- 4 years ago
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Siobhan’s and Sarah’s Clans were entering Siobhan’s suite on Phoenix when Conan asked, “So what do we want to do before dinner?”
After a pause Amber of Siobhan’s Clan said, “I think a good choice would be to practice Aikido. As a clan, I know we don’t practice enough as there never seems to be enough time.”
“I like that idea,” replied Eileen of Siobhan’s Clan. “You are right; it is something we haven’t been doing as often as we should.”
“Let’s do it,” said Siobhan. “There is enough time before dinner for a good workout and still freshen up before eating.”
With that the two clans gathered up their stuff and headed toward the exercise area. As they were walking down the corridor Tara of Sarah’s Clan said, “After we loosen up, why don’t we spar one-on-one, and then try some two-on-one. I think our sparing partners should be from the opposite clan when we can manage it.”
“I like that,” replied Conan. “It will add another dimension to our practice, especially if we don’t utilize our psionic abilities.”
“We always practice Aikido and other similar forms without utilizing our psionic abilities,” added Kendra. “We think it results in us paying more attention to our opponent’s moves. When you are challenged by two or three, we’ve found that even without psionic assist you can sense which one is the biggest threat. In going back over memories of those matches, we don’t see any connection between that sense and our psionic abilities.”
“A long time ago, on Spec Ops missions,” said Rusty, “the ability to anticipate movement or sense things around you was often a key to surviving. It didn’t always give you enough warning but it provided an edge.
“Casidhe, what do you think of Aikido and other defense techniques?”
“At first they were difficult. I think that is because the authors of our software never considered us interacting with others in this manner. It took some coaching by my spouses before I was very proficient at it.”
“Well you’re certainly proficient now,” said several of Siobhan’s Clan.
As they walked into the exercise area Kendra continued with, “I am very happy to have a match with you end in a draw.”
“You’re putting me on.”
“A little bit, but you are as good as anyone on this ship.”
With that they began their preparations to practice Aikido and related forms. It was nearly two hours later when the chimes sounded, signaling the approaching dinner hour.
“Wow,” said Siobhan, “is it dinner time already?”
“It looks that way,” replied Casidhe. “Let’s get freshened up. Even I need to relax a moment. I found today most challenging. Working with Sarah’s Clan did add a whole new dimension to our exercises. I’m glad we did it.”
“Do you ever exercise with the other clans?” asked Sarah.
“Not as often as we should,” replied Conan. “We’ve done exercises with other clans, but nothing like this.”
“We should,” added Eileen.
“Come on, we need to shower before dinner,” said Amber of Siobhan’s Clan as she led them out of the exercise room.
As they left the room, Kara’s Clan was coming toward them. Kara said, “Is the exercise room still usable?”
“Of course,” replied Kendra. “Why would you think otherwise?”
“Those in the compartment below it asked Donna what was going on above them.”
“We were just exercising.”
“That’s what Donna said. Even so, those below still wondered if the deck above them would take the abuse.”
“You’re pulling our leg,” said Casidhe.
With that Kara’s Clan began laughing as Kara replied, “Just a little.”
Natalia of Kara’s Clan said, “It looks like you all survived as we don’t see any limping or bloody gashes.” Her comment led to more chuckling.
“By the way, when was the last time you practiced Aikido and other defense forms?” asked Siobhan.
“Two work cycles back,” replied Kara as she stuck her tongue out at Siobhan. “We are scheduled to work with another Security Team tomorrow, if the room is usable.”
“Keep it up and we will come supervise.”
“You are welcome anytime.” The group had reached the door to Kara’s Clans compartment. “We’ll see you at dinner.”
Sarah said, “Maybe we ought to get bandaged up and limp into dinner.”
“Good idea, but let’s not feed the comedians.”
Sarah’s and Siobhan’s Clan were just finishing dinner when Earl and Lorelei came over. “Can we join you?” asked Lorelei.
“Certainly,” replied everyone.
“It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen the two of you,” said Joyce of Sarah’s Clan. “So what have you been up to?”
“Hmm ... that’s difficult to give a short answer to, mostly because it is a lot of little things. We’ve helped Virginia and Doug in adapting to being in an Órarduine environment. For most of the last several weeks we’ve just been mingling with the crew and helping out where we can.
“When the trip first started we spent quite a bit of time with the visiting journalists and their families. It took their spouses a while to become comfortable. A few of the children were apprehensive at first, probably keying off their parents. Now all the children think this is a great adventure and have really taken to the learning centers. Some spouses are helping out there while the others have found departments where they can assist. Even with assistance from the communications groups it took the journalists a while to realize that they needed a different approach than they did on Earth.”
“All in all,” said Earl, “we think bringing the journalists along was a great idea. It is turning into an experience that is much different than any of them expected. All seem very pleased that they were offered the opportunity.
“We have a question for you. It was raised by a couple of the journalists who specialize in military operations. The question raised is: Why did you wait so long before firing on the Durale bandit ships?”
Sarah glanced at her clan before responding with, “Our response was different from how we would have acted on a planet, in particular Earth.
“Our initial goal was to keep the bandits from boarding Emprika. During our approach, several security teams were preparing to board the two bandit ships. At that time both bandit ships were only a couple of hundred meters away from Emprika. At that distance, firing on them was too risky. If either bandit ship had exploded, then Emprika would have been severely damaged.
“We were surprised by the way the bandits responded to our approach. By moving away from Emprika to attack us, they made it much easier for us engage them. It made it easier for our Badb cruisers and Star Fighters, and their attacks drew resources away from their attack on us. Once they were almost perpendicular to us, they began launching torpedoes. This is a classic naval maneuver for launching torpedoes at another ship.
“By the time we had reached that point we had good intelligence on their offensive weapons and how much energy those weapons would release. Their torpedoes had enough onboard intelligence to direct them toward an assigned target. This target seeking capability usually uses some aspect of the target as a locater, such as temperature, but it could be another characteristic. Temperature works well in space because all space ships generate some heat, and space is a very cold environment.
“We chose to initially use our rail guns because those projectiles don’t radiate very much heat. On impact they transfer a lot of kinetic energy, creating a lot of heat. This combined with the shaped charge in the Durale torpedo increased the intensity of each explosion.
“The Durale ships did not detect our RG projectiles until their torpedoes began exploding well before reaching us. They reacted to them exploding prematurely by launching two subsequent waves. Each wave of torpedoes was launched from nearly the same position, which made it easier for us to respond.
“From what we know of the Durale torpedo’s explosive capabilities, even if they had gotten past the RG projectiles our shields would have easily handled the first two waves. If we had then been hit by the third wave we would likely have sustained some significant hull damage.
“After the third wave of torpedoes was destroyed near the bandit ship, we switched to lasers. The change in weapons was made because our sensors indicated that the Durale ship’s shields were marginal and their power generators were about to go critical.”
“Couldn’t you use your lasers earlier?” asked Lorelei.
“Their shields were pretty effective in absorbing the energy from the laser hits by the Star Fighters and Badb cruisers. Torpedo sensors could use the lasers to get fix on us. When we used the lasers, there weren’t any torpedoes to be concerned about.
“When we did fire the lasers, it is not clear whether they hit the ship before or after its power generators exploded. Our assessment of the ship’s remains indicates that the energy released by the power generators disintegrating killed the crew and opened two holes in the hull. Our lasers took out their weapons ports and primary command center. Any one of those events would have terminated the ships capabilities.”
“Do we know why the other ship vaporized?”
Claudette said, “They were trying to outrun a torpedo, to achieve that we believe that they were putting all available power into their functioning propulsion units. Their shields were at a minimum level because of this.”
“But they could have gone into hyperspace.”
“As close as the torpedo was, if they had transitioned to FTL the torpedo would have gone with them. They probably could have outrun it if their propulsion system was fully functional.
“One probable sequence of events begins with the torpedo rupturing their ships rear bulkhead. Their propulsion units are mounted primarily on that bulkhead. Due to its shaped charge, the torpedo released the bulk of its energy forward. This would cave the bulkhead inward resulting in two competing pressure waves. The explosion’s pressure wave should prevail, thus greatly increasing the pressure inside the ship. With the propulsion units partially free from their mountings, they add more pressure on the bulkhead pushing it further into ship, ultimately breaching the bulkhead. At some point during this the power generators went critical, which released more energy inside the hull. Obviously, there was sufficient energy to vaporize the ship. What I’ve just said is one of several possible sequences of events leading to the explosion. In order for the ship to vaporize like it did, all the propulsion and power units had to release their energy at nearly the same moment.”
“It certainly was a bright explosion. What happened to the debris?”
“Much of it became dust, but some was left as rather large metal fragments.”
“Can that happen to the Órarduine ships?” asked Doug who had arrived with Virginia during Sarah’s description.
“Hi,” replied Sarah’s Clan. Then they continued with, “We don’t think it could happen in those circumstances. Primarily because our propulsion units are mounted differently.”
“What about the crew on the other ship?” asked Virginia.
“The energy released when the power generators failed turned them into carbon powder before the power units ruptured the hull.”
“Could the Star Fighter and Badb cruisers have neutralized them?” asked Doug.
“Most likely, but with the compliment of weapons they were carrying, the losses and damage would have been very significant. A ships weapons compliment changes with its assignment. Our ships were launched for reconnaissance, so they were not really armed to take on a ship the size of the Durale ships. In hindsight, we probably should have.”
Siobhan said, “So how do you guys like life on a space ship?”
“We think it is great,” replied Doug and Virginia in unison, and then laughed when they realized what they had done.
“So you can sense each other’s thoughts now,” said Casidhe of Siobhan’s Clan.
“Yes and no,” replied Virginia. “There are times when it seems like we know each other’s intent before we express it, whether it is by words or actions. They have become more frequent since we have been on this trip, but there are still times when we don’t.”
“Both of you are telepathic, right?”
Both nodded their agreement and Virginia added, “In general, I’m better at listening than responding or initiating an exchange. It is easier for me to hear Doug than most other people.”
“My abilities are similar to Virginia’s.”
“If you want some assistance in strengthening them, any of us will help you,” said Aoife of Sarah’s Clan.
“We’ve thought about that, but until recently we hadn’t decided where our future lies,” said Virginia. “We still have some obligations on Earth. After we return to Earth and fulfill those obligations, we are not sure what opportunities will be available and whether they would interest us.” Virginia glanced at Doug who nodded and then continued with, “If A-Celia turns out to be like we think it will, we are considering asking if we could return with your ships. Of course, that presumes that they are still in Sol system when we reach that point.”
“You’re concerned about safety, aren’t you?” said Sally.
“That is a real big concern. As you know, it was significant problem before we left. We don’t expect our absence will have changed that. Now, returning from space after a trip with aliens, we don’t know how humans will regard us.”
“In that case, I suggest you do two things. Perfect your telepathic ability so that you can hear those following your activities. Also, join one of our martial arts groups and learn to defend yourselves. It doesn’t really solve the safety issue but it does improve your odds in dealing with threats.”
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It was New Years Eve and I was alone. My wife had filed for divorce over Christmas because she suspected me of having an affair. Of course, this was untrue, but now I was determined to find someone to fill the void in my life. I had flirted with this beautiful woman at work, but since she was married, had felt somewhat safe from serious temptation. Now, I sat in my new apartment wishing I had been a little more bold. Realizing I had to get off my ass and make my own life happen, I showered,...
In spite of the nagging fear of the law in the back of his mind, once the chaos of those first couple of weeks died down, Errol's life easily slipped into a comfortable routine. Jennie gave him keys to the diner so he could get in and prep for breakfast. He usually had the Vulcan fired up ready to go and a couple of pots of coffee brewed by the time she got there. He did whatever he could to take the pressure off of her, and she looked for ways to show him how much she appreciated his...
Brad walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. Wow, this is nice, he thought to himself as he took in the size of the master bathroom. He'd only ever seen bathrooms like this in magazines. One wall had his and her sinks with a mirror from the counter all the way up to the ceiling and the whole length of the room.Right in the middle of that was a built-in vanity with drawers, a chair and a special makeup mirror that had lights all around it. He walked over to the vanity and pulled the...
ExhibitionismIt had snowed about a foot two days ago. The snow plows had begun to make their presence felt. People were able to get out of their homes and get to the stores now. The plowed snow was piled up a good four feet on each side of the entrances to the grocery store parking lots. The thermometer on the screen porch said it was 7° but my 70-year old body said that was a lie. The news channel had it at least ten degrees lower. I believed them. We were out of black pepper, so I went in to get some....
=== Trust Machines: OTP === by Trismegistus Shandy ----- Note: the main character does not change gender, but several others do. For those who are unfamiliar with _Worm_ and its sequel _Ward_ by Wildbow, start here: For those who are unfamiliar with the Trust Machines universe by dkfenger, start here: But hopefully you can enjoy this without having read either. Warning: minor character...
Some adult entertainment every night which we both enjoy and have our libidos stretched. Tonight it was a voluptuous woman Sarah’s age being pleasured by a much younger woman and her man. It was very exciting watching him fucking her standing against a wall while his lady alternated kissing her and licking her large, erect nipples on her 36B tits. “Our ladies want to have you while we watch. They have been watching you at the pool and the nude beach,” a man we now know as Brian confidently...
513 Swapsie`s; Ernest`s story A car, a big old blue Volvo estate swept into Wye station yard and impatiently hooted, the driver waiting for him to stagger over to it half drunk and with flowers and a bag in hand! The woman, a big blousy lady in tweed, thrusting a ham sized hand strongly into his and saying in a loud commanding voice, “I am Mary, I take it you`re “the stud” my wimpy husband ‘lost’ me too!” He mumbled he was, though he was not sure about the ‘lost me too’ bit but after receiving...
Chapter one just sets the scene and has no sex Dale sat at the reading of his fathers will. “And finally, my home, practise, $100,000 and my ring, I leave to my son, Dale” The lawyer looks over to dale and passes him an envelope “your father also asked I give you this too read at home”. Dale nodded “thankyou”. That night Dale sat in his kitchen with a photo of his dad in one hand and the envelope in the other after a brief hesitation he opened the envelope and read the letter. Son If you’re...
Mind ControlHavers led julia and Melissa into the Master-bedroom at Cragness, which was now occupied solely by Quentin. It was reminiscent of days aboard the ‘Paradise’ for both girls were stark naked and each wore a heavy iron collar to which a length of chain was attached. Their wrists were locked into fetters on the sides of the collars. These devices... symbols of slavery... were very useful when a girl was at the initial stages of her training and apt to be rebellious. She was easy to control and...
A New Waitress by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] A New Waitress "You girls have it made! All you have to do is look good and wait for some guy to ask you out! We pay and you get all the benefits without doing anything." "Listen, you big ape. I work six days a week just to have any money at all. That means that when I go on a date it costs me money--money I need just to have an allowance!" "Right. Okay, you maybe, but not many girls have to do that, and I...
We were all naked. Hazel told Natalie to sit next to me. My dick hardening by the second. "Ok Nat watch and learn" Hazel said as she took my cock in her hand and slowly started wanking me. "My Mrs Wilkinson ! It's so big !" Natalie said with a look of wonderment on her face. "It is and it's Hazel or Haze Natalie please, not Mrs Wilkinson, Ok ?" I was in a daze and a Haze ! Hazels hand tossing me and Nat looking on. "Right take over Nat" "Erm " "Come on put your hand around it and do what I was...
It had been exactly five nights since Mistress had hypnotized Mindy. Five nights since Mindy had made passionate love to Sandy. Five nights since Mindy had been sexually satisfied. Mindy knew how long it had been. She could be even more specific than days – she knew how many hours and, if she thought about it for any length of time, could probably say how many minutes it had been. It was all she thought about: that night, that one wonderful, erotic night. She imagined Sandy's naked body...
I just got home from college, greeted my family and my half-sister Monica. I am very happy that we are going on vacation. As soon as I arrived, I started packing up for the trip.It was very hard for me to focus because Monika kept talking to me about how she spent the last week. Blah, blah, blah ... The only thing that caught my attention was her beautiful feet. Sometimes I suspected that she could see how I looked at them. She constantly waved her feet, scratched them or touched them. My penis...
Choose a boy's name as first name and last name Your name is John Doe and you have just moved to Salem. Your friend Rex Brady asked you to perform some magic tricks at a birthday party for his nephew Will. (Setting: Captain Roman Brady's house. Will's birthday party has just ended. Everyone except Roman, Cassie Brady, Rex, and you have left. Then Captain Brady leaves to go to the police station and asks Rex to lock up when they leave.) Cassie sees a pair of handcuffs on the coffee table....
I found myself staring at the alarm clock on my dresser shortly after the escapade with my daughter. Two in the fucking morning gleamed at me from the little black box as if to spite me. I had just done the most vile thing anybody could ever do just hours before! I had not only conjured up dirty images of her luscious body, but I had openly engaged my daughter in a mutual masturbation session! How could I live with myself? Had I gone mad with desperation that I lowered myself to an all new low?...
Incest"Why did you say those things yesterday?" whispered Vishi at breakfast the next morning. "Because I love you Vishi. Neither of us want to live this life. Perhaps I'm taking the easy way out, but for you there might still be hope. I can't protect you, just like I couldn't protect Meena, but if you wind up being sold to someone wealthy you may be able to at least live the life of a Laila (UT - Mistress) or, you're beautiful enough to wind up as a royal Eloi'Tai (UT-...
Afton groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the insistent buzzing of her snooze alarm. She glanced at the clock one more time, just to make sure that it really was seven o’clock, but the red glowing digits on the night stand indicated that now it was seven-o-two and counting! She stretched out, trying to get the circulation moving through her body, and felt her white cotton bikini panties pressing hard against her bulging vulva. The mere pressure from the thin material was enough to flood...
Ok so one night my wife calls me an tells me she wants to try something an that it will be a suprise, so she gets home an i am in the living room playing a game. She grabs the controller an puts it on our chair. She then grabs my shorts an underwear an yanks them off me, an immediately seeing my cock she puts it in her mouth. My cock starts hardening as she is sucking my dick. She moves her finger close to my ass, an just pushes on my hole as she goes down on my cock, almost instantly my cock...