An ClochánChapter 44 free porn video

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As Demerti left the Dóchas’ conference room Sarah said, “As we do for all visitors, we will go over our safety procedures first. This will be followed by a few details about us. We would prefer that you hold questions until the end of each segment.” She started with the requirement for an escort, this caused some raised eyebrows, which relaxed somewhat after the explanation was provided. It was clear from the visitors’ expressions that they had difficulty accepting that the Órarduine were telepathic. After answering questions regarding safety procedures Sarah gave a description of their social structure. Several times she paused so that Serarck and Zhaos could help the visitors understand a concept that they couldn’t quite grasp using Standard.

Calvin then spoke of their arrival at J3 and the subsequent events. His description began with hearing the mayday call and then went on to what they had found at J3 and the ensuing battle. During this report the presence of the Monque Spec Ops wasn’t mentioned. He noted that they had seen the pirate ship abandon the freight pods prior to joining the attack on Emprika but that it was only after the battle that they had learnt that they contained hibernation units. This was followed by a summary of what the medical staff found on examining the units and their decision to bring everyone out of hibernation. He gave a very clinical summary of the attempted mutiny that had been planned for while they were at J4. This included how they had discovered the plans, the murder of several crew members, and the verdict following the trial.

Sarah picked up the briefing with, “We were already on our way to J5 when the four from Interstellar Commerce came out of hibernation. Judging by their reactions they were shocked, but they’ve done some things since then that are puzzling. For instance, they had documents stored in hidden compartments in their hibernation chambers. Since waking up they’ve spent a lot of time trying to convince the others that they should return to Tigsu. If anything, their approach seems to have convinced those who had some doubts about staying with us that staying was the right choice. They’ve continued with this attempt in spite of the fact that the information we’ve received indicates that all those we rescued were either dead or never existed.”

“What happened in, I believe it was Sol system, after the Alliance of World group arrived?”

“Before they arrived in Sol the Durale had managed to slip two of their ships into the Alliance of World group as the Dutsuz contingent.” She followed this with an overview of the events involving the Durale and their attempt to subdue the Órarduine and take over the Alliance task force. She closed with, “At this point we had enough information about their activities to expose them. We let them know this by demanding that they tell the Alliance of Worlds’ members of their plans for us and the task group. The threat was that if they didn’t then we would publish the information we had. Just prior to the deadline they fired lasers at the propulsion systems of two Iridien ships and then turned to flee. Apparently their ships malfunctioned as they sought to escape, as they crashed into a gas giant in that system. During their flight there were no requests for assistance or rescue, no transmissions, and no escape pods.”

After one of his security people handed Theoqarck a note he said, “Before we meet those rescued could we see the hibernation containers.”

“You can, but it involves a trip to one of our freighters. Perhaps it is a something we can do initially from here as we have video coverage of that area. On our way back to your ship we can stop there so that you can inspect them.”

Zhaos said, “The majority of the hibernation containers are those used for slaves. However, the hibernation units containing some of the mutineers and the four from Interstellar Commerce are more upscale. Each of the upscale units has a number of hidden compartments. There is also an issue of missing personal papers and valuables for those who signed up for the off world opportunity.”

“So those four aren’t totally innocent?” responded Danrique.

Colleen said, “After you arrived in-system today, each of them went to their unit and removed documents, so that would be a logical conclusion, but we don’t know the significance of the documents.”

“In light of that, I think seeing the units by video would be sufficient for now,” responded Theoqarck.

When Demerti entered everyone turned toward him and he said, “The repairs are coming along just fine but it will be several hours before they are finished.”

Karstiue along with the others smiled and nodded. He said, “Demerti, this may be a blessing as it changes our itinerary and only we will know about it.”

“Is there a problem?”

“We don’t think so but there are some oddities, actually, too many for us to be comfortable. Before you joined us we were on a highly classified trip back to Tigsu, but we were contacted and then directed to come here. That alone tells me that too many knew of our return, and possibly the timing and the route.”


Cariss said, “It is nearly time for dinner. We have the choice of eating in here or in the dining room.”

“Dining room?” queried Danrique.

Serarck responded with, “Yes, and just so you know beforehand, we eat together like a family in a large room. In many respects it is like a big family meal as each person selects their food from a serving line and then finds a seat.” Karstiue started laughing, and was soon followed by the others. With a smile she added, “Yes, you guessed it, their first demands were for serving staff along with formal dining.”

When Danrique gained control of her laughing she said, “They will be in for a shock as our accommodations are quite different from typical diplomatic ships. While there are a few servants in our section, we don’t have formal dinners, or anything that I think resembles them. Too bad they can’t sleep all the way back to Tigsu.”

Brigid smiled as she said, “Well we do still have the hibernation chambers. Or, after dinner, I can ask our medical people if they have sedatives for those who have difficulty being in enclosed areas.”

Karstiue slightly nodded his head toward Danrique who said, “That could be very helpful.”

“We didn’t decide where we were going to eat.”

Karstiue said, “I agree with Danrique, and I think the dining room sounds interesting. Were you planning on the tour afterwards?”


In the dining room Sarah introduced the visiting Tigsu representatives to her spouses. They were chatting when Ferizue, Arique, Kyzarck, and Orzsrck entered. Once they saw Sarah, they headed directly for her. None of them noticed the other Tigsu talking with her spouses as they stormed past.

Ferizue said loudly, “When were you planning on telling us that the Tigsu ship had arrived to pick us up, bitch?”

“When it was time for you to board,” replied Sarah softly but firmly.

“We saw the ship,” responded Orzsrck loudly. “It should have docked by now. We demand to know why we weren’t informed of its presence so we could depart this backward place.”

Danrique said, “I don’t understand why you think it is backward here. After all, you are alive and healthy.”

Karstiue loudly added, “And with those manners, I am surprised that they are still alive, or healthy.”

The combination of comments caused all four to turn toward the voices. On seeing Karstiue the two men became very pale while the two women had puzzled expressions on their faces. The dining room became very quiet as everyone’s attention was drawn toward the group.

“We are going to have dinner with our hosts. If they are agreeable you four may join us, as long as you only speak when spoken to and with respect. Otherwise, you can be taken to the ship now.”

Both Ferizue and Orzsrck faces turned a bright red as their embarrassment grew. This was a new experience for them as they had never been spoken to in this manner. Even more galling was the knowledge that although Karstiue outranked them in the government both felt he was well below their station. Ferizue slowly realized that he would have to wait until their return to Tigsu before he could take this asshole down.

Through tight lips Ferizue said, “We will abide by your request.” His response prompted a surprised look from Orzsrck. Neither had noticed the two women ease away from them.

A smiling Karstiue responded, “Good.” As he turned to the group with Sarah he glanced at his two associates before adding, “We are very embarrassed by what we just saw and heard. On behalf of our world, we offer our sincerest apologies.”

“Apology accepted,” replied Sarah’s Clan and those with them in unison. Their response caused their guests eyebrows to rise slightly. “We came to eat dinner, so come with us to get some food.”

They were part way through the serving line when Joyce noticed that Danrique was only placing small portions on her plate. “Danrique, my name is Joyce and I am one of Sarah’s spouses. I can see that you are hesitant about the food, as I would be. When that happens to me, I too place small portions of items that look good so that I can taste them, always hoping that there will be enough to satisfy my hunger. We will not be offended if you do not eat what you have taken, and you can return for more of those items you do like.”

“Thank you,” said Danrique, and then softly added, “This is turning out to be much different to what any of us expected.”

After they were seated Sarah said, “After you’ve eaten feel free to walk around and speak with anyone in the dining room. Once everyone is finished, we will have a short crew meeting then we can begin the tour we promised.”

“Crew meeting?” responded Theoqarck.

“Yes. The topics are usually the next day’s activities, policy changes, or other things that affect the whole crew. This is also a time for questions and answers or just a general discussion. It is usually facilitated by a few of the ship’s Command Staff.”

“Do all your ships do this?”

“Yes. We have a time slot for one after breakfast and after dinner every day. However, they are not always necessary.”

“Interesting,” responded Danrique.

Seeing that all of some items on Danrique’s plate had been eaten Joyce said, “Danrique, do you want to go with me to get more food?”


“Theoqarck, Karstiue, please help yourselves to more food as there is plenty.”

Seeing the frowns on the faces of Ferizue and Orzsrck, Karstiue said, “I’d like that, as some of the items were very tasty.”

When they were finished eating Danrique said, “Thank you all for inviting us to dinner. It was very good, so good that if I ate like this all the time it would be very hard to keep my weight down.”

“We exercise at least twice a day,” responded Judy, “which helps. Just because it tastes good doesn’t mean it is fattening.”

Serarck said, “Would you like for me to introduce you to some of those rescued?”

“Yes,” replied Theoqarck with Danrique nodding.

Sarah said, “We could make it more formal if you like, however we’ve found that informal often results in a better understanding. You can always ask some of them to meet with you privately.”

“Good observation,” responded Karstiue. “Could we invite some of them to join the tour?”

“Sure, but they may be on duty so they would need to make arrangements.”

“On duty?” responded Theoqarck.

“Yes. We offered everyone an opportunity to contribute and all but a few have accepted. It makes long trips much more enjoyable, and you learn a lot.”

At the appointed time Alison, Erin, and Claudette of Sarah’s Clan walked up to the front of the dining room. As they moved there was a flurry of activity as tables were cleaned up. The burst of activity drew the attention of the Tigsu visitors.

Together they said, “We will begin in a few moments and believe that tonight will be rather short.” Once everyone was seated they said, “We have guests this evening. They are from Tigsu. Karstiue is head of the delegation and is First Secretary in the Tigsu Off World Department. Karstiue, you are welcome to say a few words.”

After a moment he rose and said, “Thank you. With me are Theoqarck and Danrique who both fill roles in my department. We are here to pick up the four diplomats you rescued at a location you refer to as J3. On behalf of the Tigsu World, we thank you for rescuing all of those you found there. Based on the communications we’ve received our government was appalled to learn of what those in the hibernation units had experienced. We have had the opportunity today to learn what happened there first hand. From my perspective, it only confirms what I understand was in the reports our government received. Our group did not learn the full extent of the situation until today as we have been on a mission several light years from Tigsu. We were returning to Tigsu when we were redirected here. Again, we are grateful that you have been rescued.

“We’ve had the opportunity to chat with a couple of those rescued and know that all but four of you have decided to stay with these people. While hearing that you’ve made that choice saddens me, I fully understand the reasons behind your choice. From what we’ve seen and heard, I believe you’ve made a wise choice. If any of you wish to chat with us, please do. If you wish a private meeting to do so, it can be arranged before we leave. However, we expect to be leaving later this evening after we’ve had a tour of this ship.”

As he was talking, Ferizue and Orzsrck became very agitated. When they started to move the two Tigsu security people moved closer to them. At the same time, four Órarduine Security team members sat down at the table. When Karstiue turned to sit back down he saw the shift in seating and Ferizue’s and Orzsrck’s expressions and frowned. It was then he noticed that the two women with them had moved some distance away from their associates. This caused him to wonder about their involvement.

Just as his attention returned to the meeting Erin said, “Remember, tomorrow at 24:00 hours there will be some changes in time keeping. After tomorrow a day will be 30 hours long. There is no change in the length of an hour, minute or second. However, there are changes in the number of days in some months, and in a year. While we go through this transition we will continue to have dual calendars.”

Alison said, “In conjunction with this change to Ananu time, there is a proposal to modify how we name days of the week and months. This includes a change in when a year begins. These are fully described on the network. Please review them as they will be discussed tomorrow evening. Along with them is a list of proposed holidays.”

“Are there any questions?” asked Claudette.

Desheng stood and said, “I am curious as to why are you are changing the names of the days?”

“Simply to make them more logical. Currently we don’t use them very often but they are a mix of names used on Earth, and some are not used in the same way as they were there. In short, they can be confusing. The proposal is to call the first day of a week Firday. The rest in order are, Secday, Thirday, Fouday, Fivday, Sixday, Sevday, Eigday, Ninday and Tenday. A similar prefix is proposed for the weeks in a month and for the months in a year. With respect to the beginning of the year, the proposal has Firmonth as the month those from Earth know as November. In Ananu terms, Firmonth begins halfway between the fall equinox and the shortest day on Gaillimh which is the end of the harvest season.”

“Thanks. You are right about us not using the current names very often.”

“We suspect that when we move to the planet’s surface they will be used more frequently.”

“Another?” After a few moments of seeing no response she said, “See you in the morning, sleep well.”

Seeing Karstiue’s and his associates’ expressions Zhaos said softly, “This was a typical meeting. The members of the crew on duty participated through a terminal in their department. We can set it up so that the crews on all ships participate.”

Meanwhile Brigarck, Cerzirck and a couple of others had come over to their table. Brigarck said, “Sir Karstiue, thank you for your comments. While I am not returning, I do have some information that I would like to see get back to the authorities.”

“Why is that?” asked Danrique.

“I went to sleep on Tigsu in my bed and woke up at J3. Considering what I was involved in at the time, I now believe that it prompted someone to arrange an interstellar trip for me, a one way trip.”

“We don’t have much time.”

“I understand, however, as a part of our healing process I’ve put it into words. I can see that you get a copy of the file.”

“Okay. However, we can’t make any promises and we need to know who to forward it to.”

“As to whom the information should be sent, I am not sure. A regional law enforcement unit is a consideration, but perhaps it would be better for you to read the file and then decide. There are several others who have had similar experiences. Quite a few of them have information of significant illegal activity with political consequences; well at least it did at the time that they were on Tigsu.”

“We will accept them, but again...”

“Even if nothing is done, I think the guilty would be very uncomfortable if they knew that the information was available on Tigsu.” As he said this, those with him nodded indicating their agreement.

When Sarah saw a lull in the side conversations she said, “Shall we begin the tour. Brigarck, Cerzirck, Seraquie, Thamiquir, you are welcome to join us. We are going to show them key aspects of our ship. This will include a stop at FLDC-3 on the way back to their cruiser.”

“Our gear is in the hangar,” said Ferizue.

“If you don’t want to go on the tour then I am sure we can make arrangements to meet you at the shuttle. Saoirse and Laurin can show you which one we are using.”

Just as Sarah finished speaking Saoirse and Laurin joined them, Saoirse said, “Did I hear our names?”

“Yes. I think these four would rather wait by the shuttle while the others accompany us on a tour.”

“We can show them where to wait.”

“I am sure we can find it,” responded Ferizue.

Karstiue said, “Your choice as to which option you chose, but this appears to be a very large ship and I wouldn’t want you to get lost and miss your ride home. It is most generous of these people to offer to show you to the shuttle we will be using.” He thought, “Considering what I saw of your attitude you are fortunate they didn’t space you. Although once you are back on Tigsu, you may have preferred that.” Hearing his thoughts caused Serarck to cover her mouth with her hand which Danrique noticed.

As they watched Saoirse and Laurin escort the four Tigsu out of the room Sarah said, “They are two members of a Security team. It is pretty definite that the others will join them before they reach the hangar.”

The first stop on the tour was the bridge, which both surprised the Tigsu visitors and impressed them. From there the Command Staff representatives showed them key features of their ship. Their last stop before the hangar was the observation platform. Due to the position of Celia it was light enough for them to see the Dóchas class ships along with the four freighters and the activity surrounding them. Their ship was also clearly visible, along with several other small objects around it.

Cariss said, “The small objects you see around your ship are those involved in making the repairs. The crawl spaces in your ship aren’t made for people our size so they are being done by supervised robots. The repairs are just as effective but take longer to complete. They will be finished by the time we get there.”

Karstiue, Theoqarck and Danrique looked at each other. They knew that contrary to the thoughts of some, these people were people that they wanted to know better, and on, at least, a friendly basis. Karstiue decided that he needed to have a private chat with their hosts before leaving.

When they approached FLDC-3 Theoqarck said, “This ship looks different to the one closest to us when we were on the observation platform.”

Cariss responded with, “It is. It has an interesting history. These three were found abandoned but operational by a Dutsuz Task Group. They took them in tow and eventually brought them to Sol system. Seeing our need, they offered to lend them to us. We accepted as the extra space made this trip much easier. Due to some initial operational issues we paused at J1 to make some changes in their control systems. While doing that we found some unidentified equipment inserted in some of the control circuits. These were removed. After doing that, and making some other modifications, those control issues went away. Later we learnt that some freighters from their manufacturer have a reputation of being frequent victims of pirates. Since our changes they have a very different RF signature.”

“Interesting. We’ve heard of some freighter models having a higher incidence of being ‘lost’.”

Their path through the freighter toward the compartment containing the hibernation container took them through many of the work areas. The Command Staff representatives smiled as they watched their guests trying to see everything without being too obvious.

When they saw the hibernation chambers their guests looked closely at several before Karstiue said, “Thank you for indulging us by bringing us here to see them.”

“Not a problem,” responded Siobhan. “It would be nice if you could take them off our hands as we have no need for them.”

“Then scrap them,” responded Theoqarck. “Even without a close examination, from what I can see the quality is so poor that they would be difficult to sell to a responsible user.”

“I agree,” added Karstiue.

When they reached the departure area Briana and Cass were waiting for them. Briana said, “We brought the documents several people wanted you to take back to Tigsu. Our shuttle can take Demerti back to Dóchas where his ships are waiting. I understand that they are ready, but the techs would like to go over a few things with you and your crews.”

“Good. Karstiue, Theoqarck, Danrique, it has been a pleasure. I am not sure what will happen when we rendezvous with your ships but on behalf of my crew, we wish you the best. During the voyage, if you need anything, be sure to ask and we’ll do our best to help you out.” As he was speaking he shook hands with each of them.

“Thank you. I suspect that when we reach the rendezvous we will need to meet,” said Karstiue with the others nodding. “We appreciate your assistance on this voyage.”

After coming alongside the Tigsu ship, and the boarding tube was secured between them, Briana said, “Boarding tube secured. Remember to cycle the air lock as you pass through.”

Karstiue said to his two security people, “Take them over one at a time and show them their accommodations.”

“Yes sir.”

“You can’t do this to us,” screamed Ferizue.

“I can, and I will,” Karstiue replied evenly. As he spoke, both men lunged at him. It was only a vain attempt as they had barely moved before both were grabbed by an Órarduine standing behind them. The quick response surprised all the Tigsu. Ferizue and Orzsrck immediately began screaming insults at everyone.

“Mind if we gag them?” asked Cariss.

“Not at all,” responded one of the Tigsu security people. As he was speaking two more Tigsu security entered from the cruiser and immediately began assisting the others in binding the two.

Once they had their arms bound they were stood up and guided toward the cabin door. Ferizue tried to resist, until he was told to walk or he would be dragged. When they had Ferizue on the other ship, the other two security people took Orzsrck across to it.

With both men out of the shuttle Theoqarck said to the two women, “You will be in separate compartments so you have nothing to fear from them.”

“We won’t, but our families will,” responded Arique. “Even so, I will cooperate and pray.”

“She is right about our families,” added Kyzarck. “I am guilty by association but I don’t think anything I did was illegal. Like her I will cooperate.”

“We can go over what you know later.” As he finished speaking two of his security people returned. “Everything go okay?”

“Not quite, but we have it under control. We had to put two others in compartments. It is possible that they have more friends among our crew.”

“That was a concern,” said Karstiue.

“The two we just restrained were late fill-ins. There are three more in the cabin crew.”

Sarah said, “That was a technique used to by the Durale to put agents into the Emprika crew.”

Brigid added, “Demerti indicated that the crew operating the cruiser had difficulty communicating with those in your section, so there could also be substitutes in the cruiser crew.”

“Good points,” said Karstiue. “Isolate the last minute replacements until we are underway and have a chance to talk to them. Also, talk to the Captain and find out what he knows about his last minute replacements, then deal with it. We will wait here. You can either take these two over now or wait until you have dealt with this.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll come back for them.”

As he made the comment, Karstiue and Danrique both saw a shift in posture of the two women.

Serarck said, “Sarah’s Clan, this feels all wrong. This doesn’t seem like a normal diplomatic cruiser, or at least one that I know about.”

“So you think it might be armed?” responded Kelly surprising Serarck.

“I don’t know. The three visiting us feel different to any Tigsu diplomat I’ve been around. At times Theoqarck seems more typical, but even then not completely so. Karstiue and Danrique give me a similar feeling to the one I sense at times from Calvin, Rusty, and a few others.”

“My impression is that they are either law enforcement, or intelligence operating under a diplomatic umbrella,” added Calvin. “I think they have a potential mutiny on their hands.”

“I’ve just assigned two Star Fighters to them,” responded Kelly. “Loaded and locked.”

On board the shuttle Sarah said, “Put your suits on everyone.” As she was speaking, those with her pulled theirs out and handed one to their guests. “Karstiue, our analysis is that there is the potential for a mutiny on your ship. We are connected to it and awfully close.”

“But the boarding tube?”

“There is an emergency release that we control. There is also one on their end.”

“Well if that happens I would prefer that they not get away.”

“Does the ship have weapons?”

“Yes. There is a weapon’s locker. The ship has sufficient weapons to defend itself but they would need my codes to arm them.”

Calvin smiled as he said, “Care to bet on that?”

“Good point. Access to the weapon’s locker is considerably easier if one of the security people is involved.”

“Someone is coming through the boarding tube,” said Briana.

“Hold them in the air lock until we can see who it is,” said Brigid.


After Danrique looked through the panel she said, “It is the two security guards who were just here. Both appear to be wounded.”

“Everyone away from the door,” said Cass, “we’ll handle this.” A few moments later Cass and Abaigeal eased the door open and then pulled the two, now sleeping, people out.

“What did you do?”

“Altered the oxygen level and put them to sleep.” As they were talking they began treating the two security people’s wounds.

“Based on their thoughts, I would release the boarding tube and move away,” said Serarck.

“Agreed. Executing,” said Briana. “It will be done quietly.”

Demerti said, “We are departing Dóchas, is everything ready?”

“We have a little problem,” said Sarah. “There is apparently a mutiny underway on the Tigsu ship. Karstiue, Theoqarck, Danrique, three security people and the two women are here. We’ve separated and are drifting away.”

“Just ducky! We’ll pull up near you and then we need to establish a secure communication link.”

“Okay. There are two Star Fighters positioned behind them loaded and locked. Karstiue has indicated that their ship is armed but that special codes are needed to arm and fire them, which he has. While we are waiting we will see what more we can learn.”

“Okay, we will be there in five or so.”

“What’s going on?” asked Karstiue when he noticed Sarah’s expression.

She said, “Among other things, I was talking to Demerti. They will be alongside in a few minutes. Once here we can set up an active com link so you all can decide on what to do.” She held up her hands as he started to speak causing him to pause. “In the meantime, we have some resources we can deploy which should give us a better understanding of what is happening inside your ship. However, before we do that we would like your permission to deploy them.”

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The Curtsey - Part 2 By Sissie Smith Ms. Brenda was all smiles. She just could not seem to wipe the smile from her face. The entire adventure was like a fairy tale to her. Energy seemed to swell up in her and look for a way to escape and the only way of escaping seemingly was through her smiles. She thanked Madam Rebecca for her time, the education and the display of female domination and control over simple males. Brenda had always felt she had been cheated as a woman not having...

3 years ago
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We were seated just moments ago in a corner booth in the darkened restaurant. The waiter has arrived with wine, showed me the label, and poured a taste. As I sniff the wine, which exudes a rich aroma, her foot brushes against my leg beneath the table. I glance up at her before approving the wine. The waiter pours us each a glass and steps away.As I am reading the menu, selecting an entree, her foot once again brushes my calf, but then slides up into my lap. Glancing down, I see her pink-painted...

Quickie Sex
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The OutsiderChapter 6

Jenny cornered Brock before school on Monday morning. “What’s all this shit about?” she demanded. Brock looked at her with a bored expression on his face. “You’ll have to be a little more specific,” he said. “I have a lot going on right now and your little dramas are far down on my list.” Jenny’s face turned crimson. “Fine, I’ll be specific,” he snarled. “What is that shit with you threatening to beat up my date? What is that shit with telling my mom and sister your big secret but...

2 years ago
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Chapter Three Not just a one night stand

CHAPTER THREE The deal is finalizedI put on the only clothes I had and watched Nicole dress. I envied her as she slid a pair of white, lace trimmed panties up her long legs and then over her cute ass. She finished by hooking her thumbs under the sides of the elastic top, running them around and meeting in front. Then she placed her hands on her buttocks, hooked her thumbs under the elastic and pulled up. She went back to her chest of drawers and pulled out a matching bra. Watching me in the...

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Second Son In The BeginningChapter 3 1 Month Later

"She is a thing of beauty," Morgan said as they looked out at the ship. Logan, Morgan, Danielle, Ebony and Ling were standing in an observation room watching as the finishing touches were put onto their ship. "That she is," Logan agreed. They had acquired the ship the day after meeting the girls and it had gone straight into the yards for all its modifications and upgrades. Tomorrow it was going to be launched. The Sirius-class freighter was a common sight in most areas of Human...

1 year ago
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My Home Delivery Experience 8211 Part 2

Hi this is the second part of the story My home delivery experience, please go through the link to read the first part. That was a Saturday we decided to go to her farm house. I came to the bus stop since she is taking her car. It was around morning 11 am. I was waiting near the bus stop she came in her BMW and stopped, she said hi to me and asks me to drive the car, she came to the front seat and I went and sat on the driver seat. Wow that was awesome even the car and Bhabhitha. Looks...

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Incestuous Harem 8 Moms Soapy Tits

Chapter Eight: Mom's Soapy Tits By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Clint Elliston The hot water poured over my body, splashing on my back as the four women of my harem—two half-sisters, a full sister, and my mom—all grabbed the body wash and lathered up each other's bodies. I was in heaven. I was nineteen and showering with my sexy Mom and her huge tits, her bleached-blonde hair darkening as it grew wet. She stared at me with dark, hungry eyes. My little sister Alicia, eighteen, the hair...

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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

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How I came to own my daughters pussy Ch 8 10

A couple of weeks later, Mel moved into our house. Having her there wasn’t a huge change since she spent so much time at our house anyway. But now the girls almost always slept in my bed with me. Only I truly can attest that these girls are not lesbians despite what others may think. The girls now freely hold hands out in public and we went to a jewelry store and bought matching engagement rings. They weren’t expensive rings with big diamonds. The girls wanted to be a little more...

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Little Reds Riding Ass

(FICTION) But could be fact with a bit of coaxing!!!He knew she was squeamish about anal sex, they had spoken about it so many times but she always said no.She complained that it hurt, it didnt feel comfortable and she just wasnt ready."Awww come on, you know I would never hurt you, I'll be gentle, if you dont like it we can stop!"She was having none of it, her bloke was very well endowed and he had a fucking meaty cock, way too thick to go into something so small. They had known each other a...

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Bedtime Story for My Pet 3

The first two Bedtimes Stories were created for the woman who was my pet at the time. This new one has been created specifically for the enthusiastic listeners to the first two. I asked for suggestions and most of the responses I got contained the thought that my pet should be punished for something this time around. So since I've learned that many listeners enjoy following the instructions as they're given, I've arranged for my pet to punish herself (so you might want to have a belt...

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Stepmoms Gangbang

Ariel looked at her 18 year old stepson sternly, "don't you think you should ask?" Jordan chuckled, "I just did, and told you they were coming over." "That's not asking, that's telling," the 32 year old woman replied. "Yeah, well they'll be here in about 15 minutes," Jordan replied with a grin. "Well thanks for the heads up, and I will be talking to your dad about this," Ariel replied in disgust. Jordan laughed, "go ahead, you're not my mom, and my dad is just your sugar...

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Not Shy Anymore

I had only been in the adult bookstore once. A crazy friend wanted to show it to me so we went in one night and looked at books, toys and then peeked at a few videos. I was nervous and embarrassed but also intrigued and not just a little titillated. We had left, him making crude jokes about it and me … well, it was hard to get it off my mind. I had always been very sexual and this place was very sexual. It stayed on my mind for a few weeks, playing into my masturbation fantasies, until I...

1 year ago
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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 6

Xi Pegasi Planetary Survey Site Six April 5, 2057 Hollis Reid clutched his pack to his chest and gritted his teeth as the bottom dropped out of his seat for the hundredth time. The seat bottom slammed against him despite his seatbelt as the shuttle staggered through the sky. His team was crammed into the cargo area next to their vehicles and other equipment. They were each laden with survival gear, their personal pack, and two parachutes scavenged from the planetary survey equipment...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Present

Her unexpected proposal raised a heat over my whole body that I hoped she would not notice. 'Yes,' I managed to stammer out, 'sure, I mean are you sure? You really don't mind?' 'No, not at all actually,' she replied, grinning widely as I tried to divert her attention from both my discomfort and too-evident arousal. 'In fact, the thought of another woman running her hands over your body gets me pretty... hot.' She enunciated the last word slowly and deliberately. Once again I was astounded by...

4 years ago
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Lucky Truckers

The first time we did something like this LuEllen walked to a truck on the freeway and they took off and I followed them to a truck stop in Missouri. The driver and LuEllen were alone though. I just went to the coffee shop and waited. Lu had a blast she said and hoped we could do it again. Well it happened again. It was a cool April day and we had just left the adult book store in Council Bluffs Iowa. LuEllen had got quite hot looking at some Playgirl magazines and being watched by the other...

1 year ago
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A study of the Orc

These are excerpts from the books, correspondence, and notebooks of the elven scholar and sociologist Thylaea Spiritsong who is the foremost expert on the lives and culture of the Orcs. The preface of her magnum opus "A study of the Orc" gives the background needed to dive into the vast collection of written records Thylaea has produced over the years. A study of the Orc - Preface Published in the year 162 of the 4th age. Even though the orcs have lived on the plains outside our forest for much...

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Blue Mountains Train Trip Part 2

My cock squirted hot sticky cum into her throat, she pulled my cock out so the next burst landed on her lips and chin as she stroked my cock faster and faster and my knees buckled. She licked the last few drops off the end of my cock, swallowing with a large slurp and with a devilish grin said, “Let’s get to the hotel to fuck some more."  ----------------------------------- Vi stood and smoothed her skirt down her gorgeous legs and proceeded to button her blouse back around her large DD...

Oral Sex
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Getting drunk with my best friend

At the time all of this happened I was 18, beginning my senior year of high school. My name's Jake; I'm 5'9, 150 pounds, and I play baseball for the school, so I'm in pretty good shape. My hair is medium brown, average length, and my eyes are green. My dick is just under 8 inches long, pretty thick, and cut. I keep myself clean shaven; from my face to my cock and ass. I'm straight, but the feeling and look of being mostly hairless is what I prefer. My best friend's name is Brad. He's...

2 years ago
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Max to Maxie New Beginnings

Max to Maxie Chapter 1 - New Beginnings As I lay on the gurney, with my wife Sandi sitting next to me, Dr. Madison came in. "Good morning Maxie, good morning Sandi", as she was shaking our hands. "Maxie, I know we already went over what we are going to do today but, I want to make sure that you understand what is going to happen. I'll be doing 3 procedures on you today. Up to now, the changes that have been made are reversible. But, after today they will be irreversible. I am going...

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Are you pervert enough for Pervert Tube? Unfortunately, that isn’t a trick question: while most of you might eagerly line up for some fresh free fap fodder, thinking you’re hardcore to the core when it comes to porn, there are some sites meant for only for the true deviates. I admit that I slap the word “pervert” around like it applies to every Tom, Dick, and Harry shaking their hairy dicks at naked girls on the internet, but the folks at PervertTube take it to another level.This isn’t your...

Scat Porn Sites
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My wifes BLACK Breeding

billie-bugWife’s BLACK Breeding Last Saturday(for those who have been following)....So for those who have been following my blogs(thanks for the comments and questions), you know my tiny white wife was BLACK Bred last Saturday, June 3rd. Well originally it was supposed to be 5 Superior BLACK Men and my tiny whitey wife for a couple of hours. As we per-discussed, she was blindfolded and wore earplugs for the duration, and I was to be the same and in chastity outside the room. Before being...

4 years ago
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420 those bloodthirsty Yanks

420 those bloodthirsty Yanks This was written for a friend in the USA to his order & menu for their anniversary! don’t blame me if it`s not to your taste! So, the queue outside the big meeting hall that doubled as court, music hall and function rooms had been made of two thirds of the town. It had formed here in this little place in north Carolina, it was one those sort of place anyway, few of you would have heard of it and it is well off the beaten track, sort of a backwater that had a...

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Lilly And Empire true story

Hello! Lilly hereI've been dressing as a girl for many years. I love the feel of thongs, bras, skirts swishing, stockings and anything feminine really. When I'm a girl I am only attracted sexually to men. To be honest, I don't mind how they look, as my main interest is to please any man, and in any way he wants. I think that makes me a sissy! My aim is to give men what they want and to receive their cum. Sissies are good at this sort of thing. I have no desire for men to pleasure me,...

2 years ago
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MMF Threesome

Sian and I had been friends for years, she had lived beside us when we were growing up, but had moved away when she was about 13, but we always stayed in touch on msn and bebo.She was just a few years younger than me, but i always had a crush on her, and at times I felt the feeling was mutual. she always had a well toned body from playing hockey, long dark hair and small but pert tits. They were the first pair of tits i actually paid attention too, mostly because I was able to watch them...

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Thrasher Girls 1 The Lincoln

My friends and I hang out at a 24-hour coffee bar called “Magic Beans”. We’re there all hours of the day and night. It’s usually six or seven of us, three girls and the three guys. There’s me, Rhonda, but I go by ronni. I’m fifteen, long dark curly hair, and I’m about 5’4, 110 pounds. I have big boobs for a girl my age, 34C if you’re into that. I guess my body is all right because a lot of guys hit on me and everyone is always trying...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Pool

I am Rahim & 51 and my wife Aisha is 47. We are both a little overweight yet still attractive. My wife has nice, firm tits and large nipples. We were on vacation and were spreading out the towels to lie on and I noticed 3 young men behind her enjoying the view of her ample round ass. As we lay down I informed her of her audience and she giggled. She asked which one and I pointed them out as they dove into the pool.We lay there making small talk when I saw my wife open her legs wide on the...

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Blowjob For A Job

Hi readers! This is Karishma writing another sex incident to you all. Without wasting much time, let’s get into the story. I joined a catering course and began my studies. I also decided to work so that I could earn some money. One evening, when I was walking down the street, I saw an ’employee wanted’ poster in front of a burger joint. So, I went in. There I was informed that the manager would interview me but he was on leave that day. So I was asked to come the next day. I was excited and I...

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Reddit would probably agree, TikTok Sweets are sweeter than any literal candy ever invented in the history of mankind. I mean, I chomp on Starbusts by the bucket, but I’d give it all up in an instant for those pretty girls with their tits out. What’s a sweet tooth compared to the average male libido, anyway? Babes might go wild for chocolate, but I’ve never met a dude who’d pick a Ding-Dong over a legit hoe-hoe. Any sexy ladies out there looking for a Sugar Daddy?In case you couldn’t figure it...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 19 House of Cards

One Day Until Prom "Alright everyone," Zoey announced to the group of twenty students surrounding her. "This year's senior prom theme is Kings and Queens. We have two hours to transform this less-than-sterile cafeteria into a casino hotel. Jessica, your group has wall decor. Olivia, your group has posters. Amanda, your group has table settings. Peggy, you have table setup. Dee, you have the balloon arch. If anyone needs to lift something heavy, we have Tyler and some of the football...

2 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 47

Eddie, Dale and I left Bolling a little before three on Sunday afternoon. The weather was a little rough, and we had some turbulence that seemed to worry Eddie at first. Dale went back to sit with her though, and things smoothed out once we had achieved our regular cruising altitude. Dale came up after an hour back there with Eddie, and I gave her a brief lesson in how to pilot an aircraft. She was an apt pupil, listening well and asking questions when she needed more clarification. "You...

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Any Shemale! Do you enjoy jerking off to shemale pornography? Does the idea of fucking a ladyboy or getting fucked by one excite you? Well, I can’t say that I would want the latter, but I definitely would bang a transsexual, hard! Still, I get it if you crave cock up your ass. I know that there’s nothing better than staring at perfect tits with a giant dick dangling down around their knees for some people. But, if you would reach out and suck some of that pee-pee, I bet you need a shemale tube...

Shemale Porn Sites
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Few days ago with Peggy

So me and Peggy had started to mess around with tying each other up, since this was here payment for staying with us. Again, Peggy is my wifes younger sister that had to stay with us for a few weeks...months. So this last time, I had tied Peggy up, hands and knees foward, and ankles to the back. She was stuck on all fours with her ass in the air. I was slowly torturing her, by fingering her and leaving, I would open the curtains when I knew the mailman was coming so he could see, etc. Then on...

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Expoited Jessica

Before she even opened her eyes Jessica Sampson knew something was wrong. This wasn’t her bed and Barney, her dog, wasn’t there. Slowly she opened her eyes and surveyed the strange room. The windowless sparsely furnished room was lit only by a small TV in the corner. She looked over at the TV and found a scene that scared her even more than waking up in a room that certainly wasn’t hers. On the screen was a redheaded girl who looked a lot like her was tied to a bench and sucking on the penis of...

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My Family Is An Escort Family

My name is Spandana Reddy 23 years old and I am an high class escort. Readers should be patient all through the story. All I am saying is real. There were no fictitious things. It’s our life. In this story I’ll tell you about myself, my mom and dad and my mom’s sister and her hubby and their son and some other escorts in our escort service. I’ll start from my parent’s life. My mother’s name is Sangeetha Reddy (44 years old) and my father is Narasimha Reddy (47 years old). My mom was from Ranga...

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TinaChapter 11

Sam knew he had to talk things over with Lizzie. It was only a couple of weeks after he had told Derrick and Dickie, but it had started already. The gossip had started among the wives, and it was only a matter of time before one of them raised it with her. It would be ‘ ... for her own good... ‘ of course, but some of his brother-in-law’s wives were Class A bitches and could be counted on to screw things up royally. Noreen had already made a bunch of snide comments to him and asked what he...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 16 Minor Surprises

Dave, Scarlett, and Heather sat with Matt and Rose on the patio on Saturday morning – the two mothers and the stepdad to the teens. Dave said, “We wanted to be sure you are making an adult decision that has more to it than all your hormones talking.” The two teens laughed at his comment. Scarlett said in somewhat serious tone, “I agree. Dave told me about what you both said on Monday night at the Circle 101 class, and I am touched, but at the same time I am worried perhaps because you are...

2 years ago
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Learning the Chocolate Life

We have a date set at a bar to meet but the bartender hands me a note. "Meet me at the hotel room 217." Here I am a little bummed that I didn't get to watch you walk into the bar but still excited about finally seeing you. I pay the tab and when I get to the car there is a note under the wind shield wiper. "Do what the fuck you are told. Nothing more and nothing less."The drive was pretty short and I walk up to the door which is slightly ajar. Another note taped to the door reads "You sure have...

1 year ago
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Lesbian X! Less-be-honest, lesbian sex is great and not just when it (rarely) goes on in the sawdust-scented apartments of the Castro district. Isn't it fap-tastic when we get to see all of that glorious boob bouncing, jug jigglin', labia lickin' action on the net for all to see?Sure you can find that all over the net. After all, there is a lot of demand for lesbian porn, and there are plenty of lovely ladies who like to experiment with their breast friends. And while that's true, most of the...

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Amanda fumbles sleepily for her alarm clock, desperate to stop the horrid sounds that are blaring through her room. Her hand comes down on top of the offending clock once; twice; a third time. Defiant to the last, the alarm clock continues to fill her bedroom with its disharmonious tones. Her hand falls to the top of the night stand and begins to pat all around the evil timepiece's base. Her fingers at last locate the power cord and, after jerking back briefly in triumph, seize it and pull...

3 years ago
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A Tuscan Holiday Chapter Three

Chapter Three. Doug takes my hand and guides me to the bedroom. I walk a little awkwardly as my muscles adjust to the plug buried deep inside my flesh, and am relieved to reach the room. Doug lifts a brand box from the bed and holds it to me with a smile. I read his script across the top, 'For my darling Mel.' I undo the sage green ribbon and open the cream lid. Inside, a folded expanse of fuchsia silk gazes up at me.Gently, I lift the dress from the box and find that it's a sleek dress with a...

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Evangeline part 2 Gabriel

Introduction: If you havent read Evangeline, you may want to read it first . Until the night I met Henri Dauterive, I lived in a world devoid of light. My own choice, of course. I preferred the night and stayed in the shadows during the day. I hid from anything that might reveal what I was. Henri stumbled into me as I crossed Canal Street on my way uptown. Already inebriated, he was on his way down to the Quarter. I dont know why I turned to follow him. Maybe it was nothing more than easy...

2 years ago
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AllisonChapter 23

Bill returned to the microphone and was about to call on his son, Bill, for a final toast when Ken Carlson rose from his seat. He said, "Mr. Clifford, we've heard a number of stories this afternoon that were pretty good. However, this was billed earlier as a gripe session. Sir, you haven't heard yet from the people who really have something to gripe about: the men. With your permission, sir, I would like to say a few words." Bill grinned, thinking about all the jokes regarding the...

4 years ago
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Carlie Came Through

The dusty wood shelf in the town grocery store always bothered me. Staring at it, I couldn't help but wonder when the last time someone might have cleaned it, if ever.I blinked and awoke from my daze, having no clear idea how long I'd been standing in the aisle, staring at bags of flour on that dull, unchanging shelf.Every Friday, I walked into town to get things my Mother needed for the coming week. I guess I didn't mind too much, since it gave me a break from being in the field, picking...

1 year ago
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Emilys Boarding HouseChapter 5

Well out to sea on our second morning aboard ship, we had an early breakfast in one of the ship’s informal breakfast bars, After which Emily thought we ought to sun ourselves on the upper deck’s private area. There was no pool up there, just a large open area filled with chaise lounge chairs and liberal supplies of oversized fluffy white towels. “I checked it out yesterday afternoon,” Emily told me. “About half of the people up there were nude.” “Well, let’s go for it,” I said. “Maybe...

2 years ago
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Fantastic Sex With Married Bhabhi Without Condom 8211 Sex Teacher

We as youngsters always fantasies to have sex with a married women. So friends this is my true encounter of sexual relation with a married women of 36. My name is Ajay , I am 23 years old and the women name is Shalini. Shalini is 36 years old working women. She has 2 kids of age 11 and 8. Her husband is mostly out of station due to work. In a month her husband is out for almost 20 days minimum. The absence of her husband and sex led Shalini to get intimate with me. She looks good and has stats...

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Opus OneChapter 17 Serenade

"Those are some big speakers!" Sandra exclaimed, as they entered the recording control room. Richard grinned. "So size does matter then?" he asked suggestively. Emily and Sandra just gave him a look before peering through the window to the concert hall. A cellist was practicing with a pianist. "Wow, the view is really good from up here!" Emily said. "Yeah. It sounds good, too," Richard said. He flipped on the power amplifiers and then brought up the faders for the hall...

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My Math Teacher

No names here are real, however situations or actions may be inspired by real events and thoughts. John is a far above average student in many ways. He is second in his class and unlike many around him, he has planned accordingly for his future and plans to pursue college for engineering. John may have a few friends, but due to his high intelligence often finds it difficult to communicate or function in social interactions. This is one of the main reasons for his isolation and recluse behaviour...

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Lapprentie sorcire

Lucile est une jeune femme de 19 ans, étudiante dans une prépa d’ingénieur. Assez grande et fine, un joli 90B bien ferme et un joli petit cul, elle a de longs cheveux bruns bouclés, des yeux bleu-vert magnifiques et un visage ravissant. Elle est d’ailleurs bien consciente de son succès auprès des hommes mais elle ne peut s’empêcher de jalouser les autres jolies filles. Malheureusement pour celles-ci, Lucile possède également un secret qui lui permet de faire en sorte de diminuer la concurrence…...

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ExxxtraSmall Angel Del Rey Tiny Muslim Teen Lives The Anal Dream

Angel Del Rey is a teeny tiny arab girl with rebellious tendencies. Her boyfriend is a huge horndog and is always hounding her for naked pics throughout the day. She usually does not do those kinds of things, but she decided to lift up her hijab and send some nudies. Her boyfriend got an instant erection and had to go see her right away. Within minutes Angel was propositioned to fuck. She had been hoping to save her virginity though. Her boyfriend then utilized his poophole loophole. Angel was...


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