A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 10 - BridgetChapter 47: Boca Raton, Part II free porn video

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January 4, 1997, Boca Raton, Florida

“I think I’d like to start with a bit of a history lesson,” I said. “Most of you were around at the beginning, or close to it, or you’ve spent enough time with me to know our origins and what it is I’m trying to preserve. Fundamentally, NIKA has a «kami», a spirit or soul, without which she’d be just another company.”

“She?” Charlie asked.

“That was EXACTLY how I responded when he told me that in Colorado Springs last month!” Barbara declared.

“And when we discussed it, it was perhaps the first time I’d ever used a gendered pronoun for NIKA, but in the end, as I said to Barbara, Y chromosomes are a bit of a rarity at NIKA, doubly so since the girls all have two X’s and we guys have an X to go with the Y. And NIKA herself is a rarity, in that most tech firms, especially in Silicon Valley, are like fraternity houses. We’ve never been like that, and I have no intention of ever letting that happen.

“But it’s more than that; NIKA’s «kami» is truly female, in that she is nurturing and caring, and looks after everyone who works there. We all share in her success. I’ve done my best to keep things like that ever since the five of us - Dave, Julia, Cindi, Elyse, and I - started NIKA in what is now my study at the house. Penny joined us then, part-time, and soon after we hired Mario to help do Novell support.”

“Ancient history,” Mario said, shaking his head.

“True,” I replied. “We landed a couple of very big contracts - Waukesha County and Purina Mills. We hired a few people who are no longer at NIKA, then Charlie and Debbie. Zeke followed not long after, as did Tasha, Barbara and Terry. In the process we moved to the attic room at my house, then to rented space at the union hall where Kimmy joined us. Julia was running things then, and Dave and I both spent a lot of time coding.

“Eventually, Julia had enough of the ‘big chair’ and I stepped in to run things. I tried to do it part-time at first, but that didn’t work very well, and eventually I stopped doing much programming at all, except for tinkering with side projects. Eventually, we outgrew the union space, despite sending Mario to Pittsburgh and Barbara to Los Angeles. We moved to our first building on Hyde Park Avenue, and we continued to be successful and moved to our current space.

“Through that all, I did my best to know everyone at NIKA and treat them like family. With all the new offices, and the new staff, that became more and more difficult, until I had what could be called a crisis of faith - faith in my ability to keep NIKA’s soul, her «kami» intact. Eventually, I reached out for help, and spoke to someone who had been where we are - on the cusp of explosive growth. The problem is that NIKA is going to change. It already has to some degree - I actually lost my mind one day and hired a lawyer!”

Everyone laughed and Deborah shook her head, but winked to acknowledge she didn’t mind me teasing her.

“Not only that,” I continued, “but I hired an actual adult to monitor the playpen!”

More laughter, and this time it was Bob nodding in acknowledgment.

“All of that was necessary, because the only other alternative would be to divest. We did that once, a long time ago, but honestly, there isn’t anything we could divest at this point. And even if we did, then we’d lose the very spirit of NIKA in the process. And I can’t abide that. Nor can I abide losing NIKA’s spirit to growth. I’ve got my job cut out for me.

“You are all aware that, in just a few days short of a year, my sister, Stephanie, is going to come on board as CEO. I’ll retain the title ‘President’, but I won’t have any operational responsibilities. I am, finally, going to be a programmer again. But I’ll have another role, and that’s ensuring that no matter what else changes, NIKA will not lose her «kami».

“I’m going to need help doing this, and while Mario, Barbara, and Zeke will take operational direction from Stephanie, each of them will also be responsible to me for preserving NIKA’s «kami», her culture. We are a family, not a team, and I don’t intend to let the family break up. Like all families, some members will leave and go their own way, but they’ll always be part of the family.

“One of the hardest things for me to do was give up my hiring veto, but I have to, because holding on to it perpetuates the myth in my mind that I can, and should, know every single person at NIKA. That’s barely possible now, and the guy I talked to in Ohio would say it’s not really possible, and that I’m just kidding myself. He has a point. I can’t be close to two hundred people. It just won’t work.

“Everyone in this room has a responsibility to ensure the culture stays on track. That means how we work together, how we play together, and how we treat each other. And that means each of you is responsible for ensuring the ‘fit’ of any new employee. We’ve seen what happens when someone isn’t on the same page as the rest of us. It wasn’t pretty, and that’s the kind of mistake we have to avoid.

“Bob and I talked about this, and we’ve had something of a meeting of the minds. It’s not perfect, but he does agree that it takes a certain kind of personality to be successful at NIKA. But it’s not a formula we can articulate, because I can’t think of ANY way to fit both Sam and Eve into the same mold!”

“Thank God!” Sam laughed. “Nothing personal, Eve!”

“Same here!” Eve agreed.

“And yet, the progressive Persian Jew from the near-North side and the conservative WASP from Naperville work together wonderfully. The same is true for the daughter of Russian émigrés and the transplanted Texan who happens to be a Penguins fan. Or the daughter of a Portuguese fisherman and the son of an American Navy chief. I think Bob would agree, he was wrong that my way of hiring engendered some sort of ‘only people like me’ ideal.”

“Surprisingly, it didn’t,” Bob responded. “Honestly, ‘fit’ is usually code for only hiring white males, or whatever, but in this case, it’s not. I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is, but it appears that Steve, and the rest of you, like Justice Potter Stewart, know it when you see it.”

“That said,” I continued, “I conceded to Bob that there has to be SOME kind of articulable standard, or we could run afoul of the busybodies in Springfield and Washington who have nothing better to do than harass successful businesses for no legitimate constitutional reason.”

“Did anyone bring their copy of the ‘rant list’?” Terry smirked.

“I’ll remember that the next time we play poker,” I grinned. “In any event, Bob is working on a set of standard interview questions that will help determine ‘fit’, but also keep us on the side of the angels.”

“And of course, government is on the side of Satan,” Sam said, shaking her head.

“You said it, not me,” I grinned.

There was lots of laughter, including from Sam.

“Anyway,” I continued, “what Bob and I agreed on is you don’t have to stick to the letter of the script, but to the spirit. Ultimately, the goal is finding the right people.”

“No more Maddies,” Charlie said.

“Succinctly, yes,” I replied. “But in that case, my final post mortem says we could have done better at teaching her the ‘NIKA way’, and to that end, we’re going to revise the employee handbook to include a fairly detailed prose description of what it means to be a member of the NIKA family. We’ll share that with prospective employees, and that will also help us identify people who might not fit.”

“Because they’ll self-select out?” Cèlia asked.

I nodded, “Yes. Some people aren’t going to like the ‘all-for-one, one-for-all’ ethic we have, which includes published, fixed salary schedules and near complete transparency on financials, both personal and corporate. Fundamentally, this isn’t a place to work if you want to be the superstar and lord it over everyone, implying you make a lot more money than they do. That said, we have a LOT of superstars, because, in the end, there are plenty of people who don’t believe that it’s a zero-sum game or that it has to be a dog-eat-dog world.”

“The most capitalist person I know is also the biggest socialist!” Sam said, shaking her head.

“The ONLY difference is who gets to decide. If I do, that’s perfectly moral. If the howling mob does, that’s immoral. But we’re getting off into one of my political rants.”


“No need to apologize. To mention a dirty word here, I once told Dante that it was in the best interest of the wealthy to share that wealth as widely as possible, because if they refused to do so, the mob would eventually take it from them. The thing is, MY system makes everyone rich, sharing the wealth. Everyone in this room can easily retire with over a million bucks in the combined 401K and ESOP. More, if you choose to allocate more yourself, which we encourage through our matching plan. One thing that always stuck in Dante’s craw was that every year since the founding of NIKA, Cindi has made more money than I have.”

“Cindi doesn’t own more than half the company!” Cindi herself replied.

“I suppose I could just sell my shares and walk away so I can have that money,” I replied casually.

A chorus of ‘no’s’ rang out.

“Thought so,” I grinned. “But guess what? I don’t care. NIKA rewards success, and everyone shares in that success. But going back to the main theme - all of you, but especially Mario, Zeke, and Barbara, have to help keep NIKA on track spiritually. Any questions?”

“What are we going to do about the ‘Lone Wolves’?” Mario asked.

“They’re always going to be the challenge,” I replied. “We can’t pull them off the job too often, but if we don’t, we’ll end up losing touch with them, and I think we’ll end up with lots of turnover, which is something we want to avoid, for their sake, for our sake, and for the customers’ sakes. I am open to ideas, so if you come up with anything, let’s talk about it.

“I do want to say one more thing, and that is that all this talk about NIKA depends on one very important group of people - our customers. They pay our salaries, they provide our benefits, and, in the end, they are our bosses. Everything I just said is about the customers, even though it was ostensibly about us. Anything else?”

“Can we have some time to think about this more?” Mario asked.

“Sure. We have tomorrow as well. We can switch to our succession planning discussion now, and return to this tomorrow.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” Sam said. “You just really hit us with a heavy topic.”

I nodded, “Then let’s discuss succession planning today. I’m going to have Bob lead this session. Bob?”

We spent the rest of the afternoon discussing all facets of succession planning, and finished just before dinner time. As we had the night before, we had a nice dinner, and the people went off in small or large groups, while I took a dip in the pool and then drank bourbon. This time, though, only Deborah joined me.

“Pull up a chair,” I said when she came out onto the deck.

“That was an interesting conversation last night,” Deborah said after she sat down.

“You knew the gist, or are you referring to Eve’s revelation?”

“Everything, really. I guess I don’t understand why Kimmy would risk her marriage, especially given she has a kid. And Eve preferring married men. I guess I felt your staff had more integrity than that.”

“Counselor, in a civil case, where you know information which will help the other side, would you walk over and tell them? As a defense attorney, would you, without a warrant, turn over incriminating evidence against your client to the prosecution?”

“No, of course not! I’m ethically bound to protect my client’s interests and to be a zealous advocate for him or her. That said, I can’t suborn perjury or deceive the court. In other words, if I know my client’s lying, I can’t put him on the stand.”

“You can ALWAYS put the defendant on the stand,” I replied. “That much I know.”

“Sorry, I can’t elicit testimony I know to be false. I’d be able to put the client on the stand for narrative testimony. You know, ask ‘please tell us your version of the events’, but anything more than that, or using anything I knew to be false, would be an ethics violation and could get me suspended, or worse.”

“My point with asking that is, who does Eve have a responsibility to?”

“Herself, certainly, which is the answer you wanted. But doesn’t she also have some sort of obligation to respect the agreement between the man and his wife?”

“Remember, I agree with you on this, and I’m just arguing as the Devil’s Advocate, so to speak. Is Eve a party to that agreement? Is she in a position to judge what is, and what isn’t allowed?”

Deborah smiled, “I see where you’re going with this. You’ve made the point that you can know the agreement between you and your wives, and as such, you know what is, and what isn’t, kosher. The girls have to take your word for it. But you admitted an affair with a married woman.”

“I did, and she’s the exception that proves my rule. In that very specific instance, I had a clear understanding of the situation and the agreement between Elena and her husband. I did have to make a judgment about the truthfulness of the situation, but it was my opinion that I was actually speaking to her husband on the phone, not someone she put up to the task of deceiving me. If she was going that far, why bother telling me she was married?”

“You think like a lawyer.”

“Gee, thanks,” I deadpanned. “I love you, too.”

“I know you’re a dyed-in-the-wool, inveterate, unreformed skeptic, which is probably the best possible philosophy for any attorney. I think your experience with Dante’s attorneys alone has shown that.”

“So, back to the situation. Eve is consistent with her own principles, and is looking out for her own best interests. She and the guys are engaging in consensual sex, of which society in general does not approve. Whose problem is it, really?”

“YOU don’t approve!” Deborah protested.

“You’re right. So I don’t do it. It’s like abortion - I think it’s a terrible, terrible thing, so I don’t do it and won’t be party to one. But making THAT decision is not up to me, and I’m sure as hell not in a position to judge anyone else’s bodily autonomy!”

“So you’re OK with it?”

“What? Cheating? Abortion? No. But determining the answer to those questions for OTHER people is way above my pay grade. I think it violates my rules of doing as little harm as possible, but again, I don’t know the entire picture. In my mind, each person has to answer for themselves, and in Eve’s case, don’t you think it’s the guy who has the most culpability? He’s the one who’s actually breaking a vow he’s made.”

“Sure. He’s scum. No question. But she’s helping him be scum!”

“Is that her responsibility? Think of this example - if I give to a charity, am I responsible for what the recipients of my largess do with that charity? I can put it in concrete terms, too. Most of my giving goes to Doctors Without Borders. They treat anyone, no questions asked. That means, at some point, they probably treat people who later go on to commit war crimes or whatever. Am I responsible for that?”

“No, but you aren’t directly participating in those crimes.”

“But what crime is Eve committing? Forget Illinois’ stupid law, which only actually applies to someone like me who is ‘open and notorious’ about adultery or fornication.”

“Those laws haven’t been enforced since the 70s!”

“Listen to Miss Smarty Pants. Guess who was investigated for exactly those crimes, and threatened with arrest?”

“No way! When?”

“Only a few years ago. Margaret Lundgren, Jeri’s mom, used her contacts at DCFS to investigate our family situation to try to intimidate me. It didn’t work, but the State’s Attorney and CPD were investigating me for adultery and fornication.”

Deborah giggled, “I have to say it - it would never stand up in court!”

“Funny, Counselor, but I’ve never had THAT problem!”

Well, once, I thought, when I was seriously stressed, but that had passed quickly, and there was no point in bringing it, and all the drama around it, into this conversation.

“Sorry. Anyway, I see your point about you, and why you have your rule in place. I guess I don’t see how you can be so blasé about Eve.”

“Because I don’t get to define her morals or ethics, or her view of right and wrong. She gets off on sleeping with married guys. That’s her kink, if you will.”

“I’m going to regret asking this, but what’s yours?”

I chuckled, “I had a doctor tell me I had the weirdest kink ever - a kink for regular, gentle, missionary-position lovemaking!”


“Yep. I also have a ‘type’ which, if you were paying attention last night, you know you fit.”


“Ouch, Counselor! You wound me!”

“Too easy!” she grinned. “OK, I can see the thing with Eve, from a certain perspective. But Kimmy?”

“It’s a long, long story, and I wouldn’t do it precisely because it would wreck her marriage.”

“But why would SHE do it?”

“To use a cliché, it’s complicated. Kimmy came to us as a part-time receptionist and through a series of events, she basically grew close and became my right-hand person in many things. One day, when all hell had broken loose in my relationship with Jessica, not for the first or last time, Kimmy provided the love, attention, and comfort I needed.”

“What about Kara?”

“Kara was part of the trio, and that made it difficult for both her and for me. Kimmy was an outsider. Kara approved, by the way. In fact, she encouraged me to keep seeing Kimmy during the crisis because it helped.”

“I have to say, I do NOT understand your wives.”

“That too, is complicated. For Kara and me, it goes back to High School and how our relationship developed, and what she needed from me and I needed from her. She had her own major crisis, which we call our ‘Year in the Wilderness’ when we didn’t speak and she was getting counseling. And I’ve had more than my fair share of counseling in my life, too.

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June 11, 1989, Chicago, Illinois It was just after 3:00am when I kissed Trish goodbye. She’d been an enthusiastic, energetic, and adventurous lover. We’d done just about anything either of us could think of, though her breasts weren’t large enough for a tit-fuck. The last time had been in the shower where we’d ostensibly gone to clean up afterwards, but instead I ended up taking her from behind as she leaned against the wall of the shower. “I think I’ll have you again, Steve Adams,” she...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 38 Freshman Year Ends

May 1978 The first couple of weeks in May were busy with school, work, and friends. Except for Becky, I didn’t even have any dates. But I was OK with that. Well, almost OK. I wanted to see Anna, but it likely wasn’t going to happen until school was out. I had tutoring sessions with Melanie, but she still wouldn’t talk to me about anything other than Spanish. Barely a hello. I was grateful for the tutoring, but it was maddening seeing my friend this way. I hoped someday she could understand...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 44 Spring Break 1982 Part I

March, 1982, Milford, Ohio As I drove along I-65, I thought about what Stephanie had asked for and what Bethany had said without even knowing about the request. Of course, because Bethany and I were so in tune, she might have actually had an idea that I was struggling with getting involved with my sister again. I kept turning it over and over in my mind and I kept coming to the same conclusion — that I shouldn’t do it. I was torn between doing what Stephanie wanted and doing what Kara and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 21 Georg and Maria

September 7, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “That went reasonably well,” Michelle said when her parents drove off. “There were a few times I thought my expression would give away something I shouldn’t. You were messing with me, weren’t you?” She grabbed both my hands and smiled, “I was telling the truth, in my own way. Thank you!” She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “So, what’s left?” I asked. “To visit UofC tomorrow and formally withdraw from classes. To spend some time with you and your...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 14 A Southern Belle a Surprise Proposal two Cheerleaders an Old Flame and a Girl Back Home Part I

October 1981, Chicago, Illinois I arrived back at the apartment just before 10:00pm and saw the address for the party. I decided I wasn’t particularly interested in going so I put on some music, poured myself a glass of wine, and started reading more about Russia. I was alternating between the history and culture book and the Communist Party book, decided on the history and culture book for this time. I didn’t get much reading done because I was thinking about Tatyana, which led me to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 38 And Sometimes It Stinks To Be Big

January 23, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Father, bless!” I said, greeting Father Basil with upturned palms. “Bless you, Stephen,” he said as I kissed his hand. The waiter showed us to a quiet table along the wall of Roditys in Greektown. He took our drink orders and was back quickly. We placed our food orders right away and he left to put them in with the kitchen. “I’m not quite sure how to address this, so I’m just going to ask you bluntly. Are you the father of Michelle’s baby?” I shook my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 68 The Rules

June 29, 1995, Chicago, Illinois On Thursday, I finally had lunch with Melissa again, something I hadn’t been looking forward to. Much like with Cèlia, Melissa and I had passed an inflection point and I was left with sub-optimal paths forward. I’d been struggling with the possible solutions, and all of them had pitfalls. When I walked into Takumi, I had something of a plan. Whether it was good or not would only be known once everything played out. “I spoke to my wives,” I said after we’d...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 73 Hypothetical Questions

December 5, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “I had a good time last night,” I said. “I was surprised you invited a friend!” Mary laughed as we walked into the exam room, “Naomi had a good time as well. You know what a Resident’s life is like.” I nodded, “No social life.” “Exactly. You guys seemed to hit it off pretty well.” “Yes, but I’m not here for that!” “You’re everywhere for that, and you know it!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s just say that you hit the sweet spot -...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 25 The Puzzle and the Cat Part II

March 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden I woke early as usual, but just enjoyed being in bed with Katt. When she woke, she hopped out of bed and pulled a robe out of her closet and handed it to me. “There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. Go have your shower, then we’ll have breakfast after I have my shower.” I quickly showered and brushed my teeth, and went back to Katt’s room. She went to shower and came back a few minutes later. She dressed, and I got a very good look at her sexy body...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 74 A Whimper Not A Bang

April 5, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You missed cuddles this morning!” Birgit said accusingly when I walked into the house about 9:30am. “I know, Pumpkin, but I had a work emergency and had to go see Aunt Joyce and Grandpa A.” “And now we have to get ready for karate!” “I know. We’ll have some family time this afternoon. I don’t have any plans.” “Good!” I hugged her and the rest of the kids, then went to find Kara. We hugged and kissed, and went straight upstairs to get ready for...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 64 Fantasy Fulfilled

September 3, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Sensei,” I said, bowing to Sensei Jim. “Good morning!” he said waving me to a chair in his office. “How was your trip?” I asked. “Enlightening. I spent most of my time acting as a manservant to Sensei Robert and Sensei Hiro.” “He who will lead, must first serve,” I said. “Someday, I’m going to send you to Sensei Hiro, should he live long enough. You understand.” “Does that mean you are now 6th Dan?” I...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 63 Not so Momentous After All

October 29, 2000, Chicago, Illinois Birgit followed me as far as the stairs, then scooted upstairs when I went to the front door and opened it. “Hi!” Sophie said. “Hi!” I replied and held the door open so she could come into the house. I closed the door behind her then led her to my study where I waited until she went in, and then walked in, closing the door behind me. I nodded to one of the wingback chairs, she sat down in one, and I sat down in the other. “Is something wrong?” she...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 61 Anala Part II

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I walked in the near 90°F heat to Carla’s place. I was grateful that the humidity of the morning had dropped significantly; otherwise the heat would have been unbearable. By the time I walked up the steps to the apartment over the photography studio and knocked on her door, I had broken into a light sweat. Carla answered almost immediately and invited me inside her studio apartment. The air was moderately cool, and the window air conditioner was running full...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 21 He Will Tell Thee What Thou Shalt Do

July 1982, Milford, Ohio On Tuesday morning, I kissed Kara goodbye and headed to my parents’ house for my usual morning routine with my little sister. She was happy that I could spend the morning with her and asked to take a walk, so we weren’t in the house with my mom. “Let me guess — this walk will end in the clearing,” I said with a smile. “Yes,” she said, taking my hand as we walked down Overlook towards Klondyke. As usual, we turned around and walked back, taking the path to the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 37 Geisha

March 13, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Steve!” Ailea said when she opened the door. “Hi,” I replied, accepting the offered hug. There was no touching of lips, just of cheeks, and I wondered if I’d misread her intentions at her birthday lunch, or if, perhaps, she detected my reluctance to return the offered affection. “Lunch is ready, so go ahead and sit. I’ll bring it in from the kitchen.” I went to the low table, sat down, and a minute later, Ailea brought miso soup and sushi, our usual...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 72 An Explosive Discovery

April 3, 1997, Dallas, Texas “Remember what I said about drinking too much,” I said, as I poured bourbon into three cups. We’d stopped at a liquor store, bought a bottle of Blanton’s, and then returned to the small suite I’d reserved at the Westin. Deborah’s room was down the hall, and Krissy’s was two floors below. Krissy’s comment had caught me a bit off guard, but I hadn’t reacted visibly. I didn’t know her quite well enough to know if she’d been teasing with Deborah, so I was being...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 59 Karas Birthday

March 28, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “This day belongs to you, Kara!” I said when the three of us woke on Thursday morning. “Happy birthday!” Jessica said. “Thanks,” Kara replied happily. “I think I’d like an amazing birthday fuck from our husband, and then a nice loving shower with my wife!” Kara said. “Do we have enough time?” I asked. Jessica giggled, “I set the alarm for thirty minutes earlier!” “Then let’s not waste any of it!” I said pulling Kara to me. Kara’s squeals as I plunged...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 46 Rite of Passage

September 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois On Monday morning I went to my study to make a surreptitious call to ensure that the surprise I’d planned for Kara was still going to happen, and after confirming that it was, Jesse, Matthew, Michael, and I began preparing for the Labor Day party by getting beer and soda into coolers, getting the grill ready, setting up tables and chairs in the backyard, and ensuring the liquor cabinets were stocked while my wives and daughters worked on food prep in the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 14 Space Considerations

September 1, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “I heard that you have some kind of plan to help Ed,” I said to Connie. “There’s no plan,” she replied. “A witness who saw the shopkeeper alive after Ed left came forward.” That sounded convenient, and I wondered if the witness was real or someone that Anthony had put forward to solve the problem. Certainly, the videotape was real, because I couldn’t imagine how Anthony could have faked that, but the witness? Who knew? “So is he being released? Or is...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 100 A Full Circle

August 17, 1997, Chicago, Illinois We finished lunch and Marissa and the younger kids went to play, but Natalie sat with the adults to talk, with coffee, tea, or soft drinks. The Sarcus were very comfortable, but the Heaths were still struggling. But, vitally, they hadn’t left and hadn’t insisted Natalie leave the group. “Can you explain how you developed this attitude and approach?” Chris asked. I nodded, “It started when I was just a bit younger than Natalie. My mom was a total control...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 6 A Tale of Three Cities Part III

July 1979 — Falkenberg, Sweden On Friday, when I got back from my run, Pam was in her bra and panties again. I whistled at her, she giggled, then finished dressing. I showered, and we went to breakfast and finished up our last day. Once class was done, we were pretty much free. On Saturday, we’d have several optional activities and then on Sunday we’d head back to our host families. After dinner on Friday, I took Pam’s hand and we walked towards the river. It was quiet and peaceful, and...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 38 Homeward Bound

July 1980, Over the North Atlantic We reached cruising altitude, and I settled back to read my book. Pam raised the armrest between us, snuggled close to me and read as well. The cabin crew offered drinks, and I had my first Coke in a year! Meal service began about an hour and a half into the flight. After the cabin crew picked up the trays and offered drinks again, they passed once more, offering headsets for the movie. Trevor and Maria took them, but Pam and I didn’t, instead we turned on...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 88 Hard or Soft

July 8, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Is it really that surprising?” Leah asked. “I suppose not,” I replied. “I just didn’t read too much into the kiss on the cheek.” “I didn’t think it was a good idea to kiss you on the lips with all those people around, because I had no idea who they were or what they would think. You were VERY careful with our dance, so I kind of followed your lead.” Which showed very mature thinking on her part. Both of these girls were exactly the kind of students I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 12 House Calls

November 8, 1993, Chicago, Illinois A dark fog swirled before my eyes as I tried to take stock. My head hurt, badly. I felt something on my face and realized, dimly, it was an oxygen mask. My right hand was uncomfortable and I recognized the feeling of an IV and pulse-oximeter. My left arm ached fiercely. On my chest I felt the pads and wires of an EKG. I didn’t feel anything else wrong as I continued taking inventory. I tried to open my eyes, but the fog didn’t clear. I tried to speak, but...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 51 Friends and Neighbors Part I

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois In the morning Anala and I ran as we had the previous time, then showered together, carefully washing each other’s bodies in an intimate but non-sexual way. After our shower we went to the kitchen and I made breakfast and we sat down to eat. “Steve, may I make a suggestion?” she asked. “Sure.” “Broaden your circle of friends. Other than me, all of you are white, nominally Christian, 20-year-old Americans. And you don’t invite me to your Sunday...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 23 ldquoThen Therersquos Only One Thing Left to Dordquo

June 23, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Steve,” Kimmy said over the intercom, “I have a Suzanne Aavik for you.” “Thanks,” I replied. “Put her through, please.” A few seconds later, Suzanne was on the line. “Hi!” she exclaimed when I greeted her. “I’m in Chicago for three weeks. Can I still run away and join the circus?” I chuckled, “You might want to find out what the circus is actually like before you join! If you’re free, you’re welcome to come to the house tomorrow or Sunday and meet the...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 45 Triple Ds

March 1979 Monday was back to the normal routine of school. Debbie Courtney, who lived across the street and had turned fourteen the last week in February, started flirting more with me on the bus each day. Debbie Vaughn, who lived just down the street, would turn fourteen on March 16th and invited me to her birthday party. And Donna Woody, who lived just down the street in the other direction, would turn fourteen on March 20th. She had made it clear what she wanted for her birthday, and in...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 17 In Which Diana Prince Becomes Wonder Woman

June 2, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “My office, please,” Sensei Jim said after class on Saturday. I followed him to his office and waited for him to bid me to sit. He did, and I sat in the usual chair across from him. “She has a real problem, you know that, right?” he asked. “I do. That’s why I insisted she start seeing a counselor.” “I run a huge risk having her here with that kind of temper and her violent acts.” I nodded, “I understand. May I ask what you intend to do?” “I really don’t...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 56 Proper Relationships

February 21, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Sweetheart!” I said, greeting Bethany at the door. “Uncle Steve!” Nicholas exclaimed. I took him from his mom and he hugged me tightly. “Is Jesse with his moms?” Bethany asked. “Yes. They won’t bring him back over tonight so you and Nicholas can surprise him in the morning.” “Perfect!” “How was the drive up?” “The same as usual. Just a bit of traffic in Northern Indiana. Otherwise, smooth sailing. It was driving the other direction that was a...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 64 Two Very Different Worlds

November 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Sensei,” Miyu said when Kara, the girls, and I walked into the dojo on Saturday morning. “Good morning, Miyu.” “Do you have a moment, please?” I nodded and we went to the small practice room for privacy, as Sensei Jim had a family in his office. “What can I do for you?” “I need you to meet a young man,” she said. “I think you might be taking this ‘not do anything without permission’ a bit too far!” Miyu shook her head, “No, I’m not....

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 51 Fallout and SelfDiscovery

May 1979 The limo dropped me at home about 9:00pm. I took my stuff to my room, stripped, and hung up the tux. The rest of the things went into the hamper. I took a shower, put on shorts and a t-shirt, and walked down the hall into my dad’s office. I saw no reason to put this off any longer. “Stephen, you need to explain yourself!” my mom demanded. “I was in Mrs. McGrath’s, well, Mrs. Sanders’ now, wedding, as I said.” “You walked her down the aisle! You’re sixteen and not even related to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 36 Relationships

November 3, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “I still don’t understand why you told everyone to leave Katy alone last night,” Elyse said on Saturday morning. “Because we weren’t going to talk her out of it. I could tell by the way she told us. I hoped letting her sleep on it would allow her to hear what we had to say. Obviously I was wrong.” “I was surprised that she wouldn’t talk to Jennifer at all,” Kara said. “I thought Jennifer would be the one to get her to listen to reason this morning.” I...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 10 Life Is Never Boring Part II

February, 1983, Chicago, Illinois Our first joining since the previous summer was slow and sweet, trying to express our deep love for each other through the motions of our bodies. When we finished, Karin held me tight and refused to let me move off of her. “Sleep there, please,” she whispered. I kissed her once more then adjusted my pillow so that I could rest my head next to hers. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but it was what Karin wanted. The feel of her firm body under mine,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 58 Not What I Expected

July 3, 1996, Chicago, Illinois I blinked several times and took a breath before responding. It didn’t help. The best I could do was contain my visceral reaction at her completely out-of-line request and her wrong-headed assumptions when she had NO idea what had happened in my life the previous eight months. “What makes you think you can make that request after refusing to talk to me for nearly eight months? And equally importantly, without explaining Alexi? And without giving me the first...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 70 Acid Test

August 12, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Fuck ‘em all,” I sighed. “Especially Donald Fehr. Running to Federal Court, the NLRB, and Congress? I’m really tired of the government putting its thumb so heavily on the scale.” “Well, we’re not going to resolve that problem today,” Elyse said. “Jackie and Jeremiah want to come over.” I chuckled, “Why am I not surprised? I bet you anything he had a rough sketch done ten minutes after they hung up the phone.” “They want to discuss options. Kimmy felt...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 41 Betrayal

July 1983, Milford, Ohio My drive to Ohio was filled with wild swings of emotion. After quickly driving Anala home I had set out for Milford, driving as fast as I thought I could get away with, slowing only when warned to do so by my radar detector. I’d told Nancy that I’d come straight to her house and asked her to call my dad and let him know so that Stephanie wasn’t worried. I pulled into the Blanchards’ driveway at 3:30pm, having managed to avoid any run-ins with the Indiana State Police...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 33 Abisko

June 1980, On the Train, and in Abisko, Sweden As the train sped across the Swedish countryside towards Stockholm, I reflected on the fact that there were less than three weeks to go until I had to be in Copenhagen to board a flight home. I was torn between wanting to go home and wanting to stay, but in the end, I didn’t have a choice. I really liked my life here, the freedom I was given, the friends I had and, the respect I had from adults. I hadn’t run into a single adult who had treated...

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