EvacuatedChapter 3 free porn video

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The evacuation was happening in earnest, and the street where Lisa and Sean lived became silent and empty, as the residents assembled their pods – under Sean and Mike’s guidance, and took their places in the schedule.

The only house besides theirs which was not now empty, was the one just over the road.

Mr and Mrs Evans had been married for sixty years, had lived in that house for more than forty years.

And they had no wish to leave it.

They had said their farewells to their children and grandchildren, and been content in the knowledge that their offspring would – hopefully live on.

But they had no wish to survive the end of their world, had no wish to be hurled into space, and spend the last years of their lives as refugees.

And they were not the only ones.

It seemed that very few of the pensioner’s population wanted to leave, and some of them were deemed just too frail to even survive the initial blast off – let alone the emotional distress that would follow.

And even some younger generations opted to stay.

The government had been very clear on this. Pods were offered to every single one of its citizens, but it was not mandatory that a citizen should accept it.

It was seen as a person’s right to choose, whether to risk their lives in the hopes of finding a new home, or remaining here to die in their own homes.

No guarantees were offered at any step of the way.

The government had a ‘hope for the best’ policy with the pods, but with no definite planets to aim for, then all they could do, was to give its citizens ‘best guess coordinates’, and send them in the direction of ‘likely candidate planets’.

The months had slipped by at a terrifying rate, and as Lisa walked towards her home, she looked around her longingly.

The street had been left to its own devices, and with residents all gone, the gardens had begun to over grow. Some of the houses showed damage, and an end one, had lost one entire side of it, along with a section of the roof.

It had been a warm summer, very warm.

And the earth quakes had been frightening when they came, especially since this country was not really designed for them.

The worst one had been a week ago, a major quake that had preceded a large hole more than a mile across, appearing about sixty miles away. It had taken a whole neighbourhood with it, and people had died.

The satellites in orbit around the planet were constantly scanning the surface, looking for weak spots and heat sources, any sort of clue to an eminent seismic event.

But they had not been fast enough with that last one, and the consequences had been tragic.

And the heat had kicked off several storms with heavy rain and loud thunder accompanied by severe lightening strikes.

The events had been frightening and dangerous, but nothing compared to what was coming.

Lisa crossed over the road, and walked up to the only tidy garden on that side of the street.

She walked up the path, and knocked on the front door, and after a few moments, an elderly man opened it.

Mr Evans peered out with a wide smile of welcome.

“Lisa!” he exclaimed warmly.

“Good morning, Mr Evans, how are you keeping today?”

“Oh we are just fine, Lisa – thank you for asking.” He beamed at her, and his faded blue eyes twinkled for a moment from behind his black rimmed glasses.

“Good, I am so glad that that storm yesterday didn’t cause you any harm.”

“No, but it was a bit scary for a while ... some of those strikes came pretty close, and following that quake the other day, well nothing is quite as sturdy as it once was – is it?”

“No, it isn’t ... has it made you rethink your decision at all – to stay?” she asked carefully.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed. “Even if we were tempted – which we are not, once the family left ... well we simply couldn’t bear it to go out there and be on our own, and so we just don’t think about it anymore – the decision was made and now we live with it, with no regrets.”

“You could always come with us, I am sure another pod could be added on?”

He reached out suddenly to pat her shoulder. “You are such a good girl, Lisa. The way you have been keeping an eye on us – don’t you think that we weren’t aware of it and grateful too!”

It was Lisa’s turned to sigh, and she felt her chest tighten with emotion.

“I won’t be able to even do that after today,” she sniffed.

“You’re leaving as well then?” he asked gruffly.

“Yes, we’re slotted in for tomorrow morning.”

“Ah well, I am glad for you, it’s no fun around here anymore – not for a nice young couple like the two of you.”

“Thank you,” she smiled tightly. “Any way I have loads of stores, bottles of water and cans and jars, and well I can’t take them with me, so I was wondering if you could make use of them?”

“Oh well, that is very thoughtful of you,” he exclaimed in a pleased tone. “We don’t know how long we will be around for, and even though we have a good amount of stocks, and more delivered weekly at the moment ... well you can never have too much!”

“No you can’t,” she grinned trying to stay cheerful and positive.

They both knew that those weekly deliveries would stop anytime now, and then they would have to survive on what they had, or anything they might scavenge from their neighbours houses.

“And when we leave, tomorrow,” she said quietly. “I will leave the back door unlocked.” She blushed a little and smiled sheepishly at the thought that she would still be locking the front door – who would be around to break in? “I hope that if you need anything you will check our house first and see if there is anything that you can make use of – you are more than welcome to any and all of it – I would be glad to see it not wasted in fact.”

They chatted for a little while, and the Lisa told him that she would go straight home and sort it at out right then and there, and Mr Evans nodded and agreed enthusiastically with her, and watched as she strode across to her house.

She dug out the large four wheel suitcase and began to fill it with bottles and cans.

The government had sent them two large, heavy duty, leathery chests, to fill up with personal belongings, although the weight could not exceed 75kg per chest, they could put whatever they wanted into it.

These chests had been collected two days ago, and could even now be drifting in orbit – for all she knew, it could have already joined to what was to be their main supply station – for all she knew.

Sitting on her bed was a large holdall, which the government had also supplied to each of them.

She could keep this bag with her, and again the weight was the only restriction given, this time it was a 30kg limit.

It was turning out to be the most difficult thing so far – for Lisa, deciding what to leave behind forever.

She had no use for this case now though, but it made getting the supplies over the road that much easier.

“Hiya, I have just filled it with everything I could get my hands on and these two bags too, but there is loads more!” She grinned up at Mr Evans.

“Oh you are kind, Lisa,” he held the door wider for her so that she could drag the case inside.

“If we empty it now, I can go and fill it up again for you,” she said as she dragged it down his hallway.

Mrs Evan’s silver hair suddenly sprang into view, and her gentle face peered owlishly at her through her thick glasses.

“How are you Mrs Evans?” Lisa beamed at her.

“Oh well, I am doing very well, my dear and how nice of you to come and visit with us today.”

“Yes, Mary ... Lisa is going to join us for a nice cup of tea, as a final farewell ... aren’t you Lisa?”

Mr Evans smile so nicely at her that she found herself nodding with real pleasure. “That would be very nice ... very nice indeed.”

He led her through to the kitchen with the case.

“You just leave that case there Lisa, I’ll sort it out a bit later,” he said as he put the kettle on to boil.

“Oh but!”

He peered over his shoulder at her. “You have already given us a very gracious invitation to pop into your house if we have a need. So I can bring anything over as we might need it,” he smiled suddenly. “It will give me a reason to step out once in a while.”

He took cups out of the cupboard. “Why don’t you go and have a chat with my Mary, and I will bring the tea in when it’s ready.

An hour or so later the elderly couple stood at their front door and waved goodbye to a rather tearful Lisa.

“We really hope that you have a safe journey, and find yourselves a new home, we hope you find what you are looking for out there!” Mary said softly.

They watched as the young woman crossed over the silent road, and then went back into their home.

“What is in that suitcase and those bags?” Mary asked curiously as they sat down in the living room.

“Oh she said that she had all this food, and she didn’t want it to go to waste.”


They sat silently then – and neither of them spoke of the other visitor that they had had earlier.

The government had given its citizens another choice too, the right to choose how and when they would die.

The two little pills were in a box next to their bed, and they knew that it would soon be time to make use of them.

“After Lisa and Sean have left, and there is no one to have to come and find us,” Mr Evans said as she looked at him questioningly.

“Yes,” she nodded sadly. “Tomorrow evening – after we have a nice final meal together?”

Lisa and Sean would enjoy a final meal together that night, Lisa thought to herself as she packed that bag with a sense of determination.

She would cook them something special for their final night on this planet, and they had decided that they would spend it together – just the two of them.

It was a long sleepless night, but they held each other tight, and talked of their future, of the hopes of a new world – and the hopes for a long and healthy life together somewhere else.

“Maybe we can start a family?” Lisa whispered sleepily.

“Yes, as soon as we have a new home – a roof and four walls...”

It was a bright and sunny day. A perfect day for flying.

There were rows of pods on the long stretch of the newly constructed tarmac, all sectioned off into groups of a dozen.

There were also a number of fairly large circular mid sections, sitting next to each group of pods, and when Sean and Lisa arrived at the large open field, they could see a them all lined up, and sitting next to each other under the early morning sunshine, glistening proudly, as though they had been waiting for them.

“Good morning,” Sergeant Davison grinned tightly at them. “We will be sending up supply stations first, they will be waiting in orbit for you to intercept once you have broken free of earth’s gravity,” he said in a brisk business like fashion.

“Phil ... how are you?” Sean clasped the other man’s hand and shook it warmly, refusing to be anything like formal on what was to be his last day on the planet earth.

“I’m good thanks, been a bit frantic of late trying to get everything sorted, but I got there in the end!” his grin widened suddenly.

“You managed to get your evacuation slot moved forward?” Sean asked as a faint suspicion tickled his mind.

“Yep I did at that!” Phil laughed. “Both myself and Brad are scheduled to leave on the centre pods in the third launch today.

“Oh that is good news!” Sean exclaimed in delight. “We’ll all be able to travel together.” He thought of his sister Claire, and knew that she would be thrilled about his too, since she had developed quite a crush on the young sergeant.

“Yes, we have been supplied with a route – of sorts a direction for us to go, and your crafts will all have the same coordinates on them.”

“So we’ll definitely be sharing the same piece of space?” Sean laughed lightly.

He draped a casual arm across Lisa’s shoulder, as she shivered.

“Yes, we will be able to lock up and separate as we need to and form our own small colony in space.” Phil looked at Lisa seriously. “Between us we will make it to a new world – somewhere where we can step outside again, and breathe in fresh air.”

“Will we though?” Lisa whispered. “It’s such a frighteningly big place – this universe, how will we ever be able to get to another world?”

Sean’s arm tightened across her shoulders. “We believe that will achieve light speed, we will slingshot around three of the planets, and each time we will accelerate.”

Sean had explained it to her before, but Lisa could not get her head around the idea of their little tiny crafts, hurtling through space – in truth she did not want to get her head around it.

“Can we survive those sorts of speeds?”

“We will have to ... to break through the barrier that marks the edge of our system, to break away from the pull of the combined planets, we will need to be a dart that cuts us through and hurls into the next system.”

“Yes, we will do it,” Phil smiled at her. “Like the first sailors on this planet – we will bravely set sail, out of our pool and just like them; we will seek out other islands – other worlds!”

The family were all gathered together, when Lisa and Sean returned to the hanger, to endure the rigorous shower deemed necessary to rid them of as much bacteria and germs as possible and then to change into the travel clothes assigned them.

“Mum, dad!” She smiled with relief as Lisa hugged her anxious parents.

Her mother and father had been questioning their decision lately, and wondering if perhaps they were too old to weather this journey – to start again somewhere new ... or to die out there in space.

“I know that you were worried about us not showing up,” her father said softly. “But we decided that we had to try – if only for you girls.”

“Well whatever it took to get you here – I will milk it for all its worth!” Lisa said with a tight little smile. “We are not ready to lose either of you yet – and you still have plenty of life to live.”

As well as their family flower, Mike and Helen were there too, and the people who would make up their flower.

The plan was that Lisa and Sean’s flower would go up first, then Mike and Helen’s flower, and then Sergeant Davison’s flower. After that Lisa did not know, but the three flowers would all dock on to the same docking station, which would have the power to drive them out of the orbit of earth, and set them on course for the first planet burn.

It was also the docking station that held her trunk of personal possessions.

Phil came striding in with a broad grin.

“I’ve just been talking on the radio to our pilot,” he told Sean. “He’s a guy that I trained with years ago, and we became really good friends.” He rubbed his hands together enthusiastically. “And I will tell you this, he is one of the best pilots I have ever seen – if not the best ... If anyone can get us to a new world – it will be him!”

He pulled out a clipboard, and then looked at Sean. “I just need you to go over this list with me, you know – names ages relationship to the lead pod members ... it will be an official document, so we must be accurate with it.”

Sean stepped closer and frowned. “Let’s see now ... Pod one Lisa Canford aged thirty and me – Sean Canford aged thirty two. Pod Two will be Lisa’s mum Heather Davison aged fifty eight and her dad Barry Davison aged sixty two. Pod three will be my Mum Philippa Canford aged fifty nine and my dad Nigel Canford aged sixty two.”

He rubbed his nose as he thought through the rest of the family. “Pod four is my Cousin Tracy Allford aged twenty two and my sister, Claire Canford who is also aged twenty two. Then there will be Pod five my Aunt Lyne Trafford aged fifty seven and my uncle Todd Trafford aged fifty nine. Pod six will be Lisa’s Aunt Silvia Turner aged fifty four and her uncle Graham Turner who is ... now let me see I believe that he is now ... fifty five?” He looked at Lisa who nodded quickly.

“Then there will be Pod seven my cousin Patrick Trafford aged twenty four and my cousin Paul Trafford aged twenty six. Pod eight will be Lisa’s cousin Tania Turner aged thirty eight and her partner Tod Rollins aged forty two. Pod nine will be Todd’s son Callum Rollings aged nineteen and Tania’s daughter Cassandra Turner aged fourteen.”

He paused to run it through his mind again. “Now let me see ... who’s left now ... ah yes ... Pod Ten will be Lisa’s sister Laura Tenor aged thirty three and her husband Pete Tenor aged thirty five. Pod eleven will be my brother David Canford aged twenty five and Laura’s and Pete’s son Brad Tenor – that is Lisa’s nephew, aged fourteen ... and finally there will be Pod twelve Laura’s Daughter Lucy Tenor aged fourteen and Pete’s sister Charlotte Pettiford aged thirty two.”

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The Clean Genie was about seven inches long and two inches thick. It had a hemispherical head and a spherical reservoir at its base, and was covered in soft latex with a skin-like texture. The shaft was dotted with pinprick-size orifices. The head sported several more of the tiny openings around its rim, and a larger one at its tip. It emitted a faint but delightful scent, at once fresh and delicately musky. Morgana regarded it soberly. ‘Why a woman would want to stick that into herself is...

2 years ago
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Supervisor and Cashier Part VI At the Cinema

Picking up where Part V ended, Ashleigh and I did sleep well that night – as you can imagine. I remember waking up in the same position I fell asleep in, and Ashleigh was still lying on my chest. She woke up about fifteen minutes after me, and we kissed once she gained her bearings, her hand reached for my cock. Once I was all nice and hard, she led me to the bathroom, and we had sex on the countertop.Then we both got in the shower where we washed each other. We didn't do anything else, other...

Straight Sex
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Tales of a HustlerToy Soldiers Pt 1

Tales of a Hustler----Toy Soldiers PT 1It was a hot Saturday morning in Texas, late September. Only three of us now left at the house; myself, My lil bro Dustin, and Hunter. Hunter had been promised a job at the lake, so he too would be gone in a few weeks. Dustin had already asked me could we go home. So---life on the streets was coming to a close.We jumped out and started skating towards the parking lot a block from the motel. As we approach the area, we see a young dude also on a skateboard,...

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TheUpperFloor Simone Sonay Chloe Couture Daddys Discipline

Hot MILF Simone and her little blond step-brat for the week end Chloe Couture are at each other’s throats. Ramon recognizes the need for some good old fashioned discipline, reminding Simone that she has a brat streak a mile wide and also deserves to be grounded. Making the mistake of using teeth during a blowjob lands Simone face down not the floor, ass red from a serious paddling, apple shoved in her slutty mouth, face covered in squirt, fucked on the breakfast table until she is begging...

3 years ago
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The Waitress

There is this waitress working at our place. She is extremely flirtatious and she knows how to play the game. I was out the back and I'd place my phone on the side. I didn't here the buzz from my notifications. ( All from Adult blogs and sites. ) As I was placing stock away. Without me knowing , the cheeky little madam had silently come out of the back for a quick fag .She picked up my phone and read it out allowed. I was so embarrassed worried that others would hear. I ran round to her and...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Anna Clarke

It was Adam Jones's 3rd week at his new college and had just turned 18, he was studying biology and mathematics. He found it hard to settle in after all he started the courses later than everyone else so he had a lot of work to catch up on, plus the fact that he enjoyed all of this clearly made him stand out as a stereotypical nerd. Adam did prefer to work hard than socialise which didn't help, he didn't care how he looked, always seemed to ware black clothes that combined with his glasses,...

Cheating Wifes
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Sail The Seven SeasChapter 8

Washington, DC congressional office building Jessie hung up the phone and rubbed his tented pants and quickly left his desk. Sarah's description of the young Cuban girl had excited him so much that he rushed to his restroom to relieve himself. As he grasped his manhood and pumped, his mind reenacted all the training sessions he had dispensed and remembered the excitement he had with his young girls and what he called his sissy boys. In this state, climax came quickly and came again as he...

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Kaise Mere Husband Ke Dost Ne Mujhe

Main 23 saal ki eik pakistani larki hoon…ajh kal main apne hubby ke sath usa main rehti hoon.shadi howe 2 sallho chuke heen lakin abhi tak koi baby nahi ha.mujhe daikhte hi har koi mujhe se free hona chahta ha kiun ka main kafi khoobsoret hoon.mera kadh 5′ 6″ ha aur figers 34b/28/36 heen.rang bohat gora ha moti aankheen heen.main apne jisim ko waise bhi bohat maintain rekhti hoon aur hamesha khobsoret rehne ki koshish kerti hoon.shadi ke eik sal badh main pakistan se usa hubby ke pass aa ghai...

1 year ago
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One of Sarahs encounters

We haven’t taken any photos for a while so we thought we’d share with you some of the things that have happened to us in our sexual encounters over the years.Sarah has always been keen on sex and over the years she has had the pleasure of playing with other men, not always fucking them but always enjoying their cocks. A while back, I was waiting to go out with my mate Stuart and Sarah had come back from work, got washed and changed, and come back downstairs with a dress on. She asked me if I...

2 years ago
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Femmetown By Simone Clark By day, I was an ordinary man with a job, wife and no children, important responsibilities and all the things being a modern man entails. However, when I had spare time for myself, I became my female alter-ego Simone and lived my as close to the feminine ideal as I could. I would revel in my dresses, heels, and hose as I went into public dressed as a woman and passed. I was also friends with several other cross dressers, trans people, and members in the BDSM...

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Nisha Ka Nasha

Hey hi… I m Raj from bagalore.24 an mba student. Coming straight to point. I was doing my internship as a part of my mba curriculum and my mentor was a girl named Nisha she was around 26 yrs and was new to the organization. She was really very sweet 5.” 6’ nice firm breast and a tight ass. In addition, the best part was her clothing and lovely fragrance and her great dressing sense. I was doing a project in finance. So she used to teach me all about financial planning and wealth management. I...

2 years ago
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Mere Dost Ki Saali

Hello Friends…My name is Rohit. My email : I am huge fan of indiansexstories2.net. This is first time I am publishing my sex story on this site but not my first sex. Now, I will continue in Hindi because SEDUCTION is more in Hindi words. Main bangalore ke IT company main job karta hoon. Main apne dost Vijay ke saath flat sharing main rehta tha. Mera sabse khaas dost tha Vijay. Vijay aur main college ke time se hee kaafi acche dost the. Vijay aur main ek doosre par aankh band karke bharosa kar...

3 years ago
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Adam and Eve part 4

Adam and Eve (The autobiography of a teenage Cross Dresser) This story is sexually explicit. Part 2 The Circle of Love Who's been sleeping in my bed Toad Hall was having a themed weekend culminating in a ball on the Sunday evening. The theme was a Hercule Poirot murder mystery set in the 1920's and the ball was to be a Flappers Ball. The recently released Great Gatsby movie had made this era popular. Babs and I would be working there and had to wear flapper dresses on the...

1 year ago
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In hot water

The water is cascading off my chest, spraying upon your shoulder, drenching your luxurious hair, streaming down your temple - as your lips have found my left nipple and teeth gently nibble my nipple. Hot water funnels from my chest upon your blushed cheeks, your eyes almost closed.  Your left hand cradling my firm, muscular butt as your delicate, yet eager, petite right hand is constantly caressing my rigid lower back. My soft and full lips are playfully nuzzling the top of your left ear,...

Straight Sex
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Fairy The Fairy Genome Project

The Fairy Genome Project Dandelion didn't arrive that next morning. Originally Holly hadn't been too worried. She had been having too much fun with Anise, happy for Alyssum Rose and Xanthium, welcoming Trillium and Sakura to notice. But by noon the new Pixie had not returned and as the day wore on, she became more anxious. She stood on the branch of her nest, hugging Alyssum desperately as the sun reached the horizon. Anise was inside making dinner for them both, as happy in the...

4 years ago
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Retiring to the Smokies

I lost my job. What a soul-destroying phrase, yet it's more than common these days. It was late October when the neuropathy hit the outer two fingers of my left hand. It was getting to the point that I couldn't type anymore. That's what made up 90 percent of my job. I abandoned my credit card debt to soak up a thousand a month before I HAD to quit. I wondered if AFLAC would provide for me if I paid into them, but they turned out to be fair-weather friends-- their pre-existing condition...

1 year ago
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One Small Mistake Made A Married Woman My Slave

Hi everyone this is Kiran. This is my second story in Indian and you can read my first story too. I hope everyone likes it. So, now for people who has read my previous story would definitely know how horny a guy I am. The way I fucked my girlfriend that day was an indication on what an animal I am on bed. This incident took place many days after the first story. After the fuck of my life, unfortunately my girlfriend had to go out of station and I was all alone. I wish I could find a way to...

4 years ago
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The hottest story ever from Mariel

Babies have that smell that makes them appealing and cuddly to most adults. Most of us lose it as we grow older, developing other smells, from what we eat, and from our genes. Girls are naturally sweeter, we maintain that aura, but being unaware of our allure to men, we tend to aid it with perfumes and soaps, so when he commented that night as I lay in my bed, in the seclusion of the top floor of our house, “You smell so good,” he murmured and I noted his eyes were closed, as he did so and the...

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10 Reasons Why You Should Masturbate

And that's only a brief selection...!Woman masturbation is the subject of many myths, and offers been stigmatised and tabooed while something amiss. But either you consider it from a physical wellness or an individual development perspective, it is a great way to spend time with yourself actually! Here are 10 explanations why ladies should masturbate. And truth can be: we are able to find a lot more!Masturbation enables you to look youngerThe intensive research of Dr. David Weeks of the Royal...

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Me My Nidhi And Him

Hey, I’m Mohit, 28 years old guy. This story started when I started college. Just in 2 months, I got a girlfriend. I was good looking and quite rich. So I had a lot of female attention and I finally chose Nidhi. She was hot because she was curvy and tall. But the most peculiar feature of her was her bust. She had two massive boobs and I would fantasize them. As soon as she accepted my proposal, I wanted to press them and it happened. I took her to my place where I pressed her boobs like hell...

3 years ago
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A Baby for Maeby Part 1

   The Family Resource CentreSunday 17 November 2019 “OK, so it’s definitely the weekend of the 13th?” Maeby Lewis asked her sister Jessica.Checking her phone, Jessica said, “Yes, we’ll fly in on... Friday morning, the 13th, and come back home late Tuesday the 17th. It has to be that as that’s the only dates that work for me,” Jessica held her phone close, whispering.She went on, “I’ll have to make sure Dennis knows well in advance, his last trip of the year is that week. I’ll put it on his...

1 year ago
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Being Asked to Breed a White Married Woman Chapter Three

As we started down the hall I stopped and turned to look at both Cathy and Jim. Jim had a look of shock on his face which caused me to ask, “Jim, you are ok with this, right?”He stared at me but no words could come out of his mouth. Looking into his eyes I was sure he wanted this but at the same time, he really didn’t want it here in his home.I looked at Cathy and asked, “Are you going to join us?” She nodded her head and stood to move to us and Jim also stood. I thought, ‘Here it comes. He is...

Wife Lovers
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 60 Into the Labyrinth

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Labyrinth, The Empire of Shizhuth I led my two sisters and mother into the Labyrinth at a jog. My armor shifted around me, my helm strapped tight. I...

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Cathy and my Sister chapter 3

It cost me another dress for our visit to my sister's house, but the prospect of seeing her and Cathy together made it very worthwhile as I thought she looked absolutely stunning in it.Completely backless, it stopped just above the swellings of her buttocks and at the front, it plunged almost to her navel, leaving most of her lovely big breasts free of any restraint, she wore hold up stockings and nothing else beneath it, she literally oozed sex and teased me unmercifully as we enjoyed a drink...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 30

Saturday morning's breakfast was a fix it for yourself layout: cereal, danish, instant oatmeal, eggs, bacon, etc. Michael and I were having coffee on the patio when Michael asked, "How are you going to approach the meeting today?" "I've a pretty good idea how we can do this deal and get a better return on our investment," I told him. "The meeting is scheduled for ten and I want to be at George's office by nine to get set up." Michael told me he was ready to go whenever I...

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My Sexy MotherInLaw

So, this is my first sex story so please pardon any mistakes. My mother-in-law is a typical north Indian housewife. She always wears saree which I find very hot, as my Father in Law is very conservative. She wears it in such a way that her sexy flat stomach is exposed. Her skin is so milky and hair so silky. She has small boobs but a very bubbly ass. I haven’t measured her but her stats might be 32-28-34. I used to keep eyeing her whenever I and the wife used to go meet her. Sometimes, she used...

3 years ago
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Desperate Housewives Part 2

Karen had moved in opposite me about two weeks previously, but I was unaware that I even had a new neighbour until one night at about seven o’clock when she came to my door, asking if she could borrow a screwdriver. She introduced herself as my new neighbour and I lent her the screwdriver. When she returned it about ten minutes later, we chatted briefly. She was a cute dark-haired beauty in her late twenties, but I could not see much more of her, because she was wrapped up against the cold...

2 years ago
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A Study of Relational Pairings

This is mostly true of sibling incest where The closer in age the siblings are, the greater the (opportunity?) for intimacy, this statistic is borne out by the higher number of sexual meetings between fraternal twins, that is, when one sibling is male the other female. As the age difference between the pair increases, the incidences of incest decrease until beyond a span of 3.4 years in age separation, intercourse between siblings is almost non-existent, then mostly occurs...

3 years ago
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Phantom Lover

It had been two years since Maya had passed away. Maya had been my soul mate and my whole life's purpose seemed to have died with her. My family had watched helplessly as my happiness turned to depression. In fact, I wouldn't have been on this cruise ship if not for my sister. Kara, my sister, gave me this cruise as a gift. This was a singles cruise and I was supposed to be having the time of my life meeting women and enjoying the ocean. I never would have told my sister, but I felt nothing...

4 years ago
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Kinky Love

We have been talking on the phone and in Instant Messages with each other all day, telling each other how bad we want each other and that we are both so turned on thinking about each other.I tell you that when you get home from the office I will be waiting on the bed, nice and naked for you.Ready to be your little fuck toy.You tell me that you have a surprise for me as well. You then smile as we say goodbye and hang up the telephone.As you’re driving home from the office, I call you.“I am in...

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