Flossie in Bondage 1930s public domain story
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Nathan stopped off at Flossie’s on the way home. His sisters were still there, and he sent them home. Flossie, after spending a day with the girls, was in much better spirits. She still moved stiffly, but she was getting around.
“I couldn’t paint, seeing as how my paint was all gone,” she joked.
“Sorry about that, said Nathan.”
“It was for a good cause, as far as I’m concerned,” said Flossie, seriously. “Thank you.”
“I couldn’t let him...” Nathan turned away. The vision of his father looming over her almost naked form tormented him.
“It will cause trouble,” she said. “For your mother too. I’m sorry about that,” she said.
“You don’t know my mother,” said Nathan, picking at a patch of paint on his arm. “She’s much tougher than he is.”
“She was very kind,” said Flossie. “She’s got a very good heart for a white...” Flossie stopped, embarrassed that her own racism was showing.
Seeing him pick at the paint on his arm reminded her of the paint remover he had obtained. The girls had told her about it, but she hadn’t used it yet. She wondered why now. She had noticed the paint all day long, but hadn’t removed it. Now that Nathan was here, she realized it reminded her of him ... of him saving her. It was like she was wearing the protection he represented.
She got a rag and the paint remover, and made him sit down. She began swabbing at the paint on his arms. The fumes made her light-headed, and when one arm was clean she suggested that they take a break outside. She got into a box and pulled out some scissors. Once outside she sat on a keg and handed them to him, telling him to clip the paint-clogged tangles out of her kinky hair.
“It’s going to leave bald spots,” he said, after examining her head.
“Can’t be helped,” she said. “It will grow back.” She looked up at him. “Yours too. I’ll do yours when you’re done with mine.”
He asked for a comb, and she went back in to get it and sat back down.
“Just get it over with,” she said.
He clipped and tugged. The pain in her hair roots, she decided, distracted her from the pain elsewhere, and embraced it, thinking that this pain was removing the feeling of dread that had hung over her since the attack. As clots of paint-hardened hair fell to the ground, she released the fear along with them, beginning to slump on the keg as she relaxed.
“What’s taking so long?” she asked, at one point.
“I’m trying to save what I can,” he said. “If I don’t, you’ll be bald.”
She sat, feeling drowsy as his fingers pulled and stroked and massaged her scalp, while the comb pulled the fear out of her. Finally he stood back.
“You look like a boy,” he commented. “Well, from the neck up, anyway.” He looked startled and blushed.
“It will grow back.”
She took him back inside and tackled his other arm. Working on his fingers, swabbing with the rag, she examined his strong hands. Then she moved to his neck. There was even paint on the back of his neck, small spatters that had landed there somehow. She saw a thick splinter of wood stuck in his hair. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen it when she was cutting his hair, and plucked it out.
“Where did that come from?” she asked him, showing him the inch long piece of wood.
Her fingers on his body had relaxed him, too, and he answered automatically.
“We’ve been salvaging wood from that old mansion to build a treehouse with.”
“The one they say is haunted?” she asked, astonished. She couldn’t imagine this city boy messing around out there in the woods. She’d seen the house as a child - all children snuck out to peek at it as a rite of passage - but she hadn’t even dreamed that Nathan might do the same thing.
“We haven’t seen any ghosts,” he said. He was wary now, though. He hadn’t meant to say anything to any adult about the house. He didn’t say anything about what they’d found.
“I hope you’re being careful,” she said. “That place is falling down.”
She combed at his hair, pulling the dots of paint-fused strands, while he winced. She got the scissors and began clipping them out until she could run the comb through his long locks.
“Your hair is getting pretty long for a...”
“White boy?” he asked. Most white men kept their hair very short around these parts. “I guess being white doesn’t mean as much to me as it used to.”
“Nathan, I’m sorry I dragged you into all this,” she said, going around to stand in front of him. “I should have left well enough alone. I should have stuck to math, and reading and English. Now you and your father are at odds and those other children are playing at sex and ... I’ve just made a real mess of things.”
He took the scissors from one hand, and the comb from another. He sat her down and took up the can and rag, and began cleaning one of her arms, like she had cleaned his.
“If you’d have left well enough alone, I wouldn’t be passing. I wouldn’t have a job offer that will make it so that what my father thinks doesn’t matter any more. I’d still hate you and call you a nigger and make a fool of myself. All things considered, I rather prefer liking you.”
He switched arms. The paint on her was mostly smears, transferred from him to her. When the paint left the can, the bottom was pointed towards her, and the paint had hit him squarely. Some of it had splashed back on her, making dots and spots all over her front. He was more or less unconsciously going after those dots when he ended up swabbing the skin under her chin, on her upper chest. On one swipe, the rag, in his fingers, hit where the top button of the shirt was. Her fingers reached for it unconsciously and undid it, opening up the shirt to the top of her cleavage. He stared at that spot, and Flossie’s eyes saw him staring. He pulled back, flustered.
She took the rag from him, and started doing his face, where paint had soaked almost everything. He had rubbed a lot of it off before it dried, but there was still a haze of paint all over. She swabbed carefully, and then went to his neck and to his own top button. She unbuttoned that and pulled his shirt apart to see that paint had soaked through his clothes, onto his skin. Again, it was just a haze of color, but she unbuttoned the rest of the buttons, looking at each one, and pushed the shirt open. She stared at the muscles under the skin on his chest as she rubbed at the paint. Then she got to his nipples, she swiped at them gently and he hissed.
“Does it sting?” she asked.
“A little,” he said tightly. “I should do that myself.”
“Why?” she said, her voice light.
“It makes me feel funny,” he said.
She looked from his chest to his eyes, and they bore into hers.
She leaned back. This boy ... man, really ... who sat in front of her caused complex emotions to bubble up into her chest. He had gone against his own flesh and blood to save her. He had saved her from further injury and clearly from rape. She was quite sure that, had she resisted Harvey, he would have beaten her, maybe to death. The upwelling of gratitude in her got all mixed up with other feelings. She remembered the way he had looked at her when that door creaked open, as she stood there naked. His eyes had held something that was different than the raw lust other men had shown when they looked at her ... the way Harvey had looked at her. But there had been desire in his eyes, even as he tried to apologize and move away from her. She saw a little of the same thing in his eyes now, as they darted from her face to where her shirt was open. It appealed to Wanton Flossie, who quietly urged her to do something crazy, but which was irriseistable.
“That’s got most of it, I think.” she said. Her hand went to her shirt. “You got it all over me too.” She unbuttoned another button, not believing that she was doing this right in front of this boy.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped, as the insides of her breasts became visible.
“I shouldn’t ask you to wipe it off of me,” she said softly. “But then ... you saw me naked before ... didn’t you.”
“It was an accident!” he panted.
“I know.” She unbuttoned another button. “You saved me,” she said. “He would have taken all that I have left in life. He might even have killed me.”
“No!” said Nathan, his eyes glued to where he could see smears of white paint crossing her chest.
“I wouldn’t have just let him do that,” she said, her fingers pulling gently at the shirt, spreading it so slowly apart that it hardly moved. “I would have screamed. He’d have beaten me more to shut me up. I would have fought, and he’d have beaten me some more. He wanted to hurt me badly.”
“I know that!” cried Nathan. “I couldn’t let him do that either!”
“Then take the paint off of me, Nathan,” she said softly. “I can’t explain to you how I feel when you take away the paint, but I need you to do this for me ... please?”
She pulled the shirt completely apart, baring her paint-smeared breasts and belly. The bite marks were vividly dark blue against the smooth brown of her flesh, and Nathan cringed, remembering his father’s teeth ... clamping ... biting ... pulling like some animal, eating its prey.
“It’s all right, Nathan,” she said soothingly. “You’ve already seen me like this. Please, just take the paint off of me, Nathan. Make me clean. Remove what he did to me.”
For once, as Proper Flossie began to rant in the background, Flossie shut her out. She didn’t think about what she was doing. His touch comforted her, in ways so opposite to those of his father that it was like every time he touched her, some of the pain of his father’s touch was taken away. She knew it was wrong to let him see her like this ... to ask him to touch her this way, but the urge to be clean was so strong in her that she had to. She had seen the way he looked at her ... appreciated her as a woman, and she wanted to feel like a woman, and not just a female, who could be taken like some prize won in a game. His touch was filled with something positive, even though she knew he had lust in him. But his lust was fresh and innocent, not a poison, like the lust that had been in the man who created him. She wanted to be respected, and somehow she knew that Nathan at least respected her.
She had to help him by taking his hand, putting the rag in it, and helping him begin to swab at the smears. She started on her stomach, above the crusty skin that was scabbing where Harvey had abraded it around her waist. Eventually she could drop her arms, relaxing as he continued, on his own. He bent over and she suddenly stood, taking his hand and pulling him to her bedroom. She didn’t want to be in the same room where this had happened ... where this paint had been splattered. She shrugged the shirt off her shoulders and lay down on the bed, dressed only in trousers.
He left her breasts for last, though she saw him staring at them. She watched his eyes, and it thrilled her to see him glance, every so often at her eyes, a question in his.
“Should I keep on?” his eyes asked.
Somehow her eyes said “Yes, please,” and he continued.
Finally the rag began to swab the outer edges of her globes. He stayed clear of the bite marks, going around them and, very carefully inside them. The rag scraped across her left nipple and it swelled and became erect. His eyes widened. He had seen Johnnie Sue’s, and his sisters nipples do that, when they were horny. The other breast he was firmer with, moving the flesh from side to side as the rag, and his fingers pressed into it. That nipple he was more forceful with as it became erect too.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered. His mouth snapped shut and he frowned.
“It’s all right,” she said softly. “Thank you.”
He stopped. “I have to tell you something. Ask you something.”
“What is it?” She wished he hadn’t started talking. He had stopped touching her when he started talking.
“It’s that thing I couldn’t talk to you about.” He frowned. “I still don’t think I should ask you, but what’s happening to me now... “ His hand strayed to the front of his pants.
“You’re erect?” she asked, a thrill shooting through her.
“Yes,” he said, ashamed.
“I’m hardly surprised,” she said softly. “I think I wanted you to get that way.”
His eyes opened wide. “You did?”
“I’m not supposed to want that,” she said. “But I do.”
“But isn’t it wrong?” he asked. “For both of us, I mean. You’re my teacher and...”
“I’m a Negro,” she finished for him.
“I guess ... yes ... but that’s not what I meant. You’re older. We’re not married and I want to...”
Flossie felt a ball of warmth burst in her loins. The proper Flossie inside her had been nattering on about how wrong all this was, and now it yelled at her. The wanton Flossie said “So what’s the big deal? You want to too. Admit it girl.”
“You’re a man,” she said. “Men are built to want to do that with women.”
“But my father!” he groaned.
“He wanted to hurt me. Sex can be used for that too. It can be used for terrible things, or loving, beautiful things. It’s what’s in your heart that makes the difference.”
“I feel that way about ... my sisters, sometimes,” he whispered. He looked away. “That’s what I couldn’t talk about.”
Now the looks between him and his sisters suddenly made all the sense in the world. She had been confused about them, because the looks Bernadette gave him were very similar to the looks she gave Curtis Lee. Flossie knew what those looks meant - the ones graced on Curtis Lee, but she had been confused by why the girl might flirt with her own brother. Now she knew.
“You’ve ... done things ... with them?” she asked, her heart beating harder in her chest.
“Yes,” he hung his head. “I can’t help it.”
“How much have you done with them, Nathan?” Her voice was firm now.
“What we saw at the fishing hole?” he mumbled. “Like that. A little more, actually.”
“You haven’t had intercourse with them.” she said firmly.
“No!” He shook his head, but still wouldn’t look at her. “But I want to. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, but couldn’t, but now I have to and ... and ... I don’t know what to do!”
“What do they say?” she asked on impulse.
“They dragged me into this in the first place!” he moaned. “They got curious ... said I was the only boy they could ask to see, and then to touch and then the next thing I knew they were...” He stopped, flushing.
“Was that why Bernadette asked me about blow jobs?” asked Flossie, her heart thundering in her chest.
“Yes,” he said miserably.
“She’s done that to you?”
“Yes,” he moaned.
“And you liked it.” she stated.
He finally looked at her. He looked at her like he was about to cry. “Yeeeeessss” he moaned.
“And now I’m making you feel the same way?” she asked.
He nodded. She watched her hand lift from the bed, and drift over to hover above his lap, where a bulge was apparent. She watched the wanton Flossie, who was in charge of that hand, at the moment, lower it until it rested lightly on the cloth, and the firm flesh under it.
“You don’t want to have intercourse with your sisters, do you?” she asked.
“No!” he gasped. “I mean yes, I want to, but it would be too dangerous! But if I don’t, they’ll do it with Moses and Curtis Lee. I know they will. They’re horny all the time!”
Flossie closed her eyes, but didn’t move her hand. Moses and Curtis Lee? Both of them?! Hilda Mae couldn’t have at least chosen Luthor?
“But they haven’t done that with them yet?” she asked.
“No. They’d have told me.” He slumped. “They’ve done the other though, and I know them. They won’t stop. It’s like some disease or something!”
Flossie suddenly remembered that the health class was supposed to have something in it about self control. She couldn’t remember talking about that. Apparently her class had unleashed passions, instead of controlling them. She wondered why she hadn’t gotten to the “How to keep from doing this” part of the course.
“That’s easy,” said the wanton Flossie inside her. “You don’t have any control. You’re about to take your pants off in front of this boy. Why would you want him or any of the others to have any control?”
Her hands went to her belt, and undid it.
“I have some paint on my left leg,” she said, unbuttoning the pants. She was wearing panties today. She couldn’t wear a bra because it hurt the bite marks, but she had put on panties. She kicked out of her pants as he sat, frozen. The front of her left thigh was white where he had hugged her against him, carrying her to the bed. “Would you take my panties off, Nathan? There’s paint under them too.”
“What are you doing?” he gasped.
“As I said, you’ve already seen me.”
“But I just told you how I feel about you,” he croaked, staring at the panties.
“Nathan, take them off,” she said firmly.
His hands were twitching as they reached for the panties. She lifted her hips and held her breath as he slid them to her knees. She dropped her buttocks onto the bed and lifted her feet so he could pull them off. The wanton Flossie made her legs spread, drawing one up to lie on the bed, exposing her sex to him. He stared and swallowed audibly.
“The paint, Nathan,” she said, her voice husky.
Automatically his hand, holding the rag, went to the smears of paint inches away from her pussy. Automatically he pulled it away again, plugging the neck of the can and tipping it to re-wet the rag. Then he removed the paint. His eyes darted from where he was working to the two black and almost leathery looking lips that closed her off to his view. There was a thin stark stripe of bright pink between those lips, just like the lips of her mouth went from dark, outside, to pink inside. He didn’t know what would happen next, but he licked his own lips, staring at those black and pink lines below her curly pubes. He wasn’t prepared when she sat up and swung her legs away from him, standing on the opposite side of the bed. She stood, outwardly looking completely unashamed. Inside she quailed, and there was a fierce battle going on.
“We both stink of that stuff,” she said, pointing at the can in his hand. “I’m going to heat water for a bath.”
She turned and walked out, wanting to run, to leave the house completely. Proper Flossie demanded it, then quailed as she actually took a step toward the front door. She couldn’t go outside. She was naked!
She filled the big bucket from the hand pump and put it on the stove. Nathan hadn’t come out of the bedroom yet. Being apart from him helped ... just a little. Still the urges that raced through her bloodstream made her ache with need. She’d never felt like this in her whole life. She’d been horny, true, but the newness of letting a man see her, and touching that man’s body brought her to a level that was also new. She’d never let herself get into a situation like this before.
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I saw her over by the pool table looking nervous as Fuck. I could tell straight away she was young. Younger than the rest of the girls at the party and I wondered how she had gotten in. I looked her over. She was a little on the chubby side but not fat. She was pretty short, maybe 5’3” or so. She had brown wavy hair and light blue eyes that were almost silvery. She had a full pouty mouth and she chewed on her bottom lip nervously. She had crammed herself into a cami that was too small and her...
Letter to Santa by Catmandu99 Dear Santa, How's it going? Sorry about the sugar-free cookies and 2% milk last year. Bob (that's my husband - but I'm sure you already knew that) said that you were getting a bit pudgy and he thought your heart wouldn't be able to handle the added cholesterol. Don't worry. I'll sneak in some real cookies and milk this year. Speaking of last year, I'd like to talk to you about last year's present. I appreciate the fact that you were thinking of...
Sabhi readers ko indianarjun Ka sex bhara namashkar.aaj main aapko apni Ek Sachi ghatna batane jaa raha Hun jisme main ne apne mama Ki shaadi me mujhse Sirf 4 saal badi mausi ko patta Kar choda Aur majje kiye.main aapko Bata dun Ki meri age 21 hai rang gora body Ek dam fit Aur land 7 inch Ka Aur Mausi ko age 25 hai rang gora size 36-34-38 matlab unke boobs Aur gaand bahut fooli Aur chaudi hain jo unki body pe 4 Chand laga deti hai . Dekhne me wo Ek damm maal hai Aur jo Bhi usko Ek baar dekh le...
I saw to it that all our water bottles and skins were filled up before we started. We ate a couple of energy bars for lunch and then we headed out. It took us all day to work our way down from the cave to the edge of the tree line. The first five hundred yards was so steep that all three of us had to shift one sled, and then return for the other, to get them both down. I had to tie a rope to the sled and anchor it with my weight as Clara and Gabby guided the sled down the slope to where the...
"My visa runs out in a month," the woman said with a heavy accent. That was a problem and one which Dave had no intention of even trying to solve. Keeping on the correct side of the law while making an adult video was problem enough. He didn't need the additional problems of keeping someone in the country legally. Dave said, "We can't help you with a visa." The woman said, "I don't need visa. I need money. I need a lot of money." "You do know that you'll have to have sex with...
Day ThreeThe trip to work was uneventful. Jess' tits really bounced without a bra. We were at the office before 6 so we went for a coffee. When the doors opened to the building Jess went and put on her usual short skirt. Without a bra her tits bounced every time she moved and her job meant she was always on the go, as were we all. At lunch I went out to pick up a few things , rope an electric cord, then to the adult store for some handcuffs, gags, a riding crop and some clamps, although I had...
Here a true life story I have for you, although I bring it to you second hand. It’s an interesting sexual encounter that one of my old girl friends had. She related it to me one night when we were trading stories about memorable sexual events we had had with other people. I’m certain I wont tell it as juicy as she did, but it’s still worth passing on. She was I guess 20 at the time and working in a restaurant while going to the University of Colorado. She was asked out on a date by one of the...
Portions of this story are true although sadly not all of it. I will leave it up to the reader to choose which aspects of it that they want to believe as fact. Admittedly, not my finest hour. I fell asleep at work and was fired. I don't necessarily feel like it was completely my fault due to certain circumstances but it happened, so there I was out of work, my lease was up, and I had no money whatsoever. I was in pretty bad shape. Naturally I called my mom. Mom jumped on the...
Pat and the cold room. "What do you mean, I'm not enough of a masochist?" We were tussling thatspring over what it all meant. I don't think Pat knew about Janne, but I wasdissatisfied in general and ready for something to happen. Pat was a smallblonde woman, in her thirties then, pretty and sweet but not too adventurousto that point. More so than the woman I'd been married to when I met her. "Ilike a good spanking as much as anyone." I looked at her and didn't say anything. "Okay," shesaid,...
Knowledge begets knowledge and once gifted with a few tricks by the sister nymphs giving me a leg up on being a god I was on my way to performing some pretty darned cool stunts. I would never use the term “stunts” around the sisters however. They would get very disgruntled with me and let me know I hadn’t the experience and/or the pain of gained wisdom to be so cavalier. So it’s between you and I but the stunts were cosmic joy, so fucking much fun. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven when...
MAU: The Thule Incident Part 2 By Danielle J Author's note- This is the second installment of my latest MAU saga. I suggest you read MAU - The Thule Incident before starting on Part 2. You will find Part 1 at Fictionmania listed both under stories by Danielle J and by a category search for MAU stories. I must thank Steve Zink for his editing and hard work in preparing this story for publication. ***** As ordered, Major Koval returned to the interview room for the...
*some of these stories will have to do with the POV of the person getting their cock hand/blow/footjobbed, some of the stories will simply have a greater emphasis on just describing the cock getting hand/blow/footjobbed by itself In an alternate reality, men can insert their cocks anywhere, at any time so that they can be massaged or rubbed by a woman's feet. They do not have to be naked - men can get footjobs even when they're fully clothed. It is an entirely normal thing for cocks to appear...
So it all began through messaging her one night she had a fight with her boyfriend. I saw she posted on her facebook regarding that she wanted to get drunk and high, so i told her not to start without me. She replied by saying sure just bring some alcohol cus she was all out, and also to make sure it was ok with my lady for me to go over, obviously i lied and told her she said yes jaja. We messaged for a good while and she confessed to me that all the time ive been with her sister shes wanted...
It all started out just as a bit of crazy fun, a one-night thing, but we both got so excited that we carried on. I had been going out with Frank for a month and we had just started having sex when he invited me to stay for the weekend. Of course I said yes straight away, two days and nights of rampant sex was something to look forward to. We had dined out and returned to his flat for a nightcap and then it was off to bed. In the corner besides his wardrobes was one of those blow up...
Kim could still hear the man's stern voice as she dressed. Glancing at her watch, she noticed there was barely enough time to make the scheduled appointment Ken had setup with Lu. A shiver shot down her spine thinking of what Ken demanded. She was to take Lori and Julia to get their nipples pierced by the old Chinaman. 'Oh, God,' she thought, 'Surely there had to be another way or someway to escape Ken's blackmail demands.' She noticed the two women dressed and standing at the door. Lori...
Well my fuck buddy had gone to work & i was laid in bed, her flat mate was in the other bedroom I had fucked her before I thought, let me go & get in bed with her, I open her door & walk in got in bed with her put my arm around & said are u awake I had my hand on her tit, yes she said I can feel your hard cock on my bum, I guess u want to fuck me, Yes would be nice, I put my hand on her cunt & rubbed my finger down her crack straight into her, she was already wet I'm going...
My wife and I had been married about 5 years when I finally confessed my craving for sucking cock. We were on a long drive and we always talked about sex and fantasies or would visit the sex shops we passed as we traveled. She was taken back at first but wanted to hear about my fantasies. It started like most, in my teens and hanging with a close male family member. One thing lead to another and as horny teens go, we started with touching each others cocks and moved to sucking each other until...
Interracial"I missed you this week. Glad you're back home with me." "Yeah, travel is a bitch and I miss my beautiful, and I must say, very sexy, wife. I live for these Sunday mornings." "Mmm, it's fun catching up on the weekend but I miss you when you're away. You must have missed me a lot, you usually don't wake me up in the middle of the night, like last night, to make love. We already did it twice on Saturday. But I guess it's better than not wanting me, right?" "Oh, I could never not...
This is a semi-fictional story, and all participants are 18 years or older. I say semi-fictional because some of the dialogue is made up. However, most of the details come straight from the original police report. A police detective's home is invaded, and his wife and daughter are forced to perform various sexual acts on him and each other for the amusement of their captures. This actually happened to a colleague on my department, but I am telling the story from the first person perspective...
She’s the captain on the cheerleader team. I’m the smartest guy in school. Everyone knows who she is. Few people know who I am. She’s had plenty of boyfriends. I haven’t even had one girlfriend. She comes from a privileged family and is very flamboyant. I come from a family that can barely make ends meet. She’s currently dating the most popular guy in our school. He’s a football jock. They met each other freshman year. She and I have known each other since childhood. She always ignored me....
The helicopter touches down on the deck of the USS Downley just as the sun is beginning to set on the horizon. The beauty of it is stolen by the battle waging over the ocean. Captain Briggs waves and wishes both the agents good luck as they exit the helicopter. The rotors never stop as the two dismount, and just as they step off onto the deck, the craft is already lifting off. “Guess they are in a hurry,” Samantha comments, her voice barely audible over the roar of the helicopter. Spencer...
I am here is to expose Priscilla, a recent ass slave of mine, as the vile piece of trash that he/she/or what the fuck ever sex turning your asshole into a pussy makes you. He calls it his "Manpussy" and he is ever so proud of its giant size.Priscilla is really Rob…….. who chased me for years and got used like the bitch he is. He has already told all my sex history to everyone and spent years jerking off in my food, conditioner and God knows where. Beware, this freak will fuck your dogs and...
I was at a party that was just finishing with my friend Pete. A big mansion owned by some guy he worked for a whole ago. As the place emptied Pete and I were out by the pool deck near the sauna room when the owner, about 50 with a beer gut and body to amtch and one of his mate, who looked the same walked up to Pete and said "so who's your mate?" "I'm Joe" i blurted out offering my hand for the shaking. He shook it and turned to face Pete."So, still wanting abit of extra money?" he asked. I...
Jane walked out of her the dorms of her campus, she took a moment to look in the beautiful sky, the moon lit the night and she smiled as she began to walk along the sidewalk. Jane was dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, she needed a walk to clear her head of her studies, the week had been busy and all she wanted was to forget about her troubles and just take a walk to clear her weary mind. She walked for a while, new in her freshman year and this being the first weekend of the...
[This a sequel to "Pants off at Rugby Club Interview" and "Fucked on Beach by Rugby Team" If you want them give me a shout] I had just been accepted for the post of "Technician" to accompany a Rugby team who were about to go on an extensive tour of the Middle East. I had been recommended by a neighbouring team who had got to know me rather intimately on a beach campsite. The acceptance came during an interview with four team members including Bob the Captain and Alex a medical student. The...
GayJust so you people know I do NOT own Naruto I wish I did. Plz RnR Normal speak Thoughts Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17 And on to the story. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 7 Dreaming? said Hinata a bit confused, and then she noticed the surroundings. They were not in bed, and they were not naked. She was in the couch in the hospital sleeping just like the other girls. Then she...
“Sam? Sam?” I heard a voice say. “Sam, you need to wake up. The nurse is going to be bringing breakfast by in about 15 or 20 minutes.” I slowly woke up and started looking around. It took a few minutes to realize I was still in the hospital, recovering from being shot twice. The voice belonged to my co-worker and friend, Rebecca. Actually, as I had realized the night before when I woke up for a few minutes after my surgery, Rebecca was more than a friend. A LOT more. “How are you...
My phone starts to go off, a text message. I was expecting a girl I was talking to who worked in the building I work in to call back. We had a delightful lunch the other day, exchanged numbers, so naturally, I thought it would be her. Looking at the sender “Dani” it said. “Hi Mike! You busy?”. It read. “Hi Dani. What’s up?” I replied. “I applied to UM and wanted to see if I can take you up on that offer to show me around the town and campus.” “Sure, when you want to come down.”...
Ahhhh!! Meri payari bahn susan, timmothy ne susan ki wrists ouskay head ke ooper deewar ke saath dabatay huwe kaha. Susan ke geelay baaloun mein mojoud ouske shampoo ki mahak buht alluring thi aur tim ne literally aik long moment use kertay huwe ous scent ko inhale kiya aur ouskay asar mein mudhosh ho gaya. Susan bila shubah buht aggravated nazar aa rahi thi aur tim ki grift se bach nikalnay ke liye apnay badan ko wiggle kar rahi thi. Ousko yeh ehsaas ho raha tha keh ouskay geelay badan se...
The Makeover by Laura Brooks Part One I couldn't imagine a more delightful way to spend a Tuesday afternoon. Outside, it was a cold, dreary late November day. The sun woke up in the morning and then decided not to bother, leaving a gray pallor over just everything. And while it wasn't raining or snowing, those clouds certainly wanted to do something and the air was just as damp as if it were raining. Inside, though, I was curled up on my couch, my stockinged feet...
At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She’s always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a kid. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich “California Girl” tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful “self made” woman that...
Taking Ownership of Dick II6/26/2013After looking into the sea of gorgeous men while entertaining cool panty wetness and cradling my cool cup of coffee, I decide that I was courageous enough to find a dick. I am sick of being single, alone, breaking vibrators and just feeling fucking sexually frustrated all the time. Just because I am a black woman of the voluptuous persuasion, does it mean I am to stay alone and sexually frustrated in this land of the very thin, very beautiful and with very...
A quick note. A funny thing happened while writing this story. It started out to be a sex story with all the four lettered words and graphic descriptions you'd expect from a stroker. However my characters refused to co-operate. When I'd sit down at the keyboard they simply wouldn't do what I wanted. Gail decided she wasn't just an addle-brained hose bag with a sex addiction, and Bob, ever the class act, wouldn't treat her like one. I did it their way and what I ended up with was a quirky...