FaithfulChapter 14: Open Arms free porn video

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In early September of 1775 the strong-backed fillers trundled the first cartloads of charcoal, iron ore and limestone to Trinka's always-waiting maw. The massive new furnace had somehow acquired the name of a tavern keeper's voracious daughter known throughout the Middletown Valley for her massive girth, foul mouth and salacious nature. The waterwheel turned and the double bellows pumped. Fire boiled up in the bosh and soon the sweating barrow crews had filled the cavity with the needed layers of raw materials. The tired slaves rested on their tools by the coal shed and charge house, watched the rising flames and dense smoke and listened to the deep-throated roar, pleased with the result of their efforts and happy they were finally done for the moment.

Matthew, standing with the toiling colliers, wiped his face, black with rivulets of charcoaled sweat. He smiled as Trinka settled down into what was to become her recognizable voice. Every blast furnace had a somewhat different sound, and the iron makers here convinced themselves that theirs made a noise like a hefty young woman in the throes of violent, satisfying and endless coitus.

Once the furnace had been fired, unless some sort of accident or unexpected failure took place, it would roar on for many months. In fact, unless the supply of ore turned out to be inadequate, as had happened with the brown hematite up the road at Green Spring, a properly-built furnace could produce almost indefinitely with pauses for the installation of a new fire brick lining from time to time.

A few hours later most of the men who had helped build the belching furnace, along with some local investors and a number of the curious from nearby Frederick Town, waited near the casting house for the first spark-sputtering, white-hot pour. For more than an hour a crew of experienced iron workers, all of them deep-black but America-born slaves, had been busy at the cinder notch, reaching down and raking off the volcanic slag with long handled tools.

Now the ironmaster and the night boss, called the "keeper" in this gang, gave the long gutter and lightly sanded molds one last, critical look. After a brief consultation, they decided that the crucible behind the tymp wall had filled enough for a preliminary test. Then, with a glance at the heavens and swinging stroke, the manager broke the clay plug for the first time and the liquid iron gushed out of the forehearth throwing glittering stars in all directions like a Guy Fawkes pyrotechnic. The booted guttermen stepped up with their dams and hoe-like tools, ignored the burning particles and guided the raw iron from the broad sow into the first few pig forms.

The founder nodded his satisfaction with both the hearth and the casting floor as the last of this small batch dripped out and the flushed manager renewed the plug with a heavy maul. Broad smiles, back pounding and hand shakes were the order of the day. The furnace, of course, stayed "in blast" and in about twelve hours would be tapped again when the hearth was nearly full. The day-shift fillers topped up the stack and prepared the night stock for the next crew as Trinka's sex-starved bass voice roared on, undulating, chugging, always demanding more.

While the slaves at the cinder notch and in the casting shed rested before continuing their endless work, savoring a rare tot of rum as their reward, the owners, managers and their guests went off to celebrate. Matthew turned the other way and easily found Otto in the crowd of locals starting back for town since his blond friend was much taller than almost all the others.

"You ast your captain?" Matthew said, taking Otto by the arm and pulling him from the narrow path.

"Oh, ja, ja. Kap'n Mantz, he hass now funfzig, uh, fifty-six privates so dere is room for you, for ten more efen. But you must show him you can shoot, ein Beweis."

"Demonstrate, huh? With your rifle, Otto?"

"Nein, mit ein Brown Bess, ein verdamnt Tower, dot is eine Flinte," Otto said, looking discouraged.

"What's wrong with that?" Matthew asked, excited by the chance to join the militia company instead of sitting at the side of the field with the women and children, watching Otto and his comrades drill and maneuver every week. He had been doing that most of the summer and had even learned a couple of German drinking songs. His increased bonus went mainly for beer and for an occasional two-shilling whore in the dark, narrow rooms above the tavern, a brief spell of grunting effort and quick release that brought little joy.

"Iss schlecht, smooth, not ein Gewehr. I do not know the vord."

"I understand. When?" Matthew asked, undiscouraged.

"Samstag, Saturday, at d'field. I see you den." He hurried off to catch up with his short wife and bundled child, pleased that the wood he had spent the winter cutting had been put to such impressively good use.

Matthew turned back toward his drafty barracks, once again attentive to the comforting roar of the two furnaces and the rhythmic pumping of the water-driven bellows. The solid, new pigs had been examined and pronounced "first class" by the time he reached the dining hall and joined the festive party.

After firing three shots in just under two minutes with the standard British infantry musket, now the property of the recently reorganized Maryland militia, Matthew was sworn into the fifth company raised in Frederick County. One of his shots hit the target board some twenty paces distant, another clipped its edge and the third ball, a much-hurried last shot, missed the tree, frightened a rooster almost a half a mile away into flapping protest and provoked a roar of laughter from the friendly watchers who joked about the dangers of giving a gun to a bear.

Matthew was issued his weapon and spike bayonet, both left from the days of ill-fated Braddock's last campaign, a well-worn cartridge case on a long strap, a bayonet half-scabbard and a black cockade for his hat. He did not tell the captain that he did not own a proper, three-cornered hat. The supply sergeant had, he explained with hands spread, exhausted his collection of blankets and quilts donated by the people of Frederick Town, but the battalion's bearded armorer pronounced his musket "sound" and the frizzen properly hardened. He gave Matthew two extra flints.

After drilling with his sixty fellow militiamen, some were now proudly calling themselves minutemen, Matthew adjourned with Otto and a dozen other German-speaking men to the nearby tavern and enjoyed his sore shoulder, a great deal of coarse humor, several foaming "biers," and a sturdy blonde who spoke no English and needed none in her strenuous vocation.

The first Frederick-area company, Captain William Blair's self-styled "gamecocks," had already gone to active service when Matthew decided it was time to talk with MacCorm again about his status and his future. He found the boss in his small office near the open-sided casting shed attached to loudly-heaving Trinka and her more subdued, but equally massive sister.

"Look at this," MacCorm said as Matthew entered the sunlit room. "Plans for the foundry. They're already talking about making cannon, three-pounders, n'cannon balls as well as cooking pots for the militia. Old Johnson up at Catoctin got the first order, a'course. He has the contacts, the right friends in Annapolis, y'ken. Later, we'll build rolling and slittin' machinery."

"It's the militia I wanted t' talk about. I've joined, like you said I could, and one company's already gone off. I don' know where, probably Boston or New York, wherever General Washington is."

"Think you'll be next? Damn! I want you t'learn the casting floor jobs." Mac rolled up his plans and set them aside. "Hoped to put ye wi' the night crew till winter came on. Them colliers up here really don' need help."

"We're fifth in line. I don't think we're ready t'go anywhere right now," said Matthew quickly. "Some a'the boys can't shoot no better than me, and a lot a'them don' know lef' foot from right 'alf the time." He smiled, recalling the time he had turned the wrong way and smashed into another young soldier, knocking them both to the ground.

"George, he said somethin' about you wanting some time off, about getting a bath. I dinna think he was joking." The big Scot smiled at Matthew who returned the grin.

"No, well, I smelled pretty bad when we talked about the militia this spring. Managed a couple a'baths since then, over by the waterwheel," Matthew said. He grinned at MacCorm. "Got to where I couldn't stan' being with m'self no matter how cold it was. Picked off a few a'them grey lice, too."

"Yeah, well, him an' me talked, we did. Jean's name even come up, as I recall. Now that old Trinka's out there mumbling away, enjoyin' herself, I'm gonna give ye a week and y'bonus to spend. I'm sure you'll find a way somehow. Oh, an' I got somethin' for ye, a letter. Don' see many a'them up here. Come with that shipment a'slag rakes, window glass and wood-pegged boots." MacCorm fished the folded paper from one of his desk slots.

"Who's it from?"

"Damn if I know. Open 'er up."

"You know I don' read too good," Matthew said as he popped the red wax seal. "What this say on the outside. I habn' seen this kind'a script writin' that much."

"It's t'you 'care of J. Martz.' That's what it says. Go on."

"I think it's from Elizabeth. Is this 'er name, right here?" Matt pointed to the signature, feeling both excitement and concern.

"Yep," said MacCorm, glancing at the letter and swallowing a smile.

"I didn' know she could write. When I met 'er on that ship, she could read some Bible verses, said she could write 'er name." Matthew tried to picture the lean woman, but only saw her long hair in his mind, blowing wildly at the ship's rail like a mast-top pennant, then her worry-filled grey eyes and her dead husband.

"Well, what could y'do then? People do learn, even bears. Read it."

"I am well and liv-living on a farm in," Matthew began, reading out loud, word after careful word, his brow creased.

"I dinna need t'hear yer letter. I'm goin' for a walk, see how them channels is holdin' up. Meet me over at the casting house. They's about ready for the nex' pour." MacCorm picked up the one crutch he now used and closed the door behind him, shaking his head.

Matthew sat at his table and read through Elizabeth's letter twice. Some words he would have to ask about, but he figured out most of it. It made him feel peculiar to read words the young woman had written on paper she had held. He rubbed his fingers across the inked lines and graceful swirls.

"I am well and living on a farm in Prince George," Elizabeth had written on the creamy paper Mrs. Conroy had provided. She had used a quill pen and made some blotches, but her letters were large and mostly straight in line. "We grow tobacco & wheat. I tend kitchen gardens. I did not get yr letter. I have a baby. Please write again in care of Priscilla Conroy in Annapolis. Yr friend," and she signed her name, very neatly and drew a line beneath it.

Matthew folded the letter into a square, went back to his bunk and put it in the oilskin pouch he had made for his indenture contract. Then he asked MacCorm when he could have that time off. By damn, he thought, I'm certainly a bit late. Elizabeth had a baby.

Almost a week later Matthew woke in Jean's narrow bed feeling very relaxed, satisfied, sated. Through the open door of her lean-to, he could see her wash fluttering on the line attached to a maple tree that had turned as red as fresh-poured iron. On his way down from the mill, he had noticed that the signs of fall were coloring the hillside wood lots and that flights of honking birds sometimes darkened the cloud-mounded sky.

Matt stretched and scratched, enjoying the clean feel of his skin and hair, as well as the flaccid state of his exhausted member. He took a deep breath and thought he could smell the Bay. He looked at his black-rimmed fingers and wondered if his hands would ever come clean. Jean had given up on them when she made so little progress with her scrub brush. Then she had worn him out completely and dropped him into a dreamless sleep, like a pebble falling into a deep, blue lake, sinking and sinking.

In the tavern he enjoyed a breakfast of fried ham, raw oysters, hot biscuits, golden honey and brown beer. He gave the innkeeper two shillings and Jean two more, "for the bath" he told her when she growled at him. He patted her rump, hitched the dray horse to his borrowed wagon, and drove on in toward Annapolis, happy that George had replaced the old mule and that young Jean was still so tirelessly accommodating. Elizabeth has a baby; his mind wondered over that. Whose baby? What kind of baby? Was she still a bond servant? Was she in trouble? Had she somehow married?

In less than a hour, he presented himself at the Conroy's huge front door, and Moses let him in, frowning his disapproval. Matthew stood waiting in the hall, his short boots clean and his dark hair tied back, both courtesy of the tavern girl's expert hands. He had even brushed his teeth with a shredded twig and shaved twice in the reflection from the water bucket.

First Anne and then Mrs. Conroy followed by Priscilla appeared at the foot of the stairs, all in light, frilly, day-time dress, openly staring at the large young man in the dark, shabby clothes. Matthew swallowed his nervousness, cleared his throat and introduced himself as a friend of Elizabeth and told the girls that he recalled seeing them on the ship. Anne named her step-mother and older sister and then said, "I'm Anne Conroy. Did you get Elizabeth's letter?"

Matthew nodded, amused by the redheaded girl's energy and obvious excitement. Anne stepped to him boldly and took his elbow, smiling and then surprised how large and hard his arm felt. He was, she thought, probably the biggest man she had ever seen. She had danced with many boys but had never felt an arm like this; it felt as hard as the banister. The top of her head came barely to his broad chest. No one would ever call him handsome, she decided. "Rough hewed," perhaps, a phrase from one of her favorite novels. She suppressed a smile, thinking where she had left her heroine with her bookmark.

"Won't you come in, please, and sit so we can talk," Mrs. Conroy said as if she entertained visiting colliers or oversized iron workers almost every day. He doubted any man without a wig or proper waistcoat had been in her parlor since the plasterers finished their work.

Matthew was happy he had bathed and brushed his clothes. The room seemed as fancy looking, fresh-painted, high-ceilinged and well-furnished as any he had ever seen in England. He carefully put his fourteen stone on the front edge of a cane-seated chair and rested his black-crusted hands on his heavy thighs, his fingers curled in. The three women sat opposite him, side by side on a white, brocaded sofa. He broke the nervous silence.

"Please tell me 'bout Elizabeth. An' about her baby," he said. "If you can." He sniffed. "If y'will."

"Oh, the child, she's very pretty," said Mrs. Conroy, arranging her flaring skirt and silken petticoats, creamy lace cascading from her arms, pearl bobs at her ears. "She is, I fear, something of a mystery, the child. But the young woman seems very well, rather sun-browned however, but very well. Wouldn't you say so, Priscilla?"

"Indeed," Priscilla said, holding her chin up and seldom meeting Matthew's eyes, letting her gaze pass over him very quickly. "We must apologize to you about the letter you sent. It was, I guess you would say, intercepted, mis-delivered might be better." She exhaled rather loudly and touched her fingers to her lips, looking down at her knees.

Matthew nodded and waited, wondering if well-bred girls ever belched. He noticed the large, dark paintings on the wall, the gleaming silver on the small table, the ornate plaster work around the edge of the ceiling.

"Elizabeth looks more than healthy, quite robust. She told us she had not been sick a single day down at the farm," Mrs. Conroy said, unaware of repeating herself, uneasy for some reason. She unconsciously frowned at Matthew who looked so out of place and wondered if the old chair would hold him.

"She has lots of freckles on her arms," Anne added with a grin. "An' I think she works in the garden barefoot most of the time. But she wears a bonnet."

"How far is this place?" Matthew asked.

"Half a day's ride, maybe less if the roads are good, which they now are," Mrs. Conroy answered. "Girls, I am going to excuse myself and see about some refreshments." She stood and flowed quietly from the room.

"It was her son that kept your letter from Elizabeth," Anne stage-whispered as the pocket doors slid closed with barely a click.

"Anne, please," said her sister, turning her head quickly away.

"Well, he did," Anne insisted, making her usual pout into a thin line and wrinkling her smooth forehead.

"Did you see the baby?" Matthew asked, aware of his own breathing. He rubbed his nose with a knuckle.

"Oh, yes," said Priscilla. "She is very fine, lovely, pink and plump, but Elizabeth has not named her. At least she had not when we were there."

"When was this?" Matthew asked, surprised by that oddity.

"The third week in August, 'bout a month ago," Anne said. "I think the baby was two weeks old."

"An' it's a girl?" asked Matthew.

Both girls nodded.

"Is Elizabeth married then?" Matt reluctantly asked, knowing he was missing something, feeling confused, left out, somehow negligent.

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Season Opener

Hooray! Hockey season has begun and, in case you’ve not read my earlier journal entries, I do not like any sports. Couldn’t care less about them. I am, however, married to a man who loves the Boston Bruins and he goes to as many games as he can. Obviously, I knew in advance that he had tickets for the season’s opener and that allowed me time to prepare myself for it. Put it another way: I had time to plan the fun I’d have while he was at the game.I had so many online options. First question,...

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Janes eye opener

Jane`s eye-opener.This is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, or actual events, is pure concidence.Jane slipped in the door, tired after a long day of work. She happily accepted the glass of red wine from her roomate, Carla, before retiring to her room to change, relax, play on the internet and possibly read. Jane had just started a new romance novel, and was considering knocking off a few more chapters. However, she had barely covered a chapter when she began to feel very...

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A Womans Charms

Rich is not all too happy about having to move back home. It will really be the first time, since summers in college, that he’s relied on his parents for food and shelter. His five years since graduation have been spent in the city, getting his MBA and then a stint at a software firm that recently tanked. So, unable to afford living in the city for more than a couple months without an income, he's moved back, living in his parent's place where they stay now only through the summer. They spend...

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The Cafeacute Reopening

My daughter Lisa had now moved out staying with her bestie Lauren which was always going to happen one day but I still saw her quite frequently as she didn’t have a washing machine so would drop their laundry off once a week which had it’s advantages, it always amazed me how two young ladies got through so many pairs of panties in a week but who was I to complain as most weekends I could satisfy my panty fetish.Apart from a few items of clothing and a few personal affects her room was now...

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My Bitchy Sisters Hidden Charms

Big cities are not adequate places for raising children. This is one thing that I will remember all my life; they are my mother's words and I agree with her. Why should I think like my mother on that matter? I know she is right since I have lived in both places. I was raised in a small town on the East Coast, and most of my life - up until I reached sixteen - was spent in the same small town situated in the middle of the Adirondack Mountains. Well to understand why I agree with my mother,...

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Retreat of Love Closeness and Openness

She was wearing a white gown and reading the wedding vows with my son in front of a priest. While he was looking handsome in a black tuxedo, my daughter-in-law was simply exquisite in that shoulderless dress. If only his dad was alive to see him today, I thought to myself. I was supposed to arrive early, but since the flight got delayed had to rush straight from the airport and then back again to the airport directly after the ceremony as had an important work the next day. Although it was...

2 years ago
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Beaches Reopened A COVD19 Tale

Erick Huffman was tired of the stay-at-home order. He’d been doing his job as Senior Strategic Sourcing Officer for a sizable regional supermarket chain from the house for the past month. It was a long title that the caramel-skinned, incredibly in-shape man simplified to “work in purchasing”. Erick was not a pretentious man. The laid back dude who’d never married, but had three k**s was glad to hear that the governor was reopening the state’s beaches.So the morning after the announcement, Erick...

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Bird SongChapter 23 Tin opener

Jamie felt his head swim with the implications of what Britain's Ambassador had just said. It took him some time before he could marshal his thoughts and respond to the figure he could see on his computer screen. "Let me get this straight, you're saying that the surviving teenagers can just select someone to be the King of Scots and that person would legally be the King? The rest of the world would have to accept it? What kind of powers would such a person have?" he managed to get out at...

1 year ago
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God is Great One door closes then other opens

A woman married to Guy finds life stressful with lack of male companion and all doors closed. Then other door opens. Read along Hello, This is Sushi, or Sushela from Vadodara. I am now 35 and this story happened three years ago. Hope readers would like and enjoy reading my factual story. Let me brief you about me. I hail from Bengaluru, studied there at Jyotinivas college. As all may be knowing this college is famous for too much forward girls hailing from rich families. But my home was nearby...

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The Coctail Cabinet Eye Opener

Many thanks to Jedbeaker for the editing of this story. Nowadays most people believe that using cell phones or computers are the main tools to catch cheaters. But that's hardly the truth for two simple reasons. First because all skilled cheaters know how to avoid leaving electronic clues on such items and for the second reason an average husband or wife usually doesn't suspect his or her spouse of cheating. And therefore, they never have any reason to search for non-existing evidence. I...

2 years ago
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The openings Part 3

Introduction: as before, if young bothers you, dont read it When he had entered high school his parents had bought him a laptop. He had spent the time since then organizing his collection of photos and had hundreds of pictures of the females he had the pleasure of opening. By the time he had turned 16 he had discovered the darknet and was running a booming business with his memorabilia. His off shore account held more cash than he parents made in 10 years. But he was content for the time. The...

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Of Gags and Fire Alarms

So, late last week, there I was, unable to sleep, so I figured I would throw on a ballgag, some cuffs, and do a little role playing; k**napped girl trying to get loose. I was down to my tee and panties, and slipped on the gag (medium sized, tight as always) and then put a scarf, over that, like an OTM gag. I had one cuff on, and the idea was that the chain would go behind the head board and the other cuff on my wrist. I sat on my bed and then laid down, worked the cuffs on the headboard, and...

4 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 20 Alarms

On Thule, the party to welcome the 123rd and the crew of their accompanying vessels home from Hesperus was well underway. The men of the 123rd and their concubines were enjoying an afternoon's concert on this first Saturday of December, put on by concubines and dependants from across Thule. Up on stage, an all-female troupe of taiko drummers were about to take their turn entertaining the Marines and sailors. All the drummers, including two girls about eight years old, were dressed in...

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Fun in the Farms

I had just finished my sixth semester exams in the engineering college and as I had nothing better to do, my father asked me to go and spend time at my fathers younger brothers farm. I was overjoyed to here this news as I was facing a hot and boring summer in Bhopal and going back to my Uncles farm was always a pleasure. It was cooler in the farm and to top it all he had a nice big pond where one could laze around. "When do I leave, papa?" I asked eagerly. "I have asked Chandru (his clerk) to...

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Interracial American 2021Chapter 3 African Bulls for the White farms

The interview with Harold was very boring, but perked up considerably, when the audience learned that Harold was 6% Black. A fact he was very proud of. His great-great-great-grandmother had once had sex with a Black man during the Civil Rights era. “What are you acceptance levels for Interracial Sex and Black Breeding like right now?” “Acceptance levels are very high, with over 90% of White boi’s reporting that they are actually very turned on by interracial sex and completely accept it, as...

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The ParkersChapter 3 Openly bisexual

Julie Parker was nineteen and openly bi. She was a slut, just like her twin sister, Linda. Julie loved sex. But, unlike Linda, Julie didn't concentrate only on men. No, she knew the pleasures she could get with female companion. And she still couldn't believe how some girls (like Linda) could live their whole lives without feeling a feminine touch on their hot bodies. They're missing so much! Women bring with them lots of fun that men simply can't provide. It was true, however, that...

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A window is closed A door opens

Hi readers, This is your one and only JJ back with a bash with a horny lesbian love making session. I am extremely happy by seeing the response some of you have sent the below story is an extension of the previous 3some. Here is a treat to your mind, body and soul by way of a lesbian encounter. Now also I have used the ladies hostel behind Chennai Egmore railway station all about room mates. We are about to encounter a subject as to how a female carves for the womanly sex once again ignoring...

4 years ago
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She opens her legs and the sin begins

She opens her legs and sinsSo my young wife 'sinned' for the first time about two years ago and I must confess I stilll get a hard-on thinking about it, every time! She is 20 years younger so I suppose it was inevitable, but it was still a huge surprise when it happened.. and I'll admit feelings of jealousy and a little anger before my primal instincts took over.I would never have known but for seeing a message on What's App from a former work colleague and it was obvious to me what happened....

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Cousins in Arms

Cousins in arms by QModo edited by Amanda Lynn and Rosemary Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? * * * 1. Flapper girl Ray had lost the bet and he had to come to the school Halloween costume party as a girl with a companion. Later I'd got to know it wasn't just companion but rather a date. Don't ask what bet. His...

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Home in Her Arms

Hey everyone, this is my first story. Please comment, vote, and by all means send me any suggestions on how I can do a better job next time. Thanks so much!! SouthernAphrodite * Mara stood at the edge of the crowd, scanning the faces of the men and women in uniform as they marched into the auditorium, hoping to spot the one she was looking for before the broke formation, but between the domes of the helmets, the thick body armor they were still wearing, and the loose digital camouflage...

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A boy returns home to become a man in his mother8217s arms

Losing my job hit me like a freight train. Only two years after graduating college, I was not used to this kind of disappointment. With no major assets to worry about, I considered moving back home to save money and look for a new job. The tough part would be breaking the news to Mom and asking if I could move back home. I swallowed hard and worked up the courage to call. “Of course Danny,” she responded reassuringly on the phone. “I’d be delighted! You’ll find...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 The College of Arms

London 10th September 1831 As well as being responsible for the granting of new coats of arms, the College of Arms maintains registers of arms, pedigrees, genealogies, Royal Licences, changes of name, and flags, and advises on all matters relating to the peerage and baronetage, precedence, honours and ceremonial. My previous visit to the building had been when tracking down the owner of a coat of arms seen on the black coach that attempted to run me down at Wallers in 1819. The coach had...

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Bahamian Arms

Author’s Note: This story is an original work of fiction. Future stories starring some or all of these characters might also be forthcoming based upon response and demand. Certain characters featured herein may also be found in other works by the authors. Feedback is desired and greatly appreciated. Email comments to the address in our profile. Thank you for reading. Copyright 2009 by Jack and Josephine Cutter. This story stars: Addison Cross and Carter Donovan. This story contains:...

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ArmsCarl Campbell sipped his drink while he watched his daughters splash around in the pool. Across the table from him sat his wife of 15 years. Sarah had just turned thirty-five but could easily pass for her early twenties. She was dressed in a slim bikini that hugged her athletic curves in all the right places. Her apparel was hardly appropriate for a woman in the Middle East, in fact it was illegal. But with the right friends and financial clout, private enclosures within the estates of...

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She finds satisfaction in her father in laws arms

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Cheri hated this. She and her husband needed to get money from her in-laws -- again. "Where's Marsha?"Dan let his daughter-in-law in, "My better half isn't here right now."Shit, Cheri thought, now I have to ask him and he doesn't like me. She sat in a chair opposite her father-in-law. "Adair and I need about a $1000 to get some stuff.""Of course you do, why else would you fucking come...

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In His Arms

A single caress of his fingertips against my cheek steals my attention away from the movie playing on TV. I turn my head up in his lap to look at him and smile as he smiles down at me, stroking my hair away from my face so our eyes can lock without obstruction. Raising my hand, I wrap my fingers around his wrist and hold it gently with a slight squeeze just to let him know that I am feeling what he is with no words needed. His touch, his embrace, and his soft whispers against my skin remind me...

Love Stories
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Maid at Arms

Maid at Arms By The sheep of the China Shepherdess Hortence De La Tour awoke before the dawn. She fought off the last bit of sleep in order to prepare herself for the day. This done, she removed the sleeping corset and nightgown. Like the clothes in her closet all her days were the same. The black underwear with a hint of frill. The corset that fell into place that she was able to lace ever so tight. Her body could not...

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In Each Others Arms

IN EACH OTHERS ARMS By Regina Lawson The seduction had begun. In the subdued lighting of the Mexican resort bar, cigarette smoke swirled with the currents of the overhead fans, the interior light itself seemed to bend and become opaque to those sitting at the bar. Maybe it was because of that, or because anyone sitting at the bar was already seeing things opaque after a few drinks, but the three men sitting, nursing their drinks, had to admire the woman who walked in the door. The...

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She finds satisfaction in her father in laws arms

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story. This is 2nd part of the series so requesting you to read the previou part "She finds satisfaction in her father in laws arms 1" to enjoy this story. "Woman leaves husband for her father in law."Cheri had her arms wrapped around Dan, her lips pressed to his. She held him to her as his cock was buried deep inside of her. Over the past months she had tried to get together with her father in law...

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A Blizzard In My Sister In Laws Arms

”Are you kidding me?” I sighed to the attendant, ”Cancelled?””Yes sir, I'm sorry, ” she confirmed, ”I can get you on the first flight to Dallas tomorrow morning at nine forty-five.”I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. I was trying to get to Dallas for Thanksgiving. Stuck in Wichita for the night due to a snowstorm and a canceled flight. ”Yeah, let's do that,” I said to the attendant.What the hell was I going to do now. All the flights out were canceled. No hotel rooms were available. I could...

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Farewell to Arms

Anxiety. Nervousness. Late. I sighed as I glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the monitor knowing that it wouldn’t change anything. He was late. One day before he would be moving out of the country to graduate school he had promised to log on so they could say their good-byes. As his life at home with his parents was about to end so was the more stable part of their relationship. Even though he lived 6 hours away by plane, at least I knew that he would be available most of the...

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Womanly charms

You wake up in a wet sweat, the dream of last night still vivid in your memory. The white light that spoke to you "Champion! You are needed! Please help us!" Which wold needs helping?


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