Destination Unknown
- 2 years ago
- 21
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I added one more night to my stay in Reno to coincide when the three ladies were off to Las Vegas. I didn't think twice about it since we were having such a great time. We played golf every day ... all except Cal. He was happy to sit around the casino, looking for a card game while the girls and I played another round. Ramona continued to be my nemesis on the golf course. She was good and she was crafty. Of the four games we played, I only beat her once and tied once. As usual, it was my short game that was my downfall. But ... I was getting better.
I asked Cal why he came to Reno when Las Vegas was a lot closer to Wichita Falls.
"Too many card sharks and slick boys in Vegas, son. They make their livin' skinnin' good ole boys like me. I don't play to make a livin' ... I play for fun. Winnin' is just a way of keepin' score. When the girls leave here on Friday I'll still be here," he smiled.
I'd got to liking Cal. He was straight as an arrow and sneaky smart in a country boy sort of way. I imagined he did very well in the awl bidness.
"Crystal says you ain't going to Vegas neither," he said, looking at me questioningly.
"Nope. This has been a great week and I've had fun but it's time to move on."
"Where you headed, son?"
"Don't know exactly. San Francisco next ... but from there, I don't know yet."
He nodded as if he understood. Maybe he did.
"What about after you're done here, Cal?"
"Back to the Falls, I reckon. Back to work. It don't look after itself so I s'pose I'll spend some time there 'till I get the itch agin."
"I thought you might be taking Crystal with you."
"I would if I could ... that's a dead sure certainty. She's pretty independent you know. But ... she's got my card. If she changes her mind ... we'll ... she'll know how to find me."
"Good luck. She'd be a good partner for sure," I suggested.
He nodded agreement but said nothing more. I got the feeling that he was pretty disappointed that Crystal wasn't going to be with him.
Ramona was a simpler matter. She did want me to follow her to Las Vegas but understood when I told her no. This week had been amazingly good for me but it was time to move along. I gave her my cell number and my e-mail address and she gave me her personal card. I promised we'd stay in touch and I had every intention of doing so.
We'd been having sex almost every afternoon and night. She checked out of her room the second day and moved in with me. She was easy to be with and it seemed very comfortable having her around. Again, I almost never thought about the age difference and I don't think she did either. We were good for each other and that was enough. We laughed a lot, won a lot of money playing cards, needled each other on the golf course and ate some wonderful meals in some great restaurants without a single worry about calorie counting.
We parted great friends and I was sorry to see the three of them board the bus to the airport. They had a noon flight to Vegas on Southwest and were looking forward to the bright lights and entertainment. Cal was with me when they left and he had a bit of a hang-dog look when Crystal waved goodbye. I think he was hoping their time together might have produced something more. Maybe it would.
He and I had a light lunch together and shook hands as I got ready to leave. I got my luggage from the concierge and stuffed it into the Audi, destination Sacramento. It was only a couple of hours away and I didn't have much ambition that afternoon, so I decided to take it easy. San Francisco could wait another day.
I'd been blessed with good weather for almost the entire trip. My car hadn't moved the entire time I was in Reno. It sat in the underground garage while we used the various shuttles, cabs and our feet to get from one place to another. I could feel some of my fitness coming back. Walking the course was easier and I was less tired at the end of a round. Luckily it wasn't hot in early May, and that helped as well. Just the same my only other exercise for the five days was with Ramona, so I needed to get back to my routine.
I found a really nice period hotel near "Old Sacramento" and checked in. They gave me a discount on a suite and I took them up on it. Why ... I don't know. I was only planning on being there for one night and I was going to be alone ... so why bother? What the hell ... I did it anyway.
When I tallied up my winnings from poker earlier that morning, I found I had added nearly six thousand dollars to my winnings. That was a lot of money but I couldn't resist when it was so easy to come by. Added to my eighteen thousand, I'd made almost twenty-four thousand dollars in five days. Of course, I wasn't counting the 30% that Uncle Sam took. Just the same, I had almost seventeen thousand tax-paid dollars I didn't have when I arrived in town. I put fifteen into my bank account and kept the rest for walking around money.
It was almost six when I finally summoned up the energy to look for a place to eat. The hotel dining room looked to be the easiest and closest but I decided I wanted something different from meat and potatoes. I walked down toward the old town before I found a nice looking Mexican restaurant that didn't look like a chain. I stopped right there and walked in.
"Negra Modelo, please," I requested from the waiter.
I remembered it was one of my favorite dark beers, along with Anchor's Brekle's Brown. I looked over the menu quickly, made an easy decision and sat back, expecting to enjoy myself.
I was still thinking about the past week ... just how much I had enjoyed being with Ramona and her friends. It had been good for me in several ways. Companionship for sure. It was something I had been doing without for too long and I was reminded that I wanted to do something about that. But first, I had to settle somewhere. Not too many women want to be with a nomad.
It was good to get out and play golf. I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed the game and I wanted to play more ... a lot more. I was also very lucky, I knew. The money from the casino was a windfall and wouldn't really change much for me. I was in no real need of money at present. It was just nice not to have to worry about it and feel free to do whatever I wanted to do.
The only question was where I should be doing it.
It was an hour-and-a-half from Sacramento to San Francisco on a Saturday morning. I'd called ahead the night before and was happy to get a room at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. I'd heard a lot about this place and I thought I would splurge and stay there for at least two nights. There weren't any specials on at that hotel.
When I arrived in my room I quickly checked the public play golf courses and decided to try the Presidio. The virtual fly-over on my laptop showed a course with a lot of different holes, few of which were on level ground. I thought it would be a good test to see how far I'd progressed after a few games.
I phoned the pro shop and while they wouldn't give me a time, they were confident I wouldn't have any trouble hooking up with another two or three players. I decided to go early the next morning to get off as soon as I could. I didn't count on the temperature being a lot cooler than I had become used to. The pro shop was happy to sell me a sweater ... again at no discount.
I joined another threesome of men, not much older than me. They claimed to have handicaps in the fifteen to twenty range. I decided to play to a ten which was probably generous on my part. Right off the bat they wanted to let me know what we were playing for. Ten dollar Nassau and five each on the par threes for closest to the pin. Side bets were strictly individual. I shrugged. I was in their foursome so I played along.
Just short of four hours later I was a hundred and five dollars richer. Either their handicaps were imaginary or all three of them had a particularly bad game. I played two shots over my stated ten handicap with an eighty four and felt good about my game. It was a tough course, its rating being 72.3 for a par 72. I had to re-learn a bunch of shots I'd forgotten all about, including side-hill lies, blind approaches, and narrow, heavily treed fairways.
We parted after I bought the required drink in the lounge and headed back to the parking lot. It was just past one pm and I decided to stick around the city and play tourist. After a streetcar ride past the Embarcadero I ended up at Fisherman's Wharf. I guess this is what the tourists were looking for. Lots of little shops with all kinds of souvenirs and trinkets. I chose instead a pub with a view of the Bay and nursed a couple of beers before returning to the hotel. I guess I wasn't in the tourist mood after all.
I cancelled my second night and took off the next morning for Mendocino County on the northern coast. I stayed at the Little River Inn and played their seaside course the next day, before heading off to Oregon a day later. I got lucky and got a room at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort and had no trouble picking up a game the next morning. This time, though, it was a real challenge for me. Wind off the ocean and a genuine links course were both relatively new to me.
I consulted the assistant pro for some advice and he made it plain. First, take a caddy. They know the course and will steer you in the right direction. Second, forget the big drive. Play to stay in play. He called it target golf and after a couple of holes, I knew exactly what he meant. The three men I was playing with were also visitors staying at a local motel and this was their third round in three days. They said every day had been different and, while it frustrated them at times, it was a great lesson in controlling their swing and their ambitions.
My playing partners had only one caddy carrying two bags. I'd never had a caddy before, but within three holes I was glad I decided to this time. The boys talked about a legendary female caddy, but apparently she was in high demand and wasn't available that morning. As the story went, she was very attractive and capable of carrying two bags. To top it off, she was a pretty damn good golfer in her own right.
I shot an eighty-seven and felt like I'd got as much out of my game as I was able. I found I was adapting constantly to both the wind and the course, often guessing at yardages when factoring in the wind. Again, my caddy kept me from making any big mistakes. One thing was for certain, the rough was truly rough. There were no magic escapes the way you might on some carefully manicured course. You learned to take your lumps and get on with it.
I was one of the losers this time and the winner looked after the post game drinks as expected. We chatted about the course and just how much it challenged us. We all agreed that our regular courses were a whole hell of a lot easier on both our psyche and our scores. I happily bought a second round in thanks for having three true gentlemen as playing companions.
The next morning, again on the advice of the assistant pro, I was off north toward Lincoln City and the famous Salishan Resort. I had phoned ahead and made a reservation for two nights, knowing it wasn't a long drive into Portland from there. I stopped on the way at The Devils Punchbowl near Depoe Bay and got quite a spectacular viewing as the surf pounded into the huge cavern, spewing foam and water up through the top opening.
A few minutes later I was at Salishan. I checked in before exploring the area. Lincoln City was very much dedicated to tourists with a big Casino on the north end, any number of restaurants, art and artisan galleries and, of course, beachcombing. It was early in the season so it wasn't very crowded during a weekday, even on a Friday. Apparently, the visitors were expected to arrive that evening, most of them from Portland or Salem, while Oregon State University wasn't far away. Partying students were not unusual although it was exam time and almost their year end.
Since the next day would be a Saturday, I talked to the pro shop who suggested to come quite early or else wait until later in the afternoon. Either one would give me the best chance of getting on quickly. I chose to be early. I was still operating on Chicago time in some ways. I always had been an early riser so maintaining that, even on this road trip, wasn't difficult.
The pro shop opened at six o'clock and I made sure I was up and ready to go by then. Unfortunately, the restaurant wasn't open until six and I had to make do with what I could scrounge from vending machines and my little bar fridge. There would be some food at the turn I was told, so I had to hold out until then. A couple of energy bars, an orange juice and some water would have to do me.
I picked up a twosome almost right away, quickly enough that I barely had time to stretch and limber up. The air was cool and crisp and I was glad I now had a sweater. I was matched with two older gentlemen who always played early and preferred it that way. I introduced myself and they politely acknowledged me. I didn't hear of any bets and the men claimed to be eighteen and twenty-two handicap players. I was continuing to play to a ten which I thought was more than reasonable.
I found the course to be like many resort courses, not too difficult. It was there to show off the scenery, the greenery, and still give the players a chance to enjoy it without too much pain. I shot a very tidy eighty and felt good about it. Most of my drives found the fairway and my improving short game was coming around to where I could begin to rely on it.
My two companions played to their handicaps and we had a very pleasant three-and-a-half hours. We were almost first off and had no hold-up at all, even on the par threes. It was a treat to play a round that quickly. At the end of the game we had coffee while I added a breakfast. It was still not quite ten am. I thanked the two gentlemen, telling them how much I appreciated their company. They complimented me on my game and we parted.
I had one more night booked at the resort, so that afternoon I did a little exploring, heading up to Cannon Beach and wandering along the shore near the big Haystack Rocks. I stopped in Tillamook and joined a group of tourists on a tour of a cheese factory. Apparently their cheese is famous. When I thought how close I lived to Wisconsin all those years and never took the time to do the touristy things I had to chuckle. All it took was a little free time and some curiosity.
I dined at the lodge that evening, knowing I would be tired from the early wakeup that morning. I had already decided I would head for Hillsboro, a western suburb of Portland. The assistant pro at Bandon Dunes had recommended Pumpkin Ridge as a good test of golf. Apparently it had hosted a number of tournaments in the past. It was thirty-six holes, eighteen private and eighteen public. The public course was called Ghost Creek.
When I arrived mid-afternoon Sunday, I inquired at the pro-shop about playing on Monday and was told I shouldn't have any problem picking up a game within a few minutes. That was good enough for me. I strolled out of the shop and noticed a fairly large practice range, complete with bunkers and a pitching area. I went back into the shop and asked if I could use the range and they were kind enough to give me an okay for the price of a bucket of balls.
I pulled my clubs out of the car and carried them over to the range. As a last second afterthought, I pulled the three iron out of the wagon and stuffed it into my bag. I had been playing around it, hooding a four or choking a five wood. I wondered if my improving game might not have cured my phobia for this club.
I began to hit some seven irons, then some fours, finally summoning up the courage to pull the three out of the bag. I wish I hadn't. Again, a few good shots, followed by one or two absolutely horrible swings. Nothing had changed. The curse was still with me. When I finished the bucket, I went back into the pro shop and asked the attendant about hybrid clubs.
For the next ten minutes I got chapter and verse about their development, their strengths and weaknesses, and why one club would be better than another. I ended up surrendering to new technology and looked at a 21° Adams. He'd taped off the face and we went out to the range with a dozen balls. I warmed up again, then stepped up made my swing.
I don't ever recall hitting a three iron that well in my life. Not just the length and straightness, but the height. By the time I'd hit five shots, all pretty much identical to each other, I tore the tape off the face and told the pro he'd made a sale. I spent another small bucket of balls learning to shape some shots with it. I had found the silver bullet. I was going to be unbeatable now ... or so I thought.
I couldn't find a hotel up to the standards that I had been spoiling myself with, so I headed for Beaverton, home of Nike. I struck out here, not because there weren't any rooms available but because they just didn't measure up to what I was looking for. I used my laptop to search for hotels in the area and saw an Embassy Suites in Tigard, almost next to Beaverton. I'd stayed in them many times and while it wasn't luxurious, I was always satisfied. I called and booked a room for three nights.
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...
I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...
So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...
Hentai Porn SitesCommander Kehoe called Corporal Miller into his office at company headquarters shortly after approving her request to delay her pregnancy leave for three months. Miller was surprised to see Lieutenant Clark in the office with Kehoe and began to worry that she had pushed the young ensign just a bit too far and was about to get an ass-chewing. "Miller," Kehoe spoke in a very professional, down-to-business tone. "I see that you've put in a request to accompany Second Platoon's cruise to...
Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...
This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....
With a lazy hand, she reached out for the phone beside her on the bed, picking it up and blinking wearily at the screen, running a thumb across it, a mechanical motion which she put no thought into as she tried to clear the sleep from her eyes and mind. She pursed her lips slowly and furrowed her brow, it was half an hour before her alarm was set to go off. Blinking a few more times, still unaccustomed to the early morning light, she set her phone down and leaned up on her elbows, listening...
This is the story of my vacation last year to West Virginia. Well, I should say that it was the beginning of my vacation because I didn’t get very far. I was supposed to go up to a cabin my family owned to clean it up a bit and while I was at it I was going to spend a few days relaxing. I was in the mountain region when I left the interstate to fill up on gas. Me being my usual self had allowed my car to get down to nearly empty before pulling over, so when I saw a single sign for a gas...
(Kate and I had just revisited an event that started 10 years ago when we were both married. As I stated in part one of the story, my wife Ella had passed away and Kate divorced her idiot husband.) * Kate and I just got finished with a wonderful love making session. Before she went into the master suite, Kate went to get a small bag from her luggage. We were both still naked and I was enjoying seeing her walk around. My cock was feeling like it could go another round. As Kate took her bag...
by Salacious © 2002 It was a risk, but she was willing to take it. She had been talking with Kage for months now, chatting, camming, and phoning – the banter was good and the sex was hot. He could make her drip so easily. With carefully selected words he would type and send them via instant messenger, he would watch her as she read them. Instruct her, guide her, lead her, taunt her, tease her – he enjoyed the look of heat on her face and they both longed to share the union of their desires....
I closed my eyes when the plane touched the ground. After the thoughts in my head had been spinning around for a moment I heard the pilots voice “Welcome to Baltimore Maryland, home of the Superbowl-Champions, the Baltimore Ravens, and of course Edgar Allen Poe.” I smiled, thinking of the superbowl-party with my Reynas husband and his friends but as well thinking about all the Poe-Stories I read to my Reyna, while she was bathing, while I've been brushing her hair gentyl again and again, or in...
Hello guys, thank for your response to my previous part. Coming back to the story , Thanu bathroom loki vellagane venakale nenu kooda follow ayya , venakala nundi gattiga hug chesukuna meda meeda muddulu pettadam start chesa na rendu chetulani tana boobs meeda petti thega pisukutuna thanu okasari hmmm andhi anthe naku inka mood perigindhi ila kadhu na modda ni pukulo pettalsindhe ani fix ayya . Tanani bathtub loki vella manna , hot water tap tippa tanu ala paduko gaane nenu kooda tub lo digi na...
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"You have two minutes left and you have to score seven; three isn't going to cut it. You understand?" the coach shouted at his players. "Loud and clear coach," Jesse, the star quarterback of the team said. "This is for the championship. We win this game; it will be part of school history," the coach reminded them all. "We'll get that touchdown for sure," Michael, the leading running back said with a determined expression. "Remember, once you get the ball you run to the outside...
by Salacious © 2002It was a risk, but she was willing to take it. She had been talking with Kage for months now, chatting, camming, and phoning - the banter was good and the sex was hot. He could make her drip so easily. With carefully selected words he would type and send them via instant messenger, he would watch her as she read them. Instruct her, guide her, lead her, taunt her, tease her - he enjoyed the look of heat on her face and they both longed to share the union of their desires....
InterracialAfter living his childhood on a government ordered rural farm with his parents, Hardy Cochran at the age of seventeen had been ***********ed for a special academy; training young men and women for an astronaut program. Mankind had squandered almost all of the world’s resources and now governments were collecting gifted children and training them to save the planet. Some were sent to colleges where forestry was taught. These youngsters job would be to figure out a way to stop deforestation,...
After living his childhood on a government ordered rural farm with his parents, Hardy Cochran at the age of seventeen had been recruited for a special academy; training young men and women for an astronaut program. Mankind had squandered almost all of the world’s resources and now governments were collecting gifted children and training them to save the planet. Some were sent to colleges where forestry was taught. These youngsters job would be to figure out a way to stop deforestation, speed...
My inner circle happened to be comprised of all male gay members. We were a good team but as time went on, one by one my fellow hopefuls either dropped out of, or were rejected by the powers to be, and kicked out of the program until only I was left. I graduated with top honors and was given my first job in the military as lead engineer in charge of organizing mission details from scratch on how our team would successfully complete the mission to Mars. This was a prestigious position for...
Whenever Hardy was with the general on campus or when the general was entertaining, Hardy always addressed him as General Dustin or Dean Dustin. The dean would likewise address Hardy as Cadet Cochran. However whenever they were alone or with a small grouping of the general’s inner circle of friends, Hardy fondly called the dean, general daddy or daddy general, and the general called Hardy, son. Although Hardy was given a room of his own, at the mansion, he preferred to accept the invitation to...
As we were going to be together as a team in outer space for quite a few years, I decided to set up living quarters for us outside of Dallas Texas, in the interim; a place where we would live together while we completed final launch preparations at the NASA space training center and see how we would get along as roommates. Even though our project was under the umbrella of the World Aeronautical space Administration, I demanded as the Commander of the flight that my home country would take...
"Calvin McDermott speaking," he answered after two rings. "Hello, Calvin. It's Ruel Carter calling. How are you?" "Ruel! Is that really you! It's been ages since we've talked. How are you, son? Where are you?" "I'm fine and I'm still living in Washington State. I'm about to muster out of the army. I'll be going to work with a helicopter leasing company nearby." "That's great news, Ruel. I'm glad you're doing well. I worried about you for a long time. I didn't know what...
I stood and paused for a moment to take in the atmosphere of the small hospital chapel. There was a small crucifix on the front wall and three small pews. I sat in the back pew and then shook my head and chuckled at my choice before moving to the front pew. I sat in silence for several minutes and then I knelt and bowed my head. “Lord, I know I don’t take the time to talk to you as often as I should. I guess I’m one of those that only remembers you when I need help. But today, was a...
2 November, 1686 Morning When the shore party finally tied their long-boat along side the Maidens Revenge Isabel who had been anxiously awaiting them relaxed a little. She had not taken a step away from the railing where Carmen had led her, fearfully watchful for their safe return. And it was with relief that the entire shore party, unharmed, came within her welcomed sight, and her heart was pounding so hard she thought surely the entire crew must hear it. Isabel threw down the ladder then...
Constance McKinsey left the Confederacy testing center in Jackson with her first CAP ID card and was very pleased with her score. She had been putting off the trip to the testing center for over a year, dreading the outcome of a clearly gender-biased grading system. She was surprised by her 7.9 average score. She was sure that she would have gotten a higher score if her reproductive organs were on the outside instead of inside her body. She didn't think they would let her qualify for four...
The spine of Copernicus was laid down as a K'treel class explorer but it wasn't yet completed when production of K'treel class ships was finally cancelled. Rather than being scrapped, it was completed as a deep-space observatory that was never intended to enter a planetary system during a mission, much less enter an atmosphere. The shuttle bay was completed as a machine shop and gymnasium. It had no armament, but the same amount of weight was taken up with instrumentation. Copernicus's...