DóchasChapter 29 free porn video

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Rusty monitored their approach to the home of Leann's group. When their shuttle was about a kilometer away, the C&C drone reported 8 people entering the outside door of the garage.

Rusty thought, "I don't like this," as he shifted their approach. Their cloaked shuttle was soon hovering several feet above the driveway. Sensors were showing the only people outside in the immediate area were sitting in a car across the street.

"We have now just added 8 unknowns to those in the house," said Rusty to those in the shuttle with him. "Our sensors show one less than we had earlier. Since we don't have sensors in the garage, the missing one is presumably there."

Joyce asked the C&C drone, "Do we have listening devices in the garage?"

"Not now. It will take a couple of minutes."

"It is getting close to the time for us to arrive," said Maureen.

"Here is the feed from the garage," said C&C drone.

They heard a man say, "You stupid bitch. You actually believe they are meeting with someone to discuss a job on a space ship."

A woman whined, "Please Master, I know how it sounds. Since we began staying with them, we've heard comments about an upcoming trip. Recently they've been more open with their comments regarding this job opportunity. At first we thought it was a ploy by those who hired you. This afternoon Leann received a message requesting a meeting this evening. She accepted. Since then they've all been very excited. Some want to move up the date of their visit so they can learn more about the opportunity. At first we thought it was strange that you moved up the time and didn't let us know. Then we learned that there were three people coming who knew what they looked like. It was then that I sent you the alert."

"Okay that makes a little more sense. The space ship idea is crazy. How many are there?"

"There are 19 now, well 21, counting us. Leann invited some close friends over."

"Did you give them the drug?"

"Yes, Master. It was in the refreshments we set out just before I sent you the signal."

"Okay. Get back in there. Leave the door cracked so we can hear. We will be in once the drug takes effect."

"Yes, Master. Master the guests may be here before it is fully effective."

"If that happens, we will deal with it. Besides, we gain three more bodies. Now get back in there."

There was the sound of footsteps then a door opening. After a moment the man said softly, "First let's get the stuff out, and don't make any noise. We don't need to attract attention. Then those covering the outside need to get in position."

Rusty turned the volume down and said, "Well it sounds like we know the intent of those in the garage. This makes the situation a bit trickier for those going inside."

"I agree," said Maureen. "We know what we planned. They are expecting us so let's just follow our script. Brandan and I know how to use these pistols Erica gave us. Besides, we have Belinda and two bots with us. We really need to see what is going on inside."

Rusty frowned as he said, "I'm inclined to agree with you. Tara how close is your team?"

"Overhead. We've been listening. Erica will be here momentarily. She told us the group going after Shannon's group just had a horrendous accident."

"Okay. Bots, subdue any threats at will once this starts. Terminate if necessary."

"Acknowledged," replied the bots.

To those on his shuttle, "Maureen, Brandan, Belinda, as soon as we are on the driveway, go do your thing. Bear in mind the two unknown women in the house are working for the kidnappers. Sensors agree with the kidnappers count, there are more people than on Nancy's list for this group, so its likely Leann has invited a few additional friends over. If she has, I suspect they are drugged as well. Be careful."

"We will," replied the three.

Rusty said, "Wait the sensors confirm there are seven more people than we had earlier today. They are intermingled with the larger group, closely intermingled. It appears that Leann did invite some additional friends over."

"So how does the count work out?"

"Earlier today there were two more than when Nancy visited. Now the total is nine. Seven of the nine are mixed in with those we know as Leann's group."

"Okay. Now I think I understand."

"C&C has identified two of the unknowns as potential threats."

"We see that," said bot43. "We will make sure their friends are not harmed."

Joyce directed the shuttle so it was just inches above the driveway, with the door facing the house. Once in position the door opened and the group stepped out.

Maureen led them as they walked up the driveway to the house. A little nervous, they looked around then Maureen softly said, "I can't ever remember a street being this quiet. Its kind of eery."

"It is edgy, like a horror movie," said Brandan.

"Don't say that."

"Four people just exited the garage," said Rusty. "Tara, take care of them."

"Aye. We see them. Two are going to the front and two to the back."

About the time those with Maureen reached the porch, one pair of kidnappers reached the front corner of the house. Tara and two bots were just a step behind them. When Tara realized they might see their group, she coughed, causing them to hesitate. Before they could turn the bots stunned them. Moving quickly they caught them both and quietly lowered them to the ground.

"Nice work," said Tara to the bots. "We did that without a sound."

"Thank you," replied the bots.

Meanwhile on the porch Belinda knocked on the door. A woman quickly opened it and said, "Come in. We've been expecting you."

"She is not one we know," said Brandan.

"Aye," said Belinda.

"It looks like those with Leann are all together in another room," said Joyce. "It was one of the unknowns who opened the door."

"Everyone is waiting in the lounge. It is this way." They followed the woman toward the lounge.

To them it seemed awfully quiet as they approached the lounge doorway. Stepping through the door, the group looked up toward them. They were all sitting holding drinks with blank expressions.

"Good evening," said Maureen.

Bot44 said, "A man along with three women following him just came in from the garage. They are behind Maureen, Brandan and Belinda. One woman and the man have weapons. A spider is indicating that the weapons are stunners."

Hearing bot44 both Brandan and Belinda eased away from the door in opposite directions.

"Don't move!" shouted the kidnapper as he raised his weapon. "Anyone who moves without permission will regret it."

"Just who the fuck are you," said Roger as he moved to stand up.

"You stupid fucker," said the kidnapper. He waited until Roger was standing then fired his stunner. Roger screamed as he fell to the floor. On the floor he continued jerking and screaming and wet his pants before he stopped moving. Several started to move to his aide then hesitated.

"Anyone else," snarled the kidnapper. After a moment added, "What a bunch of pussies, usually there are at least two idiots who are slow to follow instructions. Now as my assistants come to you stand up slowly then take your clothes off. Any resistance..."

"Fuck you asshole!" said Belinda interrupting the kidnapper. When he quickly turned toward her, both Brandan and she fired their weapons. He dropped to the floor like a rock. His assistant with a weapon turned toward Brandan. She had hardly moved when bot43 fired her stunner dropping the woman next to the man. Then in rapid succession, the bots dropped the other two entering from the garage.

The two women working for the kidnappers had dropped to the floor when Belinda fired, screaming and crying. Then each time another kidnapper fell to the floor, they screamed again. Belinda pointed her stunner at them causing both cower and curl up as they sobbed.

Maureen looked around at those in the room as she slowly got up from the floor. Looking at Leann, she said, "Leann are you okay?"

"I think so," responded Leann slowly. "Although I feel strange."

"Is your group always this quiet?"

"No. Hardly ever."

Belinda reached down to pull one of sobbing women up by her hair. "What did you give them?"

The woman didn't answer.

"You want to end up like your friends?"

"Friends. Never."

"So, answer the question!"

"I didn't. She put a drug in their drinks."

"What was it?"

"I don't know. The Mistress gave it to me," as she gestured toward the woman with a weapon.

"Why drug them?"

"So they would do what we told them and not resist. That way it is easier to prepare them."

"What were you going to have them do?"

"First they would take off their clothes then they would be prepared for shipment."


"It is simple. Next we give them self-locking ankle and wrist cuffs to put on. Then they give each other an enema, after which they would insert a butt plug. We then have them give each other several injections. After that is done we would have them lay down in the boxes out in the garage. Once in the box, they are closed and sealed. A truck is scheduled to be here in a couple of hours to pick them up."

"Why the butt plugs?"

"To give them more drugs. The Mistress knows their purpose."

"Where are the boxes going?"

"I don't know. A truck always comes about two hours after we start preparing them."

"What happens after that?"

"After we leave and the incendiary bombs we planted go off. The house will be totally destroyed."

"You stupid bitch," screamed the one she called Master. As he attempted to stand, bot43 pushed him over and pulled his arms behind his back, she then lifted him up so his feet barely touched the floor. The man screamed as he struggled to get free. The women with him turned ashen white as bot43 was still cloaked. His face was contorted in pain and fear. When he looked over his shoulder he screamed again and wet his pants.

"Is what she said true?" asked Maureen.

"Yes," replied Rusty. "Bot51 and bot54, secure them then take them to the garage. Tara has the other four kidnappers out there. Erica will be there shortly as she wants to talk to them. Bot43 and bot44, stay with your group."

Maureen turned to Leann and asked, "Did you understand what they planned to do?"

"Yes," replied Leann as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Maureen looked around at each member of the group then said, "Did all of you understand?"

"I peeked, they all understand," said Belinda.

Maureen took a deep breath as she gathered her thoughts. As she did she heard Brandan and Belinda say, "We are with you. We like your idea. Lead on McDuff."

Leann, Kerry and Madison all smiled indicating they heard the telepathic exchange.

"Thanks." Maureen smiled then said to Leann's group, "Because of the drug, we are not going to ask your permission again this evening. Instead, we are going to proceed based on the commitment most of you gave Nancy and Julia several weeks ago. For those who weren't here then, a commitment was made to accept an offer to visit a resort at no cost to you. There you would learn more of the opportunity to be part of the crew on a space ship. Our intent in coming this evening was to see if you wanted to come earlier.

"In light of what these animals planned, and partially accomplished, we think the best thing to do is have you first visit our medical facility which is on our space ship. There, our medical group can check you over. They can determine what drugs you've been given then counter them so there isn't any long lasting effect. Since they planted bombs to destroy your house, some of our group will pack up your personal effects including computers. These will be waiting for you at the resort when you arrive there, probably tomorrow morning. Once you recover, it will be your choice as to whether you continue with the visit or return to this area. For those who don't live here, we will arrange to pick up your possessions tomorrow. We will also send a security team to monitor your residences."

While Maureen was talking, Erica and several bots had joined Tara in the garage. The bots with Tara were monitoring the area outside around the house. The kidnappers could only see Tara and Erica. On hearing the comments from the kidnappers about the one Belinda had quizzed and seeing the looks directed at her, they placed her well away from the others.

Maureen said, "Belinda, see if that woman knows how long before the drug wears off."

"Rusty, who is taking us to the ship?" asked Maureen.

"We are. I am about as close to the back door as I can get. Two shuttles are coming with boxes, bots and people to pack up all their stuff. How long do we have?"

"The woman doesn't know how long before the drug wears off," replied Belinda. "This drug is normally followed by another. The subsequent drugs are to further alter their perceptions so they are more pliable when prepared for their future. She never sees any of their victims after the acquisition. She says we have up to three hours to empty the house. However, Erica said don't count on more than two."

"Sarah, will replace me here when I leave with Leann's group," said Rusty. "Maureen, are you ready to load up?"

"Yes." Maureen then said to the group, "Our ride is in the back yard. Leann, would you show Brandan where the back door is?" After Leann and Brandan were moving she turned to the others and motioned for them to follow as she added, "Please follow Leann and Brandan."

"Rusty, who is going to oversee the activity in here?" asked Belinda.

Joyce said, "I will. I'll be right in."

"Before you come in ask each one if they lived in this house. If not then we need addresses so we can send a security team."

"Erica, see what the two women the kidnappers had living here have to say about whether everyone lived here or not."

"Will do."

A few moments later, Erica replied with, "She said 7 of them live together in a house nearby."

"Okay. Sarah. Maureen, did you hear that?"

"Yes," replied both.

Maureen said, "I still think Joyce should ask as she comes in."

"Erica, what are your plans for the kidnappers?" asked Rusty.

"What I would like to do, or what I'm going to do?"

"I think the later," replied Rusty as he and Joyce chuckled.

"First task is to get them to share everything they know about these kidnappings and where they live. Once that is accomplished, then they will experience the full treatment meant for their victims. We can have two bots in their clothes meet the truck when it arrives. If the inquisition still existed then..."

"That works. What about the two who were living here and separated out?"

"Not sure."

"Erica," said Sarah, "I know a place where they can probably be placed. I don't know if it will be any better than the destination the others will go to, but the manager may find them useful."

"Think, Frank will take them?" said Rusty.

"A good chance. I will get the contact information from Bob. They need to be delivered tonight. I think just dropping them off on his island without meeting anyone would be best for now."

"Rusty, we are all on board," said Belinda.

"I'm in the house," said Joyce, "with bot43 and bot44."

"Rusty," said Sarah, "we are overhead. Another shuttle will be here in five minutes with supplies and more helpers. Another is coming."

"Okay, then we are off to Mars L5. C&C Drone, Sarah is your contact now for this site."

"Aye," replied all.

Meanwhile, at the resort, Siobhan and Conan were headed back to their room. "Conan, I wonder if our group wants to share a suite."

"Possibly, but our group consists of three subgroups so we would probably need at least three suites." She looked at him questioningly. "We seem to naturally separate into three groups. It would be nice if the three suites were connected."

"You're speaking to me telepathically."

"Yes. I figured it out earlier, but don't sidetrack me." He grinned at her as he spoke. "Everyone in the group we came with is very close. I have no doubt that we love each other more than if we were siblings. But, I see 3 smaller, much closer groups within it, two consisting of 6 people and one of 8. With three connecting suites, we could all be close while each group would be together in a way that could build their bond."

"Okay, I can see your reasoning and why. I agree with you. Do you think we are ready to talk about this as a group?"

"Before we continue this," added Siobhan. "I need to show you some things about managing your telepathic ability." Reaching their room, they found it was empty. "Everyone must be down watching the events unfold as the teams meet the new groups."

"I think some may have gone to the ship to assist with the bots."

After slipping off their clothes, Conan sat on a chair and Siobhan sat in his lap straddling his hips facing him. With her legs spread open her labia separated allowing his partially erect cock to lie in the furrow created. She could feel it pulse against her as it thickened. It grew until its head was pressing against her clit. It felt hot against her clit. Its pressure and pulsing warmth caused her labia to moisten and swell as her arousal grew. Her pheromones soon began to fill the room increasing their arousal.

Through her mind-link with Conan, she showed him what she had learned earlier about managing her telepathic abilities. She wasn't surprised to see Conan quickly pick up the techniques and enhance the energy flow into the telepathic area of his mind. As soon as he did, the mental bond between them began to grow quickly. In that link, they saw the links leading to others around them. The strongest were the objects they associated with their group. She saw Conan's reasoning behind the comments on how their overall group was divided up into the three groups he had referred to earlier. The objects of those closest to them were slightly brighter than the others. They were pleasantly surprised to see Sarah's clan nearly as bright as their closest group.

Siobhan also saw that her links to each of Sarah's Clan had increased in brightness and that there were four other similar objects. These links were slightly different from those in her group. She looked closely at the objects and soon identified all but one.

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Your name is Johnny Welsh. You can change this under the Customize menu. Please select your gender. * If you enjoyed this story, please consider adding at least 1 chapter to it. Can you think of a game that could have a sexy or kinky twist to it? *

Group Sex
2 years ago
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New to sex all in one

This is a true story which involves sexual situations between a teen and a minor. So as not to cause any offence, if you find this distasteful, please leave and search for a story that is more to your taste. You have been warned. My infancy was a well protected one, being the only child at home made me an introvert, playing by myself and no friends to play after school, this lasted until my teens year (not sure, I cannot remember, it was such a long time ago. Unbeknown to me, changes were...

2 years ago
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In the Basement of the Russian Baths

My girlfriend and I have been talking more and more about our fantasies recently. It began when I bought her some kinky lingerie. At first, she didn’t like it - she thought it was too slutty. But after she tried a couple pieces on, she started to get into it. She has a perfect body - tall, slim, surprisingly large breasts. She's probably the hottest girl I’ve ever dated. Last week she came back from a girl's vacation in Mexico and she told me about the topless beaches there. I loved the rising...

2 years ago
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Strip Searched by a COP

I walked to the parking my car and went home. Later that night i planned to go over my friend Girlfriends House. I brought a bag of pot with me so we could smoke when i got there. I wanted to get there soon and i was driving pretty fast when i heard police sirens. I had never been pulled over before and i was very nevous. I turned down my radio which was blaring and pulled over onto the side of the rode. The cop got out and came over to the car and told me to drive down the side road...

4 years ago
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School Time

Your name is Dawson, Mike Dawson. You are a 18 year old guy. You live in a huge house with your mum and your 2 older sisters, your parents got divorced a long time ago. You are quite rich, but you don't pay attention to that much. One main thing about you that you hate is that you hardly ever get girls, you don't know why. One day you wake up with a start. You feel odd, somewhat light-headed. You glance over to your clock on the wall. No wonder you feel odd, it's only 6am. You have 2 hours...

2 years ago
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The Taxi Driver gets Laid Pt 1

Well I have had many differant Jobs in my life and I was once a Taxi driver where I live back in the 1990's. I was 27 at the time and I picked up this Lady that was very up set at the time. Her Husband had just left to work in Germany and I picked her up to take her home after she had seen him leave to get his Plane. She was 57 and had Long curly Black hair, she wore glasses and didn't say much as she sat sobbing in the seat next to me as I drove her home. About half way to where she was going...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 2

Chapter 2“Remember that night that you confessed to me you had those fantasies about Mark? Well, honey, here is your surprise. You wanted your son, and I’m giving him to you.”Tim’s words registered in Jennifer’s brain, but they seemed to come from a distance. It all seemed hazy. She had indeed confessed her i****tuous desires to Tim one night, and it had turned him on immensely and they fucked like rabbits for the rest of the night.But of all the fantasies she had, this surely had to be the one...

4 years ago
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My Wife And My Boss

Hello all. How are you all? Hope you all are enjoying your sex life. Myself Pankaj, 34, male, IT Professional working at middle management position in reputed MNC. My wife is Reshma, 32 working in government. We are happily married couple last 6 years and have one 5 years old son. Ours is arrange marriage and we enjoy sex with each other a lot. We do sex almost daily and we like to experiment in bed Recently we both felt that our sex life is monotonous and it is just 15-20 minutes game every...

3 years ago
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Hubby friend jothe madisikondiddu

Namtara naanu naachikeyimda baat rumige odi hode nannalli eno omdu tara araama maiyalla haguravaagittu aage piss maadtaa tab kade nodide bisibisi neerittu adaralli ilidu tullu tika molegalannu cennaagi tolakomde sumaaru hottu snaana maadi batte haakikollalu nodidare naanu battene tamdilla horage suman iruvudu gotaayitu hege amta nanna manasu kaaditu maru kshana sari innenu avanu nannadella nodidaane naaligege tullu haakiddaane melaagi naanu avana tunne avanigimta chennaagi cheepi aagide amta...

4 years ago
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Mom Under The Mistletoe

What's the difference between wrong and right? Who makes the distinction, and who gives them the authority? Most people would consider what we did to be wrong. A few would say that it was right, but mostly out of prurient interest. A few others, those who have been through the experience themselves and understand the emotional impact, would claim that it's both. My son and I are certainly in that last category.This story rightfully starts in 1987, when I was thirty-seven and Todd thirteen. I...

4 years ago
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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 28

By the next morning the bread in my mental oven was fully baked and ready to be sliced up, slathered with butter and eaten as a tasty side to whatever meal you happened upon. Or something. I shared it with the others over breakfast. "I not even sure it will work," I explained after I had outlined my plan, "but since whatever happened between Tiffany, Tramp and myself seemed to cement a bond between us, and with Tramp, I intend to do it with all of you anyway, with both dogs. I think I...

4 years ago
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Danger fuck in the early morning light

I wasn't sure what time it was when they came in but Laura was pretty wrecked as she usually was if she came to mine at that time of night. I barely stirred as she stumbled around taking her clothes off and collapsed next to me in bed. She was passed out almost instantly, so I went back to sleep pretty quickly. Waking up an hour or 2 later it was just beginning to get light, and I saw it was still only 6:30. I got up to go for a pee and get some water. Walking along my hallway I had a piss...

3 years ago
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The Pornstar Pass

Being a studio executive at YouFuck came with a lot of perks. Unlimited porn, the odd hooker sent up to your office to suck your cock, the money, fuck. But today it would all change. What was different about today was the Pornstar Pass that finally arrived at your apartment. Sent by the PPOFA (The Pornstar Pimping Organisation For Ass), the pass entitled you to free servicing and personal pornographic experiences from dozens and dozens of pornstars - availability providing, of course. Your...

4 years ago
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Sabrina Anfang 30 war 1,75 m groß, hatte lange blonde Haare. Sie hatte eine schlanke Figur und eine Körbchengröße von 80 D. In einem Büro nähe Berlin arbeitete sie als Sekretärin. Auffällig war ihre arrogante Art gegenüber den anderen Mitarbeitern. Nur weil ihre Tante Mehrheitsaktionärin war, konnte sie sich alles erlauben. Ihre Arbeit war eher unterdurchschnittlich. Chris 20, absolvierte gerade seinen ersten Tag als Praktikant im Unternehmen. Auch ihn behandelte sie von oben herab. An diesem...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 134

Several agents were standing in the back yard of the nurses' home waiting to use the hose to wash the blood and gore off their hands and raincoats after the gruesome job of removing the bodies. "Jackson, you okay?" Belcher asked as the other agent bent over and dry heaved yet again. "I may give up eating," Jackson said, wiping his mouth as he managed to stand back up. Sighing, "Plus, I've made a fool out of myself puking my guts out over and over." "Ah, you aren't the only one who...

2 years ago
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Mutata Draco

You rise from the pile of shredded grass that forms your bed, before heading outside to spread your wings and catch some sunlight to warm your cold and sluggish blood. You feel like there's something you need to remember, something that came to you in a dream last night... Then you hear the hooffalls, and you remember. Last night, you realised that as long as you conformed to the stereotype, as long as you remained the greedy, lusty, dumb brute that dragons are supposed to be, you would never...

2 years ago
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Cum dripping from her pussy all day

I had the day off and was just chilling in the house when my girl friend came back from work unexpectedly for lunch. I asked her why she was back and she replied that she has been horny all morning and couldn't get me out of her mind. She then pulls me closer grabbing my hand and lifting up her skirt to reveal her knickers and her stocking. She placed my fingers on her knickers which she revealed that her knickers were dripping wet with her pussy juice. One thing lead to another and I...

4 years ago
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The date day four

I awoke on the fourth morning and for the first time I managed to stop myself from being mesmerised by the all possessing nightie. For the first time I succeeded in keeping a clear head. Striving to remain focussed I jumped out of bed, stripped and showered. Roughly towelling myself dry, I dressed in my male clothes, something I hadn't done since the day of my fateful date, before heading downstairs to make my morning tea. Passing the dining room door, this time I pulled it shut...

2 years ago
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Neha Gets A Makeover From Shy Bride To Sexy Babe

One weekday, I was at home because all of my lectures had been cancelled. I was in my third year of college, with two years left to complete my five-year MBA. When I went to have my breakfast, I saw Khanna aunty sitting and talking to my mother. There was another lady there, with her back to me, and because the sofa had a high back, I could only see the top of her head. Mom came to the table to tell me to finish everything my plate and went back. While mom was walking back, I saw a beautiful...

2 years ago
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Naked AmazonsChapter 2

Two days after the two girls left their side of the island to see what lay on the seaward of their prison, there was a great storm. All the water in the Seven Seas seemed to be falling on the island with furious winds sending huge waves pounding the shore and inundating their cave shelter, scattering the meagre supplies left to the girls by the Inspectors and strewing them over the beach, or at least, those which had not been swept out to sea. When conditions had returned to something like...

4 years ago
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My wife cuckolds me and I love it Chapter 2

My wife reached up on her toes to snake her arms around his neck and kiss him tenderly. Her light summer dress rode up over her bronzed thighs revealing tiny white panties clinging to the curves of her gorgeous young bottom as they began moving sensuously to the soft music.She danced away from him wallowing in his lust, offering herself, watching him, loving how his eyes undressed her. Her breasts jiggled delightfully with every sinuous movement, she smiled at herself in the mirror, her eyes...

4 years ago
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Teenage Daughter Sucks Off Her Fathers Boss

Steve enters the large room where the party is being held, his coworkers with their families, his boss, and now he and his daughter. He can already feel the eyes on his daughter. His fellow coworkers, heterosexual males in their 30s and 40s who rarely get to see young girls like Steve's daughter Rachel. It's no wonder their wives get insecure. Rachel is a very sexy girl. Standing at around 5'4'' with long, thin legs, smooth skin with a slight tan, deep brown eyes, sultry facial...

2 years ago
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Twin Touches

One night I had heard him jerking off when he thought I was asleep. He kept glancing over at my bed across the room as he hurriedly pumped his hand up and down. In the dark he couldn't see that my eyes were slightly opened and I was staring straight at his 8 inch cock illuminated by the moonlight. My heart raced and I felt myself get moist. In his moment of ecstasy I shifted quickly to put my hand in my pants. I moaned in relief as my cold fingers touched my clit. I did my best not to make...

3 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 46

Diana straightened the small stack of papers, and inserted them into the three-hole paper-punch. Leaning down on it, she punched the holes into the papers. She opened the project folder and inserted the sheets. After folding the metal clips to hold the papers in place, she closed the cover. Looking through the plastic front, she read the title aloud, “Personal Definition of Happiness and Goals for Diana Parker.” With a sad expression on her face, she put the folder down. Working through her...

4 years ago
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The Death of Saema Chapter 3 Mortuary Mayhem

Saema’s neighbor was an unidentified female who appeared to be around 28-years-old, though as her identity had not been confirmed yet, this was purely a best guess. She was slightly tall at around 5’9”, had a slim, athletic build to her, long, brown hair, and pretty brown eyes. Jane Doe’s stiff body lay in a morgue drawer under clear plastic, much like Saema had at one time, her slender feet and long toes bared for all to see, a white toe-tag dangling from her right big toe, the nail of which...

5 years ago
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My Mom Has Group Sex With Carpenters

Hello everyone, in this story I am going to tell you about the group sex that my mom had with some carpenters. My mom was not like the typical Indian housewife. She used to act slutty sometimes. She had a lot of young men who used to visit her now and then. My dad worked abroad and visited us once in a year. My mom always used to wear low cut blouses and tops. She had a nice and curvy figure with good boobs and a plump ass and she always made it a point to reveal her cleavage whenever we went...

1 year ago
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Bed Page! The Internet is a goddamn miracle. I know I spend a lot of time going on and on about how the web has ushered in a golden age of hardcore pornography, but the net’s got other things to offer us as well. You can buy a truck, get a band together, or find somebody to recover all that porn you thought you lost off your hard drive. People say the net separates and isolates people, but you can use it to chat up broads, get a date or find a hooker to slob your knob for a while. BedPage.com...

Escort Sites
2 years ago
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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 27

That afternoon, Frank asked Linda if he could stay over. She looked at Paul and then said, "You are welcome to stay as long as you want. After all, your fiancé lives here now. You and Pam need to talk about ways and means to determine a plan. Tonight, talk more and make love less." She grinned fiendishly as Pam blushed deeply. Pam said, "I'm not used to being teased about my sexuality. I didn't even know I had any to be teased about! However, being with Frank is all I dreamed it might...

2 years ago
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A Helping Hand

My Neighbor & I : Interracial Anal QuickieMy Neighbor & I : Interracial Anal QuickieLauryn was my next door neighbor. We didn't really say much to each other, other than the usual "Hi" whenever we saw each other outside. All this happened a few weeks ago.It was a normal Friday afternoon and I just got home after running errands. I walked up to my door and I was just about to get my keys out when Lauryn stepped out of her house."Hi there!" She said."Hey!" I replied, my attention now...

4 years ago
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The Pink Ladies

What would you do if a childhood friend sent you a long, rambling email about kinky sex with aliens? That’s what recently happened to me. The only reason I can think of that he would do so is that he knows I’ve seen a lot of weird shit and written about even more really strange stuff so I would probably believe him. Also, he knows how many stories I post and I am pretty sure he expected me to publish his email on some of my story sites. In fact, he even gave me the name to use for the story.He...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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My Service As Male Escort 8211 Part 1

Hie every one, this is Harsha 21 from Hyderabad pursuing my degree 3rd yr now.I have a nice body and dick which can satisfy any women.I am a fan of Indian Sex Stories since 3yrs. I read every story in ISS especially escort stories because am one among them.Send me your comments to Last 2yrs that means in 2013 i have entered into this wonderful world and enjoyed a lot in this world & i enjoy doing this Well,coming to the story it was April 2013 i just finished my 1st yr exams and enjoying the...

3 years ago
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Fantasy intruder part 2

Read first part to understand this. It was going to be one certain thing/fantasy but as I wrote it became something totally different.As I'm outside of the window I can see the woman was fully happy with what happen to her and same time I sence was wanting to know who. She looked down at her self and knew she had to clean up so she got up and headed out of the room. I soon heard water and then water sound went little quiet so I assumed she shut the bathroom door. I climbed up some and saw her...

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