Cherry's SurvivalChapter 2 free porn video

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Mike promised himself that he was going to do what was necessary to help this girl make it. Little did he know the chance would come so soon.

They had a routine. Mike stopped every morning right next to Cherry's apartment. She would be slouched in a doorway and would slouch across the parking lot to his car. Once she was in and they were two blocks away, she would suddenly straighten and beam, animated, talking about how she managed to solve the math problems, or occasionally, frustrated that she couldn't solve one of the special problems he gave her. Mike would laugh when she had trouble, telling her she was working on advanced problems other kids wouldn't see for years.

That morning, Mike pulled up and parked, expecting to see Cherry start across the lot. Nothing. Concerned, Mike shut off the car and crossed the lot looking for Cherry. Nothing. He knew the room where her Mom lived. He headed there, to be met at the door by a policewoman. "You live here?" she asked.

"No," he answered surprised by the interrogation.

The police woman politely sneered, knowing full well the usual business that men dressed well like this one did in these apartments. "Sorry, you can't enter." She didn't say it, but her face said, 'Go get your jollies somewhere else.'

"I'm looking for a girl..." he started out.

"Yeah," she sneered. "They all are."

Mike exploded. "No, God Damn it! I'm a teacher at the middle school and I'm trying to get a girl out of this place."

"What's her name?" the officer asked.

"Cherry..." Mike stumbled to a stop at the look on the woman's face. "Did something happen to her?"

"No, she's fine. Her mother was stabbed."

"Stabbed?" Mike asked. Things like that were in the movies, not real life.

The officer shooed him aside as a stretcher holding a woman was wheeled out and to an ambulance. Cherry followed. When she saw Mike, she burst into tears and rushed to him. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her aside as the woman was put into the ambulance. In the commotion, no one saw Mike lead Cherry around the building and to his car. Some days later, a report was duly filed with Child Protective Services. Overloaded and bogged down in bureaucracy, the report wound up at the bottom of an in-basket until one day, that person retired and the basket was emptied into the trash.

That was all in the future as Mike led Cherry to his car. "Can I take you to school or do you want to go to the hospital?"

Cherry pondered for a moment. 'Forward, she needed to look forward'; the words were clear in her mind. She loved her mother, who had never really been a mother to her, but the future wasn't with her mother. She knew that in her heart, even though sadness welled up from deep inside as she had the thought. "School," she said. Mike nodded and started the car.

Cherry was quiet on the way to school. Mike let her be, not knowing what to say in any case. He dropped her and went to park. He saw her in the fourth period for math. Hopefully, he'd know what to say by then.

The class went pretty much as usual. Cherry was quiet, but attentive in class. He asked her to stay after the bell rang for lunch.

"What about your mother?" he asked.

"She'll be okay. The medics said the knife didn't cut her too deep. She lost some blood, but not too much. It'll be good 'cuz she'll dry out in the hospital. She's been doing too much meth anyway," Cherry said. "She'll be out in a week or so."

"What are you going to do?" Mike asked, his brain fried trying to imagine how an eighth grader like Cherry could handle this like it was normal.

"I think she paid the rent this month. If so, I'll just hang out at home. We got some food," she said.

Mike could only imagine what that must be: peanut butter and jelly on rat-eaten bread? "Cherry, I'd like to give you a ride home after school. Okay?"


"It'll make me feel better," he said with a rueful smile.

She laughed. "It's okay, really. But if you want, I'll ride with you," she said.

"Thanks. See you after school. Go have lunch," he said.

Mike sat in his empty classroom and considered many things. His idea was crazy, maybe just crazy enough. It'll blow up and create a stink. It'll never work. But damn it, sometimes you have to do what is right no matter what the consequences. With that, he steeled himself. An inner peace filled him now that he knew what was right and that he was following that path.

On the drive to her apartment, Mike, knowing the path he wanted to follow, asked her, "Do you have any relatives you could stay with?"

"No. I don't know my dad. Well, you know, I don't actually know who my dad was," she said.

Mike shrugged like no big deal, though in his mind he wondered what that must be like.

"My grandparents live in Montana, at least I think they still do. They tossed mom out about seven years ago and told her not to come back. She stole some money to buy drugs," Cherry finished quietly recognizing just how alone she was in the world.

"Cherry, I want you to do me a favor," Mike said.

"Sure," Cherry said gladly.

He smiled. "Okay, I'm making you stick to that as a promise." Cherry just nodded. "I want you to live with me until your mom can take you back."

Cherry looked at Mike, her face unreadable. Finally, she managed, "Why?"

"Because I couldn't sleep at night thinking about you alone in that rat infested, sorry..." he said.

"That's okay. It is," she said quietly.

"Anyway, I'd sleep better at night if you were staying with me. Really, it's a favor to me if you'd stay at my place," he finished. He waited, watching from the corner of his eye as he drove. He saw the contemplative look on her face, occasionally crossed with the faintest trace of a smile. He hoped that was good.

They arrived at her apartment. He looked at her, "What do you say?"

"You serious?" she asked.

"Yep," he said lightly.

"Well then, I guess it's better than a rat infested..." she said teasing him.

He crimsoned, "I am sorry I said that."

"Nah, Mr. O'Hara. You are right. It is."

"Let's go get the stuff you might need, clothes, makeup and stuff," he said.

"Stuff?" she asked.

"You know, girl stuff," he said.

"Girl stuff," she said a smile on her face as she teased him.

Cherry smiled as she bounced out of the car and led him to the apartment. There was a large brown stain on the floor. Cherry looked at it and ran into her room. Mike felt like he was going to lose his lunch when he realized what it was. He threw a sheet that was askew on the one couch onto the floor over the stain. He was able to breathe again after it was covered.

Cherry came back into the room, saw the sheet and smiled thankfully at Mike. She grabbed some paper grocery bags. A while later, she came out with the bags. Mike knew he shouldn't ask if she had luggage instead: he knew what he answer would be. There were several bags; Mike grabbed two of the bags and led her back to the car.

Deciding to tease her, he said, "Got enough to last you a week?"

"That's everything," she said.

Mike looked at the bags. 'Everything?' He felt like a heel for even bringing it up. Cherry seemed not to notice. For her, this was usual.

At his house, he installed Cherry in his spare bedroom, the one that had his exercise machine that he had used exactly four times in two years. The machine went into the garage.

They settled into a routine. Mike would take her to school and drive her home. During school hours, they were teacher and student only and avoided each other, not wanting the comments that would inevitably come. At home, Cherry found out what it was like having a teacher as a pseudo-parent. Homework was always first, before TV or even dinner. She also found out how much time a teacher spent in the evenings grading papers, preparing class materials, and general paperwork. Her respect for Mike, and by association her other teachers, went up.

What she really enjoyed were the evenings. They would settle into the couch and watch TV, or play some game. Mike was passionate about board games. For Cherry, this was all so new, spending time just having fun together.

Sometimes at night, she would lay awake and wonder what it would be like when her mother recovered. Could she go back to living like that? The answer would come soon, she knew, and she felt a dread welling up from deep inside that she tried very hard to ignore.

It had been several weeks and they still had not heard from Cherry's mom. Mike called the hospital. He was informed that she had been released two weeks earlier. Mike called the apartment. The rent had not been paid for the current month. The apartment had been cleaned out of personal items. The landlord hadn't seen Cherry's mom. She had disappeared.

He tried calling the police. No, they had not heard of her since the initial report. No, they had no forwarding address and no perp. The case was cold unless she would identify some suspect, which she had been unwilling to do after the stabbing.

That night, Mike told Cherry. She was quiet for a minute, then said, "She's gone." Cherry burst into tears and fled to her room. Mike thought about going to her but he knew she was right. She had every reason to feel betrayed and abandoned; she had been. He slept fitfully that night.

The next morning he knocked on her door. "Cherry?"

"Go away," he heard a muffled voice.

Mike shook his head and opened the door. Cherry lay on the bed, her head covered by the pillow. One foot stuck out from under the sheet. He grabbed the ankle and began tickling the sole of her foot. It was amazing, he thought, how she could levitate her entire body off the bed like that.

She screamed, "Quit it! I gotta pee. Stop!" she grabbed at her ankle, but Mike was stronger. He kept tickling, "No, stop..." she begged. "I gotta pee..."

He was having fun until the unsuspected pillow caught him full force in the face, loosening his grip. Cherry bounced out of bed and ran for the bathroom, slamming the door closed. Smiling, he picked up the pillow and tossed it back on the bed. As he went by the restroom, he called out through the closed door, "Breakfast is ready."

A Bronx cheer followed him down the hallway. Cherry joined him shortly, clad in a long tee shirt and panties. He was pretty sure she didn't own any real sleep clothes.

He served them both a stack of pancakes. She fiddled with hers for a bit, then said, "She's gone."

"I think you're right," he acknowledged her.

"Damn her," Cherry said on the verge of tears. She wiped her eyes. "I ain't got nowhere to go."

"Yes, you do. Here," he said emphatically.

She looked up, surprised. "But I thought this was just until she got out of the hospital."

"It was, originally ... I like having you here," he said.

Cherry looked about to cry again but suppressed it. "Yeah, so you can torture girls when they have to pee."

"No, so I can punish girls who won't come to breakfast when I've worked so hard preparing breakfast."

She looked down at her plate and asked, "You really mean that?"

Mike knew it wasn't the breakfast she was asking about. "Yeah, I like having you here. Will you stay?"

"Oh yes," she burst into tears as she came around the table and grabbed him in a bone crushing hug. There were tears of happiness mixed with sobs of loss as Cherry released all of her pent up emotions. Mike held her and soothed the girl, petting her hair as she cried herself out.

The next weekend, Mike decided to take Cherry to the mall and get her more clothing. He knew that she was going to be living with him from now on, he just had a feeling. If she was going to be virtually his daughter, he needed to start taking that responsibility. The shopping started out fun as she wandered from store to store not quite believing that Mike was really going to buy her clothes.

As they wandered down the main way, Cherry saw a guy come from one of the stores. Her stomach clenched up and she felt sick. Hector. He glanced at her and saw it was Cherry. He immediately put a macho sneer on his face. Mike saw the look in Cherry's face, the fear, the loathing all mixed up. Mike followed her glance and knew that must be Hector, the hated Hector. Mike saw the sneer, the complete bravado of his walk and stance. It drove Mike crazy. He was overwhelmed with the desire to punch Hector. Only his utmost restraint kept him from running down the punk and battering him until he could never sneer again. His thoughts were quickly of Cherry, he didn't want to get Cherry involved since she was now recovering from so much in such a short time.

Cherry was unaware of all of this. She saw him, the evil one, and she strode towards him, Mike trailing but looking for a chance to avenge her.

Hector smiled. "Hey babe," he said.

"You creep," she hissed. "How can you 'hey babe' me?"

Mike saw a couple come from the same store and walking up behind Hector, concern on their face. He realized things are about to get ugly. His thoughts were how to protect Cherry.

Hector, still in his cool mode and unknowing of their approach, said, "You wanted it. I just gave you what you wanted."

Cherry, low and harshly, hissed back at him, "No woman wants to be raped, you piece of shit."

Hector started to raise his hand to slap Cherry. Mike felt the adrenaline rush and was prepared to leap between them and take the blow when a hand grabbed Hector's hand at the top of its arc. He spun around, looking to fight. A middle-aged man was holding his hand, the man's face red with anger. "What is happening, Hector? Why are you going to strike a woman?"

"Nothing, Pop," he said, breathing hard, trying to suppress his anger.

"What did you say, young lady?" the man asked Cherry.

She looked away, "Nothing."

"I thought I heard you say no woman wants to be raped." The woman who had been a few steps behind but had now caught up, gasped, then covered her mouth with her hand and looked at Hector.

Hector could see the accusation in the woman's eyes and said, "She's a puta's daughter. She asked for it."

Her hand lashed out striking him hard on the cheek leaving livid red marks. "No woman asks to be raped. You scum. My own son..." she turned away, her back to him.

The man looked at Mike and Cherry, the sorrow evident in his face. "I am sorry Miss. Is there anything I can do?"

"But Pop," Hector said.

Furious, the man turned on Hector, "You shut up, basura." Then fighting to regain his calm, he looked at Cherry, "Miss?"

"No," she said, the tears flowing.

The man grabbed Hector by the arm. "You, you come with me," he said leading Hector off.

The woman turned to Cherry, trying to stop her own tears. "Please, Miss, if I can do anything..."

Cherry smiled. "Seeing you slap his face, that's what I wanted to do, so thank you."

"You are welcome," she said. She nodded to Mike and Cherry, turned, and strode off, a hard purpose in her walk.

That night was hard for Mike, watching Cherry struggle with the stirred up emotions from the rape. He tried to act as naturally as possible, which was all he could think to do. In the morning, he was concerned, but Cherry seemed chipper. He didn't know she had spent the night thinking about what Vivian had told her, the future. She now had a future because of Mike. Vivian had been right, there was a future and she had to keep looking ahead. What had happened didn't matter as long as she kept looking ahead. Mike was surprised when Cherry hugged him fiercely before sitting down to breakfast. Nothing was said about Hector.

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CherryChapter 24

We got back home the day before school started again. I’d had so much fun over the school holidays and I wasn’t looking forward to going back. Also, I was so knackered that after checking that I had something to wear for school, I went to bed. The next morning Ben woke me in the best possible way and that sort of set me up ready to face what I was expecting to be a crap day starting year 10. The weather wasn’t too bad as I walked down the lane to the main road to catch the bus to school. I...

4 years ago
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CherryChapter 23

The next morning I woke up lying on my side with my back to Ben and his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. “I love it when you wake me like that Ben.” I said. “Ben wakes you like that as well does he? Tanya loves it too.” Ryan replied. “Oh sorry Ryan, I forgot that it was you that fucked me last night.” “That’s okay Cherry; Ben’s probably waking Tanya like that as well. If we stay quiet I may get the chance to wake Piper this way as well.” We slowly fucked until I’d cum then instead of...

2 years ago
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Cherry Slave Girls

It was about six months ago that our life changed, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at t Chapter 1 ? Sir Michael Winston?s Offer It was about six months ago that our life changed drastically, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at the textile plant that was owned by Sir Michael Winston. Our mother had departed from us 17 years ago after the birth of my younger twin sister Jamie. So we are now legally orphans. My...

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CherryChapter 3 I Meet my Uncle Ben

This last summer, my dad thought that it would be a good idea for me to go and spend the summer with his brother. Now I hadn’t seen the guy or his family since I was about 4 years old and couldn’t even remember what he looked like. Mum said that he was married and had a daughter just a little bit older than me and that it would be good for me to make friends with someone my age. So, very early one Saturday morning my dad took me to the bus station with me wearing only my school uniform and...

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CherryChapter 5 The Slut at the Manor House

That Saturday evening Ben drove me to the big manor house and told me which door to go to. He then told me that he would be back at exactly the same place at 9 o’clock in the morning. The door was opened by a butler called Henry who told me to follow him. He led me to a room where 3 other girls were, all a few years older than me and all in just knickers. One of them came over to me and said, “So, you’re the star of the evening little girl. It’s a long time since they’ve had a cherry to...

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CherryChapter 7 Benrsquos Friends Help Me Out

That Wednesday I decided to have a day improving my tan and waiting and hoping that the goodies that Ben had ordered would arrive. It was so quiet at the cottage on my own. I was inside getting a drink when the front door opened and the postman walked in. I’m not sure who got more of a shock. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. I normally just bring the post in and put it on the table. No letter box and everyone around here never lock their doors. I guess that you must be...

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CherryChapter 16

The Country Club My Sunday evenings there are proving quite lucrative and my bank balance is looking quite healthy. Ben says that it would take him 4 or 5 years to earn what I’ve got in the bank. He keeps telling me that I don’t know how lucky I am, getting paid huge amounts just to have some fun. Actually, I do know how lucky I am. I know that I won’t be able to have this much fun when I get old and fat. Anyway, there’s one man in particular who always calls me over and gets me to fuck...

2 years ago
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Cherry And The End Of A Bad Day

Cherry pulled into the garage and turned the car off. Anything and everything had gone wrong that day. She should have called in sick when she woke up with that headache. Her head ended up being the least of her problems as the day progressed. She sat for a few minutes, letting the day wash over her. She closed her eyes for, what she told herself, was just a few minutes. She breathed deep and the tears slowly began to flow. She let the tears come. Slow drops, one by one, trailed down her...

Straight Sex
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Cherry Manning My Ebony Goddess

Cherry was 5’7 always had her hair in a bun; with had smooth chocolaty complexion and a 36D breast size. Her arse was the size of a melon. However, I do not know what it was about her legs and feet, my eye would naturally fall there even with her other assets. She was beautiful in every way. Cherry and I grew up together we went to the same school and college; we were neighbours and good friends but never anything more. We were best friends and everybody knew I liked her. I am even sure she...

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Hi, I'm O2BeLISA. CHERRY is a sequel to THE VOLUNTEER. If you haven't read The Volunteer then none of the characters in this story will be recognizable and the story, by itself, won't make any sense. So please read the prequel first which is just how things in the world should be. CHERRY I, like, really truly love this section of town. Everyone says I have the best corner but it wasn't always the best one; it is now, sweetie, because it's...

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Cherry 2

Finally, we continue the story so you can find out what happens to our poor victim and what still lies ahead. All people mentioned in this story are above the age of eighteen. This story may not be your cup of tea dump it and get coffee. Thanks for the nice comments! As for the bad ones, everyone’s a critic. I just have a dirty mind that I want to share. Thank you Sarah for helping me with my mistakes,bad grammar and spelling. Reading the first story will bring you up to speed on how...

4 years ago
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Cherry 3

Cherry 3 My dream was so real. Big black cocks, thousands of them, dripping cum. I was surrounded by them, dressed as a woman with huge tits. Sucking them, fucking them, worshipping them! I was a slut for cock! Not just any cock, Big Black Cock! The revelation made my eyes snap open. The first thing I noticed was that I was no longer restrained. The second was my head was in some sort of hazy fog; it was difficult to form thoughts. The final thing I noticed was that I had company in the...

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CherryChapter 9 The Last 3 Weeks of My Holiday

I suppose that you could say that we settled into a routine, parts very exciting and other parts not quite so. Friday evenings The Friday night poker is one of highlight of the week for me. I get very tingly and wet, as the hours count down, just imagining the things that they could do to me. The guys seem to be spending less time playing cards and more time experimenting with tying me up, suspending me in different positions and trying out all my new toys on me. As soon as Mick and Lewis...

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Cherry Boy

It was midwinter during my Freshman year of college when I became aware that someone else besides my roommate found me sexually desirable. After my first encounter with Nathanial, many more followed, usually with us ending up in a sixty-nine on the bed. According to Nathanial, I was fast becoming a pro at fellatio. He continuously delighted in my lack of a gag reflex and used every opportunity to tell me so. I wasn’t sure if I was pleased with the praise or not, considering that up until this...

Gay Male
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Cherry Popping by loyalsock

Jeanine the virgin, looked up at Robert with apprehensive eyes . He smiled down at her with a barely concealed contempt that made her both revolt against him... and desire him. He told her , withou ceremony, to lie face down on the bed, with a pillow under her tits and her ass in the air. Jeanine did as instructed, her face pressed into the mattress, a pillow under her chest and her ass high and inviting.She presented a delightful view. Robert once agin marveled at his good fortune. Not only...

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CherryChapter 8 I Start Work

Ben had agreed with Allison that I’d help at her shop each Thursday and Friday for a couple of weeks to see how things went; so on the first Thursday that Ben was back at work he drove me into town on his way to work. It was too early for Allison’s lingerie shop to be open so Ben gave me some money and told me to go to McDonalds for a drink while I waited. There weren’t many people there and I easily managed to get a seat facing the window and had a bit of fun flashing the people passing by....

4 years ago
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Cherry Blossom Time In Washington

Cherry Blossom Time In Washington Each spring in Washington, DC there is a Cherry Blossom Festival. People from all over the country converge on Washington for ten or twelve days. The hotels and motels run about one to three hundred dollars a night depending on location. It’s the old story of supply and demand. My wife talked me into a hotel with an indoor swimming pool, a Jacuzzi in our room, and a view from the fourteenth floor overlooking the Potomac River. I told her that I had...

3 years ago
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***** Cherry, He was a mountain of a man. Standing six foot six, weighing in at 240 pounds of bones and muscles. Bones and muscles are not uncommon for a man, any man, but this Adonis was the alpha; wherever he went he commanded the room. His size intimidated me, so we didn't hang out much. Actually never. I think he was a model, bodybuilder or something like that. Paid ridiculous amounts of money to show off. Who really knew? I know he was making great money. It's almost a prerequisite on...

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Cherry Busting BrotherChapter 5

Cathy now found herself with a real and genuine problem on her hands. In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest date in the whole school year. When she was a virgin, Cathy had resigned herself to no prom, but this year she wanted to go. In the first place, she felt every bit as womanly as any of the other girls in school. She realized how much of a lover her brother was, when she compared him to Wayne....

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CherryChapter 17

My amazing first holiday abroad Sir John had told me that the only thing that I needed to take with me was my passport, but I talked to Ben about this as I wasn’t sure that he meant it literally. Did he mean that I should walk out of the door totally naked with my passport in my hand, or did he mean that I should be clothed and take a few basics with me. I told Ben that I thought that he meant that I should be clothed with a few basic but Ben said that if he said nothing but your...

1 year ago
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Cherry HuntersChapter 5 Ali

One afternoon Mohan and his best friend, Ali, were sitting under a tree and as usual talking about girls. "Mohan, a new adult movie 'Temple of Love' has been released today. Let us go and see it," Ali said. "They won't let us in," Mohan said. "We'll have no trouble getting in," Ali said, "I know the usherer. He will let us in for a few bucks." "Okay, let us go," Mohan said, "Do they show fucking in it?" "I don't know but somebody told me that they show a close up of a...

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Cherry HuntersChapter 6 Rita

"Rita, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Kiran said. "I have to meet 'The Group'. I'll see you later," Rita said. There were five members in 'The Group'. The twins Mary and Mark Johnson, Sushma (Sush), Bharat (Bha) and Sukhdev (Dev), children of 'nouveau riche' parents. They behaved like super brats. They were loud, flouted their wealth and talked about nothing but money, money and money. "Rita, don't get involved with these people. You are not in their class," Kiran...

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Cherry HuntersChapter 7The Group

One afternoon Kiran, Rita and chachu were resting after fucking. Chachu lay in the centre flanked by the two girls. Chachu had his fingers in their cunts while they played with his limp cock. Chachi, who was also naked, entered the room carrying a tray with freshly brewed tea and cookies. "Come on everybody tea and cookie time," she said placing the tray on the bedside table. Chachu and the girls pulled themselves to sitting position. When everyone had served themselves, chachi said,...

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Cherry Falls

The first two that were killed were a couple in the woods, at night - a horny young man, and a reluctant girl; he was found with his throat slit and his ears cut off. She was the second victim, and she died from a stab to her throat, and her chest. The killer tweeted that before she took her last dying breath, she asked him, "Why ears?" His answer was, "Because a head is way too hard to cut off with a knife!" The third was a blonde girl with big... eyes. She was killed in the school...

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Cherry Falls III CoEd Axe Murderer

That story was itself inspired by the Movie, "Cherry Falls": Movie plot: In the small town of Cherry Falls a psychotic murderer is killing off virgins of the local high school. Story Plot: Maya, the hero, tries to get devirginized, ends up committing incest with her brother Kevin, but then gets kidnapped by the bad guy, but it all turns out alright in the end and the bad guy is captured. While there never was a sequel movie, @tonybs wrote one...

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Cherry Popped

“So let me get this straight. You’re telling me this girl made you masturbate in front of her and rode your face like a fucking horse BEFORE you even got her name? And on top of that, you haven’t seen her since?!” Cris’s best friend, Erica, could barely contain her giddiness as she spoke, her cheeks were getting red from trying to hold back laughter. “Yes that’s what I’m saying to you. I cannot believe this shit.” It was the second Monday of November and  the two of them always met up for lunch...

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Cherry Hill Ch 07

Marsha Wilcox was sitting at home, watching the nothing that was on TV when she remembered that she had had a question for her son. He told her he would be over at the Allan house, but she didn’t want to call over and disturb the Doctor and his family, so she tried his cell phone. ‘Shit,’ she said quietly, hearing the ring tone sound off from his bedroom. ‘Well, I guess it won’t hurt to just ask him,’ she thought. She had to go to the grocery store anyway, and the Allan house was on the way....

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Cherry Goodhead Housewife Ch 02

Chapter 2: No Man Could Resist A couple weeks later I had a short business trip, for a few days. When I returned I gave my young wife a call while driving. She picked up and was excited to see me, saying that I was going to have a very good night. I asked her what she meant, but she was coy. ‘You’ll see, sir,’ she teased. ‘I have a few ideas I think you’d really enjoy. Did you cum while you were gone?’ I told her no, that I’d saved it for her. ‘Mmm, good. Maybe you can paint my face with it...

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Cherry Hill Ch 01

The subtle breeze of the early summer morning brought the scent of freshly mown grass through the screened windows of the O’Connor home. The sound of birds chirping in the early morning light mingled softly with the sounds of the neighborhood awakening from its contented slumber. The front door of the small white house opened and a man stepped through the door, bending to pick up the morning paper from the front step. His terry cloth robe parted slightly, clinging desperately to his waist by...

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