Oh, Brother!Chapter 7 free porn video

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“So, about co-sponsorship, I agree that we should at least consider it,” I reply to Joanna, Tyler’s sister-turned-sponsor, as we sat in our booth in Red Robin.

“Co-sponsors, huh? And I would get to sleep with both Tyler and this stud here? What’s your name again, sir?” Crystal licked her lips as she considered her prospects.

“Martin Wolfe. If your sponsor agrees to the co-sponsorship and so do I, it will happen, and the same with me fucking you. I hope to fuck Joanna, too, of course. She seems agreeable. Also, if Joanna sincerely wants Tyler to fuck my sisters, I’m game for it. Yes, these are my own sisters. The eldest is Sandra, but we call her Sandy. Then there are the twins, Marla and Michelle. Last is my youngest sister, the baby of the family, sweet Stephanie. She’s seventeen and cute as a button, don’t you agree? The twins are adorable themselves, and Big Sis here, well, she’s a woman definitely entering her prime, I think. They’re all pregnant, too!” I bragged on all of my sisters, very proud of them.

“ALL of your sisters are knocked up? ALL of them? Holy smokes, I’ve been trying to get pregnant by hubby for years! You don’t happen to have a spot left for another conk, do you? Clearly, you’re a sponsor!” the waitress, one Talia by name, winked at me and made her intentions very brazen.

“Um, well, I’m afraid that I took up all four spots, plus I’ve agreed to a plan that would make my mother, already a concubine in the Civil Service pool, my other concubine, a supernumerary, if you will, but maybe we can find you a sponsor here in the near future. I’m just not sure who,” I blushed a little, while Talia shrugged and made a point of getting everyone’s order just right.

“So, your own mother, too, huh? Nice deal. Tyler would get to fuck her as well, I presume. I remember him saying that she was a cougar, a real MILF, though he said to his friends, not directly to me. I simply eavesdropped. Dana Wolfe, wasn’t it?” Joanna grinned at the notion of her brother and I fucking Mom like that.

“That would be the deal. It’s called the Reunion Plan, and whoever conceived it is a genius! Homes will be found for unsponsored pool concubines, while families will be reunited, and the Civil Service will gain badly needed staff. We’re losing combat troops, true, but those get replaced constantly. Meanwhile, those killed in action often leave behind a lot of conks with no will for them, at least the younger ones who think themselves invincible.

“On a different topic, let’s see what we can do for you, girlie. Where are you from, Talia?” I inquired now, even as Sandy blew in my ear and Joanna played with Tyler’s bulge.

“Corfu, an island in Greece. It’s where Prince Philip was born, you know,” Talia now explained her delectable accent and mildly olive complexion.

“Ah, a good Greek girl, eh?” I teased her, even waxing Canadian for a second.

“Well, I didn’t say anything about being ‘good,’ sir,” Talia winked at me, licking her lips and adding, “even if you don’t get a bonus slot or find me a sponsor, I want to fuck you, sir.”

“My name’s Martin,” I introduced myself formally, but Talia was having none of that.

“Oh, no, sir. Your name is ‘sir,’ as far as I’m concerned. Sir, because I haven’t earned the right to call you my Master yet. Word of warning, I’m already a bit sassy, but I’m also a subbie. I’m kinky as fuck. Like I said, I’m not a ‘good’ Greek girl at all. Greek, yes, and definitely a girl, but ‘good’ is a whole different adjective,” Talia kissed me forcefully, pressing her luck, but hardly upsetting my sisters.

“Bro, if you get the chance with her, I know what I said before, but now you’re not desperate ... you’d be picking her because you wanted her, not because you had no other options, and damn, bro, she’s cute!” Sandy encouraged me, “you should totally fuck her and maybe Joanna can claim if she’s lucky enough to somehow get an extra slot.”

“Well, just in case, Tyler should fuck her as well, but I don’t mind if he gets your sloppy seconds. You found her, after all. As to whether he minds, well, I love him to death, but he needs to accept things like that. They’re part of his new life as a male conk ... MY male conk!” Joanna told us while still playing with Tyler’s bulge and encouraging Crystal to kiss her neck.

Meanwhile, Talia left our table and dropped off our order, eager to get us our burgers and fries, not to mention our drinks, but also well aware that she wanted to talk to us again. Of course, some of the other patrons started to get a little jealous that she paid so much attention to us, but, hey, she was in survival and submissive mode at once. She wanted to find her sponsor, and it was only a question of time before she did. If they were sponsors and they wanted her, they’d need to act quickly.

I would have myself, but I already got one bonus slot, and it was filled with Mom, someone very irreplaceable. If I had two slots, well, I’d have grabbed Talia with both hands, but maybe Joanna would get an extra and take her to the stars for us. Talia’s friendly style certainly didn’t hurt her cause, nor did her tendency to wear her slacks very tight and show her figure through them.

When Talia started to head back to us, one of the other patrons grabbed her left hand very angrily and she stood there, terrified. She was clearly afraid to anger him, in case he was a sponsor and she missed her chance, but she really wanted to spend more time serving us, as she preferred to be Joanna’s or mine. She didn’t want to be that rude customer’s conk if she could avoid it.

I barely stood up to confront the guy, as did Tyler instinctively, when the grey field popped up around the restaurant. A tall, Amazonian black woman and her apparently Hispanic male companion rose and coughed to announce what everyone could already figure out: this was a pickup. Oh, shit, I thought, do they know about the Reunion Plan, and if not, how can it be salvaged? I wanted to go, and the sooner the better, but I didn’t want to fail to rescue Mom. I had committed to it.

“Listen up, you lucky sons of bitches, and daughters, for that matter! I am Gunnery Sergeant Melissa Phillips and this is Sergeant Pablo Olivares of the Confederacy Marines! This is a special pickup! We have been following one particular prepack organized around a Martin Wolfe and his family, seeking the right moment for action, but a few of you other lucky saps have been caught up in the mix. Pablo and I had hoped to eat our burgers and fries in peace for a bit before acting, but it would seem that one of you has ideas that could interfere with our orders and our mission.

“You, let go of that woman right now! Don’t even try to pretend that you’re a sponsor, Kevin Dillard, because we all know better, don’t we? You’re just jealous, envious of the attention and special service that this waitress, Talia, was about to give our new recruit here for being an obvious sponsor! Yes, that’s him! You’re Martin Wolfe, aren’t you? And you, seated there, arise for a moment. You’re Joanna Cox, married to a Gerald Cox, I believe,” the senior partner announced for everyone’s benefit.

“Hey, why should I let her go? Why do you have to take only certain kinds of guys? Shouldn’t everyone get to go and all of the sponsors be male, all of the conks female? This equality crap is bullshit... , “ Kevin started to rant when Pablo stunned him, causing him to fall, quite limp, to the floor.

“That’s fitting! He was limp the only time that he ever tried to fuck me. He never tried again!” one of the other servers laughed, a woman with a name tag that read Valerie.

“Is he ... gay?” Melissa asked the AI.

“Incorrect. Kevin Dillard is frequently impotent due to excess alcohol abuse, along with harder narcotics, such as ecstasy. It is probable that he used said substances and they impaired both his judgment and his ability to achieve an erection. He also has a 2.4 CAP score, due to a psychological profile that indicates an extremely antisocial personality disorder.

“He has also been known to act as an Earth First troll on social media, railing against the Confederacy, and to associate with other Earth First sympathizers. While there is no evidence of terrorist activity, he fits the profile of a likely candidate for future acts of terrorism against the Confederacy. Given his recent actions, and the fact that we have temporary jurisdiction in this building, I would recommend summary execution to save everyone the trouble in the future,” the AI declared, making Melissa smile in particular.

“You heard it! Let’s go ahead and revive him, and then execute him. I want him to feel every second of his death!” Melissa told Pablo, who was more than happy to follow her command.

Kevin’s buddies were all very scared, most of them cowards who didn’t dare to try to help their friend. It was unlikely that any of them scored highly and it was quite obvious that he had been their leader. Without the shepherd, the rest of them were just sheep and they knew it. They were more than ready to sit and watch their erstwhile friend meet his doom, as Pablo revived him and gave him a lethal injection.

“May I?” Talia asked Melissa, who nodded, and then she slapped Kevin across the face.

Valerie immediately did the same, telling the others, “I was gonna take him as my conk, but obviously not anymore, even before you guys arrived and confirmed my suspicions. When he couldn’t get it up, he blamed me, and that was just wrong. I left and dumped his sorry ass for that and good riddance! Talia, right? You need a sponsor, look no further than me! I just need a male now, and I think that Habib here will do.”

Habib Al Nawaz, one of the bussers, was more than pleased at this news, especially since it was still tough for any Muslim to get extracted. His family of Shia Marsh Arabs back in Iraq would be very pleased at the news. A shy, virginal guy, he had a crush on Talia and Valerie for ages. He just hadn’t dared to act on it, being very self-conscious about all of the potential issues of pursuing a romance with Valerie Schwartz and Talia Gavras, the former a Jew and the latter a Greek Orthodox Christian.

“Relax, Habib. I know that you’re an Arab and a Muslim. I just don’t care. You’re a sweetheart and always have been. What some might call a gentleman. I know it and you know it, and for that matter, so does Talia. You’d make a rotten sponsor, being so timid and shy, but you’ll be a fine conk. So, Talia, how about it?” Valerie offered her co-worker, who was thrilled from the look on her face.

“Works for me. Did you want to co-sponsor with Martin and Joanna?” Talia suggested, while my bulge grew thicker by the second.

“Definitely! Is that permissible?” Valerie asked as Kevin Dillard perished at last.

“Naturally. The concubines are all prepared to consent to this, too, right? They’re ready to be listed and recorded as your harems?” Melissa turned to Joanna, Valerie, and me.

“I believe so, but I’d like to hear it from them,” I turned to my sisters.

“Definitely. It was my idea at first and I’m pregnant to you, as you know,” Sandy pledged herself to me.

“Record that,” Pablo asked the AI.

“Recorded. Sandra Wolfe is now the registered concubine of Martin Wolfe, her own brother,” the AI announced without any judgment, of course.

“And you, twins?” I asked Marla and Michelle.

“Hell, yeah!” they said in unison.

“Recorded. Marla and Michelle Wolfe are now registered as concubines to Martin Wolfe, their brother,” the AI continued, not even acting as if there were anything odd about registering twins at once to their brother.

“Steph?” I turned to Stephanie, who giggled and nodded.

“The body language is indicative of enthusiastic consent. Stephanie Wolfe is hereby registered as a concubine to Martin Wolfe, her elder brother,” the AI intoned.

“AI, I don’t detect any other sponsors but these three. Are there are any others in the vicinity?” Melissa now inquired.

“Only yourselves, of course, and you do have two slots, as does Pablo. That is why you two were chosen for this particular mission. It was considered desirable to ‘milk,’ for lack of a better colloquialism, this extraction for the maximum benefit of the Confederacy. Your past errors in selecting concubines will presumably not repeat themselves?” the AI answered with its usual aplomb.

“So, that’s twelve lucky concubines getting to leave here with five sponsors, then. Excellent news,” Pablo assumed.

“Incorrect. Martin Wolfe was already entitled to a supernumerary under the Reunion Plan, but to maximize the rewards for the Confederacy at this juncture, it has been determined to award him a second supernumerary in addition to Dana Wolfe, his own mother. It has also been decided to grant every other sponsor here two supernumeraries, which means that eleven bonus concubines will be granted today, for a total haul of twenty-three concubines at this pickup,” the AI explained, much to everyone’s shock.

“In that case, nothing against you, Valerie, but I’m already very smitten with Martin here. Would it be terrible if I became his other supernumerary, with his consent, of course? I have no doubt that you could line up plenty of conks in just a short time yourself, and I would love to eat your pussy and ass someday, but my heart is with Martin,” Talia made the extent of her crush on me rather blatant.

“It’s cool. I know what infatuation is like. I’m not offended at all. If Martin wants you, that is. It’s a risky move and I would be rather impressed with your fondness, but I can’t speak for him,” Valerie reminded Talia, even as I grinned wider than ever.

“Hells bells, of course, I’ll take her! She clearly wants me, after all. Just understand that Sandy is my head slut. You must do as she says, subject only to me, and the odds of me overruling her on most issues are very slim to put it mildly. Do you accept this?” I turned to Talia.

“Oh, God, yes! Kyrie eleison!” Talia swore.

“Recorded. The Greek national Talia Gavras is now a concubine to Martin Wolfe. He will, including his mother, Dana Wolfe, held in reserve for him, complete his own complement of concubines and is no longer eligible to claim any more. You should proceed to the next sponsors, Gunnery Sergeant Phillips. Joanna Cox is eligible to claim her four now, though she seems to have the prepack part of her complement ready,” the AI continued, much to Joanna’s delight.

“Mind if I bring my Master his order now? It’s ready and he’s my last patron before leaving,” Talia pleaded with the Marines, who both smiled at that.

“Hey, I don’t want to leave without my last chance at a Red Robin burger and fries, either,” Pablo noted, chomping down while Melissa took a few fries before getting on with the selection.

“So, Joanna, claim your conks,” Melissa instructed Joanna, who licked her lips before taking first Tyler and then Crystal by hand.

“I claim these two first. Tyler Hearst and Crystal Magnusson. My own brother and his former supervisor. What do you say, bro? What about you, Crystal? Still committed to this?” Joanna turned to them.

“You’ll keep your promise? I’ll get to still boss him around when you’re not there? He needs a firm hand and I’ll love giving him that kind of tough love, mixed with kindness and sweetness, of course,” Crystal sought assurances.

“I swear it,” Joanna committed herself, knowing Confederacy law.

“Then I consent,” Crystal took the leap of faith at last.

“And so do I. I actually love the idea of her bossing me around, almost as much as I love it when you do it, if we’re being honest here, much as I hate to admit it,” Tyler confessed, surrendering to his sister at last.

“Confirmed, Crystal Magnusson and Tyler Hearst are now registered as concubines of Joanna Cox. You have two more, Joanna. Take your pick. I would suggest one more male and one more female, maybe a couple to help balance things out,” Pablo added his own two cents there, solid wisdom in fact.

“You two, who are you guys?” Joanna turned to what seemed a pair of newlyweds, the wife clearly showing a baby bump as well as her wedding band.

“I’m Mike Howard and this is my wife, Lola. We’re both more than open for this. You see ... we’re both very kinky and the baby in her womb isn’t mine. Not this time. We were planning for one of them to be, just not this one. I’m a cuckold. She’s a hot wife. Are you okay with that? I mean, we love each other deeply, but part of the appeal of this is the idea of sharing her with other men, not to mention our survival and that of her unborn child. I’m just being honest with you here,” the husband admittedly, albeit with a blush on his face.

“That’s fine with me, but bear in mind that, whatever your dynamic was before, you can’t be faithful to her anymore than she is to you. Not anymore. We’ll need your seed, too, honey. Strictly speaking, those days are over, because she’s not your wife anymore if you consent to this. You’re both my concubines and will have to do whatever I say. We’ll breed both of you plenty, including with each other as well as others. What say you?” Joanna made her intentions plain as day.

“I’m in,” Lola declared at last, telling her husband, “remember, cucky, I’m the boss of this marriage and I say that we do this. It’s my last order as your Domme wife. Join me in serving our new Mistress.”

“I’m in, too, then. Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets, after all,” Mike cleverly quoted that old song.

“Indeed. I claim you both, then. Record it, please,” Joanna requested.

“Confirmed. Mike and Lola Howard are now concubines registered to Joanna Cox. She has completed her complement, including supernumeraries and is not qualified for any additional concubines. Please continue with the next sponsor, Valerie Schwartz,” the AI now urged the Marines, while I imagined fucking Lola and knocking her up on some bed while Mike watched us.

“I want Habib, if he’s still game for it, and I want Sherry over there, plus that couple there. Sherry, you in? Come on, don’t even tell me that you don’t want to belong to me. You keep hitting on me every time that we work together. Relax, you won’t be shift manager anymore. You can fuck me if you’re my conk, and you can fuck Habib, too. Say you’ll do it, please!” Valerie encouraged her supervisor and colleague to both consent to this deal.

“Count me in. I’m not stupid enough to refuse her,” Habib seized the chance to be Valerie’s conk.

“Me, neither. I’ve want to eat that ass of yours for ages, Val. I’ll get to rim you a lot, right? It’s kind of my big kink,” Sherry confessed now, much to her own embarrassment and Valerie’s arousal.

“Oh, definitely! Record them, please,” Valerie encouraged the AI.

“Very well. Habib Al Nawaz and Sherry Burkham are now concubines assigned to Valerie Schwartz. Recruit Schwartz, you have two concubines remaining. Who do you intend to claim?” the AI informed everyone, as if we didn’t already know.

“Then you two. You seem like a slightly younger couple. High school sweethearts? This must be tough on you. Boyfriend and girlfriend, right?” Valerie turned to the couple that she indicated earlier.

“Tricia Walston and David Chang. He’s technically Chinese, but hasn’t been there in ages, not since his parents left Hong Kong after the Brits surrendered it. He’s had my pussy plenty of times, but my ass is cherry so far. I had plans to give it up to him, but it just hadn’t happened yet. Yes, we are hoping to belong to the same sponsor, so we can be together for good. So, we’ll be screwing everyone in the pre-pack, I take it, a co-sponsored household?” the girl, who had very blonde curls asked her now.

“Exactly. Better get used to that. You consent, then, to being my concubines, both of you?” Valerie demanded.

“Certainly,” David agreed first, quite aroused at the thought of being owned by a sexy waitress like Valerie.

“God, yes! Just fucking take me already!” Tricia drawled out in a very distinct Texas accent.

“Confirmed, then. Tricia Walston and David Chang are now registered as concubines to Valerie Schwartz, finishing her complement. Recruit Schwartz no longer qualifies for additional concubines. Gunnery Sergeant Phillips, it is now your turn to claim your concubines. You qualify for four, and we have significant time remaining, so you may screen longer and test-drive if you prefer. I note that Recruits Wolfe, Cox, and Schwartz did not, but then they had some prepacks and plans for familiar choices already made. They are still free to fuck anyone who isn’t already someone else’s chattel until it is departure time,” the AI reminded us.

Melissa smirked as she walked over to one distinctly fascinated teenage guy who was there with his rather irate mother, equally annoyed father, and impatient sister.

“You four, what’s your deal? Any of you want to be conks? Let’s see your CAP cards, come on!” Melissa insisted.

“Benny, don’t you dare! I don’t care what lies your father has fed you on visitation nights. I know that he made you get tested, but don’t you dare show your card for this bitch! It’s sinful! It’s wrong! And she’s black! You can’t possibly think of serving a black woman! You know what they’re like! It’s bad enough that you wanted to date that black bitch and that you like to do that nasty, dirty thing to those filthy magazines with ugly, junkie, trashy black women! All black are sluts, skanks, filthy whores! That’s why I had to punish you that way for daring to stroke to those dirty pictures of black sluts!” the mother ranted at her son, trying to scare him away from doing as he was asked.

Melissa slapped her across the face, and then, while the mother sat in shock, she took the card that the lad offered her. Reading it, she licked her lips and planted a very steamy French kiss on the youngster, to which he responded eagerly, much to his mother’s disgust. Opening her top, Melissa freed her breasts and pushed the youth’s head down to her impressive bosom to urge him to suck her tits. She even cradled him a little bit, stroking his hair in a rather maternal fashion, even comforting him a bit.

Meanwhile, Sandy and Talia knelt to suck my throbbing cock, while Marla and Michelle each took one of my hands to slip them inside their twats. Stephanie removed my chair and parted my cheeks to lick my ass, letting me sit on her face in the process. When I was sufficiently hard, I rose and bent Talia over the table to ram my cock into her cunt at just the right angle to watch the action. I slapped her swarthy buns and pulled her hair in the process, eagerly sinking my dick into her drenched pussy.

“Benny, how could you?” his mother griped, to which her son replied with a middle finger directed at her.

“Fuck you, Mom! My name is Ben or Benjamin, not Benny! I’m fourteen, not four! I’m able to make this decision for myself and I want to serve the sergeant here! I want to be her conk! She’ll teach me how to please women and she’ll treat me a lot better than you. She already does. Oh, God, she’s fucking hot! I don’t care what you think, Mom! I’ve always had a thing for black women! I just do! She’s like this Nubian goddess or something, I don’t know. Just sizzling hot! What do you want me to do, Sergeant? I’ll do it and rub it in Mom’s face!” Ben completely surrendered to Melissa, who laughed softly as she took him in hand.

“Whip it out! I want to see it!” Melissa instructed her new boy-toy, who gladly opened his pants to show off his prick.

“Here it is, Sergeant! What should I do with it?” the eager youth asked Melissa in front of us, while Joanna started riding Tyler and Valerie straddled Mike.

Same as Oh, Brother!
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Jimmy and Patsy were making their way off the stage, down onto the dance floor, when I noticed Joe motioning to me with his right hand. He saw me looking at him, and pointed down to my left. I nodded and turned to see a beautiful young brunette holding a pen and paper up to me. Before I could reach out to take the paper and autograph it, Sherry was standing beside her, pointing up at me. She gave Sherry a nod, then both of them smiled, looking up at me again. Sherry pointed to her, then...

2 years ago
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Varanasi Me Unknown Ladki K Sath Maje Kiye

Hello Guys, I am Rihan Rai and i am living in Varanasi. Maine 2-3 or b apni real life stories likhi h, and mjhe uska accha response mila. I hope ki apko meri ye story acchi lagegi. mjhe apna feedback pe jarur de. and If girlz and aunties from varanasi want to meet me then mail me at   Mere b.tech k final semesters k exam khatam ho chuke the n mai wapis apne ghar aa gaya tha. Mai yaha pe Bank Po ki prepration kar raha tha. Mjhe Wechat and or bhi dating site use karne ki aadat h. Mjhe Wechat...

4 years ago
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The sports babes our sexual awakening

It is best if you first  read the story of Misty and myself working together for a year. Broadcasting women’s volleyball for a cable channel had led us to a night of passion after our final broadcast of the year. I continue where I left off, in a motel room, after a night of passion. A wake up call aroused me the next morning, groggy from last night’s wine. We were both still sticky from last night’s sex, and I could still taste Misty’s pussy juice on my lips. Looking over, Misty looked...

3 years ago
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Happy to be used

I cannot see or hear. I'm relying on my Daddy to lead me where he wants me. I can feel the tiled floor beneath me as he pulls me, my nipples sore from the chain. He stops and positions me, pushing on my shoulders to get me on my knees. I feel him bind them, keeping me down. My hands bound behind me so I must stay there, I have no choice, nor would I want any with Daddy around. He rocks me forward and supports me before I feel something pressing against my little sissy pussy. It opens me and...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Behan Ko Choda

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto mai pahli baar iss pe apni story dal raha hu, acha laga to zarur muje reply de @ Meri story suru hoti he ek ladki se jo bhaut he khubusat slim or average boobs hai, ladki ka naam natasha (badla hua naam) hai wo meri best friend ki behan he, mere family member jaisa dost hai wo uski behan bachpan me he ek ladki ke sath set ho gai thi ladke ne usse bhaut saal use kia fir kisi or se shadi kar lia tabse wo bhut udas udas si rehti thi Ek din mene apni ek dost...

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BlackOut Love

The moment I woke up, my head was pounding. I could feel my heartbeat in my temples, and I had the worst migraine of my life. Trying to open my eyes was a mistake, but I didn’t realize until the stinging light caused my headache to flare up even worse. It was a pointless attempt anyway, in the brief second they were open I couldn’t see anything besides an indistinct blur. I brought my arms up to my head to massage it tenderly. It was in that moment I felt the presence of someone beside me on...

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No Name

She smelled him before she saw him. That mix of cologne, stale cigarettes, beer and man-scent. She gasped as his arms went around her waist and she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck. She had known he would follow her. They made eye contact in the bar, this tall, dark Irishman with the burning eyes. “It’s dangerous for a woman to be standing out here alone, at night,” he growled in her ear. When she entered Buskers Bar & Boomerang Night Club, after a day at the Dublin Writers...

3 years ago
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Ships in dock and wifes horny part 3

so we got to the paarty and unloaded all the shot material and Robbie and I were observing all the action going on around us. Cerome was hanging all over my wife and Peggy was enjoying the attention. Robbie asked if it bothered me that he was so niticably mauling her. I said not as long as most of these other people are strangers. We made a few toasts to past good times and enjoyed some more converstaion and then we noticed something a bit odd. marty and Cerome were kind of tag teaming peggy....

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Redhot At BDSM AcademyCollege

I was led to the front of the Great Hall. I noticed a bunch of subs in the front whispering to each other. Graphix made her way over to them and whispered something to them. They then looked over at me and winked, giving me the encouragement I needed to get through the next few minutes. After a woman, who introduced herself as "Pandora's Box", called the assembly to order, she turned it over to Rilawild. He would announce the new Performers. He rattled off about 20 new names. One name in...

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The wrong hotel room

"Hi. I'm glad you are still here, I thought you might be out for dinner or something. I'll be up in a couple minutes I've...got a surprise for you." Dumbfounded on who this could be I tried to stammer out my own reply but before I could get her attention the phone went dead. Hmmm. I don't think anyone knows where I'm staying, not even my clients. They certainly didn't plan on meeting me here. Must be a mistake. If and when she shows up I'll just correct the situation. I...

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Laresas World Harry Meredith

Welsh March, October 31, 1355 (Julian Calendar): Harry Llewellyn was no baron or merchant. He didn't belong to a guild. He was certainly no knight. He had neither title, nor land of his own, or even freedom. Harry Llewellyn was a serf. He belonged to the land. The land, of course, belonged to King Edward III of England. It didn't matter to anyone outside of Wales that no English lord had any business owning Welsh land and assigning it to English vassals. It didn't matter that the native...

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That sexy girl can kick a lot of butt

Alyssa was backed up against the wall surrounded by four nefarious thugs in the cold dark alleyway. The leader held a knife, while another held a baseball bat. "Guys...please..." she said, clutching her bag close. She couldn't believe it. Wasn't this just her luck? Aren't things like this only supposed to happen in the movies? One of the unarmed thugs approached beside her. "Hey darling," he said, "If you don't want to give up your pretty little bag, I'm sure there's something else we could...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Ami Kasai House cleaning and gets caught masturbating by the owner

Ami Kasai is a very good worker. She cleans houses for a living. She does a very good job and she makes sure that each place she works in gets the best cleaning possible. She is so good at her job she is being hired all over Tokyo. It seems that one client will tell another about her and recommend her to clean their apt. Also, the clients all seem to be single men that never have time to clean their own place. Ami works hard and really works up a sweat while working in these men’s apts. She...

3 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry High Five

Bright afternoon sun beat down on the hot tiles surrounding the deep blue swimming pool, making it painful to walk without shoes as I carried our three glasses on a small tray back to the apartment for a refill. The water dripping from my wet swim shorts made slippery puddles around my feet and I stepped carefully the last few yards. As I reached the apartment’s door I turned and smiled at my wife Alice, who was completing the last few confidant lengths of her daily exercise routine. She...

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i night i spent with my mum part 3

Here's part 3 of I night I spent with my mum. Thank you to everyone who liked my story and red it im very happy you enjoyed it.Its been a couple of months since me and Leanne became lovers, I have finished college and have found a job so I can help pay for our bills I have even moved in to Leanne room now where we shear our bed, nobody knows about us apart from my auntie Lou she's coming round a lot more since she found out about me and my mum, we all joke around flirting with each other but...

3 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Early the following day, Kevin went to the pool with Roger. When they arrived and walked out onto the deck, there was a bunch of kids milling around and talking to a teacher. Roger walked up. “All right, everyone—what gives? You need to get suited up, we’ve gotta start.” he called. The teacher walked up. “That’s the point, Roger. Mr Winters—the new assistant principal—is making some changes in the high-school sports rules. He wants gym classes and the teams to be working naked, said it’s...

3 years ago
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Camp Transformation

Camp Transformation by Samantha * * * I hate going shopping for clothes. Every year before I go off to summer camp, my mother and I always go to the clothes shop to get me the clothes I need. I regard clothing-shopping as one of the necessay evils in the world. Thank God I only have to do it once or twice a year. But when I go, it seems as if the universe itself conspires against me to make me miserable. So this past year, I was in the store with my mom picking out trousers, and...

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Take it All My King

Welcome to this written document. I thank you for wishing to read it, but there are some rules. 1. If you know the content of this story is not of your tastes do not read it. 2. If you are not certain on whether or not it is, and read it, then decide you Do not like it, do not give negative comments like fag or saying that whoever reads it and does like it is sick. Other people DO like it, and By you saying negative things, you are harming their feelings. And when you Harm someones feelings,...

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Strooder cant stop wanking for Lateshay

strooderHey babe. Hows it going? Just been checking out your new vid and I love it. As soon as your sexy curves were on the screen my cock was instantly throbbing I was frantically wanking away. I fired off a huge load of cum for you then kept on going, wanking event harder still.I know how much you want my cum, I know how much you need it. I know you love the thought of me exhausted, balls aching and empty, arm fatigued, but still my cock throbs to shoot for you. I have no choice but to obey...

1 year ago
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Granny Takes Care Of Me 8211 Part 2

Hi, this story idea was sent to me by a reader. It is a bit long and detailed as requested by him. Hope you enjoy this sex story. Visit my profile to read more of my stories. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful after that fateful accident. Having cum twice in less than half an hour and the raging pain in my hips had me exhausted and I promptly went to sleep. I was woken up by granny some time in the afternoon. She had called for a doctor, who checked me up and confirmed my doubts. It was...

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NORFOLK 1953After breakfast Stella & Dawn went back to their room.Where they discussed what they were going to be doing whilst they were in Norfolk. Well I've always wanted to visit a little place, oh what was it called now? Said Stella. Pot, poter, ryme, no, that's not right, I believe you can hire a boat for a day there. It'll come to me, its not far from Great Yarmouth. Can you steer a boat then Stella? Asked Dawn. Yeah sure my brother and I hired one once, from there. Just wish I could...

3 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 8

I was a happy-go-lucky guy just ready to burst into song for absolutely no reason at all other than thinking about my undeserved good fortune to have a sister with a submissive and obedient nature and a pair of girlfriends who were oversexed identical twins. Of course, I had suffered the depths of despair with the breaking up with Tiffany, my little sister's best friend. That was a period I was trying my best to forget because I had become incredibly attached to the anally-oriented young...

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EvilAngel Riley Reid I Am Riley Episode 5

Filmmaker Evil Chris presents superstar Riley Reid in a XXX documentary segment combining genuine journalism, behind-the-scenes access and a full, hardcore double penetration scene. The petite, energetic porn beauty is open and candid throughout, letting fans get to know the real person behind the fun loving sexual sensation. At director Chris Streams’ shooting location, Riley shows him her suitcase full of porn wardrobe, and they select a latex dress. She sits for makeup, chatting about...

2 years ago
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Awesome Experience In Bus

Hi, I am Ric with real experience in my life. I am going to narrate the groping experience in bus during one of my journey. This incident happened once when I was traveling by bus to Chennai. I didn’t get enough time to book ticket in private bus. This time I went to government bus stand and was waiting for the bus. It was evening and I got into the bus and sat at the second row of the bus. The bus conductor told me that most of the seats are reserved and I have to change seats if the seat is...

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Shooting Blanks part 2 of 2

--- Shooting Blanks part 2 of 2 (MF, con, nc, cheat, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Jennifer couldn't believe it: she was pregnant! The pregnancy test was positive. How had this happened? Ken always used a condom when they had sex. She sat down on the toilet seat cover, burying her face in her hands. She didn't want this, but her strict Catholic upbringing, while not a large factor in her life anymore, just couldn't let her have an abortion. A trip to the...

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Harrimans General StoreChapter 5

Jerry's life became routine after a few months. He chose not to hire Jeanine as a cashier, rationalizing that it would jeopardize the business unnecessarily. He was content to have her spend at least two nights a week in his apartment, usually on the weekend. He thoroughly enjoyed sex with her; she was energetic, willing to do or try anything, and her cunt was very tight. But he was not ready to give up his other pursuits, especially since they seemed to come to him so easily. Akemi, his...

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Core of NightChapter 3

The hall of warriors was larger and longer than the hall of hunters. Apparently, Cogo and his family lived it in, along with his men and their wives and other women. Dogs rolled on the floor, playing with the children, and women trotted back and forth carrying food and running errands. Crushed reeds and wheat chaff was scattered on the floor. Dark wooden beams held the thatched roof overhead, and sooty, smoked stones formed a pair of fire hearths that vented out the roof. The far side of the...

4 years ago
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Coital BlissChapter 6

Janet pointed out that there was going to have to be an instruction manual to accompany Coital Bliss vials, or there were sure to be law suits as people misused the ointment. Furthermore, the instructions needed to be illustrated so that users could see what they were letting themselves in for. She suggested to George, her father, that she and Wilbur be the models for the pictures. They were very familiar with the effects of the ointment and were accustomed to using it with each other, so...

4 years ago
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Car Men Choodai

Hi friends kase ho hmmm me junaid :-) dosto men aap ko aj garib par bohot sexy hot girl ki real story suna raha hun ji ka nam sadia tha sadia mujhe bazar men mili thi men bazar apni choti car core kay kar gaya tha or apne dost ki shop ka bahar khada tha sadia usi shop men khadi saman ly rahi thi or mujhe dakha ja rahi thi men bhi use dakhne laga woh mujhe apni tarf dakte hun muskurai men samajh gaya ka chidya jal men phanse gi or woh to phasne ka liya taiyar thi sadia aakali us shop par aai thi...

3 years ago
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First Heavy Date

First Heavy Date First Heavy DateCopyright (c) 2006 by Roderick Grey ([email protected]).? All rights reserved.  ?I want to have a heavy scene with you,? I said. My girlfriend turned and looked at me. ?How heavy?? she asked. ?Really heavy.? Screaming, helpless orgasms type of heavy.? Serious latex and steel type of heavy.? Deep, pounding fucking type of heavy.? I want to have my way with you.? She considered this.?  Then she grinned at me, her eyes twinkling at the thought of...

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My 15 Days of Chastity

The day until my wife left on her business trip was just a week away.Once again the accusations of misbehaving while she was gone had come up again.We spent the last weekend in Vegas, gambling, having sex and more sex.Seems she wanted me drained before she left.We got home Sunday morning I figured it would be a laid back day for me and a day for her to pack.The wife wanted to go to a favorite restraint for lunch. We both had 2 drinks and ate and were about the leave when she decided we should...

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Sauteli maa

Hi mera naam Amit hai Bhiwandi,Thane me rahta hoo.Mera ghar me teen log rehte hai.mai,papa aur meri sauteli maa.mere papa ki dusri shaadi 2 saal pehle hui.Sauteli maa ko unke naam se bulata hu unka naam parvati he,age 30 saal ki hai,dhikne me khoobsurat he aur figure bhi bahot accha he.aur meri age 18 saal he.jis din se dhekha usi din se chodna chata hu.Ek din me ne hath laga diya tha wo mere par bahut gussa hui,us waqt to me sorry bola.usi din mai friend ki tarah rehne laga aur mai ne kasam...

2 years ago
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The night Shenessa lost her virginity

Im what my mom calls a tomboy. I hate skirts, the color pink, cheerleaders, preppie girls, makeup, and anything what so ever that reminds me of a Barbie doll. I love jeans, T-shirts, sneakers, video games, basketball “im on the varsity team at my school,” football “I tried out but didn’t make that team because the coach is sexist,” volleyball “I’m on the team,” and track “I’m on the team.” As you can see im very athletic. My two best friends are Alycia and Deondrey. Alycia is 5'6" with...

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Ice Storm

The clatter of sleet beating against the window made Paula shiver even though her house was warm and cozy. Her grandson, Michael, was asleep in his crib. After she settled into bed with a good book, her lights started flickering and then went out. She called her neighbor, Jane, to ask about the power outage. Jane’s power was still okay so she invited Paula to come next door. Michael was crying when Paula carried him in the front door. Jane’s husband, Walt, was staring at the TV and called out,...

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Jessica Jones Secret Origin

Jessica Jones is grinning from ear to ear as she flies above the streets of Manhattan. Her life sucks, something she says and thinks quite often. Her parents died in a car crash, at school everyone makes fun of her, and just in general she is a social outcast. But up here, in the skies of New York with the wind in her face, everything is worth it. She’s only had her powers for a few months. The eighteen year old high school senior woke up from her coma and suddenly she could fly and lift...

Mind Control
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Inside the mind of a Cocksucking Sissy Part 2

This is a follow-up to my last story that I posted several weeks ago. After I finished writing Part 1, I got ready for bed, butterflies in my stomach, feeling excited about my encounter the next day. I don’t know about all of you but as I have gotten older, the day to day emotional highs and lows start to flatten out, life loses some of its excitement. Maybe it has to do with having more life experiences – you get used to them. Maybe it has something to do with getting older and having less...

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Prowling Ch 02

The following weeks were difficult not only for Vanessa but for everyone in the office. She was, as one person put it, constantly on the ‘war path’. These were periodic moods of hers, and, unknown to her associates and subordinates, always corresponded to those times, when she went ‘prowling’ and let out her ‘Nessa’ personality. In the wake of this past experience, she was more determined than ever to keep ‘Nessa’ under wraps and just get all that ‘shit’, as she described it, under control....

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Why I love BBWs

Why do I love to be with Big Beautiful Women? Well, let me tell you about my first BBW and you can gather why I love them so...Back in my 20's I was working for a professional ambulance service as a crew chief. Most of the work I was hired on for was for special events, which meant sitting around dispensing bandaids and ice packs. My first partner was a guy a little younger than me who was waiting for a transfer out of special events to emergency response. When he was transferred my boss asked...

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My First BiSexual Threesome

I had recently joined the Forestry Service and had gone through training. I was pretty excited about my first real assignment when I was told that I'd be out in the back country with a husband and wife team that had been monitoring and documenting the current bear population in that particular area. I'd brought up fresh provisions with me, and then invited to stay for a two-week period to observe and learn some of the things they were doing. Needless to say I was excited to begin this...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom India Summer 23835

We’ve all been there: you drink too much at a rager, and the next morning you’re late for work and have no idea what you did the night before. What we all might not have done is what India Summer tells her son’s friend Rion: that he seduced her and dragged her into the bedroom and told her how he was going to gobble up her pussy and ram his big hard cock into the MILF like he’s always wanted to, much to her delight. But, much to her chagrin, he passed out on her. Lucky for him, they’re all...

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Usamas Fate

Usama's Fate By JRD It was a Grand Convocation of the Fae. All types were there: Elves, Gnomes, Brownies, Leprechauns; at least a few of every type of faerie was there. And all were clamoring to be heard. Finally, Oberon stood and yelled, "ENOUGH!" In a moment's time the clamor was gone, and the hall was silent. Oberon continued, "The rules stand! The Fae will not reenter the fate of humanity. Any who do so will answer to me!" then he and Titania were gone. As most of...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 25 The Challenge

It was the evening after the Dining-in-Night, and Billy and I were sat in a corner of the Mess talking, about something and nothing, and drinking. Billy could put brandy away as if it were spring water, but I'm no toper, and a glass or two will set my brain muzzy, and I had already reached that state. Billy suddenly gave a groan and got up from his armchair. "I need to void my bowels, Jack, probably some Indian bug still in my belly." "More likely it is the amount of food you stuffed in...

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I found her on an Internet site while looking for women close by with similar interests to my own. It's hard to be that blunt in an ad though."Extremely sexual 50 year old woman seeks women for wanton, sweaty sex. Loves your taste, smell, the way your voice shakes when you're getting the best oral sex of your life. Loves being the one giving it to you.""Latina lesbian" looking for women. My breath caught in my throat. It wasn't surprising that I worked with lesbians, in fact it is quite common....

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DannyChapter 11

I woke up in the dark. I tried to move, and immediately bumped into someone. I tried to sit up and found that I hit my head on some wood. I was in a box. And had an immediate panic attack. I started screaming, and flailing around. Someone pounded on the box. "Shut up in there." I started hyperventilating, and before long had passed out. When I finally woke up, I found myself laying on the sand. Danny was sprawled out not far away. I tried to move, but could barely bring myself...

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