Houston 2Chapter 4 Doctor Coughlin
- 3 years ago
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Upon returning from lunch Secretary Baraska approached Sarah’s Clan. “My staff and I, along with a few others, are going to return to our ships so we will say goodbye now.” Seeing the puzzled looks he hastened to add, “With this afternoon’s discussions focused on fleet activity I think it would be best if my group did not participate. From my perspective it is an interesting topic, however it is something that we don’t really need to know the details. Besides, if we don’t know any details then they can’t be inadvertently disclosed.”
“We understand,” said Aoife as she shook his hand. “As to this morning, we are very pleased with the agreements we’ve reached.”
“As are we, however we didn’t touch on how to document them, in particular the base’s placement and its status in this System.”
“We could start off by referring to it as a “Memorandum of Understanding”? If you are agreeable we could pull together a list of the main points that we think we’ve agreed to. It would be along the lines of our meeting summaries.”
“That is fine.”
“We should have it to you and Sagnoite early tomorrow. As we’ve been doing, you will also receive a summary of our discussions and a transcript this afternoon.”
“Excellent. Those have been very helpful. I believe we will be departing in 3 days, so that will give us more than enough time to finalize the document.”
“If you want to have a formal acceptance ceremony, we could do that in the late afternoon of the day before your departure, with a dinner afterward. This could take place either here or on one of our ships.”
“Dinner following a short meeting to formalize the MoU strikes me as an excellent idea.”
“Fine, we will plan for that.”
While Sarah’s Clan was speaking with the Monque Secretary and his staff, Sagnoite had approached Siobhan’s Clan to say goodbye. “Siobhan, we find its time to say goodbye. We’ve really enjoyed our discussion this morning and are quite pleased with the agreements we’ve reached. We’ll be even more pleased once we have them in written form as it will give us a sound foundation for our association.”
“We feel the same way. If you are agreeable we can proceed like we did earlier this week. As to our discussions this morning, you will receive the minutes and recordings this afternoon. It probably won’t be until tomorrow morning that we will be able to send you our summary of the agreements we reached this morning.”
“That will be fine. By the way you worded that statement I understand that you will keep the morning and afternoon discussions separate.”
“Thinking ahead, on our next visit we should set up a date for you to visit our World.”
“We would enjoy that. While we’ve discussed making a trip like that we haven’t fully sorted out who will be a part of the delegation.”
“So you wouldn’t all come at once?”
“No, we think that it would be too many people and would be an imposition on those we visit. Our current thinking is that the group would consist of about 12 of us, plus security and possibly a few others. While it could be just one Clan, we think a group consisting of at least one person from each Clan would be a better choice.”
“I don’t see the difference.”
“We think each Clan has a slightly different personality. With the delegation consisting of a single Clan, it could cause those we visit to develop misconceptions about us that could lead to problems or misunderstandings. However, by including at least one person from each Clan, those we visit will gain a broader view of us and perhaps a more realistic impression. If we do it that way then we have to decide how to handle the separation.”
“Okay. Hearing that and having spent some time with you, I understand your reasoning. It is a very thoughtful approach and has some merit, actually considerable merit. However, I am not sure it will keep some people from forming misconceptions. Either way, let’s put scheduling you visiting us on our agenda for our next visit in six months or so.”
“Fine. Before you depart for home it would be nice to get together socially, perhaps dinner here.”
“We would enjoy that. It just occurred to me that we should have a brief closing meeting to formally accept the document.”
“Good idea. How about the day before you depart?”
“That would work for us.”
“Fine, then we’ll propose it when today’s transcript and summary are distributed.”
Saying good bye to the diplomats meant that almost an hour passed before they were ready to resume their meeting. Once they were seated Chester said, “Admirals, I didn’t realize that the prospect of discussing fleet operations would cause the diplomat’s to suddenly depart.”
It took the visitors a few moments to realize that he was jesting. Once the Admirals began laughing, the Órarduine along with everyone else joined in.
Smiling Thalmaze said, “They have a general idea of this afternoon’s discussion topic, but both feel that it is best if they don’t know the details. Between us, there are others in our diplomatic service who think that they should be involved in every meeting we have with those of other Worlds.
“This afternoon we wanted to discuss some concepts for fleet operations in this System. We think now is an appropriate time as there will soon be three groups operating here. While the distances between the groups will usually be very large that doesn’t eliminate the potential for accidents. To accomplish safe fleet operations with a minimum of issues we have established standard protocols. These are basically guides for Task Group Commanders to use in deciding how groups should interact. Captain Laonize noted that we should share those with you.”
“Thank you,” responded Rebeca of Kathryn’s Clan. “Those should be quite helpful. In light of what we agreed to this morning we realize that we need to advance our plans for formally establishing a System Control Center. As you probably suspect we do have one, but with the increased activity it needs to be modified.”
“How are you monitoring?” queried Captain Reyonte.
Smiling Captain Laonize murmured, “So that’s why our systems aren’t detecting anything.”
After glancing at Calvin, Rebeca continued, “Basically our systems look for anomalies. It was an anomaly that alerted us to the Durale’s arrival.”
“And ours?”
“Yes. The arrival both of your task groups was straight forward since you didn’t try to hide your presence by cloaking or reducing emissions. Obviously doing either of those makes detection more difficult, but also shows intent.”
“It certainly does,” declared both Atewa Captains.
Captain Reyonte noted, “If I remember correctly you oversee flight operations, so does that mean your group is filling that role?”
“No, our focus is overseeing those who manage our ship’s flight operations,” responded Elana of Kathryn’s Clan. “Currently the FOCs coordinate their operations with Dóchas FOC taking the lead role, mostly because Sabrina’s group is very good and has more experience.”
Tara said, “Seeing as you are departing in a few days, when do you think you will be back to build your base?”
“Ideally within a month,” responded Thalmaze causing several surprised looks. “Our task force should be back here within 2 weeks by your calendar. The construction crews and supplies should arrive about 2 weeks later.”
“That is much sooner than we thought.” Several others nodded in agreement.
“Fortuitous circumstances are the reason that we can do that.”
To the other Órarduine Molly said, “I wonder if they came prepared to do this.”
“I don’t sense that intent,” responded Judy with several others agreeing.
Alissa of Molly’s Clan said, “That seems impossible, based on the distance your Worlds are from here. If my calculations are correct, it would require a fairly high FTL Factor in order to be here that soon. We are under the impression that Factor 4 FTL is the typical upper limit for cargo ships, and that they usually operate at 2 or 3.” As she was speaking several of the visitors smiled. “Based on the expressions I see I get the impression that you arrived with this as a goal.”
“It definitely wasn’t,” replied Fraizloe with Thalmaze nodding in agreement. “But you’ve drawn a very reasonable conclusion based on our comments and the smiles you saw. Our two Worlds are jointly sponsoring the construction of a facility very similar to the one we’ve proposed for here in another System. Its construction was scheduled to begin there in about 8 weeks, and the location lies toward the center of this sector. Currently there is a convoy on the way there with people, supplies, equipment and construction materials. By now site preparation was supposed to be nearing completion. However, they have encountered a significant problem, which is debris. It now turns out that this seems to be a characteristic of that System so it will continue to be an issue. A key element in the choice of that location was that it is very near the center of this sector thus minimizing travel time, it also has clear approaches. While the System is currently unoccupied it does have a planet that is in the early stages of developing a biosphere. So that is what we had in progress. By switching the effort to this System those issues go away and gives us the resources to very quickly begin building here.
“Not long after arriving here we came to the conclusion that your System is a far better location, even though it is further from the sector’s center. Based on several chats we’ve had with you we went ahead and sent a directive several days ago diverting the convoy here. While we weren’t certain that you would agree to our request we felt it was worth the minor delay the change would cause. If you declined our request, then it is just another course change. Since then we’ve learnt that due to site problems they would still be there before any significant work could begin.”
“Why is debris a problem there?” queried Allan of Molly’s Clan.
“It is the quantity and size of it. It is substantially more than was predicted, which means it requires more resources to achieve the original goals. While we have the capability to build and operate in that environment, it has a significant effect on capabilities and operations. A few wits have suggested that it is like living and working in a never ending hail storm. The increase in debris didn’t start until after the site preparation was underway. The only reason for pressing forward was that we need a base in this sector, but preferably one without the distractions even if it results in more travel time.” By the time he finished his voice showed the depth of his frustration with the situation.
After a moment Alissa responded, “If they weren’t noted in the System survey then it sounds like the site is in, or moving through, a large cloud of gravel, or perhaps minor asteroids. The original survey could have missed them if the orbit you’ve chosen periodically passes through them. As to this System, I don’t think we’ve noted any significant debris zones that straddle a planet’s orbit, but you should check our surveys to be sure. As well as I can remember there are some, but they are not very dense or very large, and they are further from Celia than we are. Alternatively, I can check for you.”
“Good point. We will have one of our engineers contact you on where to look for the info.”
“As you wish. I may go ahead and check it anyway to see when the next meteor shower is due.”
“Alissa, do you want more detail?”
“No. In your shoes, I think I would have made the same choice. I wonder why your search didn’t note this system.”
“While I don’t know for certain, I suspect that it was outside the initial criteria which gave a high priority to location.”
Captain Tuska said, “Going back to the issue of a System Control Center, we have a manual that outlines the capabilities needed, organization and staff duties. If it would be helpful, we are more than happy to give you a copy as it is in Standard.”
“That would be quite helpful,” responded Rebeca. “Thank you.”
Captain Laonize said, “While not trying to start a competition we will provide you ours as well, but it needs to be translated to Standard. I know from entering the Monque Systems that there are differences between them. Knowing those differences may be helpful.”
“We’ll review them before you depart to see if we have any questions.”
“I am sure both of us will assist you where we can but I’ve only used them so I don’t know the concept details.”
“For us it was a part of our training,” added Tuska, “but I have not been actively involved in their operation. We can review what you plan to adopt from a user’s perspective.”
“I suspect that it will not be until after you return that we will have completed its implementation.”
“From our perspective, what you have now is sufficient. So even if it takes longer than that to set up it shouldn’t be an issue.”
Conan said, “One more lightweight topic before we get to the one that scared the diplomats off.” After the laughter diminished, “Did you all reach a decision on recreation?”
Captain Tuska replied, “Yes. We think that continuing to join you in the use of the entertainment and recreational areas is the wisest choice. When our task groups return we will bring enough tents to provide accommodations for our people at Tara. Besides providing food, we will provide your dining staff with help. Our intent is for those provisions and assistance to more than offset the additional burden caused by our presence.
“As to another location for joint use, we think it is an excellent idea but one that we should set aside for the time being. At the moment revisiting it in, say 6 months or so, seems like a good idea as by then we will have a better idea of future needs. From what Admiral Thalmaze and Admiral Fraizloe have indicated, the current Task Group Commanders can handle our side of that activity.”
“That will work.”
Kelly said, “Now that we’ve cleared the deck, what are your thoughts on fleet operations here?”
Thalmaze responded, “Before we get into that I need to modify what I said this morning regarding composition of our task groups. A group usually consists of 2 battlecruisers, 4 cruisers, 12 light cruisers and 4 support ships. We often use the terms battlecruiser and heavy cruiser interchangeably. This next part we need to keep among ourselves; we are deploying a newer version of both our battlecruisers and cruisers with little information being published about changes in their capabilities. A key upgrade is the new weapons systems that have significantly more power. There are several other improvements that add to their capabilities.
“Also, both of us plan on having the same Task Groups rotating through here. For us the Commanders will be Captains Laonize and Reyonte. I understand that the Monque will have Captains Tuska and Marika as their Commanders.” Fraizloe nodded confirming it. “The ships that comprise their groups will change with the changes depending on circumstances. At some point the Commanders will also change, but you will have a chance to become acquainted with the new Commanders well before the transfer takes place.”
“Thank you for the consideration.”
“With respect to joint operations, what would you think about us operating as a single ‘navy’ in this System, with each World’s ships operating as a separate fleet. Your fleet would take the lead and the role as overall command for joint operations.”
“An interesting idea,” responded several Councilors.
Keriann added, “This is something we will need to discuss.”
“We see no reason to rush into this.”
Chester said, “Actually, easing into it would likely be the best way to move forward if that is the way we want to go.”
“We agree,” replied Fraizloe. “But let’s be clear about one aspect, this is your System. We see our role here as supporting you as well as protecting our staff and defending our facilities.”
“So by operating as three fleets in a ‘navy’ you believe we would be more effective in supporting each other. How many Task Groups do you plan to have in System?”
“One from each of us would always be here. Once the base is operating, there could be three or more from each World for short periods due to arrival and departure timing as well as nearby operations. We plan to limit the number of crew who visit Tara so that we stayed well within its capacity.”
“I hadn’t thought of that issue yet as I was still considering the operational requirements.”
Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan said, “How do you envision this ‘navy’ gaining the skills it needs?”
“In general terms, each fleet would do the exercises and drills as they normally do but would keep the other fleets informed. We would conduct joint exercises so that the crews become acquainted with each other’s formations and the transitions between them. Another training opportunity could be mock interceptions and battles. These could be done fleet against fleet, although it might be better to do them with mixed groups. When I say ‘fleet’, we are not suggesting that all ships of a fleet would participate. We already do this sort of joint training in other systems where we both operate.”
“I think I can speak for all of us and say that we are intrigued by the idea,” responded Kelly with the others nodding. “We have concerns. One has to do with how we communicate. A solution will take some thought, but we should be able to find a workable solution.”
“We think we understand your concerns as communications during fleet operations are often an issue due to distance. The use of Standard formations has helped. Joint tactical exercises have also helped.”
Keriann said, “Another concern is whether our knowledge of tactics and their implementation is sufficient for us to take the lead you are suggesting.”
“If I may?” said Captain Laonize, “We don’t think that your perceived lack of actual battle experience is a shortcoming. In fact, some of us see it as a benefit, as you look at the situation with a fresh perspective rather than comparing it to your last engagement. It is also a perspective that is different from ours. The other thing to remember is that by holding joint exercises we will all have a better understanding of our combined capabilities. Both Reyonte and I will not hesitate to ask questions if we don’t understand your tactics, and if appropriate offer suggestions. I suspect our Monque colleagues will do the same.”
“We would,” responded Captain Tuska with Marika and others nodding their agreement.
“When operating joint forces like this we see asking questions as key to operations being successful. This is something that is very difficult to convey to new ship’s commanders as some feel that it goes against their training.”
“Blindly following orders is usually a good way to end up dead, along with a lot of others,” remarked Calvin. “Another thought process that is hard to teach is the importance of knowing your opposition. Currently our information is very limited in this area.”
“When you visit us you should include key members of your Intelligence group so that they can meet ours,” responded Fraizloe.
They spent the rest of the afternoon discussing various aspects of joint operations in Celia System. Included in this was the Atewa’s and Monque’s assessment of threats in the area around Celia and throughout the sector.
It was late in the afternoon when Sarah said, “I believe we have covered a lot of ground this afternoon. We will be reviewing our discussions very carefully as they contained some excellent concepts. At this time, I think it is correct to say that we view the idea of joint operations very favorably.”
“If we agree to go in this direction when would you want to begin?” asked Conan.
“Whenever you want to,” replied Fraizloe. “All four Captains are familiar with operating in this manner as it is similar to the joint operating protocols we have with each other. After the Task Groups return, it is your call on whether we go forward or not.”
Captain Reyonte said, “As it now stands, we expect to be back here before the 39th by your calendar. The convoy should arrive before the 8th of Ninmonth. With a project like this we’ve learnt to have security in place before the convoy arrives with people and supplies.”
“I gather you expect someone to steal the ships.”
“It has happened before, actually several times. The supplies are easier to replace than construction crews. However, Intelligence thinks they’ve identified the leak and plugged it. Even so, we continue taking precautions.”
“So out of curiosity, where are you going when you leave here?”
“We are going to a resupply rendezvous. There we will restock and make some crew adjustments before returning. Thalmaze’s group will head for a different resupply rendezvous. In our case, Admiral Thalmaze, his staff, and the diplomats will then leave with a different group of ships for their next stop. When we depart the resupply rendezvous to return here, we will be accompanied by several supply ships. Thus the return journey will likely take longer due to their velocity limitations.”
Keriann said, “To understand the impact on resources we need to do some ‘what ifs’ for the concept of operating as one navy. While some of us are familiar with the requirements of a navy, we haven’t actually created or interacted with one.”
“Why don’t we show them the manual we used for ZetaDelta?” queried Laonize. “It is similar in the number of locations; the only difference is that the orbital paths here are more consistent or predictable.”
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Oral SexSex story, best friend sex story, Friends with benefits, First Time sex story, sex, sex story, [email protected]
FriendThe music had stopped, and the crowd grew impatient until the amplifiers crackled and sizzled and far away in the distance, no one knew where, a sound became discernibly audible. Sitting near the stage, Robert jumped to his feet, his face a show of gleeful revenge. This was it! He slipped his tennis shoes back on, threw his shirt over his shoulder, and headed up the hill. It had cost him a lid of dope, but it would be worth it, just to show that smart-ass Jim that he was just a stupid,...
I saw a lot of the Goldbergs during winter break. Sandy was back in school, but Jeff and I didn’t have to be back until the 16th. It seemed like I was at their house all the time. We also spent some quality time in my bedroom. You might have thought my parents would notice my comings and goings. But they were as oblivious as if I had been a transient in their hotel. I carefully avoided having them meet Jeff and they seemed to avoid it too, although I suspect it took very little effort on...
It was an evening like most. I was being lazy and couldn’t be bothered to do anything. My friends all seemed to be busy with their own thing so I was left to my own devices.My name is Katelyn, Kate for short. I am a proud bisexual woman in my twenties, I am more or less a lesbian, having not been with a guy in quite a long time. I prefer the company and touch of a woman.I decided that I had to kick the laziness and go out and do something. I decided that I’d go to my local bar and have a drink....
LesbianLast December the corporation my husband worked for had their annual Christmas costume party. Its always held at the owners mansion. My husband John has worked at Inter-Melton Corporation for only three years but already he is being considered for a managers position that recently opened up. We were both very excited about the costume party. I'm 20 years old and have been married to John for a little over two years. John is 27 years old and has to be the very best husband a girl could ever...
Later, and after much sperm had flowed into many mouths and vaginas, the ten people sat in the kitchen. There had been a large pot of coffee made, and several pies and cakes sat out, on the counter, with plates, forks, napkins, and cups for the coffee. They had taken the time, to take showers, which had led, once more, in most cases, to bigger and better things. Everybody was pointing out things they had admired about their various partners. Compliments were flowing freely, and received with...
The doorbell rang. I glanced up at the clock in surprise. 10:12 pm. A bit late for trick-or-treaters. Thankfully, I had some left over candy still in the plastic pumpkin and I was still dressed in my costume. Tonight, I’d decided to be a little daring, and had dressed up as Kitty Girl… well, perhaps Kitty Slut would be a more apt description of my ensemble. I had my ears on, and I’d taken the time to blacken my nose with make-up and draw whiskers on my cheeks. Oh, and of course I had my collar...
“Sarasota Approach Control, November-One-Two-Echo-Romeo is with you passing through twelve-thousand on the way to eight-thousand. We have information Sierra at SRQ.” “Two-Echo-Romeo, Sarasota Approach. Radar Contact. Continue on course. You may descend to two-thousand, your discretion. Sarasota altimeter two-niner-niner-two.” Dave responded, and the Cessna Citation continued its descent at twenty-five-hundred feet per minute. Passing through ten-thousand, Dave reduced the speed to...
Paula returned home from her work travels earlier than expected. She wanted to surprise her daughter, Lisa, on her twentieth birthday. As the Uber cab drove her home, she got emotional as she reflected on Lisa’s growing years. “My baby is a grown woman. How time flies."It dawned on her that Lisa was now a Junior in College and would be ready for the world in two years.After Dave passed away ten years ago, she raised her baby girl as a single mom. Very protective of her baby, Lisa was the love...
Group SexWe decided to picnic down by that little creek. Rebecca spread out a blanket and Rosie unpacked our lunch. Simple, just ham and biscuits and some corn whiskey to sip on. No need for a cooking fire. Rosie looked at her mother and Rebecca laughed out loud. Rosie grinned. Rebecca jumped up, “Mr. Murdock, that creek water looks mighty inviting. Care to join us?” Rosie stood too and, bold as brass, the two of them started unbuttoning their dresses. Not a care in the world. I stood up, looked...
Porn princess Paige Owens playfully teases, flaunting her bubble butt in tight jean shorts. When filthy English director Angel Long asks what kind of sex she likes, Paige replies, ‘I like it crazy and super nasty.’ The oversexed starlet teases and strips as Angel gropes her body. Paige eats pussy and rims Angel’s asshole! This kinky lesbian intro features anal toys and orgasmic pussy squirting! Soon, hung stud Markus Dupree steps in to ruthlessly fuck Paige’s throat....
xmoviesforyouRemember the day we went to the beach to watch the sunset. It was a lovely, warm, summer evening, and there were lots of people sitting on the sand, drinking sundowners and watching the sun sink out over the cool South Atlantic Ocean. We walked, hand in hand, along the edge of the breaking waves, now and again dabbling our feet in the cool water as it washed over the sand.We slowly ambled down the whole length of the beach, until we came to the rocky area. There were only a few people sitting...
OutdoorHi friends abb age story shuru krte hai .I am from kapurthala(on facebook . R omantice bajwa)koi bi bhabhi girl chat kr sakti hai…. Main.Yrr dil nahi krta tujse duurr jane koo plz ajj rok jaooo Soni,no jana main Main,plz Soni,yrr mom dad nu ki kahagi.Kithe c main. Main,idea hain mere kol. Soni.No yr kl nu chood leooo mainu plz Soni or main haje v nude c .Oh chaa pi rahi c or mai osnu apni goad vich bith ki cha pi reya c mera lund ohdiya legs vich di hunda hoeya fuddi nal chipkeya hoeya c or...
There could not be better bliss than this Julie thought as she listened to the thunder from under his covers only a month later. He was deeply asleep, his body spooning her tightly against him. It was freezing outside the blanket. She thought back to yesterday with immense pleasure. Her body felt sore and heavy and wonderfully satisfied. But with the remembrance came desire. God, she could not stop wanting him. No one had ever made her body feel so wonderfully sexy, so intensely fulfilled. ...
My story of domination and submission My story of domination and submission. At 23 years of age I was finally on my way.?? Life to this point had been full of tough choices and anything but easy.? My father was a truck driver who did the best he could raising me as a single parent.? We moved a lot but Dad always found away to keep me in school as well as find good folks to look out for me when he was on the road.? ?That all changed the day before my sixteenth birthday.? ?Dad was in...
Lying on her back, her massive tits wobbling with the motion of her arms, Judy knew her darkest, deepest desires were about to come true. She looked from side to side as her boys surveyed her lush body. Their hips were moving as she jacked their stiff cocks, and then Bobby was grabbing at her, throwing his body across her and tearing at her gauze-like bra. "Ohhhh, take it easy, Bobby!" Judy gasped as one of her big tits popped free and jiggled heavily. Before she knew it, Scott had joined...
Copyright © 2003 by Floridaguy2001. All rights reserved.Halloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway. I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I...
Gay MaleStacia Si is a young and feisty brunette who has come to Private Specials, Adorable Teens 5 to fuck her dream man Nik Rock and this wild teen is after just one thing… a hot facial! It doesn’t take long for the action to get started between these two as Stacia reveals her sexy body and tattoos, offering up her juicy pussy for a taste before getting down on her knees for a nice blowjob. Then enjoy the rest of the action on www.private.com as Stacia gets fucked in all her favourite positions,...
xmoviesforyouSummer Sissies at Sweetwell Park - Part 2 of 5 a story by PRIM The story so far: Roger Pressington rebels against the sissy clothes his mother Thelma chooses for him. Fortunately the boy's grandmother Valerie is a match for his independence. However, Thelma asks her good friend Sonia Forbes-Withers for help, knowing that she and her mother Agatha have made a good job of bringing up her son Jodie as a pretty, nicely dressed boy. The Pressingtons are invited to Sweetwell Park to see...
The Whore and the Captain by Lori Grenci -- ROME A.D. 2370 -- "Over here, Jean-Luc, I have found an old sign." Professor Vicelius was a distinguished elderly gentleman who wore one of those big-brim hats that archaeologists love. He handed over a broken piece of inscribed stone to Picard, who cleaned off the dirt with a small brush. "Yes," Picard said, examining the marble, "it does appear to be a marker of some kind. You are the Latin expert, Professor, can you translate the...
I want to be with 10 strangers, old pervs and black guys and greet them by undoing their pants, pulling their cocks out, and playing with different cocks in each hand. Then i start violently sucking off multiple cocks. I would jack a cock off with one hand while quickly bobbing my head up and down the other in my mouth, then put the next cock in my mouth and suck it like a cockwhore. All kinds of dicks all circled around me, big, small, black, -everywhers, sucking each like a posesed slut. I...
The day after my brother-in-law exposed himself to me, I put on "that" shirt. Every woman who has more than one shirt has a "that" shirt. It's the blouse or top that doesn't fit quite right and, for one reason or another, gaps open and exposes to view one of her normally hidden treasures. Mine was a red and white striped pullover that had a deep plunge.I really wanted to expose my hairy pussy to Charles, but I just couldn't find a way to do it that wouldn't be too obvious. With the shirt, I...
NovelsI've been moved to write this true account of my life in a crossdresser's forum after being banned for thanking the moderators. I need your help. Kindly allow me, dear reader, to set the scene for you. I am Delia Gruntphuttock, PhD, spinster of this parish, and I have a penchant for girly-boys. So, whenever I can, I join in with trips and events that are organised for said girly-boys in the hope that I might get to 'befriend' some. It is with that hope that I hang around the forum...
They meet in the lobby of a hotel, moving to the bar where he buys her a drink. They settle down into a comfy couch, sitting down next to each other and clink their glasses together, toasting each other, and to the fact that they are finally meeting.They had spent many an hour chatting over the internet, getting to know each other inside and out. Their conversations, sometimes deep and meaningful, sometimes playful, had built into something more, although neither knew how to admit it. They had...
Straight SexYumi ran around the kitchen, making sure everything was in place. She was humming to herself, excited for what she had planned, as she ran back and forth between the kitchen table, and the stove, trying to make sure that she didn't ruin dinner. While she was out picking up ingredients for the special dinner that she was making, she noticed a small costume shop, and picked up a maid outfit for her to use. She changed as soon as she got home, and started dinner while everyone was out. After a...
I looked into purchasing any latex outfit I could but anything beyond a pair of brief’s or two was out of my price range. They felt so good against my skin that I had to stop wearing them to school. I couldn’t concentrate with a pant full of wood. I aways wondered what everyone else at my highschool was hiding under their clothes. Did anyone walk around with a buttplug in their ass or crotchless panties on? This is around when I met someone who shared my shiny fetish. I met my neighbour...
So my girl invited me over for the weekend, I stayed at her house & we had sex several times. I took her out during the day to do whatever she wanted. On the last day she broke up with me & I was stuck there for the night, so I had some fun of my own, fingering her virgin asshole & fingering her pussy. She kept waking up throughout the night, but I wasn't concerned. I took her hand & started giving myself a handjob with it. About 25 minutes of doing that I was close to coming...
Hi, everyone. I am Rishu. It is my first story on ISS please don’t forget to send tour feedback at And please ignore the grammatical errors.Not wasting your time I’ll jump to the story.This story is the read incident between me and my aunt (Chachi). My aunt. She is 37 years old but had maintained herself like a girl in late 20s. She has a fair skin tone. A figure on 36-28-34.I am 19 years old. Live in Chandigarh. A college going boy with a normal body and a height of 6.1 feet. My dick size is...
IncestVaise to mai aur meri chachi jyada baat nahi karte the. Ek bar jab mere mom dad kuch samay ke liya papa ke saath kisi kaam se bahar gaye to mujhe meri chachi ke ghar rukna pada. Meri chachi hai to badi sexy unke bade bade boobs dekhkar mera lund khada ho jata hai. Voh hamesha hi badi neck wali loose sleeves ka blouse pehanti hai jisse kai baar mujhe unke boobs dikh jate hai. Unki gand bhi bohut badi thi. Main hamesha se hi unko chodna chahta tha aur mere paas unki ek photo thi jo maine nahate...
There were three kids in my family, and I was the middle child. You know, the one they always say is the forgotten one, although I don’t know how true that is, because I think I got on okay. I had a sister, Gail, who was just over a year older than me, and then there was a big gap between me and my little brother, Stevie, who wasn’t born until I was six. We lived in a big, old house, a few miles from town. When I say big, I mean enormous. The place had originally been a farmhouse, and had...
I walked through the door after arriving home late from work across town. The drive home had taken twice as long as usual. "Damn road construction" I thought as I pulled into the driveway. The past winter here in Boston had been a hard one, and the roads had suffered with a large number of potholes and other damage the city was busy trying to catch up on. I pulled into the garage and hit the button on the remote to close the garage door. Getting out of my well-loved Camry, I stretched my body...
VoyeurThe house was empty, except for the two couples. Bob and Melody, and Albert and Althea. The silence, after the near deafening roar of a happy crowd, was almost tangible. The four were sitting on the patio, talking quietly about the things that had been heard, or seen today, and sipping at beverages. Melody had a glass of light, white wine, Bob and Althea were drinking ice tea, and Albert with a tall glass of orange juice. He drank it like it was going out of style, and would have it for any...
As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all been some insane dream. That he still had his own tall, muscular body. Not a half female, half male one. He could still remember vividly how the horror had started. He had woken just two days previously and everything had been right with the world. He had been a successful lawyer, with a big house and a hefty bank balance. And he had just spent the night...