Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 3: Another Captive Audience free porn video

Fredi giggled happily.
She looked at herself in the mirror. Poontang and Muffy had helped her find a nice outfit to surprise the boys from Sunnydale.
It was a tiny pair of daisy duke cut offs. They were practically swallowed up between the cheeks of her enhanced ass. Her huge tits were covered by a flimsy plaid shirt tied off below them. The top of a black bra was just visible. She wore it to push her cleavage up to even more impressive levels.
But mostly to give the boys something extra to take off.
On her feet were a pair of high-heeled red go-go boots. Her western look was completed with a white cowboy hat.
She sashayed away after the other two bimbos.
The room they went to was on the building's sixth floor. It had several poles on a large stage. There also were a giant jukebox, a bar and a big screen TV. Seated around the room were the boys from Dawn's class. Each had several wires extending from devices attached to their heads. They led to a computer system on a cart.
A doctor monitored it.
Fredi looked at the funny looking setup. She couldn't figure out what was going on so she just giggled. By now she knew she could never go wrong with a good giggle. Then she teetered passed the guys. She wiggled her ass seductively and waved.
"Hiya guys," she yelled. She got no response at all.
She smiled. Then she jiggled over to Cunt Lustly. "Whatcha doin'?" she asked.
"We gotta, like, keep these boys happy. We show them how a good slut behaves. So they know how to be around those girls Cordi is teaching."
Fredi sighed dreamily at the mention of her lover's name. Then she drifted off. She was not paying attention as the doctor began to explain what it was he wanted the girls to do. Not that she would understand much of what he was saying.
Not anymore anyway.
She was brought back by Cunt tapping her shoulder. "Hey you gotta, like, dance and stuff to keep them happy, girl."
A new excitement flushed Fredi.
She clapped her hands and squealed. The thought of finally using her dancing skills aroused every cell in her new body. She knew she was great at it. Of course. She always had been.
"Yesss!" she screamed. Then: "How?"
"You just pick out a song on that thingy over there," explained Cunt Lustly. "It's a big singing box, you know. Then you just dance, honey. You should totally be a natural at it."
So Fredi teetered over to the jukebox shaking her ass about.
She peered into the machine. Her lovely arching eyebrows frowned in thought. Then she aimlessly poked her long nailed fingers at the various buttons.
Nothing happened. She giggled.
Seeing her distress, Cunt went over. She grabbed the girl's round bubble butt and squeezed it. It made Fredi jump with delight. Then Cunt pressed several buttons on the machine.
Fredi began to wiggle her ass to the music. It touched places inside her. It made her move in all the right ways.
She strutted slowly and seductively to one of the poles at the center of the room.
Oh my God! All the guys watched her. And the girls! Oh God, it was toooo exciting.
She grabbed the pole with one hand. It felt cool and welcome. It felt like home. She pulled herself in close, trapping the slick metal between her tits. She wrapped her leg around it and circled. Then she kicked her feet off the ground and spun round several times.
Her new body made it all so effortless.
She pulled the crotch of her daisy dukes against the pole as hard as possible. Then she began to buck her hips back and forth, simulating passionate sex.
She noticed the fat bulges in her audience's pants. It made her feel proud.
So with new vigor Fredi pulled herself back onto her feet. She began to gyrate her hips. Everyone should enjoy the sight of her ass, her bare belly, her shining legs.

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