DanicaPart 2B free porn video

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Danica awoke and ate the breakfast that was waiting for her on the bedside table. The food was hot, the juice cold, and Danica wondered — not for the first time — how whoever brought it knew so well when she would awaken.

Danica pulled off the soft silk chemise she slept in and dressed in the robes of a magic user for the first time since her arrival here. Her reading the last two days had sparked her interest, and she was determined to learn more.

She had never before had any desire to craft magic items, but the information she had read on creating personal items was deeply intriguing. To have her own little bits of magic she could summon with a word or thought, things she had created specifically for herself, truly sparked her interest.

She made her way to the main library, and after looking for a few moments, found another text on magic item creation that seemed to branch out into different areas than those she had already read.

Danica had been reading for quite a while when someone sat down opposite her at the table. She glanced up and noticed it was a middle-aged man, dressed in robes. Danica assumed he was probably one of the higher-standing mages. She nodded in acknowledgment of his presence, but returned to her reading.

"Interested in crafting your own little trinkets of Art?" the man inquired.

"I suppose, yes," Danica replied, slightly irritated at the interruption.

"You have chosen a good reference. That particular volume details the process very well, from the standpoint of a newcomer, onward to one who is well on the way to mastering the creation process. I use the knowledge there daily," the wizard confided.

That got Danica's attention. "You craft magical items often?"

"I do little else," he responded with a laugh. "I only venture out of my laboratory to eat, and rest my old eyes. The constant squinting requires me to venture forth and focus my eyes on objects a little farther from my face on occasion."

"Was it difficult to begin?" Danica asked, sitting the book down for a moment.

"I fumbled around quite badly in the beginning, until I had the good sense to find someone who had been at the task for a while and learned by example. It proved to be much easier then," he explained.

Danica nodded to indicate his words made sense to her. "I guess so. My name is Danica," she offered, wondering if she might glean some aid in her own quest from this man.

"I am Damian Silverstone," he informed her with a smile.

Danica smiled back, and then something about his name struck her. She realized what it was almost immediately, and flipped back to the first page of the book to see the man's name listed as the author.

Damian laughed, "You'll have to pardon me tooting my own horn and lauding the merits of my own book. I'm not exactly the most social of people, and I have to find ways to start conversations somehow. I find the lack of people to talk to the only real drawback to my self imposed seclusion."

Danica laughed with him, "I must agree though. From what I have read, this book does seem to be exactly what you say."

"Thank you," Damian acknowledged. "I would be willing to give you that opportunity to learn by example. I was about to return to my laboratory, as I have been out and about the entire day. My mind and hands burn to craft."

Danica considered for a moment, and then said, "I would be honored to observe one so knowledgeable at his work."

Damian laughed, "If I got that kind of respect every time I stepped out into the outside world, I imagine I might do it more often! Please, come with me then."

He rose, and Danica followed him. She found that his quarters were not so far from hers. He opened the door, and she followed him inside. Damian had a three-room suite. The main room was a living quarters, with a fully stocked pantry, a stove for cooking, places to sit and eat, and sections for leisure.

She saw a door that led to a bedroom. It was small, but still large enough to have room to move about while housing a king-size bed and other furnishings.

The third room was the man's laboratory, where he walked to now. It was larger than the main room, and every inch of the place was filled with shelves of books, apparatus, strange devices, cabinets filled with various materials, tables covered with works in progress, and glass front cases filled with completed items.

Danica absorbed everything as she looked around the room. Having a place such as this was a dream of hers. Her own small lab back home, where she prepared her spell components and studied, seemed a pitiful thing indeed, compared to this marvelous room.

"I have completed my studies, comparisons, and examination of existing spells and items for the item I want to work on today. I'm sure you know the mundane and long beginnings of the process from your reading," Damien commented.

Danica nodded and said, "Yes, I think that part may be my downfall in the whole venture."

He laughed dismissively, "Nonsense! You were so absorbed in your studies when I arrived in the library that you barely noticed me, though I had been observing you there for quite a few minutes. You have more than enough patience and center of purpose for the craft. Now where was I... ? Ah — yes — I have completed all the tedious processes, and I am ready to craft. I intend to create a simple, but unique piece of art today."

Danica felt her blood stirring as she thought about what she would soon see. To be here to witness the crafting of a one-of-a-kind magic item — even a minor one — was thrilling to her. "What will you be making?" she asked.

"I intend to create a stand to hold a book upright for easy viewing, one which can turn pages forward and back on command, as well as close and hold tight the book, in case I should wish to hide from prying eyes what is within."

Danica nodded, finding it not surprising that the man would be creating a magical item he was likely to use as a tool in creating other items later. He was rather singularly devoted to his chosen path in the Art.

Danica sat down in a chair next to Damian when he gestured for her to do so. She listened and watched carefully as he began to mold the stand from clay, in the shape of a pair of hands joined on a base.

He explained the careful attention to detail necessary in the crafting of the item that would hold the magic. All the while, his fingers worked quickly and carefully to mold the clay. He went on to explain the magical components that must be added as the item was crafted, and the spells that needed to be cast over it during the process.

Danica found it easy to understand as she heard his words, backed up by her reading, and watched him perform the very actions of which he spoke. At last, Damian sat back with a great sigh. The stand was completed, in the shape of two very realistic hands spread apart and turned just slightly inward.

"Now, we'll have to wait a bit to begin the final enchantments. When I craft in clay, I always fire and glaze my items. It is not necessary from what I have seen, nor does it provide any benefits that I know of for sure. I simply do not like to leave the artistic part of the process half finished," Damian explained.

"It is beautiful," Danica remarked.

"It will be even more so when it is finished," Damian responded with a grin. "Now, it is quite late. It will be hours before I rest, but I can see you are growing weary. Why not go rest while I fire and glaze this? You can always learn those skills at any time from a potter who likely has more skill than I do. Return tomorrow afternoon, and we shall begin the final enchantment process — to see if all this work has been worth it!"

"Thank you Damian," Danica responded. "This will help me a lot when I decide to begin crafting my own items someday."

"You are quite welcome. I find it most pleasing to have the company of one who enjoys to learn, and doesn't waste their breath yapping or asking questions that would be answered shortly, if they would just be patient!" He then added with a smile and a wink, "Especially when that person is a very attractive young woman."

Danica laughed and bid him good night, then returned to her chambers and went to bed.

Danica spent the morning in the library, continuing to read Damian's text on item creation, and then went to his chambers in the afternoon. He opened the door almost before she had a chance to knock on it. Apparently, he had been anticipating her.

She followed him to his lab and saw the item sitting on the main table. He had carefully glazed the hands in soft tones. They looked like real, if a bit pale, hands. He had carefully outlined the contours of the hands to give the illusion they were almost alive.

"As I said, I know of no actual benefit to taking this extra time. However, I have had much greater success in creating original magical items, and more powerful ones, than many I know of. So who is to say my extra care does not pay off?"

"You're right, they are even more beautiful," Danica observed.

Damian smiled wide, "Thank you! Now, to the real business at hand. Let us begin the casting of spells over them and see if we can bring them to life."

Danica watched and listened carefully as the learned man cast his spells and enchantments over the item. He took great care to explain each and every step in detail as he did it. Danica assisted him by keeping spell components at the ready, so that the process might be quickly completed.

At last, Damian cast the final enchantment. The hands glowed with a bright blue aura, which swirled around and about them, seeming to be absorbed by them. When the aura slowly faded, Damian sat down heavily in his chair. He was breathing hard, and sweat stood out on his forehead.

"It is done," He gasped. "I had not thought to complete it this evening, but your assistance proved quite valuable. I fear I pushed myself a little harder than I should have to finish it today. I do not believe I rushed too much, however. Let us see if we have succeeded."

Damian went across the room, picked up a book, and then stood it on the stand. The stand was perfectly crafted to hold the book at the ideal angle for someone sitting at the table beside it to read without eyestrain or moving to view the book.

Damian smiled, "Well, at the very least, I have a well-crafted book holder. Let us see if the magic is about it as I had intended." He then spoke a magical word of command.

The hands took on a softer appearance. The glazed look of the hands faded slightly, appearing more like real flesh. Damian spoke the next command, Turn, and the hands efficiently turned the page of the book. Back, was the next command, and the hands returned to the previous page. Close, Open, and Seal followed. The hands closed the book, then opened it, and then snapped it quickly closed on the last.

"Try to open it," Damian requested.

Danica tried to open the book, and then attempted to remove it from the hands, to no avail. She picked the stand up, turning it upside down, and had no better results. Nothing caused the hands to release the book.

Damian smiled and clapped, "Excellent! Nothing short of strong dispelling magic should make those hands let go without my voice commanding them!"

"It's marvelous," Danica remarked.

"Thank you!" Damian exclaimed. "Now I fear I have gotten all sweaty. I would not offend so beautiful a lady, so I shall go wash a little. Feel free to look around the Lab," he said with a smile and walked toward the bedroom.

Danica walked around the room, examining everything. She saw rings, amulets, wands, staves — magical items of every kind, in various stages of completion. All the notes and careful research for each piece was nearby the item in question.

She reached the back corner of the room and saw something sitting on a table under a soft white cloth. Danica pulled the cloth away and her eyes widened at what she saw.

Beneath the cloth was a life-sized, remarkably crafted and hand painted pussy. The object was rounded and appeared to be essentially a woman's pelvis sitting on the table. Incredible attention to detail had been paid to it, and it looked even more realistic than the hands had.

Damian returned and blushed when he saw what Danica was looking at. "One of my failures," he sighed.

"Failures?" Danica asked.

"It was commissioned by a man of great wealth, though not of his own making. He had married his money, though his bride was not appealing to him. She is extremely jealous and watches him closely. He finds little satisfaction in engaging her sexually, and does so rarely. He explained that he has found no way to sneak away to another woman due to her vigilance and thus commissioned this, a substitute that he could keep successfully hidden. Sadly, I was not able to fulfill his directives, and will not be paid until I have. The amount he has offered would ensure me at least a year of worry free work on any project I choose."

"The enchantments failed?" Danica asked, absently running her fingers along the lips of the ceramic pussy as she spoke.

"Uhmm, no — they succeeded," Damian replied, shaking his head and trying not to look at what Danica's fingers were doing. "Observe," he said, and then commanded the item with a soft voice, "Hide."

The item shrank quickly to the size of a coin, and then promptly changed its appearance to look exactly like a coin.

"Reveal," Damian said, and the item quickly grew back to the size it had been, "Perfectly as he had asked. It even feels like a coin if you don't know what you're looking for. One who knows it for what it is can detect the difference between it and a real coin, but anyone else would be fooled utterly without inspecting it magically."

"Live," Damian softly commanded, and Danica's eyes widened. Had she not known it was not real, she could have never guessed so. Danica reached out and touched the mound above the parted lips. The hair was soft and moved beneath her fingers. She touched the labia and they quivered slightly, just as her own might have. She slipped her fingers inside and felt wetness there.

"Had it not been for Zoraster, I could have never completed this as it is now. My own experiences with women are in the far flung past, back before written history," he said with a laugh. "I had only my faint memories until Zoraster provided me with a scrying crystal which gave me a quite close up view any time I wished to observe the real object I was trying to duplicate. But — alas — I still failed."

"What is wrong?" Danica asked, amazed by how realistic it was, and how much the pussy on the table was making her own grow damper by the moment.

"The merchant's factor said it didn't taste right, and that it failed to squeeze properly," Damian explained and threw up his hands. "I have revised the enchantments a dozen times, all for naught. Each time he still details what is wrong, I try and correct it, only to have him tell me something is still wrong," he finished with a sigh.

"It seems what you need is a working example," Danica said. As soon as the thought popped into her head, she became immediately, intensely aroused. The man was handsome and had aged well.

Damian laughed, "I fear there is little chance of that. I'm older than dirt. What woman would want to plop herself down and be my test subject? Likely none that would provide what the man who commissioned this wants."

"Perhaps there is a much greater chance than you think," Danica responded and stepped slowly toward him. The look in Damian's eyes was like that of a caged animal, his eyes darting this way and that, looking for escape.

Danica had her prey dead to rights, and there was no escape for him. "Learn from me what a woman tastes and feels like," she sensually whispered.

With that, she kissed him deeply, running her hands over him. She was pleased to note that his manhood was rock hard and of a nice size. Their lips parted, and then Danica walked from the room, shedding her clothing as she went.

She was nude by the time she reached the door to the main room. Damian was still standing in the corner, watching her with an open-mouthed stare.

Danica leaned against the doorjamb, and then beckoned him with her finger. He seemed to snap from a trance and walked toward the door. When he was nearly there, Danica turned and walked to the bedroom, still beckoning him to follow.

When he stepped into the bedroom, Danica pressed her naked body against him and kissed him lustily, then undressed him as she kissed him.

She kissed her way down his body as she removed his clothing. He gasped at the feeling of a beautiful woman's lips on his body, which had indeed weathered the years very well, for the first time in many years.

Danica finished undressing him and purred when revealing his manhood confirmed it was all her touch through his clothing had surmised. There was already a drop of pre-cum forming on the tip. She slid her tongue out and gingerly licked it from him, drawing a shudder and a gasp from the man.

She backed toward the bed, pulling him along by the arm, and lay down when she reached it. She spread her legs wide and said, "Now taste me. Put your mouth on me and make me come. Get a good taste, and you'll know exactly what your client wants."

He climbed onto the bed, finding that his faint memories served him very well. He slid his tongue inside her and lapped at her sex with gusto.

Danica moaned as he became surer of himself and made her feel really good. She rocked and ground her wet heat up to his lips, telling him how good he was making her feel, begging him to make her come for him.

He was hungrily devouring her, and she soon reached her peak, coming hard and pressing her quivering folds into his eager face. He pulled away, her sticky juices smeared all over his face. Danica slowly came down from her heights and asked him, "Do you think you might be able to duplicate that in your crafting?"

"I shall go to my grave with your sweet taste and your scent tantalizing me," he replied with a sigh. "Yes, I am quite sure I can fashion enchantments now that will make my client more than happy with his purchase."

"Now for the rest," Danica said with a smile. "Will you allow me to cast one of my own small magics upon you? You have said it has been some time since you have been with a woman, and you will probably be sensitive. I want you to get a good feeling of me. My spell will make you less sensitive so that you can hold out for quite some time."

He smiled back and replied, "Please do. I feel near ready to release just looking at your body and anticipating."

Danica slowly spoke the few quiet words of her spell and touched his cock gently. She then lay back on the bed and said, "Take me. Feel again what it is like to be buried deep inside a woman who wants you desperately. Feel me come while I'm wrapped tight around you."

Damian moved up to her on his knees and then reached down between her legs to guide his cock inside her. He pushed inside her to the hilt with a sigh of satisfaction much like that of a teenager doing so for the very first time.

However, he was not a teenager, and again his memories served him well. He stroked Danica from varying angles, at different speeds. He caressed her clit beneath her hood with his fingers. All the while, Danica spoke to him huskily, spurring him on to greater efforts.

She came once, and then again wrapped around his cock, squeezing him extra tight to give him a good feel. As she built toward her third orgasm, Danica said, "I'm going to release my enchantment on you when I'm close. I want to feel you explode inside me. I want you to come with me. Make me come and fill me up."

Same as Danica
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It was a normal, busy Friday, just after lunchtime at Pandora’s real estate firm. She was working away in her office when her boss’s secretary suddenly dashed into her office. “Pandora,” she said. Pandora looked up at the woman now standing in the doorway of her office. “Mr. Smith would like to have a word with you.” Pandora paused for a moment, and responded. “Please tell him I will be there in a minute.” She wondered what Mr. Smith needed; he rarely spoke to Pandora. Justin Smith was the CEO...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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The Unexpected VisitorChapter 8 Make Up or Break Up

"Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons Don't tell me cause it hurts" -Don't Speak (No Doubt) It was snowing heavily as I drove towards the villa. The heater in my car had stopped functioning and I could see my breath freeze to a white cloud every time I exhaled. By the time I pulled up on the driveway, I just wanted to get inside to avoid freezing my...

3 years ago
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Shes PregnantChapter 5

Monday, at work, I discovered that there had been a round of pink slips handed out quietly on Friday at the end of the business day. My job was apparently sacrosanct -- even without Tony's sudden approval of everything I did -- but others weren't so lucky. Women seemed the hardest hit -- something I again attributed to good ol' Tony and his chauvinism. Well, there was nothing I could do about it. The girls had a gig Monday night; they prepared for it during the day by going out to get...

3 years ago
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His Wife finds Out I Suck Cock

I had gone to see Jim at his house several times over the preceding year. I was 25 and I guess he was a little older. Each time had been the same routine. He would call and have me drive over. Park around the corner and then enter his house through the patio door in his back yard. He'd be waiting there in his living room naked and I'd drop to my knees suck him off and then get up and go. I knew he was married and we had to keep quiet because he had a c***d asleep upstairs. His wife worked as a...

4 years ago
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“Good morning yourself,” said Jamie. “How’d you sleep?” “I slept fine.” I said. I had slept okay so I wasn’t lying. “Want some breakfast?” she said to me. “Yes please.” I was definitely starving. We got up and Jamie cooked a fabulous breakfast. She lived next door so she went and got Audrey and Austin up and brought them over for breakfast too. We had eggs and bacon and sausages. It was amazing! “Any plans for today Mr. Brown?” said Austin. “Good question Austin. I was thinking we could...

1 year ago
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Silly Rabbit Part 5

Silly Rabbit part 5 by Vonya Lee The women are in a great mood but obviously exhausted. While they go wait in the car I wait for their bags. There was a little to much of a 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' vibe to the snickering that was going on for my comfort. Pulling up in front of Candice's place, Sara says to me, "Chris be sweet and carry the bags inside for the girls will you?" "Okay." Driving home we talk. Sara tells me all about her trip. I want to tell her but...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 95 Waving A white Flag

"One should always remember, my princess." Shalla nodded pleasantly, her wizened features almost seeming to bob upon her neck. "Virtue is mostly for the masses! Nothing is inherently sinful in the bed chamber after all!" In the sun-room at the houses West End Ayeka, now dressed only in a light robe, surveyed her options without much enthusiasm. Gone where the carrot shaped throw pillows and cushions, replaced by row after row of garment racks holding the finest livery. Except for the...

3 years ago
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Margies degradation Part 2

Monday came around and it was back to work for the pair of us. I usually work long days, and with the traveling, don't get home till around six at night, whereas Margie works in the front office of a local engineering company, and is home at about 3:30 in the afternoon. Anyhow, getting home from work I was greeted by Margie, but then as we talked, I sensed that she was somehow different in some way. It was hard to put my finger on it, she seemed a bit nervous, or troubled I thought. After a...

3 years ago
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A Special Dinner

It’s Friday evening. I came home from work early, wanting to treat you to something really special when you come home. I went to The Hill and picked up some spinach fettuccini, marinated artichoke hearts, Portobello mushrooms, pinot griggio, bread and tira misu for dessert. When you get home, you open the door to the smells of chicken, mushrooms and artichoke hearts in a cream sauce over fettuccini, a chilled glass of pinot griggio, fresh bread and two candles lit on the table. As you come...

4 years ago
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Catching up with two ladies after late night movie

This was supposed to be a ‘A’rated movie lasting about for 2 hour. The first half movie started. There was just starting to be some action in the movie when movement caught the corner of my eye. I looked to my left and there were two women, that I guessed they were in their forties, looking where to sit and one of them asked me if they had missed anything yet. I sort of embarrassedly said no and they sat down two rows in front of me. One woman was taller and sort of a medium build and the...

1 year ago
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Two Minute PenaltiesGame Four

I was too distracted all day Tuesday. I barely got anything done at work. Finally I called Sandy. "I really need to talk, meet me after work?" "Sure thing!" she replied. She was as solid in our friendship as she was in the goal. Sandy sensed my confusion the moment I walked in the door. "What's wrong?" "It's Steve and this stupid bet!" She nodded her head in sympathy. "You looked like you were enjoying it Saturday. What happened?" I took a deep breath. Would I be violating...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 8

Downstairs, Lon and Beth were just getting into the swing of things. Lon discovered that getting a second hard-on wasn't difficult when a woman kneels at your feet and proceeds to suck in your entire cock while gazing up at you with adoring eyes. Beth had him up and running in no time, and might have gone on to suck him dry again if he hadn't tugged on her hair. "C'mon, let's fuck." Fuck. Fuck was a good word, as far as Beth was concerned. It wasn't a delicate euphemism like...

2 years ago
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The First Tie

There's nothing like a bus ride home to put you in a bad mood. Here I was, walking the long road to our house from the bus stop in town, musing on how much it was going to cost me to get the car out of the shop, what I was going to do about my many problems at work, and how sore my feet were getting as I trudged home in the hot sun... I was hot and sweaty by the time I walked up the driveway and slowly swung the door open and entered the relative coolness of the house, when you met me at the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Paisley Porter Pretty In Pink

Gorgeous Paisley Porter loves the color pink and just loves showing you how sexy she looks in her tight little top and tiny little skirt showing off some upskirt shots spinning around. She can not wait to get in bed to really show you how naughty she is with that lingerie set that she is hiding underneath. This girl loves to tease letting you admire her voluptuous breasts in her black lace bra as all her clothes start to come off! She wants to cock of Calvins and knows that she is in for a...

3 years ago
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Masturbating with my Classmates and Flatmate

Steven, Thomas, and I began our first threesome as boyfriend-boyfriend-girlfriend, nicely cementing our new relationship.By habit, we always started with masturbation. They then placed their penises together and Thomas gripped both of them, stroking them up and down. They kissed with tongues, and I took the chance to run my hands gently over both their bodies: from their chests, down their arms and legs, then back up again.Steven broke the kiss and grabbed Thomas's arm. 'Slow down, it's too...

2 years ago
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One of the bestworst nights of my life

My story happened in 1989, well before I knew I was a cuckold. Hey, I didn't even know there was such a word. My wife and I got married in 1974, and almost from the beginning, we both fantasied about her having sex with another guy, even though we were very much in love. In 1981, and 1983, we had a boy and a girl. Then in 1987, my wife joined a gym, and got a job as a waitress. She lost all the baby weight she had gained, changed her her color to blond, and even though she was nearing 40, with...

3 years ago
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A Wifes Story 3 20th Reunion

Among them, I saw Jerome drift in with his roller bag. During our high school years, he had spent many evenings between my legs in lovers' lanes, behind old barns, in basements and even in my bedroom. I was secretly embarrassed to feel myself getting aroused in that place I'd shared with him. I took a deep breath and looked over at Peter to assure myself he hadn't noticed my reaction. He hadn't, I don't think. Jerome came down later and mostly hung out with the other single guys. I had...

1 year ago
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Even Better in the Morning

“Are you awake?” Her voice was a soft whisper. I could tell she was trying not to wake me if I was still sleeping. But an expectant undertone told me she hoped I was awake. Or maybe I was simply hearing more than she’d said. I wasn’t sure. The warm pressure of her body snuggling against my back was what had drawn me from my slumber only moments before her whisper, and I didn’t know if she was simply being affectionate or if she had a more playful, less innocent, intention. Nor was I sure which...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Kate Quinn Takes Good Care of the Hubby

If there’s one thing live-in babysitter Kate Quinn is good at, it’s making sure everyone in the house is well taken care of. After watching the wife get fucked to sleep, and getting horny as heck herself, the brunette beauty awaits the husband Vince Karter in the hallway to give him a deepthroat blowjob, tasting the other woman’s juices. He then lays the barely legal Penthouse babe on his bed to play with her pert small tits and wet shaved pussy, and pounds her until she sucks...

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MingChapter 3

I took the low-orbital shuttle to Sea-Port International Airport and was met 48 minutes after take-off by a FedEx courier as I disembarked. He took care of my paperwork with the airline and drove me in his van to the home of the Harrison's. My new owners. I stood nervously on the step as he rang the doorbell. Everything seemed so very different from what little I remembered of China. There were a lot less people and a whole lot more room, for one thing. And everyone had a vehicle it seemed,...

2 years ago
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I sucked this thirty and disgusting cock

I SUCKED  THIS THIRTY AND DISGUSTING MECHANIC'S COCK   My husband and I were shopping,  strolling the streetswalking looking for the best bargain, watching price tags at every window we stopped in, in Caracas downtown. I was wearing low-neck  T-shirt… which showed my tanned tits a lot,   because I had gone to the beach recently,  wishing to show off.  I stopped to see something more,   while my husband continued to walk ahead by himself to buy some sodas for us to drink,  coz we were thirsty. ...

1 year ago
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My Camera 2

Note : This story is totally fictional! Susan stood in the doorway looking at Michael's young body lying on the bed. She knew that the events of yesterday and today were totally absurd. Yet she had to admit the sight of her son’s young virile body lying naked on his bed made her pussy stir. She and Harold had drifted so far apart in the last few years that he really was not an issue. The only thing was the problems he could cause if he ever found out about Michael and her. No one would ever...

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Enticed Pt 13 Holiday Gaiety

A couple weeks after I’d learned of the heartbreaking story of my private client Johnny committing suicide out of despair over his AIDS diagnosis, I decided to do a show just for him.Johnny had requested a private audience with me wearing normal street clothes -- jeans and a button-down. He wanted a regular, normal “date” that ended in a mutual masturbation session -- no touching, just sensual watching, so to speak. I gave him a sensual strip and the masturbation he was looking for. But, he was...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The fantasy

The fantasy:My Mistress wife and Master after partying hard in a club call me to tell that they are on their way to home and I should prepare myself. For continuous 3 days I was starved as a punishment by the Mistress- The reason was that some minor spots were left on Master's boots by me while giving them a tongue shine.The moment I heard this I hurried with washing my Mistress lingerie's and stockings and Masters socks and undergarments. I dried myself, wore my dog collar and get myself nude...

2 years ago
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Kellie and Brad Ch 02

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the second chapter to a multi-part story, I would suggest reading Chapter 1 before this one to understand the whole story. Please enjoy. * She seethed in anger, again. Anita Morriss had just pressed play on her remote control. She had already watched her DVD copy of the local access cable channel`s broadcast of last year`s provincial curling finals, during which she suffered the heaviest defeat of her professional career, more times than she cared to count. Yet here...

3 years ago
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Mene Meri Maami Ko Choda

Sabhi sexy chuto ko mere land ka pranaam karte hue me meri pahali sacchi kahani likh raha hu me 24 years ka aur 5’9 ka hendsom ladka hu,, baat 2 mahine purani hai , mere mama ek khadush insaan hai aur unki ek beti aur bete ke alaava khubsurat aur sexy wife hai jo 35 years ki hai,, mere mama ki shadi 10 year pahale hui aur tab se muje mami acchi lagti hai,, me kab se use choudna chahta hu,, par maami thodi gussewali hone ke kaaran me kuch kah nahi paata hu Ek din muje mama ka phone aaya ki vo...

1 year ago
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Aditi Fucked In A Hotel 8211 One Night Stand

People, this is Naresh here. Last time I had shared my sexperience with kavitha. Now would like to share another incident of one night stand with aditi. This happened some times last year September!! I used to regularly visit a pub near my office to have couple of beer mugs and to listen some nice retro English songs!! I dun remember the day, but as a routine was sipping a mug of beer at my fav place, suddenly a lady comes and occupies a table right in front of mine!! It was bit unusual as I...

1 year ago
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Angie was Very Tight

I would see guys in the showers and just the limp size of their dicks was greater than mine when hard. My guy friends would joke about it at times. That is something that guys do, joke about each others size. Well, it was the start of summer and my little sister had her friends come over all the time during the day. They were all had graduated to the 6th grader and always seemed to talk about guys or about cheerleading stuff. One of her friends caught my eye. She was really cute. I would see...

1 year ago
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Tent Sharing

Mark and I go camping every year. This last summer we went on about a 15 mile hike. Its not enough to be completely away from the world, but its enough that we don’t usually see many other hikers. At the trail head, we met two good looking girls who were also there for the 4 day weekend. Usually the only girls who you see hiking that far are really granola, but these two had been best friends for years and always did car camping and wanted to try an actual hike. I could hardly pry Mark away...

1 year ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 18

“Vampire sex is the best!” Kayla exclaimed. We were both on our backs, cuddling after a few hours of screwing. She seemed to have a limitless capacity for sex. I didn’t know if that was because she was a vampire, or still essentially a sex crazed 20 year old. Either way, I couldn’t say that I minded. After our post coital cuddle, Kayla rolled over and grabbed her phone. “How are the girls doing?” I asked. “Pretty good. Amy is in San Francisco. Vanessa is in Washington. We are teasing her...

3 years ago
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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

3 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Kate and Catherine Girl on Girl My devious plan for Kate and Catherine was finally coming together ! The young black men had been well satisfied earlier at my wife Kate's expense, and I had made sure she was wearing only the charcoal panties as I had made her remove everything else and give the pink and gray outfit to these men as souvenirs before we left! I marched her out of the motel room down the stairs with several black men watching and into the parking lot...

1 year ago
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First Time Sex Slave

I knell before you, my breast bound tight and my hands tied behind my back. “Say it,” you order quietly. I lower my eyes . “Fuck my mouth,” I reply almost in a whisper. “Look at me and say it.” You correct. I look in your eye and repeat, “Fuck my mouth “. “Better” you praise, “but I am your Master and you will call me that. Now say it again.” I now know what you want. “Fuck my mouth, Master.” I say firmly while looking up at you. You grab your big black cock and aim it for my mouth. I lick my...

3 years ago
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My daughter

My name is Ben and I got my babysitter pregnant at the age of 12. Her name is Maggie and she was 19, 4'2 36 dd and a huge ass she was gorgeous. We had a daughter her name is Alexandra but we call her Ali. My mom helped Maggie with the baby and I was definitely part of her life. When I graduated college Maggie was 28 and our daughter was 9 years old thats when I decided to marry Maggie. Id like to say were happy but I think Ive just settled to raise my k**. We bought s home and did all...

2 years ago
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A TRANS Formation Chapter 5 Getting Acquainted

Morning comes gently to Jerry this Sunday morning. With thoughts of last night fresh in his mind, he walks into the kitchen to make his coffee. He pauses for a moment, thinking about the filthy kitchen he walked into yesterday morning. Today, he feels inspired by how clean it is. Cleaning his apartment yesterday is paying dividends in the way he feels. He hasn't felt this good since he got out of the Army. Walking into the living room with his coffee, he feels some moisture around his asshole....


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