Knock Knock Its our next door MILF
- 3 years ago
- 25
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The cold evening rain was still drumming on the car roof in the partial light of the parking place I'd found beside two large dumpsters. The huge dark trash containers were located on the outside track of the Mall's back parking lot. A long section of tall privacy fence would block the view of my car from anyone off the Mall property. The tall trees just on the other side of the curb didn't seem to block the rain from falling on the roof of my car.
Once again Jhoni and I were back in our clothes, and in the front seat of my parked 1967 Oldsmobile.
But now, I was wearing my dry tee shirt under my nice lined black-leather zippered jacket. And now my suit pants were warm, if still a bit damp in places on the bottom half of my body. At least the thin material was no longer cold and clinging wet. My two hundred dollar dress shoes, which had remained in the car when we'd gotten out and checked on the crash victims in the cold rain, were back on my feet. Inside my expensive shoes, my thin dress socks were now completely dry and snug against the happy skin of both my feet.
It was safe to say, I was feeling replete—smug even.
The reason for my replete and smug feeling was right next to me, in my Olds and illuminated by the dash lights. Dressed in her exceptionally well filled-out cream-colored knit sweater, and her slightly rumpled light-gray pleated skirt; wearing her sophisticated silver-gray stockings as well as her navy-blue high heels back on her dainty feet, was the wonderfully naïve and beautiful Jhoni; watching me count money while she was, again, wiggling her bottom around on the bench seat.
I knew she was trying to find a comfortable position. But, with the amount of cum it had felt like I'd pumped into her tight sweet pussy while we'd been in the back seat ripping off Jhoni's first ever quickie just fifteen minutes ago, I doubted she would find comfort until sometime later; when she got out of the car, got into my Loft, and then got out of her clothes for me.
Neither of us talked. The only sounds to be heard were the muted sound of the engine, the fan of the car heater, the rain on the metal roof of the car, and my fingers dealing out cash.
I had in my hands the bundle of twenty-dollar bills that had been resting against my speedometer while I had introduced Jhoni to her first experience of fucking in a car; on the backseat. I was now dividing the money into four equal stacks by dealing out one bill at a time onto two piles on each of my thighs between my waist and the steering wheel. While I concentrated on counting the bills to myself, I was aware of Jhoni's lips moving silently in my peripheral vision as she counted along.
Placing the last bill on the pile nearest my crotch on my right thigh, I sat back against the seat and exhaled. There were twenty-five bills in each stack; so, five hundred to a stack and four stacks—
"Two ... thousand ... ahhh dollars..." Jhoni whispered in awe. "James. That is two—thousand—dollars. Just think how much there must, you know, be ... left in the bag."
The bag was on the floor in back, under the folded heavy blanket and the three folded red and silver space blankets; right behind me. My wet dress shirt and suit jacket had been neatly folded and placed along side her jacket on the back seat by Jhoni while the two of us had recovered from our earth-shaking bout of lovemaking earlier. We had both managed to last about four or five rapturous minutes before blasting off together with all the accompanying skyrockets, moans, squeals, and thrashing around. I had even managed to surprise Jhoni during her orgasm with one of my moves.
Yes, I was smug; and, in the money.
"What are you ... mmm ... going to do ... ahhm, with that money?" Jhoni asked me in a quiet voice as she nodded at the cash. She had combed her shoulder-length blonde hair while I'd gotten dressed in the back seat and now, other than the cologne of much sated lust emanating from her and filling the car, she was looking lovely and cultured again; and not a visible hair out of place.
I picked up the nearest pile from my right thigh and folded in half. Using the fingers of my left hand to open that side of my black-leather jacket, I deposited five hundred dollars into the inside pocket where my wallet was already stashed.
I collected the remaining pile of bills on my right thigh, and rolled the money into a green and dirty-cream cylinder and snapped the original rubber band from the bundle around the wad. I tucked that five hundred in the deep outside pocket on the lower right side of my leather jacket and zipped the pocket closed. The third pile I picked up.
"Hold this for a moment sweetheart," I told Jhoni and handed her the cash. She took it with her right hand and swallowed. Then she smiled as she looked down at the money in her grasp.
"Mmmm..." she whispered reverently, "I like ... money." Then she brought the small stack up close to her dainty nose and, as her eyes closed, she took a deep whiff.
"Oooooww..." she moaned with a closed-eyed grin and a little wiggle of delight, "I like the smell, too."
When I started to chuckle, her blue eyes popped open and she looked at me with a sheepish expression, the money still close to her pixie face.
"Well ... I do," she defended herself, looking at me with gentle reproach. Then her expression changed and I could tell she was seriously considering something.
Because I'd made a study of her body language and facial expressions over the last year, just I knew—this, I told myself, should be good.
"Okay..." Jhoni said, and took a deep breath before her revelation. "You will, you know ... find out sooner or, ahhh, later ... I guess ... So, I will just, you know, tell you right now.
"I am, mmmm ... an unrepentant capitalist."
I just smiled at her, enjoying the moment.
"And, as I told you, mmm, before..." she said, looking me in the eye before she continued, while using one shake of the cash at me to emphasize each of her following points:
"I am expensive...
"And ... I like money!
"I like to touch it...
"And ... mmm... count it.
"And ... of course, smell it..."
I bet myself that if the university made their pom-poms out of dollar bills, Jhoni would make every attempt to become a cheerleader.
"But," she told me reverently, "best of all—
"—I love...
"—to spend it!" Jhoni squealed, her face almost radiant with her happy smile.
"So, are you telling me, you're one of those people who believe in the trickle down theory of economics?" I asked her, waiting in wonder for how she would respond to that question. I could hear her elevated breathing over the other noises in the car.
She giggled sexily as her blue eyes opened wide and she moved her graceful neck so her head was closer to me. She took a deep breath and her facial features sort of changed. Suddenly she didn't strike me as that naïve woman I gotten to know.
"Oooo ... the only major thing," Jhoni crooned to me, her voice back to the low-pitched, liquid lust of her vixen sex-bomb persona again, "that trickles down when I go shopping ... is along my inner thighs ... and it is leaking from my little hot creaming honey pot."
To say I was surprised as I felt the thickening response to her statement in my boxers, would be an understatement. The emotional power Jhoni was able to emote when she channeled that sex-bomb persona or what ever it was that happened, was almost unbelievable.
"You—woman," I chuckled, shaking my head to release some energy and gain a bit of control over my rising libido, "are an unending source of joy ... just to be around.
"And now ... I can't wait to go shopping with you."
"Now you know why, I always wear a dress or skirt when I go out to shop," Jhoni informed me in her new low-pitched husky sort of way.
I turned back to the last stack of bills on my left leg and picked it up. I folded it over once and, pushing against the floor with my feet and with my shoulders against the back of the seat, I arched my hips and butt up close to the steering wheel. With my head pushed into the cushioning headrest, I wormed the cash into the deep right front pocket of my suit pants where my loose change and my fingernail clippers were already resting.
As a long time bass and guitar player, if I wore just one pocket, I always carried nail clippers on my body. My money clip with my original for-the-evening cash was in my left pocket.
Easing myself back down, I looked at my sexy companion. The heater fan and the rain continued filling the warm car with a monotonous drone that was comforting to listen to.
"Fold that money over sweetheart," I told her and watched as she complied.
"Now, my sweet Jhoni..." I said, locking my eyes with her wide opened blue ones while I was speaking in a slow considerate tone of voice, " ... who gets turned on by money ... Pull both your skirt and your slip up ... to very tops of those sexy legs of yours, for me."
Never taking her gaze from mine, the twenty-five-year-old woman reached down with both hands—her right gripping the folded cash—and lazily drew the pleated material upward. Her sliver-gray stocking-covered legs were slowly revealed under the dashboard lights. She giggled as she unveiled the tops of her stockings and two inches of bare thighs before she halted her piled up skirt and slip just short of uncovering the crotch of her panties.
From the look in her eyes, I knew that she knew I would not be able to help myself; and she grinned at me.
She was correct. I looked down and focused on her sexy display.
She ever so carefully scooted her bottom forward along the bench as her blonde hair and head relaxed and slipped off the wide headrest while her shoulders slid down the back of the seat maybe four inches. With her butt resting about a foot from the edge of the seat, Jhoni spread her exposed knees and legs until I saw a promising tiny bit of her sheer panty-covered puss peeking out between her bare upper thighs and from under the tucked up pile of light-gray skirt and the cream silk of her slip.
Jhoni held the gathered material tight in her fists which rested just below the tips of her hips bones. I saw part of the folded money sticking up between the clasped index finger and middle finger of her right hand.
This woman can effortlessly wield so much erotic power when it suits her, I found myself thinking, that she should be illegal. I wondered ... how could her husband be so blind to the treasure he'd been living with since the two of them had gotten married?
"What are you ... ahhh..." she asked me, breaking the silence with her naïve girlish whisper full of naughty anticipation, " ... going to make me do...
"... now?"
And for emphasis, Jhoni spread herself open a bit further on the car seat.
My God, I told myself in lust-filled admiration, does this woman know how to present a teasing invitation; or what?
We both could hear my swallow over the rain on the roof and the hum of the heater fan.
I was rock hard; again! I shook my head and exhaled. I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath.
"Welllll..." I drew out the word as I started getting a bit of my composure back.
"Since we are both very hungry—for food ... And it looks to me as if we both are going to seriously need all the nourishment we can get before the evening is over; I say, after I entrust you with that money in your hand there, we go get that Chinese you wanted ... and lots of booze."
I held out my right hand, palm up, and gestured for Jhoni to give me the cash she held.
She placed the folded money in my palm. I reached down and, as the sexy married woman sucked air through her teeth, I meticulously tucked the money under the front strap of Jhoni's garter belt and against the bare, smooth skin of the thigh nearest to me. Then I sat back and admired my work and her exposed legs; and, what they pointed up to.
"If you like to look at me like this," Jhoni told me in her low-pitched delivery as she gazed up at me from her lowered position on the seat, her blue eyes alive with twinkling lusty teasing, "I think I will have to let my skirt and my slip stay exactly where they are for now."
"Jhoni my sweet," I replied feeling all the energy flowing between us and loving it, "if you allow the tops of your shapely legs, with your stockings, garter clips and those magnificent two inches of bare thighs to remain exposed like that; you will certainly present a clear and present hazard to my safe driving abilities ... Even at the slow speeds found here in the parking lot."
"But this way—" Jhoni countered in the sultry low voice of her alter ego, as she minutely rocked both of her knees back and forth, making her stocking-covered thighs quiver slightly, "—I can look at this wonderful money which you've secured on my person. And seeing it there, I'll be reminded of your trust in me to keep part of your recent windfall safe ... Of course, I might spend it later.
"And, you must realize," she told me with a deadpan look on her pixie face as she steadily met my gaze, "your twenty-dollar bills will probably come loose once I start walking somewhere. You should tuck the money into my stocking top, under my garter clip.
"That way," Jhoni reassured me, "I won't have to worry about leaving a trail of your money behind me ... unspent, where ever I go."
I gazed down at the money captured against her sinfully smooth looking thigh.
"Well you know, I could replace those twenties with some of those hundreds from the gym bag," I told her thoughtfully. "Then ... if any money falls out of the bottom of your skirt ... it would just prove to anyone who saw it happen, what an incredible little moneymaker you're keeping safe for me, up between those fucking sexy legs of yours."
Jhoni gasped at my comment, her full lips wide open and looking scandalized at me for a bit.
Then her look became teasingly predatory as her lips resolved to a sexy smile full of perfect white teeth, her mouth slightly open and showing a small wedge of moist tongue. She lazily turned her shoulders to me, placing her right hand down on my right knee under the steering wheel for support. And the sexy bomb-shell blonde cupped my very hard member through the crotch of my thin damp suit pants with her left hand.
She squeezed playfully and didn't let go.
"Well, James..." Jhoni told me, pitching her voice, trying to mimic May West, "you know honey ... I'm really becoming quite fond of this stout banker you got here with you mister ... And I can tell right now by the weapon I got my mitts on, that you're glad to see me ... And kiddo, I sure do hope your stout banker here keeps making such large deposits in my tight little moneymaker..."
And then her voice reverted back to her liquid lust tone as she continued to get a rise out of me, "which I must tell you ... I am very happy to keep safe for your use—up between the tops of my fucking sexy legs. And I'm telling you, it is yours to take—any way, any time, any where you want ... All you have to do is whistle."
I was thrilled and excited and mentally stimulated and hard as a rock. My mouth was probably hanging open, too.
"Say, you do know how to whistle," Jhoni asked me and her eyebrows went up, "don't you?"
"Just ... put you lips together," I ventured with a big grin coming out of my thrall, "and blow."
We both burst out laughing, and because the steering wheel was sort of in the way, I awkwardly took the delightfully jiggling Jhoni in my arms and held her possessively to my heart.
After that, I did gently reposition the folded twenties under Jhoni's stocking top as she'd suggested. And Jhoni left her legs and part of her panties exposed as she said she was going to. And then I turned on the car lights, rolled my cracked-opened window closed, and backed the Oldsmobile out of the parking space beside the dumpsters. It was 9:25 by the clock on the dashboard. I knew the restaurant stopped taking orders at 10 o'clock and we had until 11 pm to get to the State Store.
And now, as I maneuvered through the evening rain heading east along the center aisle of the parking lot with the massive northern side of Creekside Mall to our right, I notice Jhoni was still wiggling her bottom around on the seat beside me, trying to get comfortable. But now with her legs exposed, it was really distracting; just as I'd warned her it would be.
"Don't mind me ... Just watch where you're driving," Jhoni told me as she noticed where I was looking. "I am ... ah, just a little bit ... mmm...
"Sore!" Jhoni crowed, sounding very proud about her revelation as she put her left hand on the top of my right thigh and gave me a squeeze through my thin dress pants. "And ... if you were ... say, a gentleman ... mmmm ... you would promise to give me, you know, a therapeutic muscle massage ... or something ... later on."
"I would?" I asked her, and couldn't help but smile at her fishing attempt as I looked back toward where we were going through the rain splattered windshield as the parking lot aisle started to curve south. "But, I already gave you money. And anyway, would you trust me, just like that, to give you a massage?"
"Wellll ... certainly," the twenty-five-year-old doctor's wife replied, starting to sound uncertain. "Mmmm ... shouldn't I?"
I turned to Jhoni and laughed my low-pitched Snidely Whiplash whaa haa haa as I twirled the tip of my non-existent mustache with my left hand and made my eyebrows jump and down at her.
"Of course, dahlling..." I told her, trying for a bad Canadian accent, " ... you should trust me, eh? My good woman, such an upstanding fellow as I, would never do anything untoward to any part of that innocent ... delectable ... ripe body of yours. Eh?"
Jhoni looked at me like I was crazy and then began rubbing her left palm quickly up and down the top of my right leg.
"You are ... you know ... mmm ... such a nut," she told me in her sweet voice and the halting delivery that was the naïve and reserved Jhoni I'd gotten to know over the last year or so and hat I was now growing to really care for.
I turned back to watch the wet parking lot aisle I was slowly driving along and now going directly south, with the eastern front side of the huge mall to our right. The windshield wipers swept back and forth refreshing our limited vision out of the Oldsmobile.
Three parking spots ahead and approaching from our left, three attractive teenaged girls were illuminated in my headlights as they began crossing the aisle. I had to slow the car down to a crawl. Each girl was holding a big umbrella and dressed in an expensive flowing short skirt and a daring thin-looking top.
The three took rapid short steps, trying to move only from their knees down, as their stylish bright high-heeled rain boots splashed along the flooded crosswalk. The blowing cold autumn rain required the girls to try and keep the hems of their skirts down against their tightly held together thighs. They each were holding a pair of high heels in the hand they were using to try and keep down their short skirts. Their big umbrellas were all tilted to shield their hairdos as best they could.
This part of the lot was parked full, so the girls were hurrying along as quickly as they could from where ever they'd managed to park toward the front doors of the Mall, located beyond all the aisles to our right.
The three girls looked like they were shivering from the occasional chilly gusts which blew the raindrops in different directions from time to time. But none of them had chosen to wear a raincoat or even just a jacket.
Slaves to fashion, I told myself; but sexy young slaves, all the same.
Half way across the aisle the three ritzy girls suddenly seemed to realize a car was approaching them and they minced their way even quicker through the puddles. Their skirts began flapping higher, exposing even more of their sexy, promising teenaged thighs. Once or twice the wind lifted their skirts up almost to their tight butts while exposing the backs of what seemed like a yard-and-a-half of toned curvy legs and thighs. I felt a rush of excited expectation at seeing their unwilling ripeness, while hoping I'd get to see all the way to glory.
They cleared the crosswalk and we were able to continue along our way. So I got the car moving again just as a strong gust lifted the skirt of the last girl in line and I was rewarded with a momentary partial flash in the headlights of about two inches of tight shiny-yellow panty stretched across the bottom of both full cheeks at the top of her shapely trim legs.
"Mmm... my, oh my," Jhoni stuttered in response to the show as the teens moved further away to our right through the rain.
As she turned her head to watch the girls wiggle away from us and toward the Mall, I heard Jhoni say, "Those girls are ... mmm ... quite attractive. Ahh ... don't you think?"
"Well, they were fashionably dressed, and they had nicely formed bodies from what I could make out," I told Jhoni with a chuckle as I increase our speed, causing the Olds to splash along the parking lot pavement. "And I'm sure their nipples will be hard from this cold weather by the time they get inside. But, I try not to judge a girl's attractiveness based only on her looks—well, usually."
"And ... if ah, all of their skirts would ... mmm ... have, you know, gone up higher..." Jhoni asked me, her voice taking on an edge of eagerness, "ah ... so we got to see more of their ... mmm... panties...
"Would you think they were ... ah attractive then?"
Through the windshield and the moving wiper blades I was able to see that the further to the south end of the eastside parking lot we traveled, the fewer cars there seemed to be.
"Sure. In a superficial way," I told Jhoni, aware of a spike in the buzz of erotic energy flowing between us as we discussed teen panties in the wind.
"I enjoy erotic happenstances like that," and I looked down at Jhoni's exposed legs and thighs on the seat beside me and nodded. I grinned as our eyes met when I looked back up at her, and then I turned to watch where I was driving.
"I find it exciting when I'm able to glimpse up a woman's or a girl's skirt and see her panties—especially if she isn't aware of it. But then sometimes I find the experience more erotic precisely because the girl realizes I'm seeing what she is unwillingly showing off.
"But," I told Jhoni, and quickly swiveled my head so I could capture her blue eyes with my gaze, "it is much more enjoyable when I know the girl or woman."
"Like now... with me," Jhoni said proudly, wiggling her exposed stocking-covered knees again.
I looked back to check where the car was traveling through the rain.
"You've got that right sweetheart," I told her.
"So ... that is why you're going to have me ... ah, show you my panties, whenever you say so," Jhoni reasoned. "First—because you know me ... and you know how I am...
"And, second ... ahh, because we will both know ... mmm, what you are looking at. And ... what it, you know... does for both of us."
"Exactly," I agreed with her and smiled. I steered the car into the gentle right curve following the center aisle as it began the long turn from the eastside parking lot of the Mall to the southside parking lot.
"And, while it seems paper money is one of your sexual fetishes; well ... as you've discovered... panties is one of mine.
"Tell me, Jhoni," I said to her in a low voice. "Would you have found those three teenage girls more attractive if we'd gotten to see all of their panties when the wind blew their short skirts up their thighs?"
"Wellll..." Jhoni replied sort of guardedly and looked down at her nearly exposed lap. "Ahhh—perhaps...
"You ... oohh wouldn't be..." she asked and looked up at me hopefully, "you know... upset with me if ... mmm ... I told you... I was?"
"No ... Of course not," I replied and lifted my right hand off the steering wheel and gently took Jhoni's dainty left hand in mine. The feeling of connection between the two of us as our skin touched was followed by an deeper sense of warm exciting companionship. I could sense her relax next to me.
"In fact, I'm getting excited thinking about you being attracted to girls," I admitted, and gave her hand a little squeeze. "As long as you didn't ever let some girl take you away from me.
"You are... with me, right?"
"Oh! Yes!" Jhoni reassured me as she nodded her head vigorously, causing her blonde hair to sway around her face and shoulders. "I am. And not just, you know, for now, either."
"Good," I told her, feeling my emotions rising to the surface. "That makes me very happy, hearing that." Then, to get control of my self again, I joked, "even if you have just informed me, you are attracted to girls also."
"Well, are you sure that doesn't, you know, bother you? You don't ... mmm ... think less of me? You said no, but ahh ... are you sure?" Jhoni asked, and I could hear her hopeful excitement in her sweet voice.
"Oh, my sweet woman," I said, my feelings threatening to overcome me and hearing the depth of my emotions again in my slightly trembling voice. "Indeed I am ... Indeed I am."
"Good," Jhoni told me in a suddenly matter-of-fact tone. "Because ... I would like to, you know, watch the next time ... mmm ... you make another girl ... ahh... fuck."
In my peripheral vision I could see her looking at me and smiling.
Now that information struck me speechless. So I just kept my eyes on the road while my mind was racing.
Jhoni, I told myself, was turning out to be the kind of woman every guy was supposed to be looking for, right? I mean, she was sexy and submissive, but capable of being feisty. In my opinion, she was beautiful, and she definitely had big tits. She was more than willing, and the sex was incredible. She cared about my welfare and was warm and willing to talk about her feelings.
I thought she had a really great sense of humor. And she was a natural blonde; but while she could be naïve, insecure, and might act like an airhead at times, I was certain she was much more intelligent than she let on. And I knew she was getting tired of being with a man who was trying to stifle her discovery of herself and her personal growth.
Plus, she really wants to be with me; that was as obvious as the nose on my face. And the kicker: she admitted she was also attracted to girls, and that she wanted to watch when I had sex with another woman!
What was happening between Jhoni and me was almost too good to be true. Okay, there was no almost about it, I figured. But I passionately hoped nothing developed in the future that would cause this relationship to crash and burn. And most of all, I realized, I really wanted Jhoni for my girlfriend; maybe even my wife? Where had that thought come from? I wondered. Because she had told me she was expensive. And I got the feeling she wasn't just talking about money.
Okay, James, I told myself, you would be stupid if you don't at least attempt a deeper relationship with Jhoni.
But hey, she was already married to a doctor, I reminded myself. I guess I just need more time with her to figure things out. So, I'll just go with my gut instincts. Yep, I decided, that was what I was going to do. With those questions resolved, I guess, I looked over at Jhoni quickly and smiled at her. She returned my smile and I went back to paying attention to where we were going.
To our left in the distance through the rain was the outer ring of businesses called The South Promenade. It was really just a long continuous curved one-business-deep strip-mall housing mostly local and some regional shops and restaurants. All of the national flagship stores and eating places were housed in the Creekside Mall proper. I was able to see the big yellow and red sign of the Chinese restaurant I was heading for. The monster sign stretched along the top of the entire restaurant above the wide canopy protecting the sidewalk.
Then Jhoni brought me back; to her reality.
"So, James ... When you do let me ... you know ... watch you ... mmm ... with the next girl? Well..." Jhoni earnestly speculated.
And I could feel her growing excitement as she went on to further embellish this revelation to me concerning her latest desire; or, maybe it was one of her deepest fantasies, "Perhaps ... the girl will be ... you know ... a girl who is reluctant ... One you really have to, you know... convince.
"Before we count the money, honey," I told Jhoni, "let's clean up here. Then I'll give you a quick tour of the Loft so you know what's what, and we can hang up our clothes." I gestured over toward the dining table and our folded clothes and jackets. "Are you comfortable right now?" I asked her, wondering if I could do anything for her. "I can get you a robe." "The, ahhh, temperature is, you know, is not too cool, and not too warm ... It is, mmm... just right. And, I'm, well ......
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It was with only a hint of trepidation that the young woman slipped through the shadows of the darkened buildings around her, moving quickly toward the one window that she knew would have a candle in it. She heard a groan from an alleyway, and stopped a moment to listen, then resumed her journey as she heard a soft feminine moan. ‘Not the only one with company tonight, Astrid,’ she told herself, pale hands pulling her up to a low rooftop, and then knocking three times softly at a light window,...
Billie was a seventeen year old girl living with her family in a small city. She enjoyed school and had a few close friends. When she was younger she was really athletic and was often said to be the best at sports in the school. As she grew older and her body developed she found it harder to play the sports she loved. She was too short for basketball and not bulky enough for football. Her legs seemed to long for her body and this made footwork much more difficult. Eventually the only sport she...
Straight SexHe opened the door wearing his torn jeans and a blue singlet. As he caught sight of me he smiled and enjoyed the view. his eyes went from the black leather stiletto boots up to the white dress through which you could see the shadow of the black lace suspenders i wore underneath. His eyes went further up and rested on the slightly unbuttoned top and the shadow of the lace bra underneath. he watched me bend down and begin to unzip my right boot giving him a good view down my top. i unzipped...
The knock on the door wasn’t a surprise. She took a deep breath, walked to the door and looked through the peephole. It was him. She had been waiting for this for so long, with so much electricity building up between them. The work day was long, yet fun. They were doing so much, being put together on a team for the first time. There were little glances, occasional bumps as the space backstage was limited. She got cold, and asked to borrow his sweater that he had just taken off. He was more...
DearGayesieWell! You'll never guess what I've been up to - forgive me for not phoning, but Idon't want my mother to overhear our conversation!At the beginning of the week, I was sitting down watching the telly as usual - Patrickwas upstairs in the shower, so that meant I had most of the evening to myself! - whenthere was a knock at the door. I jumped up and opened it, and standing there was thistall, dark-haired man, in his late twenties, I guess. And was he handsome I thoughtI'd walked into...
I hear a knock at the door and come to answer it, hoping that it's u and not someone else about to see me in a tight schoolgirl outfit. I open the door and breathe a sigh of relief as I see U standing there. Ur jaw drops as U take in what I’m wearing, the tight top perfectly showing off my ample tits as well as most of my lacey bra, while the bottom half could barely be said to be a skirt with it rising just above my ass, teasing of what's underneath. I smile and say hi as we move inside, u...
I pulled my van into the gravel parking lot of the Country Boys' Outfitters and Weapons Emporium, which was owned by the family of my Dad's boyhood friend Ted Jigeazian. There were maybe seven cars and six pick-up trucks in spaces to the right and left of the wide three front steps going up to the covered porch that managed to give the entire front of the hugely-oversized wooden barn-like building that housed the business a welcoming homey appeal. There were even two pairs of red rocking...
Mary Ann's earlier cry for help when she had been first restrained had not gone unheeded. Only a couple hundred yards away, Gilligan was stomping through the jungle hunting for pirates. He was completely lost, of course, and was convinced that he was on the other side of the island from the huts. Thus, when he happened to pause and hear Mary Ann's faint cry for help, Gilligan instantly came to the one possible conclusion that would fit all the facts as he saw them - Mary Ann had been...
My wife, Sue, and I had been married about seven years but we could not have c***dren because of an accident that happened to me years ago. We both wanted c***dren and were trying to decide the best way to do this. My mother in-law and one of her close friends were over and we sat around the table talking this thru. They got focused on doing the turkey baster thing, you know, get a guy to jerk off into a turkey baster and then go squirt it up my wife's hooch while she is standing on her head....
I keep getting pregnant. I can't stop. It's almost like a sport for me. I swear, I deserve a damn medal. I've spent eight out of the last ten years pregnant, and my pants are getting tight once again.It started in high school. I was a little slow getting to the perks of puberty, but when I got them, I got them in spades. Less than five feet became almost six feet and less than an A cup became a snug C cup almost overnight. Naturally, I wasn't the only one that noticed. It wasn't long before I...
Knocked Out - My SONIA ====================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!) OK I know the story line is a bit of a dream but wouldn't it be amazing if something like this did happen ...... Today was like any other day to a compulsive cross dresser apart from .... It was evening and I was walking along the footpath with my heels clicking on the paving slabs. I had my long blonde wig on and my makeup was sufficient to let me pass as a woman...
Knocking Up TrudyAUTHOR JeepsterCODES MF, Interr, Preg, CuckDATE ADDED 24th January, 2004DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the...
Hello, beautiful people. I hope you are in a good state of health. I am sorry that I couldn’t post any of the stories for long. I was caught up in my daily routine. I am sorry to keep you all waiting. Thank you for giving so much love to For those who don’t know me, I am Aryan 26 years old from Delhi. I hail from a well-to-do family and a qualified professional. I am 5’8” tall with a 6” long tool and 2.5” in thickness with fair color, athletic body, and looks that you can’t ignore. Deepti is...
She ran her fingers over her stomach. She imagined that she felt a slight bump, but she knew it was too soon for anything developing in her young womb. Her fingertips moved carefully down toward her pelvis, over her pubic bone and touched on her turgid mound. Pressing down hard, and moving slowly but deliberately from side to side, a shiver rushed out over her body, briefly exploding inward, charging from her clitoris to her extremities and then released. She lay there, limp in the shafts of...
Knocking on Heaven's Door By Cassandra Morgan -- 1. -- It's a hell of thing when you're all done with your living except for the part about dying. I had given up. I had accepted my fate, that I wouldn't live to any ripe old age. All that remained was knowing the final date to carve on my tombstone, the final breath, the final goodbye. As I lay dying, a barely functioning heap in a hospital bed, I was only vaguely aware of my surroundings. The ghostly forms of doctors...
While Jhoni was in the small bathroom, I peeled off my messy boxers and put them in my clothes hamper. Then, after putting on my bathrobe and tying the belt, I dumped the pillows on the carpet and then stripped the comforter and sheets off the bed and got out clean ones from the south closet to remake the bed. I'd left the mattress cover in place. "My, you are so, ahh, domestic," Jhoni said from the bedroom doorway as I unfolded the clean bottom sheet with the elastic gusset going around...
I wake up at 8 a.m. on a Saturday in October. I sit up in bed wearing nothing but a pair of pink Victoria’s Secret panties. I reach over and turn off my alarm and get out of bed and look into the mirror, inspecting myself, admiring my 17 year old body. My 5’4 107 lbs. frame, my messy long black hair, tan body, and perky 30C size tits. The perfect body of an athlete like myself. I decide to start my day like every other, with a shower. So I grab my hip length robe, which is downright tiny. It...
One By one of those odd coincidence, Terry Daniels learned about sex at school, but the following year, his sister missed it. The Daniels family had moved house to France in between, and the kids were still in the early stages of learning a new language when their new French school ran the sex education classes, so Lynne was doing her language immersion training when the rest of her class was learning how to make babies. Terry knew, of course. Ever since learning that if he put his dick in a...
Finally, a day off work. You've been working overtime for what seems like months, projects to finish, arsehole managers to deal with, clients who you dearly want to tell to fuck off. A day when you can stay in your robe, eat leftovers from out of the fridge and slob it up spectacularly. And, of course, entertaining yourself with a whole bunch of specially downloaded porn on your big-arse TV. You settle down in front of your TV, stick your hand down your boxers and choose your porn. Heaven....
I don’t know how long I have been laying there, bound, gagged, and blindfolded. I hear the door open and two sets of footsteps come across the floor. I hear your voice talking, but can’t quite make out what you are saying. Next I feel my hair being pulled lifting my head and you whisper in my ear. “I have come back with your parole officer and we are going to have a correction session with you, do you understand?” I nod my head and try to speak through the gag. “Do you need to go to the...
My cousin is a long legged, fair skinned red head. She also has the greenest eyes I have ever seen. When we were younger I used to jerk off with images of Anna kneeling in front of me, looking up at my thick cock as I stroked myself to orgasm.Fast forward 10 years and we became roommates. Although I haven't fucked her yet, nor will I ever get the chance as she is a confirmed carpet muncher. BUT that hasn't stopped us from playing together. Let me explain.One or the other of us takes turns...
The sun had just set beyond the wet elevated woods to the right of the wide road as I drove south through the country side. Everywhere I looked, all of yesterday's magnificent riot of fall colors which had been displayed so brightly in the foliage of every deciduous tree in the area was now soaked, drooping, and muted in the failing early evening light. I reached down to the dashboard with my left hand and turned on the car headlights for safety even though I really wouldn't need them to...
It was 10:32 according to the round-face of the dashboard clock just before I turned left through the high open gates and into the storm-lashed semi-dark courtyard of the old brick-warehousing complex. With the cold rain beating down through the night sky, Jhoni would not have been able to tell just how large the poorly lighted buildings around us were, even if she were in a position to be able to look out of the windows of my big Oldsmobile. I had flicked on my left turn signal and then I...
I put the last of the breakfast dishes in the automatic dishwasher under the counter next to the double sinks in the black-granite counter along the tall west wall of the Loft. I pulled up the door and closed it before I started to walk around to the breakfast table toward my sexy new girlfriend, thinking I would have to start the dishwasher when there were more dirty dishes to clean. I usually did my dishes in the sink right after I finished eating. But from the look on Jhoni's face, clean...
Raisha and I held each other and kissed, awash in happiness, relief, arousal, contentment, and excitement as she leaned the firm cushion of her upper body into mine. And then Raisha managed to position her knees outside of my thighs. And as we held each other and kissed, she wrapped her long magnificent bare dark legs around the hips of my painter's pants. We rocked together gently with her turquoise skirt hiked-up and her bottom still on the edge of the high stool. And we continued to kiss...
Shelly thought about her predicament. The twins, Louie and Teddy, had managed to not only catch Shelly, their baby sitter, off guard and tie her to one of their beds, but then those twin fiends mercilessly tortured the poor girl with feathers applied to her feet. After Shelly had begged them to stop, the twins stripped her, and managed to get some rather incriminating photos and audio tape of the girl. Now, the two dastardly twins have asked Shelly to teach them about sex. "It's as if this...
Shelly spent the next couple of days thinking about the situation with the twins. Those two boys, Louie and Teddy, had managed to not only catch her off guard as she was baby sitting them, but also tied her to one of their beds where they tortured the poor girl by tickling her feet with feathers. Then they stripped her, and somehow got some incriminating photos of her in compromising positions, as well as audio tape. Finally, Teddy, the younger of the twins, managed to get her to agree to...
A freshly scrubbed, towel wrapped Ginger walked up to the entrance of the hut she shared with Mary Ann. She hoped that all previous evidence of her sexual encounters earlier that day had been washed away. She did her best to look as penitent as possible. Imagining the Professor uncharacteristic stern attitude toward her helped. Tentatively, she knocked. "Mary Ann, Mary Ann," Ginger said gently, "Mary Ann, are you awake?" "Go away!" "Mary Ann, please, you must believe how sorry I...
One of the fantasies I often go back to is one where I’m not so much physically tormented as psychologically. In this fantasy, I work in the high powered corporate world. I’m ruthless and successful and good looking. I strut around in sexy business wear that’s just risqué enough to excite the men around me but still acceptable in the office. I have the perfect body. I fuck whoever I want to and I make my disdain clear for women who do something as useless as staying home and having c***dren. A...
Mandy was excited. She'd turned fifteen and now her parents were going to let her make some money babysitting. Her first babysitting job was for her uncle and aunt, Bob and Julie. She already knew the kids, of course, because they were her cousins. She'd even babysat for them before, but not for money. She arrived at their house promptly, with her homework and a book she wanted to read. She was met by her Uncle, who, as usual, gave her a big bear hug. She liked his hugs. There was something...
The island that the castaways have spent the last 3 years on is not large, but it is big enough for two people to wander on aimlessly for a very long time without bumping into to each other. However, Gilligan's luck was of a sort that often defied the laws of probability, especially when it involved running into people, and even more when the target was the Skipper. "Gilligan," bellowed the Skipper as he picked himself up off the ground, "Why don't you look where you going?" "Sorry,...
Gilligan had been watching the events below with much interest. He became a little worried when he saw Ginger and the Skipper tie up Mary Ann. They couldn't be working for the pirates, could they? But when he saw Mary Ann give the Skipper a blow job he relaxed. They were just going to have fun. Gilligan had blown the Skipper many times, and he watched Mary Ann with a critical eye. Gilligan was sure that he was better. Still, Gilligan had never had any sexual encounter with a woman until he...
We took a taxi to her mother’s house, on the north side of town. We arrived in about ten minutes. I paid the taxi driver as Toni took her bag, going into the house... I followed a few seconds later. Toni and I embraced every one saying our hellos. Her mom introduced us to a friend of hers; he was staying in the house with her while his place was being remodeled. He introduced himself as Tim. Tim was a good looking, tall, black man with a very muscular build. I shook his hand saying hello. Tim...
It's mid afternoon on a Saturday, and as you sit at your computer you idly make your way around the whole of the internet. While you're browsing the latest "news" on google, a you see a blur out of the corner of your eye - glancing over in that direction you see your sister step out of the bathroom wearing only a towel having just taken a shower. You can't keep your eyes off of her as she makes her to her bedroom in that thin, small piece of fabric that barely covers her from shoulders to...
IncestThe doctor lifter her left leg up toward her chest and fitted her swollen ankle into the stirrup, then he walked to the other side of the maternity bed and manouvred her right leg with a shove into its stirrup so that she sat only slightly reclined from the upright position, her pregnant belly protruding to touch the insides of her thick, muscular thighs, and her moist pink vagina exposed and open between her splayed legs. Jeanette's pregnancy bump was a sea of stretch marks and she was very...
Sandra and Jeanette paused in stunned silence. They had not even been sure that they could conceive, but this was confirmation, Sandra was indeed fertile. Very fertile."We're going to have a baby!" Jeanette gasped, barely audibly, "Oh God, Sand! You're inside me!"She stood up and taking Sandra's hand placed it in her own stomach, pressing it into herself. "Sweety, you know this means that I'll be giving birth before I complete my PhD. And you finish next month. Think about it, it's May now, so...
"42, 43, 44, and 45," counted the Professor as he stacked the bananas into the storage hut. "Not a bad haul, Gilligan." "There were more," said Gilligan sadly, "but the Skipper squashed some." "Well who's fault was that?" bellowed the Skipper hitting Gilligan with his hat, "What were you doing running in here like that?" "I saw Ginger and Mary Ann and I had to tell you quick." "You see Ginger and Mary Ann all the time Gilligan. That's no excuse for running in and dumping...
We just moved in our new house in Connecticut. My husband and I loved it, 5 acres with a pool and sauna. The house was in the middle of the land and the houses were spaced so there was privacy. Our dream. My high school friend Kathy was just down the road, Kathy was a bit of a slut in her youth. Kathy and I were together all the time, shopping, etc. We were both trying to get pregnant her husband’s sperm count was low and my hubby’s job requires that he travel…. a lot. Sucks big time, but it...
Billie was a seventeen year old girl living with her family in a small city. She enjoyed school and had a few close friends. When she was younger she was really athletic and was often said to be the best at sports in the school. As she grew older and her body developed she found it harder to play the sports she loved. She was too short for basketball and not bulky enough for football. Her legs seemed to long for her body and this made footwork much more difficult. Eventually the only sport she...
Dick Biggins is the Boxing Champion for 2 years & his career has never been higher, but he still wishes to make his sex life more exciting. He challenges the best female fighters in the world to No Hold Bar fights & Sex fights. He's accompanied by his Female Tao Chi trainer, Son Po. She has worked restlessly to achieve her reputation & demands Dick doesn't make a fool of himself, or herself for that matter. They occasionally have their own sparing matches & sexfights together, but Son Po does...
Heather turned the volume down on her stereo and answered the ringing phone. “Hello?” “Hey girl. What are you up to tonight?” Jillian chirped. “Not a thing. What’s up?” “Just thinking about heading across town. I told you about my brother, DJ, didn’t I?” Heather and Jillian had met two years ago in their sophomore year of college and Heather felt as if she knew DJ even though she‘d never met him. “Anyway, he’s going to be at Jeri and Mike’s tonight and I thought maybe you’d want to ride over...
I stand over her staring at her as she breathes heavily. My dick is still rock hard and wants to be worked over by this bitch. She looks back at me still trying to turn around on the floor. “Oh my God, that was so good!” with a belabored breathe. “I’ve never had a guy do that to me before.” “Well, all I did was prepare you to take this dick in your ass!” “I don’t know if that’s going to work, it’s too big. Can it even fit?” “I’m going to make it fit damnit!” “You promise not to hurt...
My balls tighten and the first rope of cum shoots out of my dick. It's small and quick, but the very next one is probably 3 times the amount. My body convulses as rope after rope of cum shoots into Ms. Hanes's succulent pussy. She continues her assault on my dick, not missing a beat. Riding me so intensely like I was bronco she wanted to beat into submission. Her eyes are closed as she continues to buck. "C'mon, c'mon, muthafucker, give it all to me. That's my cum!" she starts rolling...
My balls tighten and the first rope of cum shoots out of my dick. It's small and quick, but the very next one is probably 3 times the amount. My body convulses as rope after rope of cum shoots into Ms. Hanes's succulent pussy. She continues her assault on my dick, not missing a beat. Riding me so intensely like I was bronco she wanted to beat into submission. Her eyes are closed as she continues to buck. "C'mon, c'mon, muthafucker, give it all to me. That's my cum!" she starts rolling...
I’m just a regular guy with a pretty regular life. I have the basics in life with just maybe a little bit more. I travel and hang out once in a while, and enjoy your typical guy stuff, you know, sports, movies, exercising etc. As far as woman are concerned, I love various types, tall, short, black/white whatever, if she is hott, she is hott no matter where she’s from or her race, age, nothing. I’m into a woman who is into me, not some conceded chick who thinks the world evolves around her. ...
I’m just a regular guy with a pretty regular life. I have the basics in life with just maybe a little bit more. I travel and hang out once in a while, and enjoy your typical guy stuff, you know, sports, movies, exercising etc. As far as woman are concerned, I love various types, tall, short, black/white whatever, if she is hott, she is hott no matter where she’s from or her race, age, nothing. I’m into a woman who is into me, not some conceded chick who thinks the world evolves around her. ...
one night standHer inner thighs met gently to protect what he was sure must be the gates of heaven itself.Heather turned the volume down on her stereo and answered the ringing phone. “Hello?”“Hey girl. What are you up to tonight?” Jillian chirped. “Not a thing. What’s up?” “Just thinking about heading across town. I told you about my brother, DJ, didn’t I?” Heather and Jillian had met two years ago in their sophomore year of college and Heather felt as if she knew DJ even though she‘d never...
Heather turned the volume down on her stereo and answered the ringing phone. “Hello?”“Hey girl. What are you up to tonight?” Jillian chirped. “Not a thing. What’s up?” “Just thinking about heading across town. I told you about my brother, DJ, didn’t I?” Heather and Jillian had met two years ago in their sophomore year of college and Heather felt as if she knew DJ even though she‘d never met him. “Anyway, he’s going to be at Jeri and Mike’s tonight and I thought maybe you’d want to ride over...
Straight SexBrad was bummed. It was Saturday again. He was beginning to hate Saturdays. It was supposed to be a day he could have fun and do what he wanted, but ... Elizabeth would be here most of the day. He knew she would. She always did that on Saturdays. She also came over to see his sister Renee every day after school too. They were best friends. It wasn't so bad during the week, because he could stay in his room and do homework or at least pretend he was doing homework. Then he could maybe keep...