GAIA s Granddod GALIA Great Granddad 2
- 2 years ago
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Luke was driving through the city, headed towards the park that Xaera called home. According to Felicitae/Amy, there were certain components that she required to make a potion or something. Whatever it was, it would provide them with a level of protection from the Dark Magic that the corrupted Nymph wielded.
Luke was still coming to grips with everything he had learned in the past few days. He managed to get his head around the fact that there were items needed as spell components, which he thought was beyond cool! To him, it was almost like a real life game of D&D, where he was a player!
That he was now part of a gathering quest nearly gave him a nerdgasm! Luke was doing everything he could to stay on task, as they needed certain items to make this spell work. There were some items needed that grew in nature. Others were from a ... less than savory source, which is where they ran into a bit of a problem.
“So, you’re saying that we need all of that stuff in order to make this ... spell work?” Luke questioned.
“Yes. I know that ... acquiring a piece of my ... body will be problematic,” Felicitae/Amy admitted.
“Problematic? That’s putting it mildly! Getting anywhere near you without turning into a rotted husk, or being thrown like Amy was, is going to be more than a little problematic!” Emalia huffed.
“So, we need a piece of you, in your dark form, in order to make this spell of yours work?” Luke reiterated.
“A piece of my body is the best option, but anything that is tainted with powerful Dark Magic will also do,” Felicitae/Amy replied.
“Powerful Dark Magic? Like from any source?” Luke questioned.
“Yes. It must from something powerful though, in order for any level of protection from this spell, to be effective,” Felicitae/Amy stated.
“Hmm. I have an idea,” Luke said as he pulled over.
“Sweetie, what are you doing?” Emalia questioned.
“I need to make a call. I think I know where we could get such an item,” Luke replied as he fished out his phone and made a call. The line rang, and Luke only hoped that Randy was amenable to doing business at this time of day.
Randy was busy finishing cleaning the table on which a corpse had rested. He sighed, as he knew that the work of morgue tech was never really done. There were always bodies that came in, which needed identifying, processing, and an entire array of tests to determine the cause of death. The man huffed as he surveyed his cleaning job, moderately satisfied with his work.
He placed the spray bottle loaded with cleaner on a nearby shelf and moved to wash his hands. Though he was sure that his hands were clean, you could never be too careful these days. He stood up and grabbed some paper towel to dry his hands when he was done and caught his own reflection in the mirror.
Randy was a moderately handsome man, standing at around five foot ten, with long brown hair and blue eyes. He had a slight, yet sturdy looking jaw, a beaky nose and a clean complexion. He was handsome enough, as he’d never had trouble attracting the fairer sex. The only problem he had was attracting the women he wanted, which proved troubling because of his beta personality and lanky form.
He often wished that he could find a way around that and was making some progress. Randy had been taking a few classes and courses and even attended a few seminars about how to be more assertive. He had no trouble remembering the theory of it, but putting it into practice ... that was another matter entirely. Sighing, he went back to scrubbing tables when he felt a buzz in his back pocket.
He pulled out his phone and grumbled as he received the text from Luke, stating that he’d arrived. Randy headed to the sink to wash his hands, yet again, before heading to the back door as he dried them. He opened the door, hoping to see those hotties that Luke had in tow. He was happy to see one of them, but the other woman with him was unfamiliar to Randy.
“You’ve got maybe thirty minutes before my co-worker gets back from lunch. So, make this snappy, OK?” Randy warned.
“Got it, bud,” Luke stated, as he handed Randy a crisp one-hundred dollar note. The tech took the money before letting the trio inside the building.
“So, do you have any fresh corpses that were wrung out? Like from before?” Emalia asked, getting straight to the point.
“As a matter of fact, we do. Picked up this guy out of a landfill, but because of the rate of decay and that his teeth were a right mess, we’re having trouble identifying him,” Randy told them.
“He get brutalized?” Luke wondered.
“More like his entire mouth rotted to where his teeth were nothing more than jagged bits of calcified shrapnel. Even the bones were quite brittle this time around,” Randy stated as he walked over to the freezer where the corpse was stored. He opened the door and pulled out the slab, bringing the body out for everyone to see.
“It’s getting more powerful,” Emalia breathed, looking over the withered corpse. It lay there, looking like it had been dead for more than several months, rather than just a few days. The fact that the thing was in pieces made fairy’s stomach turn.
“What was that?” Randy questioned.
“Nothing. Just ... my mind running off on a tangent,” Emalia supplied.
“Any luck on where he was dumped?” Luke wondered, steering the topic to something else related.
“The CSI’s are working on that right now. If they find out anything, we’ll know about it,” Randy told them. Both women stared at the corpse, sensing the dark energies that emanated from it. It made them sick just to be in proximity to the dead body, but they knew it would eventually fade.
“I can ... sense the ... evil ... that was done to this guy,” Felicitae/Amy stated.
“You going to be OK?” Luke asked, turning to the woman.
“I’ll be all right, thank you. What we do need is the neck or the right forearm. That’s where the Darkness is strongest,” Felicitae/Amy responded.
“Wait, you told me you needed to look over the body! That you might find a clue or two about it that the boys and girls in blue missed! Not take a piece of it!” Randy groused.
“Sorry bud, but I knew you wouldn’t deal if I told you that,” Luke fessed up.
“I can’t let you have it. I could seriously lose my job over that shit if I were to let you take body parts, man! And what the fuck do you need them for, anyway?” Randy questioned as he shuffled closer to the intercom.
“That’s something that’s none of your business,” Emalia told him.
“I say that it very much is my business! Why the fuck do you need the desiccated arm of a human corpse?” Randy demanded.
“We don’t have time for this!” Luke growled, looking like he was about to tackle the man before he reached the intercom. Felicitae/Amy sighed in disgust before she let the Nymph take control. Her eyes glowed a bright green and her voice changed, taking on an ethereal quality.
“What we are chasing down is beyond the scope of the police to apprehend. If any of them even found the creature that is killing these people, they would soon join them in death,” Felicitae/Amy told the morgue tech.
Randy yelped and slipped, falling to his ass in disbelief. Seeing her friend reveal what she truly was, Emalia figured there was nothing for it and uncased her wings. His eyes bugging out of his head, Randy sat there gaping like a fish. He couldn’t believe what he was witnessing, but he knew he wasn’t dreaming.
“What the ... who the ... how...” Randy blubbered, trying to find the words but failing.
“Dude, just breathe. You look like you’re about to pass out,” Luke told him. Randy did as Luke suggested and breathed deeply. After several deep breaths, he finally was able to calm down, even though what he was staring at should have been little more than myth and legend.
“What are you?” Randy finally asked as he got to his feet.
“Sorry, bro, but I don’t have time to explain. Let’s just say that there’s a malevolent entity out there that gets stronger with each victim it kills. With the amount of people it has already killed, broad daylight attacks aren’t far behind. We need this to not only deal with it but also something else that’s far worse,” Luke explained.
“What could be worse than whatever that ... thing is doing to people right now?” Randy wondered, his voice quavering.
“Imagine what it does to people, translating to the very land and environment we live in,” Luke stated, keeping the idea simple.
“What the fuck did I step into?” Randy breathed, shivering at the thought.
“Not all is lost, Randall. There are those of us who can fight such entities, provided we have the tools to fight them. This is why we need your help,” Felicitae/Amy stated, walking up to the man.
“How ... how can I help?” Randy asked, a little color returning to his face.
“By letting us take that arm. We need it, if we are going to create ways to defeat and protect us from this entity,” Felicitae/Amy replied. Gulping fearfully, but nodding at this little ray of hope, Randy turned to the corpse of the man and picked up the right forearm. He then walked over to where a bunch of spare bags were kept and grabbed one before he stuffed it in.
“I sure as hell hope that you’ll tell me the complete story later!” Randy groused.
“Bud, you can count on that! Pay my place a visit after we’re done, and I’ll tell you everything!” Luke promised.
“You had better! This is both scary and ... super cool!” Randy gushed as he started putting things together in his mind. “I know you lot are in a rush, but ... I need to know something.”
“What did you wish to know?” Emalia questioned.
“How long have you ... your kind, been here? On Earth, I mean?” the morgue tech queried.
“We’ve always been here. Humans just need to listen with their hearts and open up their eyes. Then and only then will you see everything that lies hidden around you,” Emalia answered with a smile. Randy stood there, looking confused as he processed this answer.
“Speaking of hidden things ... there is something that I sense ... which dominates your thoughts,” Felicitae/Amy stated, peering at the man curiously.
“Um ... I’m sorry, but what are you talking about?” Randy asked nervously.
“No ... not something ... someone,” Felicitae/Amy replied with a devilish smirk. A small mote of green magical energy appeared, hovering over her hand. Randy stared at it apprehensively before she bopped him on the head with it, pressing the energy into his head.
“Wha ... what ... did you do?” Randy asked worriedly, as he felt a bit woozy.
“Just gave you a little gift. Be sure that you put it to use now. Especially later today,” Felicitae/Amy replied with a knowing smile. The trio then left the morgue, leaving behind a very confused and bewildered man, who shook his head, almost like he expected something to fall out.
“What did you do to the man?” Luke questioned as they walked out of the secondary exit.
“She instilled a little confidence into him. It’s clear that he’s been wanting something ... someone for quite some time. Felicitae ... Amy, gave him what he needs to finally take that which he wants,” Emalia stated matter-of-factly.
“Which is what?” Luke queried.
“That is something that is known only to him.”
Randy stood there, like a lump on a log, still trying to wrap his head around everything he saw. He saw ... he didn’t know what he saw, but it definitely wasn’t human! They were humanoid, a very appealing kind of humanoid, as Emalia’s curves popped into his mind. Whatever Amy was ... was she possessed by a spirit? That couldn’t have been right, because science proved that spirits aren’t real.
Though, in light of everything he had witnessed not even ten minutes ago, he was forced to reconsider everything he knew. That was a lot to reconsider, as he was still trying to rationalize everything in his mind. It took some doing, but he finally managed to calm down enough to where he could finally think straight. Just as he reached this point, he heard the clip clopping of booted feet, telling him that his co-worker had returned from lunch.
Damini Bhatt had always caught the man’s eye, as she was a beautiful woman. He always had a thing for exotic women, but Damini, she was on a whole other level. As it was with most women of East Indian descent, Damini had the dusky complexion, brown eyes, and black hair that her race was known for. She was short, at least to him, standing all of maybe five foot two, but that just added to her allure.
She was a trim woman, relentless in keeping herself in shape, as she was usually at the gym, hitting the weights. Damini wasn’t muscled by any means, but that didn’t mean she was weak either. Though with her shorter frame, assumptions were often made, but they were dead wrong. More than once, Randy had heard of this little fireplug of a woman flattening some dude who thought himself more than she could handle.
It was always a laugh to hear of how Damini flattened one guy or another, making them beg forgiveness before she let them up. Though, with the way her body was shaped, he couldn’t blame the asshats for trying. Her ass was the kind of perky that made you want to either slap it or bite it, and her tits weren’t anything to sneeze at either. A little more than a handful, but not massive like some women, Damini was the epitome of a curvy woman.
“Rough lunch?” Randy questioned, seeing the stormcloud of emotions on her face.
“Not now, Randy!” she snapped, giving him a sideways glare.
Damini had always been an enigma to him, as most East Indian girls tended to be the prim and proper types. Not Damini, though. She went her own direction on things, and if you had a problem with it, you could promptly see yourself out of her life. She was a rocker girl and a total metalhead, as evidenced by the way she dressed.
Black made up most of the colors of her wardrobe, and she was often sporting black lipstick and black fingernails. She was somewhere between tomboy and girlie girl, a rare mix that Randy found oddly enticing. She also had the firebrand attitude that went with it and wouldn’t take no shit from no one, not even family. Randy knew that Damini had gone to see her strict and conservative parents and was curious about how it went.
“It was that bad, was it?” Randy remarked as he watched her silently fume.
“Randy! Don’t be such a nosy shit!” she yelled, her eyes blazing with anger.
“Look, I’m just concerned for my co-worker, who’s clearly having a lousy ass day and just want to be sure that she’s doing OK! All right?” Randy shot back as he turned back to go over inventory.
Damini’s eyes widened upon hearing this, surprised that he’d take that tone with her! Randy had always been the genuine sort of guy, but was a little too complacent and subservient. He usually backed down when fights or conflict started, as he always kept his nose and hands out of things. That sort of attitude was not what Damini was looking for in a guy.
This fire though, she had no idea where it had come from and wondered how it could have come out. She did smile slightly on hearing that he was concerned about her welfare. It was sweet to know that someone she knew of in the life she had chosen cared. Her anger dissipating somewhat, she stood up and headed out to where Randy was busy.
“Hey,” she called out.
“Hmm?” he replied.
“I’m sorry that I snapped at you like that. You’re not the one I’m mad at. It was a bitch move on my part,” Damini apologized.
“Yes, it was. Apology accepted, by the way. I don’t mean to be nosy about your affairs, but it just seems that today has been rougher on you than most,” Randy observed.
The man couldn’t believe the words that were tumbling out of his mouth! Most of the time, he was always one to stay on the sidelines, staying out of people’s way. He also didn’t have the audacity to call people out, like he had called Damini out! He always listened to them, obeying his brain’s flight mode over its fight mode. Now, it was like the flight mode had relinquished its dominance and had given full control to the other side!
“Ugh! You have no idea what kind of day it has turned into!” Damini groused as she rubbed her temples.
“Well then? Spill!”
“It’s my parents and their constant judgmental bullshit that just grates on my nerves! It’s almost like they think this is still the nineteen fifties and that I’m just supposed to do what they say!” she stated.
“How so? I’m familiar with East Indian culture to an extent, but please break a few things down for me?” Randy asked as he listened attentively.
Damini smiled and humored the man, knowing that he was as whitebread as men like him came. She listed off all the things that Indian girls were supposed to be; obedient, dutiful, strict and, above all, submissive. Randy’s face was one of total disgust, as he couldn’t believe that there were still people out there who enforced such values on others. He shook his head in disbelief when Damini told him of what her parents had essentially demanded of her.
“So, let me see if I got this straight. Your parents want you to give up everything that you’re doing, in order to enter into some arranged life for you? That they even went so far as to arrange for a man to come and marry you? Someone that they picked??” Randy asked, disgusted by the notion.
“Yeah, basically. I told them in no uncertain terms that they could stuff their little idea of what I’m supposed to be up their asses! I’m not like my big sisters and I’ll never be! Period!!” Damini grumbled.
“Wait, you have sisters?” Randy questioned.
“Yeah, three of them. All older, all married, all of them doing exactly what my mother and father told them to do. It’s like they expect me to obey, just like they did, without question! They don’t take into consideration the things I like to do, that I want to do and how I have every intention of living my life my way!” Damini roared.
“As it should be with anyone, no matter where you’re from!” Randy agreed.
“They and my sisters expect me to be this ‘good, respectful girl,’” she replied with a scoff. “What they don’t understand is how my life should be my own to determine! I mean, by Shiva, it’s my life that I’m living, not theirs!”
“I get that one hundred percent!” Randy said to her, giving her a meaningful look.
“I was raised in a hardcore, European Catholic family. Trust me when I say I know exactly what you’re talking about,” Randy told her.
Before Damini could ask about it, Randy tugged at the sleeve of his right arm, pulling it back. On the man’s forearm was a crisscross latticework of scars. She looked at the man’s arm, aghast at the level of markings that were on it! There were so many that she couldn’t count them all, as one often blended in with another.
“What happened?” she wondered, curious about the man.
“My father ... if you could call him that ... was very strict in my upbringing. I had to be the best in everything I did. Second place was never tolerated, much less agreed upon. I did well in school and whatever things I decided to pursue. Only problem was, I was never allowed to select my own pursuits. They were selected for me,” Randy said as he pulled his sleeve back down.
Damini winced, as she had heard various tales about such people and how they were just as bad as her own were. Often pushing their children to reach such heights that many deemed unattainable for that age. Also, with the level of expectation placed upon them, it was a wonder that many of them didn’t crack under the pressure. She never figured Randy for one of those types, but she obviously misjudged him.
“Ai!” Damini replied, thinking about how rough that must have been.
“When I got to the point where I wanted to start thinking for myself ... I was ... discouraged from doing so. Such discouragement, along with whenever I endured ... re-education about being the best ... it nearly broke me,” Randy replied, holding his forearm.
“What did you do?” she asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.
“Severed all ties with them and struck out on my own. I was fifteen at the time when I left home, and I was surprised that I didn’t do it much sooner. With a world of infinite possibility at our fingertips, why should we let others decide our fate for us?” Randy asked.
“You make for a compelling argument there,” Damini agreed. “I wish more people could be like us that way. This world would be a far better place if people were allowed to determine their own fates.”
“I agree. So, just wondering about something,” Randy stated, mustering up the courage to do what he feared.
“Did you want to sit down and chat over a coffee sometime?” he asked.
“Like what? A date?” Damini asked, a little shocked that he’d ask her again.
“If you want it to be,” he said, sounding hopeful.
“We’re friends, Randy. Not anything else. Though we share some battle scars, you’re still a little too tame,” Damini replied, trying to let the man down easy.
Randy would have been crestfallen had his submissive side been the one in charge. But it wasn’t as his more dominant alpha side was in charge now and it was angry. Angry that he’d revealed a painful part of his past to this woman and she still shut him down. Angry that his attempt to ask her out previously had been met with a harsh smackdown. Angry that she was turning him away again.
He wasn’t having it, not in the slightest, as he not only wanted this woman, he desired her in the worst way imaginable. Randy growled quietly, but it was a noise that Damini heard and she turned to address the man. She never got the chance, as she was grabbed and pinned against the table by which they stood. She stared up into Randy’s face and saw anger, contempt and, most of all, desire.
“Tame, am I?” he whispered, before he leaned in and kissed her. Damini tried screaming or calling out, but it was useless, as was lashing out with her arms. Randy had used his size and strength to his advantage, pinning her against the cold metal table.
She could have fought, but the only thing on her mind was the kiss and how it made her feel. The surprise had worn off and she could feel herself getting warm, feverish ... almost lustful. Randy finally let her up for air thirty seconds later and got a hard slap for his efforts. Damini was furious at the man and made to berate him, but he beat her to it, surprising her with what he said.
“I suppose I deserved that,” Randy replied, rubbing his reddened cheek gingerly. “If you want to report me for this, go right ahead. I won’t stop you. Before you do, I only have one thing to say.”
“Oh, really? What is that?” she demanded, seething with rage.
“Whatever happens to me, being kicked out of here and out of a job, it was worth it,” he stated.
Now Damini was truly shocked! He had done that, knowing full well that he could get into some deep shit for doing it, but he did it anyway?!? What’s more was that he viewed the consequences as a fair exchange for taking a kiss from her? Her, a quintessential goth and metalhead, who snubbed her nose at guys like him?!? It was a heady rush for sure, one which fueled what she did next.
She was still shocked at Randy’s brazen audacity and briefly considered reporting him. That line of thinking shut down almost immediately, as she thought more about the kiss he had taken. He knew what he was doing. She gave him that, and the kiss made her feel all gooey and melty inside. Damini decided in a heartbeat that the kiss was far too good to just throw away and knew that she wanted more.
This time, she pinned his ass against the cold metal table and kissed him. Damini pressed into the man, making sure that he knew what she thought of the kiss and him in that moment. His arms then encircled her, and she panicked for a moment, but found that she liked the way they felt. Damini smiled inwardly, sighing happily as his hands found their way to her ass.
They broke their kiss and stared at one another, chests heaving as they did so. Damini licked her lips and stared up at this bold man. She wondered how he had stoked a fire within her that now needed quenching. Randy was in full on panic mode, not knowing what he’d done, but now was amazed at the result! Whatever was happening to him, he had so far seen that it was something that was benefitting him!
The way that Damini looked up at him, her eyes and body full of anticipation, set him on edge. It also turned him on, which was unexpected, as he’d never had a woman look at him like that. Randy never expected Damini to look at him this way, like she wanted to devour him! She then yipped, before backing away from him as she fanned herself.
“What? What’s the matter?” he asked as he saw her flush, her skin going a shade darker.
“That! Is that all you?” Damini peeped, pointing at his pants. Randy looked down and saw that his dick was hard and bursting to get out of its confines. He smirked as he thought of how big he was, and how he’d only had one real complaint about it.
“What? Is it too much for you?” he questioned, feeling more than a little cocky.
“You must be stuffing!” she told him with a scoff.
She closed the gap between them, before pushing her hands down his pants. Damini was certain that Randy had been putting socks or something down his pants for a while now. While he thought she didn’t notice, Damini certainly had noticed when Randy had ... wardrobe malfunctions. Her hands finally found what she sought, and they slid along down the length before finding the root, making her eyes widen.
“You know, I normally don’t let just any woman stick her hands down my pants,” Randy told her with a chuckle.
“Holy...” she squeaked, unconsciously licking her lips. She gasped as she felt Randy’s hands slip past the dress pants she was wearing before resting on her ass.
“What? You have your hands on my dick, so it’s only fair that I get a handful or two of your ass,” Randy smirked.
“I ... um ... wasn’t expecting this ... when I woke up this morning,” Damini breathed.
“Neither was I! I mean, I knew you were different from most women, but ... a thong? Didn’t think you were one who liked racy underwear,” Randy smiled.
“There’s a lot I like to do that would blow your mind,” she replied huskily as she went in for another kiss as she gently stroked his dick. Randy clasped and squeezed her ass, making his intent to her known as he growled ferally. Damini returned her growl with one of her own, wanting to make sure that this man knew what she wanted. Rational thought finally caught up with the woman and she backed off almost instantly.
“What is it?” Randy asked.
“As ... fun as this is ... we need to stop right now,” Damini stated.
“Because we’re at work and anyone could walk down the stairs and catch us doing this,” she told him, using her logic to deescalate the situation.
“Right now, I don’t care who walks down here and finds us doing whatever. I’ve waited too long to have you, and right now, that’s exactly what I’m going to do,” he told her.
Damini then lost it, as all rational thought was cast to the wind, and she kissed him. Randy kissed her back, their tongues dueling with one another as their hands roamed across each other’s bodies. Their work coats hit the floor first, followed by their shirts and pants.
Randy toggled her bra off, finding the catch at the front, and Damini sighed at the release of pressure. While she wasn’t busty by most standards, Damini had enough where her small C cup stood out on her small frame. Breaking the kiss, Randy went straight for her rack and she moaned as he sucked on her nips.
Damini then noticed some really nice tattoos that Randy had, especially the big one on his back. It looked like a hybridization of angel and bat wings, which she thought was really cool! She noted other neat ones and had to find out who his artist was! Damini also saw just how well built Randy was, having some muscle on his frame, but not egregious amounts of it. The exact type of body she found attractive.
She was getting all hot and bothered as Randy made his way down to her steaming core. Damini moaned and gasped as his head found its way between her thighs, his tongue probing her covered nethers. He took his time, licking and sucking at her through her panties, which were nearly soaked. The teasing and the buildup was driving her nuts with desire, and she grabbed his head, pulling it into her.
Randy resisted her insistent tugs, keeping on with his pace, intent on driving this woman mad with lust. It was working as Damini was moaning in frustration at how he was teasing her. After a few more minutes, he figured that she’d had enough teasing and shifted the fabric aside. The moment his mouth hit her bare pussy lips, Damini almost came as the feel of his hot and moist mouth latched onto her quim.
He licked and sucked the woman, making her writhe in delight and joy. It had been too long since she’d had a good pussy licking, and Damini was more than happy with Randy’s attentions. He drove his tongue into her steaming hole and the stimulation drove her crazy. Needy with desire, she humped his face, wanting more of that glorious tongue buried inside her.
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John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...
Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...
“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...
At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...
Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...
Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...
More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....
War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...
The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...
A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...
An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...
Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...
A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...
Busty British doll Barbie Sins is Mick Blue’s hot new playmate. She’s blonde. She’s sexy. She’s a stunning anal sex adventuress. Everything about this London babe — from her jiggly big ass to her bouncy big tits — makes your prick stand up and take notice. It’s not just her looks that amaze, as Mick quickly finds out during a POV blowjob, ball sucking, and rimjob. And as she pushes dildos and a Christmas tree sex toy from her rosebud, it’s not simply her sensual oral skills that turn you on,...
xmoviesforyouWork on Monday got off to a horrendous start when Neill rejected a load of concrete. The driver became enraged and for a minute I thought he and Neill were going to come to blows. I overheard Neill speaking to the concrete company on the phone, telling them the consistency was not up to spec and what they could do with the load. Sending the driver away with a truckload of concrete threw the schedule into turmoil and the mood of everyone at the construction site into the dumpster. Tradesmen...
Crunch-crunch. Zahrine’s stallion tread lightly on the woodland path carved out in between the creaking old hardwoods. The hammock of tree canopies overhead filtered out the fading autumnal light as the sun sank towards an unseen horizon beyond the foliage. Thin columns of amber shone down onto the trail comprised of worn-smooth cobblestones being reclaimed in old growth spider webbing up onto the surface from the network of tendrils infiltrating the soil. Overtop the obfuscated footpath lay...
You, a 25-year-old man works at one of the richest business in the world, You make what your bullies can't. They haven't finished college yet, but instead of you being so boastful to them, they still continue what they have done to you since high school! You have no choice but to deal with them as all of you live in a small city that only has 200,000 population but a town that leans towards developing technologies. While you are having a good life buying anything you want, those douche bags...
Mind ControlRick sat on the couch with Laura at his feet. She was leaning between his thighs occasionally licking his semi erect cock just to watch it twitch. Tracy walked up to and sat down next to them on the couch. She was still naked, her body pert and perfect, but she looked like she was ready to fall asleep on her feet. She snuggled up close to Rick. "Why me?" she asked. "Why you what?" Rick replied, puzzled. "Why did you pick me to be your companion?" She asked " and your fuck...
Claire was edgy. She waited nervously in the empty classroom until the door opened and both her daughters crept in. "What's she doing here?" Hailey protested indignantly. "Hailey, listen to me," Ruth replied, pausing for effect. "It's Mum." "What? Where?" She looked at Claire and realization dawned. "No way." "It is me sweetheart," Claire told her softly. "This isn't right. You're dead. This is some sort of sick joke," the girl cried out in denial. Claire moved towards...
Suzee was in bed, hoping to get a good fuck from her 'friend'. He was a friend that she was bedding for the first time. Hopefully it was the first of many times they would be together in this most intimate way. Suzee had lost her long time Master to a heart attack. She had lost her Master while she was on her belly, enjoying an afternoon ass fucking that both of them loved.Suzee knelt between her friend's spread legs, her soft, wrinkled hands stroking his soft cock, fondling his gray-haired...
The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift — as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she'd expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period...
I gently awoke to her silhouette. She was looking at my crotch, stroking my cock lovingly through my boxer shorts. She'd aroused me in my sleep, and despite the fog of waking the bulge in my underwear betrayed anticipation. She'd been out late with some friends, and I had already gone to bed. For some reason, while it was permitted for us to have sex in her bedroom, I was obligated to spend the night on a couch in the basement. She knelt on the hard floor next to the couch and leaned over...
Hello my name is Akil . This is my second story about my mom . Really like to share the story about my mom she is in her 45 little fat 30.32 size she is dam hot. My dad is at dubai. When ever he is at dubai she used to sleep with lots of uncls. She really like to do that she dont like to do with condoms. One day we went to our couzine house , to see my couzine after 8pm may told me that we can go . I told her i am going to sleep here . The she say ok she told my cozuzine brother to drop me off...
~MUST HAVE CAMERAPHONE. The purpose of a slave is for them to pleasure their master/mistress. They are to take pictures when&where-ever they are told to, of whatever they are told to. ~MUST ADDRESS THEIR OWNER CORRECTLY. As a female owner, I am to be called Miss, Mistress, Ma'am, Madam, or even Master. MUST BE CREATIVE! This one can be debateable. I prefer a creative slave, so I can say "I want 10 creative pictures" and they will comply. I only do that request occasionally. ~MUST BE...
Vishal was stretched out on the sofa, glass of wine in hand with one of the local radio stations playing in the background. His wife Priya was away for a few days on business and he was taking this opportunity for a completely relaxing evening alone, where all his cares and worries – not that he could think of any at that particular moment in time – could take a back seat. As he went to refill his glass he both heard and saw the rain beating down hard against the lounge window. On the opposite...
IncestGoing Deeper - by Helen Newton. The heading on her profile simply read: - 'Convincing submissive she- male, sissy, cross dressing secretary required' It all began when I had advertised myself as a submissive transvestite on an online bdsm contact web site some months earlier and noticed the above advert / profile. In truth joining the site was more just for fantasy for me and in truth I hadn't considered or expected anything realistic to ever come of it. Besides I doubted that I...
Note to the Reader: This is a romantic short story about plus sized woman and the man who thinks she is beautiful. It’s the first non-erotic story I’ve posted, and the first story I’ve posted in a long time. I hope you enjoy it. Please send feedback. ______________________ ‘Hi Beautiful,’ Bill said, watching Caroline’s shapely calves climb the steps of the bus before meeting her gaze. Her dark brown eyes peeked up at him from behind her long, thick lashes. A blush crept onto her cheeks and...
Hi ISS readers Again it’s Me Zavi my mail ID today I would like to share a true story which happened about 6 years back. it’s about my maid she was around 28 years old she was tall long hair little on the dark side huge boobs not much of education. Let me come to the story well in the beginning her mom was working in my house as a maid she was very old and looked very ugly sorry to use the word ugly but really she was. my house was on the ground floor I often used to keep the door open and...
The alarm clock wasn’t my friend. It blared loudly cutting into the silence. I reached out and gently turned the machine off. It was an alert that my day was beginning. I dragged myself out of bed and headed toward the shower. Refreshed and ready to start the day, there was a knocked at the door.“Who is It?” I called from behind the door. I looked through the peephole and saw a familiar person.“It’s Reggie” I opened the door, wrapped in my bath towel surprised to see Reggie.“Ted, Can I take a...
It all began one night near the end of my junior year in high school. Our school was predominantly Hispanic and I was in the minority being white. I was fairly popular at school, but I was nothing compared to my friend Tanya. She was a senior, and she was easily the best looking, and most popular, girl in the school. Everywhere she went the best looking guys in school flocked to hang on her every word. She was a Hispanic beauty, with the prettiest smile and jet-black hair. I would have sold...
That Sunday was the coldest day of the season so far, and Jessica stayed in bed late into the morning, keeping herself warm with Marie on one side and Jane on the other. When she finally rose, she found an email from Serena, who had decided to open the yoga studio (normally closed on Sundays) for an “exclusive hot yoga session.”This perked Jessica right up; she simply could not imagine a better way to spend the afternoon. After a leisurely breakfast she, Marie, and Jane arrived at the studio...
This is the sequel chapter to Reunited, in order to gain context, please read the first chapter for more pleasure... Meg. His cock is throbbing in my mouth as I hold his hips closer, looking up, I can only see a gorgeous young man in front of me. He is someone I had never laid eyes on before now but is biologically my son. I break my mouth away from his manhood, gasping as I stare at the muscle in front of me, coated in my lustful spit. What am I doing? Oh god, what have I done? I look up to...
IncestAriel (Yes, named after the famous Mermaid) was another recommendation from our friends over at and this one did not disappoint. When she first walked through the door I immediately noticed two things, her vibrant red hair and her huge natural tits. This sweet, yet shy girl was under the impression that she was there to work with me, Rocky “The Director,” and of course this was not the case. So after getting to know Ariel a little better I handed her a magic wand to...
xmoviesforyouTime slowed as the key turned in the front door, and nothing could be heard but the click of the latch opening. As the reality of the situation began to dawn, Juliet was the first to react. With a loud screech she scrabbled to her feet, leaving her scent coursing through my nostrils and her wetness dripping from my face. Sara was quick to her feet too, and as she rose the head of my straining penis slid from her anus, before I had had chance to explore her in any depth. A blur of legs ran for...
IncestOne gorgeous spring morning strolling into the kitchen my other half hands me a cup of coffee and says a beautiful weekend for a first run on the bike ,looking over the rim.of my cup smiles a weekend away with you sounds heavily when we leaving finish your coffee I will make you breakfast then we will pack the the bike.We are ready dressed bike is packed asking him any place in mind he says we will let the bike decide ,the bike comes to life vibrating with anticipation on our destination ,lift...
She nodded yes "But I cannot take the really big cocks yet, so that is why I am in training.""When were you castrated?""Immediately after the wedding." she said. "I've never been allowed to fuck my wife. When I proposed to her, she had a black cock in her cunt. She was already black only. On our wedding night, on our honeymoon, she had a gang bang with several black men. I was castrated the next day to ensure I would never even be temped to fuck her."I was astonished, and said "Wow!" At least I...
MONDAY 12:10 A. M. Office of Henry Donaldson, Chicago, IL Thirty seconds before the door to Henry's outer office opened, Rick's voice sounded in Alice's head, 'Hi Dear. Sorry for the late arrival again, but it's just a zoo out there.' 'That's okay Love, I wasn't sure you'd make it at all with the insane traffic. By the way, I've a bit of news for you, ' Alice sent. 'Oh My God! Don't tell me you're waddling down the aisle in an altered wedding gown? Those were Trojans and...
The late August afternoon’s heat was blistering as the Western sun made it’s inevitable way to the horizon. There was an old rambling shack called the Mooney Hotel, at an angle across the street from the town’s corral. A full-length porch stretched from one side to the other, across the full length of the hotel. Two old timers were seated side-by-side on some old cane-bottom chairs decorating the front of Mooney’s. One old timer, scruffy looking with a grey tobacco-stained beard and moustache,...
I entered my bedroom to find Julie, my current girlfriend, naked and handcuffed spread eagle on my bed. “Wow! Hello! How did you get in?” I asked. “Steve let me in!” she replied. (Steve was my roommate). “I was wondering where you were. Where were you?’ she asked. “Not important” I replied.”The question is: what to do with you?” “I think you can figure out something to do” she replied. I looked at her for a moment, then the idea hit me. “I’ll be back!” I said, leaving the room. I knew...
It was a beautiful day at the beach. I was with my boyfriend Chris, his buddy Mike and his girlfriend Amy . We spent the day enjoying the ocean and warm weather. The waves were just prefect to body surf in. More than once my bikini top came down riding the waves. I know Chris enjoyed the view and I caught Mike take a quick glimpse as well. After a few hours of the beach we decided it was time to go. I went home to get showered and then headed over to their apartment. We planned on double...
I’ve been a wanker such a long time, it’s difficult to remember all my experiences. But the 1st Time Round always sticks in your mind, like the 1st Time I saw girls bare in magazines, the 1st Time I saw a girl pose for real, the 1st Time I spontaneously spunked in my underpants. These are some of my 1st Time Round experiences, to the best of my memory. Go-go girlsJust thinking about skimpy-dressed girls dancing go-go sends shivers down my spine. I first saw this on Ready Steady Go! A pop...
After transferring to my new high school and making the track team, I found that they had an unusual initiation that I had to go through. When I walked into the shower and found one guy sucking another guys cock and the team flowing in behind me, and no one upset about the scene that they saw, I should have know what was to come. I endured the team fuck for the first part but having to suck all the teams cock after each meet and practice till some one new joined, was a little much. After each...
Autumn Falls, self-proclaimed animal person, fucks like one with Manuel Ferrara from scene 1 of “Pretty Little Sluts #2”. The tasty tart with big tits starts off brushing a horse in her short shorts. She feeds a bunch of cocks which makes for great foreshadowing for a porn scene… She hits the showers and that’s when meat will rise as Autumn possesses amazing melons and they look even better lathered up! She dries off her formidable chassis and gets going with Manuel. The...
xmoviesforyouI wondered how long it would be before I had the visit from Sue for the evaluation on Tristan, hopefully she will allow me to recover and produce a bit of yogurt for her.I slipped my shorts back on and sat and finished reading the paper, unaware of the time ticking by. The doorbell rang and I jumped out my seat and rushed to let Sue in, I was greeted with a radiant smile by Sue, still dressed smartly in her skirt and blouse. “Hi Frank” she said and gave me a kiss. We walked into the lounge and...
Hi Folks, this is my second story on the ISS. I’m an avid reader of ISS. Latest stories prompted me to write up my own experience. This is my way of re-living that first experience. This happened a few months ago. Before we launch into my story, a quick introduction about me. I'm Nandhini, happily married with a loving husband. But it had been quite some time since we had passionate sex. No, don’t get me wrong, we were going quite steady. But life in general, sex in particular was very...
November 27, 1987, Chicago, Illinois After dinner on Friday we had our house meeting to discuss living arrangements. I started out with the office and den changes, and then asked everyone their plans for the next year. There wasn’t any change other than the one I already knew about with Sofia. “Is there a problem because Kara’s having a baby?” Charlie asked. “It’s not a problem, it’s just a complication,” I said. “We have a full eight months to figure it out, and once my dad leaves, the...
I hailed a cab and told the driver to take me to St. Martin street. From what I have read St. Martin Street is like a red light district. There is a lot of of causal bars there but also there are strip clubs and some brothels. After about a 5 mile cab ride I arrived at St. Martin Street and paid the driver and proceeded to walk down the street. I pulled out my phone and re-looked at the picture of Nicole. Nicole had brunette hair, a pretty face, and massive natural looking breast for her...
Let me tell you a bit about my Ma’am… her name is Ajay and she is hot! I had always looked at women like her and thought that they were out of my league, and truthfully, she is. I have no idea how I got someone like her, but I am thankful everyday that I am hers. We had been seeing each other just a short time when I told her that I was looking for someone who would be more dominant in the bedroom. I had been a closet submissive all of my life and had been looking for someone to take...
You hear a soft and unfamiliar knock at your bedroom door. It sounds light and you figure it is a woman but you thought you were home alone. You never heard anyone come in the front door, with some hesitation you stay in bed and say come in. The door opened slowly as your heart starts to pound with anticipation. You first notice my hand with long red fingernails and then you see my leg, you notice my black high heels with my stockings then I completely step into full view, you see my soft...
Charles Dera is driving in to work when he passes by his stepdaughter Tara Ashley, who is walking to school. He realizes Tara isn’t wearing a bra. Hopping out of the car, he confronts his stepdaughter and then takes her home where he demands she peel off her schoolgirl uniform and try on bras. When Tara refuses to wear any of them, Charles bends her over his knee, flips up her miniskirt, and spanks her. Hot and horny from her spanking, Tara turns the tables on her stepdad when she takes...
xmoviesforyouMaid Heather I was bound tightly, gagged, and blindfolded, when you came home early. I was supposed to have the house to myself, and planned to spend some time tied up in my maid uniform, even going so far as to use earplugs to cut down on how much I could hear. As you open the door, you were about to call out that you were home when you stop in your tracks, seeing this vision of pink satin, white lace and leather restraints in front of you, squirming helplessly on the floor....