CharadeChapter 2 free porn video

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It was a reception at the Rittenhouse Hotel, about 3 or 4 months ago, that I was first introduced to him. Kim was dressed in a clinging black dress that showed no line of bra or even panties. I had not seen her dress that evening, but I was a bit uneasy about her being there with nothing on under that garment. We had no sooner walked in then she pulled me toward this guy with rather long, greasy hair and introduced me.

Lavell shook my hand and I felt the pressure he was trying to exert, he was actually trying to cause me pain. I was startled and at that point realized that here was a grade A schmuck. It only took a second or two for his face to pale as I crushed his fingers and he pulled back quickly.

"Hi Kim," he almost sneered. "So this is the engineer," and he then laughed. My eyes flicked to Kim and I saw her color and quickly look away. Had they had a previous conversation about me and my profession, I wondered? Did Kim find my profession a cause for amusement? The evening went downhill quickly from that moment. After that somewhat contentious introduction I saw little of Kim. She seemed to be at Lavell's side the whole evening. His eyes would meet mine occasionally and he would then wrap his arm around Kim's waist possessively, almost daring me to object.

It's funny though, a week or so later she stopped talking about the project and was almost totally mum about Lavell. When I brought him up in conversation, Kim would wave her hand dismissively and change the subject. I thought it a bit strange. I now began to get a funny feeling in my gut. My face flushed as I realized what I was beginning to suspect. I laughed weakly and told myself not to become paranoid. That didn't help one bit.

Days passed and we went through the motions of marriage. Kim was obviously preoccupied and the attention she paid to me and our relationship was almost perfunctory. She was at home in body only. Had she even begun to realize that we hadn't made love in weeks?

It was about a week or so before our anniversary that I decided to leave work on time and I made my way to Crown Publishing. I thought that we would have dinner and discuss taking more time for ourselves. Maybe putting our jobs second for a change. Somehow I took the elevator to the executive floor, instead of the one below. I had just exited the elevator when I saw James Frost, the exec. VP.

He approached me and smiled. "Jerry, good to see you. It's been awhile," and he slapped me gently on the shoulder.

"Hi Jim," I replied. "I obviously got off on the wrong floor. I'm here to take my wife to dinner, hopefully. That is if she isn't still wrapped up in the Lavell thing."

"Oh, no. That's been over for a few weeks now. Paul's still staying in the VIP apartment upstairs, but the book's now at the printers and things are back to normal... Go grab Kim, she deserves a good dinner," he smiled and continued along the hall. I stood there, pensively, and then took the stairs down to the appropriate floor. I made my way to Kim's office and found her standing in the hall. She saw me and I saw a startled expression come to her eyes.

"Jerry, what are you doing here?" she blurted out.

"Hi Kim," I replied sweetly. "I thought it would be nice to have dinner out together this evening. It's been quite awhile and I thought we could spend some time together for a change."

I could see the flash of annoyance. "I can't, Jer. You know how busy I am with Paul's novel. Please be patient, this thing will be over soon, I promise. and our lives can get back to normal... I'll try to get home earlier tonight." She reached and patted me on the cheek, turned and went back into her office. I stood for a moment, then turned and left.

I saw that it was now almost 11. I guessed that Kim's statement about being home at 10 was like her other promises. I took the roses and tossed them, vase and all, into the trash can. I threw the earings into my desk drawer. I went to bed and lay there awake, wondering where my life was going. It was almost 1 a.m. when I heard the front door open. It didn't take long for Kim to undress and climb into bed, next to me. She smelled clean and fresh, as if from a recent shower. I feigned sleep. It was at that moment that I knew for certain that she was having an affair with Lavell. Yeah, I should have realized it before - I guess that I just didn't want to face it.

I did not get much sleep that night. I had no real proof of her adultery, but then again I really needed none. There was no one I had to convince and we didn't have huge assets to fight over. The divorce would be simple. But, by the same token, I didn't want to go off half cocked; I did want her infidelity to be known. I guess I was a little vindictive, I wanted everyone to know what she was.

I lay there and let my mind wander, back to the days when we first met, back to the months we first lived together. I had loved that Kim - no, I had adored her. Where had she gone? The tears came, wet my cheeks and ran to my pillow.

I was up very early the next morning. It was Saturday, but I headed out for the office. I wanted someplace where I could be alone, I needed to think. I needed to decide how to proceed. I knew that my marriage was over, but I wanted to be in charge of the steps that would end it. I wanted some evidence of my wife's infidelity. I knew that there was really no way I would be able to get the facts that I wanted. I knew what to do.

I was able to locate a private investigation firm that was literally next door to Van Horn Construction. I called and was able to set up an appointment with Marge DeMarco, one of the owners, for that very morning.

I took the elevator to the 8th floor and opened the door to the suite of offices. As I entered, a tall, slender woman of about 50 waved to me from her office across the reception area and motioned me in.

"I presume that you're Jerry Ford. I'm Marge DeMarco," and her handshake was firm and brief. She indicated a chair as she moved behind her desk.

"My presence here is fortuitous," she began. "Usually, no one is in on a weekend, unless we're working on something urgent. Please, just relax and tell me what you want us to do for you."

I told her of my suspicions and gave her all of the information that I had. When I told her of the VIP apartment at the publishing house, she grimaced.

"Jerry," she hesitated and then asked if she could address me so. I nodded. "Ok, Jerry. I get the drift. Based on what you have told me, I would tend to agree that perhaps your suspicions may be correct. The problem, and it's a very big problem, is that VIP apartment. If your wife and this author are or were meeting there, it would be more than difficult for us to determine that. Whatever evidence we could garner would be illegally obtained and could not be used in any court of law."

I interrupted her. "Marge, I don't give a rat's ass about the legality of the evidence. I just want to confirm what I already think I know. My so called "suspicions" are really more than that. I just know that my wife is, or at least has been, unfaithful. I just want that confirmed.

She sat and looked at me with what seemed to be a bit of pity. "Ok, Jerry. Give us a couple of weeks and we'll try to get as much as we can. This could be difficult and I want you to be prepared if we tell you that we couldn't get what you want. Here's a packet of information concerning our company, the fees we charge and a copy of the standard contract. Look it over, sign the contact and mail it back with a check. We'll start on Monday and get back to you as soon as we can. Okay?"

I again nodded, shook her hand and left. It was now going on noon and I decided to head home. I felt a skosh better, at least I had taken a course of action. I didn't feel like such a victim any longer.

When I walked into our apartment I immediately saw Kim standing in the doorway of the kitchen. (Wow, I wasn't sure that she even knew we had one.) Her eyes were blazing and she wasted no time in giving me both barrels.

"Goddamnit, Jerry, Where the fuck did you go? Do you even remember that it's our anniversary today? Did you even remember to get me a shitty card, at least? Did you even remember to make at least some small gesture?"

I just stood and looked at her. I guess she figured that a good offense was the way to go. "Kimberly," I replied calmly. "Today is the 11th, our anniversary is the 10th, which was yesterday. The roses I got you are outside in the trash can, I had to cancel our dinner reservations, and if you want to root through the junk in my desk, maybe you can find the present that I had gotten for you. I imagine that what you had to do last night was more important, especially since it necessitated staying until almost 1:00 a.m."

She just stood and now looked a bit frightened, her eyes darting everywhere, afraid to meet my steady gaze. She had paled, but I could see her trying to pull herself together.

"I'm sorry, Jer," she finally managed. She moved to the sofa and sat, shaking her head. "I don't know where I am half the time. This campaign has gotten me really frazzled." She looked up at me, imploring me to understand. "It's over, Jerry. The campaign is finally over. Please, let's try to forget the past couple of months and really work on our marriage."

Yeah, like I was really going to forget. What she didn't know was that I knew that the project had ended long before. Shit, the guilt was written all over her face. I don't know how I managed not to gag. I didn't exacerbate the situation, but the tension was palpable and it didn't dissipate much during the week. Again, we were going through the motions.

But, there were no more late night meetings. Kim was home every evening around 5 or a few minutes after. It looked like her little adventure with Lavell had ended. You know what, I didn't give a shit; the damage was already done. I could see that Kim was really trying to get our marriage back on track. I thought that I could see the regret and worry surface now and then. As far as I was concerned, it was too late. Was I too proud, too stubborn? Should I have made more of an attempt to save my marriage? Maybe, but her adultery, her betrayal just ate at my guts. The trust which was the foundation of any marriage, was gone. How could I ever trust her again? How could I ever forget? Could I ever forgive her? Who knows - but I knew that I could not forget, and the knowledge of what she had done to us guaranteed the end. Our marriage had become a charade.

A few days later I got a call from Ben Klein. We had kept in touch and called each other periodically. "Jerry, did you give any thought to my suggestion about moving our here? The opportunities are unlimited and we sure could use another good electrical engineer." Ben had been trying to get me to move for awhile now. Maybe now I should give it some thought. I had dismissed the suggestion previously.

"It's an idea, Ben. I'm not sure right now, but maybe we can talk about it again sometime, okay?" I left it dangling. Ben started to get excited, but I told him that it's just a firm maybe.

A few days later, Marge DeMarco called me at work and asked me to drop by. I sat by her desk and refused a glass of water or a cup of coffee. Marge began: "Jerry, I have some news, but I don't know if you'll be happy or not. I called you in early, before the two week period I had requested, because we have come to a dead-end. Our investigation has shown nothing that can confirm your suspicions. That's why I don't have a full, written report for you. If I attempted to put down on paper what we have discovered, there would be little there and what there would be would be innocuous. Thus, I am refunding to you a portion of our fee. The only significant information I can give you is the result of our inquiries into Paul Lavell's background. It looks like he's quite the womanizer. There have been three sexual harassments complaints against him, all settled before they went to court, and it also appears that at least two divorces can be chalked up him. It looks like he's a really nasty character. I'm sorry that we couldn't be of more help to you."

I was disappointed but resigned. I guess I really didn't expect them to be too successful. Okay, I would proceed without the evidence I wanted. It wasn't really necessary, I guess I just wanted some payback. I called John Kramer, an attorney I knew slightly, and was told that he was out of town, but would be returning in about ten days. I made an appointment to see him. It was time to get this over with. In the meantime, Kim and I just tiptoed around each other.

The surprise came a couple of days before my appointment with Kramer. I had just come home from work and had hung my jacket on the back of a chair when Kim rushed into the house, breathless and obviously agitated. Her movements seemed almost manic, her laughter brittle.

"Jerry, Jerry, please sit down. I have to talk to you," she blurted. "I know we didn't want children, but I'm pregnant. We're going to be parents, Jerry. Oh, honey, this can be so wonderful. You're going to be a father. Please don't be angry, Jerry. Please be happy for us," and she looked at me, anxiety written all over her face.

I was stunned, absolutely flabbergasted. I really couldn't even think for a couple of seconds. Then the absurdity of it hit me, the irony. Kim was always careless about taking her birth control pills and she got caught, Lavell had impregnated her. And here she was, trying to make me believe that the child was mine.

I was enraged; I think that I really hated her at that moment. She had made me a cuckold and now she was trying to make me believe that the child was mine. Strong emotions tore at me. I suddenly felt devastated, a sense of extreme loss almost overcame me, which overrode the anger. I was losing control as I rode an emotional roller coaster. And then... nothing. I felt nothing, as if something had died inside of me. I felt a vast emptiness, a hollowness, a coldness that pervaded my soul. I just didn't care anymore, I just wanted it over.

"I'll be out of here as soon as I pack a few things. I'll get the rest of my stuff later, when you're not here," I said dully.

Kim sat and I saw her eyes fill with unshed tears. She knew that the game was over and she lowered her head and a sob caught in her throat. "I'm sorry, Jerry. You don't know how sorry I am,"

I was curious, I wondered why it had gone so wrong. Was it an inherent flaw in her character? Was it me? "Why Kim? Was our marriage so unimportant to you?" My voice was soft, I did not yell.

Kim looked up at me, her eyes watery. "Why? I asked myself that question again and again. I'm not sure; maybe it was the excitement, the glamor, the thrill of being in a spotlight with famous people. Stupid reasons, I have no excuses. I was weak, foolish. I allowed myself to be seduced, not only by Paul, but by the job, that environment. I didn't realize the hole I was digging for myself until it was too late."

The tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Jerry, I'm so ashamed, ashamed at what I have done and so ashamed about what I just did - lying to you about being the father of the baby. That was despicable. I was just so terrified. I am truly sorry about that, Jerry. You didn't deserve that; you didn't deserve any of this."

Her eyes dropped to her lap. "Is there anyway... ?" she asked dully. She knew what the answer would be.

I interrupted her. "No," I replied, emotionless. "I have an appointment with my attorney. I suggest you get a lawyer. We'll split what we have. The divorce should go through without any problems."

I rose, went into the bedroom and packed a bag. Walking to the door, I saw that Kim was still sitting there, her head down, sobbing softly. I left.

One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was to confront Bernie Van Horn and tell him that I was divorcing his daughter and handing in my resignation.

"Goddamnit, Jerry, Why? Why? At least tell me why. Haven't I treated you well? You're like a son to me; why are you doing this?" Bernie had tears in his eyes and I had to swallow a lump in my throat.

"Bernie, please," I managed to get out. "I can't give you the details, I really can't. I imagine Kim will explain everything to you. I really have little choice, Bernie. And you're right - you have been like a second father to me and I'll never be able to repay you for your faith and trust in me. I wish I can explain everything, but I just can't, I can't." I felt myself losing control again and I stopped, unable to continue. I just couldn't tell him that his daughter had been unfaithful and was carrying someone else's child.

Bernie saw my distress and I thought I saw a flash of understanding and sympathy in his eyes. He came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Okay, Jerry. You don't have to say any more. Get a hold of yourself. Maybe I understand more than you think. Do what you think you have to do, but you have to promise that you'll let me help you however and whenever I can. Okay?."

I nodded, rose and left his office.

I spent the next week at a Hilton in town, trying to get my head around all that had happened to me. When all was said and done, there really wasn't a lot to think about. I instituted divorce proceedings, I knew that it wouldn't be contested. I took a cold, hard look at my circumstances and realized that there really wasn't anything left for me here. My wife and in-laws were now in my past and my folks had moved to Florida. I made up my mind and called Ben Klein. I was on a plane bound for LA within a week.

Ben had submitted my resume to his company and I was on the job a few days after my arrival in Los Angles. I stayed with Ben and his wife Rachael for a couple of weeks until I was able to find an apartment near to the job. Ben had married about the same time I did and he found a winner. Rachael didn't know me from Adam, but we had talked a few times over the phone when Ben called or I had phoned him. She was warm and couldn't have been more friendly and welcoming. She, as much as Ben, made me always feel wanted in their home - more then welcome it turned out. She was about 5" 3" inches tall and built beautifully with dark hair and flashing brown eyes. She slowly joined my very small list of very special friends. I was happy for Ben and for Rach also.

So the weeks passed by. I immersed myself in the work. Thank goodness for my work, it kept me from agonizing about the destruction of my marriage and my longing for Kim, at least during the day. The nights were hellish and my sleep was filled with dark dreams and "could have beens." Sometimes I would drink myself into oblivion and then let my anger rise to the surface. I would smash a few things against the wall and then pass out on the sofa. I wanted my wife back - not the one I had divorced, but the one I had met and married.

Was Kim's infidelity at least partially my fault? Should I have stayed and tried to work things out? Was I being cowardly for running away? I had given those questions hours and hours of thought and I came to the realization that I wasn't that strong. I couldn't forgive her betrayal and I knew that I couldn't accept the child - the child that would always be a reminder of her adultery.

What kept me on a reasonably sane path most of the time was the companionship and friendship of Ben and Rachael. They were constantly after me to spend the weekend at their place, or come with them for a weekend of camping, or nagging me to accept a blind date in which they thought I may have some interest. I managed to avoid the attempts at dating, but I did spend quite a bit of time with them at their house. Relaxing by their pool in the warm sun seemed to help my turmoil. It also gave me the opportunity to appreciate Rachael in her brief bikinis. Oh, they were relatively modest, but she did have a great figure. Nah, no wrong ideas - just normal male appreciation.

It was rather strange though. As the months passed, I would get a call every once in awhile from Bernie Van Horn. He was sensitive enough to never bring Kim up in our conversations, but was interested in what I was doing and how I was getting along. The strange thing was that I would also get a call now and then from, of all people, Katherine Van Horn. She seemed genuinely concerned about me and was warm and friendly on the phone. I was really happy that they both wanted to keep in touch.

But then things started to get a little weird at the Klein's. As I mentioned, both Ben and Rachael kept after me to come visit every chance they got, so I was over there during the weekends more often than not. It was almost like being with family - no, I take that back. It was like being with family, they were that close to me. And I did enjoy the private back lawn with the pool and patio.

But, as time passed, both Ben and Rachael became increasingly concerned about my lack of interest in dating or pursuing members of the opposite sex - you know, women. It wasn't as if I wanted to become a monk or anything, it was just that I really didn't have any interest. I guess the circumstances of the breakup of my marriage may have put me off looking for any type of relationship. Oh, I had the usual urges, but they were taken care of manually, so to speak.

But, Rachael's bikinis started to get briefer and briefer until it was almost embarrassing. Her latest was no more then three little triangles of material that could be stuffed in a shirt pocket. The top barely covered her nipples and the bottom was a brief triangle over her crotch and a string up her rear end. I gotta be truthful, it became difficult to hide my erection. Also, little encounters began to occur. I mean like when I would come out of the bathroom, she would be in the hall wearing only a very brief bra and panties, or sometimes just the panties. It really started to become uncomfortable for me. No way in hell would I every even dream of putting a move on Rach, I wasn't that much of a pig.

The strange encounters came to a head about four or five weeks after the appearance of the brief bikinis. It was a Saturday and Ben had excused himself to run to the store to get a case of beer. I had volunteered to go, but he had insisted I stay. I was again coming out of the bathroom after taking a leak, when I saw Rachael coming down the hall. She was wearing a short, silk robe which pretty well should have covered the vital parts, but the robe was wide open and she was naked under it. I almost twisted an ankle trying to turn around to avoid her. She came up to me, took me by the hand and commanded, "Come with me, Jerry. We need to talk."

"Rach," I stammered. "Please, tie that robe... please. Ben will be home soon. I don't want him getting wrong ideas." I realized that I was babbling, but she was leading me down the hall and out of the house to the patio.

"Don't worry about Ben, Jerry. He'll be back when I call and tell him to be back. In the meantime we need to have a conversation," she said calmly while sitting in a chair across from me, her robe totally open and her legs slightly apart. Her tits were staring me in the face and I could see the lips of her sex which were visible under her public hair.

"Jerry," she snapped. "Enough - stop feeling sorry for yourself. You're not the only guy in the world that got crapped on and you won't be the last. You can't avoid women the rest of your life and you can't get too friendly with your fist, if you know what I mean," and she colored slightly at that remark.

She put her hands under her breasts and lifted them slightly. "These are breasts, Jerry. Sometimes they're called tits or boobs or a million other names. All women have them and most men are very appreciative of them." She then pulled at her nipples. "These are nipples, Jerry. They get hard and erect when a woman is aroused. Did you know that?"

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My Perfect Family

The phone rang sharply beside the sleeping head of Terry Gilson. He snapped awake. "What the fuck?" he growled. It rang again. He picked up the receiver. "Hullo," he managed in a gravely, low cough. "Mr. Gilson?" "Yeah." "This is Sergeant Preston of the Yukon County Police Department. May I speak to Mrs. Turvey please?" barked the authoritative voice in Gilson's ear. "Who is this?" "Mr. Gilson, please put Mrs. Turvey on. This is a police emergency." Again, a clear and...

2 years ago
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Revenge Gone Wrong 8211 How My Ass Was Destroyed Because Of My Revenge

My name is Shikha.I am a sexy,slim,fair and hot girl of 25.Have got a slim figure but have a nice pair of boobs and round ass.I have this bad habit that I am more interested in having sex with boyfriends of my friends.This makes me feel more sexy and hot. The story started when I was in Delhi.It had been about 6 months in my new job and about the same time for my breakup with my boyfriend.My bf broke up with me due to friend kritika(girl) who told my bf about my past affairs.And from that...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Aunt Part3

We changed positions so that I would be sitting on the edge of the Hot tub, and she could have easy access to my cock. She got down on her knees so that most of her body was under water, and started using her hands to massage my steel shaft. Then she began to lightly lick the tip of my cock, progressively taking more of it in her sexy little mouth. She was sucking me like a pro, but apparently she wasn't done showing off. I felt my cock going deeper and deeper down her throat, until I couldn't...

3 years ago
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Maid8217s husband

I am a married woman, aged 34 yrs. My name is Barathi Rajan and I am from Chennai. My husband is a businessman and is aged around 46yrs and is most of the time out of town. I spend most of my time watching blue films and masturbating. I am always in search of sex, I mean looking after for men or even ladies. I am also a lesbian. This is not my first experience that I am writing; I have written few experiences before this. My story is about my experience with my maid Shanta’s husband. Shanta was...

1 year ago
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Fun With a Soft Cock

In spite of expert fondling, licking, and sucking, the older man’s penis just lay softly on his balls. “Damn”, thought the 40-year-old voluptuous redhead, “That’s the problem with an older husband. I am still SOOO horny!” When they made love it was very good and very satisfying but it didn’t happen nearly as often as she needed it. She was well into her sexual prime and her pussy asked for the sensations of a firm penetrating penis, the soothing warmth of semen, and the tingly pleasures of an...

3 years ago
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How mom made him state champ pt 3

"So how was the hand-job?" Gail asked her sister as they spoke on the phone."You mean hand-jobs?" Michelle answered."You got him off more than once?" Gail asked."I got him off twice in the shower, twice in bed last night, once this morning and twice on the car right home. I believe that makes seven if I'm not mistaken." Michelle said proudly."Holy fuck, Michelle. Seven orgasms? Are you serious?" Gail exclaimed."He's like the energizer bunny. He just keep going and going and going." Michelle...

1 year ago
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A naive girl at Borisovos pond Chapter one

This year hot spring days came early in Moscow and everybody was happy to leave cold temperatures in the past. It brought a surge of activity to the city and it was clearly seen. Malls were filled with shoppers, looking for goods. Beaches were filled with teenagers ditching schools on the prowl for fun. There was Borisovo’s pond in Orekhovo-Borisovo, the southern district of Moscow. That was the place where high school kids liked hanging out. It was just the kind of a day that...

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Tempestuous EnticementsChapter 18

“Mom ... wait...” But before Lewis can finish what he is going to say, Joyce spins them both around and pushes him back so that he is sitting on the edge of the bath tub, his rigid prick jutting up, tall and proud. Joyce slurps him deep into her mouth with one fluid motion, savoring the favor of her juices on him. “We’re ... not ... stop ... ing ... now ... until ... you ... fill ... my ... pussy ... with... cum,” she manages to get out while bobbing her head up and down on the boy. Lewis...

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The GiftChapter 22

The kids came home on Sunday. In the beginning they were a bit miffed about the whole thing. When we explained how we could not be expected to keep the house as a museum for their childhood, they were more accepting, and when we took them for a ride to the harbour to point out our new condo, they wholeheartedly accepted that we wanted to move. They even got to the point where they had fun, deciding which of their possessions were important to them. We all knew very well, that they should only...

2 years ago
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Vier Mdels und ein Einsiedler

Es regnete in Strömen und die Nacht war hereingebrochen trotzdem war die Stimmung in dem klimatisierten 7er BMW neuster Bauart und Ausstattung auf dem Höhepunkt. Caroline Berger hatte letzte Woche ihre Führerscheinprüfung bestanden und war nun neben Katharina, die schon bei Ihrem Austauschschüler Jahr in der USA die Prüfung abgelegt hatte, die Einzige aus der vierer Mädels Gruppe die fahren durfte. Nach ganz viel Überredungskunst von Caroline hatten ihre Eltern ihr eines ihrer Autos geliehen,...

1 year ago
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Husbands job changes everything Part 2

It was now 6 weeks after Kim's first session with Maarshi. She knew at the time it would be a life changing event for her and so it turned out to be. After the first session of Magarshi style white wife taming, the scene was set for him to dominate her. And dominate he did. After the first time Magarshi told Kim he would be seeing her daily for a few weeks. Kim didn't feel she could argue this point after what had happened and even if she did it would have been pointless. This was a man that...

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Showering in Lisbon with Hailee Stinfeld

Walking off the outdoor stage at Rock in Rio in Lisbon, Portugal. We all felt pumped as it was another great show to end the European Tour we had been on. I had been working as a backup dancer for Hailee Steinfeld on her Witness tour. Though it was a lot of shows in a short amount of time, it was still an awesome experience. The group of us dancers had all become close and we were all going to go out and celebrate the end of the tour later tonight, but first we needed to take a shower and get...

3 years ago
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Dirty old man fucked as wife watches Wirral Mer

Myself and my wife are an old kinky couple, who, after watching lots of porn one evening decided my wife watching me with another woman would be really horny. We have never done anything like this before, and are in our 50's and not an great looking couple. We are both a bit overweight, however, my wife has fantastic large breasts and a huge sexual appetite!We would love to do this again with a bi lady though as my wife really is desperate to have her pussy licked by another woman as I fuck the...

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My War in FactChapter 12 The Storm

I had to stop and take time to think about how cool my life had turned out, not in Vietnam, in Germany with Hanna and friends, my new association with my old guy friend the boiler man. I had lived in Hawaii and was from the Pacific Northwest with a combination of life adventures both awesome and bad. But all in all I had a gamut of experiences and I was still only 22 years old, the sergeant E-5 draftee of the late 1960’s. Why I was chosen to serve at the kaserne that was a Hitler favorite,...

3 years ago
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I Got a Lover My Son

I finished the book I was reading and looked at the wall clock, it was well past midnight. I am usually an early sleeper but today somehow I was not able to sleep, so I took this book, an erotic novel. I found it fascinating and finished it in one go. Now I was feeling very wet down my thighs and I knew I was very horny. My cunt was on fire and I had nothing else other than my fingers to satisfy my urges. But I wanted something real inside me. My fingers were not able to satisfy my desires. My...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Rebecca Volpetti Fucks A Big Cock While Aerial Hooping

Rebecca Volpetti is an aerial hoop dancer who loves giving her man, Larry Steel, a private show. Complete with her latex overalls, Rebecca is ready to give the lucky stud one hell of a show. After showing off her quick hoop routine, the lustful babe drops to her knees and gives Larry a sloppy blowjob. She then bends over and holds the aerial hoop while her man fucks her doggystyle. The beautiful blonde can’t help but moan as she slides up and down Larry’s big cock in cowgirl while...

2 years ago
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Punishing Rachel Part Two

The sudden sharp yank from her fall and her cry had served to wake Josh, and after a moment of disorientation at the strange surroundings and then blind fury that she had pulled the rope, he realized what had happened. He watched,amused, as she pissed herself explosively, and he could see quite clearly that the large puddle of steaming urine was running right toward her pretty, still blindfolded face that was half-smashed against the floor. "Morning, sunshine..." he rasped, untying the rope...

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Sweet Marissa

"Sweet Marissa" Chapter 1: "The Beginning" Madge dragged me forcibly from the bathroom and continued hauling me by the arm towards the bedroom. I was already starting to whimper. Linda was busy in the bedroom sorting through piles of frilly clothes as Madge shoved me down on the bed. I struggled to get up and run, the floral perfume still stinging my eyes but she beat me to the door and locked it securely with a key she kept on a chain around her neck. She gave me another shove...

1 year ago
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To Bi or not To Bi

I always considered myself 100% heterosexual, always chasing girls from an early age never interested in men at all. When I was 24 I was sort of living with an older woman in her early 40's, when I mean sort of things were rough between me and my parents so I would crash at this ladies apartment. She was a fellow student at art college, Jane was much more aware sexually than me and although I couldn't call her my girlfriend we did hit it off and get it on a few times. Jane would enjoy the...

3 years ago
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I cought my friend with my wifes panties

"Do you think Amber would mind if I stayed with you guys for awhile?", were the words that started it all. Tom had recently gotten into a pretty bad fight with his parents, and not having any money saved up, asked me to stay with us."Well, to be honest I'd have to ask Amber." I replied."Okay, just get back to me later then."Since then Tom had moved in and while it had been a few weeks, it had been a long few weeks for everyone, but Amber hadn't turned him down. I really didn't know what her...

4 years ago
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Impressive Miss Jones

CHAPTER 1 Born pretty and improving like a ripening peach, Satin Jones wandered along Main Street in despair. She had $1791.67 to her name and $1327.00, her one-third share of the month’s rent of, was due next Tuesday. Should Satin fail to stump up with her share of the rent, her two roommates would surely ask her to pay what she could and then leave so they could replace her. Three years ago Satin, daughter of a dressmaker mother and shoe store manager father, had left home when her parents...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 60

Colt 4:53 pm, November 5th, 2006 9:53 am November 6th, 2006 (local time) The briefing hall was crowded with Marines paying attention. Excellent. Time to tell them why we are all here. I nodded. A Captain stood up and moved to the podium. "Attention to orders. Today's briefing will be delivered by General Colt." The Marines in the room snapped to attention. I moved to the podium as they stood there. Then I let them stand there a few minutes longer to see whose face would break...

1 year ago
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My New Owner

As I stood in the kitchen fidgeting, my mind raced. Today was the day. All my sisters had already chosen their men, and now it was nearly my turn. I was a slave, and a slave's daughter, and today i would leave my home with my new master. I had it all planned out. I would choose Luke, as he was always kind to me. The other girls all said they would choose Henry, because he was rich, or Dylan, because he was handsome, or Dmitri because he was mysterious. Only one other girl said she would...

4 years ago
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Driving in the nude

Like most hot summer days the evening was muggy and close. I was lucky enough to be up having supper with a friend and left their place about 11:00. I only drove about a mile from their house, thru the dark on the country roads heading back to the motorway that took me pretty much to my door. I had often driven naked at night but hadn't done it in years, so I just thought what the fuck, lets strip off and enjoy the warm, the near empty roads and the night sky.Instant pleasure! i felt cooler and...

1 year ago
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Melody Part 2

Golden fingers of sunlight started reaching through the blinds to hit me in my sleepy eyes. I rubbed my eyes and let out a long, slow yawn. After a few quick blinks I looked over to see the musical auburn goddess, Melody, laying sweetly at my side. Her hair was tussled about a little from bed head and, if I'm honest, made her look even sexier than she was from the night before."Good morning, sleepyhead," Melody softly whispered in my ear, landing a kiss on my cheek."Mmmmmm... good morning,...

Love Stories
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The Tree FortChapter 7

With his balls now free, Wiser backed up, then looking down at the little girl and licked her face. Slowly Wiser moved forward again and hunched his hindquarters down like he was trying to get his balls back into Cindy’s mouth. He began humping her face, rubbing his prick and balls along her face and lips. Even if she had wanted to get up she could not. Bud had her lower half tied up and Wiser was humping her face like it was hot nookie. We could see Wiser’s dick sliding across her face...

3 years ago
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I Can Be A Bitch

Introduction: Kendall is desperate to get revenge on her ex best friend Selena but what measures is she willing to go to, to achieve success… I remember the first time I took a cock in my ass, I was 16-years-old. Back then I was blonde, 52, 110 pounds and 32C chest. My figure never failed to turn the heads the of guys at my school, even the ones who had girlfriends. I have to admit that I didnt have any friends. My time in school was either spent studying in the library or sneaking out of...

1 year ago
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In Like Flynn Photography Studio

Part 1 – Setting the Plan in Motion As soon as I graduated from High School I started working full time in our families photo studio, Flynn’s Studio. I had become very professional, having worked part time in our studio all through high school. With my fathers expert training I was soon accomplished in all aspects of the business. I longed to take over and expand the business in new directions. The only other studio in town was really stodgy and I knew it wouldn’t be hard to outdo them for...

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Horny Father in law and the new wedded Bride

Rehman wearing just a track pant with no briefs and he crept into the darkened bedroom where his daughter in law Nafisa slept. His entire body was shaking with nervousness. He barely managed to close the door without making a sound. Rehman closed his eyes and took several deep breaths and he needed to remain calm because what he was trying to do was extremely adventurous on his part and if something goes wrong his reputation will be destroyed in the family and the society.Rehman tiptoed over to...

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Witch Chronicles 010 The WarOpening Gambit

Government file 00010: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...

3 years ago
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New School New Opportunities Part 1

A few moments later, my view was blocked again. This time it was by more blonde hair that moved closer to me and pressed her lips to mine. I began to make out with Nicole’s twin sister Phoebe as she lashed her tongue around mine. Phoebe was as naked as her sister and her small 32A cup breasts hung below her. As her mouth continued to cover mine, I reach up with my hand and took a firm hold of one of her free breasts. I caressed it in my hand as she moaned against my lips. Her sister was...

2 years ago
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On the Beach and Anna

On the beachKay and Sam showered and sun lotioned up, Sam wearing a black revealing bikini that barely covered her tits or fanny, with a fine chiffon wrap that covered but showed off her body and Kay in stunning a stunning white bikini that showed off her sexy tanned body, completed with a loose fitting kaftan. Ready for sex said Kay, ready replied Sam. Do you think you could fuck Andy this morning, did you here last night, only woman apart from me that he’s had sex with was his wife. He’s a...

4 years ago
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After Jess

It was 3 weeks later that Tippi called. ‘Hi, it’s me, Tippi.’ I had not been expecting her to call. I’ve so often spoken words and then, as they left my mouth, wished I could have swallowed them back. I’d assume that was what she had done. Maybe she was ‘phoning to apologise. ‘Look, Tippi, I was being really stupid that night. Could we just forget it?’ ‘We can forget some of it, sure. I wondered if you’d come to a party at my place next weekend, Saturday – my best friend is 40 and we’re...

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Relentless Dan Fey Ch 01

EgmontOriginals © Rosina Swan stepped down from the float plane that had rolled up on to the sand and thanked the pilot for diverting to circle a couple of other attractive islands farther out from the city after he’d said some were uninhabited wildlife reserves, People were prohibited from landing on them unless in an emergency or were part of an organized groups of nature lovers accompanied by Government’s Department of Conservation wildlife rangers. Geoff the pilot said animals and birds...

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Predator Series Chapter Four Call me Master Chapter Four: Call me Master I closed my eyes and leaned my head back and enjoyed the sensations that her mouth was giving me. I opened my eyes and looked down to watch my penis slide in and out of her mouth. It was a beautiful sight I was watching. Nothing more turned me on then to watch my penis disappear into her mouth. I let out a sigh of pleasure as I let her bangs go and moved them to the back of her head. Pumping her head...

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Christmas Hero

I wrote this story shortly after Christmas of 2102. It is a work of fiction. Names, places and events are a product of my imagination. I hope you enjoy it for what it is. * When the IED exploded eight Marines of Lieutenant Karl Richart Schmidt’s platoon lay wounded and exposed to sniper fire from a group of insurgents hiding in the village. Schmidt’s instincts told him to remain hidden behind the low stone wall which the remainder of his men had taken cover. Then his training kicked in....

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Oh Hell Why Not

I guess I’d had too much to drink, or never would’ve gotten in the situation. My name is Marty and I’ve been married about 10 years to a pretty decent guy. Our sex life is infrequent and kind of boring and that had a lot to do with a decision I recently made. It was Friday after work and some coworkers persuaded me to go bar hopping. My husband was watching some big ball game or other so he was fine with it. Some decent looking guy from another company latched onto me and I was enjoying the...

4 years ago
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Mouth to Mouth

Based on the short story: Lost Days Make for Memories and Souvenirs By SplendidSpunk My name is Marci. I work as a project manager for a small manufacturing firm. I travel as part of my job, though thankfully that requirement is not a large part of my job. Mostly I travel alone, though sometimes I do it in the company of my boss Marty, or one of my coworkers. Like most females, I don’t like to travel alone, and for obvious reasons. There is the loneliness factor, of course, and the fact that...

3 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 14

Penelope, in and out of consciousness, does her best to help aid Hazel to carry her through the forest. It isn’t easy, but after several moment of rest, the pair finally breaks free of the dark place and into a clearing at the edge of a village. Though the cat has never been here before, she knows that this is the place they are looking for. Immediately, her eyes catch the sign of the inn. “We’re nearly there,” she tells the witch. “I negotiate us a room for the night.” “How do you plan on...

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The Claiming

The sharp ring of an alarm clock located on her burnished oak bureau across the room, brought Dharla abruptly from a deep, restorative sleep. Opening a lazy eye just a crack, she peered groggily at the offending object, silently determining if it was worth the effort to rise and shut it off, or if she should simply cram the soft feather pillow around her ears and ignore the shrill noise until her dreams overtook her again. Her indecision was quickly tipped on the scale when the sound of the...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 122

The flight home was delayed for several hours because of inclement weather over the Midwest. It left Phil and Hailey to sit in the departure lounge at LAX. He passed over the financials for Lambswool to see if Hailey could find a way to trim expenses that he’d missed. She couldn’t. It was almost midnight on the West Coast when the plane finally departed for Calder City. “I still think you should have sprung for a private plane,” Hailey said as she nestled on his shoulder. “Huh?” Phil...

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Riding the LakefrontChapter 5

Saturday, August 16,2008....9am....A Change is beginning3 blocks from my car. Barefoot. Cum filled hair. Dress half torn off. Writing all over my legs/ass/forehead/torso. I was told where my car was and needed to get there quickly. A night spent being ****d by a bunch of big black cock. One sore throat. One sore gurl pussy. Two sore tits with reddened nipples that had been stretched mightily! My feet were sore and my ankles bore the markings of where I had been shackled. My wrists the same...

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