A Well-Lived Life - Book 10 - The WifeChapter 45: Caps And Gowns And Planes And Cars, Oh My! free porn video

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May 18, 1985, Chicago, Illinois

On Saturday morning, Kara and I drove to Meigs Field to meet the Twin Beech that was bringing my dad and sister to Chicago. We only had to wait about ten minutes before I spotted the plane approaching the airfield. After ten more minutes, the door opened and Aimee stepped off the plane, followed by my sister and my dad. Kara and I walked over and I shook hands with my dad and hugged Stephanie, and then Kara hugged them both. Aimee smiled and gave a quick wave, then climbed back into the plane.

My sister and Kara got into the back of my Daytona, and my dad got into the passenger seat. I quickly started the car, put it in gear and pulled away from administration building, heading for the house in Hyde Park. When we arrived I made some coffee and the four of us sat in the kitchen.

“What time do you need to be there?” my dad asked.

“11:00am,” I said. “So we need to leave here no later than 10:30am. We walk onto the baseball diamond promptly at 11:30am.”

“And we’re leaving from there to go straight back to the airfield?” he asked.

“That’s the plan. Kara’s packing a picnic basket with sandwiches for us so that we don’t have to stop somewhere after commencement. I figure we can be at the airfield by 2:30pm, which means we can easily get to Lunken by 6:00pm. That gives us just enough time to get to Riverfront Coliseum for Squirt’s graduation.”

“Then let’s eat!”

Kara and I quickly made a late breakfast and the four of us ate. Kara cleaned up the kitchen while I went up to my room and put on my suit. I grabbed the suit bag with my cap and gown, and the four of us headed to IIT for commencement. I put on my cap, gown, and the cord signifying my summa cum laude status, and went to the assembly area while Dad, Stephanie, and Kara went to meet Sofia, Jorge, Charlie, and George.

I was pleased when everything started on time, and the speeches quickly droned on. Like my High School graduation, I simply didn’t care about the speakers, or much of anything else about the ceremony. I checked my watch often, and it appeared that graduation was following the schedule closely enough that we’d be able to leave on time. Eventually they came to calling the graduates names and my name was called third. I walked across the stage, shook hands with the university President, Thomas Lyle Martin, Jr., and received a blank diploma from him. Once grades were published, a real diploma would be issued and sent to me.

When the ceremony ended, I found Dave, Cindi, Katy, and Julia and we all hugged. They knew I was in a rush, so after some quick congratulations all around, I went to find my dad and my sister. I took off my cap, gown, and cords and gave them to Kara who was riding home with Sofia, and then pulled Sofia aside.

“Have a safe trip and I’m looking forward to seeing you in August!” I said in Swedish.

“Have a good summer. I’m looking forward to coming back! Anything you want me to bring you?”

“Bilar!” I said, referring to a popular traditional Swedish candy. “And two bottles of Grappo!”

“You got it! Now, give me a kiss and get on your way!”

I pulled her into my arms and we exchanged a soft kiss, and then I hurried off towards the car, trying to beat as much of the traffic as possible. We were fortunate and got out of the parking lot quickly, and arrived at Meigs at 2:20pm. Kara, true to her word, had called ahead and Aimee and Patrick Shaughnessy were just finishing their pre-flight check of the plane.

I grabbed my overnight bag as Stephanie grabbed the picnic lunch and we got onto the Twin Beech. Just over five minutes later, Aimee was taxiing us for takeoff. She called for and received clearance and the engines roared as the plane leapt into the air, heading for Cincinnati’s Lunken field. Once we were level at altitude, I moved so that I could talk to my dad.

“Tonight, after graduation, I have a date with Aimee. She’ll drop me at the Spencers’ and Stephanie will come get me in the morning. We’ll plan to leave the house about 10:30am. We’re having lunch with Don Joseph, and then heading on to Chicago.”

“Stephanie told me. Her car is at Lunken. We dropped it off last night. It’s a fairly quick drive down US-52 to downtown. By my watch, we’re going to arrive a bit earlier than planned, so there’s less of a rush.”

“Dad, I have a few things I should tell you now.”

“That sounds a bit ominous,” he said.

“Not at all, shocking, maybe, but not ominous. You know that Jennifer and her girlfriend are moving to Chicago. Squirt and I are driving out to Stanford to get them, and then we’re going to Seattle and Minneapolis to pick up their cars and stuff and eventually back to Chicago. That’s the straightforward part. The not so straightforward part is something I told you about before. On the trip, Jennifer and I are going to do our best to get pregnant so that she can have a baby together with Josie.”

“I still don’t think that’s a good idea, Son.” he said. “Are you absolutely sure?”

“Positive. But that’s not all. Once Elyse is close to finishing her Master’s, she and I are going to have a baby as well.”

“What?!” he exclaimed. “Are you out of your cotton-picking mind?”

Stephanie smiled and put her hand on Dad’s arm.

“There’s more,” I said. “Most likely, I’m going to marry Bethany, though that’s not for sure. But, Kara is going to be my second wife, no matter who I marry, and she and I will have kids as well.”

My dad just shook his head, “Son, you’re not thinking clearly.”

“Yes, Dad, he is,” Stephanie said. “This isn’t some spur-of-the-moment plan. It’s been in the works for four years. All the girls know and agree. And that includes Bethany.”

“But it makes no sense,” my dad protested.

“It does,” I said. “Let me try to explain.”

I spent the next thirty minutes explaining everything that I’d talked about with the girls, and how we’d come to the conclusions that we had, and why it made sense to all of us. And, perhaps most importantly, how we thought we could afford it. He listened closely, but shook his head in disbelief several times, finally giving up his protests. Stephanie got out our picnic lunch and we ate and continued talking.

“Your mother is going to be fit to be tied,” Dad said.

“I have no doubt. But I’m neither asking her permission nor seeking her blessing. It took me a long time to get used to this idea, and I’m at peace with it. The only real question is me and Bethany. But that’s looking pretty good, I think.”

My dad got a smile on his face, “And I’m sure you have a backup plan in your pocket, too!”

I chuckled, “I do. The worst possible scenario is that Kara and I marry because things don’t work out right between Bethany and me and my backup plan falls through as well. Somehow I don’t think that will bother you in the least.”

“You’re right. I’ve always liked her. I’ve thought from the first time I met her that she was the best girl for you, though your Russian friend is a very close second. How is she, by the way?”

“Great, actually. I just saw her last week. Her father has been reassigned to Moscow with a promotion. Tanya is still planning on going home once she graduates from Harvard next year. The KGB Colonel has been assigned as head of the protection detail at the UN.”

“So the changes in Russia haven’t caused them any trouble, then?”

“No. So far, everything is moving along just as it was before.”

“When are you going to make your plans public?”

“As they happen. Once Jen is pregnant, we’ll announce that. And obviously, when it’s time to get married, I’ll let everyone know as soon as I’m engaged.”

“All I can say is, I hope that you know what you’re doing!”

“Me too, Dad,” I grinned. “Me too!”

Stephanie just laughed and shook her head.

May 18, 1985, Cincinnati & Milford, Ohio

We landed at Lunken Airport a few minutes before our planned arrival time. We thanked Patrick and Aimee, and I handed Patrick an envelope with enough cash to cover the fuel for the flights to and from Chicago. Aimee let me know me where she’d pick me up and I replied that there was no way I’d miss that red Supra. After we all shook hands, Stephanie, Dad, and I headed for her Nova.

We arrived at Riverfront Coliseum with about ten minutes to spare for Stephanie not to be late, and she went to join her class while my dad and I went to find our seats. There really was no way that I could avoid sitting with my dad, and he wanted to sit with my mom, so he sat between us, with Jeff on the other side of my mom. Neither she nor Jeff greeted me, which was fine by me.

My sister’s graduation was much like mine from High School, though she wore a white graduation gown and cap instead of red ones, which I had worn four years before. Once again, the ceremony was about as boring as it could possibly be. The Superintendent, Mr. Boyd Smith, gave effectively the same speech, as did the President of the school board, and as did the Principal. After that were the usual platitudes from the valedictorian and salutatorian.

Finally they got to the important part, when they called the names. I heard my sister’s name called and a nice cheer went up. Stephanie had quite a few friends, though she didn’t have what amounted to a cheering section as I’d had. When all the names had been called, the Principal presented the graduating class and the ceremony was over. Stephanie, Trish, and Shelly were standing with Ed and a group of guys that I didn’t recognize.

“Congratulations, Squirt!” I said, pulling her into my arms for a hug.

“I’m free! I’m free!” she laughed. “And tomorrow, I move to Chicago!”

I hugged Trish and Shelly and found out that they were going to University of Arizona and UCLA, respectively. Their boyfriends came up a moment later and everyone was introduced. My parents and brother came to where the small group was standing and Stephanie gleefully hugged Dad and kissed his cheek.

“Thanks for everything, Dad!” she gushed.

She hugged my mom, but it seemed perfunctory. No words were exchanged about her graduation, but my mom foolishly decided to escalate.

“Hug your brother!” my mom said to Stephanie.

“There is no way in hell!” she objected.

“Stephanie Ann Adams. He’s your brother!”

“He’s also a pervert. No!” she said, turning on her heel and walking away.

I was about to say something, but a quick look from my dad warned me off and I turned away to follow Stephanie, who was standing with her friend Heather, whom I knew vaguely.

“I can’t believe her!” Stephanie was complaining to Heather.

“Steph, forget it,” her friend Heather said. “You’re moving out tomorrow! I wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole! He was convicted for exposing himself to a first-grader! That’s just gross!”

“Squirt, take a deep breath and just forget it,” I soothed. “Have the graduation party you and Ed planned at home. Dad will make sure Mom and Jeff don’t bother you. Just let it go and enjoy the party. It’ll be the last one at the house on Overlook.”

My parents had put the house up for sale the week before, because it was far too large for just the two of them. It was the end of another chapter in our lives; one that contained both very good and very bad memories.

Stephanie let out an exasperated sigh, “What is with her? Is she that crazy?”

“I’m afraid so,” I said. “Jeff’s not the only one who needs counseling. But she’d never, ever admit it nor agree to it. You can be sure that I’m keeping my kids away from her and more importantly, from Jeff.”

“But what about Dad?” she asked.

“He can come visit us anytime. If he brings her along, we’ll deal with it by ensuring she’s never alone with our kids. Jeff is absolutely not invited, and Dad knows that bringing him would create a standoff with Mom, and I would win because, in the end, it’s my house, and Jeff isn’t allowed to be around little kids. If somehow Jeff shows up, I’ll handle it. Don’t worry.”

She huffed, “Fine.”

“You need to get laid, Squirt!” I chuckled. “And work off some of that aggression!”

She grabbed my arm and led me away from Heather.

“Is that an offer?” she whispered.

“Nope. Go see Ed. I’m sure he’d like to have a ‘goodbye fuck’!”

“He got that last night! Several times,” she giggled. “I have other plans for tonight!”

“Uh oh,” I smirked.

“Nah, it’s nothing too crazy. I’m not taking those three guys I was talking to all at once or anything like that! I’ll leave that to Tracey Jones!”

“So she one-upped her last extreme party?”

“Yeah. I know one of the guys and I trust him to tell me the truth. And big brother, there were six guys at that party, including Marty.”

“No way. Just no way.”

“And I think Marty beat you, big brother. He had all six girls who were at the party.”

“I’ve created a monster!” I said in a voice that I tried to make sound like an evil scientist.

“She’s pretty much tried everything you can imagine, big brother. Nothing is too extreme from what I hear.”

“Well, good for her, I guess. If she’s happy, and Marty’s happy, that’s what matters. Anyway, I need to go meet Aimee. What time are you picking me up tomorrow?”

“Did you bring your swimsuit like I asked?”

“I sure did.”

“Then I’ll see you at 6:30am. We’ll swim, you can make me breakfast and we can hang out with Dad while Mom and Jeff go to church.”

We hugged and I went to say goodbye to my dad, and then left Riverfront Coliseum to meet Aimee at the corner of 2nd Street and Broadway, stopping at Stephanie’s car to get my overnight bag. Aimee’s Supra was parked about twenty feet from the intersection and she was leaning against the hood, looking very sexy in tight, faded jeans, a red blouse, and her trademark baseball cap with her ponytail pulled through the opening in the back. She waved and I walked over to her. We hugged and got into her car.

“Thanks again for flying me and my family around today,” I said.

“You’re welcome! I saw you give my dad the money for fuel. You can pay me back in another way!” she grinned.

“It hardly feels like I’m paying you back if I enjoy it!”

“Your friend’s parents are cool with us staying the night together?”

“It won’t be the first time! Besides, they’re away for the weekend.”

“Do you want some food?” she asked as we got on US-50 heading towards Milford.

“There’s a diner in Newtown on Route 50, just west of Newtown Road. They have fantastic burgers. I’ve been there a few times with my dad.”

“Cool. Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure. I’d say what we’re planning to do later entitles you to ask pretty much anything you want to ask!”

“Smart man! You’re not steady with anyone, are you?”

“No. We discussed that before. Nothing has changed.”

“Good. And you like me?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered, suddenly wary.

“And I’m exciting in bed?” she grinned.

“Without question,” I said carefully.

“When I first met you, I thought you would be fun to play with. And I was right. In fact, it was better than I’d hoped it would be. I wouldn’t mind playing with you a lot more. And I don’t mean just tonight.”

I had a suspicion where this was going, and there was no point in delaying getting it all out on the table.

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Dialogues Catherine the Great and Prince Platon Alexandrovich Zubov

"I've got one." "Sssshhhh." "But..." "What have I said about when I'm reading?" "I'm not to disturb you when you're reading." "What am I doing?" "You're reading, but..." "Look, how many times do I have to tell you that I really don't care about your puerile computer game adventures. I don't care about winged sandals, poisoned or unpoisoned chalices, and I certainly don't care about grails holy, knots gordian or swords damoclean, so I really don't care about whatever it is you've got.""It's not...

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Thirumana Mandabathil Usar Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, veetu manaiviyai usar seithu eppadi oothen enbathai idru paarkalam. Muthalil oru yosanai varamal thaan irunthathu, anaal andru oru sexiyaana veetu manaiviyai paarthathil irunthu ennal avalai usar seiyaamal iruka mudiya villai. Aval veru oruvarin manaivi endru therinthum avalai usar seiyalam endru mudivu seithen. En peyar Raman vayathu 25 aagugirathu, dindugal gramathil vasithu varugiren. En amma oru thirumana nigazhchiku sendru vara solinaargal, muthalil naan poga vilai...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 5

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 5 By Elliot Reid A scorching plain of fine white mica lay beneath an obsidian sky. Above it hung the Moon, wreathed in flame. Before me hovered a figure I did not recognize, pale and cold. It looked nothing like my father and yet I knew it was him. "Why do feel these things?" I asked the specter. "Why do I want to mutilate my girlfriends?" "The wand asserts itself," the ghost said, its voice dry as a library. "The what?" "The wand. Your old...

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Planes Of Eros

I remember the old days of porn, when all you had to beat off to was whatever you could find under your old man’s mattress. Now you can watch any deviant sex act ever committed to film with just a few clicks of a mouse. If flesh-and-blood sluts ain’t good enough for you, flawless animated babes await. You can even get interactive with these simulated fuck-puppets in video games like Planes Of Eros, currently on Nutaku.I’ve talked about Nutaku before. In case you haven’t had time yet to check...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Captain Skinnerrsquos Meanderings

“I, Georgina, take thee, Eustace, to my wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.” The bridegroom placed a ring on Georgina’s fourth finger (digitus annularis), and then said, in a thin, weedy, voice. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly...

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Greek Greatgranddod Galia Goes Granddad 1

GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER GALIA GETS ''GYMNASIUM": TEN TIMES 'TEN'S (= 'TRIPLE-AAA')GALIA gets a university study -'stipendium' for four further formative yummy Gaia yearned for For four years - funded from E.U.'s 'ERASMUS' enumerations of five-hundred Euri each month Every university in the EU is now open for her: she solicits forms from Göttingen & GroningenDecision is not simply taken so she trusts her intelligently informed intuïtion: - Go North & seeCandidate 1 Lovely looking historical...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 6 The Don and His Granddaughter

July 1980, Colerain Township, Ohio “What’s going on with you and Jennifer?” Larry asked. “She’s upset, but she won’t tell me what happened.” “We’re in a pretty bad place,” I said. “I’m not sure there’s really any future between us at this point.” “Why? You guys managed for a year while you were in Sweden. You can manage another year before college.” “Maybe if she had told me about it right away. Maybe if we had talked about it. But she knew in March and I only found out when her mom...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 14 A Southern Belle a Surprise Proposal two Cheerleaders an Old Flame and a Girl Back Home Part I

October 1981, Chicago, Illinois I arrived back at the apartment just before 10:00pm and saw the address for the party. I decided I wasn’t particularly interested in going so I put on some music, poured myself a glass of wine, and started reading more about Russia. I was alternating between the history and culture book and the Communist Party book, decided on the history and culture book for this time. I didn’t get much reading done because I was thinking about Tatyana, which led me to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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Andrea reads a book

Andrea gave a long sigh. "Jeez, Markus, why are we here at a stupid bookstore? This is boring!" "Not everything is sex, Andrea," Markus replied. "I'm here to get you to at least try and develop yourself a bit, damn it." "Dear, the only way I want to develop is going through all the positions with you, you know that! Missionary is so boring, so then we switch to the more fun ones! Especially if I'm the one with the cock." She looked away from Markus, her gaze looked dreamily into the...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 2

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 2 By Elliot Reid The magic had altered me. I was no longer fully male. As my girlfriend cycled home, Mom immediately put me to work cleaning up. Denied any private time to explore the changes, I busied myself around the house doing chores. Our brownstone was a tiny place and the slightest clutter made it uninhabitable. I had to tidy and vacuum and rescue stray spiders from corners before they made Mom freak out. I had trouble adjusting to the body Meghan had...

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GRANS HANDJOB She Thinks Im my dead Grandfa

This is a story about my first sexual encounter with my own grandmother and my fascination with her old fashioned gauzy brown stockings ...Please comment, tell me what you think.As a young boy me and my sisters were always forced to visit our gran and grandads house this was my mums mum and dad and it was a very painful experience, we we're always offered a piece of nicotine wrinkled old fruit that had been in the bowl for weeks, and then told don't touch this, don't touch that, this was mainly...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 19 How Nele Isebrand Wins a Husband

Three days later, the Isebrands, with some fifty men, travelled thirty leagues to the south, and to Lauheim. The small town, or extended village, spread at the foot of a small hill. On top of that hill, a small castle had been built, surrounded by a twelve-foot wall and a dry moat. They crossed the drawbridge into the courtyard of the castle and found the main building to be two storeys high, with a slate covered roof. Ivy covered most of the walls, and the shutters were closed. The castle...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 2 Suntan and Sisters

The cook served me breakfast and said that she and the other staff would leave at 9 but be back tomorrow at 5. I thanked her and she said, “You and your sisters are very close. It’s good that you can be as intimate with each other as I saw the other morning.” Alarm bells went off in my head, thinking where this conversation was going. “I was as close to my two brothers,” she said, “and wouldn’t change a thing. I love them both. We still get together when their in the country.” She took my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 33 Wicked Wanda

November 29, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “I swear I’m going to kill him,” Jessica growled on Sunday morning as we ate breakfast. “I thought the drawings were wonderful,” I said. “He has your likeness down pat! Even the body drawings are perfect!” “And those positions?” Kara teased. “Wow! I love the ‘close up’ drawings of you being spread wide!” “You two are just eating this up!” Jessica whined. “I need it to stop!” “Perhaps you should have taken it a bit easier on the poor boy,” Elyse...

2 years ago
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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 16 How the Free Saxons Leave Rome and Return to German Lands

By the end of their second week in Rome, Thorben and Katherine, with fifty of their men, met with the emissaries of their prisoners' families outside the city walls and received the ransom payment. Shortly after, under strong protection, the prisoners were guided out of the city and into the care of their families. In spite of the hefty ransom, more than one of the released prisoners expressed their gratitude to their captors, for they were all released without hurt and the women and girls...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 6 Sailing Surprise

I had always loved the ocean and so I loved boats as well. We stood on the wharf and admired the gleaming white hull of the vessel we would be spending the next six hours on. The Captain was the son of one of the owners and would be skippering us with one other crew on our cruise around Long Island. I’d brought a duffel bag with some items that I thought we might need like sun screen and a change of clothes even a windbreaker if the weather changed. The girls had similar bags and totes with...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 8 That Night the Game

The evening went really well. Mel entertained us with the stories of life on the high seas as she put it and she went into some detail of the business man that had got the use of the yacht for the day how his ‘step daughter’ and her ‘friend’ had skinny dipped and lay naked on deck only wrapping a towel around their bodies when lunch was served. The business man ‘Stan’, had lay down in between the two and applied oil to both of them throughout the day. Mel suggested that they were a very close...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 3 Intruder Alert

After such a long day and too much wine with our meal the girls were soon asleep. I ran my hands along their sides and gripped their tight bums thinking I’ll keep you safe. Partway through the night I felt Eve playing with my cock. She was just toying with it. Flopping it about and pointing it in different directions. She lifted her knee up and rested it just under my balls and ran my cock head along her inner thigh. Mel gave a grunt and rolled away from us facing side of the bed. Eve took...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 4 Sisters by the Pool

My sisters were on their backs. Their young tits were covered with oil and baking nicely in the sun. They were so quiet they could have been asleep. I put my gifts on the table beside Grace and dove in the pool. I swam to the far side and turned to see all five girls lined up on the other side looking at me. Grace had a scowl on her face and the others were similar. I swam back towards them and Grace said.”Where were you? We were worried when you didn’t come down to the pool.” As I neared...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 7 At the Pool

The girls were lying on their towels on the lawn surrounding the pool and putting sunscreen on each other when Bonnie and her daughters came outside in their bikinis. They all had their hair up in pony tails that swung from side to side when they walked. Bridie was slightly taller than Connie and Bonnie but all looked so sweet in their bikinis that I had to stop myself from staring at them. They stopped just short of me and spun around showing that all of the bikinis had a thong bottom and...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 9 The Last Week

In the morning I woke with a mouth sucking on my cock. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. I dropped a hand on to the back of the head giving me head and felt a pony tail. I slid my hands down the smooth back and ran them over the tight arse. Just then Mel sat up beside me and we kissed. “I just wanted to show you that we both love you and want you to know that we do like your cock.” she said. “Wendy wanted to show that she’s just as BI as me and that she wants to fuck you....

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Priyavai Seithu Nandhiniyum Serthu Seithen 8211 Part 2

Naan ulasamaaga kalluriyil priyavai oothu ulasamaaga irukum pozhuthu nandhini kaval kaapathaaga solli vittu kathavu ooramaaga eti naan oopathai anaithaiyum paarthu vitaal. Naan kuthiyil nandraaga naaku potathu avaluku kaama aasaiyai vara vaithu vitathu. Adutha naal kaalaiyil en thozhi kuthiyil vegamaaga oothathaal avalaal sariyaaga nadaka mudiya villai. Naan vazhakam pol kaalaiyil en kaathalikaaga kaathu kondu irunthen, athanvaathu kaama kathali unmaiyaana kaathal alla, naan veru oruvalai...

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