked Siobhan.

"Sure. I think it was originally written for piano. Getting the rhythm right might be a challenge for some instruments. Earnán, turn the monitor on and turn it to face us so we can see the music score. There aren't any lyrics for these that I know of. I believe they were written as instrumental pieces. They certainly entice you to dance."

Together they ran through each song several times until everyone understood what was needed. Once they were happy with them they started changing leads. Each person followed Erin's example and played two songs, with those that knew the song joining in after a few bars. Many times they would play a song a second time with more joining in. When a song had lyrics, it would be played an additional time so that they could sing. During the jam session several children brought the musicians drinks.

During one pause Eileen said, "Oh my gosh, look at the time."

"We've been jamming for three hours," said Erin, "no wonder my fingers are protesting."

"I hate to be a wet blanket," said Tiff, "but we need to be going as tomorrow beckons. This evening has been wonderful."

"Yes, it has," added Melissa. "I'm not sure who suggested getting together but it was a great idea."

"I think we ought to get together more frequently than we do," said May.

"We keep reminding our family members to take time to breathe," said Conan. "We don't set a very good example. Recently there were many times when we couldn't, but we should continue to try."

"Yes," replied everyone and then several children were heard to say "Oh, goody." Their comment resulted in much laughter.

"Say guys and girls," said Siobhan, "when Ahha and Mapk are back on our ship, we want you to come visit for a few days."

"Yea," responded the children.

"We would love to visit," said Keri. "Are you sure you want all of us at one time?"

Siobhan shrugged before saying, "Sure. Why not?"

"No reason. Just asking. You let us know when you want us to come and we'll be there."

"We don't have a problem with any of you just dropping over to visit, though depending on circumstances we may not be able to spend much time with you."

"Molly and Jackie have invited us to visit them as well. Now that a few of us are checked out on the shuttles we have a bit more flexibility in visiting."

"Great. So, how many of you have been checked out?"

"Earnán, Deirdre, Iris and Kennith," said Jordana. "We are taking turns so we don't interfere with other activities. All of us plan on becoming qualified as Star Fighter pilots."

"Wonderful. We need to be going."

"You could spend the night," said Erin.

"That is an enticing offer," said Eileen, "however there are a few things we need to take care of in the morning. Let's consider an extended visit the next time we get together."

"We will," replied the two clans.

With that they began saying goodbye with hugs and kisses. Many of these were intense as they expressed their love for each other. The children were included, except that the kisses weren't as passionate.

Sarah and Erin were walking back from the hangar after seeing Siobhan's Clan off when Erin said, "I agree with the comment earlier. This has been a fantastic evening."

"I feel that way every time our clans are together," replied Sarah as she put her arm around Erin. "That is true when we get together with any of our sister clans. What prompted you to get out your harp?"

"I just had an urge to play and we really hadn't started doing anything else."

"We should do that again. Everyone sure enjoyed it."

When they entered the suite they joined their other spouses preparing to retire. As they freshened up before getting into bed they talked about the fun they had had that evening. Several of their children were giving each other high fives as they were glad to see their parents relax.

Aoife said, "Our children are celebrating."

"What?" questioned several of the clan.

"Yea, they are celebrating the fact that we took time to relax. Conan is right. We really ought to make more of an effort."

They all climbed into bed and cuddled against each other with Rusty in the center. The clan was soon very relaxed, letting their bodies recharge to be ready for the next day. As they relaxed a soft golden glow filled the room. Through their link with each other and Star, even in their sleep they were aware of all the activity surrounding them.

Iris, Jordana and Keri peaked around the door to look at their parents sleeping. Iris softly said, "Ahha said Siobhan's Clan took on a rich green glow when they sleep."

"There is nothing in the library about a clan glowing as they sleep," said Keri. "Let's ask Aine when she gets back. Either she or one of her sisters may understand it."

"Just seeing it gives me a feeling of comfort," said Jordana.

"They are the neatest parents," replied Iris. "Let's go to bed." She took the hands of her siblings and led them back to their room. Once there the four of them snuggled together as sleep overtook them.

Siobhan said, "It is time to go to the medical center."

"You've been a bit anxious this morning," replied Aisling.

"Yea, and I guess you think none of you have. I think we are all anxious to have them with us again physically."

"You know," said Tiff, "it doesn't seem like it's been nearly four weeks since we saw them lowered into tubes."


"Well, it doesn't. It seems more like two years." The clan laughed at her exaggeration, but also nodded their agreement.

"The children from Dóchas want to come over tomorrow," said Eileen.

"Good. It will be a nice change having all of them here."

As they had been talking, they were walking toward the medical center on Phoenix. When they entered, one of the staff said, "They are in room 12 and should just about be waking up."

"They are not fully awake yet," said Keira as the group quickened the pace to room 12. "Their link with us is fully active."

Just as Siobhan's Clan entered the room Ahha and Mapk opened their eyes. A technician was monitoring each of them as the two shook off the effects of being in suspension for 36 clock cycles.

"Is something wrong?" asked Ahha.

"No," replied a technician. "Why?"

"You told us it would take two weeks, but that was earlier today."

"Nope. Actually it has been 36 clock cycles, but a lot of people feel that way when they wake up. The time was longer than planned because the doctors slowed some of the processes down. How do you feel?"

"Wonderful, but different," then seeing Siobhan's Clan she added, "Hi, brother and sisters."

"Hi. You look great," replied Siobhan's Clan.

"Have you noticed a difference in sensations?" asked May.

"Yes. Is it alright if I sit up?"

"Let me run a few tests first," replied the technician.

"Is Mapk awake?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good. Too bad you are over there and not next to me."

The technicians worked with Ahha and then Mapk, and soon had them both sitting up on the edge of their beds. Keira and Aisling went to sit with Mapk, putting an arm around him, while May and Casidhe sat down with Ahha, putting an arm around her. The technicians stepped back to monitor the children as Siobhan's Clan helped them with the next steps in adapting to their altered bodies.

Siobhan said, "Remember the instructions before the conversion. Since your stature and feet have changed, your balance may feel strange. We will help you stand and then walk."

"Before you do that," said Conan, "examine yourselves. We've had a couple of people try to do both at one time. It didn't work well."

"Our hair isn't as long as I thought it would be," said Mapk.

"It will take a couple of months for it to reach its natural length," replied Eileen.

After a few moments Mapk said, "I'm ready." Kendra held out her hands to him as he slowly placed his weight on his feet. He flexed his legs then did several squats, testing his balance. "This feels much better than walking on my toes before the conversion."

"That is because the calves of your legs and your ankles have changed," said a technician. "After you try walking, we want you to wear special shoes most of the time for several months or more. This will help the changes stabilize correctly. If they don't stabilize correctly, you will need to go back in the tube for an extended time."

"The tubes are okay, but..." Everyone laughed as they knew what he meant.

Kendra held out her hands and walked backward as Mapk walked toward her. Once they reached the wall, he stopped and flexed his legs again before turning and walking back to Keira and Aisling. As he walked back his steps showed his confidence in his balance. He sat down and put on the shoes he was handed. When he finished, he turned and hugged Keira giving her a very warm kiss. He then hugged and kissed Aisling, before getting up and greeting his other sisters the same way. When he reached Conan, he gave him a tight hug and a light kiss on the cheek.

Mapk turned to Ahha and said, "What are you waiting for?"

"Well, since you had all their attention, I thought I would let you enjoy it." Ahha then slowly placed her weight on her feet and stood. Amber stepped toward her to assist, but Ahha shook her head as she flexed her legs. She made a couple of tentative steps toward Amber, and then quickly began to walk with a sure stride across the room and back. Reaching the bed she gave both May and Casidhe a hug, along with a very warm kiss, before doing the same with the rest of her sisters and brothers. The last hug and kiss was for Mapk. It was easy to see their love for one another. Siobhan's Clan watched them as they kissed, and through their telepathic link saw the telepathic link between the pair grow.

"Ahha, you need to put your shoes on," said a technician.

"Ah, yes. Thank you." Ahha then slipped her shoes onto her feet.

"I'm curious," said Mapk. "You seemed to be quicker in adjusting to your feet and taller stature than I was."

"Probably because of wearing heels occasionally. The balance issue is not much different; well actually, I think it is easier now."

"It is," said Siobhan, Aisling and Kendra together. Several chuckled at their quick comment.

"So, what do you want to do now?" asked Conan.

"What can we do?" replied Ahha and Mapk.

"Just about anything," said a technician. "We would suggest that you don't do a lot of jumping for an extended length of time, like playing volleyball, or an extended aerobic activity. You are encouraged to use your personal exerciser three or four times a day until the changes are complete. The unit is programmed to keep you from over exercising. You need to come back and see us once a week for at least the next month."

"Then let's go back to our suite," said Ahha. "We can explore the changes in our bodies and get caught up on what has happened during the last, I think, four weeks. I can't believe it was that long."

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Rion is trying to get out the door to catch the bus but Mrs. Cruise wanted to chat. They talk about the upcoming dance and how Rion doesn’t have a date. He admits he doesn’t know how to dance. Mrs. Cruise offers to teach him how to dance right then and there. She makes sure he knows it’s all about alignment of where her hips and tits press up against him. She notices he gets a boner and he’s really embarrassed. Mrs. Cruise takes it to the next level and teaches him how...

1 year ago
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Past Desires

The sunlight gently creeps through the window in the early morning. The room is silent, all but for the gyrations of Angelina, sitting on the lap of her lover, Alex. Both of them drunk, Angelina is moaning and panting, rocking back in the chair, her hands on top of Alex’s on top of her breasts, trying to grind her clit into his hips, despite having her back to him, she vainly ended up trying to fuck the air around her. I hadn’t seen her in three years. Three fuckin’ years. She was like a drug....

2 years ago
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LovingChapter 5 Four Becomes Six

Things went really well with the addition of Charley to our group, it was great, he was easy to live with for all of us. Everyone had their fill of great sex at what I thought was it's absolute best. My lovely Carol had picked up a strange preference however. If I were at home, she always wanted me to help start Charley's cock in her sweet cunt or ass when he fucked her. She told me that it helped her to be sure I still approved of her fucking Charley. Sort of symbolic, if I put Charley's...

2 years ago
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Slayers The Device

Greetings reader. The following is set in the MAU universe and in the present day. I will admit that there is some similarity with Allen W's Slayer series, it was the inspiration along with watching season 3 of Buffy again. Both involve characters winding up in the bodies based off the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the agency that investigates the MAUs, but beyond that I intend to go in another direction. It isn't meant to be a spin-off or sequel to his series. This series is...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 15

My first night back in the cabin where I lived, I found myself cleaning 40 days worth of dust and grime from the counters and dishes. Open cabinets did that. I managed that while trying to figure out how best to hunt down bail jumpers. I started with some basic assumptions. Neither Lucas, nor I were every going to intimidate the bad guys with our looks. If we intended to do this and be successful, we would have to outsmart the prey. I remembered the story of my friend the Air Policeman who...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Ginger

It was Friday night at the Dangerous Curves strip club and the place was near capacity. I stood by the door, eyes constantly scanning the room for any potential trouble. But I was distracted this night. I was planning something for a coworker’s birthday. Aah, speaking of coworkers… I thought to myself. There’s the birthday girl now…. I looked toward the center stage where Ginger was beginning her dance. Her long, red hair flowed down her back as she moved, her hips undulating as her perfect ass...

2 years ago
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Multiple Creampies

My wife and I are in our forties. We have a very good sex life, although my wife has one fantasy left to fulfil.This involved me allowing her to take multiple cocks. I agreed to this on one condition: that I would be able to watch.This happened when we were on holiday in Greece. We arrived at our hotel at three in the afternoon and went straight to our room to unpack. We decided to go to the bar for a drink. This became several and we were soon a bit tipsy.We returned to our room to change for...

First Time
3 years ago
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Off to the Races

Off to the Races Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a suggestion by Renny Renne] "You can't really think you'd make a better woman than me?" "Oh, I know I can," Christian teased his assistant. "You do know I'm a really girl, right? Just so we're clear," Marissa retorted, bemused by the subject of the conversation she was having with her boss. "Men are always better at being women than women are." "Do you think you're prettier than me?" Marissa asked, placing her...

2 years ago
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Giuliana Benedetti

Giuliana Benedetti looks at herself in the full body bathroom mirror, all 5'7" of herself. The light olive skin she inherited from her Sicilian ancestors is the hallmark that sometimes gives her Italian ethnic background away. She runs her smooth hands all over her body, trying to understand why her idiot of a husband Giuseppe isn't satisfied with the Italian Duchessa he has waiting for him at home. Her body is tight and lightly muscular like an athlete, yet, also features killer curves in all...

3 years ago
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Mom Got HotChapter 4

To Jodie's relief, Dane didn't talk about what had happened. They ate their lunch, had another swim, and drove back to town, and he didn't say a word about his mother jacking him off. She knew he'd bring it up sooner or later, though. The next time he got horny, he'd be sure to ask her for a repeat performance or even more. She decided she'd better head him off. That evening as they sat in the living room watching television, she prepared herself for a serious talk with her son. "Are...

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OHGirl and Velvet Gangbang Girls

Velvet:Cum splashed across my face and two large streams hit my open mouth as another of the 28 men, who were performing in my newest Japanese Gangbang and Bukakke film, covered me with their jizz. My legs were spread while one Asian cock after another speared my gaping slit and pumped me until it was ready to erupt into my mouth and onto my face. I had toured Florida for a week before I had flown to Japan and this was the third gangbang film I had taken part in, since I had arrived five days...

3 years ago
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Sheetal Bhabhi

Hiii Guys, this is anurag here from mum,main mumbai me rehta hu,meri age 26 ki hai, 6 fit hieght hai, story yaha se shuru hoti hai, aur meri baju wali bldg me samne wale flat me sheetal bhabhi rehti hai, uski shadi ko abhi 3 saal huwe hai, unke husband ka business hai surat me saree ka. wo mahine me ek baar to surat pakka jate hi hai,to story yaha se start hoti hai, sheetal bhabhi ka figure 36/30/34 hai, wo bohot gori hai, bade baal hai, aur dikhne me bohot sexy hai, bohot lambi hai, maine use...

3 years ago
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A Problem in Russel Hall part 1

It was 4:22 in the morning, and I couldn’t sleep.  I knew it had been a mistake to do a Thirsty Thursday the day before a test.  Ricky, down the hall, had brought in some friends from home, the chemistry boys had played flip cups, and of course I’d done shots with everyone else.  Ricky’s friend from high school, Kayla, had been super-hot, with a super-curvy body and long, wavy brown hair, and even though I only knew her from being on the same flip cups team, my mind kept drifting to her.  I had...

2 years ago
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Dylan and I Part 2 Yesterday

I’ve been cheating on my husband with Dylan, for over a month now. I’ve told myself over and over again not to fall for him, but it’s harder than I thought. I’m in this for the sex, and I’m fine with Dylan fucking other women, like I mentioned before, it even turns me on a little. I just didn’t realize how addicted I’ve become to his thick nine-inch cock. I fantasize about him a lot, and I’ve avoided sex with my husband, because quite frankly he can’t compare physically. I know that’s horrible...

2 years ago
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The Teen Whore 20 part 1

Hi all this is my first attempt at writing a story so any constructive criticism is appreciated. This is part fiction based on true events with some changes to make it a perfect fantasy. Sam was sat at work on another Monday dreading the start of the working week. He had began to spend less and less time on work activities for the past year since a change of role gave him limited supervision and few deadlines. Sam was an unhappily married man in is late 30s and due to a lack of sex at home he...

3 years ago
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Daughters Beth Bethany and Daddy

Daughters Beth, Bethany and Daddy My first sexual experience was when I lost my virginity when I was sixteen. I became involved in incest with my oldest sister Anna. She had broken up with the latest boy friend. She was furious that he had never satisfied her sexually when they fucked. Even though she would suck and fuck him, he would not reciprocate by having oral sex with her. He did not like the idea of putting his mouth on a pussy.Since I was available at home, my sister trained me to give...

3 years ago
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Author would like to thank CopyCarver for his help editing this story. * Breathe deep, pick up the pace, keep going……..the beach is only another couple miles in the distance……… was the mantra running through my mind as my hands sliced cleanly through the ocean water. In the predawn light I could barely make out the Malibu pier ahead on my left as I veered away, always keeping a cautious watch for discarded fishing lines. Chemical runoff, discarded nets, and fishing paraphernalia often washed...

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Beckys Video

I suppose I was the one that first mentioned porn to Nikki. We'd been chatting on a girls' night out and laughed abut how I'd never found any porn in the house. She giggled and said I was bound to find some sooner or later – all men had some, somewhere. A few days later, I'd completely forgotten our drunken conversation and so when Nikki showed up at mine after you'd gone out with your friends, I was surprised when she mentioned it. We'd both had a few glasses of wine at that point and when...

1 year ago
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Chennai Gigolo Sex 8211 Part 2

Hello iss readers, I am pramod from bangalore. I am a professional gigolo in chennai. Any woman wants to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction or want to have just fun can hire me on All communication is highly secure and safe. Even though I had sex with unmarried girls, but I am personally fond of married unsatisfied woman. This story is continuation of the story know as chennai gigolo sex part – I . I heard a known voice calling my name in the bus stop. When I turned around I saw vishnu...

4 years ago
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A pleasant shower at the gym

Friday evening finally came and I got free from my office.I called my sweet wife and told her I needed some relax at the gym. I would go there right now to work out a bit, or do some swimming.My real routine on Fridays was swimming; I needed it…Ana said she would wait me at home, with dinner ready. For dessert, she had got her pussy full of her Black Master’s semen, so that I could lick her clean with my tongue. I warned Anita that, if I could not get enough relax at the swimming pool, I would...

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Fun With My Sons Friends

I’m a sexy woman. Before that I was a sexy girl. I started developing when I was ten, my flat nipples started to swell, I knew immediately when I first noticed them changing that I was growing boobs. And I loved the idea. I would often stand in front of my floor-length mirror in my room, standing there naked, examining every facet of my evolving body. I started talking about sex with my girlfriends, picking up little shards of truth or fiction like most of us do, adding to my curiosity almost...

1 year ago
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Niece on a BoatChapter 7 Photo

“So she really wanted to?” Sean asked. He could hardly believe how fast their niece had been with his brother. “All set,” Freddie nodded. He was at the helm, about to take over as they sailed through the night towards Brest. The others were all below, asleep. “Another few seconds and she’d have impaled herself. I hadn’t done anything, apart from fondling her pussy.” “Oh is that all?” Sean smiled. “She was the one who stripped, asked me to strip, found the place to do it, everything. Then...

3 years ago
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Ah The Anticipation of Passion

Ah, the passion and heat of a new lover, mmmmm what is sweeeter? I really can't think of nothing else. We all know that unbridled passion and first kisses of a new relationship. So let me explain in depth... Ah, I met this most perfect man online, I know seems so strange that you can find love online but it happens, it also happens to be the place to find lust if your looking. So I'm thinking to find both is pretty rare you think? However it may be to some so here is my little story... I was...

Straight Sex
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We start, as we so often do, by tasting, kissing. I kiss your cheek, then your mouth, then part my lips, as you part yours, and caress your lips with my tongue. And while we are kissing, my hands and fingers are lightly exploring and caressing the graceful curves and hollows of your neck, your shoulder, your upper arm - and where my hands have gone, my lips and tongue soon follow, with touches even lighter and softer than my gentle fingers. Then I touch your breasts through your clothes,...

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The call

She awoke with a start. It was 5:55am. Exhaling in a half frustrated, half indulgent groan, she sank back into the new winter sheets she had just pulled out three days ago. The season was changing. Outside, Fall was making its graceful exit and the gritty cold winds of Winter were approaching. Four months it had been, and yet it was with her. ‘Wake up 5 minutes before My call’ he instructed her. He had no authority over her except that which he exuded. The decision to obey him was...

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My Sister the Slut

I turned twenty-one in the spring of my junior year of college, in 1969, and I could at last live off-campus. I had so many fails and drops I had to go to summer school to graduate on time and I couldn't wait to get out of the dorms. A guy from my hometown, Ron, shared an old rundown hippie house with three roommates and they needed a replacement for the summer so I moved in. When he didn't return that fall I stayed. I was having an affair with my sister Ellie, nineteen, and I was looking...

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Bachelor8217s Mature Orgy

The alarm rang waking me up from my deep slumber. I looked at the watch to see the time. It showed 6:00 A.M. The sun shown bright over my bed and my two friends Alex and Abinanth, who shared the flat along with me. Alex worked as a software professional who stood 6″ tall and looked massive. Abinanth on the other hand is short but handsome. We had been great friends and shared all our intimate experiences in life. I eased my body off the bed to get ready.I heard the door bell ring and went to...

1 year ago
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OneSexChat India

If you could only have One Sex Chat, where would you have it? I’m not a math genius or anything, but it seems like you’d have to be a fool to choose a site or an app with shitty odds of giving you what you want. A good adult chat site is going to have loose community guidelines, so you ain’t barred from talking dirty, and a nice interface so you’re not fighting against old technology just to send a message. Most importantly, it’s got to have plenty of real live women to chat with, at least if...

Sex Chat Sites
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country love

I lived out in the country on a gravel road.All that was around me was cotton and rice fields.The houses were spaced out my nearest neighbor about a mile. It was peaceful and plenty of privatcy.I was 18 and kind of wild and horny.I had been with alot of girls and was quiet good at throwing the ole dick.I was glad to hear that someone new was moving in down the road.when i saw them moving in i went and interduced myself.It was a recently divorced woman and her daughter.I was blown away by the...

2 years ago
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Unmeasured ConsequencesChapter 6

The following day as she walked up the final steps to get onto her floor she ran into Jim, who was on his way down. “Kathy, I’ve got some good news. Craig talked with Janice and she has agreed to back off. I don’t know anything other than that, but I do know that it was a huge fight.” “That’s great news!” “And, Margaret’s niece will close her investigation of the complaint, so she won’t be coming back.” “So, the investigation is over? Was my name cleared?” “Well, it was closed as...

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