Bigamy, Plural Marriage. Will It Work?Chapter 3: Beatrice Is Young And Healthy. How Many Women And Babies Does It Take To Satisfy My Wife? free porn video

My wife had her kids; three of them, two babies and the wonderfully precocious Vicky.
Alice and I became tighter, and I’m ashamed to admit it but Sai was left out. I knew I had to love her equally, but I failed to do so.
I was so in love with Alice, I found it difficult to find passion when I was in bed with Sai. Sally and I pretty much didn’t have sex either.
Sai was working more and more, later and later, drifting away. Finally, she told us she was in love with a young doctor. She hadn’t cheated she claimed; but she wanted to be with him. She moved out.
Our baby, Gina, was 18 months old and Sai took her on weekends; it was reasonable, but Sally didn’t like it, weekend was family time.
Sally was the housewife, Alice and I worked. We obtained permits and loans, built another hangar and promoted the skydive center in nearby cities. We built a dormitory for the low budget gang, some nicer overnight rooms, and made deals with the nearby motel and car rental place. Everyone was earning, the jumpers were willing to pay. We were working on the necessary permits to fly them in for weekends in our own plane.
We fucked and fucked, but Alice didn’t get pregnant again.
“I don’t understand!” Sally lamented, fondling my balls. “You guys are doing it all the time, what’s wrong?”
“Suck me.” I commanded, and she did. Sally was a good wife.
“Alice is 35.” I pointed out, “It could be that she won’t get pregnant again.”
“I want more, Gus.” Sally said, then sucked for a moment. “You and Alice have the planes, the business, all that creative work.”
Her mouth slid up and down my stiff penis obediently, her face watching me. Sally was 45, healthy, a great mother, and pretty good at felatio too. I wanted her to be happy.
“Alice and I are doing all we can, Sally.” I said, “I’d be with her tonight if she was ovulating.”
“You shouldn’t have let Sai get away.” Sally complained, “She’s still fertile.”
“If you can get her here, I’ll do my part.” I countered.
“She’s left us.” Sally said bitterly. “Sleeping with some guy, doesn’t it get you mad?”
“Not really. Oh, you shaved yourself. Open up, baby. Daddy wants to eat you out.”
“You shouldn’t ... Oh alright. I think Alice taught you a trick or two. Uh, uh ... So you know that Beatrice that comes over to help in the garden?”
“The Hippie girl?”
“Yes. Oh dear, don’t stop please, yes, uh, Beatrice. She’s twenty. She wants to get into organic farming, I told her maybe she could have an acre or two near the river, you know that swampy ground. And ... just listen and keep licking. She’s sexy, don’t you think? Those big breasts and all, and she has such nice energy, I bet you and her would make beautiful babies, and she’d nurse them with those great tits, and ... No talking now! Oh sweetheart, you could fuck her, she’s into you, I see the way she looks at you, so young and impressionable, she could fall in love if you do it to her, and make babies, Gus, big ... healthy ... BABIES!!”
Sally was coming as I licked her, holding my head tight in her hands and fantasizing that her young friend would ever want to join our house.
I put my cock inside her, and she groaned as I gave it to her hard and steady.
“Don’t come in me, Gus, don’t waste it on me, you need to keep it, keep it for Alice, She’s so healthy and strong, and Beatrice, maybe you can seduce Beatrice Gus, and Sai, she might come back and you should be ready because Sai is so pretty and smart, and you could make another lovely mixed race baby for us, Oh how I love Geni, Don’t come, Gus!”
But as Sally came, so did I. I filled her barren womb with good spunk, because in reality, there was plenty to go around, and there was no way that young Beatrice was getting any.
I thought.
A couple of days later on the way to work, Alice brought it up; “Sally tells me she wants to reel in young Beatrice. What do you think, Gus?”
“I told Sally, even if that girl was interested, which I doubt, you would have to agree too.” I said, thinking that would be the end of it.
“Oh, she’s interested.” Alice insisted. “She’s been hanging around, helping out with the kids, and Sally has been whispering in her ear.”
“It sounds like you’re interested.” I said, thinking I was joking.
“Yeah, well Sally knows how to press my buttons. I’m sure Sally told her to flirt with me, the way she’s been walking around the place half dressed with that tight little ass and those big breasts bouncing around...”
“Alice! You’re a married woman.” I laughed.
“I am, and you know I miss Sai.” Alice said. “She’s my best friend Gus, I’m so pissed off at her for leaving us.”
“Don’t be; Sai is a proud successful woman, she deserves a man all to herself if that’s what she wants.”
“Don’t you love her Gus?” Alice asked.
“Of course I do, that’s why I have to let her go, why we both have to let her go. We still have to figure out the finances with her, she’s pumped a lot of her savings into the airfield improvements.”
“Ok, I’ll do the math and figure out a fair offer.” Alice said, “We’ll need to talk to the bank if Sai wants a payout. Now that Beatrice hasn’t got a dime, so we’d never have that problem with her.”
“Jesus, Alice! We can’t reel in that girl and use her like a breeding cow, then leave her at the curb.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Alice said defensively, “I mean that it doesn’t have to be so serious. You can just sleep with her, have fun, and whatever happens we’ll be ok. Maybe she’ll stay, maybe she’ll go.”
“Are you serious?” I asked incredulously.
“Of course.” Alice said. “Sally likes that girl.”
“And you?”
“Yeah, she’s ok. I don’t think she’s actually bi, but I like her. She’s bright, fun to have around. You should fly her up to the lake and fuck her brains out.”
“If you feel that way, you fly her up to the lake and fuck her brains out.” I responded.
She looked at me blankly for a moment, then realized I was joking.
Alice did what I told her to do; she was tall, strong, and smart. She was possibly the most competent person I’d ever met, she could do practically anything.
If I told her to.
“Seriously, Alice.” I said, “Would you want Beatrice in the family? She’s really young.”
“That’s the point, Gus.” Alice said, “We’re all pushing middle age. I hope I can have another baby with you, but Beatrice could have six!”
She was grinning happily at the thought of a half dozen more kids, but I was really very happy with the three we already had.
I’ve been writing mainly about sexual relationships and love, but those kids made my heart just glow with joy every day. Whatever work we did, wealth we created, in my mind it was for them.
“I thought it was just Sally who was so crazy for more babies.” I said.
“I want them too.” Alice said.
Alice never wanted anything; Sally bought clothes for her because she never went shopping.
“Ok.” I said, “I agree in principle. But I don’t think that girl is going to submit.”
Alice grinned, her face lit up with joy at the prospect of the task ahead.
Beatrice was a city girl moved to the countryside, she had a van she lived in on a corner of our land. We called her a hippie, because she was young and cute, and wore funny colorful clothes. She’d told us her parents still lived together in a nice suburban house outside Milwaukie, her sister was in Medical school in Massachusetts, and she just wanted to live close to nature.
She was small but strong, with square little shoulders and solid legs. She had big blue eyes, soft auburn hair, and as stated earlier, large breasts.
She had a nice voice, not as powerful as Alice or quiet like Sally. Moderate, female but not whiny.
She’d been hanging around us for a few months already, helping out with the kids sometimes and often eating with us.
But this? Could she be happy by giving herself to us all the way, could she make such a commitment at her age? I didn’t believe it. Beatrice might think she wanted to be my third wife, join our big messy love nest of a home, maybe even get intimate with Alice.
But eventually she’d snap out of it and leave us, just like Sai.
Nothing changed for a few weeks, but Beatrice ate dinner with us every night, and often served. And her big blue eyes glistened when she looked at me, her big breasts bulged and swung around the room.
“So what do you think about young Bea?” Alice whispered in bed as she fondled my cock with one hand and stroked my chest with the other.
“She’s lovely Alice, but come on, she’s half my age, far younger than you too. She’s all sexy and willing I’m sure, but for how long?”
“But you’d like to have her, right? Slide your big hard cock into her tight sexy young body, right? No use lying, Gus! The proof is in my hand!”
“Well sure, she’s a sexy kid. But we’re not talking about just sex here, are we? What would she bring to the family, and what makes us think she’d stay?”
“Yes, of course you’re right.” Alice agreed, as she always does before an ambush. “Sally needs her, Gus; she’s been morose since Sai left, we’re all busy with work but she has nothing except the house and kids. Often there’s just too much to do and she needs a hand, someone to talk to and share with.”
“I thought she just wants another baby.”
“That too. And you know, if I do get pregnant again, it would be great to have her to share it with.”
The next night Sally was on me; literally as well as figuratively.
Her long grey hair swayed with her as she gently undulated her hips, her tight unspoiled vagina clamped on my penis.
“Alice is a bit obsessed with Beatrice, don’t you think?” She suggested, stopping for a break.
“She is?”
“She’s still in love with Sai you know, she’s having trouble moving on. It must be so hard to want someone who will never want you back in that way.”
“I always thought that Sai and Alice were intimate, physically I mean.”
“That’s not the point, Gus; Sai is straight. She loved Alice I’m sure, but not the way Alice needs.”
“So you think this Beatrice is bisexual?”
“Oh yes, she’s ready to roll, just as soon as you decide to let it happen.” Sally said excitedly as she started moving again.
She lay down on me and I held her as she grunted and wiggled, her unused breasts against my chest as her orgasm approached.
I came with her, as we had done so many times; and it was good. Binding, loving sex, like old married couples need but so rarely have.
“Oh Gus, don’t you see?” Sally continued after a couple of minutes, “We have a much better relationship thanks to Alice and Sai, but without Sai, it’s all off balance. We need Beatrice.”
“Ok, but why does that mean I need to sleep with her?”
“Don’t be stupid, Gus! She’s only one of us after you take her. You look into her eyes, push your penis up her middle, and make her scream.”
We lay in intimate dark silence for a minute, and I thought Sally had fallen asleep with my depleted thing still in her.
“And you make a baby with her.” Sally concluded sleepily. “Then she’ll be one of us, Gus.”
After that, both Sally and Alice refused sex. They’d cuddle but when I wanted to get into it there was always an excuse.
I knew what they were doing. No one said it out loud, but the intent was clear. They’d made the decision, and the only thing left to do was play my role, pretend to be in charge, and fuck Beatrice.
So the next few evenings after dinner, I sat with her in the living room, we shared wine and talked.
What, did you think I just threw her on her back and jumped on top?
No, first we needed to sit quietly together. Look, listen, flirt, get horny, and find trust.
Her sister Cecilia in medical school was her identical twin; they were close but not joined at the hip like some twins, Cecil and Beatrice were totally different between the ears. That led to a discussion on genetics; Beatrice dressed shabbily and liked to work in the garden, but she wasn’t dumb.
I was going to try and kiss her goodnight, but she left quickly. I thought she’d changed her mind, maybe she wasn’t so impressed with me.
I sort of expected that, I was slightly relieved. Beatrice was a whole person, with hopes and dreams, a family, a life. To join all of that with all of us was not trivial.
The next afternoon Sai came to the airfield to discuss finances. She’d pumped a lot of cash into our home and business during her time with us and disentangling wasn’t easy.
When I saw her park outside, I realized how much I missed her. When I saw her shapely stocking clad leg stretch out, with the soft high heeled boot on her little foot, I felt a pang of pain and desire.
Then her long slim body emerged, her great head of thick black wavy hair, her beautiful face.
“Hey Gus.” She said as she came into the office.
“Hey Sai.” I responded, approaching for a kiss before realizing she wasn’t mine anymore.
She looked surprised and pulled away, and I stopped.
“Oh, sorry.” I said.
Then she smiled slightly and put her arms around my neck, gave me a small peck on the mouth and stepped away.
“You’re the father of my baby, Gus.” She said carefully, “I think a kiss is ok.”
“I told Alice to work up a settlement offer.” I told her as we sat down, “We don’t know what you want.”
“I don’t want anything, Gus; in the end, the kids get it all equally, right?”
“Yes, not that we’re building an empire here.”
“We should get things legal; a trust or incorporate. Do that and I’ll leave the cash in the business, I’m not hurting.”
She was dressed for work, her clothes sharp and elegant, a tight skirt and matching jacket, frilly low cut blouse, a touch of makeup, gold chain around her long neck, nails lacquered and polished.
We talked for a while, discussing business ideas. Sai had a head for it, her ideas were good, and it excited her to talk about them; I absorbed, questioned, and longed to have her back.
She stood to leave at dusk. I stood too.
“Do we kiss goodbye as well?” I asked.
She smiled and nodded her agreement. She was tall in the boots, a little bit unstable, so it was natural to put my hands on her head before kissing her.
Our mouths met, and seemed to adhere. Her hands came to my ribs. My balls were swollen with four days of flirtatious abstinence, a surge of hormones swamped my thought process. I pulled her tight and I felt her tongue touch the tip of mine, and her thigh pushed against my rod.
Her breasts pressed against me, her body so familiar, the rich scent of her perfume, the allure of her sharp intelligence as powerful as her gorgeous face, big eyes, and sexy body.
In movies they rip off their clothes and fuck urgently on the floor; this wasn’t like that at all.
We were both hesitant, yet neither of us wanted to stop. We were still in love.
The kiss went on. And on. Hands roamed freely, touching, squeezing. It went too far, we both knew that. We’d passed the border of decency long ago, and we were on the sexual side now.
I eased her jacket back from her shoulders, rotating around her a little so one hand could slide up to her breast. There seemed no way back, so I let my thumb and fingers slip a button through a buttonhole, then another, and her blouse began to open.
Her hands went under my tee shirt, and she sighed as she squeezed my muscles.
Her boyfriend was a doctor, smart and wealthy like she was. But not big and strong like I was.
It wasn’t right, she’d made her decision, she’d moved on, she didn’t want to be with us anymore.
Our clothes came away stitch by stitch, her used tits hung low but not flat, big mama nipples aching for my mouth.
Her boots popped from her feet and her patterned stockings rolled carefully down long skinny legs. Her milky white skin was smooth and sensuous as ever, her familiar hands on my scrotum and penis as her eyes lit up and her grin remembered all the sex we’d shared before.
I slid my arms under her knees and lifted her slim body up. I bent my knees for balance and she held my hard rod in her hand as I lowered her down on it, my hands on her tight ass and her feet behind my back.
I stopped, holding her there, our organs touching, and she stared down at me with a mixture of amusement, fear, delight, and desire.
I bounced her up and down slightly, the tip of my penis hitting her but not entering. She struggled, laughing, writhing, trying to get it into herself.
I relented and lowered her down, her hands went around my neck and her legs tightened too, still hooked over my elbows as she sat on my angled thighs, we balanced on my big feet and we stared at each other in mutual shock.
Her skinny young doctor couldn’t do this. He could probably turn her on with his clever rap, He was much more presentable than an aging mechanic with two other women; maybe he even loved her like I did, but he couldn’t hold her weight in his arms and fuck her like I could.
My back was getting weaker and my shoulders were on fire but I kept going, Sai was coming and then coming again, was she mine, was she ours, could I use my strength to win her back, did we want her back? I hadn’t asked the others. She screamed and grappled, I laughed and held her tight as I came, nearly losing my balance I stumbled back a step, and only then lowered her to the floor.
For a few glorious seconds, she glowed; then her mind clicked back, and her face clouded over.
“Shit Gus, what just happened here?” She asked sharply.
I was still catching my breath, my wet limp organ hanging between my thighs. “I don’t know, you’re the clever one of us, you tell me.”
“No, Gus! I won’t be your number three anymore!” She said loudly, and turned away.
“Ok, sorry Sai.” I said quietly. “We’ll just forget this ever happened and move ahead, ok?”
She picked up her clothes and went into the bathroom to clean and dress. As she was leaving, Alice came in.
“Any luck?” she asked me.
“Not really.” I said. “I did all I could but she’s not coming back to us.”
“Yeah, I was outside for the all you could part.” Alice said, “Thanks for trying Gus.”
“I live to please.” I said.
We were in the market for another, larger, jump plane. Alice had compiled a shortlist of 8, spread around the country.
Buying a used plane is a big job. Each one has to be checked all over, service history scrutinized, test flown, as well as legal and financial stuff.
I would have liked to have Alice with me, especially for the test flights, but someone had to stay back to run the airfield. Besides, it was an opportunity to pilot Beatrice.
Our first stop was three hours flying, a large airport. I rented a car and we took a hotel room with two beds.
“What’s the plan Gus?” she asked when we were alone.
I put my arms around her and there was no resistance as I pulled the young woman close, looking down into her clear eyes. Slowly, I bent my neck and kissed her on the mouth for a moment.
“Ok.” She whispered.
“Not yet.” I said; “We both need checkups first.”
I’d had unprotected sex with Sai, who’d been with another man. Beatrice had been single for a while but she wasn’t a virgin.
She nodded her agreement.
“But we can still fool around, right?”
“Definitely.” I agreed.
Beatrice had nothing to do as I checked the aircraft, but she chatted with the seller while I worked.
The third night away, we had our test results back; we were cleared for flight.
We had dinner at a white tablecloth place, shared some wine, and walked back to the hotel.
I liked her; she was unpretentious, she dressed like she always did, jeans and a tee shirt. No makeup, no jewelry, and she got tipsy after one glass of wine.
We faced each other as we undressed; I was slightly swollen but not erect. She sat on the bed and looked at it for a while; I pulled it and let it drop so it bobbed around, and she laughed which made her big firm breasts quiver.
“This is a bit weird, isn’t it?” I asked, climbing onto the bed from the other side and stretching out next to her.
“Yes.” She agreed, reaching for my penis. “But I’m into it.”
“Why?” I asked as her cool young hand wrapped around my hot old penis. “We barely know each other. You’re young and pretty, you have opportunities.”
She stretched out facing me, propping her head on a pillow and looked at me with her blue eyes, one hand still on my penis our only physical contact.
“I’m a bit enamored of you all.” She told me, “Sally is amazing, and Alice is a dynamo, and the kids are wonderful. I’ve never been in a house where everyone was so happy; you all work all the time at one thing or another, I love the way you and Alice work together while Sally keeps house.
“And then you all just let me in there, let me be part of your scene; I love it, I want to be one of you. Do you remember last week, you asked me if I knew how to clean a fish, and when I said I did you just handed me the bag.”

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