10th Ki Ladki Ki Chut Mari
- 2 years ago
- 30
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We didn't stay up too late Friday night. Mama had two more drinks before we turned in. After saying goodnight to her, I went into my own room and got ready for bed. A lot had happened in a short time. I had been on an emotional roller coaster almost since the time my mother had picked me up and taken me to the club that afternoon. I was beginning to feel the strain of all of the changes that had been set in motion by the words spoken within our family.
Earlier in the evening, although it was after Uncle Bunny and Mr. Parsons had left, I had seen the worried expression on Gerta and Hans' faces. Elena had taken off for the weekend, in order to visit with her mother in Lincoln, and she wasn't expected back until late that Sunday night. I'm fairly confident that all of us there expected Mama to go into one of her depressions that night. When you think about it, to expect anything else would have been nearly impossible, given her past history.
Saturday morning, when I came down for breakfast at eight o'clock, I found Mama in the kitchen with Gerta, and the two of them were laughing, and kidding around with each other about something. I was very surprised to even see her out of her bedroom. Seeing her laughing and in good spirits simply amazed me.
"Good morning Mama. I must say you are in better spirits than I would have thought you'd be."
"Good morning, Kenny. Gerta and I were just discussing that very thing. She says if I continue to be happy all day, she might send Hans away, and we'll keep the house free of men forevermore. She didn't mean you though, Kenny. You can stay until you turn eighteen." Gerta and Mama giggled some more. I knew they weren't serious, especially Gerta.
"I didn't see Mr. Parson's briefcase over by the door. He forgot it when he left last night. Has he been by to pick it up already?"
"Did he, Kenny? Oh, yes, that's right, he did. I sent Hans to return it to him. We wouldn't want him to have to stop working for lack of all his important papers. Oh, Kenny, please don't look so disappointed. I'm sure that Bunny will let you take at least a hundred dollars off of him when we meet him for golf at ten o'clock. If not, I'll give you seven strokes a side, and we'll all play from the red tees."
At seven strokes a side, I was no more than even money to win. I'd have to shoot my best score ever if she did nothing more than shoot par, and she was capable of doing better than that. The day before, when we'd been practicing, she had been hitting her irons with amazing accuracy and consistency.
"I'd need a stroke per hole to bet you any serious money, Mama. I wish Mr. Parsons was playing. I was counting on his Nassau money so that I'd have enough money for Christmas presents this year."
"You're free to phone him and issue him an invitation to join us, Kenny. I'm not the one who asked him to leave. He did so of his own volition. After a good night's rest, I'm starting to believe that this was all for the best. You were right, Kenny. I find the whole situation to be liberating. No more secrets, everything out in the open, for anyone to comment upon or question."
"He wouldn't come now. He's mad at all of us. Are you sure Uncle Bunny is coming? After last night, I doubt it."
"I gave you permission to call Thomas. Tell him we've all called a truce, so that we can enjoy the day together. Remind him that we both need to sign on the new account for the learning center too."
I stood up and asked for his phone number at the apartment in Bolling. Mama didn't remember it, but Gerta gave me the number from memory. I went up to my bedroom, and made the call from there.
"Mr. Parsons, its Kenny."
"Hello, Kenny. Did she ask you to phone me?"
"She told me I had permission to invite you to play golf with us this morning. She says we can make a truce to enjoy the day. She's in a really good mood today too."
"Thank her for getting Hans to return my bag to me. I appreciate her thoughtfulness. I'm afraid I'll have to decline the invitation for golf though."
"Uncle Bunny will be there too. She never had real sex with him, never since you've been married at least."
"Kenny, I'm not getting into this discussion with you. I already know enough to satisfy me."
"She said you probably wouldn't want to come, but she asked me to remind you that you need to sign on the new account for the learning center."
"She's right about me not wanting to be with her or Bunny today. I'm not certain I could trust myself."
"It takes love to bring her back, that's all that does it. It isn't sex, it's just love and affection, and giving her comfort. I did it too, but it isn't sex. She never had sex with him, not in all the time you've been married. She loves you. Bunny loves you too. I love you too, so you have to quit being mad at all of us for this. We're teeing off at ten o'clock, and you can ride in my cart if you want to."
"I will not be made a cuckold in my own home, not by any man."
"She didn't do what you did with Bea. She didn't have sex with anyone but you. I don't think you should be jealous of Uncle Bunny. When you love somebody, you do what you need to do to help them. You could do what Uncle Bunny does for her, or what I do, but you'd have to love her first. She needs to know that you love her for it to work."
"She told you I wouldn't come play today?"
"No, she didn't say it, but I could tell that she didn't expect you to come play with us. She's in a really good mood today too. She said getting things out last night was a good thing. Today would be a good day to tell her you love her. If you come play golf with us and tell her, I think she might believe you."
"Kenny, are you actually attempting to choreograph all of us to follow some fairy tale script that you have in your mind? Sometimes I get the feeling that you are manipulating all of us to fit into some preconceived mold for you. Is all of this deliberate on your part? Are you trying to make us over into some ideal standard that you've conceived in your head?"
"No. I'm trying to help you get along better. I get along good with you, I get along great with Mama and Uncle Bunny. I'm not the one who keeps getting mad at people all the time. I like it better when we all get along, because no one is sad then, and we can do fun things. Mama needs you to change, and Mama needs to change herself. You could help both those things. I already told you what you have to do."
"Do you know why she's in such a good mood?"
"No, I was surprised to see her out of her bedroom this morning. Maybe it was because she saw how jealous you were last night."
"I was shocked, not jealous."
"I don't think it matters to her. What mattered was that she saw that you care about her. You reacted when you thought she had sex with Uncle Bunny."
"If I show up today do you think it will ruin her day?"
"No, it will surprise her though. It might throw her off her golf game too. She's offered me nine strokes a side with both of us playing from the red tees. If you come, I'll play her for a hundred dollar Nassau. Are you going to give me eight a side again?"
"Not shooting from the red tees, I'm not. Six a side, and we all shoot from the ladies tees."
"You're going to be so sorry. I would have taken four a side from the red tees."
"Kenny, I'm not sure about you, but I'm going to be watching you more closely from now on. After I left last night, I did some thinking too. I was surprised at how angry and disappointed I felt. At one point, driving here, I almost became physically ill. A strong reaction, but definitely an emotional one. What I'm telling you is that what happened last night lent some credence to what you've been telling me. Perhaps there's more than fondness. I'm not at the point where I'm willing to admit that you were right, but I withdraw my assertion that you were totally wrong. Tell Bertie that I'll be there before ten."
When I went back downstairs, I felt good, but also worried. I knew that there could be a very public and angry confrontation. On the other hand, they were all already at odds with each other. It wasn't like it would destroy their perfect harmony. Mostly, I was worried about Uncle Bunny getting beaten up. I walked into the kitchen, and Mama was eating a huge strawberry waffle, with gobs of whipped cream and strawberries on top. It looked like something I would eat, not something for her. When I saw Gerta bringing one over for me, piled even higher with strawberries, juice and whipped cream, I gave her a smile of gratitude.
"Mama, I will take your offer of nine a side for a hundred dollar Nassau, shooting from the red tees."
"All right, Kenny, but you better be prepared to lose. I think I'm going to shoot well today. I'm feeling strong."
"That's good. I talked to dad, and he'll be joining us too." I looked at her as I spoke, wanting to see whether she'd be happy or not at my news. I couldn't tell, but she pushed her waffle away, and went upstairs in a hurry. 'Now I've done it'. That's what I thought at the time. I figured she'd be wrapped up in a blanket and crying in her closet in about as long as it took her to get to her room and pull the covers off of her bed. When I turned back to look at Gerta, her face was as worried as mine must have been. There wasn't anything to do about it now. I started in on my waffle. When I finished it, I decided to eat the rest of hers too. I figured that it would just be going to waste if I didn't eat it. I had just finished eating the last of Mama's waffle when she came back down.
She had made a complete change of outfits and her hair was done differently, and her make up was all in place like for an evening. I smiled, thinking that my dad was going to get bumped into a lot today. I thought it would be a lot of fun to try to keep them apart as much as I could manage out there on the course.
"You look really nice, Mama. Are we ready to go?"
"Thank you, Kenny. I'm almost ready. I hope this skirt isn't too tight for me to play in. Does my hair look all right, Gerta? I hope the wind doesn't come up, or it will get blown all over the place. Kenny, did you tell Thomas that we have a ten o'clock tee time?"
"Yes, I told him. Your hair looks really nice. Soft looking. You're very pretty when you wear it like that. It makes you look younger."
"Thank you. I used to wear it like this when I was younger. The other style is more practical, but I'm in a good mood today, so the heck with practical."
"Be careful you don't hit any balls into the woods today, Mama. As good as you look, someone might follow you in and try to steal some kisses." I saw her blush after I said that to her. I wondered if she was thinking the same thing that I had been thinking. I'd have to talk to Uncle Bunny to get him to help me to keep them apart all day. Bea had told me about anticipation being a strong aphrodisiac. I hoped she was right, because it was going to take a lot of anticipation before they could overcome the obstacles that stood in their way. We left soon after in Mama's car. She was almost bursting with energy. I couldn't remember ever seeing her so filled with, at first I couldn't think of a good name for it, and then I did. She was filled with anticipation. It looked and felt like she could hardly wait to get to the country club. "You must love him a lot, Mama."
"Don't start in with me, Kenny. I'm in a good mood. I just want to relax and have a nice day. I don't want to talk about anything today. It's going to be a good day to play golf. It's nice and cool, and the wind hasn't started blowing yet. Do you think I should have called Bunny to tell him that Thomas is coming?"
"I don't think so. I don't think dad is going to cause any trouble today. He's mostly coming to see you. I think he woke up in a good mood today too. I'm going to drive his cart today, so you need to ride with Uncle Bunny."
"Thomas and I always ride together."
"Not today, it's all arranged. He expects to ride with me today."
"Very well. It might be less awkward that way. It makes no difference to me, not really."
We got to the club before Uncle Bunny and my new father. We had our clubs and some practice balls brought around, but mama was too busy looking at her watch and staring at the driveway to the parking lot to hit that many balls. I hit about sixty balls, getting myself nice and loose, and I was pleased to see that I was striking the ball particularly well. It was almost jumping off my club heads. I was consistently hitting my five irons one hundred and sixty yards in the air, and straight and true as well. I was planning on making a real killing on all my bets during the coming round.
After not paying any attention to golf, or hitting any practice balls, as soon as dad showed up, Mama started hitting balls one after another. He came over, bringing his clubs up from the pro shop himself.
Good morning Kenny, Bertie, thank you for inviting me. Thank you for sending Hans up with my briefcase too. That was thoughtful of you, Bertie."
Good morning Thomas. I didn't notice you drive up. It's such a nice day for golf. Bunny should be here shortly, so you better get warmed up. We're about ready, right Kenny?"
"Well, I am at least. Doesn't Mama look nice today, dad? I told her she better stay out of the woods today, looking like that, or somebody might try to kiss her."
"Yes, Bertie, I was about to say that your hair looks good that way. Going back to the style you used to wear, I see. It's always been one of my favorite styles, very becoming."
"Thank you, I just didn't have time to really fix it up, and I figured we were just out for a relaxing game of golf in any case. The wind will rearrange it anyway."
I had been watching for Uncle Bunny, and when he showed up, I let Mama and dad know it, so that we could start walking down to put our bags on the carts. Uncle Bunny never warmed up. He said he wanted to save all those good shots for the real playing. Uncle Bunny saw us all together, and he sure did look surprised. He actually stopped walking towards us, once he saw that dad was there.
"Bunny, hurry up, we're next up on the tee." I figured this was dad's way of letting Bunny know that he wasn't upset with him over the night before. I guess it took all of us a little by surprise when he did that. This was the only part that I'd been really worried about. If there wasn't going to be any trouble between Uncle Bunny and dad, there probably wasn't going to be any trouble. I had to take dad's bag from him and tie it on next to mine. I could tell he was trying to think up some excuse to put it next to Mama's bag. "Bunny, I'll give you six a side from the red tees for a hundred dollar Nassau, that's all I'll do."
"Fine, Tommy. Six a side should be more than I need today. For some reason I woke up ready to play my "A" game. I'd be surprised if I don't break ninety today. I'm really feeling loose and ready to play. How about you, Kenny, a ten dollar Nassau, I'll only take two a side from you though?"
"I was thinking more like a hundred a side, and I'll give you five a side Uncle Bunny. I'll pay you double if you do break ninety."
"Very well, Kenny. I doubt that you'll like the result though. When I'm feeling good, I often play extremely well. I'll use my newfound wealth to get some lessons from Dave. I'd like to hit my drives a little further. Straighter too."
"How about us, Bertie, are we going to do anything?" Dad was looking at her. I think he was doing one of those double entendre things. Asking her an innocent question, but with a whole different, not so innocent, meaning behind it. I saw Mama smiling at him before she answered,
"I'll give you four a side, Thomas, you can name the amount. We'll all play from the red today."
"Let's play for something more important than money, Bertie. We both have enough money already. Let's make it more interesting. No strokes, we'll play straight up. You can name the stakes we'll play for."
"I'm not sure I know what to play for. What did you have in mind?"
"I'm leaving it up to you, Bertie. You know what you have, and what you want. I'm open to almost any wager."
"Very well, I accept your challenge. When I win, I'll tell you what I want. If you win, I'll give you whatever you want of me. Can you afford to play so high, Thomas?"
"Whatever I want? You're suggesting we play for very high stakes indeed. I accept. You have the honors. Play well."
On the first hole, I made a bogey five, Uncle Bunny had a seven and my mother and father both made par. By the end of nine holes, my parents were dead even, and Uncle Bunny had shot a sixty three. I shot a forty two, and had beat all of them on the front, my parents by a lot, after my handicap was added in. I was already up three hundred dollars, not that any of the rest of them cared. Twice on the front nine, I had watched Mama pulling her putts deliberately. On the ninth hole, dad was on the green about ten feet from the pin in regulation, and he three putted from there, losing a hole that he would have halved with a two putt. Both of them had scored forty three on the front. I expected more of the same on the back. For the whole front nine I'd managed to keep them pretty well separated except on the tees and on the greens. I'd already seen them bumping into each other at least fifteen times on the front nine. Uncle Bunny was having a good time too, just relieved that he wasn't a party to anything that was taking place between those two.
I shot a thirty nine on the back nine, including an eagle on the par five twelfth hole. From the ladies tees, it was only four hundred and fifty three yards from tee to green. I hit a monster tee shot that seemed to stay up forever, and then got a whole lot of forward roll when it landed on the down slope in the center of the fairway. I had one eighty to the green. I hit a three iron right in the center of the club face, and it hit just in the front part of the green and rolled up to within ten feet. The putt was a little uphill, but almost dead straight in. I got pretty excited when I made it, because it was the first eagle I'd ever made. My final score of eighty one was my best round of golf too. Uncle Bunny fired a sixty on the back nine to tally a one twenty three for his round.
Mom and dad were neck and neck after seventeen holes. Each one would think up new, and not very convincing, ways to lose to the other, so that the lead shifted back and forth. It was even only because dad had missed a five inch putt that would have won him the seventeenth. Mama tried to concede his putt, but he reminded her that she had missed one even shorter, three holes before.
The eighteenth hole at the country club is the signature hole. It is a long par four with the tee shot coming out of a long narrow chute of trees on both sides of the fairway. It opens up after about one hundred twenty yards, to a wide fairway. It stays wide until about seventy yards in front of the green where it narrows again and is protected on either side by tall trees. If you make it through the first chute, you have to fire an accurate second shot in order to find yourself sitting on the green. It was an easy hole to mess up. The pin was set up on the right side and in the back, and there was a trap right behind the flag fifteen feet beyond the pin. This was the kind of hole where any par was a very good score. All of the money matches were settled. Uncle Bunny had won the back nine from dad, and had just clinched the eighteen, after losing the front nine. He had taken a hundred dollars from dad. I won nine hundred dollars, three hundred from each of them.
"Well, Bertie, it comes down to this one hole, doesn't it? I propose we reverse the bet here. The loser gets to ask for whatever they want from the winner. What do you say?"
"I say no. In golf, the winner gets to choose, not the loser."
"Isn't it obvious yet that neither of us wants to win? The idea of throwing the match holds no appeal to me. This way, the winner gets what he wants, which is to have the loser make the choice."
"Very well. As long as you put it that way, I guess I can go along."
They both hit nice tee shots, but neither one hit it long enough that they could take a lofted club and hit it over the trees. Both would need to punch it to get on the green. Mama hit first, because she was farther back. She hit in front of the green, but her ball plugged a little and didn't roll like it should have. She ended up right behind the fringe, but in a place where she could make a fairly routine up and down. She was disappointed that her ball had gotten bogged down like it did. Dad's ball was about thirty yards closer, but he was more to the left. He could gamble with a strong six iron and hope he could hit it high enough that it would clear the trees and still hold the green when it hit. From where he was, if it didn't hold, he'd wind up in the trap. If it had been me, I'd have punched up into the center of the green and hoped that Mama missed her up and down. From where he was, he could feed right back towards the pin, because of the nice angle his drive had made possible.
"I'd usually play this the safe way Bertie, but not today. This is too important for me to be playing safe." I watched him take a seven iron out of his bag. Oh boy! he was going to take the trap out of play with the seven. Now he was sure to get high enough, but would he have enough club to carry the distance to get on the green? If not, he'd have a hard time salvaging his par. I looked over at my mother, and I could tell that she had been counting on him playing safe. I watched the way he set his stance, standing a little bit closed and then putting his back foot back even more. He was planning on taking it up high, but over the trees on the right side with a slight hook. With him doing it that way, he wouldn't need to carry quite so far to make it onto the green, but was less likely to get close to the pin on the back right that way too. Even worse, if his ball didn't take the hook, he'd wind up in the rough, over on the right side of the green, with little green for him to work with.
He wasn't just gambling, he was trying an all or nothing shot. If he hit it perfectly, it could roll close enough for a good uphill birdie opportunity. I sure wouldn't want to try that shot, not if I was playing for anything important to me. You had to be desperate to even think about trying it that way. I looked over at Mama just when she was wiping the sweat off of her hands, onto her pretty skirt. Dad took his practice swing, and then moved in a little closer to the ball. He put everything into that swing, making sure that he had it plenty high enough that distance wasn't going to be his problem. The ball lifted up right away, and, at first, I thought he hadn't gotten enough on it, but it kept climbing.
From where I was, sitting in the driver's seat of the golf cart, I couldn't tell if the hook was taking or not. If it didn't hook, he was dead for that hole. I lost sight of the ball because of the high arc he had it on, so I jumped out of the cart, and was able to pick it up again. It was hooking, but it needed to hook more if he was going to catch any part of the green. He had the distance too, that was for sure. Now, all he needed was the hook, to make his direction good too. It hit about pin high, over on the right fringe, but the spin made it bounce almost straight left, towards the stick. It went past the flag and came to rest perhaps six or seven feet from the hole. A great shot, especially for one that was hit under so much pressure.
"That was really an excellent result, Thomas, well struck indeed."
Back in Glasgow I was kept busy between working different hours at the restaurant and my school work. What time I had off I spent studying and still managed to keep up a correspondence with Emma. I could go dancing on the weekends, so getting dates was not a problem, keeping them was because of my busy schedule.In her letters Emma was still telling me about her supposed dreams, in which she would be explicit, and pressing me to tell her what excited me. "Did I love her Soosi more than her...
Lesbian... I told her that she could be friendlier to me. I was going to ask her if she knew any card games that we could play, but before I got a chance to ask her, she opened up her robe and she was naked underneath. "Is this friendly enough for you?" Except for me, none of the other boys at the orphanage were older than eleven or twelve. That was because most boys got adopted by someone eventually, and St. Cecelia's tried to take younger boys in to replace the ones that left. The younger you...
After I said good night to Mrs. Parsons, I returned to my bedroom and started putting my clothes away. The very first thing I did was gather up all of my old clothes and put them back in the garbage bag that I had brought with me. I hoped that I'd be able to send them back to the orphanage so that some other boys could get some use out of them. If not, I was sure that Mr. Chalmers would know what I should do with them. I was halfway done going through the boxes and putting my clothes away...
This time, Mrs. Parsons drove us out to the country club in her own personal car. It wasn't as big as the one that Hans had driven us in, but it was a nice car. She didn't speak to me at all on the drive over to the country club, and I was afraid to ask her if she was mad at me for what happened the night before. As soon as we got there, she took me down to where Mr. Chalmers had taken me. She didn't bring any golf clubs with her though. We went past where I'd stopped the first time, with...
That Friday night, a little after seven, Mr. Parsons came back home. Even though Mr. Chalmers and Mrs. Parsons had both assured me that Mr. Parsons was going to leave me alone, and, I'd been told to stay out of his way, right after dinner he asked me to join him in his study. I'd never been in this room before, since it was reserved only for Mr. Parsons. I was a little nervous when he led me into the study. It was a smallish room, maybe fifteen feet by fifteen feet, and one whole wall was...
Mr. Parsons came back home that Friday night. I saw him mostly at dinner time, because he was in his study most of the rest of the time. On Saturday, Mrs. Parsons and I went to the country club and played eighteen holes. I had a hundred and seven, but she shot a seventy three. We didn't stay at the club for lunch because we were going to have an early dinner with company coming over. I went into the kitchen when we returned, and Gerta took pity on me, making me a nice sandwich. We were...
I started playing tennis with Brenda the next Wednesday afternoon. I came in early for my golf lesson, then I played eighteen holes with Mrs. Parsons, before having a late lunch by myself, and was out on the tennis court before four o'clock. Mrs. Parsons didn't really encourage me to play tennis with Brenda, but she didn't tell me that I couldn't do it either. It was unusual for her to skip lunch with me, but I assumed she had something else she wanted to do. I didn't really care for...
Friday night came, and with it, Mr. Parsons. He sat down to dinner with us and that was supposed to be all I saw of him for the whole weekend. Mrs. Parsons made a comment that he was under enormous pressure because of the pending merger, and she told me not to bother him during his stay. As if I would seek him out for anything. I went up to my bedroom after dinner, and sat on my bed, listening to my radio, and thinking about my next idea for "accidentally" running into Brenda. It had been...
Brenda had asked me to phone her at seven, but Gerta informed me that we were sitting down to dinner at seven. I decided to try to phone her before dinner, but I still didn't have her phone number. I could either go in and disturb Mr. Parsons again, something I didn't want to do, or else wait and ask him at dinner if he'd get me her phone number. Gerta noticed me just standing there, trying to decide. "What? Why are you staring at nothing?" Gerta had a superstitious nature, believing in...
At ten o'clock I knocked on Mrs. Parsons door, wanting to tell her that I was leaving for my golf lesson. She didn't respond to me at all. I went downstairs, and found Hans in the kitchen with Gerta. I sat up front with Hans, in Mrs. Parsons car, for the trip over to the country club. I took my golf lesson, and we mostly worked on my mid irons. Dave kept trying to show me the difference between picking the ball cleanly from the rough, and hitting down on it from the fairway. I didn't get...
After I returned home, I checked in with Gerta to see whether Mrs. Parsons had eaten anything or not. She hadn't. According to Gerta, her last bite of food, or drink of any liquid refreshment, had been the evening before. When I came back out from the kitchen, Bea was scurrying away from the door separating the dining room from the kitchen. "Hi Bea, don't tell me you're still mad at me?" She continued moving away from me. "I guess you don't want to hear about what happened at the pool...
I went into the library, as soon as I got off of the phone with Brenda. I waited for Mrs. Parsons to come back downstairs like she had promised she would. My thoughts were centered not so much on the questions I wanted to ask her, but on the more general idea of me finding a way to fit in. I hadn't fit in very well at the orphanage. The sisters had told me many times that it was because I refused to make any attempt to. They were right. I hadn't wanted to fit in there. Here, it was an...
We left the pool area to go over to the club house restaurant. By the time I had gotten to the pool, Bea and Brenda had already befriended Carol, telling her that I had insisted on them inviting her to have lunch with us. Both Brenda and Bea had described me to Carol, Brenda telling her that I was the boy that had been here with her before, the time when Carol was standing in the pool and smiling over at me. Bea then told her that I was the boy she had teased by exposing herself to me. Carol...
Once again Mrs. Parsons was in a good mood when she came down for breakfast. She had me call over to Brenda's house to ask them if we could come by to pick them up on our way out to the country club. She told me to tell Mrs. Connor that they would be leaving after lunch and that Hans would return to pick Brenda and me up after we were done with our tennis practice. I called them, and spoke with Brenda for about half an hour. We didn't talk about kitty's, but there was an undercurrent to...
I was up a little before six thirty the next morning. I ate in the kitchen with Gerta and Hans, telling them a little bit about St. Cecelia's, and how my life had been when I still lived there. Gerta waited until I was finished telling them about it before asking me why I wanted to go back, even for a visit? I told her about Marie, sister Clara, and some of the kids that I had gotten along all right with. "I want to go back so I can tell them how lucky I am now. Not to make them feel bad...
The next day, Mrs. Parsons and I went to the country club in her car. After my lesson, we played nine holes and then had lunch together. I hadn't played that well, and I felt a little upset about Brenda's hanging up on me, and her refusal to take my call that morning. It was two thirty, so I changed and went to the pool. Brenda was there, sitting with four other kids that I'd seen around the pool before. I went over and said hello to her, asking her if she wanted to start practicing...
I got up earlier than usual to see Mrs. Parsons off on her trip to Chicago. She asked me several questions about my reconciliation with Brenda, seeming quite satisfied with my answers. She kissed me lightly on my lips when she gave me a hug goodbye. "After tonight, Kenny, the company will effectively be out of my family's hands for the first time ever. I'm going to hate signing everything away. It isn't the money that I wanted, it was knowing that all of the employees and their families...
After Bea left with Mr. Chalmers, Mrs. Parsons started coming downstairs again. On Thursday, she came to the country club with me, and we played eighteen holes. I shot an eighty seven. My putting was improving, and I had learned where to hit the ball to avoid big trouble areas on the course. Mrs. Parsons and I started talking more out on the golf course. There was no one behind us anyway, so we talked in the cart between shots. She started telling me about how happy her early childhood had...
It was almost eight o'clock before dinner was finished and I could go up to my room to call Brenda. Mrs. Parsons came downstairs when Hans, Gerta and I were about halfway through eating dinner in the kitchen. She was drunk and weeping, dressed in her robe, and obviously rumpled from too little rest. She sat with us through the remainder of dinner, but refused to eat anything. Gerta had to help her back up the stairs, and sit with her until she finally fell asleep. This was the first time I...
We picked up Brenda a little before ten, and it was already getting hot outside. Brenda seemed happy to see me, but she started right in about wanting us to practice together in the afternoon too. I didn't want to get into a big argument about it, so I said that we would wait and see how the morning practice went, and then decide. We practiced for a little over an hour before I stopped playing. Brenda wasn't ready to stop, arguing that a few more minutes wouldn't hurt either of us. I...
It was decided that I needed to keep away from the country club for at least two weeks. Part of this decision was to allow Mr. Chalmers to return before allowing me outside in public again, and part of it was that Mrs. Parsons wanted to try to help Mrs. Connor and Brenda to come to terms with my not being sent away to the orphanage. Mrs. Parsons waited until Wednesday before calling Mrs. Connor. She asked about Brenda, but then said her main reason for calling was to ask Mrs. Connor to join...
Mr. Parsons liked to drive fast. We were in his car, on our way out to the country club to get my clubs. I told him that I wanted to keep practicing so I wouldn't get too rusty. When we pulled up in front, he went in, telling me to stay in the car. Five minutes later, he came out with one of the employees who was carrying two sets of clubs. Mr. Parsons opened his trunk and the attendant put the clubs in there. I saw Mr. Parsons giving him some money, but I didn't know what denomination the...
On Monday, after Mr. Parsons went to work, Mrs. Parsons told me to get ready for my golf lesson. It hadn't been two weeks, but I didn't argue with her. We took the limousine, and Hans drove straight to Brenda's house. When we pulled up outside, Mrs. Connor, Brenda, and Richard all came out together. I got out and opened the door for them. Since Richard was carrying his mother's golf bag, I didn't offer to help. Even Hans stayed in the driver's seat, and just pushed the remote button to...
Hans drove me over to Holton the next morning. Mrs. Parsons came downstairs to sit with me at breakfast, and to see me safely off. She looked more natural than she had the night before, but still very tired and wan. I told her that I needed her to try to eat better and to regain her strength. She said that she had already checked with the school and cleared it with the administration for me to be picked up Friday after five P.M. It was school policy to try to be responsive to the wishes of...
On Friday, my last class got out at three o'clock, but I still had to wait for my weekend pass to be processed, and then brought over to our apartment by Terry. I was the only boy from the room that was leaving for the weekend. As such, I was being given lists of items to bring back with me on Sunday night. Nigel gave me a twenty dollar bill, and asked me to buy him some condoms. Jerry said he was broke, but gave me a list of snacks and magazines that he said he really needed. How could you...
Sunday Morning I got up and got dressed before eight o'clock. When I came downstairs, Gerta was in the kitchen and Hans was working on changing the outlet in the garage. I went out back to see Hans. He was already finished putting in the new outlet, and had replaced the fuse with one that was for the correct amperage. He went and turned on the main power switch and the lights came on and stayed on. After about ten minutes, he went and put his hand on the outlet box, feeling to see if it had...
Mr. Chalmers and Bea were sitting in the living room talking to Mr. Parsons when Mrs. Parsons and I got back from the club, at around six. All three of them had drinks in their hand. Dinner was at six thirty, Gerta told us, then she went and made a drink for Mrs. Parsons. I was glad to see Bea. I knew she was leaving the next day, and I wanted to have a chance to tell her goodbye before she left. "So, Kenny, how's that fancy school you're going to? Bunny says there are no girls allowed...
School dragged by slowly. Our teachers were very good. Too good, if you were used to going to a school where you were one of the smartest kids. In my classes, that was definitely not the case anymore. The teaching philosophy at Clement Academy was simple. Each teacher would push you as hard as he felt you were capable of absorbing information from him. It didn't help me that I never volunteered in the classroom either. At CA, they didn't ask for a show of hands to see if you wanted to...
Mrs. Parsons was feeling a lot better, but still, she wanted to wait until the next day to go to the country club with me. After Elena decided to take the job, she left on her motorcycle to get her belongings. She told me that she had a green '63 Ford pick up that she'd be moving her stuff with. After she left, I went into the kitchen to have something to eat. Gerta was happy about a few things. She was glad that Elena had accepted the job, and that Mrs. Parsons was doing well again. She...
Sunday, Mrs. Parsons was feeling good, and we went out and played eighteen holes of golf together. We teed off at ten thirty, and finished up at three o'clock. We were behind two other foursomes, and it was the foursome in front that was slowing everyone down. While we waited, I tried to keep Mrs. Parsons focused on her learning center idea, rather than on the slow pace we were able to play golf. After golf, I walked over to the pool area while Mrs. Parsons was in the pro shop talking with...
Mr. Chalmers helped me with my mother, moving her into her bedroom, Gerta followed close behind us. The three of us spent the next hour with her, Uncle Bunny (that's what he asked me to call him) telling mama how difficult it had been for the two of us to bring her back this time. I decided to ask her about the place she went to. "Did you want to come back to us?" She looked at me for a minute, and then closed her eyes before speaking. "Kenny, that is too hard for me to answer. Going...
Uncle Bunny joined us for golf Saturday morning. He refused to bet with Mr. Parsons because they couldn't agree on the number of strokes he needed to be given. Mr. Parsons offered him five strokes a side, but Uncle Bunny wanted a stroke per hole. When they finally gave up trying to make a money match, I offered Uncle Bunny two strokes a side for a ten dollar Nassau. When he found out that Mr. Parsons was giving me eight a side, he accepted my bet. My mother was a little off her game,...
By the time we drove back home, all the good feelings had been stripped away. I could see and feel the tension on Mama's face as we neared the house. I reached over to her, and placed my hand on her arm, trying to send her a signal of my love and support for her. "Kenny, I'm not sure I can do what we talked about. When it was just the two of us, everything seemed possible to do, but, now, I don't think I can face telling Thomas that I forgive him. I still have angry feelings about what...
I was back in school in the early part of January when my mother had another of her serious depression withdrawals. Everything had been going fine, one minute she was laughing and happy, and the next, she went up to her room and started the painful process of guilt and overwhelming sadness. It was like one of those long slides they had in the playground at the school I had gone to. Mama would go anywhere from two or three days, to two or three months, seemingly perfectly normal, then, for...
I got back to school just in time to be there for all of the drama of Nigel finding out that his whole family was going back to England, and that, they were planning on leaving him behind to finish out the school year. Nigel's father had been promoted, and was heading back to run the marketing department for the entire auto company. Naturally, this news was devastating to Nigel. He had felt rejected by his family before any of this happened, but hearing the news made it seem far worse. He...
In the library, Mama was having a highball before dinner, when Emily and I walked through the open doorway. We joined her, with Hans fixing each of us a lime tonic. It looked like a real drink, but it had no alcohol in it. "Emily, I knew your father in high school. My brother and I were in the class right in front of his. Tell him that Bertie Chalmers says hello, won't you? He wouldn't know me as a Parsons." "He does remember you, because I heard him talking about that with my mom. He...
We all teed off the next day from the white tees, even Mama. I was sure the extra yardage would have a big effect on her scoring, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all. She finished up at one over, beating Uncle Bunny, dad and I. I only won one hundred from dad and two hundred from Uncle Bunny. It hurt having to pay it all to Mama. I had shot an eighty seven, but it was a forty on the front and a forty seven on the back. The back nine score had caused me to tie my bet with Uncle Bunny...
I called Emily, but only after telling my mother and father that Brenda had agreed on Emily coming on the trip with us. I told her that we'd stop by her house to pick her up soon after one o'clock, when my father was scheduled to leave. When I came back downstairs, Mama told me that dad was waiting in his study to speak with me. I went there and knocked on his door. "Come in Kenny, and close the door. I wanted to speak with you about what happened this morning. I'm not sure what all of...
We spent the next two hours of our journey with Brenda and Emily covertly competing for my attention. Mama and Mrs. Connor were both drinking. They drank a whole bottle of champagne together, and then another bottle of some white wine they both seemed very happy with. After an hour, you could tell they had been drinking quite a bit. I had already given Brenda a little make up kiss, and then I had to give Emily one as well. It was after this that the whispering began. Brenda was the first to...
It was the week before our Spring break, Nigel tried to hang himself in his bedroom. It was on Tuesday night, after we were all in our bedrooms. I heard a loud thumping sound, followed by the light in my bedroom going off. The sound had come from Nigel's room, and when I opened my door to get some light, I discovered that all the lights in the building had been knocked out. We found Nigel slumped on the floor with torn sheets wrapped around his neck, and the lighting fixture pulled from his...
Being a hair stylist has it’s moments, then there are days that I just hate to come to work. Today, Monday happens to be one of them. But not for the obvious reasons, but because of lack of sleep and I can feel cum running down the inside of my leg. Thankfully nobody noticed as I wipe more of the fluid off of me. Dresses are not the best clothing to wear while doing hair, but since this is the outfit I had on Friday nite and never made it home all weekend, choices were limited. It all started...
Juanita had decided to walk into town and stop at the local dance hall, where she would most likely find a few young men interested in a gang-bang. Although she preferred animals, Juanita enjoyed human prick, too. Her daddy would have done nicely, but that brawny bull of a man was throwing a prolonged fuck into her mother and Juanita had felt left out of the family affair, although she had licked out his asshole a bit as he humped away into voluptuous Isabelle. She had waited awhile,...
Hi readers, my name is Kushi. Here I am going to narrate my true incident in my life. My family is very rich. I have very sexy figure. I have 38-24-36. My breasts are very attractive in my body. When I used to wander with sexy outfits boys would stare at me which I generally neglect it. I never thought I would become a bitch to a servant in my house. Not only to him but to his friends also. My father and mother will mostly wander cities due to their business deals.Iam writing this story in...
Hi everybody.. Let me introduce myself, I’m Ram age 26 smooth bottom from chennai. I have a sexy feminine body. I got nice boobs and nipples hot smoothy ass. This is a true incident which happened 6 years ago. If any comments, wanna meet up feel free to write to I am a tamil guy, born and raised in southern part of tamil nadu. I completed my degree there itself. I have been gay ever since I know. I have studied in hostel. So you can imagine, how a smooth feminine boy like me ended up in there....
Gay MaleEach day when returning home, I marvel at the myriad of people in this neighborhood. They come from all walks of life, Latinos, Blacks, Mexican, Asians, Portuguese, and everything in between, and of course, a very few whites. I am one of the latter. The reasons I chose to live in this area is the cosmopolitan atmosphere and my love for the women of the various races. Their beautiful complexions have always commanded my interest and wonderment; besides, it is close to my work. The apartment...
Part one: Crash and burn. We went back home. CeCe was contrite. She blamed her actions on a combination of alcohol and jealousy. She said Amy and I looked so natural dancing together it was painful, and in comparison she felt like a clumsy elephant. We talked until we were exhausted. We all agreed to be better at communicating our feelings. We kissed. We made up, and when we finally turned in, we all slept together, but nobody wanted to play. Things were subdued around the house for a few...
"You're looking at me." she said softly and smiled as she stepped out of her little white panties."I am, you're right," I laughed, "I'm looking at your pussy.""Well you shouldn't.""If you don't want me to look, why are you here on a private balcony with me, and why have you just taken your panties off?""I want to get an all over tan.""Ok," I laughed as she lay down on the towel, "So why is your pussy wet?""I've never done this before."I reached over and put a hand on her breast,"Your nipples...
Love StoriesWhen I was in my senior year of high school I was doing great. My grades were good, I was good looking, had friends, a steady girlfriend, and was good at most sports I tried. My girlfriend and I didn't have to start classes until about noon so I would usually head over to her house around ten in the morning and we would relax for a while befor we had to leave. One morning I got there and she answered the door, gave me a kiss and invited me in. I just looked at her for a minute. She was...
I lived in a small Town in the early 70's. No oe ever gave me the talk about sex. what you should do and what you should not do. I was the youngest of 5 and only boy. I had to look for boys my age to play with in the another neighborhood. The boys in my neighborhood were older. I had noticed down the alley that the older boys would go in this shed behind a empty house. i always wondered what they did in that shed. I noticed a sign on the door that said boys club stay out. I was npt in the club....
[Preservation – Janice] There was no warning. We were riding the horses across the bridge at a walk when it simply but quickly fell apart. I guess it was weak and the horses' weight and vibrations finally caused it to collapse. Bennie and I and all the horses fell. My horse landed on its feet and went down with its legs broken. My right ankle hurt badly and I was winded. I looked around and saw Bennie's head lying over his horse's neck. I pulled myself up and crawled over to Bennie and...
"Yes, my Thane..." Lydia said between her soft moans. "I... I want this... please, love me my Thane... Carthalo." Carthalo stood, and began to peel off his armor. Bits of leather, iron, and fur fell to the floor in succession revealing the dark, muscled physique of the Redguard swordsman. He untied his hair, the thick dreadlocked coils fell to his shoulders. Lydia's hand instinctively went between her legs, her fingers slid through the silky black bush that grew there and into the warm...
Chapter Two. I snuggled back into bed, but I was wide awake, so after a couple of minutes I got up. I pulled on my boxers and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Rachael’s door was closed, but I was sure I had heard her and thinking she couldn’t have slept through all that anyway, decided to make her a cup and a couple of bits of toast as well. Ten minutes later, holding two cups of tea in one hand and a plate of toast with vegemite in the other hand, I headed over to Rachael’s door. I...
First TimeMadness takes control: There was a legend where I lived that the woods on the outskirts of town were haunted. Certainly the history books pointed to strange untimely deaths and romantic stories of highwaymen. The woods were called "Mad Maggie's Woods." A tradition arose that a group of women from town would leave food and drink for Mad Maggie every week. Every week the food disappeared but who knew where? Wild animals? A ghost? A homeless person? Who was Mad Maggie? No one...
It became a noisy place early near the garage entrance to the Cube. First thing in the morning the equipment for filming the tour/ad/orgy arrived. Two 35mm film cameras, one with steadycam to be held. Two top notch video cameras. A large wide format video tape recorder which would also be used for sound for the film. Lights. Cables. Mics. Experts for each of those things, though most would leave when Jonny demonstrated his knowledge of the cameras and lights and Eddie showed that he could...
Carol nervously looked out the window at the storm rolling across the lake, the weatherman had called for thunderstorms and she hated to be alone when one rolled through. Since her divorce, she had spent a lot of time alone, although she did have the occasional date and acquaintance to bring home with her. The kids were grown and gone and she found it increasingly harder to go to the bars, not wanting to feel desperate, but at the same time, not wanting to be alone. The power went out, 'Oh...
Lust Has No BoundariesBy: Londebaaz Chohan“Do you want to lick my pussy and suck my bud”, her voice was shaking but she said it anyway. Hello I am Ethan, and this was none other than my twin sister Mona talking to me. We are twins but she is older than I by about 2 minutes. Now having hit the age, I am almost 5’ 10”, weighing about 145 Lbs. pale Bronze skin and slim frame. Mona is also slim framed but plump at spots that are of interest; like her breasts and the bubble butt. Being a Sunday; I...
Several years ago I paid my first visit to a sauna at the mature age of forty. The business I was in held a yearly exhibition in Switzerland in early spring, and the city that the trade show was held in was rather small and boring. In prior years I had always stayed in that city but finally decided to rather stay in Zurich, commuting to and fro from the small city on a daily basis for the duration of my visit.On the day of my arrival in Zurich, the plane landed, as always, early in the morning....
Gay MaleA Change in Management By Fran Avatar Richard Dawes turned in minor aggravation at the latest alarm notice to pop up on his computer screen. "What now?" he grumbled. This alarm though was different. Flashing repeatedly in bright red to orange to violet it was impossibly eye catching. And worse, he couldn't click it off. He had to enter his company ID and password to get into it. "That's different..." he mused, still annoyed at the interruption to work as BetaDyne's...