LA FunChapter 83 free porn video

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I woke up Tuesday morning thinking that something needed to be done. It was almost six, so I slid from the bed to unload and try to think of what I forgot. I put workout clothes on after brushing my teeth. The girls were waking up, because there was a parade going to use the toilet, then following me through the closet to also dress in workout clothes.

We went downstairs and into the kitchen, ignoring the coffee pot on the bar in the saloon. I went to the bigger fridge to pull a fairly full gallon jug of orange juice out. Mitsi found the large paper cups that I filled up while emptying the jug. We stood in the kitchen drinking the orange juice before going outside to enjoy some forms. A steady stream of people came from the house to join us. The Mooney people came out smiling. The visiting Foxworths were there trying to line up with my four girls. A surprise was the Westfield people lining up with the aircrew, and Fred was there with Nita and their toddler. Charles, Stephen, Brindle, the cooks, and even two groups of maids filled the grassy area next to the pool. I wonder what had them all out to join me in waking up.

I began to slowly go with basic forms to stretch muscles that were still asleep. The pace increased, and I suggested that anyone feeling muscles pulling strangely to go back to the more gentle forms as I sped up. I knew that it was time to stop when sweat began to run into my eyes. June and Mitsi each did a forward flip to stand in front of me. I made a square and both jumped high and each kicked a hand. I did the backflip landing in a position to do a ceremonial bow. The two sisters were grinning. Backflips are easy compared to forward flips, because you can see where you’re going to land.

We were heading into the house so I told everyone to get ready for the day. We would have breakfast in about thirty minutes if we were lucky. It was already six-thirty, so the girls and I rushed through the shower and dressed. We four had a mug of coffee and one of the breakfast sandwiches on the kitchen counter. I told Mitsi and June that I would take the BMW into the office with one of them and the other should bring everyone else on the bus to get to the office by nine. Harriet and Fred were going to come in with me as they wanted to begin the day with all the office staff. Danni and Chicca said they needed to drive in so that they would have a car to look at some property that might be good for a condo complex this afternoon.

We were all at the offices by seven forty-five. There was an old pristine Corvette in the Office Manager’s parking place. I noticed the concrete bumper for tires had been repainted in pink with ‘Boss Lady’ in red letters. I think that the staff all felt good about their leadership.

Gloria and Juanita were already at their desks. The data tech and another guy with a tool pouch were busy unboxing equipment. Harriet and Mitsi left the office and returned with mugs of coffee, as well as the pot to refresh Kelly’s, Gloria’s, and Juanita’s mugs. She left with the empty pot and I knew that she would make a fresh one.

Kelly held her hand up and said, “Give me your phone.”

She did something with it and handed it back to me. She said, “You accidentally turned it off, and no one could reach you. The only important call was from Jules and Kate.”

That’s when it hit me. That is what I couldn’t remember this morning. I looked at my watch and realized that it wasn’t five in the morning in Hawaii yet. I had to be sure to call later this morning.

Ken, with Alec riding on his lap, wheeled into the office. He said, “I’m set up for our meeting this morning. This is almost as exciting as when we were bidding on that property. It’s only been a little more than a year and we’re over two months ahead of schedule. Julio is a mastermind at getting work done. See you upstairs.” The strange couple headed for the elevator.

The twins came in and introduced themselves to Harriet. They had her follow them into their office and had her sit at the room’s front desk. They were showing her how to turn her electronics on and how the phone works.

Kelly said, “I told the boys to take over showing her the ropes and to try to include her in everything they do just like any new assistant. They are good at breaking new assistants in. We find talent, start their training, and then send them off to offices for the next step of their learning to be office managers.”

You have to love feeling the office come alive.

Kelly stood up and told me, “I think that all the key people are in. Let’s do a tour to say good morning. That’s what we did. It’s fun to go into the salesroom and see the secretaries busily checking contracts and verifying deposit funds. They had to make copies of the docs for the decorators and architects, and send the file up to finance.

We checked in with the decorators, then went up to see Jimmy, and then Connie. We went to the third floor and saw every desk with folders on it and the people giving folders to the closing secretaries. It looked like all the closing rooms had people in them. There was a huge video screen in Margaret’s office that had all the screens in little squares that showed customers closing properties downstairs. Kelly said, “The true amount of sales is right here. Like you always say, this is when we get paid. I take a look at all this activity whenever I wonder if we’re keeping up. This place is inspiring.”

We went back downstairs to greet all the Mooney and Westfield, people. They were a little early but I thought that we might start with the videos early. I suggested that everyone head upstairs and I would be gathering participants. I called Ken to ask him to get ready to start earlier, but his secretary, who I didn’t know existed, said that Ken was in the conference room with Alec.

I told Fred and Nita to come with me. I stopped at the assistants’ room and had Harriet come with us to learn a little more. We went into the conference room and had assigned seats with little paper signs with our names printed on them. I thought that was pretty classy. The Westfield architect was sitting next to Ken with the legal guy next to him. I was across the table with Hanna on one side, and Danni on the other. I was smiling, thinking that I was surrounded by Foxworths.

Ken was taking charge and said, “I think that we need a little history first. We heard about the city and county closing a massive public housing complex that was falling apart a little over a year ago. This area was contained in sixteen square blocks. Those are shown on the large diagram on the back wall. The combined city and county put the property up for bid. The buyer would be responsible for demolition and the disposal of the demolished materials. That was going to be the big catch. Our fearless leader had just begun being interested in condominiums and thought that a group of them across the street from the government center would be a great place for development. This same deranged person proposed buying all sixteen square blocks and building high rise buildings on each of the corners. He had a bunch of over-enthusiastic architects work on how to build what he was daydreaming. He worked on all the numbers and figured out that it could be done. He had to get the property first, so he had his crazed architects put a video presentation together that he had to also narrate. I direct you to the oversized video monitor. This was the presentation that won our bid.”

The video began with an overhead scene of the terrible buildings and then switched to pictures of high rise buildings and parks. The video began switching to pleasant scenes of trees and shrubs with birds flitting from tree to tree. That video ended with ‘You Decide’.

Ken said, “Watch” as a picture of the completed high rise, followed by photos of the formal residential entrance and the nearby business entrance. He had pictures of the top recreation area, the infinity pool, the tennis courts, and the lounge area with outdoor seating. Next were pictures of the smaller buildings and the parking garage. He included the parking area and the train station.

Ken had the monitor show an overhead view of what it currently looked like and said, “No one wanted to waste that great presentation, so a bunch of us got together to develop this.”

The monitor said in bold letters ‘City Civic Center’. It began with some flashes of the buildings as they had been, then mounds of demolished materials. Bulldozers and huge backhoes were separating the junk. Steel and iron rebar was being carted off to be melted down to be reused. All the concrete and ceramic toilets were being crushed and pulverized for reuse. Shingles were being used as roadbeds. Even the wood was being ground up to be used to make plywood used in construction. There was a picture of a truck loaded with the salvaged wire that was going to be melted down and sold to make new wiring. There were a few construction dumpsters mostly for construction material containers. The video showed Mooney had kept its promise to not dump tons and tons of construction debris in the ocean. They also didn’t have to pay the exorbitant fees for legally dumping huge quantities of construction materials.

The whole video kept showing the presently empty storefronts followed by pictures of existing establishments that could fit into the empty spaces. The narrator kept extolling the benefit of living across the street from the government center and the convenience of the people who worked in other commercial centers by using the train to commute instead of fighting traffic. At the end of the video once again was the suggestion ‘You Decide’.

I was impressed, and from Hanna’s body language, she was as well. Looking at Ken, I said, “Outstanding job, Ken. I want a condo there right now.”

Alec stood and said, “I know, as a decorator of classic homes, what kind of quality is necessary to make a living area outstanding. Julio, at Brad’s direction, has built these buildings with only the highest quality fixtures. There will be no lessening of quality throughout all the buildouts throughout this entire project. Brad even wants the retail areas to have this same type of construction quality. Westfield will be selling not only very desirable retail space in this development, but quality construction for our tenants.”

I wanted to applaud, but all the open mouths and eyes wide open in awe should be sufficient.

It was my turn to speak, “It’s time to take these Westfield folks to see what we want them to manage. The Westfield people, the Mooney folks, Fred Turfing and spouse, Danni and Chicca Foxworth, and Kelly all need to move downstairs to the bus that will take us to the project. Use the restrooms now as I’m not sure the restrooms in the commercial retail area are prepared yet.”

The people all scattered, and I quickly dialed Jules’ cell. It went to voicemail. I called Katie and was greeted by her voicemail. I somehow knew that the three, now four, musketeers were on a raid when Willy’s cell did the same. I used my phone to send the girls an e-mail and said that I would call them this evening.

Brindle had done the smart thing and hired a large bus to transport us. The site supervisor met us and greeted everyone. He was already standing with Fred, recognizing that Fred would be working with him.

The super had a bunch of natural gas fueled carts that he wanted us to ride in. He said that he was going to lead us completely around the sixteen square blocks, and then show us highlights.

You realized how massive it was when you traveled completely around the project. We were able to see the storefronts that were ready to be leased as retail outlets for major retailers and restauranteurs. We pulled into the circular drive of the formal entrance to the high rise that was complete with a uniformed doorman for today. The construction supervisor said that tenants could have a valet take their car to the underground garage. He showed us the commercial business entrance and led us into either going toward a reception area or going to an elevator lobby. Some elevators were marked to go up only to floors twenty-five. Some to the fiftieth floor and some marked for up to the top which would be the 76th floor, the building’s top.

We went to the fifth floor to show everyone a finished hallway and we saw an unfinished area ready to build out when we opened one of the doors. It was explained that the lower floors would be commercial for professional offices such as doctors and lawyers. We then rode up to the twenty-fifth floor to show the same type of finished hallway with space that had not been built out yet.

We went to an elevator marked to go to the top. Today was perfect, as there wasn’t a heavy wind, making the conditions ideal for us. I showed everyone the running track, the tennis courts, the observation platform, and the gorgeous infinity pool. I led the group toward the area that looked like it was a bar, lounge, and restaurant. The walls began sliding open displaying the lounge and dining room. Several waitresses were waiting for us and helped us be seated. Waiters carrying trays of plates of delicious looking Italian food began distributing them to all. The waitresses were busily getting orders for coffee, tea, water, and soft drinks.

Kelly elbowed me and said, “These folks are all from Johnny’s. I didn’t even know that they catered.”

I smiled and said, “They didn’t, but Jules made them a deal and they are going to use this as an advertisement for their new catering service. See those cameramen over on the side.”

“You are amazing, Brad. I never know what you will do next. I wondered why you wanted me to come along today. The twins are having a ball running all over the office to keep Georgia at her desk.”

I stood when it looked like everyone was finished, and said, “You’ve seen a little of what this project will become. We’ll be getting people from the government buildings for lunch as soon as we have the first couple of restaurants built and open, and those who might stay in the lounges for a while and possibly stay for supper. The better restaurants will be entertaining the evening dinner trade, and those with clubs or lounges will be busy. Tenants will have some private establishments that will be just for them. This place will have lots of entertainment for all. The goal is to make coming to the City Civic Center an event. Let’s go back to the office and begin working on how Westfield will market our space.”

Kelly said, “I’ve had enough playing around and need to do a little hovering over the North office. We will go look at the locations for the East and South offices tomorrow. They will be built before we see the locations if we keep putting it off.

We traveled back to the bus. There was a side trip to show the space for the admin offices. I advised Hannah that we would provide office space for their operation in this area.

The Westfield and Mooney people gathered in the conference room with mugs of coffee back at the office. They were immediately involved in dollars per square foot and what percentages each would get if they do one thing and we do another. I figured that was what those people were good at and should work it out. I’d have to have Connie with a PC and calculator to help me negotiate if I was involved.

I went to the office and discovered my new desk and my secretary’s (unattended) desk each adorned with three monitors and a phone.

Gloria came over and sat in one of the three side chairs in front of the two desks. She had a steno pad and began, “You stated that you wanted a secretary to keep you on schedule and track the projects that you’re working on. We, or rather you, have some options. There are over a dozen Foxworth girls who have their applications on file. We have a few girls that we’re rescuing and retraining right now. This office slowed down in almost weekly bringing new receptionists because you haven’t been around to scatter them anymore. Kelly has been bringing new assistants on and beginning their training. She has been staying in touch with all your former offices and regions so that she can keep sending these beginning assistants for training. I have a darling young lady who would be a good secretary. She has a secretarial background but she took an easy way to make money when the company she worked for went out of business and joined the video movie people like all us girls did. Well, she wanted out and has not been able to get hired once again. She doesn’t want to list what she was doing on a job application or her resume, so she is still unemployed but now out of that industry. I would immediately hire her, but I don’t know how you feel about some things.”

Gloria handed me several photos that showed a nice-looking exceptionally well-built woman. I wondered what Gloria’s hesitation was. Then it dawned on me that this babe is black. It made me smile because I’m married to a black lady. Granted that Jules is very lightly-complexed and has a very oriental face, but is obviously of African American heritage.

I grinned at Gloria who was acting nervous and said, “Hire her if you think this girl would be good for me, but I want you to think of Jules first. You know that her dad is as black as the ace of spades. We’ve had a few black receptionists who have become assistants. We have two sales secretaries, several men and women in sales, a decorator, two architects, a woman in accounting, two in finance, the best insurance salesman we have, and hundreds of skilled people in construction that are all African American. Why would you think that I might be prejudiced?”

Gloria blushed as she said, “I’m the one who has a hard time with skin color. Jules looks oriental and most Orientals have darker skin, so I never put it together about her. I’m ashamed that my youth in a southern city and my very narrow parents gave me the attitude. I want to be open-minded and this will give me a chance to become a better person. I’ll call her and have her come in to meet you.”

Kelly looked over at me smiling. She said, “No wonder that we haven’t had many African Americans come through. I may have to have Juanita interview people instead of Gloria.”

The twins came in the office, and one asked Gloria, “Can we do the late tour with Harriet? She’s trying hard and we want to show her how we do it.”

I asked if they wanted me to come along, but was told no one would pay attention to them if I was with them. Gloria smiled and waved them out to take the tour.

Checking on sales is fun with Connie’s app. The current combined sales were already over twelve hundred and this was only Tuesday. I had to think about how many people lived in Los Angeles County, and knew from studying the demographics that the county’s population was over ten million. Orange County was the smaller county in both size and people to the south, and they had only three million people. Some quick mental calculations said that we wouldn’t run out of customers in our lifetime and most of the people buying today will be selling and buying something different tomorrow. Mooney was safe.

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Since this is a true story and I want to keep my job I changed names to protect my ass...everything else is accurate. I work for a large company in Austin and my Boss is a really big asshole but I love what I do so I put up with her. Last year I decided to have a small party out at my house and decided to invite my Boss and her family to attend. Now I didn't think they would attend but to my surprise she came out and brought her husband and daughter with her. Her husband was a nice enough...

3 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 25

Life for a teen is full of frustration and angst. And lies. Guys talk about supposed conquests. Imagine my shock when Grace told me girls did too. That was a woman's secret I didn't learn in either my first or second life. There's terror lurking behind every shot of frustration and anger. Some guys learn early to take out the anger on someone smaller, weaker or both. And it works, usually. Until the smaller isn't weaker, just younger ... and combat trained in another life. When brute...

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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 13 Hank

My problem, well there were many, but my most immediate one, was Dixie Wexler. Who, Sarah Meriwether swears, was on a mission that she didn’t initiate and that she couldn’t cancel. In her RightWorld office, she told me, “It’s not that he’s brilliant, he isn’t. But our people say he’s dogged — he believes his reputation, his image as a man, depends on delivering on his promise. He keeps his word.” Swell. “Of course he screws up, he’s no criminal mastermind. But he keeps at it. Just keeps at...

2 years ago
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A Man and His PetsSequel Sandras and Courtneys Fate

Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim's pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was the mother of Jim's first two pets. She had been a drunken whore of a mother who frequently cursed at and slapped her teenaged daughters for no good reason. Jim, as his ultra-ego Bill, had decided Sandra needed...

1 year ago
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Bud meets Barbs younger sister

Part 1 Barb & I went back to the motel the next evening and we ordered pizza to be delivered to our room. Barb went into the bathroom and set up a million candles, filled the bath tub with warm water and got out of her clothes. As I waited for the delivery guy she came out of the bathroom stark naked and moved to my chair. As I watched her walk to my chair my cock got hard. God what a body! She stood in front of me and then straddled my legs and sat down on my lap. I kissed her and moved both...

3 years ago
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Rebel PrincessChapter 2

Safely hidden underneath the nondescript clothing assigned to her when she entered the remote castle, Alice was certain the only one who suspected her true identity was the blade tutor Anton and he was sort of fellow that would take a secret to the grave and never issue a whisper of a hint to a living soul. She followed her two guides to the next chamber without lifting her head. The young swordplay student never gave her a second glance because her form was completely hidden under the...

3 years ago
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A Life in the ServiceChapter 7 Emperors Shield

Blocker stopped the vehicle beside the small personal gate and turned to look at me, “It was nice working with you Dragon.” I grinned as I climbed out, “Just once I would like to finish a rotation. Tell Ginger, next time.” He laughed as I pulled the float out with my bags on it, “I will tell her.” I turned as he drove off and started for the gate. The two guards were silent until I was closer and their eyes focused on my chest. They snapped to attention as I stopped at the gate, “Senior...

1 year ago
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In the soup

In the soup You ever do something without thinking it through, and find yourself in deep trouble? Well I sure did. It started with me finding a book on astral projection. I really didn't believe it, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. It worked. I found myself floating above my body, and I "flew" out the window into the city. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but when I saw a wedding celebration going on not far away, I couldn't resist a closer look. I...

2 years ago
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Dubai Ka Maal India Me

Hi dosto kese ho aap log me aap ka jay singh fir hazir hu aap ke samne ek or nayi kahni le ke…Mere kuch padhne walo ko meri pichli kahaniya dhundhne me dikat ho rahi he to me unhe batana chata hu jese hi aap meri kisi bhi kahani ko padhe or aap meri or bhi kahani padhna chate he to bass meri profile name pe clik kare usse meri aaj tak ki sabhi kahaniya khul jayengi aap ke samne or aap unka maza le sakte he..Meri pichli kahi puna ka suhana mosam or vo aap logo ko bohot pasand aayi isske liye me...

3 years ago
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It was time for the princess to take a husband and have an heir. She always had a love for a big cock and knew she would need that in her mate. Six males were brought in to please her. She had them line up then told them to lower their pants. She walked by each one and grabbed a cock and stroked it. She wanted a big hard one. He had to be at least nine thick inches. When she got to the fifth cock she grabbed it and it got rock hard and huge. She felt his nice big set of balls. She pulled him...

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Defending Saddlers GulchChapter 3

Mary's pregnancy had progressed far enough now that she had a noticeable bulge. Jed teased her by saying that she now had a bulge in front to match her cute ass's bulge in back; Mary didn't think that it was all that funny. Jed's routine stroll through town one morning was interrupted by a cowboy riding into town riddled with bullets. He was dead, and it was a miracle that he was still on his horse. The undertaker reported to Jed that at least 6 of the bullets in him would have been...

1 year ago
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Crossing the Bisexual Bridge to Phallic Hypnotics

Any man who claims to have never sucked a cock is either lying, or he has actually never sucked a cock. Any man who claims to have sucked only one cock, however, is certainly lying. You can't eat just one. And finally, any man who claims that he will never suck a cock is probably telling the truth, but wishes he was lying. With the internet making it so damn easy to come upon hi-res jpegs of hard-cock closeups, more and more men are bicoming mesmerized, hypnotized, pleasurized by the tractor...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 16 Melissa Becomes the Horniest Pet

Melissa hung her head and followed Jim out the Kennel door. "Sir, did I do something wrong?" Jim abruptly stopped, turned, and grabbed Melissa's upper arm. Spinning her around, he administered three firm swats to her ass. "Have you forgotten the rules already?" "No, Sir." She sobbed. "Then try that comment again." He ordered. Melissa was a quick learner. "Sir, may I ask you a question?" "That's much better, pet. Yes, you may." Jim smiled at her as she rubbed her...

3 years ago
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My Second Time with a Porn Star To Be Chapter 3

It was Monday morning and I was back in school. I couldn’t concentrate on anything, all I could think about was how horny Candy was with me last Saturday night, and how I just lost my virginity to her! At this point I am being powered by my male hormones I had to get out of class, I didnt even know what class I was in at this point. I quickly raised my hand and asked to be excused to go to the restroom. I was distracted, the thoughts kept rolling in, all I could see in my mind was Candy lying...

4 years ago
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Driver Ne Randi Banaya

Hi friends, mera naam neel h aur meri email id h , aur meri ye story meri ek friend ki h jo usne mujhe khud btayi….. Sidha story re aate h mera naam neha hai, main mere mama ke yha studies ke liye rhti hu aur ye tab ki baat h jab mama ne naya driver rakha tha , mama ke ghar main Mama, mami, aur unki ek beti hi thi jo ki meri hi tarah kafi sexy thi….chalo story continue krte hai main aur riya (mere mama ki beti) saath main via metro daily college jate the, uska station mere se phle aata tha aur...

2 years ago
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Obsession Became Jealousy 8211 All Leads To Bad

Hello readers, this is what the hell. I’m new to this but a regular reader of iss, especially insect content. It all started few years ago when I started reading iss. I always liked incest category. My obsession of incest started becoming real. Then I started all the cousins of my age. Luckily I found one on fb. Her name was Prachi. She is one year younger than me but she is a sex bomb. I’m a guy. My height is 5 feet 8 inches. I’m from Kanpur. My dick is 6 inch. My cousin is 5f 5 inches and she...

4 years ago
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Wife picks up a young couple

We needed a vacation. Cindi (my wife) and I had both been working hard for at least 6 months. She booked the place in Mexico and we headed off for almost 10 days of fun, scuba and umbrella drinks.We landed late in the evening and after dinner we both admired the ocean view from the balcony. As Cindi sipped her drink I slid beehind her and removed her top"mmmmmmmmmmmm" Cindi groaned as I played with her boobs from behind. If anyone was walking nearby they got a full viewI slid off her shorts and...

4 years ago
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My Sweet Elder Sister Anu

Hi this is sanjay from mysore. The following story is a real one with names changed.I hope u would like this story.I got courage to write this story after reading stories on this website. My name is sanjay. my family comprises of 5 members me,dad , mom, my elder eldest sister name is anusha.We call her anu.My present age is 24. This happened few years back. In the year 2003, ANU was studying engineering in one of the reputed colleges.My other sister was in 1 pu.In my home there are...

4 years ago
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Substitute Wives Part 2

Steve picked up Lauren and headed to the airport.“I can’t believe you talked Jenni into this,” Steve said as they drove to the airport."It wasn’t as hard as you think. I think your wife has a little more of a wild side than you want to admit. It didn’t take that much convincing. I figured if she agreed she would have put more rules than just no intercourse,” Lauren said. “I thought she would have restricted us to only playing above the waist. I guess your friend down here may get a little...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 12 Dreams

Transcript taken from the writings of Sage, Empire VII, Volume XI, Section CLII, "Where does strength come from? Does one draw his power from within? What drives someone onward? How does the will to continue take root? As we said in E IV, V XI, S LLXXXVII, '... it takes drive to accomplish anything. A desire to find answers will lead humanity to its greatness.' Long have I watched humanity, defending from the shadows against those that hunt in darkness. The true power of humanity, their...

2 years ago
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The GymnastChapter 6

As the winter weather cleared away and the color of lawns began to show green, Stephanie had progressed more than anyone could have imagined possible. Her coach praised her performance on the balance beam, and entered her in the final competition of the season. On the afternoon before that meet, Greg planned a light workout for her and after completing all of the routines, he escorted her to the massage therapy room, which was directly connected to the gym but in a separate area. "Lie down...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 236 School Board Boarding

I think I would rather hang out in the clinic to help kids get off the floor with the obstacles versus having to deal with the school board, but I said I would take care of it. I made it home in time to have dinner with mom and dad. April had missed me, but she knew I was close enough to be back quickly if she needed me to comfort her. I let mom and dad think I had been at Paula’s this entire time. It isn’t lying if they didn’t ask where you had been, and they made their own assumptions. No...

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RajahChapter 5

Mark Marlowe was standing before the fireplace when the two women entered the library, and he studied the young blonde wife carefully as Lena led her across to the wide leather couch near the roaring blaze. Ah good, good! he thought, barely able to conceal his elation. She's seen Rajah, and judging from the whiteness of her face she perused my little collection of Cogenhagen art, too! Things are progressing quite nicely... and it will only be a matter of moments now before I can possess that...

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Ambush at Willow RunChapter 15

This had to be an attack on Parson County Financial Company! Aaron Brown was well liked in the community, so the attack was not likely to be personal, especially since it was so well orchestrated. But, who was behind it? Joe showed up with the answer before I could stand up from tending to Aaron. Aaron lived in the back of his shop in a 1-room apartment, so we carried him there and put him to bed. Joe told me what he had found out about the attackers while we were rounding up some wood to...

3 years ago
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Initium NovumChapter 2 The First Trip

Robert was sitting on his balcony planning an extended trip into the past to see if he could determine the circumstances of his family's murders, when the buzzer sounded from the lobby door. Robert answered to find Sarah there. When she came into the condo she pulled Robert into a loving kiss that also showed her commitment to him. She stated that she wanted to find a penthouse apartment with several bedrooms so she could move in with him and be at his call. She also told him that she wanted...

1 year ago
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Vivid daydream involving our young neighbour

I had a rather vivid daydream while I was away working, involving my wife and our young neighbour….A bit about her, she's a mid forties smoking hot MILF who eats men up with her eyes, and sometimes more. This story is about a young 18 year old neighbour Troy who was doing some work on our home. Troy WAS a relatively innocent young man and still a virgin until my wife corrected that very recently.... but that's another story.I was out making a trip to the dump and to run some necessary errands...

2 years ago
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Bad Karma Part VII

Bad Karma Part 7 - Heading Towards the Light Sometimes when you're down, life kicks you in the balls. Even it seems if you no longer seem to have any to aim for. "No, you can walk back and think about how disappointed youse made me," The mobster behind the desk told Jasmine. She had no choice but to leave the dark car lot with the pair of heavies looking over her. To make matters worse it had started to rain a little whilst she'd been grilled by the mobster. Oscar knew that...

3 years ago
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Hot erotic sex with a USA coworker

Rahul, a 26-year-old student, recently moved to the USA from India. He came to pursue his dreams of getting a master’s degree. He also there. After his experience with Seema and Riya, he moved to Chicago. He had a very hot encounter with a coworker from his workspace. After completing his master’s, Rahul had just landed in Chicago. He decided to live in a hotel until he found a place to live. Meanwhile, he joined his workplace, which was mostly dominated by Americans. But luckily, on his team,...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT4 Blacken

Lisa took in Marc's handsome body with its thick dark penis and the tightly curled pubic hair encircling the thick shaft where it met his smoothly toned abdomen as he closed the door to the shower and walked away. The last thing she noted was his nicely rounded mocha colored ass, and she felt an excitement in her loins as she remembered the thrill of holding his ass with her hands and pulling it toward her body as he fucked her only hours before. Her excitement was mixed with shame and...

1 year ago
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What Might Have Happen to Her in College

Dear Uncle I can’t believe I was so naive. Please don’t anyone about it, I think you’ll understand. Don’t share the letter I’m sending, even if your sister heard about it already. It all started when I mentioned I thought his guy cute in the hearing of a couple classmates. I didn’t know then that they knew him. No one can claim I consented so I’m not guilty of any sin! They whispered to me that they were into white witch craft; you know the kind that involves nudity, sunshine, plants, sex...

2 years ago
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New Girl1

-- -- I was going to my dorm room early, with a couple of friends, as I noticed a small bodied yet subtle winded young girl carrying her books while walking down the sidewalk. I went away from my group and went to talk to her, the closer I got, the hotter she seemed. I walked fast and I saw her short shorts bunched into her and her blue, thin, cotton shirt forming sweat. I grabbed her shoulder and said, "Hey why are you-" she immediately dropped her books on the ground revealing that she...

1 year ago
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The K Group Desumo Acceptus

An envelope was handed to me by someone I didn’t catch the face of - its markings were striking and familiar. It was pink in color, with yellow decorative ribbons along the side, and sealed with a wax imprint of the most famous letter in Davinci High - K. I hurried into a bathroom stall and paused, staring at the letter for a moment, before, as carefully as possible. In my haste, I broke the wax imprint in half. Ms. Doe, We’ve been watching you for some time and we believe that you may have...


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