DóchasChapter 31 free porn video

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Sabrina's group had just left for registration when the shuttle carrying Gillian's group, Julia, Alice and June arrived. When Courtney and Lana saw the shuttle approaching, they decided to wait.

Once the shuttle door opened Julia and June stepped out, followed by Gillian's group. Courtney and Lana grinning said, "Welcome to the island of opportunity."

Julia laughed and said, "Who came up with that?"

"We just did. One of those, spur of the moment things. Does the resort have a name?"

"You know, I don't know. I just never thought to ask." Then turning to the new arrivals she said, "Meeting us are Courtney and Lana. They are also candidates. However, they have been here a couple of days."

"Hello," replied Gillian's group who then introduced themselves as they shook hands.

After the introductions Gillian said, "I can tell by the smell that we are close to the ocean."

"There is a nice beach," said Courtney, "but the pool is more fun."

"Really. Why is that?"

"It is easier to play games like volley ball."

June said, "We need to go up to the registration area to pick up your room keys. Julia and I will walk up with you then give you a tour on the way to your rooms."

"Great," replied several.

As they were walking up to registration June said to Lana, "How did your trip go?"

"Very well. We had only been here for a few minutes before you arrived. The only excitement we heard of was with Maureen's group, but I believe that has all worked out."

"That is what Jim told us on the way back."

When they arrived at the registration area Shirley said, "Good evening, my name is Shirley. My assistants are Thomas and Janice."

"We are your children," said Janice with her hands on her hips prompting everyone to laugh.

"Yes, you are. But, aren't you assisting?"

"Well ... I guess we are."

"Do you guys help your mom a lot?" asked Mona.

"When we can," replied Thomas. "Right now, we think we are just keeping her company."

"So what do you think of the resort?"

"It's great. Almost as good as the Enclave."


"It is the island where we live. It's a few hours southeast of here," replied Shirley as she realized how she felt. She then thought, "I wonder if Fred will like it there."

Shirley was startled to hear Lana say, "Likely, although I don't know him very well."

Gillian, Wang and Elle looked at Shirley, then Lana, then each other before shrugging.

Shirley said, "So how many rooms do you need? Remember it is your choice whether you share a room or not. The suites have two king size beds. Three or four will be quite comfortable on one of them. The regular rooms all have two double beds."

"You sound like you expect us to share," responded Olivia.

"Not at all, it is your choice. However, many that have come in groups do share."

Gillian looked around then said, "The six of us will share a suite."

"Darn," said Bobbie, "we were hoping to be with you."

"How about connecting suites?" asked Julia.

"That will work," replied Mona as she looked around the group. "It looks like we could use three connecting suites if that is possible."

"I believe so," responded Shirley then after a moment added, "It is. Give me a minute to program the keys." After a couple of minutes she said, "Here are your keys for three connecting suites. The keys are programmed to open any of them. If that is a problem, I can change it. Also if there isn't enough room, please let us know so we can give you more space."

"Julia," said Courtney, "Carmen's group, Nancy and Trina will be here shortly. We can give Gillian's group a tour and show them where their rooms are."

"If that is okay with them as I don't want them to feel slighted."

"We don't," replied Wang. "I think I can speak for all of us at this time." Several nodded their heads as he continued, "We really appreciate the effort you've made in reaching out to us with this opportunity."

"Thank you. We hope it is a fit for all of you."

"Lana and I are going to tag along with them," added June.

"Okay. Thanks."

Gillian's group had hardly left the registration area when Nancy walked in with Carmen's group. "You're back," said Julia as she ran to hug Nancy.

"Missed me, did you?" responded Nancy.

"Yes, we did," said Alice as she took Julia's place giving Nancy a hug.

After a moment they separated and Nancy said, "Shirley, Julia, Alice, this is Carmen's group."

"Good evening. I am Carmen." After she spoke the rest of her group introduced themselves.

Shirley said, "How many rooms does your group need? You can have your own room. Each has two double beds. The suites have two king size beds which we think sleep three or four quite comfortably."

"Sounds like experience speaking," said Tori smiling.

"Not mine," replied Shirley quickly, "but I can get some testimonials if you like."

Carmen said, "I think four will work to start with. Do they connect?"

After a moment Shirley said, "All I have left are two pairs. I can code the keys to work for all the rooms."

Carmen looked at her group then said, "That will work. Are they close?"

"Across the hall from each other."


After Shirley gave Carmen's group their room keys, Nancy said, "Let me give you a quick tour and show you where your rooms are."

At the arrival area, Rusty followed Maureen and Brandan out of the shuttle. He hardly took a step before he was hugged by many of his spouses. Maureen and Brandan stood smiling with their arms encircling each other as they watched Rusty's reception.

A few moments later Sarah said, "Where is Belinda?"

"She decided to stay with Leann's group until morning," replied Maureen.

Rusty added, "We expect those on the ship will be here for breakfast."

Erica said as she joined them, "What do you think of the bots remaining here rather than returning to the ship tonight?"

"I like that idea," replied Sally. "I know they are needed on the ship but we will need their assistance tomorrow. This would give us an opportunity to learn more about each other."

"Erica, who manages the shuttles?"

"Normally a flight director. Currently it is Donna or us. Why?"

"I think we need to send all but six back to the ship," said Joyce. "We should keep two here and the others at the Enclave."


"It gives us more flexibility. With only two here there are fewer chances of them being discovered, besides they take up quite a bit of room."

"Not sure discovery is a concern, but the rest makes sense."

"I'll make the assignments," said Donna.

"I'm ready for some rest," said Sarah. "The next two days will be quite busy if we are going to contact all the other people we've invited."

"Sleep sounds good to us," responded Maureen.

"After breakfast," said Joyce, "as a group we should review tonight then decide how we want to proceed."

"That's sort of what we said at dinner," responded Brandan. "It would be good to have a summary of tonight's events."

"We can't forget the lodge," said Erin. "We need to go take a look at it when we are fresh."

"Maureen, Brandan, thanks," said Sarah's Clan.

"We can say the same but perhaps for a different reason."

After sharing hugs, they headed toward their rooms. Their arms were either around their significant other or they were holding hands.

Siobhan and Conan had stayed with the shuttle when it returned to the resort. They, along with several others, quickly unloaded the personal items from Leann's group's home. They were nearly done when Siobhan said, "I am sure glad we were able to get their possessions out of the house before the fire started."

"I don't think I've ever seen a fire grow that quickly or that intensely," replied Conan. "I've been thinking."

"I noticed," she replied as they left the building.

"I am not sure you should take a role with the Command Staff, which I guess is Sarah's Clan." Siobhan frowned. "We really don't know them all that well. It seems awfully fast for them to accept you into a role like that. Besides we've only been here, what, two days. Our group has already decided to cast our lot with them. I think we should cool it until we see how things work out. Think about what happened to the last Command Staff. Losing you would be devastating."

"Why are you saying this now? You saw my thoughts and feelings earlier. Look at my thoughts and feelings again. Are you afraid you're going to lose me? I love you. I know you love me just as much. There are several others in our group that have strong feelings for us as well, perhaps nearly as much as we do for each other.

"Conan, we have associated ourselves with a society that is different from anything we've known. We have joined a society that believes in sharing in a way that has everyone working together. If there is a fight, then we all participate just like any other course we set. In doing this we have accepted new responsibilities that we are only just beginning to understand. The link I have to them is for a purpose. I don't understand all of it, but I know it is important to all of us." She saw the fear in his face.

"Relax, you are not losing me, unless you choose to. Our group will likely become one of the special groups they mentioned earlier. There will be other groups similar to ours. I don't fully understand what's meant by special, on top of that I don't understand, how I know this, but I do. Perhaps it is an aspect of my dreams I don't remember.

"Today when we met to discuss tonight, I felt very close to Aoife, all of Sarah's clan and another person. I now know the other person is Maureen. In a way I bonded with them this evening." Conan's expression showed his surprise at her wording.

"Yes bonded, but it is very different from the bond I have with you and several others in our group. We saw that earlier, but didn't fully understand the implications." She leaned over and kissed him. As she did, she shared her emotions. The strength of her love for him shocked him as he had not fully realized its depth. He responded to her by opening up his feelings and letting her see his emotions. They slid closer toward a full mind-link.

While Siobhan was speaking Eileen had walked up. She waited as she didn't want to interrupt their discussion. The love she felt for them showed in her eyes. She felt a connection to them that was stronger than it had ever been. Siobhan pulled back a bit from Conan then together they opened their arms to welcome Eileen into their embrace.

"Wow, this feels great!" they shared as they felt the comfort of touching again, recognizing the love they had for each other. "We need to get our group together and talk about this. Yes, we love one another."

"How did your visit go?"

"Fine," replied Eileen. "How was yours?"

"It went well. We weren't back very long before we went to help pack Leann's group's possessions. Thankfully other than losing their home, everyone is fine."

"I understand all six groups decided to come."

"Yes. I can't imagine many of us geeks refusing this. I suspect some will have second thoughts about it tomorrow. For some the change may be too much. After all, it takes a big leap of faith to make this kind of change, especially when you have to totally trust your judgment."

Siobhan yawned. "In the morning we talk, now let's go to bed." They left arm in arm for their room.

"Siobhan, Eileen, I love you both more than I can ever say. Siobhan please be patient with me. My first thought when I realized you were linked to Sarah's Clan was that I would lose you. I couldn't stand to be without you. Really I couldn't stand to be without any of you," said Conan

"Yes, we love you too," said both Eileen and Siobhan. "We see your concerns and we understand why you are concerned. We have no intention of leaving you. I think that many in our group are just beginning to recognize what we mean to each other. Their reluctance in expressing it is because of not knowing how their feelings will be received."

With that, the three continued the walk back to their room as they built their mind-link. They were surprised when they reached the room to find the rest of their group waiting for them. Tonight would open a lot of doors between them as slumber would be delayed for a while.

In the clinic area of the ship, Leann looked around as she lay on the bed. She felt fine but unsettled after the scene in their home. She could see each of her friends resting comfortably, even Roger looked fine in spite of the dumb stunt he tried.

She was thinking about this evening's events when she felt someone beside her. Turning her head she was surprised to discover Belinda. "I thought you left to go back to the resort."

"No. I thought I might be more help here. You look like you were stewing over this evening."

"That is a good word for it. Seeing Roger writhing on the floor screaming and wanting to help but..."


"Yes. It was. I wanted to help but couldn't find the inclination to move. No, that isn't quite accurate, anyway now I feel guilty, embarrassed."

"Don't beat yourself up. That is one reason they gave you the drug. You didn't respond like you thought you should, which was solely due to the drug. It was done to undermine your self-esteem. Destroying your self-confidence and self-worth would make it easier for the kidnappers to condition you for the future they planned for you."

"I not sure I understand."

"I think my friends and I have experienced something similar to what they planned for all of you. Do you know why the two women sobbed and curled up on the floor when the shooting started?"

"Scared, I guess."

"Yes. But not scared of being injured. While I don't know for certain, I believe they were scared of being punished because your capture was not going as planned. They were slaves of the man who held the gun. While he was pretty cruel, he wasn't nearly as sadistic as the woman holding the other weapon."

"How do you know that?"

"I saw some of it when I questioned the woman."


"Yes. I am telepathic. All the people offering this opportunity are telepathic. So far, all the candidates they've extended an invitation to are as well. Although many don't realize that they have the ability."

Leann looked at Belinda for a long time before she said, "I hear your sincerity, but it is hard to comprehend."

"Yes it is. A subtle form of it is intuition, but having intuition doesn't necessarily mean you have telepathic ability. Connie or Betsy will talk to you about it when they go over your physicals."

"Speaking of the doctors and physicals, weren't we supposed to be given a physical?"

"You were." Leann looked at Belinda with a frown. "Remember, right before you put these robes on, each of you were asked to stand still on the disk."


"While you stood there, your body was being scanned."

"You're kidding," responded Leann with a look of disbelief.

"Not at all. My friends and I were surprised when we had ours too."

"Well it sure beats having a doctor poke, probe and then send you off for lab tests. I wonder how good it is."

"Even more amazing."

As if on cue Betsy and Connie entered the room. Betsy said, "I wonder how they would react if we didn't wear these robes."

"That is a strange comment."

Belinda chuckled then said, "So you do hear telepathically." Leann looked at her with a questioning look so Belinda added, "Betsy spoke telepathically to Connie." Leann looked closely at Belinda's smiling face as she added, "Try it, think back your answer."

"Oh, well," sighed Leann then said, "Why would a robe effect how we react?"

"Because they have some unique physical attributes," responded Belinda speaking softly. "The caution is a reluctance to shock anyone. Earth's history shows that humans are not very tolerant of physical differences."

Leann laughed. "I think you understated it."

"What is that?" asked Betsy.

"Earth's humans not being tolerant of physical differences between people."

"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have intruded. I am Betsy and this is Connie with me."

"So, you are the doctors."

"We are two of them. The others are presently at the resort."

"I thought I saw quite a few helping us when we arrived."

"Some were bots. Some were what you know as EMTs or physicians assistants. Nearly all of those living on the ship are qualified to handle almost any medical issue. Of course our Medical-AI is the key to doing that as successfully as we do. I should note that we are not totally dependent on the Medical-AI, but she does enable us to have a nearly 100% recovery rate."

Leann and Belinda noticed that since they had been talking others in the group had become more alert. Some had even sat up on their beds.

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The Trangender Zone The Inheritance

You're on a long winding stroll through space and time. You've entered a wondrous land where light is shadow and shadow is light and reality is not expected. You've long ago crossed the rim of the Universe, you've just entered the ..... Transgender Zone. Act One Seth Strafford came from one of those old money families in America. His family was one of the wealthiest and one that could trace it's roots back to the Mayflower and Plymouth Rock. Seth was the oldest son of the part of...

4 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 3

(AUG 1939 GERMANY AND STALIN SIGN PEACE PACT) “Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the...

1 year ago
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Getting Out Of A Ticket

Getting Out Of A Ticket Being a cop in a small town like East Hampton is boring 10 months out of the year. The 2 summer months make up for the boredom of the rest of the year though. Once September hits and all the out of towners leave the whole area breathes a collective audible sigh of relief. That's the way it was on that fateful Wednesday afternoon. Humpday was about to take on a whole new meaning. I was watching this one stretch of road to pull over anyone for...

3 years ago
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A Deep Dark Wish Of Every Man

Hello everyone, this is my second story after “Nnailing my facebook friend this is one of my friend’s and as he was to scared of putting this himself (due to his wife, you will later find out why) he asked me to do so. I hope you enjoy it and make sure to give your feedback on I sat at home on this particular Friday night. My wife, Shiela, had called earlier from work to let me know, that she planned to stop off at a bar with some co-workers for a drink or two. This was fine, as it had been a...

4 years ago
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Silly Jenny showing up at the wrong time

That afternoon I really needed a good relief for my stress. I was totally exhaust after a long week; but still I had to complete Friday at work…My Boss Andrew called me to his office. When I went into, he was on the phone. He motioned me in quietly and I shut the door behind me. After listening for a few seconds, it was clear he was talking to his wife. He was telling her something about how he just still needed time to build his trust in her back up. I walked around his desk and got down on my...

2 years ago
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A Lunch Hour to Remember

At 16 years old, I had completed high school and was now ready to set foot on my journey into the adult world. I chose not to attend college as I knew people from school who I hated would be there, so I decided just to try finding some work. I applied at local businesses and shops, even a café or two. I was certain that I would get a job in the café as they were run by two middle aged women who weren’t really eye candy, for the regulars. They were only oldish men who went in, and we all know...

First Time
3 years ago
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Unexpected Threesome Part 3 of 4

Warningthisseries is fundamentallya bisexual (MMF) threesome story. If bisexuality makes you feel uncomfortable, you should probably stop reading now. Also, I have illustrated versions of these stories in PDF format for anyone who would like a visual to go along with the words. Just drop me a line at I hope you enjoy. M ************************************************************* David flopped down on the bed next to me and let out a long sigh. ‘Thank you for letting me do that.’ ‘Believe...

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With A Bang and A Flash

This is definitely not one of my usual thinking person’s stories. Rather a quick little BTB that has a little niche twist that I don’t think anyone has penned before. If someone has already come up with it I apologise in advance both to the original author and for wasting reader’s time. Once again set your review dictionary to English (Australian) rather than English (US) and hopefully all the blue and red squiggles will disappear. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Our friends in blue turned up...

2 years ago
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Tag Pub

My wife and I were unemployed, both having been made redundant, me after 4 months, she just before they needed to pay redundancy. Neither of us had transferable skills, as a salesman I had sold but it is difficult to find that kind of employment in your mid-40s, when there are so many youngsters after that position. We both hustled for part -time job that paid the rent and ran the old crate of a motor bike that we had. Some weeks ago, we saw an article in local paper advertising an open day for...

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My Chosen First Time PART 3

My day has come. I felt fine and womanlike, no butterflies in my stomach just a feeling of anticipation of events to come. I skipped breakfast, kissed my Mom and Dad on their cheek and went straight to Aunt Susan’s place. As I entered her place, in addition to Aunt Susan, I saw two men and two women sitting with her. “Oh, it is you”, Aunt Susan said. “We were just talking about you, they know of your wish. Let me ask you this, Are you sure that you want to go through with this and have your...

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Space Warped II

Space Warped II By Kelly Davidson Edited by Janet Miles This story dedicated to my friend, Matt B., whose conversations I miss greatly. I wish you the best, my brother, where ever you are. ************************************ The computer hummed softly as Helen Berry made her final notes. The document she was working on was well over a thousand pages, filled with opinions and facts about the Star Wing incident. But it was her briefing that people would care about the most. ...

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The Long Hot Day

It was a Friday morning, already heading towards the 100 degree mark, and it was just too hot and too nice of a day to be cooped up in an office; or anywhere else for that matter. I called into work and played the act that I was sick and would schedule a dr appt to check and see what was wrong. The only thought on my mind was finding a nice cool water spot and enjoying the day. I packed a light lunch of leftover chicken and some fruit from the fridge, and slipped on my favorite kakki shorts and...

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Escape From Buggery Ch 15

The Sodomite pilgrims couldn’t be described as great conversational company. In fact, as they had all had their tongues removed, they weren’t able to converse at all. The conversation they had with each other was conducted in sign language and mouthing, but this was enough for them to organise themselves pretty well. Despite their various mutilations, they were astonishingly self-sufficient and capable. They knew exactly which roots, fruits and berries could be safely eaten. They were expert at...

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October, 1982 Walking back down to the old field brought back all the memories, all the wonderful moments of high school. I'd had a better time of it than most kids these days, and I remembered those autumn afternoons spent on the gridion fondly. I guess the fact that I was the starting quarterback and captain of the team had a little bit to do with it. The memory of those years was running through my mind as I approached the field. There was another game going on today, one with different...

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The Imperfect Storm Chapter 3

(Trent has had a breakthrough fuck with his girlfriend, Whitney, after she read a sexy on-line story that happened to be written by Trent. Trent filmed their sex adventures, and has threatened to show it to Whitney's sisters. It's Sunday, early afternoon...) I don't know if you know much about video editing, but it takes a fricking long time. The Sister Bitches all went shopping for the little sister, Melissa, who was supposed to go next weekend with her dumbass boyfriend, Jake, to...

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My First Different Kind Of Foreplay With My Cousin

I am 25 year old guy, my height is 5’10” I am from Dehradun now living in Delhi.. Friends mai ek normal boy hoon kabhi socha b nahi tha ki mai gay sex bhi krunga aisi koi feeling nahi thi na aisa kuch dekha tha but mere sath kya hua ap sabko batata hoon ap logo ko pasand aye to mujhe email jarur krna.. For contact please email me my email address is Ye baat kuch years pehle ki hai.. Jab mai apne ek cousin se mila tha, humari family ko ek function attend krne k liye unke ghar jana tha, main...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Man We Met At The Bar

‘CASSIE! Dear God. You are taking for-fucking-ever! Hurry your ass up!’ ‘Get off your high horse, Maggie. I’m working on it.’ I gave my self a once over in the bathroom mirror. My red hair was perfectly curled down my back and my silver strapless clung to my curves tightly. The dressaccentuated my rather curvy ass, and my natural 34C breasts. ‘Sexy.’ I whispered to myself, and strutted out of the room. Maggie was sitting on the hotel bed in her tight red dress, her beach blonde hair up in a...

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Ground Control Chronicles

-------------------------------------------------------- The ASTRID is perfect when it comes to wreaking havoc. While the Dawnies' cruiser soars off out of range, it'll be our turn to face the enemy on the surface of this planet... I'm the next one on this list; as soon as our suits and weapons are ready, I'll be leading my squads into one of those coffins they call a barge and head for Fantasy Island, granted that the pilot has half enough skill to land us in one piece. This won't be...

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“So you did okay in finals?” Julie nodded. “All that stress actually made me work my ass off. I think I did pretty well,” she grinned. “I’m going to miss your company out here, but good luck with quitting,” I said. “The few, the proud, the exiled,” I added. “Mike, thanks for keeping me company and listening to me bitch all semester,” Julie said. “I’m gonna miss hanging out here with you and...

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After The KingChapter 12

Eoric had to explain to Gemma and Eochaid what had happened to him. Gemma had acted on the instructions of his inner voice, but she still didn't know what had taken place out in the field. Eochaid was completely in the dark about the events outside and what had just taken place with the buckets of water. He had been convinced that Eoric was in fact dead and his sudden resurrection had stunned him. "I had to save you, my love. Nothing else mattered. I sucked up all of the evil blackness...

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Getting Gangbanged By BBC

Getting Gangbanged By BBC Sorry for the english it's not my native. This happened during Tourist season in my local area. Where im from we use Mini Van's for public transportation mostly a bit older version. At the end of a working day i was waiting for some transport going home, and mostly the mini van's are overloaded with people so i tend to wait till one passes that isnt that full. And after a few mins i was lucky to be jumo into one that was empty. So i went sitting in the back wich i...

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Fucking My Mom Pussy With My Cousin

Hi friends, this is Ashok and this story is about a mother who longs for sex and finally satisfied through her son and his cousin. And to be real that mother is my mom, her name is Leela. Her stats are 36-28-38, white colour and her dressing style would welcome all the men to go mad at her even at the age of 40. Our family consists of 4 members my dad, my mom, my sister and finally me. My dad had left my mom because of another girl name: Kavya, a young girl, and her age is little higher than my...

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I am Jills Brother

       I am Jill’s Brother       Being Jill’s brother is wonderful, let me explain. My name is Max Thomas and I am a “Geek”. My sister is an airline stewardess with Lufthansa. The German airline is known only to take the most sexy and beautiful women, Jill fits that bill. I am a financial consultant and speaker. I was a hero last year because I didn’t invest with the hotshots and our family’s money is safe. I travel three weeks out of four so I really don’t own a place. I share an apartment /...

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Summer 7

We drove to the spring again, accompanied by Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. She was giggly. She’d been so all morning. She’d also brought one of her shopping bags with her. I didn’t ask. I’m sure I’d find out later.“Stay here for… Oh, I don’t know. A while.”“Why?” I asked.“Because I asked you too.”So I did. Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes going by. And then I picked up my easel and my paint box and joined her at the spring.“Don’t laugh,” she told me shyly, as if I would. She was...

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That night

She was standing at the bar in a white leather mini skirt and a hot pink bikini top. She looked to be about 22, with long blonde hair. She was maybe 5’6” with a body most women would die for. She looked to be around a 34c, with a flat tummy and a perfect butt. I‘d known girls in high school and college that had experiences with other girls, but I never felt that way, and hadn’t wanted to try anything of that nature. That is, until now. Just looking at her stirred feelings inside of me that I...

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Helpful HannahChapter 11

I picked up another girl the next night, and another the night after that. Knowing that I’d made my brother cum ... it was like it had lit a fire underneath me. I’d thought I was doing all I could beforehand, but now - just the thought of his hand pumping up and down his hard cock, getting off at the sight of me fucking another woman... I knew he’d gotten off at the porn we’d made together, and I hoped that he’d gotten off just thinking about what a dirty slut I was for him, but at the...

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New StartChapter 2

"You really like watching me dress, don't you daddy?" She fastened the ridiculously short mini kilt around her hips and twirled round, causing the kilt to flare up displaying her beautiful firm buttocks and the hairless cleft between her legs. "Oh God Katie" I said, "You're gorgeous baby, absolutely fucking gorgeous!" Her only other garment was a cut off tee shirt that just about covered her nipples, but left the underside of her breasts bare! I was lying on the bed watching her...

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Annie and the Neighbors

I had been in the backyard working the flowerbeds and in over an hour I had accomplished very little. The reason for the lack of progress was sitting in a lounge chair about sixty feet away and she was wearing two strips of yellow cloth, no bigger than Band-Aids on a body that was designed by the Devil to get men like me in trouble. I had been casting lustful glances at Amber ever since she was a very early teen. It is very hard not to look at a fifteen-year-old girl who looks and acts...

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College Orientation

Chapter 1 I was never so excited in my life. I was finally out of high school, ready to start college in another week or so, it really felt like the true beginning of my life. My grades had always been good, I've really liked school and I did play some sports but wasn't a star at anything. My grades in science and math were good, I was interested in them and was planning on majoring in engineering, either mechanical or chemical. I did like chemistry in high school but I also have faithfully...

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my mom

well it all started when i was about 15 yrs old. I was walking past moms bed room when i herd a noise so looked in . to my shock there was my mom butt naked. Her 34 dd exsposed as she lay on her back moms head was twards me so as she lifted her tits to her mouth i saw how larger and dark moms areolas are.Omg i said to my self there so big i want to see more i thought to my self. So i stood there watching mom lick one nipple then the other as her one hand was busy rubbing her pussy im thinking...

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Blue Pill Men

BluePillMen! I don’t think anyone can deny that we’re living in the golden age of boner technology. In the old days, if a dude couldn’t get it up, he was stuck fiddling around with a bullshit penis pump that probably wasn’t going to do the trick. These days, it’s as easy as popping a little blue pill. That’s kind of the entire premise behind BluePillMen, a site about really old dudes smashing teen hotties.I like the candidness of BluePillMen.com, the way these elderly fellows don’t seem to have...

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