Religiously Absolute - The Beginning (a Gloria Parham Story) free porn video

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The case of Parham vs. Jerkins had not gone in favor of the Parham family. Sentenced to one hundred eighty days of enforced nudity and one hundred hours of public service for discriminatory acts against Absolutes, they were ordered to strip naked in the open courtroom. Gloria Parham had never been nude in front of anyone since she was out of diapers. As her parents stripped, reluctantly, she tried to bargain with the judge, telling him she had only been an obedient daughter to her father's wishes. His reply was if she were that submissive, she should have no difficulty complying with the jury's verdict and his ruling.

Again shifting to her parents, Gloria stated she was dependent upon them and had to comply with their wishes. The judge rebuffed that with the statement that Gloria, having passed her eighteenth birthday, was legally an adult and emancipated; therefore she and she alone was responsible for the signature she had added to the complaint signed against Jerkins Realty and Harlequin Gymnastics and Cheerleading.

Gloria Parham stood before the judge's bench. As she had peeled off the jacket, blouse and skirt, stockings and garters, and was now in bra and panties, her humiliation escalated exponentially with the removal of each article of clothing. Shivering with embarrassment, Gloria spoke for the first time. "Your honor, I'm a college student at Saint Martin in the Fields College for women. I cannot go back to school unclothed and if I don't return I will lose my academic credit for the year."

All the judge did was motion for her to continue to disrobe. She removed the bra while waiting for the judge's reply and was sliding herself out of her panties when he spoke, "A court order demanding your reinstatement as a student while serving your probationary sentence has been issued. The Dean of Students, Dora Marvis, has all the court documents on file in her office and has made the Dean of the Religious Community, Sister Matthias, The Mother Superior, aware of your unique situation. You shall be required to do your community service on campus under the supervision of the Mother superior of the order of nuns assigned there, or at a suitable place within the St. Martin's community." This stern reply, issued by the judge from the bench, echoed through the room.

Looking at her parents, trying to be brave but absolutely humiliated at being seen naked by anyone and every one, Gloria shook with nervous reaction as she contemplated her future.

Gloria waited while the bailiff attached the neck chain and medallion and, to the flashes of photographers for newspapers, magazines and other media, accompanied her parents out of the courthouse and into the glaring daylight, starting her existence as an enforced nudist. While as emotional as her mother on the inside, she refused to let her fear and shame show through and tried to put on the same impassive façade as her father.

Gloria Parham, a second semester sophomore at the Saint Martin of the Lake College for Women, was returning to campus for the first time following her very irregular conviction in state superior court for defamation of character because of a suit she and her parents had brought against several Absolutist businesses in her home town of West Hamlin.

As part of her sentence, Gloria was stripped of all clothing, given a neck chain with a pendant bearing a red enameled "P" and sentenced to one hundred eighty days of enforced nudity in public along with one hundred hours of community service.

Humiliated and embarrassed by her condition, and knowing she would be the only female on campus without clothing at a school run by conservative nuns, she feared crossing the inner wall of the school from the outside community. Once inside she would not have even the occasional Absolute to look at for as a companion nudity. She would be at the mercy of the Sisters of Mercy, who set standards for the women on campus so high that no girl ever saw another girl nude in the dorms, gym, showers or locker rooms. Her only comfort was that the few males on campus were tenured professors and not frat boys or jocks her own age.

Modesty was a virtue and virtue was an even higher value than education at St. Martin's. That the judge had ordered her to return to school was punishment, emotionally and psychologically, of the most severe kind, as Gloria did not know what would be done to her once she was on the school grounds.

Bare foot and carrying the lap top bag containing her Nook reader and note book computer, she entered the east gate of St. Martin's and immediately knelt before Sister Matthias, the Mother Superior of the religious order that ran the college. Gloria had her long red hair loose and flowing about her, offering a bit of concealment to her otherwise nude body.

Sister Matthias had been alerted by phone that Gloria was on her way back to school and had waited for this moment with a bit of vindictive malice in her heart. The Mother Superior intended to make an example of this student who by her presence added to Sister Matthias' first tenet of clothing "skin equals sin". This sinner wearing a "P" around her neck would find that "P" stood for penance, piety and purgatory before the end of her days of punishment and hours of community service. "Well," Mother Superior intoned, in a tone that suggested rage seething beneath a controlled surface, "I see it is true, though I had hoped it was a cruel joke or prank being perpetrated by your class mates."

"Yes, Sister Matthias, I'm sorry..." Gloria was cut off by the nun.

"Sorry, for what? For getting caught? Sorry for being naked in front of God and mankind? Sorry for returning to Saint Martin's and causing your fellow students and your instructors the discomfort of having to look at your flesh? What, precisely are you sorry for, young lady?" The older nun caught her breath, then continued, "By the time I am finished with you, I am sure you will know the reasons you are sorry. For now I am turning you over to Sister Thaddeus," she signaled and a much younger nun in her early twenties approached, "She will see to you and be responsible for you until I summon you again. Just now I need to meet with Dr. Marvis to discuss your status more fully."

The Mother Superior turned on her heel and wheeled away toward the administrative wing of the campus. Sister Thaddeus looked at the still kneeling girl, shook her head inside her heavily starched veil, and smiled, "You may rise and follow me. Mother Superior has ordered your accommodations changed. All of your possessions, except for your clothing, have been moved to your new quarters. Your clothing has been boxed and sent home for storage. A few things need to be done before you may attend class. Let's go get started."

Gloria rose and followed along behind the younger nun. She found herself being led to not the dorm buildings but to the convent across the quad from the dorms. Once inside, Sister Thaddeus led Gloria to a typical nun's cell, as the bedrooms were called, where Gloria found a single bed, a single chair tucked beneath a tiny table, a barred window that looked down on the quad, and a small square of carpet on the floor. Noticeably absent was a door to the room and any furniture in which to store clothing. A box on the floor held Gloria's textbooks, athletic equipment, and all the other personal but non-clothing items that had been in her dorm room.

"This will be your quarters for the duration of your sentence," Sister Thaddeus told Gloria. "You shall be accompanied by one of us where ever you go, on campus or off, and the order shall be making certain demands of you, in your present unclothed state, for our benefit. This is Mother's order and the condition set to allow you to return to school. Should you chose to not comply, your disciplinary expulsion will be immediate, again per Mother's orders."

"Uh, where are my sheets and blankets?" Gloria asked, looking at the bed.

"Mother interpreted the nude all the time requirement as to include your sleeping. You will be allowed to sleep on the bed, but without coverings. Be content with this, there are some in the order who lobbied for your sleeping nude on the stone floor in the kitchen.

"Taped to the floor next to the carpet square is the list of prayers you will recite, aloud, daily. You will also be required to stand, at meal times, in the convent dining hall and read scripture to the religious while they dine. These are academic punishments and not part of your mandated community service. We shall get to that service in a few moments." The nun finished speaking and motioned for Gloria to follow her.

"I must actually thank you, Gloria, for your current state," Sister Thaddeus smiled as she said the words, "You have saved me the embarrassment of playing the role of Blessed Lady Godgyfu on her holy day of observation. I instead shall be her sister, Blessed Lady Wulviva, in this year's pageant."

"I don't think I understand."

"It is our chapter house, this year, which will host the Order of Wulviva and Godgyfu annual parade and pageant on the holy day of observation. As you know ours is a Benedictine Order, which traces its roots back to the patronage of Wulviva and Godgyfu in the eleventh century. Our order traces its beginnings to Coventry, England. Our first House was chartered before the Norman invasion of England in 1066. The sisters Wulviva and Godgyfu funded that House with the sale of their jewelry after the deaths of their husbands.

"Godgyfu earned her jewelry from her husband in a rather unusual way. He had been a corrupt tax collector. She piously begged him to return the unjust monies to the poor and only give to the crown that portion that it legitimately required. She persisted with her prayer and petition, daily for nearly a year. He finally offered her an option, he would return the monies to the people if she, a lady of modesty and virtue, would strip naked, and ride through the streets of Coventry calling to the people to come to her castle for recompense by the Lord of the manor.

"Risking reputation, modesty, humiliation, and virtue, Lady Godgyfu stripped herself bare and sat astride her white horse to begin her ride through the streets. Lady Wulviva, dressed in only a chemise, the name for a nightgown or a slip in those days, held the reins of her sister's horse and led it through the streets.

"The town's people, seeing Godgyfu with her hair down and covering her body somewhat, and heeding Wulviva's plea to shield their eyes, turned away as the two sisters went by in respect for the act that was freeing them from fiscal tyranny.

"I, as the youngest novitiate in this House, was to play Godgyfu in this year's parade and pageant. Sister Peregrine was to play the part of Wulviva. Now that we have a young woman who must be naked anyway, you shall be the one to play Godgyfu and I will merely hold your horse's reins in a gossamer ankle length gown. Shameful enough, but at least I will not be naked on the horse. The crowds today tend to be less kind than the one of the original ride. Now, these days, staring, photography and catcalls are almost the norm every year. For three years of the last five the postulant or novice who played Godgyfu left the Order, not being able to deal with the shame of facing her sister nuns after such exposure. The other two girls requested and were granted a change of house far from the original one."

"Lady Godgyfu," Gloria was having a minor revelation in her brain, "Coventry, England, you mean that..."

"Yes, Lady Godiva and Lady Godgyfu are one and the same. Now you know the true story behind that scandalous ride almost one thousand years ago. For the last eight hundred years this order has commemorated Godgyfu's sacrifice by reenacting it. This year you shall act as she." Sister Thaddeus smiled. Gloria saw the smile was kind, yet her fear and humiliation caused her to shudder almost uncontrollably.

Sister Thaddeus left Gloria at the doorway to the cell the scandalous Parham girl had been assigned. With the door removed and the bed in plain sight of any passerby (and a nun patrolled the corridors nightly) it was obvious that privacy was no longer her right nor privilege. Gloria seldom relieved herself through masturbation, yet even that option alone in her room was denied her with the lack of a door.

Gloria had become resigned to her fate, long before her return to her college campus. The shameful humiliation of being forced to strip naked in the open courtroom where a judge and jury had found the Parham family guilty of a conspiracy to create public furor over the Absolutist laws had begun her desensitization. The medallion hanging around her neck on a locked chain emphasized her current status as a sentenced non-violent offender serving her sentence within the community. The release conditions she had signed in front of two parole and probation agents who then transported her to a public bus with a one-way ticket back to Saint Martin's College continued the numbness in her soul. Now, naked and alone in a nun's cell in a convent, Gloria finally had a moment to grieve for her lost modesty, privacy, and dignity. Her weeping ended when a bell chimed and she realized she was supposed to be praying the Rosary.

Quickly kneeling by the bedside she began to recite the prayer aloud. She continued this ritual until a second bell chimed. Rising, she noticed the indented marks the rough carpet had made upon her knees and lower legs. The old joke about nuns and whores and the calluses on their knees came to Gloria's mind and suddenly seemed far less funny.

"Ahem," Sister Matthias coughed at the doorway, "I do hope you appreciate the comfortable quarters we've allowed you, Parham. Now I would like to discuss your class schedule and your mandatory community service."

The irony of the words from the Mother Superior of the convent as to her comfort was one more nail in the desensitization process Gloria was feeling. It was as if she floated about this nude female form not really inhabiting it any longer. Her response was, "Yes, Reverend Mother, Sister Thaddeus mentioned some things, but did say you would have the rest of my schedule for me."

"You have three major and two minor courses scheduled for this semester, and I do not see how we shall be able to allow you such a full schedule with all the outside activity for which you are responsible." The older nun paused, looking for a reaction. Seeing none, she continued, "You shall be attending only your major courses, Abnormal Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Sociology of Families on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You were to have taken an art elective this semester. You will receive credit for that class; however, you will be serving as the art department's life model on Tuesday and Thursday morning. Instead of doing the drawing, you shall be the drawn. From one in the afternoon until eight in the evening on Tuesday and Thursday you will perform your mandated community service at a place to be determined by the local Probation and Parole office. Saturdays are reserved for your studies and Sundays shall be spent on your knees in this room in prayer."

"Have you any questions?" Sister Matthias did not wait long enough for Gloria to open her mouth and ask a question. Clearly it was a rhetorical question as with a sweep of her many robes and skirts she exited Gloria's room with an imperious stride.

LeDawn Sun, age 39, holding a PhD in Education and another PhD in Psychology, walked into her classroom on the first Monday of the semester to find a crowd of young women gathered about in a circle and loudly chattering unintelligibly.

"Ladies!" the professor called over the din, "I realize this course is Abnormal Psychology, and I realize eight a.m. is an abnormal hour for a class; however, you need to be in your seats immediately and then perhaps one of you could explain to me why this disruption has started our day?"

As the women separated and sat, Jeri April, who at nineteen was the youngest in the class, except for the subject of discussion, pointed to Gloria Parham. "We were discussing Ms Parham's choice in fine fashion, Professor Sun, and asking her where ever did she get such an outfit." Her tone was just a shade under cuttingly sarcastic and most of her classmates tittered at the comment.

"Ms April" the tone of displeasure rang in Dr. Sun's voice, "What exactly do you find to be 'fine fashion', as you put it, about Ms Parham's state of dress?" The professor, who pointedly ignored Gloria's nudity, was leading to a point, and as the drapes in the room were drawn tightly against the morning sun and she could bolt the solid oak classroom door from the inside a point was going to be made. She asked Gloria to join her in front of the class, and asked Jeri April the question again.

"I'm not sure what you mean Dr. Sun."

"What part of Ms Parham's outfit would you most like to emulate in your own wardrobe, Ms April?"

Jeri April thought for a moment and responded, "If anything her legs, Dr. Sun. These below the knee skirts we have to wear are restricting and the fabric is uncomfortable, I think I would like to emulate the freedom of her legs if I could." Dr. Sun went around the class of fifteen, asking each woman what she would like to emulate having seen Gloria Parham as she was. Gloria had been invited to stand beside the professor and turn about upon command so that the class could see various views of her body. Gloria felt her nipples stiffen and an uncomfortable feeling develop in her crotch as she was displayed.

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Gloria Barbara Alice and Joe 5 Months Later

GLORIA,BARBARA, ALICE AND JOE. FIVE MONTHS LATER. This is carrying the story of the two couples from the last page. To make sense of it, you have to read the original story. Betty Noone. ALICE AND BARBARA When Alice and Barbara moved in together, it soon became obvious that although Barbara was prettier and naturally more feminine, she became the dominant one. And Alice was fine with that. While they did many chores together, such as cooking and cleaning up, it became...

3 years ago
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Gloria Naked For The WinterAssignment Completed Successfully Gloria Flogged

If Gloria had thought that her foiling of the poachers might get her sentence reduced she was wrong! Max called her into his room on the Tuesday and reprimanded her for oversleeping. She thought of mentioning that she had been three days without sleep and that she had been quite badly injured by the three intruders. Her eye with its twelve stitches ought to have been evidence enough but she saw she would be wasting her breath. "Extension of my punishnment, Sir?" "Three more weeks! Get...

1 year ago
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Learning about jacking off Part Nine Gloria

It was Beggar's Night. I was over at Gloria's house by 4:30. I had a good time with the three women the days before this special gig. Marcia was a delicious woman who was very very nice to me. Tonight though, I was the main attraction for four women who were strangers to me. Everyone would be in costume and mask. There was no way to recognize anyone.The women all knew I was young and that I had been fucking for a couple of weeks. Gloria told me about them. "One of them comes from fairly...

2 years ago
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Gloria Naked For The WinterHer Tough New Assignment

So, what's the job, Mrs F?" "I have arranged for you to work as a physical fitness instructor, Gloria. We think that the establishment you will be working at is being used for people smuggling. It is an island three miles off the coast and privately owned. Boats unload batches of three or four at a time and they are ferried to the mainland in batches of twenty. This happens at night. Mostly we catch up with he poor refugees and send them home but not before some very nasty people have...

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Doing The Right Thing With Virgin Gloria

Let’s face it. When it comes to an opportunity to have intercourse, it’s almost always a no brainer. Obviously, there are situations that are taboo or simply inappropriate, but for the most part, if it’s legal and we’re in the mood (or sometimes not) we will go for it. But every now and then, there are moments when confusion can arise and the head above the shoulders interferes with the head down below. I recount one of those occasions. After graduating from college, my girlfriend Maria and I...

First Time
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Gloria Naked For The WinterChristmas A Cold Time for the Still Punished Gloria

"Merry Christmas, Samantha! It's so good to see you better - fighting fit again!" "Merry Christmas, Mrs FitzWalter!" Samantha and Edwina were standing looking out over the grounds. Young Edward was in bed asleep. It had been a quiet day for the couple. Samantha sighed. "I wonder how Gloria is!" "Out in the cold, I'm afraid, Samantha. It's a Saturday and she gets no favours! Thank heaven it's been reasonably mild. But the stupid girl has only herself to blame. If it weren't for...

2 years ago
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Glorious Gloria the Clients Daughter

I did something I never do, I gave someone the room key for my hotel. I know, I know, absolutely dangerous, but if you had seen her, you would have been just as enthralled. You see, I was on a business trip that lasted way longer than it should have. It was going pretty well, but the client was one that required careful handling and my company had me stay to oversee the work personally. Normally that would be a good thing, but I had met a woman back home and we were going on our first official...

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Gloria and The Appliance Guy

This is the story about when all my appliances broke one lovely afternoon. I will go over what happened when Tony the appliance man came over. I called Tony and told him that my toilet was flooded. My sink was clogged and my dryer was not drying the clothes. He said he would be over in an hour. I thought to myself that I was definitely going to try and land him. I was so horny and needed to get laid. My husband was out of town for the week. Tony's the best appliance guy in the area. He’s like...

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Gloria Naked For The WinterGloria is Given Some Training in the Cold

Gloria was feeling cold! Mrs FitzWalter had signed both her female operatives up for a rugged training course. Ten days in this isolated spot being terrorised by three tough and merciless men. If Samantha and Gloria had ever thought they were tough, they were beginning to doubt it now. Or Gloria was! Sammy had been with her on the previous course, six months ago. That had been full of such fun activities as running twenty miles with a full pack and voluminous clothing in the heat of the day....

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Gloria a Latin Ecuadorean Lady gets laid

I’ve been encouraged by your posts and thought it would be worthwhile to write about my  own experiences, those  I’ve  had, particularly on that one I once got  involved in  with a 42yo. Latin Ecuadorian.  I come from Central America, 36 yo; I landed in this country -the U.S.A.-  back in 1996, to work as a workman and was hired by a company as a skilled worker.  It was in this country where I had the chance to meet Latin immigrants from different nationalities.  My customary to treat and...

3 years ago
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Gloria and Stacey

I was broken hearted as only the young can be; deep despair, my life was over, oh woe is me. Gloria had been my girl since the sixth grade. We were inseparable all the way through high school and into college. We started making our wedding plans in our second year even though we didn't plan on getting married until we graduated. I loved Glory more than life itself and then one night she broke a date with me because she said she needed to study for a test. Three hours later I was sitting with...

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Staci and Gloria

I was broken hearted as only the young can be; deep despair, my life was over, oh woe is me. Gloria had been my girl since the sixth grade. We were inseparable all the way through high school and into college. We started making our wedding plans in our second year even though we didn't plan on getting married until we graduated. I loved Glory more than life itself and then one night she broke a date with me because she said she needed to study for a test. Three hours later I was sitting with...

1 year ago
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Gloria Naked For The WinterGloria Gets Started

"Welcome to our Naturist Paradise, Miss Gloria! I see the sea trip did not agree with you! It often doesn't, I fear. The sea around here can be very rough! Never mind, my dear! You are on terra firma now and here you will remain for the next seven months!" Gloria's heart sank even further at the thought of being so long a time away from her darling Samantha and the well endowed Allen! She just hoped those two would maintain a seemly distance between themselves during the Winter...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Gloria

I’ve known Gloria for almost ten years now. The beautiful sandy blonde and her husband Randy live on the next block. Their backyard barbecues are always a big hit. It’s a popular hangout in the summer, and they always seem to have plenty of beer and alcohol on hand. It dawned on me the other day that we may miss out on those get togethers this year, with the “social distancing” rules. Gloria has been affected more than most people I know. She’s also my hairdresser, and Governor Reynolds rule...

4 years ago
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Goodbye GloriaChapter 2

As Gloria lay next to Rachel on the night after her third fight she stroked that smooth soft warm skin. Her own skin was roughened these days. That winter on the island had wrought havoc with it. She looked healthy, but she had lost some of the soft feminine smoothness that she so loved in Rachel. Using skin creams would restore her to her former state, of course. But Gloria liked herself the way she was. She'd long given up on shaving her legs, armpits or pubic thatch. Rachel didn't mind...

4 years ago
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Gloria Second Time Around

FRIDAY NIGHT "Love is better, the second time around," or so the song says. I wonder. Jack and I broke up shortly after the start of the first semester of college in the fall after our graduation from high school. I went to a school on the West Coast and made a career there while remaining single into my forties. He went to a school on the East Coast, got a job, married, and raised a family. Jack's parting words were, "Gloria, you've been very special to me and you'll always hold a...

3 years ago
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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 3

Judy caught Amy and Mike, sneaking off after another campfire. Thankfully, she caught them before they were naked, and fucking like crazy. She threatened to send them home if it happened again. Amy sulked, and, for some reason, took it out on Gloria. But that only lasted a couple of days, and then she was herself again. Gloria wondered if she'd found some other way to risk getting pregnant. There were two dances, during camp. One was the second Wednesday night, and the other was the last...

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Fixing Glorias plumbing problem

I was in the plumbing section at Home Depot looking at some faucets for my kitchen. There was a couple there also looking at faucets. The man was trying to fit some plumbing parts together. He looked confused so I asked him what he wanted to do. They explained their situation and I chose what supplies they needed. They thanked me and headed for the cash registers. I picked up what I needed and headed there too. Standing in the check-out line, the woman asked me if I did house repairs. I told...

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Gloria Janet L. Stickney [email protected] She had put my hair up into those dog ears she called them, with bangs cut straight across my brow, then she had me stand up so she could help me with my bra, size A cups she told me. Smallish lacy cups that sat on my chest, holding my brand new breasts. My makeup was tolerably minor yet totally visible, but the perfume said it all. The dress was a simple shift, pale blue, fitted across my breasts, with what she told me were cap...

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Glorias Transformation the Gym

Ed, a remarkably brilliant genetic scientist and doctor, worked diligently for many years at a major genetic research institute with one particular goal in mind - transforming his girlfriend, Gloria, into the woman of his wildest dreams. Finally, he secretively achieves the genetic breakthroughs he needs, the hardest of which is to get genetic modifications to appear in the test subject, rather than just their progeny. He is eager to proceed, even though he doesn’t fully understand the...

1 year ago
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Gloria and the Appliance Guy

This is the story about when all my appliances broke one lovely afternoon. I'll go over what happened when Tony the appliance man came over. I called Tony and told him that my toilet was flooded. My sink was clogged and my dryer was not drying the clothes. He said he'd be over in an hour. I thought to myself that I was definitely going to try and land him. I was so horny and needed to get fucked. My husband was out of town for the week. Tony's the best appliance guy in the area. He's like...

3 years ago
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Copyright© The party had been so boring and not knowing any of the females present And also feeling a little out of sorts, I had departed dispiritedly and discreetly upstairs to my bedroom. Relations between me and my guardians eldest daughter Rita, were distinctly icy. She was a pretty blonde, a real mantrap who thought that she was the most desirable female alive and that any man should be instantly captivated by her. But so far I had resisted all the temptation she had put my way. Her...

4 years ago
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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 7

It was the last dance, and, of course, it was slow. Almost everybody was dancing now. The fifteen or twenty percent of kids who hadn't made "that kind of friend" were already starting to get the dining hall ready for its more normal use as an eating facility, moving chairs and unfolding table legs, so that breakfast could be had the next morning. "So ... did we do anything you're sorry for?" he asked in her ear. She imagined that she felt the hot weight of his spunk inside her. She...

3 years ago
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GloriaAlways There For Me

I had been keeping a low romantic profile since my last encounter with Bev. I had spoken to her several times, but avoided her invitations to get together. Her agressiveness scared me, and I wanted to put some time between us. Gloria, my next door neighbour was recovering from her auto accident injuries and surgery, and we exchanged conversations in the yard and driveway on many occasions. She told me shwe was feeling much better, and was now on prescribed medications to help her sleep. I got...

4 years ago
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GloriaThe Caregiver

I had an accident at work which left me with a broken left collarbone and dislocated right shoulder. I called Gloria from the hospital to ask if she would kep an eye on the house and mail. She showed up in my room the first night, and the morning of the second day, but I was too medicated to take much notice. My stay in hospital was a total of six days, and on the night of the fifth, she was visiting me when the doctor came in to say he was releasing me the next day. Gloria immediately told me...

1 year ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 23 Sex With Gloria

Jared still found it hard to believe what was actually happening to him. Two beautiful women had just come into his life in the form of a mother and her daughter. They had only been with him for five days and now the mother of the pair was throwing him onto his bed so that they could fuck each other. Even though Jared found it all very hard to believe he still wasn’t going to question any of it. It was all VERY real and he was enjoying it ALL very much. And even if it all only lasted another...

3 years ago
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A goodnight to dream about Gloria

Tonight is a goodnight to dream about a woman I met at the library named Gloria,She is a women with great curves,pretty eyes and wears glasses. She has a bit of blemishes on her face but I find that flaw to make her even better looking anyway in this dream are lips meet ever so gently and passionate I kiss her nice soft breast flicking my tongue on her hard nipples I slowly start kissing from the top of her breast to the bottom of her mounds of fleshy pussy lips I thrust my tongue inside her...

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Gloria First Time

"Yikes!" I croaked out as I thought, it's five-twenty-five and Jack is due to pick me up at five-thirty! I did a quick look in the mirror. At least my face was on straight. The year was 1958, Saturday, March 29th to be exact, and this was to be our first date. I'd invited Jack to the annual GAA (Girls Athletic Association) banquet. This was, of course, long before the passage of Title IX legislation in 1972, and girls were far from an equal footing with guys in sports. We girls had to be...

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Gloria Goodnights Glamorous GamsChapter 2

Eventually, I came to understand that I never had a chance with my best friend Gloria. I don’t think it was because she was so beautiful and I was a bit of a dork. In fact, I think the simple truth was that she was interested in guys that made her juices run like those bulls over in Europe with all the men running their ass off to keep from getting gored. It was hard for me to watch one of those newsreels because I had this silly fear of getting gored by a sharp point horn and the very...

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Gloria Goodnights Glamorous GamsChapter 3

My sexual adventures with the five sisters living next door to Gloria and her sister Veronica seemed to create a magnet for Gloria to sample my big boy in various positions and with astonishing results we had never quite achieved before. I had started to think that my inability to foster a satisfactory orgasm in Gloria’s glorious tubes was entirely my fault due to some genetic problem or mental shortcoming in the consummation process. It was quite a shock for me to see her writhing in...

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