Finally Got My MIL
- 2 years ago
- 27
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Vishal was stretched out on the sofa, glass of wine in hand with one of the local radio stations playing in the background. His wife Priya was away for a few days on business and he was taking this opportunity for a completely relaxing evening alone, where all his cares and worries – not that he could think of any at that particular moment in time – could take a back seat. As he went to refill his glass he both heard and saw the rain beating down hard against the lounge window. On the opposite side of the room the open log fire was blazing merrily away in the hearth. Though winter had been milder than usual this year today had turned cold. With the cold had come rain. Tonight was particular filthy and Vishal was just pleased he had no need to go out.
He’d just refilled his glass and had just set another log in the hearth when the sound of the doorbell caused him to curse. He took a sip from his glass and waited for a few moments, in two minds whether or not to ignore whoever had chosen to disturb him at this time of night. In truth, he’d already pretty much decided, given the conditions outside, he’d have to answer, when the chimes sounded for a second time.
Placing his drink on the side table he made his way towards the front door where he switched on the outside light. Though he could see the outlined shape of his evening visitor, he was in no way able to determine who it was, or for that matter, if they were male or female. Turning the latch he swung open the door to find Neelam, his mother in law standing inside the small porch, looking very much the worse for the rain.
“Hello Vishal, I wasn’t sure if anyone was in,” she said.
Although not expected, Vishal wasn’t entirely surprised to see it was Neelam who had called. She’d always been particularly close to her daughter and would often call in for a chat, moreso of late, having lost her husband just over a year ago
“Come in,” he prompted, standing to one side as she stepped into the hall. ” Priya ‘s not here, she’s had to go up North on business. I thought she would have told you.” He said as he pushed the door closed against the wind and rain.
Neelam turned to face him.
“No she didn’t, though now I come to think of it I do seem to recall her saying something about having to spend one or two days away at some stage this month.”
“Is it anything important?” he asked.
“No, not at all. In fact I just popped over for a bit of company, but if you’re busy I’ll leave you to it,” she said, her body making the gesture that she was ready to depart as quickly as she’d arrived.
“Don’t be silly! There’s no need for that. I’m doing nothing special. In fact I’d just settled down for a relaxing evening. Here, let me take your coat for you.”
Neelam turned, thereby offering him the view of her back. As she unbuttoned the front of her coat, so he reached up and slipped it off her shoulders . He found himself immediately beginning to stir down below for the coat now removed, revealed the outfit that she was wearing. A light blue, close knit, lambswool and lycra dress, the neck of which formed a tantalising vee between her breasts.
In reality the outfit was more than just pleasing to the eye. He had seen her wear this on several occasions and if he cared to admit it – and he saw no reason not to, it was a particular favorite of his – especially given that at fifty-five, she still possessed a superb thirty-six, twenty-five, thirty-five inch figure. One that she appeared to have very little difficulty keeping in good shape.
“Go on through,” he said, turning to hang the coat up in the hall. As he did, he couldn’t help but notice her rear view as she made her way down the hall towards the lounge.
‘Exquisite!’ he thought to himself, watching those shapely buns of hers jiggle from side to side beneath their soft woollen restraint.
Neelam disappeared into the lounge and he found himself wondering what her reaction might be if she knew the thoughts she’d just stirred or indeed if she knew just how much he fancied her. Then again, he thought, with more than a small measure of hope, the way her motor was running as she’d headed for the lounge, maybe she was more aware of his feelings than he himself realised.
He followed her through to the lounge and beckoned for her to make herself comfortable while he poured her a glass of wine. Even then he wasn’t able to resist watching her from out of the corner of his eye as she sat herself down on the sofa. He crossed the room, drink in hand. He offered her the glass, retreating to the armchair as she took it from him.
For the first few minutes they chatted about Priya, in particular her job and of the increasing need for her to spend time away nowadays, and throughout he found himself in a loosing struggle in trying to avert his eyes
from his Mother-in-laws delicious body. Twice he had to adjust his position for fear that Ca Neelam thy would notice his stirring below.
They continued chatting about nothing in particular where he allowed himself to become steadily intoxicated by her sensuous body.
There was no doubt about it he mused to himself, Mother-in-law or not, she was one very attractive woman. He afforded himself a smile as he wondered how many other men could honestly say they had such a fanciable Mother-in-law, especially the way that she looked tonight, dressed as she was in her figure hugging dress, made all the better that she definitely had the figure which did justice to such an outfit and as he sat there taking furtive glances, he thought to himself how she couldn’t have looked any better if she’d have been poured into it. He found it difficult to believe that, so far as he knew, she didn’t have some attentive male to wine and dine her.
His eyes drifted up to her ample breasts, each of which was held firm beneath the deep vee of her top, their size enough to cause the soft wool to stretch tantalizingly apart, ensuring just the correct amount of cleavage on display. They seemed to rise and fall with each breath she took, like a gentle swell.
His eyes lowered to trace the outline of her curves, her trim waist, her curvaceous hips, on down to her legs, slender yet firm and nicely shaped all the way down to her seductively slim ankles. ‘Mmmm! Just how many times had he fantasised at how good it would be to have them wrapped around his body’.
He noted too that she was wearing nylons and considered momentarily whether or not they were tights or stockings. Knowing Neelam, he suspected they’d surely be stockings. In his opinion she was too demure for tights, but that was just his opinion.
Almost subconsciously he heard her voice once more and while it snapped him out of his trance, he realised he hadn’t heard all of what she’d been saying.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I must have been daydreaming. What was it you said?”
“Oh dear Vishal. Is it really that boring listening to your Mother-in-law?”
“No no! Of course not. Far from it,” he replied. “I just didn’t catch what you’d said, was all.”
She looked him up and down as if trying to determine if what he’d said were true.
“I was just asking if you’ll be picking Priya up from the airport on her return.”
He took a sip of his drink. “No. She’ll get a taxi back. Besides, her firm’s paying for it.”
“And she’s back Thursday you say?”
“Yes. Sometime during the evening,” he replied, still finding it difficult to prize his eyes away from her body.
“So poor little old you will have that big bed all to yourself for the next few nights? You’ll feel lost,” she said and as she did so she ran a hand, it seemed, purposely down her thigh, uncrossing and crossing her legs in one fluid motion.
To Vishal, while the comment and her subsequent action appeared, on the surface at least, entirely innocent, there was nevertheless something of an undertone about her words and action which caused him a further stirring below.
“Yes. I suppose I will,” he replied.
He continued to watch her as she seemed to take an exceptional length of time to smooth down the dress just above her knee. It was almost as if she were trying to draw his attention to her legs, for him to see just how shapely they were. It didn’t help the stirring down below as he began to imagine it was his hands smoothing down the material on those sumptuous thighs, his fingertips delighting in the soft caress of wool against naked skin and for the third time in as many minutes, he found himself having to adjust his position.
The conversation carried on between the two of them for some time, the only disturbance being when he got up to replenish her drink. It was during this lull in the conversation Neelam chose to ask, “What about watching one of the films Priya is always recording?”
Often working long hours in her job, Priya would often set the video to record films she knew she would ordinarily miss. Like Vishal, Neelam knew this was one of her daughters pleasures in life. To come home from work…to shower…change then to switch on the TV, sit back and relax to watch one of the films she’d recorded. Neelam too enjoyed such evenings and would often join her daughter.
“Yes. Fine,” Vishal replied.
Having replenished her glass he crossed over to the TV. Switching it on he opened the video cabinet and ran his eye along the list of titles on show. A number of them had no title registered. He smiled to himself as an idea formed in his mind. He knew that several of them were blue movies and he wondered what Neelam ‘s reaction might be if he were to put one of these on by mistake.
‘What could she say?’ He thought to himself. And if she should strongly object, all he needed to do was apologise, explain that it was a genuine mistake and leave it at that.
Aware that Neelam was probably looking at him right at that moment he smiled to himself and decided to go for it, hoping against hope that she wouldn’t be too offended and better still, that it might lead to other things.
Reaching into the cabinet he selected one of the unmarked tapes and slipped it into the machine before returning to the comfort of the armchair. He didn’t need telling what he was doing was risky but he also knew that Neelam was pretty open minded about such things.
“What is it?” Neelam enquired before the film had started to roll.
“I’ve no idea,” he answered with some truth. “I expect it’s one of the more recently televised films.”
He watched Neelam take a sip of her wine. The film opened onto its first scene and he recognised it immediately. He knew, while there would be a few minutes before any action started, the film was of German origin which was bound to cause her to question it. Sure enough, as soon as both the model in the film and her husband started to converse Neelam turned to him.
“What is this? It’s foreign.”
“Oh God” he exclaimed with what he hoped wasn’t too false a horror. “I’ve made a mistake here, you don’t want to be watching this,” he said.
“Why? What’s wrong?” she quizzed.
“No it doesn’t matter,” he said rising from the armchair. “I’ll put something else on.”
“No it’s alright,” she replied. “If you want to watch it I don’t mind. Besides, if it’s any good I won’t have to worry about what’s being said.”
“It’s not that,” he answered, knowing he was about to come to the crunch line.
“This one…..Well let’s just say, this one’s a little bit naughty. I’m not sure you’d approve.”
Vishal still wasn’t fully out of his armchair and he watched her reaction as his meaning dawned on her.
“Oh I see,” she said, just as the young blonde started to remove her
husbands trousers.
For a moment Vishal just stood there, one eye of the screen, one watching for Cat Neelam hy’s reaction.
“Well don’t worry on my account,” she said, settling back into the sofa. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one of these, but then, once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.Isn’t that what they say?”
“So I am told!” Vishal answered as he slumped back into his armchair to afford himself a smile believing it had gone even smoother than he could have hoped for.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked, a gesture he hoped would further add to his innocence.
“Yes, don’t worry,” she answered.
For the next few minutes both Vishal ‘s and Neelam ‘s attention returned to the screen where the blonde’s husband, having been stripped down to his underpants, now started to tease his young wife by caressing her ample boobs over her summery top. Vishal watched intently as he imagined it was not the blonde but Neelam on screen, and instead of the husband, it was he who was doing the caressing. Oh what it would be like to run his hands back and forth across her shapely tits, he could only wonder.
The two of them sat back to watch the video and as the storyline panned out, so the action on the screen unfolded and hotted up. In turn, so Vishal grew more and more turned on. At each turn of events on screen he found himself visualizing his Mother-in-law in the role of the actress with himself as her partner. He saw himself Fucking her from the rear, from the front. Fucking her
anally, orally, in fact in every position that occurred on screen. By the time the video came to an end he’d adjusted position so many times he was in danger of wearing out the armchair. What’s more, he felt sure Neelam was aware of the difficulty he was having.
“Hmmmm. So what did you think of it then Vishal?”
The question came totally out of the blue and took him completely by surprise.
“Er! Well to be honest, I feel a little embarrassed, sitting here watching a blue movie with you. I don’t quite know what to say.”
“Oh don’t be so silly. There’s no need. I’ve told you I’ve seen it all before, and I’m sure you and Priya have seen enough of them.”
“Maybe so,” he replied. “But this isn’t quite the same as me and Priya is it?”
“No, I suppose not.” She replied. giving this some thought for a few moments before adding, “So ok, how would you and Priya react?”
For the first time Vishal felt himself flushing a little. “Well Priya quite enjoys these kind of films. She gets quite excited.”
“And you don’t I suppose?”
“Well yes, they have that effect on me as well.”
“Why is that do you think? Is it because you’re watching it as an outsider, or is it that the sex has a certain roughness about it?”
Vishal was more than a little surprised at how forthright his Mother-in-law was being.
“I don’t really know. It’s a bit of both I suppose,” he answered.
“Would you like another drink?” he asked, attempting to change the subject.
“Yes, I’d love one,” she replied.
He rose, collected their glasses from the coffee table, went over to the cabinet where he replenished their drinks. He returned to the centre of the room and offered her her glass. She took it from him and he made to sit back into his armchair.
“Why don’t you come and sit over here with me?” she asked.
The question took him by surprise and for a moment he didn’t know how to answer.
“Er. I don’t know,” he stammered.
“Is it that you think I’m going to seduce you? Is that it?” she laughed.
“No, no of course not, it’s just…”
“So come on then,” she interrupted, patting the settee at her side as she did so.
He offered a sheepish smile and crossed the room. He put his glass on the table before sitting down next to her.
“There, that wasn’t so bad was it?” she teased.
“No, of course not,” he replied, feeling somewhat flustered, embarrassed.
For some moments neither of them said anything. Vishal sensed that he needed to say something to break the tension but Neelam was the first to speak.
“So you wouldn’t want me to seduce you then?” she asked.
He was astounded. “I didn’t say that either,” he stuttered.
“Oh so does that mean you would?” she asked, stretching out a leg in front of her. His eyes were immediately drawn to the nylon clad leg and while he was acutely aware that this had almost certainly been her intention, he was nevertheless unable to resist. He allowed his eyes to be drawn from her calves up to her shapely thigh.
“I didn’t say that either,” he replied, aware she was now teasing him something rotten yet at the same time he could sense that each time he answered he was digging himself further and further into the trap she appeared to be laying.
“So what are you saying?” she asked as this time she deliberately and sensuously crossed her legs to reveal further amounts of delicious thigh.
“I’m embarrassed,” he answered, believing his honesty might bring matters to an end. “We really shouldn’t even be thinking about this.”
She laughed out loud. “Am I being naughty then?” she jested.
“A little, yes.”
“Ooooh. And what would you do to punish me then?” she cooed. With that Neelam rose from the sofa, and turned so that she was standing directly in front of him. Slowly, yet very deliberately she hitched up her dress a little and lifted her leg so that her foot rested on the sofa alongside him. Once again Vishal could do little but let his eyes savour her delicious calf and thigh which now rested in easy reach of his touch.
“Do you like my legs Vishal?” she asked.
“They’re lovely,” he responded.
“Hmmm! Would you like to touch them? To run your hands up them?”
He knew he ought to resist but the sight and nearness was proving too tempting. He reached out and slipped a hand on her knee. Sensing the soft feel of the nylon beneath his palm he started to slide his hand along her thigh.
“Mmmm! That feels good Vishal,” she almost purred.
He was stirring below once more and realised that events were starting to overtake him. Now, unable to resist he allowed his hand to slip beneath the tight fit of the dresses hem where his fingers quickly identified that she was indeed wearing stockings.
“Stockings,” he almost gasped. “You’re wearing stockings.”
She recognised his excitement instantly. “Hold ups,” she replied. “Only the best for you.”
The feel of the nylon stockings sent his excitement off the scale, enough to push him over the edge and he knew he was now so far gone, he would no longer be able to control himself.
He reached out and slowly began edging the hem of her dress upward. Within seconds her stocking tops came into full view. He issued a quiet groan before pushing his hands a few inches higher where he immediately saw she wore nothing beneath her dress. Her pink and completely hairless pussy came into view. Another quiet groan emitted from his lips.
“Oh Shit! Shaven too!” he uttered, and reaching around her he grabbed both buttocks and pulled her towards him. His fingers dug firmly into her rump as he leant forward, burying his head between her thighs. His tongue flicked too and fro over her swollen clit.
Neelam immediately reached down and, gripping the back of his head, started to grind herself against his face.
“Oh yes, yes!” she grunted. “Deeper, harder!” she urged.
He drew in her scent, tasted the lips of her pussy. If asked, he would never have been able to recall the number of times he’d fantasised over this woman. Now here she was, legs open, her hands on his head urging him on to see to her shaven pussy.
He pushed firmly against her, his tongue probing, licking and snaking in and out of her sex. His hands started to slide from her rump, down her legs then back up to her rump, delighting in the difference in textures of soft wool, then flesh, then nylon.
“Ohhh Yes! That’s it Vishal, eat my pussy, suck my lips. Show me how good you really are.”
He pushed harder, probed deeper and in turn her grinding started to gather pace.
“Ooooh, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming,” she cried, her breath coming in short, sharp ragged bursts.
Vishal forced his tongue further and deeper into her cunt until all at once she cried out in ecstasy, her body physically shuddered against his face. He could feel her juices spilling out onto his lips and tongue.
He pulled away, hot and flushed as Neelam sank down to her knees.
“That was lovely Vishal,” she cooed. “You’ve no regrets have you?”
He smiled at her and pushed a hand onto her breasts.
“None at all. In fact I’m only sorry we haven’t done this before.”
She grinned at him. “Good! Because now I’m looking forward to seeing what else you can do for me.”
“Hmmm! What did you have in mind?” It was his turn to tease now.
She slid her hand onto his crotch where she felt the swollen outline of his cock.
“This for one!” she replied. “I want to know how good it is.”
“Oh it’s good alright. At least……… your daughter never complains.”
“But I’m not Linda though, am I?” she remarked, referring to her daughter. “Besides, my expectations are considerably higher than hers.” She paused and reaching forward, started to undo his trousers. She slipped them down off his hips then eased her hand inside his briefs to take hold of the erection and that was being held in check. Vishal groaned quietly as her thumb began roaming back and forth over his helmet. She looked up into his eyes.
“How many times have you wondered about Fucking me Vishal?”
Vishal raised his eyebrows as once again his Mother-in-laws forthright manner took him by surprise. His lips formed a smile.
“I’ve lost count.” he answered.
“Well I’ve wanted you for a long time Vishal. I think of how greedy my daughter has been keeping you all to herself.”
“I’m married to her Neelam. Isn’t that the way it should be?”
Again Neelam ‘s grin broadened to a full smile. “Hmmm! Yes! But there’s something you should know about your wife’s mother Vishal.”
“Oh! And what’s that?” he asked, intrigued.
“When she wants something bad enough, she invariably gets what she wants!”
Neelam ‘s fingers squeezed more firmly around his shaft. “And what I want right now, is to be Fucked!”
“You sure as hell don’t mince your words., do you Neelam?”
She laughed. “Life’s too short Vishal. Why waste time talking when we could be Fucking?”
Vishal groaned as he tried to figure out how things had moved along so fast. Not that he minded in the least. As far as he was concerned, this was his biggest fantasy about to come home.
Neelam began drawing her hand slowly up and down his rigid shaft, stroking her thumb over his knob each time her hand reached his ridge.
“Now! I have to tell you Vishal. I like to be Fucked slow but hard. No messing, that when we’ve finished, I will know I’ve been well and truly Fucked.”
“You like to talk dirty too, don’t you?” Vishal asked, his cock now fully hard.
“That’s because I don’t want to make love to you Vishal. I want to Fuck you! It’s responding to the basic ‘animal’ that’s in us all Vishal. Stags Rut!” Neelam almost hissed at him. “Animals copulate in order to reproduce. Well my reproduction days are long gone, but my rutting days are very much alive!”
Neelam thy leaned back on her haunches giving his cock yet another firm squeeze.
“So what do you say Vishal? Do you fancy rutting with this horny little doe?”
For a moment Vishal didn’t know how to reply. It was bad enough just the sight of her was arousing him so much, but the way she spoke about sex had turned him on like never before. Her squeezing his cock once more snapped him from his thoughts.
“Oh God! I’ll rut with this little doe anytime she wants!”
Neelam smiled to herself, aware her seduction of Vishal was almost complete.
“So tell me Vishal, how is my young Stag going to rut with me? What are you going to do with this gorgeous cock of yours?”
Vishal now knew the time for mincing words had long past.
“I’m going to ram it up your cunt, you horny little doe. I’m going to ram it so far up that you’ll think I’m splitting you in two.”
“Oh yes you cocky bastard, that’s what I like to hear but is it all mouth or can you deliver?”
“Just wait and see,” he replied. With that he pushed her backward onto the floor, opened her legs wide and gripping her thighs, moved forward until the head of his cock brushed against her cunt. He took a firm hold of his shaft and began rubbing his knob back and forth along her slick, cunt lips.
“Is your cunt ready for this you little bitch?” he snarled.
“I’ve taken better than this Motherfucker!” she cried, goading him on.
“Yeah! And I bet you get plenty!” he said, trying to rile her still more.
“What, you’re saying, that I spread my legs for anyone?”
“That’s right, I reckon about anyone who cares to ask.”
“Yeah, well I’m sure that just about anyone would do a better job than you.” She laughed.
It was too much for Vishal who positioned his helmet at the opening to her cunt. “Shut it bitch and take this,” he said as he thrust forward from the hips sinking his cock in three inches. He withdrew and thrust again, even harder this time. Neelam ‘s fingertips clawed at the carpet as she cried out loud, savouring the sudden impact.
“Go on you Bastard Fuck me! Fuck it right up me! Give me all you’ve Fucking got,” she cried.
Egged on, Vishal responded. He started to thrust, hard and deep and slow. Each time burying himself deeper and deeper, each thrust causing Neelam to cry out in a mix of both pain and ecstasy as his cock hit the mark.
Within seconds Neelam ‘s cunt had opened enough to accept Vishal ‘s full size. Their bodies began to rock up and down, each forward movement being met by the sound of flesh slapping flesh.
Looking down at her delicious body, Vishal felt this sudden desire to kiss his Mother in law. He tipped forward, still with his cock embedded inside her cunt, and pressed his lips hard over hers. Neelam reacted, throwing her arms around his body, holding him tight as their lips began their frenzied attack.
Vishal forced his tongue between her lips, its tip seeking the back of her throat. Neelam in turn sucked hard, her eyes closed tight as she pictured it being his cock.
They kissed and sucked and licked and teased one another, their passion increasing, their moans and groans now filling the room. Moments later, Vishal rolled over onto his back taking Neelam with him so now it was she who was on top.
Their passion continued, Neelam holding onto the sides of his face as she reigned kisses down upon him, him pulling her close.
Suddenly Neelam pulled free of his lips and sat back on her knees. She could feel his rock hard shaft driving deep, but now on top she wanted to take full control. She pressed both hand onto his chest and started to lift herself up and down, each sinking further and further down his thick, pussy juice soaked shaft.
Vishal lay there, looking up at his sexy Mother-in-law, delighting in the sight of her ample breasts as they bounced up and down beneath the soft fabric of her dress. They reminded him of waves, undulating beneath a watery surface. He reached out and cupped each breast. He groaned at the sensation. It was like holding onto shaped liquid.
“That’s it baby! Hold onto my tits while I ride you Vishal! Ohhh God! I want you all Vishal! I want every inch of this cock filling my cunt!
Just then Neelam let out an animal like mewl. She tipped forward, moving her hands off his chest and onto the floor as her body started to move quickly, violently, her breath no more than short sharp grunts as her pussy now jerked up and down his cock
“Ohhh God I’m so close Vishal! So so close! Make me cum baby! Rut with your little doe and make her cum!”
Vishal reached up and grabbed at both rounded breasts, pinching and squeezing at each nipple, causing Neelam to cry out.
“That’s it Neelam! Cum for me! Let me feel your cunt empty on my cock!”
These last few words tipped Neelam over the edge. Her eyes rolled back inside their sockets, her body stiffened, her pussy started to spasm, her mouth opened wide where seconds later Neelam howled like a dog, Vishal instantly felt the warmth of her juices spilling out all down his cock.
Moments later Neelam sagged forward onto Vishal ‘s chest, her body quivering from the effects of her climax. She moaned softly into his ear as if to confirm she was sated.
“Ohh God Vishal! That was heaven!”
Vishal though had not finished with her yet. For as limp as her body felt slumped against his, his cock was as hard, buried inside her cunt. He’d come this far and was determined he was going to fill Neelam ‘s cunt full of his spunk before she left.
Holding tight onto her body, Vishal used his strength to roll her over onto her back. It was not what she’d expected and as they rolled she felt the full force of his still rigid cock pressing into her.
“Oh God Vishal! No more!” she cried.
Vishal was having none if it. Slipping his hands under her thighs he quickly lifted her legs up and over her own body until her knees were almost touching her chest. He immediately started to thrust, sawing his cock back and forth, in and out of her now sloppy cunt.
“Noooooo!” Neelam cried out, her bodies energy now spent.
Taking no notice Vishal ploughed home again, and again……and again…
“Noooo! Noo! Ohhhh Fuck Yes!” Neelam screamed as a second climax fast approached.
Vishal pressed down, his body pinning her legs high up over hers, his movement rhythmical, their bodies now in perfect tune.
Neelam tried to lift up and take hold of Vishal ‘s body as her second climax ripped through her own, every nerve ending alive…electric….tingling but Vishal was pummelling her now, it was as if he was trying to use his cock to spear her to the floor.
She heard him grunt….she felt his body stiffen, then with a triumphant howl ringing in her ears she felt his cock explode inside her cunt.
To Neelam, for all the world it felt like someone had released a fire hose. She could feel his cock jerking inside her as her cunt gripped tight on his cock. She could feel his cum jetting hard into the deep recesses of her womb.
She felt his body soften, his muscles relax…..He slumped down, fulfilled…it was over……
They lay there for some time before either of them moved or spoke. When they did, it was only to roll to one side while they shared one another’s lips once more.
Their kisses were lighter, mere pecks compared to before but right then, both Neelam and Vishal k
My wife and I have been together over 20 years. When we first started dating her mom seemed to be somewhat of a bitch. I don't know if it was because I was 3 years younger than her daughter or what. My relationship with her daughter blossomed, got married and had k**s. Over the years my mother in law warmed up to me, and we developed a great relationship. Over the years I had grown attracted to my MIL. She's not overly attractive, but she's not pond scum ugly either. She's around 230 lbs give...
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Punishing MIL I have been married a couple of years back and had one son of 3 years and my wife was expecting another in a few months and the gynae had instructed us not to go in for sex due to certain complications. As per her daily routine my wife told this thing to her mother living in a city about a 1000 kms away. My mother in law had been a real pain in the ass as she kept on teaching vices to my wife related to my parents and my close relatives due to which I was having tough times in my...
IncestHello ISS Readers!! I have been following this site for years now, but never posted one. This is my first post. Don’t mind for any mistakes. I would like to post it in parts to maintain the feel and urge of the incident. Please be patient guys as it is a lengthy one. I am sure you would love it. I have been married for a few years now. All was going well in our sex life but then the spice was missing at times..still, we loved each other very much. Last year my wife went to her parents home for...
IncestI was transferred to the place where my in laws stay about two years back. My wife and children remained in my native place. I had thought of renting a small house for myself. But my in-laws did not like the idea and wanted me to stay with them as they were alone. So i used to stay with them during week days and on weekends, i returned to my native place. I was 30 years at that time and my mil was aged fil was 76 at that time. I have always been very sex driven and i fuck my wife every...
IncestSo this isn't your typical story where we had flirted for years and one night it all came to blows we have never flirted and I've never really seen her in a sexual way I did however I did however want to hear her once hear her getting fucked through t hear her getting fucked through the other side of the door and it sounded amazing she was talking dirty and it sounded amazing she was talking dirty and the bed was shaking all over the place I had wanked was shaking all over the place I had...
This is a work of fiction.I've always been attracted to my 50 year old mother-in-law Amy. I love her fat ass and pretty eyes. She gets me hard when she wears her white pants you can see through. And she ALWAYS wears colorful panties with her white pants that are clear as day in the right light. I'm always staring at her ass enjoying the view. My wife knows how much I want to fuck her and sometimes agrees to pretend to be her. This has been going non since we've been married and I've gotten to...
It was three years ago, when my mil came to our house for visit. She came with a plan of two weeks to stay with us, but my wife had to go out of station due to some office work. Since i was going to be there, mil thought she can stay since it was just a matter of 3 days. I was actually attracted towards my mil or long time, due to her relatively young age just 56 yrs old, a real stuffy boobs and hips…and overall sexy looks. I always felt that she can teach me some good stuff on bed. More than...
IncestHi ISS readers, This year seems to be lucky year, as my maid Namita is pleasuring me and two days back my fantasy came true, I always wanted to fuck a woman older to me; my MIL(mother in law) not direct but my Father in law’s younger sister who’s a spinster,her name is Sarika,, A year ago I had an argument with her and since then I hadn’t spoken to her and she used to stare me on occasions when we met, I always ignored her, to describe her as she is not married she is average looking,...
Hi, I am sharing the next round of hot session with my Horny MIL Sarika, for that you’ll have to read my first episode hot session with Horny MIL 30th August Part 1. After getting to the market to get her I Pill because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by saying that, she would never conceive at her age and can enjoy sex without any tension, as I was returning I decided to grab a couple of beers just to heighten things, I was buying she called and asked me to get a Razor and a can of shaving...
IncestFriends, My name is Amitabh Sinha. I am from Mumbai, India,43 yrs and working as a professor in the well known college. I am going to recite you the incident took place between me and my student. Her name is Urmila Krishnan.I guess,she is 21 years, dusky and a seductive temptress from head to toe.She is around 5.7" in height and might be around 60 kgs.She was neither too fat nor too thin.But the most captivated thing about her was her boobs. I always speculated that her size must be 38D....
Mature-- Learning From Emilie --Early one Saturday morning I was standing at the bathroom sink in our government quarters brushing my teeth. My father had awakened me earlier than usual, getting ready to go on an overnight guard duty assignment. Once he'd left, I decided to go ahead and get up early, get cleaned up, maybe go out for a nice motorcycle ride.There was a movement at the open door and I turned my head, toothbrush still in my mouth, to see my stepmother Emilie walk into the bathroom. ...
This is atrue story with no made up bits all what has been written is true and happened about 6 monthes ago. IVE just got to tell someone.It was a lovely saturday affeternoon sun shineing real hot not that we got alot in the swansea area. The rugby internationals were on now im more of a football man my serf but my inlaws and wife are big rugby fans.My farther in law had managed to blag a ticket for the international in cardiff with a few of his mates and decided to make a weekend of it...
Good day to all Iss..readers. This is Sharaf Ali from Calicut telling you this story of my sex links with my sexy mother in law. I am a soft ware engineer in staying in Bangalore, with my wife Rathi, who also is a soft ware engineer. Ours is an inter-caste love marriage, as Rathi is a Brahmin. This happened last month when my Mother In Law came to stay with us in Bangalore. My wife Rathi is really a sex goddess in bed. We used to have multiple sex nights, but due to the nature of our...
IncestMy name is Seenu, my wife is Mangai and for the past 3 days my elderly mother in law has stayed with us while my wife is away for a week visiting her sister interstate, her name is Mala, she is 48 Years old, she has a nice body, no movie star just a plain figure but she is not a barrel or a bubble either. I have always been a boob man and hers are a nice size, and have often tried to see down her top or in her blouse to catch a glimpse of cleavage, on the odd occasion she has caught me and...
Hello friends, this is Sam, and I am back with another part of the story. In this episode, read about the marriage between me and my mother-in-law. How we spent our first night and how it changed our lives forever with the new baby’s arrival. It was a new beginning for all of us, and we stayed together as a family Guruji gave an auspicious date for the marriage. It was after 10 days and the marriage preparations started. We tried to keep this as simple, secret as possible and the marriage would...
IncestHello friends, this is Sam, and I am back with another part of the story. In this episode, read about the marriage between me and my mother-in-law. How we spent our first night and how it changed our lives forever with the new baby’s arrival. It was a new beginning for all of us, and we stayed together as a family Guruji gave an auspicious date for the marriage. It was after 10 days and the marriage preparations started. We tried to keep this as simple, secret as possible and the marriage would...
IncestThe following is a true account written by a friend of mine in Calcutta. Read it and enjoy. In a few earlier narratives I have described a couple of erotic sessions with my former girlfriend Roma. Today, I shall describe some extremely satisfying sexual sessions with my present girlfriend Sharmila. Sharmila, 37, a probashi divorcee from New Delhi, is a management executive working for a National News Channel and she is currently on a three year assignment in its Kolkata office. We met first at...
(All characters presented are 18 or older, all participants have given enthusiastic consent, all sizes are completely ridiculous, all sex acts are over-the-top and fantastical.) Handling Emil By Veronica Divine The phone rang once. I groaned, stirring from dreams as deep as the blue eyes I had been dreaming about. The phone rang twice. I sat up and gave the phone two middle fingers. The phone rang again. “FUCK!” I shouted, lunging myself across the silk sheets to pick the damned...
(All characters presented are 18 or older, all participants have given enthusiastic consent, all sizes are completely ridiculous, all sex acts are over-the-top and fantastical.) Handling Emil By Veronica Divine The phone rang once. I groaned, stirring from dreams as deep as the blue eyes I had been dreaming about. The phone rang twice. I sat up and gave the phone two middle fingers. The phone rang again. “FUCK!” I shouted, lunging myself across the silk sheets to pick the damned thing up....
SupernaturalHi my ISS readers I like to share my sex experience with you all which happened when I am 25 years old. I am living with my small family with my dad, mom and sister and we living in a place where nearly 50 families are together in a apartment. Here come how I know sharmila she is my sisters friend she always use to be in my home with my sister in her room. My sister is 2 years elder than me and always think I am so small and treat me like a baby all times. Because we all living together for...
Friends, My name is Amitabh Sinha. I am from Mumbai, India,43 yrs and working as a professor in the well known college. I am going to recite you the incident took place between me and my student. Her name is Urmila Krishnan.I guess,she is 21 years, dusky and a seductive temptress from head to toe.She is around 5.7′ in height and might be around 60 kgs.She was neither too fat nor too thin.But the most captivated thing about her was her boobs. I always speculated that her size must be...
December 31, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Mike!” Milena gushed when Clarissa, Tasha, and I walked into her mom’s house. “How’s the blushing bride?” I asked. “I don’t think Milena has blushed since she was twelve!” Doctor Blahnik teased. “Hi, Mike! Hi, Tasha! Hi, Clarissa!” “Hi! Milena, where’s your intended?” I asked. “His friends have custody of him until the wedding starts at 8:00pm! But the rule was he had to be sober, able to stand on his own, and have no injuries!” I chuckled, “So much...
Un secret de famille. Je m'appelle Michel, j'ai trente-deux ans. Je suis employ? dans un grand magasin. Aline, ma femme, travaille ? mi-temps au m?me endroit que moi, et nous ?levons nos deux enfants. La banalit? affligeante de ma vie m'a sans doute pouss? ? me passionner pour les secrets de famille de mes amis, au point de parfois ?tre tr?s indiscret. J'avais l'impression qu'ils avaient une vie ?tonnante en comparaison de la mienne. La seule "originalit?" de ma famille ?tait le fait que mon p?re soit beauco...
Henry and Ellen were left alone and had to find their way out by themselves. "Any more surprises up your sleeve?" Henry asked casually. "No, just this dinner at Eileen's. Tomorrow morning it's British Airways back to Gatwick." "And what have you planned for the rest of this day?" Ellen grinned at him, an impish grin. "I was thinking of a repeat performance of this morning." "Sounds like a plan," Henry seconded after what seemed to be some careful thought. They skipped lunch...
Day 0, Friday I shivered. Since yesterday the air hadn't gained any new warmth again. Before I opened the red door, I took a last look at the evening sky. It was dark-blue, streaked by cotton-like strings, clouds reflecting the city lights, which were all that hindered the city from sinking in absolute darkness. Sludge filled the alleyway, a remnant of the storm flooding the streets of downtown yesterday, my pants already were all muddy from working all day in it. The hallway of the...
Millicent is a character from a vignette in one of the parts of ‘Epiphanous’. Her circumstance fueled a storyboard in my mind that I think was worth exploring. This is not a story of great wrongs and retribution. There is no bitch burning and from my perspective there is no judgement of right or wrong. These are people who might do what others would not or not do what others might rush into. There were no real people harmed in the writing of this story and it is not a collection of my...
I sat down to write an erotic story. It involved a bored couple that decided to find naïve young adults (18years +) and seduce them for the voyeuristic pleasure of the other partner. As I set up the backstory, Milo started to write his own autobiography through me. I was so charmed by the character I went with the flow. Also I was scared that Milo would pop off the page and punch me out – you’ll understand when you read the story. So there is no sex. Try one of my other stories. This story is...
It was the start of a long weekend for me, I had to drive across country to see my wives Mum and Dad for a family party. Trouble is it was a 12 hour drive and I had to do it on my own, or so I thought. See, my wife and her sister wanted to get there early so she could see all of her family the day before and catch up with people. But I had to work during the day so I would be going on my own. That’s when my wife asked me to take her little sister Milly too. Milly was 15 and too be honest a...
Everybody knows Alyssa Milano from TV and films and I'm sure many would jump at the chance to spend a Night with her. This is my fantasy about a "very" beautiful woman. I'm single with a great job and living in California. I should be living high off the hog with women left and right looking to hook up with me. Truth of the matter is, I'm painfully shy. Shy to the point that I haven't had sex in almost a year, and that one time was when I was so inebriated to the point that I wasn't...
Rachel left to go shower and sort herself out for her afternoon clients telling me that she had some ideas for a fitness program and we can discuss it next time we meet, living next door had its benefits as we didn’t need to make set plans. I decided to shower myself and with nothing else planned figured I would cut the grass and chill out for the rest of the day, Rachel did tell me that Milly would be home around 2ish and had told her that if she needed anything to give me a shout, it must be...
My wife’s friend Camilla called me that Saturday afternoon. She knew that Ana was out of town entangled with some of her regular black lovers.Camilla told me I would be home alone and sad and then asked me to join her at her place. She added that she had a nice surprise for me.When she opened the door, I was not surprised to see her holding a huge black dildo between her soft hands. She kissed me deeply and let me in.“We will play Heads or Tails” She announced smiling at me.“Fine… I have a...
IT WAS just another mundane morning when I spotted the exotic sports car swerving erratically in the lane and veering dangerously on the wrong side of the road. Jumping into action, I switched on my lights and took pursuit only to eventually watch the silver Lamborghini finally come to rest by the side of the deserted road. Inside sat two very attractive young women, both dressed provocatively and clearly intoxicated."Is there a problem officer?" the driver stated through the window as she...
Sharmila and I used to work in the same dep’t. She was a year senior to me in the office and so most of the time I preferred to discuss with her any matter before executing it. She was a bit on the darker side of complexion with few minus pounds and short hairs. Her boobs’ size was 35 exactly which i learned later on. She didn’t have any perfect fancy for dresses except on occasions i found her in sari. Her fashion statement was the most unique i have ever found in a woman. Cause she hardly had...
It was Saturday evening and my husband was out of town for a week…I felt so horny being home alone; I needed to do something about it. Then I decided to call my girlfriend Camilla; whose husband was also away from town for a few days. She readily agreed about going out for some cock hunting…I got dressed as a real slut; a tiny black thong, no bra, a see through blouse and a tight black skirt that just barely covered my ass. I also put on thigh high black stockings and black stiletto...
Oh, oh, he is again late today, this milkman is of no use. It is already 9 in morning and Samir has left for office. I was married to Samir last year and our daughter is just 2 months old kid. My Kid will not take breast milk, so we have this milkman who is supposed to supply us with fresh cow milk for her every morning at 7, but now its 9 am and no sign of him yet. I am going to kill that fool of a milkman. The kid is hungry and crying. But what can I do, she somehow does not like my milk. I...
Hi all, This Chethan from bangalore, age 21, well build up. This is about my 1st experience with a lady called pramila (name changed) aged about 35 years, mother of 1 kid, fair, good looking with good curves and shapes i.e. 38d, 32, 36. By that time i was only 21 and i use to call her aunty, as her hubby and my dad were friends. She use to live in the next flat of our apartment and most of the time she use to come to our home to spend time with my mom. And we are like one family. We were so...
Cette histoire est inspir?e d'une histoire vraie. C'?tait un 28 avril. C'?tait un samedi apr?s-midi. Deux personnes arriv?rent sous une pluie battante ? l'?cole Delacroix, prot?g?es sous un parapluie rouge et blanc. La femme ?tait jeune, ? peine 30 ans. A c?t? d'elle, une petite fille de 5, 6 ou 7 ans, peut-?tre, dont la natte brune rebondissait ? chaque petit saut qu'elle faisait pour ?viter les flaques et dont le cir? vert pomme contrastait avec le gris des murs. Brune aussi ?tait la m?re, avec des yeux bleus ...
I had waited two days before venturing back to Design By Camille. My encounter with Linda having taken place late on Saturday, and other business kept me away on both the Sunday and Monday, I returned to the shop hoping the jewelry I has set aside was still unsold. The bell on the door, advising those working in the rear that a customer had arrived, chirped a bright high pitched tune as I entered. Emma appeared through the curtain-covered archway that led to the shop's rear. Her attire did...
Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...
My name is Joel and I consider myself an artist. I’m a photographer for the love of the moment. That means that I take pictures to stop time, to fix a specific moment, object, person, or color in my memory. When I look at the pictures I’ve taken I can remember the noises, the perfumes, and everything else comes back to my memory. Some of my pictures have been published in books and shown in exhibitions under a pen name. I care for my anonymity because it allows me to take pictures without being...
Exhibitionism"Hey, you Marshall?" That was the first time I saw her. She flew in the door, waited for my grunt of agreement, threw the parcel on my desk and disappeared again. I can pretend now that I noticed her sparkling smile that first visit, but really I saw her breasts, tightly held in the company t-shirt, and those legs. Long, dark and topped with a short skirt, swirling about her as her butt disappeared out of my office. As noted above, my name is Marshall. I'm an admin manager for a printing...
VOLUME-2 Chapter XIV Piddlings. • Posturings. • Breast and arm-pit • A turn over. • Used up. • Wanting a virgin. • Camille departs. • The Major’s opinion. • Camille returns. • Louise. I have told the most novel fucking bouts I had with, or through Camille, excepting the final one; but should say that whatever women she got me I turned to her with pleasure again. Sometimes when I had one or two to amuse me, I used to give her the preference for the fuck, and she always had one of the...
Dawn was back with the drinks before long and we sat on the couch waiting for Milton, drinking our drinks. I watched as Misty took a sip of her bloody Mary and I could tell from the way she make a face that either it was her first real alcoholic drink or that Dawn had make it very strong. Dawn and I watched as Misty drank almost all of it on the second sip. Then Milton came in the room and the reaction from Misty was the same as all the white girls that see him for the first time. Milton is...
"Way to go asshole," I thought as I looked down on the sleeping woman lying next to me on the bed. This was not supposed to happen and it should not have. I was an adult for Christ's sake and I was supposed to be able to control my self and make intelligent decisions. I knew that I was responsible for what happened, but I had never intended it. It was kidding, just stupid flirting and that's all it ever was supposed to be. How in the hell was I ever going to be able to face my brother? How...
As Rob was going to be home, Camille decides to book a hotel for us.It was around 12pm when I picked her up from nearby where she lived, Camille had told Rob she was going out shopping. Camille got in my car and we began to deep french kiss. We arrived at the hotel and I dropped her off while I went to park.Several minutes later I made my way up to the room. Camille had booked an executive suite for us with a king sized bed.We both began kissing passionately caressing our bodies. After several...
Camille had messaged me to say that her husband had left for work and to come over, I was sat in my car when she messaged me. She told me that she was dressed in her bath robe with nothing on underneath. Reading this I started to get hard. I always park about 10 minutes or so away from her place, this gives us a window should her husband return for whatever reason and it has worked in the past. I approached the door and let myself in, Camille leaves the door open whenever she knows I'm coming...
I was just about ready to go out to see my bestie, Erin, when I suddenly realized my husband Eddie was standing right behind me.“You’ve been screwing the milkman,” he hissed into my ear.I half jumped and gasped. His words were a statement, not an accusation.“You‘ve been screwing the milkman, don't deny it,” his voice harsh in my ear.I had little choice. “Yes,” I squeaked.“Ha, say, it, say it all. Yes, I have been screwing the milkman.”I took a shuddering breath. “Yes, I have been screwing the...
HumorHi indian sex stories dot net readers Please visit my profile, you will find me a very sexy young married Bengali housewife. To satisfy my great sex hunger, I planned with my husband to seduce our milkman. We were living in ground floor of a house in salt lake, having 2 rooms, kitchen cum dining space, 1 toilet. Our main entrance was on road side and an entry on the back. Landlord’s stay was in upper floor and entrance was a main gate at side of house and through this gate the back side door of...
Bij mijn laatste verjaardag hadden mijn vriendinnetje Lisa en ik, na een heftige orgie, elkaar de liefde verklaard. Dit zou een hele reeks aan gebeurtenissen in gang zetten.Wil je weten hoe het verder ging? Blijf lezen en geniet.**************************************We maken even een sprong in de tijd. Niet dat er niks leuks te vertellen viel, want onze leefstijl met de nieuwe gezinsleden Lisa en Marijke zorgden telkens weer voor leuke en vooral geile momenten. Maar voor deze verhaallijn niet...
He got up from the desk and went to answer the knock at the door, surprised they hadn’t used the bell. Standing before him was a lovely young girl, dressed in something resembling a bell boy’s outfit including the stylized hat and white gloves. She offered him an envelope with great flourish. With an upturned, open palm she indicated that he should open it, and she stood silent and still. The whole routine made him grin. Before he turned his attention to the envelope he looked the girl up and...
Straight SexI was sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch when Camille dropped her tray next to me. "Mind if I join you?" she asked. "Not at all," I said. "What's up?" "Do you like me?" she asked. "Of course," I said. "Did I do something to make you think that I don't like you?" "No, not at all," she answered. "Do you think I'm pretty?" I wasn't sure where this conversation was going, but I responded truthfully. "Yes, I think that you are very pretty. Why?" "Will you go out...
A week after leaving the clinic, I sat in Sapphire's office typing my account of the whippings when the king stopped at my desk on his way through. I'd been working with my breasts exposed but I loosely covered them when I saw him enter the room. I don't know why I bothered because his first words were, "Let me see what they're like now Carol please." They were still multi-coloured and tender and I certainly wouldn't have wanted to wear a bra even if it was allowed but I could gently...
God I worship Tamara! She is so fucking hot! Her sexy demeanor and her firm athletic body are a huge turn on to me and all of her fellow crew, I would be surprised if any of the male, not to mention some females don't masturbate and fantasize thinking of Tamara every day! Camille well she a little bit of a control freak but she can control my climax any time she likes! My Husband agrees that Camille would be a very erotic lover and probably ony masturbates in secret. I guess she's experienced...
Camille was a valuable general for Dai Shi. The possessor of the chameleon spirit, Camille served Dai Shi with her life. She had various sexy powers like shapeshifting, camouflaging into a wall like a chameleon, a poisonous tongue that could stretch out to some distance. She could transform into a green chameleon warrior suit that gave her two sais as weapons. The power rangers were a powerful force against the army of Dai Shi. They were always able to defeat the various monsters that were...
With a good portion of pride mixed with nerves, Brandon stepped into his brand new Peugeot 208, which he got since yesterday as a present from his parents for his 21st Birthday. With his hands shaking a little, he pressed the start button and the engine sprung into action. Carefully he drove off and decided he was going to just go round the block and maybe through the main shopping street of the village, hoping someone he knew would see him. The initial nerves slowly subsided and Brandon felt...
Some might say it’s a bad or dirty habit. For me it is now a daily ritual. Whether I’m driving a vehicle or just sitting on the couch watching the television one or both my hands end up on my crotch and I play with myself. I’ve been doing it for so long I don’t even think about it. I can’t count the number of times my wife has commented to me about me playing with my cock. Many times it usually ends up with us fucking, a hand job or blow job. Most of the time I don’t do it for one of those...
The second time I was at my future wife's house I already knew I was hot for her mother,my future mother in law Mary.I was 21 and she early forties. She was about. 5-1 ,short dark hair and busty.I went up to her bedroomand opened her dressing table one draw were her panties,all either black or white,next draw were her bras again all black or white and now I knew her bra size,either 36 d or e. In the third draw was an assortment of slips, panty girdles and nighties. I took out one of...