My Wife Does A Threesome With Two Young Gentlemen
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Diane came to our apartment at lunch a few days after a party. Penny was in school, and Amber was off working with a client. I escorted her in. She looked succulent, and I wondered if she had a sexual agenda or why she was there.
"Jon, I'm here for two things. First, I met a nice man who I think would like our party group. He lives in 1402 – right next to you. Jim Arnette. I had coffee with him a few times, and a lunch and a dinner. I think we're going to consummate our relationship on our next date, but before we did that I wanted to know if it was all right to bring him into our group. He's an engineer for Solstice Systems out by the Interstate; pretty high up I think."
"I have no aversion to his joining the group, but in asking him you might embarrass yourself if he's not interested in that kind of thing."
"I know. I was going to slip into asking him, but I'm not sure how just yet. Good. Thank you. I might bring him to our next party on Saturday, although I'm going out with him on Friday night. That's when I planned to fuck his brains out and ask him." She grinned.
"Fine, what's the other thing you wanted?"
"I want to make love with you right now. I hope you can and that it won't upset Amber. I just need some private time with you. I am in love with you and I haven't been with you for over a month."
I picked up my cell phone, "We can be sure it's OK with Amber with a text." I typed into the phone, 'Diane stopped by. Needy. Horny. Needs loving. OK? I love you. Jon.'
The reply came quickly, 'Have fun. Don't forget Penny comes home at 3:30. Save something for me for later. XOXOX Amber.'
I just nodded to Diane and led her into our bedroom where we could be comfortable on our big bed.
An hour later Diane lay in the crook of my arm. I said, "I'm afraid we have to get dressed. My daughter gets home from school soon." I had filled Diane twice and cleaned her both times. Diane had more orgasms than I could count, and seemed to be a very happy camper.
An hour after that and civilly dressed, Diane and I sat in the living room having a glass of wine. Penny was in the family room watching television, but she had politely come in from her school bus and greeted Diane who she'd met several times before.
Amber arrived home and joined us; quite content that everything was going well in everyone's life. Diane exuded thanks to her for her attitude about relationships and her willingness to share. She got more than her share of sapphic kisses from Amber while I checked on Penny.
I raised the issue with Amber of how Diane might broach the subject of our party group with Jim Arnette, our seldom seen next-door neighbor. Amber and Diane went off on that topic for the next hour. Diane ended up staying for dinner, which I ordered delivered from the local pizza place.
The plan to convert Jim to our way of thinking evolved to include Amber and me on Friday night before Diane and he went out to dinner. 'Officially, ' Diane had an earlier invitation to come to our condo for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. As it turned out, she brought Jim along.
We'd met the young engineer several times, but never socialized with him. Given the cost of the condo, I figured he must have been making good money to live there alone.
We welcomed Jim and Diane to our home, and got them wine. The girls had made some special canapés and such that got brought out, along with some shrimp and cocktail sauce. We indulged.
What turned the evening a bit in the right direction for Diane was that Amber wore her very short skirt and no underwear. She also made sure to sit directly opposite from Jim, and to obviously display her wares to him in continual 'accidental' flashes of her pussy.
Amber was also wearing a scoop neck top with no bra. Every time she brought the hors d'oeuvres around to the sofa, Jim had an unfettered view of Amber's beautiful breasts and nipples. The combination of the pussy and boob shots gave Jim an obvious hard-on, as planned.
Diane, of course, sat next to Jim and could also see everything. She just ignored the situation, for then. Later, the flashing would tee-up the discussion she'd have with Jim as pillow talk after they'd consummated their relationship.
Saturday morning, Diane came by. She told us, "It went just as we planned. You had him so worked up. We raced through dinner, and then went back to his condo. We went straight to his bedroom. After I had him inside me, I started to tease him about how you were flashing him your pussy and tits. I could feel him get harder and he put a little more effort into our fuck. He was fun, by the way.
"Anyway, I asked him if he'd like to 'tap that pussy and suck on those breasts, ' and he said he would so long as I didn't care. I told him I'd already been with both of you, and that about made him explode inside me. Just before he did, I told him that Amber only showed off for people like that when she wanted to have a sexual relationship with them.
"Jim was a little puzzled, but I then raised the subject of the parties every two weeks, and how a lot of sharing in a sexual way went on at them. By then, he didn't blink an eye. I promised him that you'd warm up to him tonight. He did me three times last night, and commented that was a record for him."
I asked, "So, he understands what'll happen tonight?"
"Sort of," Diane said. "I need to work him up a lot just before we get here. I thought we'd arrive on the late side – right before we eat. Amber, I need you to come on to him. Hopefully, I'll have him all teed up for you."
A few hours later, Diane and Jim came into the party. She'd brought a side dish to go with our entrée. Dinner started, and again the four of us worked it so that Amber sat opposite Jim on the sofa. She was flashing him and giving him really great and inviting smiles.
Jim kept checking in with me to be sure I was OK with what Amber was doing, only sitting beside her I figured out that I wasn't to have a clear idea. Instead, I found Diane flashing me. Both women wore gossamer tops that displayed their breasts behind the thin dark fabric.
Jim worked his way back to hard-on by the time dinner was through. At that point, Diane stood and collected our plates. She took them to the kitchen, and in that short time, Amber moved over and sat beside Jim. Diane sat beside me when she came back.
Diane and I started to make out right away. Several other couples were also starting to get it on. One couple had already jumped the gun and were in a sixty-nine in the corner of the living room.
Amber took Jim's hand and put it on her leg. He politely rubbed her lower thigh and then withdrew. She planted a significant kiss on him, and then put the hand back on her leg and held it there, even moving it up where his fingers grazed her pussy lips.
Jim checked with me, but I was busy fingering Diane. She was fumbling with my zipper and trying to get my cock out in the air for the rest of the night.
I heard Amber explaining to Jim that she wanted to fuck him while I did Diane. Since he seemed agreeable, the four of us headed down the hall to our bedroom. I already had some porn playing on the bedroom TV to add a little spice to the evening. Jim paused and watched about a minute of a wife swap video.
I got to watch as Amber finally seduced him, and brought him into the fold. Diane winked at me and then started to ride my cock for all she was worth. Save a horse; ride a cowboy.
Heather and Pam came by two days later. They'd met Don Shutz who lived in 803, and had already converted him into the swinging lifestyle by overcoming any resistance he might have had with judicious and simultaneous use of their mature and horny bodies. He apparently caved in and didn't need a lot of convincing that a shift in lifestyle was more than needed.
To convince me that I shouldn't be mad at them for inviting someone I didn't know, the two of them raped and plundered my body for about three hours one afternoon. Amber was home, but let them have their way with me while she went out shopping. She was having her monthly, and didn't feel inclined to sex at that moment. I guess you can't rape the willing, so that was the wrong word to use.
Our new neighbors in the condo Greg and Susan Heyden were friends with Bunny (really!) and Tom Hannible in 1101. He'd had an electronics business he sold for a mint, and then bought into a NASCAR. He traveled a lot to follow the races during the season, but other than that he and Bunny just kicked around town doing volunteer work and Tom tinkered on his racecar. Now they were also going to be fucking around the condo.
Skeet knew Carter and Katie Parker in 1202. Dawn was so horny one night, she came onto Carter. Skeet humored her, and together they talked Katie into a swap. Apparently, the four of them went all night and then into the entire weekend, having a ball. Somewhere along the line, Dawn told them about the Broadhurst Swingers, and bingo – we had two more members.
Jean Power, one of the local 'top sellers' in real estate parlance moved into 1401. She'd bought the unit about a year earlier, but it'd had tenants in it, and she had to wait until the end of their lease to move herself in.
After moving in, Jean knocked on my door one day. She just announced that she wanted to join the Broadhurst Swingers. I asked, "How did you know about such a group?" and she informed me that it was widely known about in real estate circles. As far as she was concerned, it was a positive selling point about the building. She assured me that she was directing only the 'right kind of people' to look at the empty units in the building.
Jean was a hot, mature blond that didn't take any shit off anyone. I came to think that she'd been married but had eaten her husband. She was intense about getting her way ad could be scary. That said, she was all business, and she would go to the wall for her friends and neighbors.
Jean could also be passionate, and as I found out at our next party she could fuck like a banshee. Fortunately, all she ever wanted from me was 'The Experience," and then some sexual loving.
After joining the group, Jean realized she had a gangbang kink, and loved to have a group of males standing around waiting to fuck her to oblivion. Nice men and neighbors that we are, we catered to her kink. I even bought a massage table so we could have a platform for our activities principally with Jean.
Amber turned out to have a similar kink. A few times they'd both be up on the table with their pussies at either end and a stream of horny males rotating through both women.
Flab Control. That's what I labeled the new chart on my desk. I had laid out an exercise program for myself based on an amalgamation of similar programs I'd found on the Internet. My goal was to lose fifteen pounds, and end up looking like Matthew McConaughey, complete with six-pack abs, bulging muscle, and that square jaw look instead of the weak chin I now had. Amber just laughed when I told her that.
In any case I started to jog. My first week I was wheezing so hard after running a few blocks from the condo that I thought I'd expire before I could make it home at a slow walk. By the end of my first month I could do three miles without a problem. I kept ratcheting up the distance I was jogging.
I had just gotten up to the five mile mark when one morning as I standing outside the condo getting ready to run. I was resetting the magic wristband that I wore that could tell me the number of steps, distance, my heart rate, and a dozen other useless things. The important metric was the scale reading in my bathroom.
"Hi. How far are you going?"
I turned to stare into the green eyes of Kate Upton. Well, it wasn't the model, but it sure looked like her. She was in jogging togs that included a sports bra struggling to contain two of the nicest jugs I'd ever seen. Her legs were marvelous, trailing down from snug little jogging shorts, and she wore day-glow pink running shoes. She had long blond hair tied back in a ponytail poked through the back of a baseball cap.
My mouth was dry, but I said, "About five miles. I go down and around the park now."
"Oh, good. I hope you don't mind me tagging along. I need to get in shape."
I shook my head. "If you get in any better shape than you're already in you'll need three bodyguards to go with you." I gestured, "Let's go." I congratulated myself for not jumping her bones right there on the sidewalk.
We started to jog. I wasn't sure if I was keeping up with her, or she with me. We had a nice pace, maybe about nine minutes a mile.
"My name's Kristi Lee. I'm in 801."
I glanced over at her, but had to look away because of the way her breasts were dancing. Running with a hard-on was not something I wanted to do. "Jon Cameron in 1403. Technology consultant."
Kristi said, "I write and do a little modeling."
"You are very attractive, but I guess you already know that. Excuse me for stating the obvious. I do that a lot."
She laughed and I think some angels sang. "Oh, a woman never gets tired of compliments. Thank you." She sounded so genuine and friendly.
We plodded along after that with little conversation. Actually, pretty women kind of scare me. Even thought I'm highly attracted to them, I never know what to say. I get all tongue-tied. In the case of that morning, I wasn't only tongue-tied, I was gasping for air given the pace we were going.
I glanced over several times at Kristi. She also seemed to be gulping air at a rapid rate. I looked at my watch and noted that we were running right at an eight-minute a mile pace. I'd never run at that pace before. I hoped I could keep this up until we got home and I died happy; however, if I slowed and Kristi left me, I'd get to look at her sweet ass leaving me in the dust.
We did keep together, finishing just over five miles in forty-three minutes – my best time for that distance and the best pace I'd had since I'd started. I mentioned that to Kristi as we came to a stop.
She gasped, "I'm so glad I went with you. I've never run that fast. You pulled me along. Thank you."
I told her, "I'm thinking of doing six miles tomorrow, if you want to come along. I may not go as fast. I need to do weights and exercise afterwards."
"Oh, yes. Same time. Eight a.m.?"
"That works for me," I smiled. "I'll meet you right here. I'll wait so if you plan not to go, buzz my unit and tell me." All residents had each other's phone numbers.
I watched Kristi walk back into the building, developing a hard-on at the indecent thoughts I was having, particularly watching the way her tight little exercise pants hugged her cute butt.
Amber noticed the bulge in my pants as soon as I walked in the door. "Hey, doofus, who got you all excited?"
I chuckled as I stood there, "Hot babe in 801 named Kristi. She looks like Kate Upton, and she also ran like the wind. I'm exhausted keeping up with her, although she claimed she was keeping up with me."
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IncestThe present: On the sun deck of Ocean Odyssey a bikini-clad Elaine sunbathed alongside her father. In fact it was only half a bikini; her proud breast naked in pursuit of all-over topaz. They had been on the ship for less than a week and had both accumulated a respectable tan. Occupying a penthouse cabin on the sun deck made semi-nude sunbathing available; even at breakfast-time; outside their cabin and served up by Richmond their steward. For dinner they used the Verandah Grill; available...
HiI'm John(49)My Wife Is Called Karen (42) She Is 5 ft 6 and has a Great Body .She is Very Tanned ,Blonde Hair and has 38dd implants which I bought for her 40th birthday.She Tends To Look After Her Body And Is Always Buying New Sexy Outfits and shoes .We Have Been Married For Nearly 15 years and for the past Year Have Had An Open Relationship Karen Is A Naughty Nympho , Her Sex Drive Is Huge And I Just Can't Satisfy Her Needs .I Have Always Dreamt Of Seeing Karen With Another Guy and when I...
It's summer and I'm seventeen. I have never been to summer camp. Sometimes it feels as if my mom has a noose around my neck. I fear that she will control my life all the way until I graduate college. I want breathing room. I need to be assertive, so I give my mom a choice if she wants me to go to college. She can either let me go to summer camp or I will go to an out of state college. My mom decides that this is a good idea. She wants me to have ten days at camp. My mom drives me to the Sapphic...
LesbianHello, everyone, this is the first time I am writing my real life experience with one of my very close friends in this sex story, believe me, she is a bomb. We got introduced to each other due to my work, she was heading one of the teams at business centers. Due to business interactions, we became very good friends over a short period of time. We use to talk over the phone and chat also. After about 4 months of talking and chatting I happen to meet her over a business deal. The first time I saw...
I came home from work the other day and heard my wife Suzy in the kitchen making dinner. She was also on the phone to her sister. It was on speaker so with that and the kitchen noises she hadn’t heard me come in. Something that was said made me stop and listen. I heard Suzy finish a sentence with “…having an affair.” “Why do you think that?” said Carrie. “We don’t have sex much anymore.” “Mmmm,” said Carrie. “Do you offer it to him?” “What do you mean? I’m always here.”
Most of you know my story, if you don't, I was married to an ex-professional athelete for 28 years. He ran off with a 30 year old ex NFL cheerleader, we are now divorced, I'm on a quest to see how much sexy fun a 50 year old woman can have! I have become good friends with a sexy woman who take body pump classes with me 2-3 days per week at our health club. She's 10 years younger and a killer body, 34b-26-34, 5'7 and a long lean toned, and tanned body and long auburn hair! I met her and her...
Chapter 1 — Existential Instantiation Elspeth hated her on sight. The evening was already not going well and the towering woman turned it into a disaster. As soon the woman appeared, she demanded attention. It would be hard to identify the most arresting part of the woman’s appearance. She was almost six feet tall. Her dreadful posture ought to have made her seem shorter, but the aggressive stance negated that small handicap. Her jeans and T-shirt were intentionally tattered. Her massive...
Breathtaking, buxom Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior shows off her voluptuous body in crimson stockings, gloves and skimpy underwear. Ready for some holiday celebration, she licks a thick candy cane and buries it between her big tits. Kianna sucks Rob Piper’s big Black cock while director/performer Jonni Darkko rails her fuzzy cunt. They trade her holes, with Rob slamming her slit as she gives Jonni a blowjob. The festive threesome includes spit-roast fucking by the tinseled Christmas...
xmoviesforyouJay Taylors brother is an asshole…but his girlfriend sure is cute. When Moka Mora comes around the house, Jay cant help but overhear her phone call with her brother. Sounds like he has done it again, wined her, dined her, fucked her and now hes avoiding her. Guys suck. Looking out the window, Jay bites her lip when she notices Mokas pigtail braids and tiny pink skirt. Her brother is now home, but it would be rude to leave Moka outside. Jay invited her inside and quickly makes her move,...
xmoviesforyouJanuary 2, 1988, Chicago, Illinois Tasha was quiet as we headed west on the Eisenhower expressway early on Saturday afternoon. We’d spent six hours together the previous evening before showering together, and then I’d gone upstairs to sleep with Kara. Jessica hadn’t specifically given me permission to sleep overnight with Tasha, so I wasn’t going to chance getting in trouble. I exited onto I-88 - as the East-West Tollway, IL-5, had been re-designated - before Tasha finally spoke. “Thank you...
After such a long day and too much wine with our meal the girls were soon asleep. I ran my hands along their sides and gripped their tight bums thinking I’ll keep you safe. Partway through the night I felt Eve playing with my cock. She was just toying with it. Flopping it about and pointing it in different directions. She lifted her knee up and rested it just under my balls and ran my cock head along her inner thigh. Mel gave a grunt and rolled away from us facing side of the bed. Eve took...
Let me introduce myself, I am Rahul age 23 from Raipur CG. 5’10 medium body with an 7″ long thick penis. I love fucking especially admire women between 25-40 as they are mature having a good experience and fucking body. This is my first sex story so pls ignore the mistakes and give your feedbacks and suggestions at if you like it. It’s about my first encounter with my real sister, how it all started, and how I first try to seduce her but failed then how she erotically seduces me after her...
IncestWhen I was 16 me and my best friend wanted to go camping really badly. We finally decided to go rent a cabin in the woods and go camping just the two of us. At the last minute we decided that it would be more fun if we drank that night as well so we took a twelve pack of beers and some hard liquor and drove off. Jeremy had just broken up with his girlfriend and on the ride up he explained all the sex they had. He explained how the anal was the best hole to go in and it felt so nice. Almost like...
Gay MaleStrange how things happen when you least expect it, isn't it? Like with Bob and I. Married twenty years, no kids, his fault, not mine, the doctors tell us, but we don't mind ... not now. Oh, we're settled into a routine of long standing – well we were, until that one particular night. Bob would come home from work, have his martini, sometimes two, and settle down in front of the television to watch the news and then some porn. I didn't like that at first, I mean, what was I chopped...
“So your name is Bonnie?” Marcie tentatively asks.“Yeah. So how did you get here?” replies Bonnie.“I was at the bar with a good friend when this person runs up behind him and hits him in the back of the head. Next thing I know I’m handcuffed here and having sex with this person. I thought she was a man because of her short black hair but then she got naked and he was a she.” Marcie rambles. “I felt someone watching me all night at the bar and we locked eyes for a minute but I didn’t thing...
Pick your season of choice. It is assumed that all characters are 18+ in this retelling of each AHS series. All characters currently with sex scenes are listed in each first chapter of the series. I've also included those characters that I've planned sex scenes for too.
The Network Boy (6) The Driving Test. Life under the wing of the network was becoming an exciting and eye opening experience. I duly passed my driving test in a fashion that could only be network organized. I had taken a course of lessons as any normal young guy would do, but when it came to the time to take my test the network took over. The person who so many people hate with a vengeance, their driving test examiner, for me was a network member. I had instructions to go to Eddie’s to be...
The Alien Scout The main asteroid belt in our solar system is located between the orbits of Mars and the gas giant, Jupiter. The belt contains millions of asteroids ranging from the size of a grain of sand to what is probably a dwarf planet, Ceres, which is 587 miles in diameter. Also orbiting among the millions of asteroids are other larger bodies, but still smaller than Ceres: Pallas at 318 miles, Vesta at 326 miles and Hygiea between 217 and 300 miles in diameter, and others of impressive...
I grew up in a shabby, rundown area of small farms. The place wasn't even really a town, just a s**ttering of houses and a couple of churches spread along a state highway that led to a smallish town. I lived with my dad in a small little 5 room house on the property of an old retired farmer, Quimby. Dad sc****d out a meager living taking care of Quimby's property. Quimby had done well for himself, He'd quit school at 16 and joined the military when he turned 18, and had served 20 years. A...
Busy, Busy, Busy. This is the best way to describe our lives. After being promoted by the corporate bosses, I was working longer hours, 5 days a week and more often than not pulling overtime and weekends. Following the opening of her very own business, Theia was also working long and almost always unpredictable hours. But every third weekend of the month we just stopped, and had the entire time to just be together. ———– It was around 5pm on Friday afternoon when I decided to pack my...
Sunday Night Narrative Pam, Abbey and Trish arrive in one car to Maggie's house. The three women can be seen approaching the house with their heads down and very quiet. They wear knee length coats despite the warm weather. Pam goes to knock on the door when Maggie opens it up from the inside. "Is Randy still here?" she asks. "No, I dropped him off at the movies," Maggie answers. "He has been dying to see some of the summer flicks so I bought him and his friends Joe, Rob, and Jake...
Alien Encounter By Morpheus Walter Peyton sighed and changed position. He'd been sitting in his car seat for hours already, and he still had several more to go before he arrived at his destination. And to make things worse, he couldn't even pick up a decent radio station at the moment. There were too many mountains. The only good thing about the trip so far, was the scenery. Since he was passing through eastern Oregon on his way home to Boise to visit his parents, there...
I’m a Gangbang Slut Wife Who can’t get Enough Hi I’m Jill a white slut housewife with an insatiable appetite for big cocks and massive quantities of hot cum filling all of my holes. I would like to share my latest gangbang with you all. It began Wednesday night when I was invited by my husband who was given his friends bachelor party, and to be the evening’s entertainment for the men. Now I have been gang fucked a few times before by different size groups of guys. 38 men about three...
"That was fantastic!" Kathy yelped delightedly, as she advanced on the thoroughly befuddled teen. Davy could only look at her as she reached him and pushed him back onto the over-sized couch. Kneeling over his knees, Kathy said, "Shame on you, treating your mother that way!" "But..." he protested, "You wanted me to!" "I never thought you'd really do it," she lied, and reveled in the emotional changes taking place on his innocent face as he came to realize the full implications...