10th Ki Ladki Ki Chut Mari
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Sunday, Mrs. Parsons was feeling good, and we went out and played eighteen holes of golf together. We teed off at ten thirty, and finished up at three o'clock. We were behind two other foursomes, and it was the foursome in front that was slowing everyone down. While we waited, I tried to keep Mrs. Parsons focused on her learning center idea, rather than on the slow pace we were able to play golf.
After golf, I walked over to the pool area while Mrs. Parsons was in the pro shop talking with Dave. I saw Brenda with another girl, probably Emily, I guessed, and a young boy, no more than eleven. They were sitting together on three lounge chairs and talking. I approached them and waited for Brenda to notice me standing there. The girl was pretty, but thin and delicate looking. Her skin was pale, and her dark brown hair was curly like Brenda's, but longer. Her brother had the same hair as she did. On her, it was cute, but it didn't fit him nearly as well. He wasn't as thin, but he looked like someone who didn't play outdoors very much. It was the other girl who noticed me first. She turned to Brenda.
"Is that him?" Brenda turned and saw me for the first time. She smiled at me, then got up and came over to give me a kiss. She took my hand and led me over to the girl.
"Em, this is Kenny. He was supposed to be the one that was going to be buying our lunches today. Why are you so late, Kenny?"
"We got caught behind some real slow players. Nice to meet you Emily." As soon as I said that, Brenda started dragging me over to meet Gary Carstairs, Emily's brother. He stood up, and we shook hands after being introduced. He was pretty tall for eleven years old, easily five six or five seven. I found out that both Emily and her brother had gotten Amoebic Dysentery over in some small town in Portugal, from drinking the water there. Emily and Gary's parents were planning on staying in Europe for a whole year, but they came back after their children got sick. Emily's father was a writer, and he had been doing research for a book he was writing about the Holy Crusades.
We talked together for about fifteen minutes, until I saw Mrs. Parsons coming out of the pro shop. I excused myself and walked over to tell her that Brenda was in the pool area, and that I wanted to stay for awhile and spend some time with her. She told me that she was ready to leave then, and for me to call and let Hans know when I was ready to be picked up. I walked back over to the pool area, wishing that I'd brought my bathing suit with me. I sat with them, talking about school, answering questions that Emily asked about how many boys there were. She seemed most interested in the boys of 'Spicamore Hall'. From comments that Gary made, it seemed that Emily was attracted to European boys. I told her what I knew, but a lot of the students were from the Middle East, South America, and Japan. Most were either juniors or seniors, who were trying to improve their English enough to go to an American University. Most of the Japanese boys had already finished high school, but hadn't scored well enough on their exams to be admitted to a Japanese University.
After another half hour had passed, Hans showed up and gave me a bag containing my swim suit. He told me that Mrs. Parsons had asked him to bring it down for me. I thanked him, and then left for the men's locker room to get changed. When I got back, Brenda and Emily were already in the pool together. Gary was sitting in his lounger, reading a book. I went into the pool too, staying in the shallow end. Brenda left Emily and swam over to me.
"I'm still mad at you, Kenny, for yesterday. You spoiled my plans for us." She came closer to me, putting her arms around my neck, and sliding her body against me. Since I was in water up to my waist only, anyone could see the way she was pressed up against me. I didn't want to get in more trouble, so I walked out until it was deeper. I was only comfortable in water chest high, since I still couldn't swim. Brenda leaned in even closer, and started kissing me.
"Brenda, I'd rather wait until we were some place less public. Do you want to go for a walk somewhere?"
"No, I like it right here. I'm just showing Emily that you really are my boyfriend."
"Why would she care?"
"I don't think she cares, it's more like she doesn't believe me when I tell her how close we are."
"How close did you tell her we were?" I saw her frown when I asked her that.
"Don't get mad, Kenny, but I told her everything. I know you told me not to, but she told me some of the stuff she did this summer, before she got sick, and I didn't want her thinking that she was more grown up than I was. She isn't going to tell anyone, because she doesn't want me telling on her too."
"What do you mean when you say everything?"
"You know. Everything we've done. She's done that too, although hers lasted a lot longer than ours did. Paolo, that was her boyfriend's name, didn't do what you do with your tongue though. I told her about that because she was telling me about this time Paolo snuck into her room at the villa her parents were renting in Italy. That was another reason why I wanted us to do things on your bed."
"You just aren't going to be satisfied until you ruin your reputation, and wind up getting the both of us in all kinds of trouble, are you?"
"I already told you, she did as much as we did. She can't tell on us, not without getting into trouble too."
"Not unless she tells someone else, someone who doesn't have anything to get in trouble about. I know you understand this, because that was the first thing you said to me in the limo, when you came to pick me up Friday. You didn't want me talking about you not wearing panties when I talked to my friends at school. This is dangerous Brenda, and it's stupid too. How many times do we have to get into trouble before you learn to keep your mouth shut about what we've done?" I took her arms away from around my neck and started wading over to the side of the pool. When I got to the edge, I lifted myself up out of the water. Brenda was still where I had left her. I stood up then, and when I turned back to where I'd left my towel, Brenda's brother was sitting on it, talking to Emily. I came over and asked him to get off my towel.
"Can't you see I'm talking, moron? You can wait a few minutes until I'm done talking, then I'll get up."
I didn't like Richard. I hadn't liked him from the first time I met him. I didn't like the way he did things with the phone to stop me from talking to his sister. Besides that, I was in a bad mood from what had just happened with Brenda. I hated the fact that he thought he could just call me a moron without me doing anything about it. Normally, I would have just left the towel there and gone into the member's locker room and gotten another towel. It wasn't really about the towel.
When I lived in the orphanage, there were always lots of fights. I hadn't been in a fight in years though, mostly because I'd been older than almost everyone else for the last three or four years I'd lived there. I didn't ever like to fight, but, you had to stick up for yourself when people tried to take your stuff or bully you. It was one thing to take bullying from the nuns, but I wasn't used to taking it from other boys. If Richard hadn't already used up all of my patience with him, before this time, I wouldn't have done anything. I didn't even bother to give it too much thought. I punched him in the face. Not too hard, just enough to let him know I was angry.
"Get off my towel now you stupid dick."
"Now you've done it, you cocksucker!" Richard got up from the lounger and swung his fist at me. When he missed, he rushed me and wrapped me up in his arms, trying to wrestle me to the ground. I lifted up my knee into his groin area, and he let me out of his grip. "Motherfucker! You kicked me. You're dead meat now, asshole!" I pushed him back, and he got tangled up with his feet and fell backwards over my lounge chair. He was trying to get back up, when some older kids came over and broke things up. I grabbed my towel, and started to walk away, towards the gate.
Brenda had gotten out of the pool, and she was staring at me. Emily and Gary were standing also. I waited to see if anyone was going to stop me, or say anything to me, but no one did. Even Richard had stopped saying anything to me. He stood there, his face red and angry, with his hands knotted tightly into fists. I got to the pool gate and left. I changed back into my regular clothes and went upstairs to call Hans. I knew he might not be home yet, because he said he had some errands to run when he dropped off my swim suit. Gerta answered, and told me that Hans hadn't gotten back yet, but she'd send him to get me as soon as he returned. I decided to go out to the parking lot, and then walk down the driveway to the street to wait for him.
When I came down from making my phone call, Brenda and Emily were both waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.
"Are you just going to leave, Kenny? You can't just speak to me the way you did and walk away before I get a chance to explain."
"Explain what? You already explained, and I've already told you what I think of what you did. You've got parents, Brenda. They aren't going to send you back to live in an orphanage if you get into trouble. You do whatever you feel like doing, and it doesn't matter to you about who else gets into trouble. I can't afford to live that way, or to have people around me who don't care about what might happen to me."
"I do care. Emily isn't going to say anything. Tell him Emily."
"I'm not going to say anything, Kenny." Emily looked upset too. I wondered if Brenda had mentioned to her that she'd shared Emily's secrets as easily with me, as she'd shared ours with Emily. I'd spoken to Hans and Gerta about Brenda, but not about anything that had already happened. If I'd planned on letting Brenda come up to my bedroom the night before, I probably wouldn't have spoken to them about it.
"It was nice meeting you Emily. I'm sorry it had to end up like this. It isn't your fault." I looked at Brenda, she was already crying. "Brenda, I'm through talking to you for right now. I can't afford to have you as a girlfriend anymore. It seems like all you care about is whatever has your interest at the moment. I don't want to keep having to deal with the consequences of your actions, or the things you say to people. You better tell your brother to stop calling me names too, because I'm sick of him doing it. Don't call me anymore, and I'll stay away from calling you too." I turned away from both of them, and started walking up to the parking lot area. Brenda and Emily followed behind, and I heard Emily trying to calm Brenda down.
"Kenny, you can't do this to me, not for something like this. I promise I won't tell anyone else."
I wanted to tell her that it was more than just her talking to Emily, but I really didn't even have it all sorted out in my own head. Part of it was the times she hung up on me, her father's attitude towards me, the feeling that I was already getting too involved in something that was scaring me. Part of it was knowing that I was already spending too much of my time thinking about Brenda, and wanting to do more sex things with her too. I knew there would be more complications down the road, no matter what else might happen.
"I'm not ready for all of this, Brenda. There's just too much going on that I'm not used to having to deal with. You and I, it's just too much for me to handle right now. You don't seem to understand how nervous I am about trying to fit in with my new home. I'm not like you. I'm not like any of your friends. I haven't grown up expecting everything to be taken care of for me, like you have. When anyone else has the ability to ruin everything for me, I need to know that they won't do it just because they want to impress their girlfriend."
Just as I finished speaking, Elena came riding up the driveway on her motorcycle. Brenda had never seen Elena, and had no idea who she was, so when Elena pulled up alongside of me, asking me if I wanted a ride, Brenda was really surprised when I hopped on the back of her motorcycle. As soon as I was settled, with both arms around her waist, Elena took off and made a u-turn before accelerating away. It took only a few minutes for the ride back to the house. When she pulled up in front, I got off of the motorcycle.
"Which one was your girlfriend, Slick?" Elena had fished out a cigarette and got it going using a Zippo lighter.
"The one with the copper colored hair."
"Really? I would have thought the other one was more your speed. She's all right too, what's her name?"
"Brenda. We just broke up."
"Tough, Slick, but I meant the other girl, what's her name?"
"That's Emily. I don't know much about her though."
"How old are those two?"
"Never mind then. I thought the other one might be older, maybe seventeen or eighteen."
"There's this girl named Carol that I know. She's nineteen I think. She's the girl that Bea used to like. She's cute too."
"How did you like riding the bike?"
"It's good. It felt like we were really going fast. When it gets cold though, do you still ride it?"
"Not as much, but, unless there's snow on the ground, or ice, I always ride it some. I like the way it feels when the motor is running. It's better than riding a horse that way." I didn't know what she meant. Horses weren't that fast, and they didn't have people riding horses in the streets around Ridgeline. I guess I looked puzzled, because Elena laughed and left me standing there wondering what she had meant. She drove her motorcycle off to the back, towards the garage, and I went through the front door inside the house.
Now that I had done it, broken up with Brenda, I started having an emotional reaction to doing it. I went up to my room so that I could be alone with what I was feeling. I had felt bad like that, a few other times when I was a lot younger. Mostly when one of my friends got adopted, and left St. Cecelia's. This was one of the reasons I stopped making new friends. Brenda was like that too, only more than just a friend. I had a sick and empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it was all I could manage to not rush back down the stairs and beg Elena to give me a ride back to the country club. It was only my brain that prevented me from doing just that. I went into my closet and shut the door. With the lights off, I managed to crawl back to the back of the closet and wrap myself up into a tight ball.
I started to unwind from Brenda in my mind, pulling myself backwards until she was just someone on the very edge of my awareness. This wasn't difficult for me to do, I had done it many nights at the orphanage. It was simply a matter of willing myself to be alone. Inside this place, I could be calm, because I was safe there. I could think about how I should adjust things to accept losing Brenda. I was breaking connection to her, releasing all the emotional strands that tied the two of us together. I should have known better than to allow myself to love someone. It was sometime before I realized that the connections I had to Brenda weren't all dissolving and going away. Always before, withdrawing like this had worked for me. Maybe not completely, but enough that I could get away from any emotional ties that I'd formed. There had been a sense of comfort from being able to do that. Now that it was failing me, I became agitated and distressed. I felt myself slipping back out from the calm area I had created all around me. I redoubled my efforts, but it was no use. In the end, I was just some boy sitting in a dark room and crying from the pain of losing someone he cared about.
I knew why this was happening. If I'd given it any thought at all, I could have predicted that it would happen. It was all these feelings that I'd been indulging in, pretending that I was some normal kid who could afford to go around caring about other people. It was like I had forgotten all the hard lessons I'd learned in St. Cecelia's. It was a mistake I'd made, but I vowed not to repeat it with another girl. I got up and felt my way to the closet door. When I came out into my bedroom again, I went in and took a shower. The spraying water on my head helped me to clear away the last of my weak thoughts about Brenda. I dressed for dinner, coming back downstairs at six forty five. I found Mrs. Parsons sitting in the library, having a drink before dinner. She asked me how my visit with Brenda and her friends had gone. These were almost the first words she had spoken to me when I walked into the library.
"It went good. Brenda is starting school on Tuesday. I don't think I'll see her too much after her school starts."
"You'll see her on weekends, Kenny. You both will be free on weekends to get together."
"I don't think so. She has different friends than I do. We aren't as good of friends as I thought we were."
"You better explain what happened. Perhaps I can help you."
"It wasn't any one thing. I'm not sure what it was, but now, I think I'd rather not be friends with her anymore."
"This is a rather abrupt decision, Kenny. Are you sure it isn't just some small thing that you'll feel differently about later?"
"I'm sure. I already told her about it."
Mrs. Parsons sipped quietly on her drink, looking at me the whole time. At least fifteen minutes passed by before Gerta came in to tell us that dinner was ready to be served. When we got to the dining room, I was surprised to see Elena wearing a regular dress. I smiled at her when she sat down, but she didn't smile back. I saw her watching Mrs. Parsons to see which silverware to use with the salad and with the main course when it was served. I'd had to learn that too when I first came, but I knew it was all pretty easy. Mrs. Parsons told Elena that she could take Monday off since it was a holiday. I thought this was funny, because Elena hadn't even started working yet, not as far as I could see. Maybe picking me up at the country club was work, but I wasn't sure. After dinner, Gerta told me that Brenda had called for me while we were eating. I thanked her and told her that I wouldn't be accepting any calls from Brenda. She looked at me, but she didn't say anything about it.
After dinner, I went up to my room and read for awhile. About nine thirty, Mrs. Parsons knocked on my door, and called my name to let me know who it was.
"Are you sure you're all right, Kenny. Sometimes, it helps to talk with somebody when you're having problems like this."
"I'm not really having any problem, Mrs. Parsons. It's like when Bea left. I was sorry to see her leave, but, it wasn't that much of a problem for me."
"One of the situations that the Mother Superior at the orphanage warned Bunny about, Kenny, was the way you deal with any emotional attachments that you've formed. This is different now. Here, you have support when you are hurting or troubled by anything. You can talk to me when you feel bad about something. You know this, don't you?"
Back in Glasgow I was kept busy between working different hours at the restaurant and my school work. What time I had off I spent studying and still managed to keep up a correspondence with Emma. I could go dancing on the weekends, so getting dates was not a problem, keeping them was because of my busy schedule.In her letters Emma was still telling me about her supposed dreams, in which she would be explicit, and pressing me to tell her what excited me. "Did I love her Soosi more than her...
Lesbian... I told her that she could be friendlier to me. I was going to ask her if she knew any card games that we could play, but before I got a chance to ask her, she opened up her robe and she was naked underneath. "Is this friendly enough for you?" Except for me, none of the other boys at the orphanage were older than eleven or twelve. That was because most boys got adopted by someone eventually, and St. Cecelia's tried to take younger boys in to replace the ones that left. The younger you...
After I said good night to Mrs. Parsons, I returned to my bedroom and started putting my clothes away. The very first thing I did was gather up all of my old clothes and put them back in the garbage bag that I had brought with me. I hoped that I'd be able to send them back to the orphanage so that some other boys could get some use out of them. If not, I was sure that Mr. Chalmers would know what I should do with them. I was halfway done going through the boxes and putting my clothes away...
This time, Mrs. Parsons drove us out to the country club in her own personal car. It wasn't as big as the one that Hans had driven us in, but it was a nice car. She didn't speak to me at all on the drive over to the country club, and I was afraid to ask her if she was mad at me for what happened the night before. As soon as we got there, she took me down to where Mr. Chalmers had taken me. She didn't bring any golf clubs with her though. We went past where I'd stopped the first time, with...
That Friday night, a little after seven, Mr. Parsons came back home. Even though Mr. Chalmers and Mrs. Parsons had both assured me that Mr. Parsons was going to leave me alone, and, I'd been told to stay out of his way, right after dinner he asked me to join him in his study. I'd never been in this room before, since it was reserved only for Mr. Parsons. I was a little nervous when he led me into the study. It was a smallish room, maybe fifteen feet by fifteen feet, and one whole wall was...
Mr. Parsons came back home that Friday night. I saw him mostly at dinner time, because he was in his study most of the rest of the time. On Saturday, Mrs. Parsons and I went to the country club and played eighteen holes. I had a hundred and seven, but she shot a seventy three. We didn't stay at the club for lunch because we were going to have an early dinner with company coming over. I went into the kitchen when we returned, and Gerta took pity on me, making me a nice sandwich. We were...
I started playing tennis with Brenda the next Wednesday afternoon. I came in early for my golf lesson, then I played eighteen holes with Mrs. Parsons, before having a late lunch by myself, and was out on the tennis court before four o'clock. Mrs. Parsons didn't really encourage me to play tennis with Brenda, but she didn't tell me that I couldn't do it either. It was unusual for her to skip lunch with me, but I assumed she had something else she wanted to do. I didn't really care for...
Friday night came, and with it, Mr. Parsons. He sat down to dinner with us and that was supposed to be all I saw of him for the whole weekend. Mrs. Parsons made a comment that he was under enormous pressure because of the pending merger, and she told me not to bother him during his stay. As if I would seek him out for anything. I went up to my bedroom after dinner, and sat on my bed, listening to my radio, and thinking about my next idea for "accidentally" running into Brenda. It had been...
Brenda had asked me to phone her at seven, but Gerta informed me that we were sitting down to dinner at seven. I decided to try to phone her before dinner, but I still didn't have her phone number. I could either go in and disturb Mr. Parsons again, something I didn't want to do, or else wait and ask him at dinner if he'd get me her phone number. Gerta noticed me just standing there, trying to decide. "What? Why are you staring at nothing?" Gerta had a superstitious nature, believing in...
At ten o'clock I knocked on Mrs. Parsons door, wanting to tell her that I was leaving for my golf lesson. She didn't respond to me at all. I went downstairs, and found Hans in the kitchen with Gerta. I sat up front with Hans, in Mrs. Parsons car, for the trip over to the country club. I took my golf lesson, and we mostly worked on my mid irons. Dave kept trying to show me the difference between picking the ball cleanly from the rough, and hitting down on it from the fairway. I didn't get...
After I returned home, I checked in with Gerta to see whether Mrs. Parsons had eaten anything or not. She hadn't. According to Gerta, her last bite of food, or drink of any liquid refreshment, had been the evening before. When I came back out from the kitchen, Bea was scurrying away from the door separating the dining room from the kitchen. "Hi Bea, don't tell me you're still mad at me?" She continued moving away from me. "I guess you don't want to hear about what happened at the pool...
I went into the library, as soon as I got off of the phone with Brenda. I waited for Mrs. Parsons to come back downstairs like she had promised she would. My thoughts were centered not so much on the questions I wanted to ask her, but on the more general idea of me finding a way to fit in. I hadn't fit in very well at the orphanage. The sisters had told me many times that it was because I refused to make any attempt to. They were right. I hadn't wanted to fit in there. Here, it was an...
We left the pool area to go over to the club house restaurant. By the time I had gotten to the pool, Bea and Brenda had already befriended Carol, telling her that I had insisted on them inviting her to have lunch with us. Both Brenda and Bea had described me to Carol, Brenda telling her that I was the boy that had been here with her before, the time when Carol was standing in the pool and smiling over at me. Bea then told her that I was the boy she had teased by exposing herself to me. Carol...
Once again Mrs. Parsons was in a good mood when she came down for breakfast. She had me call over to Brenda's house to ask them if we could come by to pick them up on our way out to the country club. She told me to tell Mrs. Connor that they would be leaving after lunch and that Hans would return to pick Brenda and me up after we were done with our tennis practice. I called them, and spoke with Brenda for about half an hour. We didn't talk about kitty's, but there was an undercurrent to...
I was up a little before six thirty the next morning. I ate in the kitchen with Gerta and Hans, telling them a little bit about St. Cecelia's, and how my life had been when I still lived there. Gerta waited until I was finished telling them about it before asking me why I wanted to go back, even for a visit? I told her about Marie, sister Clara, and some of the kids that I had gotten along all right with. "I want to go back so I can tell them how lucky I am now. Not to make them feel bad...
The next day, Mrs. Parsons and I went to the country club in her car. After my lesson, we played nine holes and then had lunch together. I hadn't played that well, and I felt a little upset about Brenda's hanging up on me, and her refusal to take my call that morning. It was two thirty, so I changed and went to the pool. Brenda was there, sitting with four other kids that I'd seen around the pool before. I went over and said hello to her, asking her if she wanted to start practicing...
I got up earlier than usual to see Mrs. Parsons off on her trip to Chicago. She asked me several questions about my reconciliation with Brenda, seeming quite satisfied with my answers. She kissed me lightly on my lips when she gave me a hug goodbye. "After tonight, Kenny, the company will effectively be out of my family's hands for the first time ever. I'm going to hate signing everything away. It isn't the money that I wanted, it was knowing that all of the employees and their families...
After Bea left with Mr. Chalmers, Mrs. Parsons started coming downstairs again. On Thursday, she came to the country club with me, and we played eighteen holes. I shot an eighty seven. My putting was improving, and I had learned where to hit the ball to avoid big trouble areas on the course. Mrs. Parsons and I started talking more out on the golf course. There was no one behind us anyway, so we talked in the cart between shots. She started telling me about how happy her early childhood had...
It was almost eight o'clock before dinner was finished and I could go up to my room to call Brenda. Mrs. Parsons came downstairs when Hans, Gerta and I were about halfway through eating dinner in the kitchen. She was drunk and weeping, dressed in her robe, and obviously rumpled from too little rest. She sat with us through the remainder of dinner, but refused to eat anything. Gerta had to help her back up the stairs, and sit with her until she finally fell asleep. This was the first time I...
We picked up Brenda a little before ten, and it was already getting hot outside. Brenda seemed happy to see me, but she started right in about wanting us to practice together in the afternoon too. I didn't want to get into a big argument about it, so I said that we would wait and see how the morning practice went, and then decide. We practiced for a little over an hour before I stopped playing. Brenda wasn't ready to stop, arguing that a few more minutes wouldn't hurt either of us. I...
It was decided that I needed to keep away from the country club for at least two weeks. Part of this decision was to allow Mr. Chalmers to return before allowing me outside in public again, and part of it was that Mrs. Parsons wanted to try to help Mrs. Connor and Brenda to come to terms with my not being sent away to the orphanage. Mrs. Parsons waited until Wednesday before calling Mrs. Connor. She asked about Brenda, but then said her main reason for calling was to ask Mrs. Connor to join...
Mr. Parsons liked to drive fast. We were in his car, on our way out to the country club to get my clubs. I told him that I wanted to keep practicing so I wouldn't get too rusty. When we pulled up in front, he went in, telling me to stay in the car. Five minutes later, he came out with one of the employees who was carrying two sets of clubs. Mr. Parsons opened his trunk and the attendant put the clubs in there. I saw Mr. Parsons giving him some money, but I didn't know what denomination the...
On Monday, after Mr. Parsons went to work, Mrs. Parsons told me to get ready for my golf lesson. It hadn't been two weeks, but I didn't argue with her. We took the limousine, and Hans drove straight to Brenda's house. When we pulled up outside, Mrs. Connor, Brenda, and Richard all came out together. I got out and opened the door for them. Since Richard was carrying his mother's golf bag, I didn't offer to help. Even Hans stayed in the driver's seat, and just pushed the remote button to...
Hans drove me over to Holton the next morning. Mrs. Parsons came downstairs to sit with me at breakfast, and to see me safely off. She looked more natural than she had the night before, but still very tired and wan. I told her that I needed her to try to eat better and to regain her strength. She said that she had already checked with the school and cleared it with the administration for me to be picked up Friday after five P.M. It was school policy to try to be responsive to the wishes of...
On Friday, my last class got out at three o'clock, but I still had to wait for my weekend pass to be processed, and then brought over to our apartment by Terry. I was the only boy from the room that was leaving for the weekend. As such, I was being given lists of items to bring back with me on Sunday night. Nigel gave me a twenty dollar bill, and asked me to buy him some condoms. Jerry said he was broke, but gave me a list of snacks and magazines that he said he really needed. How could you...
Sunday Morning I got up and got dressed before eight o'clock. When I came downstairs, Gerta was in the kitchen and Hans was working on changing the outlet in the garage. I went out back to see Hans. He was already finished putting in the new outlet, and had replaced the fuse with one that was for the correct amperage. He went and turned on the main power switch and the lights came on and stayed on. After about ten minutes, he went and put his hand on the outlet box, feeling to see if it had...
Mr. Chalmers and Bea were sitting in the living room talking to Mr. Parsons when Mrs. Parsons and I got back from the club, at around six. All three of them had drinks in their hand. Dinner was at six thirty, Gerta told us, then she went and made a drink for Mrs. Parsons. I was glad to see Bea. I knew she was leaving the next day, and I wanted to have a chance to tell her goodbye before she left. "So, Kenny, how's that fancy school you're going to? Bunny says there are no girls allowed...
School dragged by slowly. Our teachers were very good. Too good, if you were used to going to a school where you were one of the smartest kids. In my classes, that was definitely not the case anymore. The teaching philosophy at Clement Academy was simple. Each teacher would push you as hard as he felt you were capable of absorbing information from him. It didn't help me that I never volunteered in the classroom either. At CA, they didn't ask for a show of hands to see if you wanted to...
Mrs. Parsons was feeling a lot better, but still, she wanted to wait until the next day to go to the country club with me. After Elena decided to take the job, she left on her motorcycle to get her belongings. She told me that she had a green '63 Ford pick up that she'd be moving her stuff with. After she left, I went into the kitchen to have something to eat. Gerta was happy about a few things. She was glad that Elena had accepted the job, and that Mrs. Parsons was doing well again. She...
Mr. Chalmers helped me with my mother, moving her into her bedroom, Gerta followed close behind us. The three of us spent the next hour with her, Uncle Bunny (that's what he asked me to call him) telling mama how difficult it had been for the two of us to bring her back this time. I decided to ask her about the place she went to. "Did you want to come back to us?" She looked at me for a minute, and then closed her eyes before speaking. "Kenny, that is too hard for me to answer. Going...
Uncle Bunny joined us for golf Saturday morning. He refused to bet with Mr. Parsons because they couldn't agree on the number of strokes he needed to be given. Mr. Parsons offered him five strokes a side, but Uncle Bunny wanted a stroke per hole. When they finally gave up trying to make a money match, I offered Uncle Bunny two strokes a side for a ten dollar Nassau. When he found out that Mr. Parsons was giving me eight a side, he accepted my bet. My mother was a little off her game,...
By the time we drove back home, all the good feelings had been stripped away. I could see and feel the tension on Mama's face as we neared the house. I reached over to her, and placed my hand on her arm, trying to send her a signal of my love and support for her. "Kenny, I'm not sure I can do what we talked about. When it was just the two of us, everything seemed possible to do, but, now, I don't think I can face telling Thomas that I forgive him. I still have angry feelings about what...
We didn't stay up too late Friday night. Mama had two more drinks before we turned in. After saying goodnight to her, I went into my own room and got ready for bed. A lot had happened in a short time. I had been on an emotional roller coaster almost since the time my mother had picked me up and taken me to the club that afternoon. I was beginning to feel the strain of all of the changes that had been set in motion by the words spoken within our family. Earlier in the evening, although it...
I was back in school in the early part of January when my mother had another of her serious depression withdrawals. Everything had been going fine, one minute she was laughing and happy, and the next, she went up to her room and started the painful process of guilt and overwhelming sadness. It was like one of those long slides they had in the playground at the school I had gone to. Mama would go anywhere from two or three days, to two or three months, seemingly perfectly normal, then, for...
I got back to school just in time to be there for all of the drama of Nigel finding out that his whole family was going back to England, and that, they were planning on leaving him behind to finish out the school year. Nigel's father had been promoted, and was heading back to run the marketing department for the entire auto company. Naturally, this news was devastating to Nigel. He had felt rejected by his family before any of this happened, but hearing the news made it seem far worse. He...
In the library, Mama was having a highball before dinner, when Emily and I walked through the open doorway. We joined her, with Hans fixing each of us a lime tonic. It looked like a real drink, but it had no alcohol in it. "Emily, I knew your father in high school. My brother and I were in the class right in front of his. Tell him that Bertie Chalmers says hello, won't you? He wouldn't know me as a Parsons." "He does remember you, because I heard him talking about that with my mom. He...
We all teed off the next day from the white tees, even Mama. I was sure the extra yardage would have a big effect on her scoring, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all. She finished up at one over, beating Uncle Bunny, dad and I. I only won one hundred from dad and two hundred from Uncle Bunny. It hurt having to pay it all to Mama. I had shot an eighty seven, but it was a forty on the front and a forty seven on the back. The back nine score had caused me to tie my bet with Uncle Bunny...
I called Emily, but only after telling my mother and father that Brenda had agreed on Emily coming on the trip with us. I told her that we'd stop by her house to pick her up soon after one o'clock, when my father was scheduled to leave. When I came back downstairs, Mama told me that dad was waiting in his study to speak with me. I went there and knocked on his door. "Come in Kenny, and close the door. I wanted to speak with you about what happened this morning. I'm not sure what all of...
We spent the next two hours of our journey with Brenda and Emily covertly competing for my attention. Mama and Mrs. Connor were both drinking. They drank a whole bottle of champagne together, and then another bottle of some white wine they both seemed very happy with. After an hour, you could tell they had been drinking quite a bit. I had already given Brenda a little make up kiss, and then I had to give Emily one as well. It was after this that the whispering began. Brenda was the first to...
It was the week before our Spring break, Nigel tried to hang himself in his bedroom. It was on Tuesday night, after we were all in our bedrooms. I heard a loud thumping sound, followed by the light in my bedroom going off. The sound had come from Nigel's room, and when I opened my door to get some light, I discovered that all the lights in the building had been knocked out. We found Nigel slumped on the floor with torn sheets wrapped around his neck, and the lighting fixture pulled from his...
March 17, 3049 to July 31, 3049 Both Vin and Aliya were left at the steps of the hiring hall in bemusement as they stared after their new boss. Vin turned first to Aliya with her hand out and a grin on her face. Aliya took it and couldn't help but return the smile. "Well let's welcome ourselves to the Blazing Angels. I'm Vin..." "Vin the Viscous." Aliya interrupted,"Your reputation proceeds you and I have also seen you around campus" Vin let go of Aliya's hand and let out a...
Her body naked, as she waited patiently for him. Her ass was high in the air, facing him, her hands crossed behind her back, and her head placed gently on the floor. He walked to her, crouching down and gently rubbing first her back, then her ass. He gave her a hard slap on both ass cheeks. "My good girl" he praised, gently grabbing a handful of hair and coaxing her to her feet. He headed into the living room and sat down on the couch. He picked up the remote and turned on the...
So horny, so driven by lust. Like most boys that age, all I thought about was sex. Although I’m not sure if most boys had the urges that I felt. I wanted to pleasure men, at that young age I was exactly sure how to, I just knew I wanted to be with them. I had found a “Playgirl” magazine a few months before and even then my young cock ached as I looked at the pictures of naked men, Their beautiful, soft cocks looked so manly, so amazing. Looking at those pictures gave me feelings and urges I...
My parents Jairam and Santoshi owned and operated a fishing boat named Mata Anusuya out of a West Coast of India. My father was the captain; my mother the cook, my brothers Vishnu, Narayan and Krishna were deck hands. My father dealt in fish that brought a hefty price at the fish auction. We went to sea and didn’t return until it was filled with fish. I was left on my own during the days that my family was at sea. I lived with my sister in laws and an old maid, I went to school every day, did...
IncestCatherine, a young, 21-year-old blonde woman with a stunning body complete with b-cups, toned ass she worked hard for and a pussy she kept shaved bald, hurried into work wearing a tan skirt, white blouse with a matching pair of pink panties and bra (the same color as her lipstick), knowing how late she was. She had completely forgotten to set her alarm and then the traffic was a mess. Her boss, who wasn't too much older than her, was going to be pissed, and she knew it. She was very nervous as...
LesbianFor my fourth semester holidays, I got an internship in a company. My parents sent me to my uncle’s place to stay as his home was nearer to the company. I reached my uncle’s home and he greeted me warmly. I dropped my luggage and asked for the bathroom to use as I was controlling my bladder for a long time. He told me where the bathroom was. I reached the bathroom and turned the door knob anti-clockwise to open. The door opened and entered into the bathroom. There I saw a scene which I didn’t...
IncestRob stared at the text is his Skype window. It shouldn’t have shocked him when she wrote it, but to see it on the screen in front of him caught him off guard. When it comes right down to it, the suggestion made a lot of sense. They had been flirting and discussing their sexual preferences for so long they knew exactly what was wanted and enjoyed. It really could be a safe and fun way to heal from her past emotionally and physically void relationship. Regardless of all this, he still had to...
Hi friends… main vikas apni dusri stry lekr apke pas aaya hun, ye stry av 5 din phle ki hi h… main apne bare me btata hun phle, main vikas 19 yr ka hun, main jamshedpur, jugsalai me rhta hun. main ek smart average ldka hun.. haan to, meri phli stry jo ki meri cousin di k sath thi, hot sexy juicy cousin. jo ki aplogo ko bht acha lga tha thanx apne itne mail krke mujhe btaya… aj v main di k sath maje krta hun, daily subh unhe smuch krta hun.. ab is stry pe aata hun,, ye stry ek hot muslim women...
“Jessica, spread your legs,” Ms. Reynolds ordered laying her hands on her thighs. She moved slowly. “Come on now don’t be shy. He’s seen it all before I’m sure.” Sighing a little, she parted her legs wider. Michael stared between them, eyeing the flame of red hair trimmed into the shape of a heart offset by the snowy pale skin around it. He lowered himself gently to the floor, feeling Ms. Reynolds hands on his shoulders guide him down. When he reached his knees he reached his hands out towards...
It's been almost a year now since I took over my father's talent agency, abandoning my life at the time to come out and try to maintain his very profitable business - meeting and well, sleeping with, a pretty big amount of celebrities. I had told myself that after six months I'd call it in and go back East to the lifestyle I grew up in. But now, I think that at least a little more time spent in Hollywood might be in my best interest. I stood right now in the airport lobby, having just...
People who knew Teela wouldn't have known her the next morning. She 'went straight'; going easy on the black make-up, she showed up for collection in a cropped V-neck T-shirt and a ridiculously short but colorful skirt -- and pink flip-flops. Rick cocked his head, bug-eyed, "Holy shit! Is that it?" "Yep." Teela flipped up the ragged hem of the T-shirt to display her breasts and turned around and bent over to display a bare ass. "That's everything." "Better pack mace in your...
I slept intermittently, both because my mind was a whirl, and my johnston rising in anticipation of happy fun times to come. It did seem as if only an hour or two had passed, when my alarm interrupted another dream ravishment of my willing companion. Driving over to Kathy’s house, I considered how we might spend our day. Parking in front of her house, I knew what alternatives I’d offer her. Marie answered promptly to the ringing of the doorbell, inviting me inside. Kathy trilled a greeting,...
My company's annual convention was in Vail, Colorado this year. My family had been planning a winter ski trip and I thought I'd take the chance to scope out Vail as a possible site. The convention was scheduled so that we attended meetings through lunch and had the afternoons to explore the town, ski, or network with fellow employees. As it turns out, I did some serious networking, but I doubt the new contacts I made will help my business and I definitely won't be adding them to my client list....
It had been a slow few months since the flurry of work that normally comes with the New Year. But now, the silence was deafening as I had descended into the unfortunate routine of the solitary challenge of deciding which of the two Starbucks to visit on a given day. Even though the weather was beginning to turn for the better, my mood and state of mind was headed in the opposite direction. The marriage ended abruptly but not unexpectedly as it was only a matter of time before she had...
Marias Erziehung: 3. Hochmut kommt vor Strafe Ich bin jetzt schon l?nger als drei Monate bei meinem Herrn - seinen Namen darf ich nicht nennen - als Dienstm?dchen t?tig, aber ich habe mich noch immer nicht an meine neue Identit?t gew?hnt. Mein Herr ist der Meinung, dass es mir hilft, wenn ich Episoden aus dem Alltag im Internet ver?ffentliche. Wenn er der Meinung ist, hei?t das nicht, dass die Meinung von mir in Frage gestellt werden k?nnte, sondern dass seine Meinung gilt! Ohne Wenn und Aber gi...
As their teacher walked into the classroom, one of Harry’s classmates let out a wolf-whistle. “All right,” Mrs Jenkins said. “None of that now.” Despite her harsh tone, Harry noticed the hint of a smile in the corner of her mouth. It seemed that his favorite teacher was starting to enjoy the attention. Aside from the view, there was very little enjoyable about Mrs Jenkins’ class, and Harry found himself instinctively reaching underneath his chair, hoping to strike gold twice. There was...
100% fiction! Hi I'm Josh, I'm 18 years of age and this is my story. It all started a few weeks ago. I was in my parents while they where out looking for some of my mothers used under ware which I could use as wanking material. While I was rummaging under the bed I found some old Porn DVDs and magazines. I thought that they must be my dads for when mums out. Took the mags and a pair of my mums knickers and left. A few days later I had only read one of the magazines and completely reined my mums...
IncestI can still remember the first time I saw her. I was working CQ (charge of quarters) at the barracks and as one of the higher ranking NCOs there I had to make sure things ran smooth. I saw her walking in, this slim girl with a huge ruck sack on her back and her arms weighed down with luggage. The biggest thing I remember is her dropping a bag and having to bend over to pick it up. Lord help me I couldn't think straight! She has brown hair that you can tell takes awhile for her to tame,...