Human PhoenixChapter 19 free porn video

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August 25, 2007

Scott arrived at the law office bright and early Saturday morning. He'd slung a travel bag over his shoulder in lieu of his normal backpack. He didn't know what Honour told the judge, but he had blanket permission to travel with her. When he mentioned to Mr. Piotrowski that he was going to Dallas, he didn't even bat an eye. Scott had the feeling that the fix was in.

"Why did you bring the bag?" Honour asked when she saw him.

"You told me to?"

"Oh, well you don't need it now. Is that what you're wearing?"


"Show me what you have stashed in your office closet."

Honour flipped through the three or four hangers he had. She grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants and held it up to him. "These will do. Go change."

She eyed him critically when he emerged from the bathroom, "Those boots are a little rough, but it's a look."

"I didn't know I was supposed to dress up."

Honour gave him a look. She was wearing her battle clothes; a tight skirt, long enough to be respectable, but short enough to catch your eye, an intriguing blouse covered by a jacket, and a pair of power heels.

"It's okay. We're interviewing them, not the other way around. Still, you want to look nice. Your youth allows you to get away with a lot. Ready?"

"If you say I am."

"See," she grinned, "you're learning."

Honour drove straight to the Fort Stockton Airport where they boarded a small twin turboprop and were soon airborne.

"Isn't this expensive?" he asked. They were the only two aboard aside from the pilots. They had privacy to talk since the pilots were wearing headphones, and were busy with the business of flying.

"Not as much as you might think. We got this charter for well under two grand an hour, and Dallas is a fairly short hop away. We'd pay a little more for a small jet. It will save us a ton of time, so it's more than worth it. Besides, you can afford it. Trust me."

"I do."

"Any more questions?" she asked.

"Only about a million," Scott replied.

Honour laughed. "What's the first one?"

"What does a private banker do, and why do I need one?"

"I guess I haven't explained this very well have I?" Honour said. "A private banker deals with individual clients on a one on one basis, it's very personal. It's how the wealthy do business, and it's how they hang onto their money, in theory at least. You don't need business services, what we're after is the investment and asset management side of things. You'll have access to a lot of benefits with a private banker, better interest rates, more investment opportunities, financial advice, tax planning, and so on."

"So how do we pick one of these private bankers?"

"The banker needs to be somebody you can communicate with and trust. Are they trying to sell you a load of bullshit, or are they being honest with you? That's something that can be difficult to determine. It's why we're going to have these meetings so you see them up close. The people we're going to meet are supposed to be at the top of the game."

"So are we going to drive around to different banks?"

Honour explained, "A bank isn't just a place with a drive through and some tellers. These people never handle cash, or see a vault. The places we're going will look like business offices. Remember to follow my lead, but if you have a question ask. They're going to be your banker after all."

Scott sat back and mulled over what Honour had been telling him. He couldn't really draw any conclusions; he'd play it by ear.

At the Dallas airport their airplane was met by a car and they were whisked straight to the business district. Honour cautioned him against saying anything in front of the driver that he wouldn't want repeated to other ears. They were shown into a waiting room of a large office on the twentieth floor of a glass faced building. The banker's administrative assistant invited them to sit down. Scott couldn't get comfortable on the oddly shaped couch. There were a slew of magazines he'd never seen before so he started browsing.

Honour kept checking her watch. She grew more agitated the longer they sat there.

"Honour, what does a bidet actually do?"

She squinted at him, "Didn't you take French last year?"

"Yeah, but I've never actually seen one. Look at this." He held up the magazine he had been reading.

"You are going to have to figure it out on your own, or better yet, look it up on the internet with your phone."

"My phone doesn't do internet."

Honour glared at him.

"Let me guess, I can afford it now?"

"Got it in one," she said.

He found an equestrian magazine that would have made Mrs. Rewcastle purple with envy. According to one article there was a couple somewhere in the Dallas area that had a horse barn nicer than any house he'd ever seen.

Honour continued to fidget before she stood up, "Come on. We're leaving."


"We've been waiting here for almost thirty minutes. It's unacceptable."

Scott had to hurry to keep up with her as she marched toward the elevator bank. The administrative assistant scurried over.

"I'm sure he won't be detained much longer," the assistant pleaded.

"We're taking our business elsewhere."

"Would you care to reschedule?" she simpered.

"You have got to be joking," Honour said as the elevator dinged. She pulled Scott into the elevator.


She held up a finger, "If you were interviewing somebody for a job, would you wait thirty minutes for them to show up after their scheduled appointment?"


"Well then."

How did she move so fast dressed like that? He had a brief image of a group of women in tight skirts and high heels having a race using the quick little shuffle they all seemed to use, but never getting very far.

In the car Honour told the driver to take them to another building and gave him the address. She got on her phone to see if they could get an earlier meeting than had previously been scheduled. She was pleased with the answer.

The new building could have been a clone of the other one. They had barely been seated before they were escorted into the private banker's inner sanctum. The office had corner windows and offered an impressive view of downtown Dallas. The banker was nothing like Scott had imagined. He was young and wore a slick suit. His smile was full of brilliantly white teeth. The man eyed Honour hungrily, and launched into a fast paced presentation.

A warning light went off in Scott's head. He focused on the man's movements and watched his eyes closely.

"How big an account might we be talking about?" the banker inquired.

"Somewhere in the seven figure range," Honour replied.

Scott started at Honour's mistake, but she was concentrating on the banker. He realized that instead of watching him, she was listening carefully to every word. Was that her training as a lawyer, he wondered? The words were more important than the presentation? He'd have to think about that. It was clear she wasn't seeing what he did.

The banker offered them drinks and asked to be excused momentarily.

"What do you think?" Honour whispered.

"We can leave any time."

"Why?" Honour asked.

"Focus on his face when he gets back," Scott whispered.

Honour was puzzled, but she sat up in her chair and waited for the banker to return. He wasn't gone long, but was full of apologies at the interruption. The banker continued his spiel. He used buzz words and terminology that Scott was having trouble following. Honour was watching the banker's every move. She started to frown.

"Shit!" Honour exclaimed. She stood up, grabbed her purse, and Scott's arm, and started to stalk out of the office.

The banker was completely confused. He followed them asking what was wrong. Heads turned in the outer office area.

Honour rounded on the banker and put a finger right in his chest, "Wipe the coke from your nose. We won't be doing business with you. Go to rehab and get straightened out because your conduct is inexcusable. Nobody wants a banker who can't even manage his own life."

The banker was covered with a sheen of sweat. He protested his innocence, but Scott saw that the banker's administrative assistant knew the score. Everybody else was gawking at the spectacle, but she was trying to look anywhere but at her boss.

Honour didn't say a word in the elevator. If she had been a cartoon, steam would have been coming out of her ears. In the parking garage, as they were waiting for their car to arrive, she asked him how he knew.

"Substance abuse seminar at the sheriff's department," he replied.

She accepted the answer, "What did you spot first?"

"He kept grinding his jaw, and the way he rubbed his nose. Did you notice how he seemed to be operating at a different speed than the rest of us? It all added up, particularly after that little break."

"Well, I apologize," Honour said. "It looks like Dallas was a bust."

"Wasn't your fault, Honour."

"Is there anything you want to do while we're here?"

"Lunch?" Scott asked as their car arrived and the driver opened the door for Honour.

"Yes, let's do lunch. And since Joseph isn't here, let's have something spicy."

She leaned over the front seat and asked the driver if he knew a good Thai or authentic Indian restaurant.

"I know just the place," he said.

"Excellent," Honour said, smiling for the first time in hours.

They had a great lunch. Thai food was hot, and he loved it. If Scott has been allowed to breath into the plane's fuel tank, they could probably have picked up another 50mph in airspeed on the way home. After they landed back in Fort Stockton, Honour promised that Houston would be a different story. The trip was a week away so Scott wasn't going to worry about it.

Monday, August 27th, 2007

For Scott, the school semester started by catching the bus at Meritt's corner. The only kids riding this year were from Broken Creek. It didn't bode well for the future of the rural bus service. The first thing he did upon arriving at school was to go by the front office. He needed a pass to leave school grounds for his concurrent enrollment class. He saw Principal Reynolds only briefly. The principal thumped him on the shoulder and shouted, "Great job on those summer classes," as he hurried down the hallway toward the gymnasium.

Scott hadn't looked closely at his high school schedule, so he did some quick route planning in his head locating all of his classes and where he'd have to be when. He made a side trip to find his locker and make sure the combination worked.

He walked to the technical training center for his morning college class. There were more people around the campus than during the summer months. As a multi-use facility, it was packed with a wide variety of working men and women taking classes at the training center in addition to the college extension campus students. He realized about five minutes into the professor's lecture that English Composition was not going to be his favorite class. It wasn't really a lecture; it was more like a highlights reel of the professor's life. If his students were lucky they might learn something from him, or so the professor claimed. Scott endeavored to keep his mouth shut and do the work.

It was a short walk back to the high school after the class wrapped up. He spent some time in the library reading about economics, and basic business fundamentals. The lunch bell rang so he headed for the cafeteria. He looked around but didn't see any of his old crew. He took a chance on the baked chicken offering and stood around holding his tray until he spotted Rene. She scooted over and made a spot for him. He squeezed in and sat down. The chicken was passable.

"So, how've you been?" Rene asked.

"Busy," he replied as he took a final bite of the chicken.

"I figured."

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"You've seem to have forgotten something," she said.

Scott put his fork down and pushed his tray back. He tried to figure out what she was referring to. "Well, you've got me, what have I forgotten?"

Rene hummed and tossed her head from side to side.

"Not helping, " he said.

She tapped her shirt.

He stared at her chest. There had been some improvements in the area, but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why she was drawing his attention to the fact.

"Up here wise guy," she said tapping the area above what would have been her breast pocket.

His brain was so busy running through the possibilities that he didn't find the obvious.

"It starts with 'Fort Stockton Cross Country' like the shirt says and ends with 'Coach Zell is pissed.' Hello, smart guy. Are you in there?"

Oh crap! He'd totally blown off the preseason cross country team meeting.

"We have our first meet Saturday," she added.

Scott banged his head on the table top a couple of times. It didn't help. "I'm going to be in Houston on Saturday," he told her.

"Not if you want to be on the cross country team," she replied.

Scott shook his head.

"Ohhhh, well who the heck am I going to run with?"

"I don't know," Scott replied. "I've still got final period athletics on my schedule. I guess all I can do is throw myself on coach's mercy. How pissed was he?"

"Very," she replied. "What are you going to be doing in Houston anyway?"

"Personal stuff."

"Stuff? You're usually more eloquent than that," Rene said.

"Eloquent? That's a big word for the first day of school."

"Hey, I've got to catch up with you geniuses. You guys all took advanced placement classes last year. Now you're taking college classes. I've got to pick up my end of things."

Coach Zell was disappointed, but not terribly angry when Scott managed to sit down with him and discuss cross country. He wasn't going to be on the cross country team this year. He was going to miss too much of the season, and he'd already missed several mandatory meetings.

"Maybe next year," Coach Zell said.

Scott sighed, "Coach, I'm doing concurrent enrollment. I'm afraid my schedule is only going to get worse. I think this means I'm finished with Fort Stockton athletics."

Coach nodded, "I'm glad you're pursuing your academic goals, but I'm sorry to lose you as a runner. Don't let that stop you from working out. It's a good way to keep things balanced, healthy body, healthy mind and all that."

"Thanks, Coach."

"If you want to talk, you know where to find me."

It was midweek before Scott managed to meet up with Bo and Ed in the hallway at school. It was weird not to have any classes with at least one of his friends. They decided they'd try to at meet at the same spot at least a few times each week.

"Have you guys seen Lacey around?" Scott asked.

"I have," Ed replied. "She's in my American Lit class but we don't talk. She's in our lunch period too, but she's been sitting with some band people."

"She's playing the piccolo this year," Bo explained.

"She's in marching band?" Scott asked.

"You didn't know?"

"No, add it to the list," Scott said. "This sucks, we're not even in the same lunch period."

The warning bell rang for their next class.

"Listen, if I don't see you guys before the weekend I'll see you next week," Scott yelled as he headed to class.

When he returned to Broken Creek after school, Mrs. Delgado was beyond pleased when he asked her to help him pick out some dress clothes and shoes. They made a mad dash into town and he ended up with three new collared shirts, a couple of pairs of slacks, and two pairs of dress shoes. According to her latest measurements he was five feet, ten inches tall, and had grown an additional inch around the neck.

Scott had Mrs. Delgado drop him at Mr. Piotrowski's after their shopping trip. She didn't question why he was storing his new purchases there. When Scott showed Mr. Piotrowski his new clothes, he excused himself and returned from the bedroom closet with a hanger full of ties.

"Verna used to buy ties for my birthdays and for Christmas, mostly as a joke. Most of these are too out of fashion, but I think there's a few here that might work for you."

They held ties up against his new shirts and tried to figure out if they matched. He ended up with a handful of ties in basic colors, a Christmas tie featuring dancing snowmen, and a black tie because, "you should always have one."

Saturday's trip to Houston went smoothly. There was no drama like there had been in Dallas. They actually met three different bankers. One didn't act like he was particularly eager for their business. The other two seemed competent, but Honour said that she couldn't find a reason to recommend one over the other.

"Do you like either of them?" she asked later.

"I didn't dislike either of them personally," he replied. "I'm not much of a gambler though, and I got the feeling that they were."

"That's pretty much how I feel, and that's not good enough. It's time for plan B."

"I'm afraid to ask," Scott said.

"Funny. Plan B is to tap into the old boys' network," Honour explained. "So keep next Saturday open and we'll see what happens."

The start of the second week of school was a little better than the first. Six students had already dropped the English Composition class, but Scott knew he had to stick it out. He felt lonely going from class to class at the high school. School hadn't been that way for since he'd first become friends with Ed and Bo. He hadn't even managed to catch a glimpse of Lacey, and that was saying something in such a small school.

By midweek Scott was ready for a break, he got one when Mr. Piotrowski handed him an envelope the minute he walked in the door Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Piotrowski stood up stiffly, "That's for you, and two other things before I forget; call Honour, and call Elijah."

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, but my knees have been giving me grief ever since I stood around at the dig site."

"Maybe you should go see the doctor?"

"I'm seventy-eight years old," Mr. Piotrowski said with a smile. "My parts aren't getting any younger. I plan to take it easy and stay off my feet. I'll tell you what it is. We're going to have a cold winter. I can feel it in my bones. Now open your envelope."

"It's from the University of Chicago," Scott said as he tore it open. "With an itemized list of the expenses I claimed, and a check for twelve hundred dollars. How about that!"

"I was pleasantly surprised," Mr. Piotrowski said. "I thought we might not see any money out of them for months."

"You got a check too?"

He patted his shirt pocket, "I did indeed."

"What do we do now?"

"You have some phone calls to make," Mr. Piotrowski said.

Scott called the judge who insisted that they have their quarterly lunch soon.

"How about I come by the courthouse one day during the week?" Scott suggested. "I've got morning class at the extension college. The only reason I'm eating lunch at the school is because it's convenient."

The judge checked his calendar, "How about Wednesday the 12th?"

"Yes, sir. That would be perfect."

The call to Honour was even quicker. She told him they were on for Saturday.

Thursday morning, Scott rode the Yamaha into town with the intention of running errands after school. English Composition class changed his mind. He needed to clear his head instead. He enjoyed getting on his bike and riding away from school in the middle of the day. He remembered what Honour said about a new phone so he headed over to the electronics store.

He was shocked at what he found. Lewis Heating and Air was closed and the lights were off. There was a paper note taped to the front door. It said they had closed for good, and directed customers to a rival business across town. The Lewis Interiors store was closed as well, but had a big 'Under New Management' banner.

Scott went into the electronics store.

"When did all of that happen?" he asked pointing next door.

"Buy something or get out," was the quick reply from the owner.

"You've taken a customer relations class since the last time I was in."

"Screw you," the man muttered.

"I wanted to upgrade my phone, mostly to get internet, what can you suggest?"

"Order one of those new iPhones online, or get one in Midland."

Scott waited for the man to say something else, but the eccentric store owner turned back to what he'd been working on when Scott walked in.

"Thanks for the information, I guess," Scott said. It didn't hurt to be polite, "Have a nice day."

"Fuck off," the man said in parting.

Scott started laughing as soon as he hit the parking lot. That crazy guy was still in business, and the Lewises were gone.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

He didn't know if he was more surprised to find that Honour had cleaned out the interior of her car, or that she headed north out of town instead of driving to the airport.

"We have a meeting in Midland," she explained.

Scott settled in for the drive. He was about ready to close his eyes for a short nap when Honour decided that she wanted to talk.

"How's school?" she asked.

"It's okay," Scott replied, trying to stifle a yawn. "I spend the first part of my day over at the extension campus, but I only have one class and the professor isn't going to win any educator of the year awards. Then I spend my afternoons at the high school. The classes are okay, but it's odd going from the college atmosphere back to high school rules and assigned seating."

"How are things with the girlfriend?" she asked.


Honour smiled and shook her head.

"Who are we going to see in Midland?" he asked.

"I called an old friend earlier this week," Honour began to explain. "He's a judge I clerked for out of law school. He's retired and living near Austin now. I guess you could say he was my mentor. I gave him a hypothetical about a financial situation and he got me an introduction to a power player in Midland."

Scott had long ago figured out that part of being a lawyer was the ability to answer a question without actually answering, and Honour was clearly a great lawyer.

"Have you told any of your friends about the money?" Honour asked.

"I haven't told anybody," he said. "Why do you ask?"

"You need to be careful," she answered.

"Go on."

"Money makes people do crazy things. When I was a freshman in college I had a roommate. She came from a really wealthy family and she liked to drink a lot. She always used to say that when people found out she had money they would kiss her ass, and when they found out that she had a lot of money they would kiss both cheeks."

"So what happened to her?"

"She transferred to another school and I never saw her again."

Scott squeezed the bridge of his nose and tried to figure out where the conversation was going.

Honour continued, "What I'm trying to say is that you need to be careful with what you tell people. Money will make friends act differently. Strangers will want to be your friend, but for all the wrong reasons. And women, women will want all kinds of things from you."

The car was silent while each thought about what they wanted to say. They stuck to small talk all the rest of the way to Midland.

Honour parked on the street in front of a stately building that looked like it belonged to an earlier time. It was five stories tall, dressed in stone with grand windows, and detailed tile work topping the doors and the roofline. There were few people around since it was early Saturday morning. Scott and Honour's footsteps echoed as they walked into the ornate lobby.

They were shown to an office on the top floor. It was spacious, but warmly appointed. There were several different seating areas. Wood paneling and leather chairs were prominent. One wall was dominated by a large oil-on-canvas painting depicting a cowboy sitting astride a horse. The cowboy was casually holding a rifle while he surveyed a distant herd of buffalo.

The man they were there to meet walked into the room. His eyes quickly assessed his guests. He had streaks of silver in his hair, but Scott had trouble pinning down his age. He was dressed casually and wore a pair of boots.

"I'm Everett Wahl. You were able to find us without trouble?"

"I'm Honour Black, and this is my client, Scott MacIntyre. The directions were very clear, thank you."

"Why don't we have a seat?" the man asked as he steered them toward his desk. "Comfortable?"

"Yes, thank you," Honour said as she set her portfolio on her knee.

Mr. Wahl scratched an ear and looked closely at them. "I'll admit I'm intrigued. When an old friend of the firm calls and suggests that we take a meeting, people listen. Particularly when this friend is not prone to asking for favors."

Honour smiled politely.

"You are in need of financial guidance, and I take it that you have explored other options?"

Honour explained, in general terms, their visits to Dallas and Houston and how she had not been satisfied with any of the meetings.

"What kind of numbers are we talking about?" Mr. Wahl inquired.

"Let's say it's a seven figure conversation," Honour replied.

Mr. Wahl tapped a finger against his desk absently. He turned and looked at Scott, "What do you know about Midland?"

Scott glanced at Honour before he replied, "It's a town built on oil."

"Yes, oil. Boom and bust, that describes Midland wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, sir."

"The people you've visited represent specialty service groups working within large banking firms like JP Morgan or Bank of America, and so forth. They're fine institutions with far reaching resources. You could do very well by them."

There was silence as the moment stretched out.

"I found them lacking," Honour said.

"You found them lacking," Mr. Wahl echoed. "You know what sets our group apart? Boom or bust, we have endured for over a hundred years. We do not accept walk in clients, and we are not going to double your money in six months."

"What is the name of your company?" Scott asked. "It's not on the building."

Mr. Wahl's eyes gleamed, "That's by design. We're called the Western Group. At our founding there was an Eastern Group, and a Southern Group. One has long since been absorbed by a conglomerate, and the other ceased to exist when certain governments turned unfriendly in the southern hemisphere. You won't find our name in the trade papers. We pride ourselves on our discretion and our service to our clients."

"How many clients do you have?"

Mr. Wahl considered him for a moment, "I personally represent sixteen clients. I intended to interview you, but now you are interviewing me and we've veered into confidential territory. I think if we are to continue, we should put our cards on the table."

"Would you accept me as a client?"

Mr. Wahl's mouth twitched while he tried to suppress a smile. "As a favor to our mutual friend, I think the firm could be persuaded to take your account on."

Honour looked at Scott and raised an eyebrow, "What do you think?"

Scott thought it over. He liked what he had seen and heard. He closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated. He opened his eyes, "What do you think the cowboy is thinking?"

Honour looked confused while Mr. Wahl smiled and started to chuckle. He sat up in his chair.

"Everybody seems to have an opinion. I've changed my own mind over the years."

Honour turned to look at the painting.

Mr. Wahl folded his hands, "When I was younger I thought he was a hunter, but I discovered that's not how buffalo hunters dressed. For many years I told people I thought he was protecting the herd."

"And now?" Scott asked.

"Now I think he's sad because he knows what will happen to the buffalo. What do you think it means?"

Scott chewed on his lip, "I think he's on a journey and he stumbled across the buffalo, but doesn't know what do."

"Interesting," Mr. Wahl commented.

Scott looked at Honour and nodded.

"Are you sure?" she asked.


Honour took out several different folders. She handed two of the largest to Mr. Wahl.

Mr. Wahl took a pair of reading glasses from his desk drawer and put them on. He turned his desk lamp on and opened the folders. He looked at Honour and returned to the documents. He flipped through the pages and took out a pad from his desk drawer. He made several notes.

"This is considerably larger than seven figures," he said looking at Honour. "And do you know when this document was signed?" he said looking at Scott.

"Approximately, yes."

"Do you understand that your lawyer has had total control over these assets? She could have transferred them and you wouldn't have been able to do a thing to stop her."

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Human Toilet at the Club Pt 1

“Finishing high school should make me want to celebrate, but I feel like shit,” I thought to myself. My girlfriend Lauren had broken up with me. She was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school. I was so madly in love with her, but she thought I was a loser. She only liked me because I was one of the first kids to get a car. I would drive her and her girlfriends around, and they would pretend to be nice to me. After dropping them off at club events, I would hear them laughing...

4 years ago
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Human Mexican Donkey Part1

I went to the Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins for my summer vacation. The Mayan’s Indians are very poor and work very hard for there money. They live in mud huts with dirt floors and thatch roofs. They are very short people who are know for carrying large heavy objects on there heads, and walking many miles with there cargo. Because they use there heads to carry heavy objects, they have a very strong neck and back, to be able to withstand the pressure put on them while walking many hours to...

2 years ago
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Human Mexican Donkey Part1

I went to the Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins for my summer vacation. The Mayan’s Indians are very poor and work very hard for there money. They live in mud huts with dirt floors and thatch roofs. They are very short people who are know for carrying large heavy objects on there heads, and walkingmany miles with there cargo. Because they use there heads to carry heavyobjects, they have a very strong neck and back, to be able to withstand the pressure put on them while walking many hours to...

2 years ago
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Human Furniture Company

Human Furniture CompanyBy SarahPrologue:        In the early 21st century, human populations across the globe suffered a major financial meltdown, followed by a massive terrorist attack.  The insidious attack, however, targeted the reproduction rates of the world’s women.  50 years after the attack, women around the world began to see the results of the genetic bomb that the terrorists had delivered.  Women began giving birth to multiple girls at a time, while males being born remained...

4 years ago
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Human Mattress

HUMAN MATTRESSBy Hungry Guy ([email protected])    Doug got out of his last class at 3:30 Friday afternoon.  After dropping his books on his bed in his dorm room, he went down the hall to watch TV in the corner lounge.      Bob, Cindy, Diane, Carl, Debbie, Linda, and Ron were sitting around the coffee table passing a joint around.      "Hey Doug," Ron called.  "Want a hit?"    "Sure," said Doug as he plopped down on one of the institutional-decor dorm sofas.     "We're having a...

2 years ago
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Human Sexuality 201 Cindi

Cindi's Night at the Ball Game My name's Cindi. Yes. With an I! Ms. Thompson required that I write out my experience from my date last Friday. First, I'm the one that jumped up in dismay when Ms. Thompson required that we all go nude for the entire weekend. I had a date with a guy that I really liked. It was the first time I had gone out with him and he wasn't a student, so he didn't really know what was going on here. I'd met him at work. I work part time as an accounting intern for...

4 years ago
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Humanitarian famine assistance

Humanitarian famine assistanceAuthor:  RotnebSynopsis: Kathy's participation in a demonstration in favour of famine is fatal to her, because politicians are too slow to allocate enough relief.The story is only fantasyTo prepare a necessary charity demonstration- ... I will finish my talk on the gruesome hunger problems in Africa, due to several unfortunate circumstances in connection with wars and climate. A whole world is starving. People lack first of all food. Political negotiations are...

2 years ago
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Human Contact 1

Brynn nearly jumped. He hadn't heard the man approach. "Mind if I sit with ya? Have a little company?" Not waiting for a reply, the man sat. The next moment was silent except for a passing car. "Used to be the old Collinwood library, this building here,” he commented. "Sittin' on the original cement. Now it's---what?---BattleLines?" The man's head turned toward advertisements in the windows. "'Challenge your skills! Play others! Private booths. Ten dollars for a half...

3 years ago
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Human Contact 1

Brynn was a loner but not by choice. When opportunity for relationship comes, will he overcome himself and give what it takes to make it work?--------------------------------------------------"Alone again?"Brynn nearly jumped. He hadn't heard the man approach."Mind if I sit with ya? Have a little company?" Not waiting for a reply, the man sat. The next moment was silent except for a passing car."Used to be the old Collinwood library, this building here,” he commented. "Sittin' on the original...

2 years ago
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Human Toilet Fantasy

In this fantasy, I find out about a local BDSM community and that they meet on Friday night at a private club In this fantasy, I find out about a local BDSM community and that they meet on Friday night at a private club.? I decide that I am going to crash their party and see what I can find out.? When I go to the door, it is unlocked, and I am easily able to walk in.? There is a bar on the opposite end of the room and at least 50 people there.? I stroll through the room with confidence,...

3 years ago
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Human Mattress

Doug got out of his last class at 3:30 Friday afternoon. After dropping his books on his bed in his dorm room, he went down the hall to watch TV in the corner lounge. Bob, Cindy, Diane, Carl, Debbie, Linda, and Ron were sitting around the coffee table passing a joint around. "Hey Doug," Ron called. "Want a hit?" "Sure," said Doug as he plopped down on one of the institutional-decor dorm sofas. "We're having a philosophical debate," said Bob as Ron handed the joint to...

2 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 17

July 12, 2007, the Staging Area A group of deputies helped lift Scott's motorcycle into the back of the sheriff's truck. The boys were bundled into the back seat and the convoy of vehicles started to roll. A deputy stayed behind to control access to the property. Emergency lights hidden behind the grills of the privately owned vehicles flickered in the glass of the sheriff's truck as the convoy sped down the road. Scott sat quietly while Bo stared out the window. Sheriff King used the...

4 years ago
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Human ManChapter 35

Sunlight streamed into the bedroom. Scott woke from a warm, foggy dream. He stiffened at the presence of another body in the bed, but memories of the night came flooding back and he relaxed. Janie was on her stomach, sleeping. He pressed his lips to her shoulder and rolled out of bed. She groaned, "No ... come back." "Sun's up and so am I." Janie covered her head with a pillow. "I'm going to work out, you can sleep in." The only response was a muffled, "Barbarian." Scott...

4 years ago
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Human ManChapter 39

He'd fallen asleep on the couch again. Jobe was licking his face. "Okay, okay! I'm awake," Scott laughed pushing the dog away. He stopped. He was in the old garage apartment. Surrounding him was the right furniture, the stereo, the rug exactly as he remembered. He dropped his hand to Jobe's head. The big shepherd licked his hand. Jobe was real, the couch he was sitting on was real, but the flat screen TV hung suspended in midair. Where there should have been walls and a ceiling was...

3 years ago
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Humanity vs DHumanity

The year was 2013, the world had suddenly fell back to the dark ages. The ages of war, death, famine and destruction reigned supreme. The dead have suddenly risen from their burial ground and has brought upon a deadly maelstrom of attacks on humanity... How did this began? No one really knows. Acce-core tech, the world's leading pharmaceutical company in developing the said 'cure' for cancer has been bashed by the government about the situation. This was just a theory. The military had been...

4 years ago
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Humanitys Sexiest

I walked through the outside wall for the first day in weeks. Even with the blood, gore and danger, I still missed it out here. Up ahead, were the newbies. They were lined up, staring as Levi gave his speech. ‘Furthermore, never disobey orders from any of the higher ranking officials. You do what we say and you won’t end up dead… maybe.’ I smirked at this. Levi was always so bossy. ‘We’re in charge of you little shits until a new shipment of shits make it outside the wall. That is, if the...

3 years ago
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Hello, for those of you wondering why the first chapter isn't already diving into the story, it is for the reason as a type of hub for everything I will post and/or edit. Do not fret, I will try and make weekly updates if I can, though I will not take longer than an entire year, just remember I still have a life besides writing smut and similar things. I am currently writing a book so don't expect me to update this regularly. ~Virtual —Introduction— You walk in the shoes of Icarus Knight, a...

2 years ago
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Humanitys Last Hope

This story will include a large amount of incest fantasy stuff, and over time I'm sure a ton of other content. Just giving people a heads up. I realize that this has a very small amount of content currently completed, but I wanted to publish it to see if it's something I should continue or not. This is the first time I've ever attempted to write any kind of story in my life as well as the first time I've ever used Chyoa, so I know I have a huge amount to learn and improve on, but I wanted to...

3 years ago
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TheHumanoidTyphoonhmmm... i imagine a logging road way back in the sticks, just after a heavy rain storm, there's a bunch of big mud puddles.. I'm standing next to one. you're down on your knees in the mud at the edge, naked except for your panthose, your legs covered with mud.i reach down and begin to smear mud all over your ass, giving it a playful spank. you try to crawl away, but slip in the mud. i pull you back towards me as you continue to try and squirm away. i tear a hole in your...

2 years ago
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Like fucked up porn? Well, here's Inhumanity dot com. With a name like that, you know this isn’t going to be your run of the mill, vanilla porn site. It won’t be anything like finding your old man’s spank mags under the bed. This is going to be some truly hardcore, brutal shit, guaranteed. Two seconds after I learned the name of the site, I found out they were a sister site of eFukt. Inhumanity’s slogan is Come For the Tits, Stay for the Train Wreck, so I know this is going to be a fun...

Funny Porn Sites
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Are you looking to meet people and have some sexy fun with them? Well, you’re not going to do it from your man cave. That is unless you’re on the website which specializes in just that. You’ll meet plenty of people with similar interests as you and you can start meeting up with them and making some new memories right now! In the end, you’ll have to go outside, but before you do that why not take a minute to utilize the wonders of modern technology in order to find yourself the...

Escort Sites
5 years ago
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Superhuman Its Not My Time

Hi, there. How are you? My name is James Guillaume. I’m a six-foot-one, fairly good-looking young black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’m twenty years old and I was born under the sign of the Aquarius. Which pretty much makes me an inquisitive and open-minded person by nature. Lucky me. Because life has been throwing me all kinds of challenges lately. I’ve done my best to meet them. It comes with being what I am. What am I? One of those beings whom modern-day humans refuse...

2 years ago
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Human Toilet at the Club Pt 03

***** Chapter 6 I couldn't think straight. The dildo in my ass was stretching me out. My ass burned from its size, holding me open and filling me. But, what was worse than the dildo was my sister's shit. It had taken over my senses. It's all I could smell, taste, feel, and think about. I spent the next 10 minutes trying to hold the turd down. If I threw it up, I would have to swallow it down again—or otherwise drown. As much as drowning had its appeal, a small part of me liked what was...

2 years ago
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Human Contact 2

It was surprising how quickly it had come about. They had returned from Easton City and Gilbert had parked behind BattleLines VideoChallenge, as usual. What was not usual was that Brynn eventually found his smaller hand under the man’s bigger one and the older man masturbating himself to orgasm. Brynn had neither permitted nor protested the act. He didn’t understand his acquiescence, but as he began sorting through things, it seemed: He wanted to be with the man,...

4 years ago
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Human Contact 2

A young misfit boy learns that his path to fitting in with a new friend is to give the man the oral attention that he needs.------------------------------------------- Brynn awoke with dizzying thoughts and questions. The night before had been unexpected and he wasn’t sure what to think. He loved his times with Gilbert but now felt despair that the older man might have changed his mind.It was surprising how quickly it had come about. They had returned from Easton City and Gilbert had parked...

3 years ago
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Human Resources

“Ee lass come in and sit down tell thee Uncle Eric all about it,” Eric Ollerenshaw mithered to some stuck up bitch from t’office on third floor. Eric were CEO and in charge of Human Recourses at Ollerenshaw’s Mill. Elanore shuffled awkwardly into the room and sat opposite Eric. “It’s Dan, the lad who I work with, he put his hand up my skirt,” she announced. “Grabbed thee pussy did he?” Eric enquired, “Inside the pants or outside?” “No just touched me.” she said. “You sure it weren’t...

5 years ago
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Human Waste

I've gotta tell you - I don't get mind control, I really don't. I mean, all these stories are all pretty silly wish- fufillment, reflecting most people's desperate pathtic fantasies to dominate others in the only safe non threatening enviorment, that they have, namely - their imaginations! (laughter) Now I'm not picking on you poor clods (male and female) who read this garbage and actually are sad anough to get aroused by it, really I'm not. Unless the above paragraph describes you to a...

3 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 3

Eight years later, Fort Stockton Middle School At the back of the classroom Scott held a book open on his desk. The student seated at the head of his row was reading aloud. This was supposed to be Advanced English with Mr. Hunt. The substitute teacher filling in for him apparently thought that reading aloud was a skill of great importance. Having English right after lunch was bad enough, but this was bordering on cruel and inhuman. The revolt started when the student right in front of Scott...

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Human PhoenixChapter 8

Monday, August 14, 2006 Mr. Piotrowski had found a nice office set at an estate sale, and had arranged to have it delivered. The two brothers who delivered the furniture had a good deal going. Call them from anywhere in the county and they'd show up with a truck and move your stuff. The laptop looked a little lonely on the desk all by itself. Scott had convinced Mr. Piotrowski that he'd be better off with an external mouse instead of trying to manipulate the touch pad. His fingers were a...

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Human PhoenixChapter 11

Friday, January 19, 2007 Mr. Piotrowski hung up the phone, and asked Scott if he wanted to go to Chicago with him. "Chicago?" Scott asked. "That was the folks at the Field Museum. We've been invited to the opening of their new netsuke exhibit. I think it's an excuse to have a party, but they're calling it a fund raiser. They're going to cover our air fare and hotel expenses," explained Mr. Piotrowski. "That's cool! Uh, when is it?" Mr. Piotrowski made a note on the calendar...

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Human PhoenixChapter 15

April 2007 The aftermath of the incident in the biology lab was short-lived. Principal Reynolds put an end to the wild rumors going around during a special school assembly Wednesday morning. Nobody had been killed or maimed, but one student had been expelled. The biology lab had been cleaned up and was ready for classes to resume. The student body had to sit through several speeches about personal responsibility and the 'proper' ways to express disagreements. Leaving the assembly Scott...

2 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 21

Monday, August 11th, 2008 In the six months since the shutdown of Broken Creek, life had been a series of ups and downs. Scott found that he missed Mr. Piotrowski more the longer he was gone. There were friends he could talk to, but none of them had the same ability to look to the heart of a problem and ferret out the right bit of wisdom. He'd come to something of a crossroads, and he had a big decision to make about the future. Honour looked at Scott over her notepad and frowned at him....

4 years ago
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Human ManChapter 26

He was a sucker for the Christmas season and Levall did the holiday right. Downtown had a lighting program for the trees. Stores decorated their windows and the streetlights sported various holiday figures on brackets. Scott spent a ridiculous amount on strings of lights to surround his windows. Maybe the ridiculous thing was how much pleasure he got out of watching the light patterns. He bought a small tree because a big one felt desperate. Next door, the Black Horse was doing gangbuster...

4 years ago
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Human ManChapter 32

History 303, History of the Roman Empire, was not well attended, but that meant plenty of available seats. Scott nodded to a classmate and dropped his backpack beside his chair. At six weeks in, with ten to go, the original enrollment of twenty-five students had dwindled by half. He thought it was a good class, but the professor was notoriously tough. His phone chirped with a text message and Scott scrambled to silence it. One guaranteed way to get on the professor's bad side was to get...

1 year ago
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Human Relations Officer

I took this job because it was in the city and it would give me a chance to find an apartment and move out on my husband, who hasn't touched me in over two years. I finally got to the point I was tired of being his maid, for absolutely no benefits and this company was perfect. It is an Architectural Design and Engineering Company with only four people employed there. Three men and one woman, the owner, his daughter who is an architect, the younger man who was also an architect and the third man...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Humans and Homesteads

You live in the modern day world! There are no flying cars or dragons, no, simply look out your window if you want to imagine what the lay of the land is for this story. One key note and important distinction: your universe has been altered for some reason! Women are more prevalent than men, splitting it 70% to 30% and in your high school specifically the ratio is more like 80% to 20%! What a strange plot devi- I mean, “phenomenon”… You are 18 years old and attend the local public high school....

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Humanity Pt 01

Planet Taelinas The impending wedding ensured peace between the two warring nations. At least that was the guise presented to the Yewn and the Taelin. Luciana, daughter of the Taelin Queen, knew better. After all, her mother was not known for her compassion or fairness. ‘Luciana,’ Berith snapped at her inattentive daughter. The Queen was beautiful with her long pale hair and ethereal looks. Even with her serene beauty, all who knew the Queen knew that she could be as fierce as she was...

2 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 18

Friday afternoon, August 10th, 2007 Scott walked into the kitchen at Mr. Piotrowski's bursting with news. Mr. Piotrowski was at the stove standing over a big pot holding a large wooden spoon. Jobe was hovering nearby in case anything interesting fell to the floor. He started to speak, but Mr. Piotrowski pointed the spoon at him. "Before you say anything, Honour called. She says to tell you, and I quote, 'not a word'. She was very insistent." "That woman knows me too well," Scott...

2 years ago
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Human ManChapter 12

Summer classes were something he'd always enjoyed, at least he thought he had. The condensed schedule, semesters measured in weeks rather than months should have been perfect for him. Instead, he felt restless. Things he would have let ride in the past bothered him. The little things, the bullshit, he didn't have the patience for it. Scott could feel anger, like a pressure building within him. Workouts helped, but the student athletic facilities didn't have a heavy bag. A million dollar...

2 years ago
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Humans being turned

A vampire with crimson eyes sat in his Manson and he was bored since the last human he met shot him in the chest and left him to bleed to death after that his family forbid him from touching another Human girl for two hundred years. The time limit ended and it was time to have some fun! He walked through bars and took a bar chair and waited for a sheep without a Heard after while he was getting he made two sluts flirt with the least attractive men in the bar and then he saw it awkward, hoddie,...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Human Toilet at the Club Pt 2

The bathroom around me smelled like stale piss. The underside of the toilet was stained brown and yellow. All I could taste was the bartender's salty piss. Despite all this, I found myself excited. The idea of being dominated so completely by these women felt right. I belonged here. A few hours passed and I had no visitors. Eventually, club music started playing loudly. I could only hear muffled bass, and the occasional group of women yelling in celebration. I heard the clicking of high...

3 years ago
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HuMan Kind

I giggled as i opened the door... I was looking into a big muscled chest wrapped in a tight t-shirt. I gasped as I looked up into a pair of black eyes hidden behind a skimask :o I squeeled and jumped backwards to find out he also had leather gloves and a big bulge in his working man shorts :o His shoulders was as wide as the door opening. I stared shaking in fear and tried to close the door. But off course I couldn't. This was NOT the young guy I was supposed to meet :o "Who the fuck are...

4 years ago
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Human Resources Associate

"How do you put up with all of this?" Cynthia Forester asked. She and Sandy were standing at the copy machine just around the corner from Sandy's desk at Hubbard & Associates. "Don't you get tired of the constant nudity and sex, the men groping you and wanting to, you know, all of the time?" Sandy looked at her friend in surprise. Cynthia was relatively new, hired in to replace one of the Admins when that woman had quit after maternity leave. She and Cynthia had been friends since...

5 years ago
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Human Wheels

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than...

2 years ago
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Human Mattress 2

Doug yawned and awoke. A ray of sunlight filtered in through the crack in the curtains on the single window of his dorm room. He lifted his head up and saw that it was only 9:18. Too early to get out of bed on a Saturday morning. The girl upon which he was sleeping squirmed a little. There had been so many girls the past few weeks that he could no longer remember their names. She couldn't move much because her ankles were shackled and tied tightly to the upper sides of the headboard with her...

3 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 4

Summer 2006 The second week of summer vacation was half over, and Scott was considering which hobby he should take up. How hard could whittling be? Find a piece of wood, a pocket knife, and start carving. He was actually looking around outside the horse barn for a scrap of wood when he realized he didn't know where to find a pocket knife. This was Texas. You could sit in your homeroom class and discus deer hunting versus quail hunting, or the merits of your favorite rifles, but get caught...

4 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 5

Friday, June 16, 2006 Friday at Mendoza's Engine Center started out like normal until the shop foreman announced that there would be a meeting of all employees from both shops in the big loading bay before lunch. There was a lot of confusion in the air as the employees began to gather. Scott overheard one fabrication shop employee telling another, "Just like my last job, they called us all in for the bad news." Everybody got quiet as the two foremen walked in. They were quickly followed...

3 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 7

Veterinary Clinic, Fort Stockton, July 10, 2006 "Come on back Mr. Piotrowski. Wanda says you found him out near the Broken Creek Ranch?" the veterinarian was looking at the patient information sheet that Scott and Mr. Piotrowski had filled out. "My assistant, Scott, found him out there." "You've fed him some meat scraps, and cereal." "That's right." "Let's take a look," the vet carefully ran his hand under the dog's head and down his flank. "He seems to be very calm, good...

4 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 10

Broken Creek Boys Ranch, October 27, 2006 It was time to get up and do his chores. Scott got up reluctantly, and splashed cold water on his face. He didn't look in the mirror. The t-shirt was where he had left it. He picked it up and examined it. The bullet holes were still closed over. He balled the t-shirt up and threw it toward the trashcan. Scott didn't want to wear it again. He went to the equipment shed and found a screwdriver. The brake handles on his mountain bike needed to be...

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