Premature cum after caught as voyeur
- 4 years ago
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Sarah smiled as she began to wake up to find herself lying near the middle of her sleeping spouses. Although she wasn’t physically in contact with all of them, she could sense their nearby presence. Again, as she did every morning, she gave a prayer of thanks for the many blessings they had received.
“Yes,” said Maeve. “We have been blessed in many ways.”
“I hope I didn’t wake you.”“Don’t think so. Although I’ve never tried to prove it I’ve often wondered whether we all go to sleep at the same time. I do think that it is pretty close, also we all seem to wake up at nearly the same time. Well, except when we become wrapped up in a dream and those have always been enjoyable.”
“That they are.”
“Think the storm is past Gaillimh Isle?”
“It should be. I guess since no one contacted us that everything is okay.”
“It is,” said Star.
“Is something up as you don’t normally greet us?”“No. Everything is fine. I was monitoring you all because I expected that that would be your first thought.”
“Well my first thought was to give thanks for my spouses, friends, and where we are in life.”
“Me too.”
“Based on the mutterings I’ve heard there are many who feel the same way. We could have quite a philosophical discussion on how the path we chose came about, however I don’t think a conclusion would be reached.”
“We agree.”
“What is the situation at Tara Ardchlár?”
“Several domes had some minor damage to their exterior covering from wind-blown debris. Due to the way they are layered only a little water reached sensitive or protected areas. There was some minor flooding at Tara but the staff were able to control it, so there isn’t any significant damage. Tunneling operations continued without any problems.”
“So later this morning the staff can begin returning?”
“Weather wise, it is probably best to wait until at least lunch time.”
“How bad is the flooding elsewhere?”
“Very close to predictions. The bay rose to cover about half the land below the falls. The forecasters think it won’t begin receding until tomorrow. Communications has sent out four groups to document the storm’s impact on the island.”
“Star, thanks for anticipating our query,” said Sarah’s Clan.
“You are welcome. See you on the bridge after breakfast.”
Sarah said, “I hope we didn’t wake you all up.”
“You didn’t,” responded Erin. “I think all of us woke up at about the same time, which was while Maeve and you were chatting.”
“I agree,” added Jill and several others.
Judy said, “I certainly enjoyed the time we spent sharing our affection last night. It felt especially good then, and even more so in hindsight.”
“So are you suggesting another round?” jested Joyce.
“Well ... I have no objections to doing that, but we have quite a bit that needs our attention today, so tonight would be soon enough for me.”
“An excellent idea,” responded several.
“We should begin our exercises,” reminded Alison.
“Yes, we should,” responded Aoife. “But like Sarah, I love the sensations and affection I feel when we are together as we are now. I am not sure my feelings can be adequately expressed even using our mind link and its attributes.”
“I agree,” responded Alena. “But I also agree with Alison as I feel really full.”
“Does that happen very often?” queried Judy.
“Occasionally. It is not like what happened on the way here. Actually, that was my first thought when it first occurred but the occurrence isn’t consistent. Sometimes it is just for one let down. While at other times it continues for perhaps a couple of days then it is back to normal. I’ve gone over my activities but don’t see any commonality.”
“Well stop by the clinic today and we will run some tests. Actually, we may want to repeat them over several days.”
“I am not sure we need to go to that much trouble.”
“It is not any trouble. We mustn’t forget that we are still adapting to this environment, so we need to attempt to determine if there is any substantive reason behind any odd changes.”
“That makes sense. I’ll come by after breakfast.”
Tara said, “Actually you might want to remind everyone about watching for, and reporting, any odd reactions or changes our bodies exhibit at lunch time.”
“Good idea. Perhaps we should wait until after we’ve seen the results of Alena’s tests, as that could give us a new way to present the issue.”
“So, we’ll wait for the test results before mentioning it,” said Sarah.
“Agreed,” replied her spouses.
As Sarah’s Clan made their way down to Tara Ardchlár Jill said, “Let’s take a look around before we land at Tara.”
“What did you have in mind?” queried Erin.
“Well I would like to look at the island we use for prisoners. After that let’s approach Gaillimh at a low level and then follow the bay from the ocean to the falls. I am interested in seeing where the two women were found and its relationship to the beach. From the beach we could turn north and continue at a low level so we can see how extensive the flooding was, or still is.”
After making a circle of the island they used to confine prisoners they turned toward Gaillimh Isle. Terry said, “I didn’t see any noticeable effects of the storm.”
“I thought it looked like the storm surge was pretty high, based on where the trash was on the beach,” responded Janet.
Alison added, “The impact of the storm there was mostly an increase in high tide along with heavy rain.”
They had traveled a few miles up the bay when the Shuttle AI said, “Leisl was found at this point on the north side. When she woke up, she was a short distance up the game trail from the water’s edge. When we found her she was at the top of the bank. A map is on the monitor. The water is now much higher than when she was picked up; in fact it is well above where she said she woke up.”
“Thank you.”
“I would think it would take several hours to drift this far from the beach,” said Alena.
“How did she survive?” asked Jill. “Wasn’t she out here for 4 or 5 days?”
“Five,” responded the AI. “She said she chose to remain there for several reasons. First, there was fresh water and she hadn’t figured out a way to carry it. Second, she found edible plants and flowers nearby. Perhaps more significantly, even after being there several days, she was certain that we would come for her and that hiding wasn’t an option.”
Aoife said, “I take it you carried the team that picked her up.”
“Yes. Several of the team indicated that they felt drawn in this direction. They also commented on how few game trails they saw along the bay between the water and the ridge. Has she remembered how she managed to get this far downstream? Or out of the water?”
“Not that we’ve heard.”
“Her reaction to being found seemed strange as she seemed both happy and sad.”
Judy said, “She was and her reasons are a rather complex. While I haven’t been directly involved with her and Jodie’s treatment, the doctors have indicated that their recovery is progressing very smoothly. Jodie’s reasoning and her situation was quite similar to Leisl’s.”
“This is the game path where they found Jodie.”
“This one appears to be more of a challenge to climb than the other,” noted Rusty.
“When the water is at its normal level there is a fairly long path just above it, with several places where it is easy to reach.”
Alison said, “With these game paths being so clear there must be quite a few animals using them.”
“I am not sure that that is the case,” responded Rusty. “Although they look like game trails now, I suspect they are created by runoff from heavy rains. Since they aren’t gullies game would probably use them in dry weather. Animals likely have easier access to water on the inland side of the ridge.”
Erin said, “Did you notice that so far it is only these two paths which have vegetation next to them?”
“So are you implying something?” questioned Maeve.
“Perhaps ... I suspect they were ... shall we say, guided to the spots where they were found. It seems reasonable to believe that they had assistance in traveling this far and in safely reaching the bank. We could draw a loose similarity with events from Earth, which is of porpoises assisting swimmers, or maybe it was dolphins. Something like that could explain how they survived long enough to reach the spot where they were found, although since they woke up away from the water’s edge the idea of being assisted by aquatic mammals doesn’t seem reasonable.”
“So why didn’t this happen to the other two that the vermin claimed they dumped in the bay?”
“Possibly for many reasons. Their condition. Their attitude. Their bindings. If it was due to assistance by dolphins or porpoises then I guess they weren’t here at the critical moment for the others. I guess we will never know.”
“We’ve reached the beach,” said the Shuttle AI, “although you can’t see it due to the high water.”
Alena said, “I wonder whether there will be a beach there when the water recedes.”
“Should be,” responded Claudette. “If I remember the map correctly, the beach is east of where the Clota river enters the bay. Actually it could gain additional sand, if the currents are right.”
“AI, let’s follow the Clota river up to Tara Ardchlár,” said Sarah. “Fly low, and a little to the west side of the river, so that we can see the river as well as the adjoining land.”
“Okay. Let me know if you want to pause. There was a crew from Communications down this way earlier today and late yesterday.”
“Good. We’ll be able to compare their reports with what we see.”
When they reached Tara Ardchlár Joyce said, “Well, what was your impression?”
“Based on the models that were built for Gaillimh Island, I think they did a great job of identifying the areas that were susceptible to flooding. Seeing the results reminded me of scenes around where my grandparents lived.”
“Same here,” added Rusty, “except they were aunts and uncles.”
As they exited the shuttle they saw Siobhan’s Clan exiting another shuttle nearby and waved. When they were close Siobhan queried, “Are we still going camping tomorrow?”
They chuckled as Joyce responded, “I think the only excuse our children would accept is ‘a dire emergency’.”
“Based on our interaction with them over the last few days, I am not sure even that would be enough to lighten the disappointment.”
Eileen said, “We noticed that you all made a detour on your way here.”
“That we did,” responded Erin. “We wanted to see the impact of the storm on the island that we’ve used to confine prisoners. It looks a bit wind-blown and the water rose fairly high but otherwise not much different. Another reason for the detour was to get a visual of where Leisl and Jodie were found. When you read what happened, their survival is pretty amazing. Since seeing it, it seems even more amazing.”
“We agree,” responded Tiff with her spouses nodding.
As they talked, they were walking toward Central Square while looking around. Near the entrance to the building Kendra said, “It looks like some will be moving into a real building before long.”
“For us it will be about 10 weeks,” responded Claudette. “We should have the inside of the Residence Hubs completed at about the same time, or around the 34th of Tenmonth.”
On entering their conference room they found the other Councilors waiting for them. Sarah said, “Good morning. We didn’t intend to be late.”
As they began greeting each other Chester said, “You aren’t, in fact you are probably early.”
Kelly added, “I think we all took time to look at different aspects of the island when we came down today. We came up the bay and then followed the Brigantia River valley north.”
“Good,” said Jackie. “It is almost like we planned different stops on the way here.”
“To a certain extent, we may have,” responded Aoife.
“Well we took a look at the tunneling effort. The four tunnels connecting 2E, 2E 1S, 1E 1S and 1E 2S to the main tunnels are open. There is still quite a bit of finish work to do before they are completed. Currently there are four active locations. These are One South, Two South, One East, and Two East and progressing without any issues.”
Molly added, “Excavation for 1E is to begin in a day or two.”
They shared their observations on the activity at Tara. During this time several of them noticed Amy’s Clan smiling and nodding as each spoke of what they had seen. When all but Amy’s Clan had commented Sarah said, “Amy, Jim, you all have been very quiet but we’ve noticed a few smiles and nods.”
“Your observations fit well with what’s been in the progress reports. Erin mentioned earlier wanting a visual of the situation Jodi and Leisl faced. In a way you’ve just provided that to us with your report of what you saw on your trip here. We think we are at a point where we can make some projections on when the buildings can be occupied. For the Residence Hubs at 1E 2S and 2E 1S, the temporary suites should be ready for occupancy in 10 weeks, or by the 34th of Tenmonth. For 2E and 1E 1S, it looks like we will be ready to set up manufacturing operations in them by the 14th of next month. Since we haven’t started the foundations of 1E and 1W the dates won’t be a firm. 1E should easily be done in 10 weeks. For 1W, we expect to be able to move most medical services there by the 50th of Tenmonth. It won’t be complete at that time, but it will be far enough along. Once moved we will take down the covering at 1W 1S that they’ve been using. Tunneling for One South and Two South will be past the connecting tunnels by then and will continue west until it reaches where it will connect with Four West.”
“When will we start the residence towers?” queried Paula of Maureen’s Clan.
“It partially depends on crew availability, but currently they are scheduled to begin several weeks before we begin occupying the Hub. Beyond that, we expect to be building the last two towers in a group when we start a new Residence Hub.”
“Will the temporary accommodations in the two Hub buildings give us enough space to empty a passenger ship?” asked Molly.
“Yes,” replied Jim. “Why?”
“Based on the number of people arriving at An Clochán, we should be going to get them at about that time.”
“Good point,” commented several.
“We gather you’ve been thinking about this,” said Alison.
Mairia of Jackie’s Clan responded, “A bit. The idea we’ve toyed with is for 2 Dóchas ships to travel with a passenger ship. That way we could linger there a bit before returning.”
Smiling Joyce said, “I gather you are volunteering to go.”
“Yes, we are,” replied Molly’s and Jackie’s Clans.
Mairia added, “There are some people we would like to visit, well that is if it is possible to do so without putting them in danger. However, we realize that this needs to be decided as a group, and perhaps as a family.”
“Let’s put this on our ongoing discussion topic list,” suggested Sarah. “We have plenty of time to work out the details, but it is something we need to carefully consider.”
“Agreed,” was the reply.
Melissa of Siobhan’s Clan said, “Zyworki informed Celia System Control Center that their replacement ships will arrive in the next few days. He would like to use our practice range to transfer supplies and become acquainted with them. At some point they want to use the range to test the weapons systems.”
Rusty said, “I don’t see any reason to object.”
“We’ll need a Security team there to handle range control,” added Chester.
“I believe that is being handled by Cathan’s and Alana’s Teams,” responded Emma of Keriann’s Clan. “I believe they are assisting them with the change over.”
“Is the evaluation of the Durale ships complete?” queried Kendra.
“Yes,” replied Calvin of Keriann’s Clan. “I think we now have a better understanding of their ships capabilities. Participation by the other Spec Ops teams in the evaluation was very beneficial.”
“Why is that?”
“The best way to explain it is that each group looks at unknowns differently. I think this is due to the difference in backgrounds and equipment. We spent quite a bit of time trying to determine where the Durale had been and where their command center is located. The conclusion was that it moves frequently. To enable their ships on voyages in finding the new location they leave buoys with coded messages. In order to pick up the message a ship has to fit a profile and needs to respond to with at least one pass phrase. We weren’t able to determine what makes up a profile.”
“That sounds like it could be nightmare,” responded Chester with Kelly and Rusty nodding.
“On that we all agree. The evaluation did give us some good ideas to consider for improving our tactics and weapons. We gave the weapon ideas to Engineering.”
“Good. I’m not sure I’ve seen anything on the status of the forts.”
Evangeline of Molly’s Clan said, “They are progressing, but it will be several months before the first two are operational. In some respects setting up our SCC delayed the effort, but it also opened their eyes to some limitations they hadn’t thought were significant. So in a nut shell, we are a little behind, but better off.”
Ron of Jackie’s Clan said, “It would probably be a good idea if those of us with combat experience visited with them from time to time. It’s not that they doubt what they are doing, but they don’t have hands on experience so at times they have difficulty judging an attribute’s worth.”
Rusty, Kelly, Keriann, Chester and Calvin nodded as Keriann said, “We’ll do that ... very carefully.”
Maureen said, “Are you all still going camping?”
“Yes,” replied Sarah’s Clan with Siobhan’s nodding in agreement.
“The first day and night it will be on the plateau north of us. The next 2 days may be on another continent but there was talk of visiting the mountains south of us. The children have several places they would like to visit but the final choice hasn’t been made yet. We will keep Star informed.”
“By the way, Briana’s Clan is going with us as are several lions.”
Siobhan added, “Our backups will cover the bridges while we are gone.”
Jill said, “We really need to name the continents. The other day when I looked there are only names for this island and Carey. Beyond that the locations where we have installations are labeled with global coordinates. It works for specific locations but not too well for an entire area.”
Angie of Kathryn’s Clan said, “How about asking the Cartographers to divide the continents into several entities using natural boundaries? Once those are established, they can be offered to the family for discussion. The next step would be to have a naming project like we did for here. Geographical features like lakes, rivers, mountains and so forth need labels as well.”
“We agree. Should we set them up as a suggestion for now, and then make a formal assignment when people begin visiting the area.”
Sarah said, “Angie, would you see if you can get this effort rolling?”
“Sure. Actually, I already floated the idea past several others and had good responses. So I think I know several people who can lead the project.”
“Great,” responded the group.
“It is getting close to lunch,” said Brittany of Kathryn’s Clan. “Do we want to discuss sending groups to visit the Monque and Atewa home worlds today or save it till next time?”
Terry said, “Why don’t we break for lunch and meet back here at 19:00 hours? That will give us time to check with our staffs before coming back. Then we should have enough time before dinner to create an outline of how we want to do this.”
After a few moments Jim said, “That works well for us.”
Kathleen of Molly’s Clan frowned a bit then said, “We can do that, but how about setting a time limit for our afternoon session.”
“If it causes a problem for you all,” said Kelly, “we can wait a few days.”
“We agree that it needs to be done and today is as good as any others in the near term. We think we should hold departure until after the Lonstradaze have left.”
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My friend and I saw him for the first time in front of our school. He was there to teach self defense but he wasn't dressed in some lame-ass costume with patches sewn all over it like those tards at the mall. He looked normal, well if normal includes muscles that pressed against his shirt and ink covering his arms. I wasn't the only girl to notice him. The black girls made a bee line for him. Something about a guy who knows martial arts and black girls, I have no idea what it is. I decided to...
BDSMClaudia wanted to prepare for Wednesday, so as Dan fucked her pussy she had Mel fuck her ass with the dildo. She told Dan not to cum, saving it for later. The front doorbell chimed announcing the expected guests. “I’ll get it!” Allison yelled. She opened the door and was greeted by a blonde man, woman, and teenage boy all well tanned. “Hi, you must be Allison,” the woman smiled, offering a hand. “I’m Karen Winslow and this is my husband, James, and our son, Ryan. You certainly do look like...
A Night at the ClubIt had been less than three years since I stood at the alter and promised my love; honor, and fidelity to my husband who I love dearly. Now I find myself in a darken area by the side of the country club with my back pressed up against a wall, my legs spread open, my white panties down near my knees with a stranger who was jamming three thick and long fingers up my pussy.I held on to his broad shoulder to keep from falling as with each hard jab his fingers dug deeper. My legs...
The three teens froze like deer in headlights. Which they weren’t. They were two naked teenage twin sisters who seconds ago had been french kissing while their date fingered their slick wet cunnies frozen in headlights. Ryan pulled his hand away from the two girls. “Ah - get dressed!” He looked around, and in a fit of desperation, stuck his fingers into his mouth to lick them clean. He rushed to the door, looking back at the two girls. Both of them lay there, still slightly glassy eyed as...
Sie hatte dieses Haus gehasst, den Eingangsbereich, das Wartezimmer, das Besprechungszimmer und natürlich wie die meisten der Frauen, das Zimmer, in dem er stand…. Er, das war ein großer alter gynäkologischer Untersuchungsstuhl, wie er sich in jeder Frauenarztpraxis befand, mehr oder weniger modern. Dieser jedoch war auf einem Sockel montiert, wie ein Altar, mit genügend Lichtquellen, die einer Frau und Ihrem Lustbereich jegliche Intimität nahmen. Die Instrumente, die zum Öffnen einer...
School had been bad the previous year but at least he'd had his friends. Now, with his dad moving to a super-rich suburb, he knew nobody. Worse, everyone but him was rich. All the kids had cars, fancy clothes, ski vacations in winter and trips to Europe in the summer. Chances seemed good that Matt would become the ultra-nerd, despised by his fellow students, ignored by the teachers, and belittled by his father. Matt resolved that this year would be different. He wasn't sure how he'd make it...
TeenRoban walked through Notabir and marveled about the scenery. Norgar roamed the streets talking and laughing but no corpses littered the ground and no houses were burning. A few amazons he heard exchanging war stories with Ghallan Clan warriors, and they were men. He noticed a group of children following him, young children round about Menja’s age. When he stopped and looked at them they squealed and ran for cover, but as soon as he walked on they followed him again. They were not afraid of...
As Allison crawled into bed, the hallways were still teaming with activity. Even so, she could barely manage to keep her eyes open. She turned off the reading lamp clamped to her bed frame, and then snuggled into the cool sheets. Allison was out as quickly as her reading lamp was. The sound of a key turning in the lock of the room's door pulled Allison out of her deep slumber. She wasn't used to the sounds in her new home much less those of a roommate. Finally, the door opened, letting in...
Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. NOTE FOUND ON YOUR WIFE'S VANITY Hank, I can't do this any more. I love you, but you're not the man I married. Everything I did, I did for you. But now I realised you didn't give a shit about me at all, you cheating ass. So from today, we're going to start again. We're going to finally start a family, with three kids, a cat and a dog. And you're going to be utterly faithful to me...
Kayla loved to pop bubbles as she cleaned her master's house. Making big bubbles from the wad of pink bubble gum she compulsively chewed as she cleaned was the only way for her to relax when she wasn't serving per primary purpose. The urge was always there... the need... the craving. It made her locked clitty throb. It made her asspussy frantically milk her master's large plug forever buried in her ass when she wasn't being used. It was her truth. It wasn't something commanded of...
“Lansing residence, Eric speaking,” Celeste’s father answered the phone, more than a little annoyed to be awakened on one of his few days off, especially the workload of late. “Hi, Daddy!” Celeste greeted her father. “Baby girl! How good to hear from you again! It’s been too long! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Eric naturally wondered if this was something to do with Celeste’s mother, Phoebe, his bitch of an ex-wife. “Daddy, there’s someone that I want you to meet, but it’s kind of...
My name is Alex and this is a true story. I am 25 years old, a w/m and 5-10”, 145lbs. I am slender and very fit. Since I was a young teenager, I have been crossdressing. My older sister actually got me started. One night she had friends sleep over and for fun they used their makeup on me and made me look like a girl. I laughed when I looked in the mirror but I was so turned on! After that night, I secretly would try on her clothes when she was gone. Since then I dress whenever I can. Other...
Megan looks shocked as she lies sprawled on the floor, hearing her own mother utter the desire for a turn. With her sensitive pussy still quivering from the epic teasing that it had received from Becky and cum still dripping out, she looks round at the other girls and Caitlin stands up and whispers something to Emma – whose face cracks into a wicked smile. Fiona (Megan’s mother) sits nervously, her nipples clearly visible through the t-shirt and can’t stop staring at her daughter’s dripping wet...
LesbianThe Poet By Melissa Tawn The poet John Edward Remington burst onto the literary scene like a meteor. His first book of poetry was published at the age of 21. Three years and four books later, he was a superstar of the sort never seen before in America. Halls, then auditoria, then stadiums filled to capacity by people who came to hear him read. Over 45,000 turned out to hear him in Yankee Stadium, then over 80,000 people came to the Astrodome, then over...
The heavy and powerful bass drums and guitar chords ripped through my ears and assaulted my senses as much as the sweltering heat, the bright white beams of light and the drips of condensation falling from the cool pipes above. I was pushed and shoved with the crowd in tune with the loud music. Angry voices yelled in cooperation with the lyrics of a world so cold, When passion's lost and all the trust is gone, Way too far, for way too long Children crying, cast out and...
ALTERED FATES Sisters Revenge by Kathryn Nelson Copyright - Kathryn Nelson, 2001 Kyle Emerson was 18 and had just graduated from high school. Finally, he was free from those teachers he thought were weird and all the studying his mother made him do. He was registered to go to a local community college in the fall but he now had the summer off to enjoy himself. His mother had saved up the money for him to go to college but he needed to pay for his own car and all other...
Jimmy was still in shock over the new condo that he and Dana had just moved into. They had saved up the down payment over a period of about 3 years and now were realizing the dream of having their own place. It was a very nice area and the complex they were in had a pool, rec room and tennis courts. They were still in the stage of unpacking and hadn't had a chance to meet any neighbors yet. He and Dana had put off starting a family until they were settled into their own place. It was June and...
Second Lieutenant Dan Miller paused for a moment as the distant rumble of gunfire caught his ear. After nearly a year spent patrolling the streets of Baghdad, he recognized it as a mixture of M16 and AK fire. Some other patrol was engaged this Christmas Eve. Not his concern, he reminded himself. Not that he didn't hope the distant firefight wouldn't turn out to be a win for the good guys, but his attention needed to be focused right here on the two dismounted infantry squads he was leading...
"Jeff au Poivre" JEFF AU POIVRE A Playful Prose Fantasy or Short Story by Dacneus Ouch! Damn! At least that’s the very least Jeff would have shouted—or screamed—if the ball-gag hadn’t been securely wedged between the roof of his mouth and his tongue and projecting halfway down his throat. And the sharp pain of the fork’s long tines pricking playfully and selectively into different places on his naked belly and then—damn—briefly but playfully—at least that is how he gauged his master’s...
Client Derrick Pierce is early for his massage appointment with Gabi Paltrova. He gets there just as a satisfied customer is finishing inside the sexy masseuse. She runs over to the reception area to smooth things over. Gabi’s hair is disheveled from sex. She’s wearing nothing underneath her untied bathrobe and she’s basking in the afterglow of sex. Derrick isn’t bothered by what he saw. In fact, he kind of likes the idea of sloppy seconds. The problem is that he’s...
xmoviesforyou“I don’t feel like going home tonight, Bhabi. That bastard said I was too fat. Men are such pricks!” Malti said in a bitter voice to her brother’s wife Anuradha. Malti had been “shown to a boy for marriage” and he had rejected her. Now Malti was bitter against all men and had decided not to go home. She wanted to spend the night at her brother’s house which was not far from her own. In fact she loved her Bhabi. Her brother Rohit, worked in UAE and came to India once in six months. Malti...
LesbianHe crept out of the bedroom and into the hallway expecting to find his way to the bathroom to relieve himself before dressing. Squatting over the bowl he released a hard stream into the bowl, so quietly that the only sound he could hear over his heart was the old clock ticking it’s steady beat in the hallway. Closing his eyes he relaxed, breath slowing down, as did the stream of pee until it was only a drip that the ticking clock quickly out paced.He was about to raise himself when he heard her...
I woke on Monday morning at our gorgeous Costa Rican hotel almost as early as I had on the previous day. Brad was still sleeping soundly so slipping from the bed I wandered out onto the balcony. Despite it not being much past dawn it was nice and warm. There were a few birds up and about but disappointingly no toucans. I felt like I was starting to bubble over with happiness. Yesterday had been so wonderful and I felt so incredibly close to Brad. I smiled and then frowned, smiling at the...
Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Chapters I and II took Dani through her initial transition in the hands of her Mummy and Sir John. She is now to be presented to (a very select) society as a sissy debutant. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I...
‘I wouldn’t know,’ said Carol, blushing furiously ‘I’m still a virgin!’ I looked at her in astonishment. ‘Still a virgin? But you went out with Roger for five years. Didn’t you ever do it?’ ‘Roger didn’t believe in sex before marriage and, well, you know me. I’m too bloody self-conscious and nervous to say anything.’ she replied, her cheeks turning scarlet. Carol is my best friend. We met at University and we’ve been close ever since, to the point of taking jobs in the same company. She was the...
About a year ago my wife and I were going through a bad spell and were on the verge of divorcing before we desiding to try again. A few months past when Tami sat me done and told me she had had sex with another guy when we were apart and she begged me to forgive her. I was not that bothered but I acted really hurt. She cried and cried until she offered to do anything I wanted to forgive her. I agreed and added, "You must do what I ask without question and when I want you to for as long as I...
Group SexI lay there trembling into the night as I reached up and pushed my hair to one side and felt the back of my neck where the axe would fall and chop off my head. My mind was reeling as I thought of the executioners heavy sharp blade glimmering in the sunlight as I lay my head in the formed space on the chopping block. What would my last thought be. What would be my last vision. The priest had came and went and I implored him to speak to the king to please spare my life. I lay on the straw covered...
Something was in the air. Though stud-slaves were not routinely informed of... anything, I could tell for several days that something big was happening... there was one word I heard whispered among the gossiping workers as they went about their errands, casually mimicking the sexual fantasies of their captives. One word... Judgement. I wondered if my cerebral implant was working properly, because each alien I overheard during the next few days seemed to anticipate this coming event with...
I've been curious about being with a man on and off since high school, but it wasn't until I finally told my wife that I got the courage to finally try it. I started out browsing around “dating” sites and Craigslist, occasionally putting up my own ads. Around the end of last year, I finally met someone and sucked my first cock (that’s a separate story). I did that a few more times over the next few months, and then sort of lost interest (or hope of finding exactly who I wanted, nearby). It went...
BisexualBack in 2000 I was still working security in London at a news agency. Due to terrorist threats I was positioned at the main entrance controlling entry/exit and to monitor the cctv system. My shifts were 7pm to 7am six nights a week with alternating Saturdays and Sundays off. News agency staff worked only eight hours three on three off luckynoeople and got paid at least five times as much ch as me. At 7 am no,less than two guards took over from me. One of the news agency staff Nancy Allen,...
My name is Whitney, and I think I might be bi-curious. I say that, because last Saturday night, I masturbated to naked women. I'm seventeen, and my brother, Alex, spent the night at a friend's house. My parents were home, but in bed. I had thought about confronting these feelings a few weeks before, but I guess I just buried them. As I said, it was Saturday night, and I was alone in the living room. I was just flipping through the channels, and somehow I came across an adult channel. I didn't...
MasturbationMy name is Lucy Scarlette. I have red hair, green eyes, B-cup breasts, and I stand about 5'9. I like to run around the neighborhood on frequent occassion to stay in shape. In my world, furry people are a thing, though we usually call them exotics. It wasn't uncommon for them to be sold as slaves or servants. I had recently inherited a business from a now dead uncle and with the new income decided to buy...well, it's not a mansion, I'd say, but it is a house that would be far too big for just...
TranssexualThe headmistress had warned me that I might be getting a visit from a committee of upperclassmen so I was not surprised when three very pretty young woman came to my door while I was still unpacking. I invited them in, and they sat on my bed since there was only the one chair. I shook hands with Gail, Scott and Tiffany, and they smiled at me. I was shocked, well at least surprised, by how short their skirts were as well as by how tight their polo shirts were. My cock enjoyed the scene. “Welcome...
Group Sex