AssassinChapter 7 free porn video

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Anna straightened my collar and gave me a kiss on the cheek in front of her mother -- fooling around as though she were the doting mother instead.

More privately I had been reminded that I could have my fun out or when I got home, but not both. I didn't point out that, if she wanted to accurately play act Hailey's role, anything I got from Hailey I would have to get from her as well.

I had offers from both Ma and Doug to take me to Hailey's house and then drop me off at the club. Even Brent had offered but it then turned out the time clashed with his own plans.

I thanked them and explained that, though I would have a cab pick us up from Hailey's, the walk there would do for my exercise.

"Don't get sweaty before you even see her."

Anna was showing no signs of possessiveness tonight. She was a little smug however and though I was sure she was up to something I had no way of working out what, where, how or when it would affect me.

I was quite sure what the why would be!

Her demeanour certainly destroyed any image of her being romantically interested in me herself.

I had gone out for a little while during the afternoon to report in -- a fairly easy matter of indicating the progress code together with a brief explanation of the two girls I was dating. Behind the scenes further information would be gathered about them to ensure I didn't fall foul of some odd coincidence like the family being under witness protection or subject to an open warrant -- or worse, connected closely with the Pringle family, my primaries!

No-one cared that I had a complicated love life, nor my reasons for making it so. It was nice to be treated as a professional and an adult even though I am sure some saw me as acting like James Bond or perhaps Austin Powers.

I was a little early since I expected to have to spend at least five minutes on display. Hailey showed no sign of being affected by the earlier stresses and introduced me warmly to her family.

This time there was a younger sister, a bit of a tomboy, and I think I eased my way by talking to her about my model cars. Since she monopolised much of the conversation Hailey's parents didn't have to embarrass her by asking awkward questions to fill in the time before the cab driver knocked at the door.

"You needn't have paid for a cab. I could have dropped you off."

"Thanks. Perhaps next time. He's here now."

"Okay. Well you two enjoy yourselves."

"Thanks Daddy."

The taxi fare wasn't much since we didn't have that far to go. It dropped us off at a cheap restaurant : burgers, chicken and fries, pizza. Not fancy but food a teenager would enjoy without franchise sameness. Saturday nights also seemed popular and we had a little wait before a table came free.

"This gets packed later," Hailey advised.

I looked around. There were seats coming free at different tables but apparently that was a temporary situation. We were between movie shifts and early for the Club.

"I don't have to be home until eleven," I was advised.

"What will we find to do until then?"

Hailey blushed. "What did you find to do with Rosalee?"

Such a lovely combination of coyness and courage!

"Ah-ah! Naughty girl. You should know better."

"It's just she seemed pretty smug at soccer. Like she had a secret that made her better than the rest of us."

"Oh?" I was non-committal. Hailey wasn't going to weasel or trick any information out of me.

"If she was a boy I'd say she'd gotten lucky."

"How does a boy look?"

"Like Rosalee, Silly!"

"So I look silly now?"


"Because I must have gotten lucky when you agreed to come out with me."

"Now you are being silly." She tilted her head. "Do you plan on asking the whole soccer team out?"

"Individually or as a group exercise?"

"Individually of course."

"Why? Do you think I should?"

"It would piss Rosalee off."

"And not you?"

"I figure I've got as much chance with you whether it's just Rosalee or the whole team. If you like me then liking others won't change that and if you like someone better then that's likely to happen some time down the track as well."

"Sounds like you've seen it happen."

"My real mom left Dad when I was just one; she couldn't or wouldn't cope with being a parent. Mom is his second wife."

"You get on with her?"

"Oh yes. I love her and she loves us."

"Sounds like she is your real mom then."

"Is it the same for you? Having a new mother I mean. I like Mrs Jamieson."

"She's been swell. It takes a bit of getting used to. Different bed, different food, different rules. And then there's the new school and teachers. Trying to fit into groups of friends. Anna's been good -- she introduced me to some people, and to you and Rosalee of course."

"And you got to kiss the rest of the team. Maybe you should work your way through them."

"I wouldn't work my way through any group. Certainly not just so I could say I'd done it."

"So why did you pick us two? Just because we get picked up by Mrs Jamieson?"

"Well that quite naturally made you easier to approach. I had seen the others on the team but I'd met you. I guess I liked what I saw and though it was too short a time to know if we'd get on it was long enough to interest me in finding out."

"What if you decide you like us both? Won't that make it harder for you to choose one of us?"

"It could but say I was attracted to a couple of people and one was okay to be with while I found I couldn't live without the other once I got to know her. Wouldn't it be a pity if I only went out with the first one and never found out how great the second one was?"

The fact we were sitting together indicated Hailey had already decided that it was better to share me with Rosalee and have a chance of getting me rather than conceding the field to Rosalee without a fight. How far I could push that was another matter; either could decide I wasn't worth having.

"I asked you out to find out more about you and we've been talking more about Rosalee so maybe I can use her to move the conversation back your way. You both go to school together. Where's that?"

Hailey didn't mind moving back into "normal" date territory.

"Yes we do. It's the Convent of Our Lady of Sorrows."

"So you're planning to become a nun?"

"No! They're just our teachers."


"The teachers? Oh, the school. It hasn't been except in the lower years but numbers have been dropping and the boys aren't being sent to the state school or being bussed right across town any more as they get older. Our year still is girls-only."

"Do you like it? Or maybe, which subjects do you like most?"

Never under any circumstances ask yes/no questions on a date! I argued with myself that I was an assassin, not an interrogator.

"History, Biology, Italian."

"Ah! Ciao ba-by!"

"That means goodbye and it would be 'bambina' if you really meant baby."

"Oops. But I thought 'bambino' was baby?"

"I'm not a boy."

"Would you believe I hadn't noticed?"

"Do you want me to say ciao?"

"No. Okay, I admit I have suspected you might not be a boy."

Hailey stood, pretending to leave the table.

"Okay! I'm glad you don't look anything like a boy."

"Once more with feeling."

"Hailey, you are gorgeous. Your face is lovely, your body -- at least how I imagine it looks from what I can piece together -- is stunning. You are 100% girl and I am excited that you have consented to go out with me tonight. Please don't spoil it by leaving early."

"Oh well -- that's better, adequate in fact but your imagining me is a little creepy. I'll let you think about it and you can try again later and see if you can improve."

We were grinning when our meal appeared -- a good size belly-filling pizza with absolutely no topping likely to offend a person you were dating for the first time. No garlic, no anchovies, not even pepperoni! Oh well, at least the pastry bore no resemblance to cardboard.

It was harder to talk and eat but we didn't need to bolt our food down. I asked what history she liked and found she had a preference for the early South American cultures and how they fared under the Conquistadors and the colonists who followed.

I acknowledged an interest in the Empire of Alexander the Great and how it disintegrated on his death; how the middle east was a crossroads trampled over by each conquering army in turn. Our history was taught from the framework of the countries of Western Europe when it even strayed outside the continental USA. It was nice to find a kindred spirit who took her reading outside the prescribed curriculum.

We got away from school topics -- hell it was the weekend! Naturally Hailey's musical tastes and mine differed; one wouldn't expect them to be the same unless one of us was trying to cosy up to the other. Finding we could explain why we did or didn't like a particular song or band was cosy enough for both of us. We were comfortable in each other's presence without the need to impress. Neither of us mentioned Nina Simone.

It was what you wanted to feel on a date. I hadn't really had many. I didn't have the money when I was living with my mother and once the experts found my "adjustments" in the burned out wreckage of my father's car, well, I was too busy to go out other than as part of my training. I could get on with almost anyone but tonight I was as me as I could be -- or perhaps as "Roger".

Since we were going clubbing I asked if Hailey liked to dance. I hoped it wasn't her raison d'être. (My French is better than my Italian, which wasn't anywhere near as bad as I had pretended.)

I had more work to do and I couldn't do that if I was continually stuck out on a dance floor but likewise I didn't want us sitting around all the time.

"I don't mind, but I'm not very good."

"How about slow numbers?"

Disco might have got people doing aerobics together under strobe lights but, when you were with someone you were eager for, a slow shuffle in dim shadows with your bodies pressed together so you didn't have to imagine the lumps and bumps was absolutely divine.

Our grandparents might not have considered it dancing but they did the same thing as far as their rules allowed. We might not know a Foxtrot from a Waltz but then we didn't bother with the Twist either. We knew a tit from a cock though and in that we shared an unspoken link with the past.

It turned out Hailey was quite okay with slow numbers.

Dinner over, we made our way to the Sharp Angle club. That's how the name appeared in neon above the entrance. The longest two sides of a narrow triangle in blue with the words gradually diminishing in red, top to bottom.

There was an age restriction -- twenty five and under -- but management kept an eye on those over about twenty. Any lechers were asked to leave and not allowed back. Those who were younger got a little more leeway since the venue was intended for them and a nice earner it must have been.

The kids had incomes their parents would have only fantasised about at their age. They couldn't spend it on alcohol and drugs were stamped out as far as humanly possible but the entrance charge (unfairly but practically skewed in favour of the girls) easily covered the DJ and the bouncers while a dash of flavour in a splash of soda water turned a very few cents of mixer into a couple of dollars worth of profit. Add similarly inflated chips and nuts -- not expensive enough to stop it being "uncool" to BYO however. A few snacks and the chance to have your request scheduled to be played for a couple of dollars, or perhaps an embarrassing Happy Birthday at a special time for a little more, and the owners of the only "adult" entertainment for older teens were doing very well.

There were a few of my other friends there already and we sat with them. Space was going to be at a premium as more of us arrived but Hailey had no objection to sharing my lap both to be closer to me (and to let any bitches around know I was taken) and to make it easier to hear ourselves over the already throbbing music.

The room was lit mainly by three large screens which showed the video hits or by a laser light show when there was only music playing. A projector in the ceiling slowly painted the walls with a kaleidoscope of coloured shapes that kept the room dark enough for young lovers to fool around a little but light enough for management to see and to stop the lovers going too far.

Like the Pool Hall owners, Management here also had to satisfy the parents!

I don't know about the others but I had already spotted Management's little secret. They had some pretty nice low light gear mounted around the place. I would have liked to have seen their control room. The images might have been green but I'm betting an occasional blow job or finger fuck would keep the security guards watching the screens alert and interested. They might even occasionally catch someone selling pills.

Hailey draped her arm around my neck and that meant her breast rested against the side of my head. I put my arm around her waist with my hand just making contact with the underside of her bra. We were playing a private game of Chicken or perhaps Dare.

How far could we go before the other cried foul or how far before we couldn't protest accident or outright innocence?

It was a teenage thing and the beauty was we both knew the other wasn't likely to raise any objections if it was kept a private matter. If we had been against a wall I might have been able to slide my hand down the back of Hailey's panties and bugger her with my finger but, if it meant people would adversely notice, then resting my hand on the top of her thigh might have her asking to be taken home. Well we might not actually take things to either extreme perhaps but the examples embodied the general principles.

There was some awkwardness as people greeted us. I was grateful that they had made an effort to remember my date's name and Hailey hardly bristled at being called "Rosalee" or, once, "Rosa".

My classmates and friends looked puzzled when I re-introduced her as Hailey and more than one started to say something along the lines of "But I was sure you said she was..."

Hailey just smiled at them, realising it wasn't their fault. In fact she had no doubts whatever whose fault it was.

I got her out onto the dance floor!

We moved around together for a while, touching fingers to palms as we kept each other company in our little patch of floor. It wasn't holding hands; nothing that secure or subject to comment this early -- but it was contact.

The music changed and I tightened my hold, pulling Hailey gently towards me so my arms found their way around her waist while she rested her hands on my shoulders with her arms bent between us.

It had been too noisy to hear while we danced before but now I could put my lips next to her ear and try to apologise for the identity mix ups.

"It's all right," she semi-shouted back, "but I've been getting some funny looks."

"You should see the ones they're giving me."

"Should I tell the girls that you're built like an elephant's trunk? I bet if I tell just one everyone here will know in under five minutes."

"How do you know I'm not?"

That broke Hailey up and I had to hold her while she kept giggling.

"I'm sorry," she eventually sobbed. "It's just I kept visualising it."

"You are imagining my penis!?"

"What! You've never imagined what I look like without this dress on?"

That was right -- try to give a compliment and get your earlier comments used against you!

"That particular dress? No, never. Your soccer gear though. Actually, now you've got me thinking about it, I wonder ... Do you every play shirts and skins? Hmm, even better. Two teams of sexy young ladies with only armbands to tell the teams apart. Maybe dark and light shoes to make it easier."

"Or big boobs and flat chests. Would that be enough difference for you?"

I looked at Hailey. "That's not a bad idea. Can I leave it for you to organise for next Saturday?"

Hailey's fingers dug into my shoulders.

"Okay, I'll behave, even though I do think you could charge your spectators and make plenty of money. Girls running down the pitch..." I bounced my head. "K'dung, K'dung, K'dung!"

"You said you'd behave."

"I didn't say I'd behave properly."


Hailey was contemplative for a few seconds then she pulled me over to a less inhabited part of the room where we could yell with a little more privacy.

"Is that all you really think about?"

"No. I could be silly and talk about nice juicy butts but really those sort of things just get our attention. A girl who has nothing else would get boring, well eventually. You've got plenty to make guys sit up and look and much more to keep them interested."

"You sure? They haven't been knocking down my door."

"You've been too secluded in your nunnery perhaps. If Anna hadn't dragged me out to soccer where would we have met? At the mall maybe. Would you have been alone or with your family? Perhaps with some of your girlfriends?"

"Probably with Mom or my friends."

"So I'm alone. Can't very easily crash a group of girls to talk to you, and certainly not a family outing. And if I'm with others it's still no good while your Mom's around and I'd have to brave my friends as well as yours. A rather daunting task."

"You'd do it."

"Thanks. Maybe. The problem is you don't carry a sign saying 'I'm taken' or 'I'm available'. If I try to talk to you with the guys watching and you say 'not interested' bang goes my cred whatever the reason."

In fact my "cred" only mattered where it affected my job and in this case I would have built just as much cover by trying and being rejected as by getting a date. It had simply worked out easier to get the dates.

Hailey got a boost from my explanation though; she had a better understanding of why the boys her own age (much more conscious of the pressure of their peers perhaps) had failed to make the first move.

Of course, making her aware that I thought she was worth more interest also made her more determined that I was worth fighting over -- figuratively speaking I hoped! Getting the balance just right was not easy and I felt I would definitely be learning from my mistakes.

We danced again for a while then headed back to the others with our arms around each other's waist. Hailey didn't need any further reassurance and just wanted to remain close to me.

Mark and Kyra were there, Mark not paying Hailey any attention -- he'd met Rosalee -- but Kyra raised her eyes and came closer to be introduced.

"Hailey, this is Kyra and over there is her brother Mark. Kyra, Hailey."

"Hi Hailey. I see you managed to get him onto the dance floor. That's a major achievement with these guys; they don't mind the music but we girls often have to get out there together."

"I'm sorry," I kidded, "I'm new and didn't realise there were rules."

Kyra punched my arm playfully.

Hailey took an immediate liking to Kyra. If I had pointed out the difficulties in asking a stranger out, I had omitted the problems of being brought into a group dynamic where everyone knew each other but you. If you were politely ignored while people had their own private conversations you soon felt isolated.

"I'm heading to the ladies; want to come?"

Hailey looked at me.

"I'll be here."

She smiled at me and followed Kyra to a spot where I'm quite sure neither of them needed to go. A couple of the other girls accompanied them and it seemed Hailey would find herself accepted. What Kyra would be asking or saying about me though...

Mark came over. "Something about your date looks different."


"Of course the dress! Maybe how she has her hair."

"It is a little longer than last night."

"Longer, yeah that would be ... Huh? How?"

"It's a different girl Mark! Last night was Rosalee, tonight it's Hailey. I did mention it on Wednesday."

"It's still hard to believe that you've only been here what, two weeks, and have dates with two different girls!"

I observed those around us carefully. "You could do it too. Look around. There are any number of girls hoping some guy will show an interest in her. If he's half decent she's likely to give him a chance. She won't expect it to mean anything at all on just a casual meeting like this and if you don't actually end up asking for a date the most she's likely to do is figure she's not your type."

"You're sure?"

"Trust me. Grab one of the other guys if you want back up. Simon looks okay tonight. Find a pair of girls you think look lonely and start out by saying to the one you want, 'My friend and I were wondering if you and your friend would like to dance.' That way she's not suddenly leaving her friend all alone and isn't ending up alone with just you if she decides she wants to bail."

"Sounds fair."

"Then go to it my man!"

Mark gave a grin and went to collar Simon.

I went to where they had left Pete and Trev behind.

"What gives?"

"Mark is on the prowl. It seems Kyra figures we guys don't show enough interest in the dance floor and I've set a bad example. Sorry guys. Why hasn't one of you asked Kyra out there?"

There were some rapidly traded looks.

"You haven't heard?" Pete must have drawn the short straw.

"About what?"

Pete looked around. "Mark and Kyra's old man. He's mixed up in something -- I don't even want to know what..."

"I heard Mafia," chimed in Trev.

"Colombian drug cartel," countered Phil from behind him making Trev jump.

"Whatever. I guess nobody wants to find out how Kyra's father feels about just anyone dating his daughter."

"So you take turns to ask her. How do you think he will feel that no-one takes an interest in her?"

I could see I had confused them. Now they had to consider which was the lesser of two evils.

The girls' club came back and Kyra gave me a weird smile. What had Hailey been saying?

Hailey cuddled up to me -- which I didn't mind -- and hinted it was time to dance again. As we headed back to the gyrating crowd I heard a voice behind me.

"Kyra, would you like to dance?"

I think Kyra might have been even more surprised at finding herself on the dance floor with a guy than at finding her brother next to her with a girl who was obviously interested in him. She clearly thought I had something to do with both incidents and after a couple of dances somehow indicated to Hailey that she wanted to cut in -- a concept more in tune with her grandparents.

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My Little VentrueChapter 80

~~Antoinette~~ Oh no. She sat upon the highest floor of her tower, a tower she had built upon what she designated would be Elysium territory, where Kindred-on-Kindred violence was prohibited, where feeding was prohibited, and where discussion was encouraged. To place her tower within its embrace was a choice she had made, a political stance signifying her devotion to peace and cooperation. And within the highest floor, her main office was her place of control, and where she could personify...

2 years ago
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The Good Girl

My first attempt at this fictional story:Ambernathy was a product of a previous marriage but that time frame was always kept from her. She was far too young to remember her real Dad or "that life". She had small little memory glimpses that played in her mind like lost pictue frames of a time were things were familiar but yet unknown. Like when someone ask you, "have you seen that old movie" and you only come up with spots of scenes. She felt it in her heart that there was more to those...

1 year ago
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Lake house 5

The next morning I was standing on the deck with a cup of coffee looking out over the lake when Linda came up beside me and linked her arm in mine.   We stood there is silence for a moment, sipping our coffee and dwelling on our own thoughts. “Linda”, I said, “These last couple of days you’ve shown me that it really is possible to find the happiness that I’ve been seeking.   I’d like to spend more time with you, but I need to get back to my place and wrap up a few things.     I’ll spend the...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 333

130,140 views all-time plus of course 83027 at sol By the time I set foot inside the Downtown house again, I had been gone two and a half days. It was right after 2PM on a Thursday when I entered my home which I converted from a finance company building. I intentionally left the smarter than smart phone unanswered while I had been gone. Whatever mundane shit awaited me, I decided to let it lay till I got back. I had to be Maxine the super spy for two days. I would just be damned, if I was...

3 years ago
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The Professors Rape of His Teenage StudentsChapter 2

"I'm going to cum," Michael said. His shirt clung to him with sweat. "Don't cum in me, I don't want to get pregnant," forgetting it while he was raping her but now clearly aware of the fact as he readied to unload his semen inside her fertile vagina. "Don't worry, I have a pill you can take that will prevent you from getting pregnant," Michael said. "I'm going to cum inside you, Mita. Get ready bitch. Here I come." He arched his back, burying his cock inside her, bruising her...

1 year ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 23

Jim was very happy to be home after his grueling trip. He walked in the door Saturday afternoon and was almost bowled over by Jenny and Katie. God he was a lucky man he thought as he walked into the living room with his arms around two gorgeous women. Jenny and Katie acted as excited at two teenaged girls at a rock concert. They barely gave Jim time to talk, filling him in on all the happenings while he had been away. They left out their confession of love for each other and that they had...

2 years ago
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Siennas Seduction Part IV

Minidevilette© 2012 His blood thundered through his veins as he let the sound of her voice wash over him, the sweetest three syllables he thought he ever heard in his life. Certainly the most anticipated. Surrender. And he wasn’t going to give her any time to wonder if she’d made the right decision. He rolled his thumb over her pliant lower lip again, pulling it down from her teeth before running the tip of his tongue along the velvety inside edge. He felt the passing of the air she sucked in...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Asian Sleepover

“I won’t,” yelled John as he ran towards his friend’s house, he was 15 years old at 5’10” 130 pound frame with white skin and brown hair. John approached the front door and knocked. His friend’s mother answered the door. She was 35 years old and about 5’4” and about 100 pounds, I couldn’t believe her husband would divorce her. She had a knockout frame with long, shapely legs leading up to a full, round ass. All of this was accented by her pretty, little Asian face framed by long, black hair...

3 years ago
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The Unfortunate Cyclist

I saw the cyclist from quite a long way back on the straight country road. As I got closer I was fascinated by the movement of the cyclist's buttocks moving in rhythm with the legs and pedals. I observed the blonde ponytail hanging below the helmet and the way her tight three-quarter length blue bike pants showed every ripple of her thighs and calves. As I rapidly closed her in my van I appreciated how well her tight fighting yellow and black polyester jersey displayed her trim waist and the...

2 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 28

I clatter noisily down the metal stairs, hurrying as much as I can, knowing the little skirt keeps floating up around my hips. Good job there's no one here to see... and all I can focus on is the hair brushing my neck, the tightness of the shoes, the cool air around my thighs... And that I'm probably going to be late! I slow down for the last few floors though, I don't want to be out of breath, and at the final staircase I pause, looking at my reflection in the window, ready to...

1 year ago
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 27 Interrogation Central

Tuesday Matt was rousted from his sleep at 3:22 this morning. “Six helos inbound with prisoners,” the security office warned. “On the way; call CC,” he replied. CC and her two newest recruits, Leon and Fred, met Matt and Jodi as they all grabbed a quick bite to eat. The two new recruits were fully decked out in combat gear but didn’t have weapons yet. They still had to finish safety training and then qualify with each weapon. “Vishay and Jerri can work tonight after we finish, following...

1 year ago
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The Escape Chapter 3 Consequences

Kimberly drove Kath to a motel and paid the attendant. The attendant was not at all surprised to see two women with no luggage take a room. He was more surprised when she left alone a few minutes later. Kath would be a liability. There would be endless complications. But they could all wait till morning. The reckoning with Frank could wait for the morning as well. He would not listen, he would shut her out of the argument with his. But It would have to be done. Kimberly did not want to...

2 years ago
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An Accident The Internet A HotelChapter 4

We were silent the entire way back to campus. I drove around trying to find a spot close enough to the theater building, but finally had to settle on a visitor's parking lot two blocks away. I stepped out of the car, and Mark came around to my side and held out his hand, helping me step over the short concrete bumper and onto the sidewalk. Just as during the drive there, we walked along in silence, though holding hands. When we came to a crosswalk, I felt his thumb rubbing against the top...

3 years ago
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Following on from my first meet

Hi All,This follows on from my previous story called my first time.Unfortunately i never seen daddy again as not long after our first meet he sold up and moved to Blackpool, wish was a huge shame as our first meet was great.A few weeks after i ended up getting into a relationship with a woman, my bisexual urges actually went away for quite some time, it was until about 2-3 years later i started fantasizing about pleasing older men again, i joined a few hook up sites and started chatting to a...

1 year ago
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RV Sex and friends

He got up to give it to her, but she said , “No, I’ll get it.” She was seated directly across from Chris as we were eating around the campfire. She put her plate down spreading legs as she pulled up her dress showing her whole snatch. She leaves her bush with hair, which I love, so it was quite a contrast to Ruth’s pussy. I thought she had made a mistake and would pull her dress down, but she didn’t, in fact she said nothing, but finally arose and walked over to Chris bending over and giving...

4 years ago
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Following BBC home after the Gloryhole

My freshly converted sissy husband and I followed Aaron to his spacious home in the hills after the wild time in the ABS.When we got out of the car Aaron gave me a big embrace and a deep, wet kiss.He told us we were in for a great time as we entered his beautiful home.As Aaron mixed some cocktails he told my sissy to go get cleaned up, take a shower, and get ready for use. Off he went as I pulled out Aaron's delicious BBC stroking it as we sipped our drinks laughing.Aaron made a phone call as I...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Football

FANTASY FOOTBALL By Ted, [email protected] A rich friend pays me to humiliate myself under his feet, with unexpected consequences. Chapter 1 ? Fantasy Football My name is Ted and I run a fantasy football league with some friends of mine back in my college days and a few new people we added for a 20-team league. We meet every year for our face-to-face draft. There is no money involved, just a bunch of guys having fun. We are all very competitive and research the players, smack talk, and all...

2 years ago
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The Swap ClubChapter 4 Party Time

“So, what’s the dress code for an orgy?” I asked Debby. “I haven’t talked to Jerry since we had that dinner.” The next day, Jerry had gone for a week to a convention. An accountant’s convention, now that must be real fun. Then again, maybe I didn’t know Jerry or accountants as well as I thought I had. And then the day he came back, I had a sales trip downstate, for a week. I had left it up to Debby to sort things out. I was shaving as I asked, dressed in my bathrobe. Debby was taking a...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Letter

The weather report was calling for more snow. It was Christmas Eve and she sat in her chair sipping coffee and wondered at how much more they would have before morning. The wind had picked up a bit so she knew the roads would probably be closed with snow drifts. Another Christmas spent alone it looked like. There had been plenty of those these past few years. She mused at the idea of writing a letter to Santa, and leaving it on the table with some milk and cookies, after all what would it...

3 years ago
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Fucking at Istanbul

This is my real experience when i visited istanbul in december in 2006. I arrived in morning and went to my hotel and checked in. It was very cold and the temperature must be about 3 degree cecius. I was on my business trip for some technical discussion for new technology developed. The mr.jim the manager called me in the morning and then we left for office. It was very cold and i told him it is difficult for me to move as i can not withstand cold....

3 years ago
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Erotic Threesome Sex Story Rich Boy Fucks Girlfriend And Hot Classmate

Hello guys, a very warm welcome to all. This is a real story and my first story. The story is long, please read it fully. The characters in the story Armaan – The spoiled son of a rich businessman with 6.5″ height. Priya – A bookworm with great boobs of size about 38 and ass about 34. Tina – Armaan’s so-called girlfriend. She is a sex addict with a milky white figure of 34-28-36. So, let’s start. This was the time of 12th standard tuition classes when there was no need to attend college as...

4 years ago
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Sally and the Nudist Resort

It had been about a month since Sally and Jack had visited and we had had our weekend fuckfest. What wonderful memories I have of their visit. It was like an orgy. Jack would fuck Sally and then I would follow up with my turn. Sally loved it and I didn’t think anyone could have that many orgasms in such a short time. Jack seemed to enjoy it as much as Sally. I think he really enjoyed watching Sally being fucked by another man, and I certainly enjoyed pleasing them both. My mind kept wandering...

4 years ago
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Working With Walker Pt 6

I sat in the back with Walker while Tyler was driving and Mike was in the passenger seat. Mike lived within walking distance of this theater, so he rode back with us to Tyler and Walker's house. Walker sat in the middle to be close to me. We were rubbing each other's thighs, enjoying the sensation. I guess Tyler saw us in the rearview mirror, because he took his right hand off the wheel and started gently rubbing Mike's thigh. I heard a soft moan from Mike, so he must be enjoying the...

1 year ago
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Angela watched as the car pulled closer and closer before parking a few short feet away, a sickening nervousness forming in her belly the entire while. She never moved from her station by the mailbox. Perversely, the sight of the driver made her feel all the worse. Paula represented exactly 50% of Angela's BFF tandem. Their absent friend was precisely the reason they were here and not someplace that promised to be much more fun, or at least much less awkward. "Hey." "Hey," Angela...

4 years ago
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Fight Club Reborn CHYOA Edition

Quick Introduction before the game: My name is Magma, author of FightClubReborn, whose demo you can find at - Online Version Free of charge. This CHYOA version is just a very small tip of the iceberg at the moment... less than a 1/1000 of the current game. It is moderated, and i will approve all new chapters. Also if i find a good storyline/path, i will invite you to work with me on the full version :) Also if you want to copy past chapters...

1 year ago
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Mackenzie Mace

Mackenzie Mace straight to your fucking face. I couldn't help myself with a good rhyme like that, don't be upset. What I have in my hands here is a tight white girl with blonde hair that's all about the porn scene. Her Twitter is home to nearly 100K followers. Mackenzie did make this Twitter account in 2020 so it looks like she's still rising through the porn ranks on the social media side of things.To be honest, Mackenzie is also rising through the porn ranks as she's still a bit of a new...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Howard Colleen Ch 07

Note to the reader: The Howard and Colleen stories don’t begin with chapter 7. The previous episodes involving Howard and Colleen are in the Susie series of stories as follows: Susie chapter 8 provides a prolog to the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 9 is chapter 1 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 10 is chapter 2 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 11 is chapter 3 of the story of Howard and Colleen (Susie chapters 12-14 do not involve Howard or...

2 years ago
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Pias Adventures 1

Pia headed for the showers, her hair mussed with sweat from her intense workout. As she entered the empty locker rooms, she could hear a faint moaning from the showers at the back and she paused in her footsteps. Could someone be hurt? She made her way to the showers and stepped into the steamy room to look for the source of the sound and immediately found what she was looking for. A man, water rolling down his broad chest, stood under the stream in the far corner pleasuring himself. Her...

2 years ago
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A Husbands Lament

How manytimes had I witnessed this, her gaze directed at her Black lover’s face, a look that tells him of her submission to him etched almost painfully on her face. Her look shows many things, a determination to take each inch of his hardness that he is forcing deep inside her body, a craving need to feel the fullness he presents in the form of his fat cock, but mostly her look tells him she is his, his to do with as he pleases even though I stand just feet from them. He could tell that at this...

1 year ago
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A Day in the Life of

You have died and are ascending to heaven when a fairy appears and tells you, "I am a sex fairy and I can do magic. I will be able to make your spirit enter another human, just specify the conditions." You think that this is a good idea and ponder your decision. At the gates, the sex fairy appears to you again and asks, "have you made your decision?" "I have," you respond.

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Idius Halfhwit and the Aegis of Probability

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old I was seated on the Hogwarts Express. My wand busy at work drawing and planning. It was going to be an exciting year. The first three I was young, inexperienced, and quite frankly, foolish. This year was going to be different. The train's horn sounded, it was a final warning before it took off. I heard the shuffling of feet outside the cabin. The door to my cabin opened slightly, and two eyes peeked in. Cho Chang stared at me for a moment,...

2 years ago
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Cinder Elli

Cinder Elli Involuntary Crossdressing/TG A Lesbian Fairy Tale Written by Princess Kay Edited by Eve. Inspired by my friend Cin (whose name led me to this), and Escafa (whose comic - Not Your Cinderella - was in the back of my mind when I thought of my own bumbling fairy godmother. Also inspired by the actual fairy tale, Cinderella. Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. If you are not att least eighteen, or if you are not above the age of consent for the...

2 years ago
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Wifes Idea of a Threesome

Wife's Idea of a Threesome ? by: Steve69 We had been married for almost 10 years and during that time my husband has constantly been wanting me to become as he put it 'wilder or kinky' in the our sex life. Of course his idea of kinky was having my head in between some twenty one year old stripper's legs, or dress up in a leather mini-skirt and stilettos and prance around for him while he slapped my ass. Frankly neither was exactly my cup of tea. Almost every time we had sex he...

1 year ago
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The long drive home

After spending a week away from home, out of state visiting friends, I was glad to be heading home again in the morning. Before retiring for the night, I planned my wardrobe for the long drive I was to have the next day. I chose a loose fitting shirt and slacks that weren’t tight anywhere. I had a plan in mind and was making the necessary moves to see that it came to be. I rose early and showered and dressed in only the shirt and slacks, with of course socks and shoes. I stopped and...

1 year ago
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AnalMom Cherie Deville Twerk

When this guy comes across a video of his stepmom, Cherie Deville, twerking her fat ass on the internet, he’s dumbfounded. The poor guy is a little disturbed, but that doesn’t stop him from jerking off to her! Cherie catches him in the act, but instead of being weirded out, she offers to give him a twerk show IRL. He can’t believe his luck as she bounces her plump MILF ass in front of him, letting him stick his fingers inside her tight hole. And when she sits on his face and lets him pulverize...

1 year ago
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Three into one does go

My name is Brian. I am a 32 years old. I stand about 6’ tall with dark brown hair, blue eyes and 180lbs. My wife Kayla and I have been married for almost 8 years now. She is 29, she stands about 5’5” with long brown hair, hazel eyes, weighs about 130 lbs. with a nice 38C cup chest, nice firm ass, even after having two k**s. My wife and I have always had a good sex life ever since we got married. She was a virgin when I met her, because she wanted to wait until marriage. She is always willing to...

2 years ago
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The Bradley BunchChapter 2 The Kids

Christopher Taylor was uncertain about his new, blended family. Before, he had been the only boy in the house, now there were two others, plus a new dad. It was hard enough to be sixteen years old and gay, but to be suddenly thrust into a home with three hot guys—two new step-brothers and a step-father—was frustrating. He knew his new step-brothers from high school and they were straight jocks, always dogging after the girls. At least Michael Bradley, the older one, was. Evan, a couple years...

4 years ago
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Sins of the Father

Your father is an utter fool. Or,more accurately, WAS an utter fool. His false dreams of grandeur and power for himself and his family was his downfall and by association; yours and the rest of your family as well. The poor idiot believed he and his kin were better than those around him, which brought him many enemies, few friends and even fewer assets. However; the circumstances of birth and other accidents granted him.....

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A Crazy Bachelorette Party In The Maldives

Hey guys, I’m back to share about a crazy bachelorette party with you guys. All the stories I write here are real experiences from my life so far. I’m Sarah, 24 years old, living in Mumbai, a short introduction for the new readers. A corporate worker turned full-time model. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. So a couple of months ago one of my friends got engaged, and now she’s about to get married next month. Like the good friends we are, we decided to throw her a grand bachelorette...

2 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 27 CummingComing to a Head

Monday morning, I learn just how comfortable I have gotten in my new surroundings. In my 70 years, I had lived in enough violent places that, when I was woken up by anything other than my alarm clock, I was ready to fight. I remember one time when I was living with Brian and John. I fell asleep on the couch with a knife in my hand. For some reason, John decided he was going to wake me up. I had previously warned them, “If you are going to try to wake me, be sure to use a broom and stand as...

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