10th GradeChapter 41 free porn video

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It was the week before our Spring break, Nigel tried to hang himself in his bedroom. It was on Tuesday night, after we were all in our bedrooms. I heard a loud thumping sound, followed by the light in my bedroom going off. The sound had come from Nigel's room, and when I opened my door to get some light, I discovered that all the lights in the building had been knocked out. We found Nigel slumped on the floor with torn sheets wrapped around his neck, and the lighting fixture pulled from his ceiling. He had wrapped the sheet around the light fixture and kicked his desk chair over. The weight of Nigel's body had pulled the fixture right out of the ceiling, and this had shorted out all of the electrical in the building. The night counselors from 'search' came over and took Nigel to the school infirmary, where he stayed until an ambulance came and transported him to the hospital in Bolling. He had been unconscious, but alive, when we found him, but he had bad neck bruises and was cut on his face in several places, probably from where the light fixture had landed on him.

On Thursday, someone came to our apartment and packed up all of Nigel's personal belongings. The school officials wouldn't answer any of our questions, and rumors started to circulate that Nigel had succeeded in his suicide attempt. Thursday night, at supper, Dr. Cleary, one of the administrators, announced that Nigel was doing well, and that his parents were bringing him home to England. On Friday morning, the pay phone on our side of the floor rang, and it was Nigel, calling us from the hospital to say his goodbyes. He said his throat and neck were really sore, but he was glad he was going back home. His mother had flown back over from England, to get him, and accompany him back home.

Jerry was the one who missed Nigel the most. They had been close friends, and Nigel had been the only one who helped Jerry out financially. I spoke with Terry about that before I went home for Spring break. We decided that we would help Jerry with the magazines and snacks that he always liked. It wasn't a lot of money, and Jerry didn't really have much else that he could look forward to.

By the time my parents got back from New York, several important things had changed. Dad had presented Uncle Bunny and Mama with an analysis he had been working on. It contained all the details from his original division management plan. This plan called for integrating the three companies into a single coordinated division. The report was very complete, including sales and income projections for the next five years. According to those projections, most of the cost savings were made possible by the elimination of duplicated services. The sharp sales increase would be a result of the three companies sharing their individual market penetration. According to dad, by combining these three separate entities into one dynamic company, the combined sales, and, more importantly, the resultant profits, would increase by double digits each year in the near term. He estimated the near term to be at least the next ten years.

The figures he showed were with and without Consolidated's greater marketing capabilities. Without Consolidated's West Coast and Southern market penetration, they wouldn't be a national presence like they would have been before, but, by staying in the Midwest and Northeast, their combined shared area coverage would generate a sufficient volume of sales to allow them to remain competitive, with all their competitor's. They would be able to compete on price and value.

Dad's report concluded that, without the two new acquisitions, our old company would still be vulnerable to a squeeze out attempt by one or more of several of the larger national competitors. Based on this information, plans to spin off the two acquisitions were immediately put on hold. Dad was told to look into the possibility of getting long term financing for their repurchase. Until that financing could be put in place, Uncle Bunny and Mama each agreed to pay forty six million to the M&A company that had financed the original buyout for them.

When I got home Friday night, I asked dad, at dinner, whether the new set up was going to require him to travel more, or less, than he had been.

"Considerably less, I believe, Kenny. I won't be going to New York all the time to report to the board, and we'll be based in Bolling, instead of having regional operations. Of course, all of that presupposes that we decide to retain the acquisitions, rather than sell them off. No final decision has yet been reached."

"Of course we're going to keep them, Thomas. Why would we want to sell off assets that you were planning on growing so nicely?" Mama was thrilled to be back connected with the company again. One of the things that made her the happiest was that the new contract she and Uncle Bunny had worked out with dad didn't call for her ownership percentage to erode every year. He had an equity ownership equal to hers, and would serve the new company without any other compensation, other than his normal business expenses.

The weather was starting to get warmer, and while the golf course was only open on weekends now, the practice range was open daily. I had a whole week off from school, and was planning on spending a lot of time at the club. Mama had checked with Dave, and we were going to resume my daily lessons, beginning Monday. Dad would be tied up with his business, and Mama would be busy with the revised plans for the golf learning center. They had decided on which architect and design plans to use, and building and course construction would get underway sometime in early May. Mama was excited with her final design, and dad and Uncle Bunny were excited that she had agreed to no further changes or additions to the plans.

I had been talking with either Emily or Brenda every day on the phone. Their school vacation started a week after mine, and, on Friday, there was a dance at their school that both were attending. We had talked about what they could do with other boys, and I told them both that it was for them to decide, not me. I felt a little jealous, but I wasn't expecting them to do much more than dance with other boys. I had invited both of them to come out to the club and have lunch with me on Saturday.

I left with Hans at about nine A.M. on Saturday. Mama and Uncle Bunny were in a meeting with the architect, and dad was going into Bolling to have a strategy meeting with the other two heads of the acquired companies. Things had been happening so quickly that none of the employees at any of the three companies had any idea of where things stood. None of them knew who had bought up their company. Dad wanted to give these men information on where things stood, and discuss some of his plans for making changes. When I got to the club, I had my clubs, and a large bucket of balls brought up for me. Because of the chill, I stayed mostly with my wedges and nine iron, working on my accuracy, and trying to figure out how much distance I lost when I choked two inches down on each club. At eleven, I went over to the putting green and practiced longer lag putts. I had gotten to the point where I understood how many strokes it was costing me to leave five and six footers instead of two or three foot putts. I wanted to get to the point where I almost never three putted. I was determined that I'd break eighty over the summer, from the white tees. I was counting on improved first putts, and added distance and accuracy with my driver.

The girls showed up at twelve thirty. Emily's father had driven them out, and I was going to get Hans to drive all of us home. Lunch was going well, both Emily and Brenda had the fried shrimp, and I went with the steak sandwich. All of us ate French fries and had Cokes to drink. Brenda told me about the dance, detailing what she and Emily had worn, which was another of those matching outfits from the closeout purchases we made at the mall. They had danced a few dances with several boys, but they said most of the dances had been slow dances, and they didn't dance with any one boy more than three times. After lunch, I asked the girls if they wanted to watch me hit more golf balls, or if they'd rather go to my house, to watch some television there.

"In your bedroom?" Brenda was looking excited when she asked that.

"We can watch in the library if you'd rather." Both girls shook their heads no and said "Bedroom!", at the same time. I left them sitting at our table, and went to call Hans, letting him know we were ready for a ride home. I told Gerta that we'd be having company, but that we'd all eaten already. In the limo, we didn't fool around at all, but there was an air of anticipation from all of us. Over the past week, we had talked further about what kind of friendship we all expected to have together. To me, being friends was the most important part. Us doing stuff was kind of expected, by me at least. I wasn't really able to put into words to Brenda the difference between what she said she wanted, and what I wanted. I wanted us to be friends, and she wanted us to be more than simply friends. Emily fell somewhere in the middle between us. Emily seemed concerned that Brenda not be the one who got to make all of the decisions though.

When we got to the house, all three of us went up to my bedroom, and Brenda took the grand tour. She and Emily both talked about how my room was just wasted because I was a boy. They mostly meant the closet, and the big bathtub I never used. Before ten minutes had passed by, I was sitting in front of the television, watching a golf tournament, and Brenda and Emily were sitting on my bed, whispering together and giggling about something. When they asked me where my parents were, and what time they'd be back, I told them that my dad was in Bolling at a meeting, and my mother was out somewhere with Uncle Bunny. I told them I had no idea when they would return.

"If we knew when they were coming back, Kenny we could do some stuff." Brenda was looking at me, but she was also speaking to Emily, making sure that she was willing too. Emily looked over at my bedroom door, which I'd closed but hadn't locked. I went to the door and threw the dead bolt closed, then went over to my phone, dialing a one, and then holding the button down for two or three seconds before letting it back up. Gerta answered it.

"Gerta, if Mama or dad comes in, please call me in my bedroom. Thank you." I put the phone back on its cradle, turning to both girls as I did so. "What did you guys have in mind?" Brenda had that look she gets when she's excited. I knew what she was going to say, even before she opened her mouth to speak the words.

"We want you to do it to me, while Emily watches us." Brenda watched me closely to see how I reacted to her saying this. I'd been telling her I didn't want her to keep after me to do that with her. Emily was watching both of us, but I could tell that she and Brenda had been discussing it together.

"Only if Emily goes first. I already told you that, so I don't know why you thought my answer would be different this time."

"Tell him, Emily!" Brenda gave Emily an encouraging little push on her side.

"I'll let you do it to me too, but only after you do Brenda." Emily and Brenda were both staring at me now. I guess they thought I'd just believe them without any proof.

"No, you have to go first, Emily. I know Brenda is really willing already. It's you I'm doubting. You go first, then I'll do it with Brenda, after."

"Do it, Emily. You'll like it. He's not going to change his mind. I already told you he wouldn't." Brenda was already pleading with Emily. She sounded like someone who knew it was unlikely that she'd get what she was asking for. It was more her going through the motions than her having any expectation of getting her way.

"I can't Brenda. I already told you why."

"He's in Italy, Emily. You'll probably never even see him again. You told me that you really liked Kenny. Here's your chance to prove it. We talked about this, and you promised."

"Brenda, Emily doesn't want to. Don't try to force her."

"Why doesn't she want to? I don't understand why."

"She just doesn't. Maybe she isn't sure she's ready yet. You should be asking yourself why you're in such a hurry."

"It hasn't been a hurry. I've known you a lot longer than she has. Why do you want to do it first with her, anyway? I should be first."

I knew that we were going to need to find some way to get it settled, or else spend the rest of their visit with me arguing about this. The problem was I couldn't think of any way to do it. Brenda was already sure about what she wanted, and so was Emily, at least about what she didn't want. I wanted to do it too, but I knew if I gave in, Emily would become the outsider, to both Brenda and me. This would put me right back in the same position I'd been in with Brenda before. Brenda would see this as a victory, and she'd have even less reason to make any changes in the way she operated with me. I was starting to feel like Emily would welcome becoming an outsider. I think she was a little bit afraid of where all of this might be leading her.

"Emily first, Brenda. Emily, you just take your time. We'll wait until you're ready, I promise." Emily was still watching Brenda, waiting to take her cue from Brenda. I went back over to the door and undid the dead bolt. After that, I went back and sat back down, watching as Hale Irwin hit an iron about four feet from the flag. Behind me, I could hear the hissing as Brenda read the riot act to Emily about her messing up their plans for the afternoon. I turned off the television, before turning and heading back out of my room and down the staircase. I was sitting in the library, still watching golf, fifteen minutes later when Brenda and Emily came in to tell me they were leaving. I offered to get Hans to take them to Emily's, but they both said they'd rather walk. I remember thinking that I wasn't getting the benefits I'd hoped for when I'd first thought about setting up this three way alliance. Instead of Emily helping to keep Brenda in check by her presence, Brenda was trying to get Emily's help in achieving her ends. I was going to have to try something different. I had no idea what.

At four thirty, Mama and Uncle Bunny got back and asked me if I wanted to go back out to the club and hit some balls with them. This was news, Uncle Bunny willing to practice? I didn't want to miss it. We were in the car before Mama told us that she and Uncle Bunny had each been given new drivers by an equipment representative from a company called Taylor Made. Instead of persimmon wood heads, the driver they each had been given had an all metal head, and the representative claimed the club went straighter and was much more forgiving. Uncle Bunny let me use his, but I didn't notice that it went any straighter for me, and it didn't travel as far as my MacGregor Eye-O-Matic persimmon two wood did. I had given up on the woods we'd got with my set of clubs, trading them in for a two wood and a three wood, both were used Eye-O-Matic's. I could hit the two wood off of the tee farther than I'd ever hit my old one wood. Dave told me that I should stick with the one I had the most confidence in.

Uncle Bunny was convinced that he'd play better now that he had an all metal driver. All I knew was that the club face on my two wood was a lot bigger than the one on his Taylor Made. Also, I knew I hit mine a lot farther than he hit anything he owned. Mama hit hers well, but she said she didn't like the noise it made when she struck the ball. After she put her club down, Uncle Bunny came over and got it. After taking a few practice swings, he asked Mama if he could try her ladies club. In a matter of four or five hits, Uncle Bunny had found a club that really worked well for him. He had always been able to hit a ball pretty far, just never straight. With Mama's club, he hit it straight too. It wasn't just a lucky coincidence either, because he hit them like that, one after another for the next fifteen minutes. After the first two or three times Uncle Bunny smacked it, Mama and I stopped hitting our own balls, and just watched him hitting.

"Not one word of this to Tommy, Bertie. You too, Kenny. This is going to really change my game. I'll probably save ten strokes a side, hitting them like this. I'm really going to take him to the cleaners." Mama and I both knew that Uncle Bunny was being too optimistic. Even is he was right about saving the twenty strokes, and he probably wasn't, that would still have him playing at around one hundred, and dad usually scored in the low eighties, eighty to eighty five when he wasn't self destructing. Dad usually gave Uncle Bunny five or six a side. Mama and I both smiled, and told Uncle Bunny we wouldn't say anything to spoil his surprise.

The next morning, at eleven thirty, the four of us teed off, but not before Uncle Bunny convinced dad to give him eight shots a side for a five hundred dollar Nassau. I gave him eight a side too, for a hundred dollar Nassau, and Mama gave him eleven a side, for another five hundred. It was a massacre. Uncle Bunny had set all of us up. He'd been taking secret lessons from Dave for the past three months. He was also able to hit Mama's driver on the fairways, just as straight, and almost as far as his drives. He shot a forty six on the front and a forty four on the back, taking the three of us for thirty three hundred dollars. Thanks to how well he played, I won three hundred from dad, who shot a fifty one on the back, and a forty five on the front. Mama made a thirty nine on the front, and a forty one on the back, earning me another three hundred dollars. I played only so so, shooting an overall eighty six, but my forty two on the opening nine, and the forty four coming back in, was more than enough, with my stroke holes, to beat both of my parents.

The funniest part was how impressed both my parents were with Uncle Bunny's improvement. We had a late lunch at the club and dad joked that Uncle Bunny had to pay the check. I knew the bill was all sent to the same account, so it didn't matter who signed for it. I was glad Uncle Bunny was coming back to our house, because I wanted to ride with him and ask him about my problems with Brenda. I figured he would have some ideas for what I could do, and he was someone I could speak honestly to, without getting embarrassed, or worried that it would somehow get back to Mama.

"Uncle Bunny, Brenda wants me to do it with her." We had both just gotten into his car, and he hadn't even had a chance yet to turn the key in his ignition. Instead of doing that, he took his hand away from his keys, and looked over at me. "She's been trying to talk me into it for two weeks already."

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After Bea left with Mr. Chalmers, Mrs. Parsons started coming downstairs again. On Thursday, she came to the country club with me, and we played eighteen holes. I shot an eighty seven. My putting was improving, and I had learned where to hit the ball to avoid big trouble areas on the course. Mrs. Parsons and I started talking more out on the golf course. There was no one behind us anyway, so we talked in the cart between shots. She started telling me about how happy her early childhood had...

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10th GradeChapter 19

It was almost eight o'clock before dinner was finished and I could go up to my room to call Brenda. Mrs. Parsons came downstairs when Hans, Gerta and I were about halfway through eating dinner in the kitchen. She was drunk and weeping, dressed in her robe, and obviously rumpled from too little rest. She sat with us through the remainder of dinner, but refused to eat anything. Gerta had to help her back up the stairs, and sit with her until she finally fell asleep. This was the first time I...

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10th GradeChapter 20

We picked up Brenda a little before ten, and it was already getting hot outside. Brenda seemed happy to see me, but she started right in about wanting us to practice together in the afternoon too. I didn't want to get into a big argument about it, so I said that we would wait and see how the morning practice went, and then decide. We practiced for a little over an hour before I stopped playing. Brenda wasn't ready to stop, arguing that a few more minutes wouldn't hurt either of us. I...

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10th GradeChapter 21

It was decided that I needed to keep away from the country club for at least two weeks. Part of this decision was to allow Mr. Chalmers to return before allowing me outside in public again, and part of it was that Mrs. Parsons wanted to try to help Mrs. Connor and Brenda to come to terms with my not being sent away to the orphanage. Mrs. Parsons waited until Wednesday before calling Mrs. Connor. She asked about Brenda, but then said her main reason for calling was to ask Mrs. Connor to join...

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10th GradeChapter 22

Mr. Parsons liked to drive fast. We were in his car, on our way out to the country club to get my clubs. I told him that I wanted to keep practicing so I wouldn't get too rusty. When we pulled up in front, he went in, telling me to stay in the car. Five minutes later, he came out with one of the employees who was carrying two sets of clubs. Mr. Parsons opened his trunk and the attendant put the clubs in there. I saw Mr. Parsons giving him some money, but I didn't know what denomination the...

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10th GradeChapter 23

On Monday, after Mr. Parsons went to work, Mrs. Parsons told me to get ready for my golf lesson. It hadn't been two weeks, but I didn't argue with her. We took the limousine, and Hans drove straight to Brenda's house. When we pulled up outside, Mrs. Connor, Brenda, and Richard all came out together. I got out and opened the door for them. Since Richard was carrying his mother's golf bag, I didn't offer to help. Even Hans stayed in the driver's seat, and just pushed the remote button to...

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10th GradeChapter 24

Hans drove me over to Holton the next morning. Mrs. Parsons came downstairs to sit with me at breakfast, and to see me safely off. She looked more natural than she had the night before, but still very tired and wan. I told her that I needed her to try to eat better and to regain her strength. She said that she had already checked with the school and cleared it with the administration for me to be picked up Friday after five P.M. It was school policy to try to be responsive to the wishes of...

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10th GradeChapter 25

On Friday, my last class got out at three o'clock, but I still had to wait for my weekend pass to be processed, and then brought over to our apartment by Terry. I was the only boy from the room that was leaving for the weekend. As such, I was being given lists of items to bring back with me on Sunday night. Nigel gave me a twenty dollar bill, and asked me to buy him some condoms. Jerry said he was broke, but gave me a list of snacks and magazines that he said he really needed. How could you...

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10th GradeChapter 26

Sunday Morning I got up and got dressed before eight o'clock. When I came downstairs, Gerta was in the kitchen and Hans was working on changing the outlet in the garage. I went out back to see Hans. He was already finished putting in the new outlet, and had replaced the fuse with one that was for the correct amperage. He went and turned on the main power switch and the lights came on and stayed on. After about ten minutes, he went and put his hand on the outlet box, feeling to see if it had...

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10th GradeChapter 27

Mr. Chalmers and Bea were sitting in the living room talking to Mr. Parsons when Mrs. Parsons and I got back from the club, at around six. All three of them had drinks in their hand. Dinner was at six thirty, Gerta told us, then she went and made a drink for Mrs. Parsons. I was glad to see Bea. I knew she was leaving the next day, and I wanted to have a chance to tell her goodbye before she left. "So, Kenny, how's that fancy school you're going to? Bunny says there are no girls allowed...

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10th GradeChapter 28

School dragged by slowly. Our teachers were very good. Too good, if you were used to going to a school where you were one of the smartest kids. In my classes, that was definitely not the case anymore. The teaching philosophy at Clement Academy was simple. Each teacher would push you as hard as he felt you were capable of absorbing information from him. It didn't help me that I never volunteered in the classroom either. At CA, they didn't ask for a show of hands to see if you wanted to...

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10th GradeChapter 29

Mrs. Parsons was feeling a lot better, but still, she wanted to wait until the next day to go to the country club with me. After Elena decided to take the job, she left on her motorcycle to get her belongings. She told me that she had a green '63 Ford pick up that she'd be moving her stuff with. After she left, I went into the kitchen to have something to eat. Gerta was happy about a few things. She was glad that Elena had accepted the job, and that Mrs. Parsons was doing well again. She...

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10th GradeChapter 30

Sunday, Mrs. Parsons was feeling good, and we went out and played eighteen holes of golf together. We teed off at ten thirty, and finished up at three o'clock. We were behind two other foursomes, and it was the foursome in front that was slowing everyone down. While we waited, I tried to keep Mrs. Parsons focused on her learning center idea, rather than on the slow pace we were able to play golf. After golf, I walked over to the pool area while Mrs. Parsons was in the pro shop talking with...

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10th GradeChapter 31

Mr. Chalmers helped me with my mother, moving her into her bedroom, Gerta followed close behind us. The three of us spent the next hour with her, Uncle Bunny (that's what he asked me to call him) telling mama how difficult it had been for the two of us to bring her back this time. I decided to ask her about the place she went to. "Did you want to come back to us?" She looked at me for a minute, and then closed her eyes before speaking. "Kenny, that is too hard for me to answer. Going...

2 years ago
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10th GradeChapter 32

Uncle Bunny joined us for golf Saturday morning. He refused to bet with Mr. Parsons because they couldn't agree on the number of strokes he needed to be given. Mr. Parsons offered him five strokes a side, but Uncle Bunny wanted a stroke per hole. When they finally gave up trying to make a money match, I offered Uncle Bunny two strokes a side for a ten dollar Nassau. When he found out that Mr. Parsons was giving me eight a side, he accepted my bet. My mother was a little off her game,...

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10th GradeChapter 33

By the time we drove back home, all the good feelings had been stripped away. I could see and feel the tension on Mama's face as we neared the house. I reached over to her, and placed my hand on her arm, trying to send her a signal of my love and support for her. "Kenny, I'm not sure I can do what we talked about. When it was just the two of us, everything seemed possible to do, but, now, I don't think I can face telling Thomas that I forgive him. I still have angry feelings about what...

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10th GradeChapter 34

We didn't stay up too late Friday night. Mama had two more drinks before we turned in. After saying goodnight to her, I went into my own room and got ready for bed. A lot had happened in a short time. I had been on an emotional roller coaster almost since the time my mother had picked me up and taken me to the club that afternoon. I was beginning to feel the strain of all of the changes that had been set in motion by the words spoken within our family. Earlier in the evening, although it...

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10th GradeChapter 35

I was back in school in the early part of January when my mother had another of her serious depression withdrawals. Everything had been going fine, one minute she was laughing and happy, and the next, she went up to her room and started the painful process of guilt and overwhelming sadness. It was like one of those long slides they had in the playground at the school I had gone to. Mama would go anywhere from two or three days, to two or three months, seemingly perfectly normal, then, for...

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10th GradeChapter 36

I got back to school just in time to be there for all of the drama of Nigel finding out that his whole family was going back to England, and that, they were planning on leaving him behind to finish out the school year. Nigel's father had been promoted, and was heading back to run the marketing department for the entire auto company. Naturally, this news was devastating to Nigel. He had felt rejected by his family before any of this happened, but hearing the news made it seem far worse. He...

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10th GradeChapter 37

In the library, Mama was having a highball before dinner, when Emily and I walked through the open doorway. We joined her, with Hans fixing each of us a lime tonic. It looked like a real drink, but it had no alcohol in it. "Emily, I knew your father in high school. My brother and I were in the class right in front of his. Tell him that Bertie Chalmers says hello, won't you? He wouldn't know me as a Parsons." "He does remember you, because I heard him talking about that with my mom. He...

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10th GradeChapter 38

We all teed off the next day from the white tees, even Mama. I was sure the extra yardage would have a big effect on her scoring, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all. She finished up at one over, beating Uncle Bunny, dad and I. I only won one hundred from dad and two hundred from Uncle Bunny. It hurt having to pay it all to Mama. I had shot an eighty seven, but it was a forty on the front and a forty seven on the back. The back nine score had caused me to tie my bet with Uncle Bunny...

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10th GradeChapter 39

I called Emily, but only after telling my mother and father that Brenda had agreed on Emily coming on the trip with us. I told her that we'd stop by her house to pick her up soon after one o'clock, when my father was scheduled to leave. When I came back downstairs, Mama told me that dad was waiting in his study to speak with me. I went there and knocked on his door. "Come in Kenny, and close the door. I wanted to speak with you about what happened this morning. I'm not sure what all of...

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10th GradeChapter 40

We spent the next two hours of our journey with Brenda and Emily covertly competing for my attention. Mama and Mrs. Connor were both drinking. They drank a whole bottle of champagne together, and then another bottle of some white wine they both seemed very happy with. After an hour, you could tell they had been drinking quite a bit. I had already given Brenda a little make up kiss, and then I had to give Emily one as well. It was after this that the whispering began. Brenda was the first to...

5 years ago
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takes a lickin and keeps on tickin

of course i love toys!! oooh damn, do tell! i am imagining right now...i will use my favorite one, a lifelike, not a vibrator (dont really like those, prefer natural movement), and spread so wide for you, baby, with one hand so you can get the best view, occasionally slipping and dipping those fingers in that juicy big pink pussy along with the dildo, as i take it all the way to the hilt again and again with the other hand. i will do the twisty movement when it is all the way in, round and...

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working late

One night I was working a late shift at a truck stop I used to work at. There was a mature woman named, Katherine, cat for short. I was about to get off from work, then she asked for a ride home she told me she didn’t live to far the truck stop. So I agreed to take her home. She told me her son lived with her and might not be home yet and ask me to wait with her because she lived in the middle of nowhere I said fine. I got her home, and as she had said her son was not home yet so I walked her...

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Horny Aunt

Hi readers let me share my incident happened with my Mom’s friend. She lies in fat with athletic body her name is barati (name changed) she stands 5.3 feet tall fair, she is in her mid 30’s but she looks like a real slut, any men can fuck her all long, she was a bit talkitive woman and had proper curves at right places wen she wear saree among other woman. She looks like like pornstar isis love.I did not have any bad intention on her, but once i saw her while jogging she had wore a tight track...

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Im not sure why but here you go

I text you to tell you that I am on my way and to be ready. You trim, you shave and by the time I arrive and let myself in, you are kneeling in the middle of your bedroom, head down, like a good slave. I go to your closet and go through your clothes. I pick out a tank top, a thong, a skirt and a pair of heels and tell you to dress. As you start to put on your thong, I remind you, sissy bitch, to bend from the hips and do it provacatively. You stick your ass out and then sway your prissy little...

3 years ago
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My First Bukakke Experience

I got an unexpected journalistic assignment to the US: a two-day trip to New York. My heart missed a beat when I took the magazine's call, realising that I would be able to meet my cyber-lover Gary for the first time. I was slightly flustered as I put down the phone. Should I message him to tell him I was coming? Or think about the girlie items I needed to pack? There was barely thirty-six hours before the flight. I did a mental checklist of the essentials; bra, white fishnets, matching...

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Happy EndingsChapter 8 First Impression

"Oh? That's great news. Yes. Sure I can make into town tomorrow, nine? Alright Rick, see you then." I hung up the phone puzzled. Larry looked up at me a silent question. "Was Rick." I said needlessly. "The loan has been approved. I'll have to go in tomorrow and sign the papers." Larry raised one brow. "I dunno either. Anyway, you were saying?" With Larry a conversation always tended to be a bit one sided. He pointed back to the paper a finger under the estimated cost, the...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 30 Despair

Christine sat bolt upright in Erik's bed gasping amidst a tangle of bed sheets and Erik's limbs, which sleepily attempted to hold her firmly against him. "What is it? Did you have a bad dream? Come here, mon amour, and I shall chase away the darkness with a kiss." His quiet words and gentle caresses softened the crease of the frown that marred her brow and she turned back to him, allowing a distracted smile to brush the corners of her lips. Her eyes raked appreciatively over the body of...

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The Talisman

"Here is an item that might interest you Mr. Russell," Homer Parducci, the short, bald owner of the antique shop said to the man standing before him on the other side of the display case. The shopkeeper reached into the case and withdrew a strange looking necklace. "This is a talisman from Africa. I have hung in on this gold necklace, but let me assure you the item is genuine. I will provide you with papers certifying its authenticity if you think you might want to purchase it." "It looks...

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A PANTYHOSE CHRISTMASThe year of my twelfth Christmas was the first one in which both my parents worked and therefore Mom had asked me to help more this year with getting the house decorated. We seldom decorated more than a week before Christmas other than Dad and a neighbor putting up the outdoor lights over the Thanksgiving weekend.After arriving home from school one afternoon I raced up to my room, jumped out of my shoes, socks and briefs and slipped on a pair of off-black STW pantyhose Nick...

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My Darkness

Within my darkness there is of course a dedication… So to the one known as ‘derfauster’ this one is all yours… * You talk of darkness but do you have any thought to base this talk on? Herein lies darkness of the most terrible kind. Because you see my friend, this darkness was once lightness in and of itself. It was a real person. It was a person who had so much to give, and sadly she chose the wrong one to give it to. She mistakenly thought she’d met her dark soul master… You want to know...

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The Secret Yearnings of a Boneyassed Girl

My name is Tara O'Brian and I am 100% pure-blooded Irish. Well, at least on Saint Patrick's Day I am. I started to tint my hair red many years ago and never turned back. Just between us, I am not really Irish at all even though I have freckles and my faux red hair. My real name before I shit-canned it was Magda Kaminski and my family came from a small village in the eastern part of Poland. I was always a bit on the chubby side when I was a youngster and the boys would ceaselessly make fun of...

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Fucking for my employer

For those of you who liked my earlier account of fucking a 29-year-old mother of two in 1999 when I was 22, you may enjoy this story from one year later in 2000 when I had 'relations' with an even older woman, Margie, who was 38.I was working for the same company that I did when I took the earlier 29-year-old mom to my office Christmas party. My company provided telecommunication services to major retailers. I will conceal the retailer's name in order to protect Margie's anonymity, but let's...

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In the Office

Chapter 1: I first see you in the elevator. "Wow," I think, "she must be new here." "What a babe." My eyes linger on the clothes that cover your sexy body. Your short, tight skirt and stiletto heels highlight your legs and ass, while the tight blouse accents your fabulous tits. My cock begins to grow just from me looking at you, dreaming. I next see you in the lunch room. We're both getting coffee, and when I notice you, you're already boldly checking me out. You begin to chat with...

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Caught and the Consequences

‘What the hell do you think you are’   I just lay there not knowing what to say and I am sure going very red under my make up.   ………..   I will go back many years and start at an earlier age.   For as long as I can remember I have cross dressed, always in private, without my partners or girlfriends knowing, totally in the closet, and when dressed I often practised self bondage, used dildos on myself, especially before wanking.   I enjoyed shaving when I could, had the usual purges, it has...

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A Different Plane of Existence Part 14

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page Part Fourteen The next morning Kirsty was worried what Charlotte would say about her late night declaration, but Charlotte thought that it had been a dream, so the two of them carried on as if nothing had happened. Charlotte was more worried about having woken the household. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you all," she apologised over breakfast. "It isn't a problem," reassured Mrs Wilson. "Losing your parents is always traumatic. If you...

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School from hell

John Walkins was a practical joker. In fact, his last practical joke almost got him expelled from his last school. So, on the advice of the principal, John’s parents decided to enroll him in a special school, one for troubled students. This school had the reputation for turning students around and setting them on a new course. Naturally, John’s parents never told him this. However, in their haste to enroll John, they failed to read all the papers they signed, which allowed the school to use any...

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TwentyFive PairsChapter 7

Daytona Beach, Florida 2025 "What is it you do again?" I smiled over my drink, just soda with a little lime. "I'm an astronaut," he smiled at me, just knowing I'd be impressed. "Part of the DSS mission." "DSS?" I widened my soft blue eyes, leaning closer because he was terribly cute. "Deep Space Survey." He glanced around, dropping his voice as if someone might be listening. "It's all very secret, but..." "But you can tell me, right?" I giggled, brushing a long golden...

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