XXXecil's: Three Hundred MillionChapter 7 free porn video

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It all made sense now; and she could feel him - feel a man nearby. The voices and images that had bombarded her made sense now - and they had washed away her old reality. All she remembered was being sucked up by the blue light into the alien warship, and the gas she and the other women had been subjected to... no, not gas exactly, the were tiny particles like... dust or... spores. Spores. She knew that now.

Finally, the it all made sense. She had eons worth of memories; the biologically-encoded memories of a great race, an ancient race. The body of knowledge that filled her brain overshadowed all ethical, political, or religious beliefs; her race-memory was all. She had awakened at long last from a prison of petty, weak, female morality and anxiety, And she knew what she had to do.

Increase. Reproduce. Again, and again. It was not a means to an end, reproduction was the end. It would be beautiful; she was beautiful. She had been given a gift when the aliens sprayed her with their spores; she knew that she did not need to age, she need not fear rejection. She knew that she had a choice of any man... she was erupting with the power of limitless seduction - no matter a man's station, committment or preferences - she could have him... she could possess the best men... but... but... she didn't want the best man...

Snarling, she ran a hand across her slippery cunt. No, she wanted... all men! All of them! She would spread her legs, shake her ass for any chance to copulate. She laughed when she realized that normal women would be selective for the most suitable man. Foolishness! What mattered was breeding! When she had been human; she had wanted only to attract the right man; now she could attract any man, and wanted them all!

She closed her eyes, and felt a sweet sensation. It was an aura that teased her senses like electric sugar. She could see glowing blue threads in the air, many of them with a common root - but with a few wild branches. The glowing threads that waved and wandered in front of her seemed to radiate that energizing sweetness.

She grasped a tangential strand, and gained a flash of images - massive breasts, platinum blond hair, metal studs and piercings, a feminine shape. She visualized herself putting the glowing strand in her pussy, and the sugary bliss intensified and stimulated her yet more. She was dimly aware of her flesh flowing, bones popping, chest expanding. And in a flash, she knew that she had become the very soul of desire! The sweetness grew more intense, and was accompanied by a sense of invincible power. She was desireable now, a perfect match... but... for what?

For a man... she could practically smell his lust; it was not the nature of the man himself, but the strength of his libido that drew her. It made no difference what he looked like; she knew that she would spread herself for any male even... males from other planets? Yes... yes... their libidoes captivated her, made her wet, made her pulse flutter with longing. Imagine! There was a time when she would have rejected a man based on meaningless emotional impulses! She scoffed at the human woman she used to be, she was... yes, a slut. She embraced the term as normal, natural. She had reached the inevitable evolution of the female organism - absolute promiscuity. She looked forward to impregnation - she knew that she could birth offspring quickly, easily, without pain or risk of injury - in her new, advanced body she realized the process would be highly pleasurable! And imagine, she had been afraid when the aliens had first captured her! No... not aliens...

"Coit'ii," she breathed. She was one of them now, they were her people, her species. It was human women that were alien now. Her new sisterhood ruled this planet; and they would steal every living male away from their own women. But that had already been done; Only a tiny handful of men in the most remote places on Earth could have possibly escaped the Great Harvest. She knew that ships had even combed the Kalahari Desert and Amazon rainforests, to capture every possible male to ejaculate for the Empire. But there was one left; he must have somehow escaped; he had a cunning, powerful mind, but his lust was strong. That was what drew her, the greater the male's lust, the more her own sexual craving was fed - and she knew she had taken the shape of a deep-rooted desire.

She was drawn to him like a magnet, from his sperm, she would derive both pleasure and sustenance, from her cunt, he would gain a potent addiction. She loped forward to follow the strands of desire across the stripped soil where blue moss from the Coit'ii Homeworld had been planted. There was a ship; it was a small shuttle made from rough, bluish-purple crystalline blocks. Not Coit'ii manufacture; her race memory told her that it was made by an ingenious, telepathic species smarter on average than humanity, but far less fertile. Nonetheless, the males of that race could not restrain themselves from the limitless sexual indulgence the Coit'ii promised - and had thus become one more planet of lesbian savages and stud-slaves. Now, there were Coit'ii who had added that race's genious and greater telepathy to the gene pool at large; making them all the more capable to conquer Earth.

"Intelligence is limited; Lust is eternal." She droned, her race memory feeding her a popular Coit'ii maxim. The mating instinct was a weakness shared by the smartest, strongest, toughest species - none could resist The Empire. And the leaders of this planet had been so eager to ejaculate their freedom and power into the accepting pussies of the First Wave agents. This ship's presence here was a mystery. A mystery that she would explore after she'd gotten a crotch full of sweet, virile, human semen.

A mystery that was fleeting, it seemed. The bluish blocks began to fracture, crack and smoke. In a few moments, it was clear that somehow, the ship was disintegrating from some reaction inside its own structure. The blocks fragmented and faded into sandy debris, flowing downwards into a pile around the crash site. Beneath the blocks oozed a substance that resembled molten metal that flowed in steely rivulets. In less than a minute, evidence of the alien craft had vanished, and what remained could easily resemble the melted wreckage of any human-manufactured aircraft.

And in the center, stood the Man. He was wiry, of medium height for his species, not bulky, but with a hint of lean muscle. Clean shaven, his brownish hair resembled a spiky crew-cut, and there was a fierce gleam of cock-sure certainty in his smouldering eyes. And his rod... his manmeat stood poised, half-erect as if ready at any moment to surge into steely rigidity. His sausage-like cock throbbed, seeming to beckon her forward.

Knots of desire twisted in her gut, and her cunt began to quiver with the raw instincts that burned in her blood. She thrust her pelvis towards him, willing her mating musks towards him, and instinctively she began to growl. With the power of her mind, invisible fingers reached out towards the nest of strands that surrounded his aura, and she poked at his mind, provoking the parts of his brain that controlled lust and aggression. His eyes closed as her telepathic assault continued; sometimes sentient males had false ideals of honor and chastity that interfered with mating, she knew that her attack would amplify his deepest, animal urges and remove the threat of his morality. It was working, the male smiled as he rushed to meet her, and she would melt in his arms, and his cock would melt in her pussy, and he would seed her womb, and she would grow ripe with his young.

She was almost counting the seconds before his steely meat was within reach of her dripping female portal, closer... closer... and further... further away... what? There was a humming sound, and a waviness to the air as if a powerful energy field were near them, what would...

Above, a Coit'ii flier made a sweep of the crash-site, matte-green and with lateral panels that glowed pink on the bottom. The male was drawn away, magnetized upwards to cling to the ship as it carried off a wayward prize. She grasped for his cock, snarling her outrage. But there were two ships on approach; one of them was identical in manufacture, except with blue-glowing lateral panels, this one magnetized a group of feral human tribeswomen, binding them to the bottom of the ship and out of the way as it slowed to hover close to the ground.

Yes, this was for her. They knew that she had become one of them, and they would take her now to her new home, where she would have a place among those who understood the Call of the race memory, where she would have ready access to cock and sperm.

Her heels clicked softly against the white, sterile metal of the laboratory. "Shoes..." Began Dr. Cox as she paused for a moment, appraising herself. She was entirely naked save only for a pair of ruby-red, stilleto heeled women's shoes. "Normally, we Coit'ii detest the gross textiles that lesser females cover their bodies with, but these... I could get used to wearing shoes. The high heels encourage a posture that seems to push my breasts forward - they draw attention to my sexuality, rather than conceal it. Yes, this is an Earth custom that I could accept."

"It's a beginning." I replied, gasping for breath and trying to calm my upset stomach. I kneeled on a white, absorbent circular pad on a raised dais inside a technical room with a multitude of the hovering, spherical screens that were typical of Coit'ii computer systems. Despite my distress, the computer nerd in me was asking questions about their hard drive capacities, if their operating system could beat Bill Gates, and if they had Wi-Fi. But I had more pressing concerns at the moment, I was really feeling the gut-twisting effects of sex-withdrawal that the recorded scientist had warned me about. And like that scientist, I too had lost count of the aliens I'd knocked up since I'd escaped from the Reality Simulator. I had also felt that euphoric, floating pleasure that followed an orgasm into the cunt of a Coit'ii - and I was paying for it.

That was their hold over men; the sex they offered seemed to be free and clear - why not have as much as possible? Then you'd realize that you have to keep screwing them and only them - or the withdrawal from the pleasure of their pheromones and sex-oils would be fatal. I knew this had happened to me because my cock just kept getting harder, and I'd been sick before - any other time my gut was wrenching, or my head was spinning like this, sex had been the furthest thing from my mind. Not now; my body seemed to know what it needed; the greater the suffering, the longer, harder, more rigid I became. I knew the Coit'ii where the enemy, but I'd long ago fallen into their trap - and I'd die unless I played by their rules.

Just as well, because there was something that they didn't know. I'd gained something on that ship before ordering it to self-destruct. The sultry invaders wouldn't understand the weapon I possessed until it was far too late.

"All sentient species survive based on their ability to adapt..." The red-haired sex-demon continued. "My kind are expert at this; in more ways than the obvious." She riveted my with her wide, blue eyes. " I can adapt to wearing women's shoes, when most clothing is abhorrent to the Coit'ii, so then you too shall adapt to your own circumstance.

"You... Cecil are the annexed property of the Empire; you are an Imperial Stud-Breeder for the Coit'ii, and every last sperm cell you produce is the property of our Empire."

"I didn't intend to make you angry with my escape." Basically true; I was trying to foment revolution, I didn't really care whether the alien invaders would be angry or not.

"I am not angry, I am simply stating fact." The alien xenoneurologist began rubbing her own nipples together. "We like our Studs to be cunning and aggressive, and to pass those qualities on to the daughters they father upon us, so outbursts are to be expected for males clever enough to awaken from Simulation." And I was the first human to do so. "The simple reality is that we are now in absolute control of this solar system, this planet, and you." Her eyes narrowed with a sinister gleam. "Make no mistake human, we will have your sperm, you WILL cum for us. You will either enjoy it, or you will not." She ran her fingers down from the canteloupe slopes of her cleavage across her taut belly to her hot bush.

"But I think that you shall enjoy it, because the Coit'ii specialize in Pleasure to enforce Power. In time, you will accept the demands of your male sexuality. In time you will grow accustomed to the sight of Coit'ii bellies fully gravid with your offspring."

"Is that what happens now?"

"Soon enough, Cecil. But first you will be taught discipline." She squeezed a floating, pink orb that hovered nearby, and a shimmering curtain of energy cascaded down around me. I'd watched enough of the Sci-Fi channel to know a force-field when I saw it. She began to sway her hips in a kind of stripper-manuever that all Coit'ii seemed to understand instinctively. And then came her purr.

I had felt it before, but that didn't mean I was able to resist the empathic-psychic lures that these beings turned on stubborn men. As Dr. Cox rolled her perfect ass in a circle before me, I began to feel my emotions twist. Yes, my beefy cock sprang to life, but when the Flier had captured me, a machine had reattached the clear plastic cock-cap that would prevent masturbation - and of course I couldn't rip the thing off without wounding myself.

There was sense of power, entitlement. I deserved to blast my seed into every pussy in the galaxy! To hell with anyone that would deny my inherent right to breed! I threw myself against the energy field, to be gently repulsed by an intangible, yet irresistable motion. As she bounced her ass at me, she would turn back, smiling sharkishly as she growled; the noise seemed to sing to my very manhood, enflaming my urges to a fever pitch of rutting aggression.

I pushed with relentless abandon against the force-field, straining every muscle past the breaking point to lay claim to the teasing feminine flesh so close. Cox turned around, groaning, snarling eyes closed as she groped herself in front of me. She pinched her nipples, panting savagely - and she seemed able to entice her nipples to harden, lengthen from mere eraser heads to plump thumbles. Were her aureoles spreading further across her breastflesh? Yes... like an ever-widening stain of eroticism as her breasts jerked and throbbed.

Her nude torso undulated against the force field, allowing her crotch to graze the outer edge, I watched her labia engorge before me, lips ripe and ready to receive my phallic intrusion. And I deserved it! But I could only howl as my cock enflamed, my mind clouded with rage and lust, and my blood boiled. In my savage lust, I knew that she had made a mistake; I was stronger than their technology, I would find a way through and ravish the alien tease as no cock had done before! I howled in a primal passion somewhere between rage and rut. I pressed myself against the immaterial repulsion, uncaring for the strain to my muscles! Always her growl simmered in the back of my mind, banishing morality, restraint, and intellect. And Dr. Cox shimmied her jiggling chest as she continued her deliberate stripper-dance - not exactly a strip-tease, since she wore nothing but high-heel shoes.

I was the one who felt stripped, divested of covering. She was not trying to entice me to mate, as had the first Coit'ii I had met, she was subjecting me to a rare form of sexual torture. My higher motivations were being torn away by her psychic lust attack - and my mind could only descend deeper into a depraved web of cock-hardening madness. Not being able to touch her, while her telepathic powers faned the flames of my desire resulted in a rabid anguish that I had never imagined possible.

The alien neurologist squatted, her ass and cunt raised before me, as she grasped up one of the ubiquitous penis-robots and began to leisurely masturbate her hot slit. "So much better... after the male suffers a severe withdrawal reaction... when the male craves me more than his own life... his own sanity." again more growling as she pressed home her telepathic waves of lust.

"I am... principle overseer of your case... as such; I am entitled to five copulations per Yearn." I still wasn't sure what length of time that represented. "I've been saving them, saving them for whatever stunt I knew you would attempt - knowing that you would try to resist your normal male urges, and you would feel the pangs of addiction that men of all species suffer when they flee the Coit'ii. NAAAHH" Her dialogue broke down for a moment from the jolts of self-inflicted pleasure she was directing at her own cunt.

"Yes, human... free sex forever, but when a man ejaculates into a Coit'ii cunt, he belongs to us, whether he wishes it or not! He must come back to us, groveling for the change to impregnate us once more... and he shall have it! He must only surrender everything... body, soul, power, and loyalty. That is what I crave, Cecil. A man so desperate for my body, so maddened with lust to impregnate me that he has abandoned himself to the beast!

"We... my kind... this is what we lust for. To encite lust! We lust for males to lust after us... until they gladly abandon the lesser women of their own species! And now..." a louder growl... " It is your turn, Cecil. You have sired many offspring upon my kind, and thought that you could escape... now you feel the folly of your hubris. The suffering will end, all you must do is surrender... surrender to my cunt!" I didn't see any switches, but the force-field was gone, as was any and all resraint.

I mounted the sultry alien like a crazed, male grizzly bear at the height of the mating season. With one liquid thrust, I had rammed myself up to the hilt in the hottest reaches of her cunt. Bareback we began to move against each other, a cacophony of moans, snarls and grunts coming from both our throats. There was no coy, girlish reluctance - this was a bitch in heat that craved cock as much as any man could crave pussy.

My groping hands reached around to her chest, where I could feel her melons swelling in my grip; engorging nipples digging into my palm like cut diamonds. Her scent slammed into me all at once; the aroma of wine and peaches of her sex-musk seemed to enhance my arousal into an intoxication of libido. Within seconds, her panting, quivering flesh beneath me was slick with her fragrant, alien body oil as her first orgasm hit. Her cunt clenched my raging shaft with enough dexterity to achieve what felt like suction.

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Introduction: my first story… enjoy! THREEWAY CALLING Amy King had just started college and a new job. She had led a very sheltered life before college, since her high school was girls-only and she didnt have much of a social life. Her father was a contractor and had done some building repairs for a group that prepared fossils and artifacts and built exhibits for museums and was able to get her an interview. Wanting to study anthropology, Amy was thrilled to have the opportunity, but was...

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Threeway on the Freeway

I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...

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A Terrific Threesome Part Three

Before I met Sherry, she had been having affairs with other girls. That was why she had a strap-on dildo to wear. She told me about the sex parties she would have with three or four lesbians that would last all weekend long. The girls would all get together on a Friday night and drink some wine and get naked and have all-female orgies for the entire weekend. Sherry had licked a lot of girl's pussies before, so she was open to me sucking men's cocks and still being her boyfriend. When she met...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 7 Threesomes with the Winter Girls

We spent the weekend at my parent’s place; when we arrived there, they asked us how the book signing went. We told them that sales were very strong, and we had lots and lots of readers wanting their copies signed. “Some of the comments the characters made in the book were so funny,” my father said. “The reaction that Phil had, the first morning after the two of them had made love, when he heard the police sirens outside the hotel, and his first reaction was that some bull-necked redneck...

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Anal Threesome Part Three

They were in Claire's room, or rather what used to be her room. Now, it was slept in by all of them nearly every night, and the huge King sized bed was frequently put to the test with regards to the durability of it's bed springs. Kath lay on her side, wearing nothing but a pair of white-ankle length socks, propped up on her left elbow whilst her right arm draped elegantly along the contours of her right side. Her body was small, slim and firm, round little titties and a perfectly sculpted...

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The Second Hundred Years Ch 02

This chapter will make more sense and keep you in the flow of the story if you read Chapter 1 Constructive comments and emails are requested and very much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my work. ******************* I’m glad my traveling days are over at least for a while, Lewis Randal said to himself. It was 2007 and he was finally home, well as close to a home as he’d had the last three years. It had been a long, hard, and sometimes painful journey. His...

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The Second Hundred Years Ch 04

Please read Chapters 1 to 3 they will help you understand the characters and how they got to this point in the story. Your constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and follow this story. ******************** ‘The old trading post sure has changed since the last time I saw it,’ Jim said. ‘Cole’s Corner is more like a general store now,’ Lewis replied with a smile. ‘It doesn’t do trading like it did back in your day. Cole does sell...

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The Second Hundred Years Ch 05

Please read Chapter 1 to 4. It will help to understand the characters and how they got to this point in the story. Constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and follow this story. ******************** ‘Your ex fiancée?’ William asked. He didn’t need an answer, he’d heard Lewis the first time. But he did need a few seconds to adjust to the woman that had dumped his grandson being on the ranch. Remembering his manners he said, ‘Hello...

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One Hundred Knots

  Prologue The drill at my house is that in order to cum, I must first suffer by the cock and balls—no exceptions. Intense application of electroshock is the punishment of choice. You see, I'ma slut, a lifelong CBT slut. I have a sincere passion for watching an attractive woman strip and display her body for me—while I endure intense, nearly unbearable torment of the genitals for the pleasure of masturbating to her. I’m now divorced but when I was married, my ex played with me—harshly—on a...

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Five Hundred Dollar A Night Lesbian

Five Hundred Dollar A Night LesbianI looked at my Bank Account for “Amy Macabe, Associate Entertainment Specialist Cascade Club Tucson” and just smiled. Not bad money for a forty-three old divorcee. There were four $500.00 deposits in the past week and a $2000.00 deposit for my trip with Sophia to Vegas. I had a very good week being the highest paid lesbian escort in Tucson, Arizona. I earn close to $9,000.00 a month by making love to a very select group of seven very wealthy older female...

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Two Hundred Stories

Two Hundred Stories An Essay By Maryanne Peters I think that you have to exclude last month's thank you note, so it seems to me that yesterday's "Marrying the Cop" was my two hundredth story. In my thank you note I told everybody how much I enjoy the release of writing TG fiction, and how much more joy there is in getting feedback and encouragement. I decided that I should write a short essay on my approach to TG fiction. The last time I did this (at 100 stories) I was accused...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 58 A Hundred Pounds

On my way back to my duties, I stopped to visit Frances again, drawn like a bear to honey, anticipating another happy tumble in the hay, complete respite from the never-ending war. It was a terrible mistake. She rose to her toes and kissed me when I opened the door to her bedroom and found her alone, writing a letter. The room smelled like roses. It was midday, bright and sunny, and the large, high bed looked very inviting. "So how's the poor, lonely, little widow?" I asked when my mouth...

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The Second Hundred YearsChapter 4

"The old trading post sure has changed since the last time I saw it," Jim said. "Cole's Corner is more like a general store now," Lewis replied with a smile. "It doesn't do trading like it did back in your day. Cole does sell some Indian jewelry, weavings, and art work but now he pays the craftsmen for their work instead of trading goods like the old days." Jim had spent the last two weeks regaining his strength. The wheelchair wasn't needed anymore; he could now walk around the...

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The Hundred Year PlanChapter 11

Linda was seated at one end of the small mahogany conference table in the Executive Conference Room. On either side of her were the four men who had controlled the daily operation of Modern Electronics, allowing Sam, who was the owner and founder, to exercise his creative talents. Frederick Nelson was in charge of research and development. Frederick was not a designer himself, although he had a degree in electrical engineering. Frederick was an expert at detail. He seemed to know everything...

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The Hundred Year PlanChapter 14

Al and Bonnie had just finished dinner and were snuggling on the couch when the security system announced someone was at the door. When Al looked at the security monitor, he saw a large black man, holding up a policeman's shield. Al let him in and the man introduced himself as a detective Sgt. Daniels. When they were all seated, Sgt. Daniels removed a small notebook from his jacket pocket and said, "Lieutenant Slavens has told me a lot of what has been going on, but I would like to hear it...

2 years ago
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The Second Hundred Years SequelChapter 2

"Who's Chante?" Ten year old James asked. "She is one of our ancestors," Lewis answered. "You know what an ancestor is?" "Yeah, it's a relative that lived a long time ago." "That partly right honey," Alyssa said. "Ancestors are part of our family that are alive or lived before you. Your Dad and I are your ancestors. So they don't have to be from a long time ago. You understand?" "I think so. Boompa is my ancestor then," James replied. The boy called William, Boompa. No...

1 year ago
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The Second Hundred Years SequelChapter 3

The Randals, all four of them, trooped into the den after supper as if they were on a mission. William took Chante's journal from the mantel and sat in his big easy chair. James once again sat at his feet on the ottoman; Lewis and Alyssa pulled their own easy chairs closer. "Grandpa before we start will you tell me about our family, I mean like since Grandpa Jim," young James asked. "Most of the kids at school don't know their family back very far." "Okay, I can do that for you,"...

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XXXecils Three Hundred MillionChapter 2

She was there with him! How many of these slutty things were there? I wanted to warn Ted Miller, he'd been a good friend and wrote some awesome erotic stories; that's how I knew what type of gal he'd fantasize about. How to warn him? If I revealed the secret right then and there, he might be in danger. After what I'd seen, or thought I'd seen today, I had to believe that these women weren't human. Probably would have no compunctions against killing humans to protect the terrible secret...

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True Story of MFM Threesome1

The three of us were really close. He would always ask Raquel for advice on his relationships with women. She was always cracking up at his jokes and goofiness. I also started noticing that they teased and flirted with each other more and more as time passed. There was a lot of touchy feel between the two whenever they were around each other. I have to admit, It really turned me on because I had always fantasized watching my GF being intimate with another man while I watched and joined them in...

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Our First Threesome4

It started over dinner with some friends of ours. My wife of 10 plus years. She said she'd had always been a little bi curious, And she meet a friend who she work with. And the way she was sounding she like her alot so I suggested that she invited her over to the house for dinner one night. She was a bit curious if she was bi sexual also, we'd been discussing getting involved or having a threesome together if we could find someone who was interested or looking for the same thing. So she...

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Threes Company Scene 2

“Laura, why don’t you just eat a cunt!” Alyson blurted across the room. “You know what wench, why don’t you just eat me!” Laura retorted in the same shrill voice. “LADIES!!” Leo popped his head out of his door. “Why don’t you use your inside voices, and why don’t you cut the potty mouth talk. That really is enough.” Leo turned back into his own cage, and he slammed the door behind him. All of the women laughed in unison, even Dana, and they all got a good laugh from the tyraid. “Whore!” You...

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A Wild Weekend Threesome0

James was a long, tall Texan, very toned and in shape. His hair was dirty blonde and he had sexy brown eyes, I have to admit he turned me on in his tight jeans and cowboy boots. I was totally clueless as to what the night had in store but they definitely had plans for me. I was dressed to kill ( I knew what Jonathan expected when he just "Invited me over") I wore a White, man tailored shirt showing lots of cleavage with a red plaid sweater and a matching skirt - very short with white...

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Twos Company Threes An Orgy

“What are you smiling like a doofus for?” my friend Jasmine asked.I looked up from my phone. “Huh? Nothing, no reason,” I said, putting my phone face down on my bed.“Okay, so this Odysseus guy is a real dick, right? Can we all agree on that?” my friend Courtney asked as she scribbled notes into her binder.“What are you talking about? He’s the hero of the story,” Jasmine said.“Hero? How is he the hero? He pretends to sleep while his army gets murdered by a raging cyclops. Like, wake everyone up...

Group Sex
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Threes Company0

When the clock moved a few minutes passed the top of the hour, her vehicle rode up the incline, onto the parking pad, and I walked toward the door to greet her she walking in the door. To my surprise, another car was coming in behind her, and I watched as she moved to the back of her car to greet the visitor. She disappeared around the corner of the house, and I hesitated for a moment with wonder of the goings on. I reached for the knob, unlatching the door, and headed toward the side of the...

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A fantastic threesome1

The evening was an unqualified success. I have to tell you, this guy Bill has an incredible penis. It is long and thick and very attractive and hard as a rock. Gia had never seen a dick that big in person and was totally into it. She kept saying what a big cock the guy had. He claims it is 9.5 inches and I don’t doubt it. We started off with us two guys lying on the bed stroking our cocks to get them hard. She had stripped down but still had her panties on. She climbed onto the bed...

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Our First Threesome2

As usual, I was waiting for Rhea to get ready. While she was relatively low maintenance, Rhea loved to take her time preparing for a night out. And rightfully so, she was beautiful, and when she made an effort my wife could bring a room to a standstill. It was one of my favourite features about her. "Well, how do I look?" Rhea asked as she emerged from the bedroom. She was breath-taking. The blue, knee-length dress she wore accentuated her curves and showcased her shape. It was classy, but...

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* * * in the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey / butane in my veins I’m out to cut the junkie / with the plastic eyeballs, spraypaint the vegetables / dog food stalls, with the beefcake pantyhose / kill the headlights and put it in neutral / stock car flaming with a loser in the cruise control / baby’s in Reno with a vitamin d / got a couple of couches, asleep on the love seat * * * * * * The power runs on sunlight. Cypress told us that he wasn’t used to using power indiscriminately...

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Threes A Crowd0

I did the best I can to contain myself for all this time. Quite often she tried to get me alone and have her way with me but I had to turn away out of respect for Carla my fiancé. This time it was different. She was a masseuse and my Carla insisted that I set up an appointment with her mother, bragging how good she was. When I came over Pam’s house (Carla’s mother) she was outback sunbathing in a string bikini beside the pool. We were alone, Carla was working. It was a hot summer...

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An Irish family 2 Threes a crowd but five could be fun

Luckily with practice I had trained him to reliably cum three time in a session and occasionally he could do 4. One day when we spent the whole day on the island he came for me 3 time in our first session anther time in a quickly after lunch and another twice later on during a very long session in the afternoon. Today we had been planning on going to the island in the afternoon and staying the night camping together, which we were still doing however the night of passion and...

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Surprise Threesome0

Well, it started out with me sitting between Gary and Jeff on the couch just talking and joking around and watching TV when Gary leaned over and kissed me. As I was kissing him Jeff was watching us and whined, hey you guys, no fair! I'm sitting right here! Gary looked up and laughed, what's wrong? Well you two are making out and I'm sitting here by myself and I feel left out! Gary looked at me, laughed and suggested I kiss Jeff to make him feel better. I looked at Gary and said,...

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Threes A Party At The Concert In The Park

My excitement matched the general buzz on the train as it departed towards its dedicated destination, a benefit concert in Ellis Park.  We were a group of strangers on our way to the same party so everyone was bent on having fun. Clearly, the party had started early for some, as I could smell the odd whiff of alcohol.I had to work that morning, so I was traveling alone and would be meeting two friends, Mack and John at the station.  They had planned to arrive earlier so that they were there...

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Our First Threesome3

Jan and I had been together for about five years. We were not in love but we did love each others bodies and we had a great sex life. She was about 45 years old, about five foot two, a very petite slim body with small tits but beautiful big nipples (I could make her cum just by massaging them!). She was always horny and I only had to kiss or cuddle her and she wanted sex. She often started on me both during the day and as soon as we got into bed. By far the most remarkable thing about her...

2 years ago
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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Three1

“Sir, Akim Yellas has just fallen to the ground in the parking lot. He’s dead, sir,” stated Adrian’s subordinate in Russian, talking through a cell phone. The man was crouched on a rooftop in St. Petersburg with a sniper rifle pressed against his shoulder, practically invisible in the winter night. Down below was a quaint diner with a dead body lying sprawled out on the snowy parking lot. Scared onlookers surrounded the corpse, one of which was trying to perform CPR. Inside, the staff...

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