More than Just Practice
- 2 years ago
- 35
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After she drove away, I went to the gym and swam my 5000 meters in near personal record time. Then, I worked out furiously. The next days, I swam twice and worked out between. My mind wandered in class and my brain demanded that I pay attention. It was the hollow feeling in my gut that prevailed. Finally, by Wednesday, sometimes, for five minutes, I did not long for her, and worked on assignments. You're in deep shit.
At home Wednesday evening the phone vibrated my pocket. I didn't recognize the number. "Charles Bradford, are you alone?"
"Cynthia. My God. I don't answer when someone is here. Are you okay?"
"No. My problems are even worse."
I felt a huge relief. Then I asked a dumb question. "You slept with him?"
"Yes. Just like last time. I wanted it to be you." After a long pause, "Charles, uhhh, will you rescue me?"
"I am your loyal knight. Yes, when, where?"
Her voice perked up. "Thank you, Sir Charles. I'm near Hendersonville at the intersection of I-26 and highway 64. Tomorrow morning, I will meet you in a gas station at that turnoff. I will call you to hear when I should make my break. How long?"
"It will take at least four hours."
"I really need to see you. What will you do with me?"
What the fuck would I do with a married woman? I can give her a ride home, but what then? Suddenly, I recovered slightly from her spell, "Cynthia, I can come for you. You bedazzle me and I can't think straight and even that is mostly about you. I am obsessed. When I come for you, I don't know what I will do with you."
She replied softly. "How soon you forget."
"You are a married woman. What would we do after that?"
Scarlett dodged the meaning and said flippantly, "We'll just go to sleep, I hope. I haven't had much sleep since I left."
"Cynthia, do you want to wake up with me? We haven't a clue about what to do next. Have your therapy week and decide about him. You have a husband. I dreaded that you might have worked it out with him."
Her words just poured out almost without taking a breath. "I might have made it another year if we didn't live together and if I hadn't taken up with you. My mother wanted me to marry him. She thought I deserved a man of means. So did I. That's a helluva situation. I want to be more than a trophy armpiece. So, I lie in bed with him, ruminating about our passion in your truck and your house. I was still me when I left the West Mall with you. I was someone else when you walked me downstairs at your house to send me up here. That's why I couldn't trust myself in Geology. I did not want to get out of your truck after our lake visit. I have never had bagels and lox naked with a strange man. I cherish it. You're not the only one off balance here," she cried.
"I didn't want you to leave."
"When you kissed me on the dance floor, what did you want? Why did you do that? Tell me the truth, Charles."
I was not prepared for that line of questions and never having been to charm school. "Just like every other guy in the room, I wanted a piece of your ass."
"God, Bradford, you really know how to make a girl feel special. You got your fuck. I'm sorry I called you." Then she hissed, "Have a nice day."
I was momentarily disabled by his remark. How could I have been so wrong? I took a deep breath, just like the coach told me and let it out slowly. Then another. I had my senses back. Cynthia, get hold of yourself. You are smarter than that. He could not mean that he only wanted a fuck. Not after all that lovemaking and those long conversations. Why would he be so brutal? Then, I reviewed my interaction with him. He had strong feelings for me and I told him I couldn't see him anymore. He's out on an emotional limb and you're crowding him. What would he do with you?
If he doesn't call back, I will have to call him and explore the situation. I owe him at least that. I remembered that I realized some benefit from this workshop. I learned to listen through hard emotional attacks. He would feel guilty tomorrow and I could understand and validate his feelings. I know he wants more than one fuck. I'd better be right because I don't know what to do if I'm wrong.
Bradford ReactsBradford reacts
I felt the tears welling in my eyes. What is wrong with you? Good boy. That may be the rudest fucking remark you ever made. Do not leave it on the table. She didn't deserve hateful words like that.
I collected myself, had a drink to calm down and think. Then, I opened my phone and dialed the last number stored. She answered while sniffling. I didn't know how to open. She did. "Are you having a nice day?"
I was cornered and she knew it. Just tell the truth. I mumbled, "No. I'm feeling miserable. That was the dumbest thing I ever said. Please forgive me. I am completely infatuated with you."
"That didn't sound like you. I sense that you are angry with me." She hesitated, and then asked, "Is that all you wanted?"
"No, of course not. I love your company and I like being with you. I didn't do well this week missing you."
"I like that much better. To make us even, I wanted you, too. You made my panties wet while we danced and I got more than I expected in your bed, too. Come for me. We will decide on the way back what to do with each other. When we get home, you will either leave me at the sorority or take me home with you. Don't feel crowded. Bill Crawford owes me a big favor and he will come and get me if you don't want me. I can't stay here."
"I won't leave you there. SEALs never leave wounded behind. Call me when you decide what time I should be there. You will have to make your break."
"Okay. I'll call you after breakfast. That should give you time. I'll beg out of the group lunch and make my escape. I do not want to confront him here among all these other couples." She paused, and then said, "I have to go. Call you in the morning."
"Night, Cynthia." I felt like a ton of guilt had been removed from my shoulders. The question still remains, though. What will I do with her?
Next morning, I was dressed, fed, and surfing the net when she called. She said, "Let's try for about noon at that convenience store. I'll park away from the door in a white sports car."
"I'm leaving now. Call me in three hours to see how much longer it will be. Wear a skirt. Does he have a gun?"
"Gun? Not here, I think. No guns on the property. It is a religious retreat called Kaunga. You will see signs. "Then, she brightened, "See, Charles, think of this as one more clandestine SEAL rescue operation."
Driving west on I-26, I pondered what I was getting into. I solved one dilemma, only to open a second. I had already been through this exercise before, but I compared her again to my 'Cynthia Standard.' She was bright, beautiful, fun, and sexually talented. She had done or said nothing disappointing like smoking, fracturing the language, or making politically stupid remarks. She was much more mature than the other campus women. Except for that one major flaw, she was a keeper. You're rationalizing, Bradford. Cut the crap. You're the moth and she is the flame. You have no choice in this.
The phone rang and I saw her number. "Hi, Cynthia."
There was this soft tentative voice, "Bradford, are you coming for me? Where are you?"
"I'm about 45 minutes away from that junction, as best I can tell. I'm going as fast as I dare to avoid speeding tickets. Don't worry, I will get you."
I heard her cry. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know you said you would. I imagined that you changed your mind. I am in so much turmoil and I'm afraid."
"If I had changed my mind, I would have called you. I wouldn't leave you stranded."
"In my mind, I know that. I'm just in a bad place right now. I have to hang up. Forty five minutes?"
"Forty, now."
I saw her pacing in front of her car when I took the off ramp. I quickly put her bags in the cabin and opened her door.
"I am relieved to see you Charles. Forgive my crying fit. I am getting in now and I am not getting back out." She looked right into my eyes, put her cool hand on my face, and said, "Thank you, Charles," and kissed me briefly.
Then, she moved to her seat, put on her seatbelt, took a deep breath and dialed his number. She got his voice mail. "Blair, I had to leave. It did not work for me at all. I cannot handle the Jesus stuff. Your car is parked at the gas station just outside the property. The keys are on the left rear tire. You and I made foolish decisions, but now I have to do an annulment or divorce. I won't go on with this."
Get the hell out of here! I drove furiously back toward Raleigh.
The next time she talked, she sounded upset. "Charles, I know that you're running from the Taliban, but I have been in this truck an hour and you have not kissed me once. Not once. It has been four days. Are you still angry? Do you remember me?"
Her phone interrupted. "Hello, Blair. No, I will not be back for dinner. You do not need to know where I am. I am listening. What I heard was that all the problems were caused by my moving back into the sorority house. I know that your friends thought that strange. Mine didn't. I am sorry. These three days helped me decide what to do next. I don't think you ever heard me. I cannot do Jesus. I hope you will listen more carefully to your next. Please do not call again. I have to go now. Bye."
She was crying. I patted her knee and said, "That had to be awful."
She cried more, and then she asked rapidly in frustration, "Are you a Jesus person? Do you sniff white powder? What is that music?"
I had put three roses from my landlady's garden in the cup holder. She finally saw them. "For me, Charles?"
"No, I don't sniff coke or do Jesus. I smoke an occasional joint. Roses for you, Cynthia. It is NPR. I believe it is the Brahms first. Looks like a rest stop coming up. You go first. Then, I will see if I can remember you." Wow. Smooth. That sounded just like you were reporting to the Chief.
"Could you possibly forgive my last complaint?" she cried again as she held the roses, and headed for the rest room.
When she returned with dry eyes, I reached for her. "Come here precious. You had a bad time." I held her for a while and then I asked, "Will you kiss me?" She kissed me well.
"Oh, you didn't forget. Mmmmm."
Back on the freeway, she moved to the center seat, put her arm around me, kissed my face and neck, and nibbled my ears. Twirling her fingers in my hair she asked, "Why the skirt? I don't see any Taliban."
"You'll see in due time." I drove for another half-hour until her breathing returned to normal and she didn't seem to be crying. "Take off your panties."
She laughed. "You are soooo suave, Charles Bradford. Just 'Take off your panties.' For God's sake."
She put a pair of white high cuts in my outstretched hand and I sniffed the cotton liner. The damp musky aroma went directly to my old brain and I remembered her smell. I covered her lap with my jacket, nudged her thighs apart, and then caressed her wet place lightly.
"Skirt. Now I know. No panties in pickup. God, that's good." I stroked her as lightly as I could. The slow movement of my finger finally relaxed her enough to begin feeling sexy. The movement of my finger and the vibration of the truck created exactly the touch I wanted. Then, I stroked her through several orgasms leaving time between each one to pause and then resume the feather touch. Later, she put her arm back around me and nuzzled my ear. "Uhmmm, how long was 'that'?"
"About thirty-five minutes." I gave her back her panties.
As she lifted her butt to put them on, she said softly, "Well, it took my mind off my problems for a while. These are a little messy. Charles, I'm having my all-time worst foot-in-mouth problem today with someone who matters. Can you rewind the tape and erase that 'suave' remark, too?"
I smiled and nodded. "Your foot-in-mouth doesn't even approach mine. You are completely forgiven." After a while, I asked, "How did you start with Blair?"
"He was on my dance card at the senior prom. Don't laugh. We danced on the country club terrace behind the plants. It was romantic. He kissed me. We started going out." What the hell did I just say? Oh, God, What is he thinking? "When I told my mother, she was thrilled. He was a real catch in my hometown."
She dozed on my shoulder as I drove to her sorority house and parked near her car. She awakened and saw where she was. "Oh, Charles, no, you just can't leave me here."
"Go get your curlers and vibrator, whatever you need, and your laptop and books. Get your car. I have your bags. I will unload your car when you get home. It's better if your car is not here."
Back at my apartment, we took our time unloading her suitcases of a few things. Then, I went for a carry out Chinese meal while she soaked in a hot bath. As we ate, she said, "Let's not talk about all this tonight. I'm not up to it. Tomorrow, okay?"
"How about some humor on the tube? That's mindless. We might even get a laugh."
She laughed cynically. "That sounds like about all I'm capable of right now."
"I'll get you a drink and we can sit together and enjoy."
We watched until we both relaxed. I had my arm around her as she snuggled in. "This is better, Charles. I feel better. Since I didn't sleep much last night, do you think we could go to bed?"
"Yes, we can. I feared that you might go back to your room."
"Maybe I should, but if you don't mind, I'll stay with you."
We readied ourselves for bed. I noticed that she undressed completely and made no bones about nightclothes. She moved quickly to me and I put both arms around her holding her close. She sighed, and then said, "This feels good. I feel safe and comfortable, even though this is our first night together."
After I held and stroked her for a while, she put her face in the kissing position and opened her mouth. When I covered it with mine, we reverted to the tongue dance that aroused my craving for her. When she pulled back and caressed my face, she said, "You know I'm getting kind of needy after all that conflict. I can feel that you're ready. Maybe we could satisfy our needs?"
We indeed satisfied our needs with a long sex reunion. I awoke with her cuddled in my spoon in the morning. I was thrilled and scared.
She stretched and turned to me. "Morning, Charles. I slept all night. I am happy. God, I was terrified when I thought you were leaving me over there. I have to tell you something." She faced me and looked directly into my eyes, "I realized yesterday on the way home how much I care for you. You held me and let me cry. I felt safe. I am so glad to be with you this morning. This 'fling' is not playing out as quickly as you said. Don't be nervous. If I'm nice, may I stay for a while?" Her voice seemed almost an octave higher as she talked faster.
"Sure. I'm running a refuge house for wayward wives. I do not know what to do with you. Can I afford to support your lifestyle?"
She slapped my butt hard twice and said "no-no" by signaling with her finger, "No-No, don't go there. Don't ever mention wayward wives again."
Then, she brightened. "What to do with me? I can help with that. First, you kiss me good morning. Then you go make coffee. I will see if there's anything fit to eat. We may or may not eat here, depending. Then, we make love. Then, we go to the gym in separate cars. When we come home, you give me a shower, wash my hair, and clean my back."
Then, she thought for a while. "After that, I make a task list that says what you are to do the rest of the day. Oh, yes. I like this. I will make you a list each day until you sort of get the hang of what to do with me. You will learn. The list will be in your PDA. Always read it. There may be some surprises. Okay, Just to be safe, review the first five items for today." She babbled nervously again.
"I kissed you. I made coffee. There is food. We eat. We make love. We work out. I wash your hair and do your back. Notice that some tasks have been done."
"Charles, number five is critical right now. I'm feeling squishy and anxious — kind of out on a limb. I'm an accomplished sex object, but I don't want to be just another piece of ass for you. Am I really 'delicious'? I need to know how you feel. I will work on that 'afford' thing and get back to you."
I mimicked her style. "Feelings? My infatuation is fierce. I don't know how I feel about anything else. You consume my consciousness. You can never know how delicious you are. I don't know what that all means, but that is where you are."
"I want to stay there, Charles."
Later, she looked at her list. "We just got through our first half-day playing house. Are you frightened? We accomplished all the tasks. I cannot believe how nicely you brushed my hair and did my back. Where did you learn to brush like that... ? Don't ever tell me. Now, will you make this afternoon's list or should I?"
"You're doing well. Continue. However, Sunday afternoon at 4, my former girl friend is playing violin in a string quartet and Christina asked me two weeks ago to show up. She was afraid no one would come during the break. I said I would."
"I'm struggling with this former girl friend thing, Charles. Okay. First, you're going to Subway and get our salads. Then, we eat. Then, we make love. I go back to my room and pick up a few things. I stop at the market and get something for dinner. Do you grill? While I am gone, you miss me and make a place for me in your house. I need closet space, a drawer, and a place for my makeup and toothbrush.
"Sunday we go to the string quartet in separate cars. Then, there is a French film at the Miracle. Uh, oh. No, that is a bad idea. You rent a film and bring it back here."
She was putting on a good show, but I knew she was on edge. She never used to babble on like that. "I go to Subway. I get onions on salads. I come home. We make love. We eat. I go rent a film. While you are gone, I miss you and make a place for you in my house. Of course I can grill."
"Charles, the task list says we eat first and then make love. Always do it in the right order. There are reasons. Let's not get off on the wrong foot. Right? Can we review?"
"Cynthia, I love to provide sex and comfort for you. You need both. I am into this thing pretty far. You have a husband. Can I trust you? I don't want to be just a sex object either."
"You're not just my sex object. I'm glad that you're in trouble here, too." She sighed and threw up her hands. "I promise that I will stop my frantic babbling."
We managed to have fun and romance with candles and outstanding sex through the weekend. She was a little edgy at the string quartet, maybe because we couldn't sit together. She paid a lot of attention to Christina.
As we went to bed Sunday night, she cuddled with me and whispered, "I appreciate you for supporting me. I have been difficult, but I hope that you notice that I'm not quite as hysterical. Your strong arms comfort me."
"I like you here, Cynthia. It's where you ought to be right now. You delight me every minute."
"Were you in love with Christina?"
"I think so. We were on and off for a year."
"What happened?"
"I realized that our careers and lives would not go in compatible directions. I think she did, too. So, we each scratched the other's itches and moved on."
"Did you live with her?"
"When was the last time you slept with her?"
"Cynthia, I'm not comfortable talking in any more detail about the relationship I had with her."
"Was she a good lover?"
I kissed her and said, "Time for us to go to sleep. We have to rejoin reality tomorrow."
We slept, but seemingly instantly, reality resumed with the radio blaring Morning Edition. "Cynthia, roll over here. It is Monday. Class day, remember classes? You'll have to get your ass out of bed. You may shower first. Aren't they going to miss you at the sorority?"
"Charles, you are strong. I had put my other life behind me. In my daydreams, I hoped we were normal. I do not want to go back there. I have lived with you day and night for five straight days. I'm not sure I can kick the habit."
We somehow managed to get back on campus and go to our individual classes. I returned home about four and found her there working on her computer. She stood and came to kiss me. "Welcome home, hero. I hope you have work to do, because I have to finish this paper tonight."
"I always have work to do. And my PDA says it is my turn to fix dinner. So, you can keep on working."
She smiled warmly at me. "Thanks. When I parked my car in the garage, I saw a folding table. Do you think we could bring it up here and put it in the corner? I don't like to take up the kitchen table with my school work."
"Sure, I'll get it right now." I went down and retrieved the table, wiped it clean, and took it upstairs. When I set it up I noticed that I would have to get a longer network cable, but what I had would do for the time being.
She moved her computer and her papers to the new table and then she jumped up and hugged me, ending it with a kiss. "God, I really appreciate you."
She had planned our week to ease our work schedules and household duties. I felt comfortable with the schedule and I chose not to waste any more time with the guys shooting snooker or playing video games. That way, we had time to work and time to play. It felt good. Tuesday night, she made dinner, and then we worked and went to bed to make love. We cuddled and slept soundly. Neither of us had classes Thursday morning. I decided to take my weekly long distance bike ride. I could tell that she welcomed the time to be alone with her work. After all, we'd hardly been out of each other's sight except for class.
I reflected on that as I rode through the countryside on that beautiful morning. For our sanity, we would have to get a larger apartment to keep from being right on top of each other all the time. I didn't want to leave Laura's property. It had been ideal. We would have to think and plan how we could keep from crowding each other to death.
Cynthia's View
I was relieved when he told me that he wanted to unwind on his bicycle. That would give me at least three hours of concentration. It is hard to do that when he is here. I was behind in a lot of assignments. I didn't want to go to the house or the library.
When he left, I had this comfortable feeling of privacy, knowing that he would be back in a short while. I could actually concentrate on my work. Then, I had this overwhelming wave of curiosity. I was living in his house, but I didn't know what was in the cabinets or drawers. I didn't really want to snoop, but I weakened and began looking through the food cabinets and — please forgive me — his closet and drawers. I found a tux and a dinner jacket along with all the shirts, studs and suspenders. Hmmm? I'd like to see him in that. His wardrobe, though not extensive, was adequate for most of the events at a university. I wasn't looking for evidence. I just wanted to have more of a feel for him. Yeah, right, Cynthia. You found those pictures of the other women and your hand was shaking. Face it. You're used goods, too.
Actually, it didn't take all that long to learn my new whereabouts. I was surprised to see the food stocks and seasonings, and even things carefully arranged in the freezing compartment. After satisfying my curiosity, I pondered for a minute. What am I doing here? Is it real? Regardless, I still managed to get a paper formatted and completed.
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Lucas told everything that happened between him and Violette, from start to finish, leaving almost nothing out. The only thing he did not mention was the doubts of Violette about his scars and his muscular body; he did not want to bring this matter to the conversation. May was shocked to learn that Lucas ended up relating to her so easily; the two have already done what she has not yet done with him. Lucas mentioned that Violette is an easier woman when it comes to sex, and Maylin realized...
With a name like SexDolls, you have to wonder whether there’s even a point in reviewing this website. The title does a great enough job on its own. There’s really no need for a second pair of eyes on this bad boy. It’s a website where you can purchase sex dolls. That much is obvious. But I guess you need me to do a second pass around the whole thing to see just how good of a job they’re doing at staying relevant and at providing you with quality sex dolls.From the get-go, it should be clear...
Sex Doll Shops- - - German woman cheats with a real man - - - My name is Katja and today I was going to meet up my boyfriend in the city.We were going to meet to have a romantic date for ourselves. Me and him had been together for almost two years now. We were both german people, and got along with each other real well.He is what you would call the love of my life, one of the nicest and sweetest people I knew.We both also came from middle class backgrounds, our families are doing quite well for are self. My...
So I had just fucked my girlfriends sisters at the same time with her joining in as well, and this was apparently fine and normal thing for them in my girlfriends family.And as we strolled out of their dad's art studio naked, sweaty and sticky, and along the hallway back to the main part of the big country house they lived in, Katie the youngest sister cried "Oooh! Look at mum go!" and glancing out of one of the windows we could see Mrs Green their mother, naked as we were, sucking off their...
Breakfast at the Office I wake up so refreshed but very horny. I decide to get to your office early before you arrive. I bought your favorite coffee and some chocolate eclairs. I get to your private office and I put your coffee and eclair on your desk then I get under your desk waiting to surprise you with the best breakfast you ever had..You come in and you noticed the coffee and eclair on your desk. You're a bit hesitant but you come over to your chair and sit down. You pull your chair in...
Matt and Bert were two slackers. Their main purpose in life was seeing who could beat the other at video gaming. They both were in their late teens, and both would have had nice bodies if they’d get off their asses and do something active. As it was, Fritos, Doritos and Dr. Pepper had taken their toll.Nice looking guys, they could have had girlfriends who put out, but it would have taken some energy. Pursuing a girl sounded too much like work, so they were both virgins, though they would have...
First TimeThis is a true incident my name is Jagdish and her name is Geeta name changed. She made me a man. This incident happened in inter first year when I’m 18. I’m from Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. Let me com to the story; I am an innocent boy. I don’t have sexual feelings at that time. Then she came to live next to our house; she is not aunty but a mother of two she is 22 then. She had already two children. She is beautiful pure white she used to smile at time I wouldn’t noticed here intention and...
Double Dare by Paul1954 Part 1 - The Bet Friday 20th September, 2005 - 8:50pm Flight BA212 - Baltimore, Washington to Heathrow, London Matthew McDonald sat looking at his hands, not quite believing he had agreed to the bet that he had accepted from his sister. He stretched out his fingers and examined the coral nail varnish and the narrow white gold ring on the middle finger of his right hand. It was most probably just as well that he was completely unaware that, to anyone...
Lucy and Jake – Breaking the highway code. Driving through town on Lucy’s last night, Jake looked over to her and saw a tear in her eye. She was leaving the next morning for Paris and couldn’t bare to be away from her lover and best friend. He sensed she needed something, a chat, a few more minutes alone so he indicated and turned off the main road to go out into the country. Lucy looked at him bemused, but he had turned on their favourite album, wound down the windows and before Lucy knew...
Hey to you all, what's up?... :)I promised to you all something, and a promise is a promise, so...welcome to the first (and most important) part of my "program" of the dating game, meaning how you can date and have as many women as you want, as well as any woman you want. Also, a deal is a deal so, although I'll share to you information worth 1 billion dollars, I'll do it for you totally free. ;)Now, let's get it started...Have you ever wondered why women react differently while getting...
Day as long as I live, because that was the day my life got twisted up side down by one god damn women. Beep, beep as my alarm went off for work, and to no surprise I found my 17 year old daughter Sara laying next to me with her dirty blond hair in her pink pajamas she looked so much like her mother who I hate so much. That whore only left a letter saying she not meant to be a stay at home wife and she never got to live her life since she got pregnant at a young age of 15. If I look back at...
2 put a guy like me 2work n a invioment were there r thousons of beautiful woman is HEAVEN-i hate d work im doing but OOoooohhhh how i enjoy d senusious viewing pleasures i get 2 c woman of all shapes n sizes some so young i only dare look,some so old yet still maintaining there sexual glow,some so sexy thy make your dick automaticly start to grow;-))mmmmmm,n i most tell u ladies those white shorts r killing all d rest d way thy show off your ass n pussies d best i thought once it was a...
There were several highlights during the rest of the concert. Liz started out her second set with a heartfelt speech thanking Glen Carter. The original that we’d put together simply expressed gratitude for his appearance. Liz did a good job of ad-libbing her other expressions of thankfulness. Then she did her best to live up to her title by putting on one of the most amazing performances of her career. The entire stadium was on its feet by the time the last song wrapped up. I glanced down...
Dear ISS Readers, Hi! I am Sameer from Andhra Pradesh. At present I am a mature man at about 40 years. The story I am writing here is actually not a story but a true incident of my life. Once I was staying in Paying Guest accomodation in Hyderabad doing my computer course. It was there I got introduced to ISS by my room partner.From then I have been a regular ISS reader. But I never thought of submitting my sexual experience. However, lately I decided to share my sexual encounter with all ISS...
Incest"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" said Denise with a real angry tone to her voice. That brought the guys around, and then they were the ones scrambling to get their clothes on. The girls couldn't help but laugh at the way the boys were running around, and blushing clear to their toes. "Oh knock it off, guys," Leah began. "It's not like we didn't see that you were playing with yourselves here. Now what was it that could have gotten you so excited?" "Um... well... um......
Ticket to Paradise By Cal Y. Pygia "Oh, no!", Toni Matthews thought as she saw the red, blue, and amber emergency lights flashing in her rear-view mirror and heard the shrill siren of the police car shrieking like a banshee. She was being pulled over by a California Highway Patrol officer. She?d been speeding, she knew, but maybe if she was flirtatious the officer would let her go with a warning. It would be her luck, she thought, that the cop would be a woman instead of a...
Hello friends, I’m Kalyan aged 26 male(Single) from Hyderabad working as IT professional 5.6’’ tall with 6.5 inch with good muscular body. The story(I would not prefer… [email protected]’ so that I share our next intercourse with more excitement. ANY HOT AUNTIES, GIRLS FROM HYDERABAD….. starving for SEX can contact the above email Will experience the pleasure of SEX at your peaks. Details will be maintained confidential. Thanks for reading my sex story...
AffairSummary - Theo has a painful problem, so it's Mom and Theo’s turn to have a little talk. Previous Story Summary - Tiffany had a very fun filled day at school. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is...
This story takes place the summer before my senior year. I was 17 working at a local grocery store as a bag boy. I’m about 6’1 or so, a little overweight, and short black hair. At the grocery store I worked at it was required to ask ever customer with a buggy if they would like help out to their car. It started out as a normal day, I was working 12-4 on a unusually hot day in june. It was just a few minutes before 4 and I was ready leave. When a rather hot older lady came through the line. She...
I had been away at college for about a month, and was home visiting my Mom for the weekend. I was still the same old Steven, a virgin, a girlfriend who we didn't do much but kiss and hug. Kate was a beautiful girl of Korean descent, a lovely, slender, petite athletic body, a gymnast's body. She had a pretty, round face with bell shaped, "Dick Van Dyke' -era Mary Tyler Moore hair. Come to think of it, she was physically and Asian version of my Mom. She like me, was also inexperienced and...
IncestLike just about every other teenager, I had never listened to my parent's warnings about doing things the "right way." I went about doing everything my way, and eventually suffered the consequences. I had been involved with sports, and I spent the summers doing manual labor to work on my body and all. As a result I ended up with a bad back at a young age.I am sure that there are many who can relate and I have some serious periods of low back pain that make it difficult to stand up straight or...
My name is Ron. I graduated high school early and had also taken several college courses while still in high school. My sister April is pissed that her little brother is going to enter college as a sophomore, same as she will be. My goal is to finish my bachelor's degree one year before her and start on my masters in business, then work my way up to be the head of the biggest companies I can find.My part time summer job allowed me to take more courses, no free time but I felt I didn't have time...
Al and me have been mates since high school and we have always been close getting around to ech others house when ever we could. Al doesnt know i enjoy a mans company inside the bedroom, but i have always wanted to tell him so that i could possibly enjoy him someday.Anway Al's dad is early 60's and still in good nick for an older man. i have for years now eyed him off on many occasions like when we would all be in the pool on a hot summers day or just before he heads off to bed in just his...
Nathan and I took our freshly picked afternoon fucks to our usual spot and started fucking them, and I didn’t bring up anal sex when Nathan didn’t suggest it himself. Nathan was busily eating his girl out while I was just toying with mine, feeding her her juices with my fingers and watching her lick them off erotically. I was surprised when Nathan heard my sigh of discontent, but I was surprised even more by the realization I wasn’t really enjoying myself anymore. “Do you wish to trade...
Ms. Wey went by the name of Haeli, but I knew her as Nicole, at least that was the name she said she preferred. I first met Ms. Wey, I mean Nicole, when I was a senior at Westlake and she was my civics teacher. I knew the moment I stepped into the classroom, I had to have her. She had a body built for sex. Nicole was about twenty-six and had Playboy model looks. Standing about five foot six with long flowing dark brown hair she normally wore pinned back, she had curves in all the right places....
HardcoreThe hotel room was a suite, really. Gina often stayed there while visiting the Club. She must have been high up in the TV network's hierarchy where she worked. But then again, her family owned it. Which might explain that she so often found the time to be either at the Club or play her favorite sport, golf. Right now she and Alicia were on a king sized bed. The only lights were the tiny reading lamps in the headboards. There also was some light seeping in from the half open bathroom...
Dirty blonde Betty Foxxx’s striptease reveals big globes, thick thighs and ample ass. The married MILF tells neighbor Mark Wood that she’s a swinger newly arrived from Spain. He sucks her huge, gumdrop nipples and labors to tug her skirt down over her thick posterior. Excited Betty gives him a blowjob. She kneels for a doggie-style fuck as Mark spanks her, thumbs her butthole and drills her into the rug. He lubes her ass for an anal reaming; Betty slaps her boobs and pinches her...
xmoviesforyouThe Climax done, Jed told Ron to stay with you and he would go see how things were going in the restroom. This made you wonder, what was going on and were they doing anything to your husband, John? That would make sense. Although you had given in to these two creatures with the belief that John had asked them to force you to have sex with them, you started to wonder if they had not tricked you. Looking to the rear, you noticed Jed disappear into the lobby. Turning back to face the front, you...
As we headed back to the house, after seeing Stewart and Collin off, Tia let out a sigh. "Those fireworks sure looked like a lot of fun. Too bad we missed them." "You didn't," I said. Both Tia and Kai looked at me. "What do you mean?" they said together. "There are 2 big boxes back at the house. One is marked 'Tia', and the other is marked 'Kai'. In each box is a sample of all the fireworks we shot off last night. They are all for you 2 to shoot off tonight." The 2 Polynesian...
I will admit, I drank too much. So some parts are a little foggy. But I will try to get Adam’s input on the parts I don’t remember very well. Again, our names are changed. Also, trying a narration-only style story this time. It’s easier cause I don’t remember a lot. Make sure to tell me what you think. The night started out like any other night. Adam and I were hanging out with my sister and her husband, drinking margaritas. All night I was sending texts to Adam about how horny I was, and how...
Our house was small, it had initially only been intended to hold our parents as a means to be close to work without having to travel for several hours to get to the substation. It at the time only had one bedroom with an attached bathroom. When were born they added a wing to one side that became a new master suite for them. Since we had been young at the time they had not worried about building a second room since it was easier to heat the house the way it was now. Over time everyone was so...
Hai readers thank you for read my story continuation. Jayan walked into Kumar's house. He said "hi" to a few guys in the hallway that he recognized. Jayan had been at another , and worked his way over to Kumar's late. Most of the boys were very drunk, almost in a stupor. Word quietly spread that Jayan was here. Kalyani was in a dark corner of the family room, where Kumar sat on a chair getting a blowjob from her, as another boy fucked her from behind. Some boys slithered away fearing trouble,...
IncestI was attractive since i was young and highly appreciated by girls and ladies around me. At the age of 18, I had my first sex encounter. It was my bhabhi. My brother use to stay on first floor and me, my mom , dad and sister on ground floor. Bhabhi and i use to share lot of things. I use to narrate her my fake sex experience and she use to smile on the same. She even use to show me herself secretly sometimes. Her boobs were too big, which she use to show me from her deep neck gown. While...
Since my last series was fantasy, and I couldn't decide on a new theme yet, I decided to just write a few of my own true experiences. About two years ago I decided to fulfill some fantasies and adverstised on a casual sex web site for couples looking for a bi male. One of the first I met was a couple from out of town here on business. They weren't really a couple, but a gay guy and his straight girlfriend who liked to watch each other play. They proposed meeting at their hotel pool and all...
Leaving dressing room six, we handed the two sets of lingerie not required to the usher. She took them without returning a look of any kind. Polly and I looked at each other, then at the black set I am about to buy for her birthday. We are both the wrong side of fifty, but the smiles on our faces could belong to a couple of nineteen year olds, who have gotten away with adventurous sex in their parents bedroom. We’ve just had an incredible session in the stores changing room. Albeit a private,...
Step Daddy is home early from work and walks in on his step daughter Cadey Mercury masturbating. Cadey is living out a fantasy and even thought she is caught, she isn’t about to stop. The horny teen is nude on the couch with her tight wet pussy full of cock. She is turned on and wants more so when her step father shows up Cadey is quick to seduce him. The pair continue the role play as she pulls out his big cock for her to suck on and fuck. She swaps back and forth between her step...
xmoviesforyouFrom Fiona’s diary: It was so hard to sleep knowing my Mandy was alone in hostile territory. After she’d shown me that diary entry--and I knew how much courage it must have taken--I no longer thought her parents were completely stupid. Her cousins were more devious than I had given them credit for, setting up that dynamic where anything she said or did could be attributed to her disruptive attempts to get attention. By so doing, they had transformed her own protectors, the people whom she...
All the elves are worried when Vixen returns alone while Santa is out on his deliveries. Later in the night his sleigh is spotted, but is flying erratically with only the seven reindeer.Santa lands the sleigh hard. One of the runners collapses and the sleigh smashes it into a snowbank. The elves rush to sleigh and roll it off the old elf.Santa slowly tries to stand up. He looks like the night had not gone as planned. Part of his fur is missing from his suit, his coat is open, the right sleeve...
HumorThanks to Elrod for building Bikini Beach and letting us play there, and to him and Radioactive Loner for the encouraging words and the great patience shown in editing my draft. Many thanks also to Tiana Red Wolf for the Spanish translation that appears in this story (and to the others who offered to help). Tiana, your translation came through without a hitch. Thanks again. Speaking of which, any Spanish-speaking readers might want to skip over the short Spanish...
Sometimes I wish it didn’t. I don't know why the journey always has me pontificating about the world, the immediate world, my family, my work, my friends, not the whole world.I don't know why I think of Syeda today. The pretty girl on reception with that wonky smile, her olive skin that glows against the blood-red lipstick worn so well. Maybe it is because she is getting married today. To live happily ever after, amen. A loving and dutiful wife - faithful, unlike me.The five-floor cheap hotel,...
LesbianVery Hot Wife. This story is true, it took place over an 18 month period, only his name has been changed the rest is the way the encounter occurred, and I have the tapes to refer to for accuracy. This is the recount of her first affair. My wife is 35 years old, five foot, long blond hair, 38dd breasts and a great ass. Here ass is virgin and which she has denied me but love to suck cock and swallow cum. I figures it was a fair trade off. I was a summer afternoon and I was sitting in my...
Her Inner SlutI should have known when my wife told me that I really didn’t want to release the inner slut in her that I should have listened. But I was blinded by her newfound sexuality in our relationship and I was just having a good time. I guess I should begin this tale with some background about our relationship and us.I had moved to Las Vegas and met Carol when she was 32 years old. She was a beauty, blonde, 5ft, 115lbs, small perky breasts; she has a sweet tasting pussy with a small...