The World Of Erasthay - The Son Of LustChapter 8: The Hot Wife’s Naughty Comforts free porn video

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story.
Kurtis “ Remna
The desert led right to the city.
We marched out of the sand dunes towards the walls of Remna. The city looked almost the same shade as the world we just left. Made of beige stones that towered up into the air. As tall as trees. I had pictured cities so many times in my life, trying to imagine what they must look like. I had always thought of our own camp, a collection of huts we lived, worked, and stored items in. I pictured that repeated a hundred times. Maybe more.
Beyond the walls, more buildings of beige stone rose. They thrust up in different shapes. Some narrow. Some wider. I swallowed at how permanent they were. Not the huts we made out of wood lashed together with palm fronds for roofs. They built of stone with such precision. Such shape and control.
“Kurtis!” gasped my sister. Lasla grasped my hand and pointed.
Farther down the wall, there was a break in it. A cave that people were passing in and out of them. Lots of people. My jaw dropped at the robed figures that moved in and out of the city, leading large animals. They must be horses or camels that I had heard about. They were pulling large sleds with wheels. Dust rose about them as they headed down a track in the rockier land where these sand dunes ended.
“So many people, “ Lasla whispered. She pressed tighter against me, her body barely clad in anything. While these humans covered everything in clothes made of linen or cotton or silk. All those fabrics our mothers would casually mention but had no real context in my mind.
I swallowed. Part of me wanted to be intimidated by the river of people flowing in and out, but I couldn’t be. I had to be strong. For Lasla. Even Pyrriah looked apprehensive. She stood on the other side of me, her right arm reaching across her stomach to grab her left above the elbow. She clutched herself, eyes wide.
“I know, “ said Mother. “I can smell the stink of them from here. Unwashed herder. Look.”
A flock of animals being led by several men with long poles that curved into hooks at the end approached. A metallic clank came from the bleating animals. They were gray. I frowned, never seeing their like before.
“Goats, “ said Mother. “Being brought in for the slaughter, Master.”
I gripped her chain in my right hand. “Come on, “ I growled. “We have supplies to buy and a ship to find.”
“We should buy weapons, too, “ Pyrriah said. “That many people...”
I nodded. Thrak used his mighty ax and Angela had her sword. Xerathalasia her bow and Minx her knives. I could use a sword, right? How hard was it? We marched across the sand. As we did, people noticed us and stared at us. They had cloth wrapped around their head, their skins a rich shade of brown, different from our pale flesh. It wasn’t tan, either. They were naturally darker than we were.
Men stood at the gates. They wore black robes with spears in their hand. They glanced at us as we approached, their swarthy faces furrowing at the sight of us. We wore so little. I felt suddenly embarrassed at only being in a loincloth.
I didn’t care. I straightened my back and marched up to the gates with confidence.
“Hoy, “ the first said. “Whacho you business ‘ere.”
His words were stranger than I was used to, but I understood him. “Looking for a boat.”
“Where you all come from?” another asked. “Not from ‘round here, is you?”
I swallowed. “No, we’re from far away. We’re just travelers. We need a boat. That’s all.”
“You cross the desert dressed like that?” the second guard said, glancing at us. “How come you’re skin ain’t burn off? You magickers?”
Magickers... “Yes. We have magic. That’s how we got here.”
The guard flicked his gaze around my women. “You lookin’ to sell the blue ‘aired wench. She got big titties. Good money ‘ere for ‘er.”
“My mother is not for sale, “ I said, anger growing in me. “Are we free to go in.”
“You got your mother walkin’ naked in a slave collar?” the first guard said, blinking. “Pater’s cock, that’s barkin’ insane. Wouldn’t treat my mam like that.”
“Maybe she don’t cook that good, “ the second said. “If my mam didn’t cook good, I’d sell ‘er off. Least then my wife stop whining ‘bout the old biddy.”
“So, can we enter?” I asked, getting annoyed.
The first guard shrugged. “We was just curious. Anyone can enter Remna. Least so long as you don’t got no bounties on your ‘eads. You got a bounty?”
“No, “ I said and marched forward, leading my mother on her chain, my sisters at my side.
Remna bulged with people. The streets were packed with them. There were so many of them.
Everywhere I looked, more people. Men and women moving about. Vendors lined the streets, selling food, knickknacks, knives, clothes. They all had their booths. Every other intersection held a well where women drew water and balanced the jugs on their heads. They moved with a grace that was exciting to watch.
Everyone stared at us. They eyed us, shaking our heads. Not everyone here had brown skin. There were people with reddish skin and blue, even pale skin like us. They dressed differently from the locals, but they wore pants and shirts or dresses; they didn’t go around naked or in loin clothes and breast bands.
At the first merchant who sold clothing, we stopped. I was tired of the attention. He grinned at us, his teeth stained brown by something he chewed. “Got pretty robes for pretty girls, “ he said. “Give good discount for little sucky.”
“Sucky?” I asked.
“Yes, yes. Say girl with red hair. She sucky me and I give good discount.”
“My sister is not blowing your cock, “ I growled when I realized what he meant. I didn’t like his eyes staring at her tits. She was mine.
She glared back at him. “You bring that dick anywhere near my lips, and I’ll bite it off!” Fire flared down her hair.
He laughed. “She got fire in her. I like. Give big discount to poke her. Geurdan have good cock. She like poke. Poke hard.”
I seized him by the front of his robe and hauled him close. “How about I go to your house, find your wife, and give her a poke? How does that sound?”
“Like my wife have good time, “ he said, grinning. “She like young man poke her. She got good cunt. You like. You like much. I give good deal on my wife cunt. Yes?”
I thrust him back. “You’d sale your woman to another man to use?”
“Of course, “ he said. “She’s my wife. Why else marry woman if not profit from her body? Now, if you won’t let me poke the redhead, how about the slave. Mmm, she’s got big tits. I could warp them...”
The reptilian growl coming from my dragon-mother cut him off.
“Right, right, well, no discount then. You buy my very fine clothes. Just the finest. You like. Make women look pretty and not like they are whores for sale.” The man shook his head. “It cruel to parade them around like this and not let honest merchant rent their pussies or mouths.”
“Only our brother gets our pussies and mouths, “ said Lasla, clinging to me.
The man gasped. “Pater’s cock, incest? Only the gods can enjoy that. Go, go, I no want sell to you. Incest! Sister-fucker! Phaw!”
I spat back at him then I boldly cupped both of my sister’s asses and led them off.
“I can’t believe that, “ Lasla fumed. “Incest is bad? It’s the greatest thing in the world.”
“He’ll sell his wife’s cunt like she’s a common whore, but the idea that my pussy is only for my brother is disgusting?” Pyrriah snarled on the other side, her hair flaring red.
“Incest is not ... accepted wildly, “ said Mother. “I should have warned you. I had grown ... complacent. You will find it sometimes, often sisters who will enjoy each other for the titillation of others. Or a mother and daughter sharing a man. But a brother and his sisters, or a father and his daughter, is seen as wrong as most places.”
“Pater fucked all his daughters, “ I growled. “He married Slata! His daughter! I bet there’s a temple to her here.”
“He’s Pater, “ our mother said as if that explained it all. “The gods are allowed to do as the please.”
“Well, we’re demigods, “ I growled, marching up to another clothes merchant. “I want to buy clothes, and if you even think about offering to fuck one of my women, I’ll punch you in the face.”
The slender man blinked. “Do you have gold?”
I picked up a pouch full of the coins from the bottom of the antlion nest and shook it.
“Then, good sir, I won’t dream of offending you. Let us find the proper attire for your women to wear so these mistakes are not made by others.” He glanced down the road to where his competitor glared. “Geurdan is a pig who would sale his own mother’s cunt for a brass half-penny.”
“Good, “ I said.
We purchased clothing. Mother frowned and muttered something about being charged too much, but it all seemed silly to me. These coins didn’t do anything. On the island, I might have traded a knife to my sister for a fishing net she made. Something that was useful for something that was practical. But these coins...
Why did they love them so much? Because they were shiny.
We were wrapped up in clothing. I was in a dark blue robe that belted at my wrist with a braided cord of leather. On my head was a wrap of white cloth tied in place. It was made of linen and surprisingly light.
Pyrriah had a green robe, though hers was cut differently to hug the curves of her body. A thicker belt cinched her waist, pulling it the cloth tight over her hips and across her rump. Instead of a cloth wrapped around her head, she just wore one draped over it and then held in place by a leather band. Lasla and my mother had matching dresses, purple for my sister and red for my mother, the color contrasting with her blue hair. We each bought sandals to wear from another merchant.
The strange looks vanished now. We looked like these people, though that seemed like such a waste. My sisters looked hot walking around in next to nothing, but I didn’t like all those men who had leered at them like they were for sale.
No male but me could touch them.
Besides, I knew what they looked like beneath the clothing. The shape of their breasts, the curve of their asses, the taste of their pussies.
Clothes weren’t the only thing we needed. We bought spare outfits, but we’d also need packs, which were made from tough leather. We bought succulent food from street vendors, flaky bread with meat and vegetables, all spiced in ways I had never encountered before me.
“What is this?” moaned my twin sister as she munched on hers. Red light flashed beneath her eyes. “It’s so spicy.”
“Pepper, “ Mother said. “I haven’t had it in so long.”
Lasla sneezed. “Don’t breath it in, though.” She sneezed again, making such a cute sound.
I smiled and savored the flavor. I had two of them, my stomach full. I sucked my fingers clean. We moved on, heading into a part of the town that rang with metalworking. Jewelry was on display here, gold and silver with strange stones as ornamentation. I noticed women with necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings. Some even had nose rings.
I purchased a pearl necklace for Lasla on a string of gold thread. She smiled in delight when I placed it around her throat. For Pyrriah, I bought her a gold ring with a ruby on it. I slipped it onto the third finger on her left hand.
“Brother!” she squealed and kissed me on the mouth.
“Oh, brother, “Lasla moaned and pressed in and kissed me, too.
I groaned, savoring the feel of their lips on mine. They were kissing me with hunger. Their tongues danced around in my mouth. My hand slid down and grabbed their rumps. I held my sisters tight to me, my cock swelling up in my breechcloth I wore beneath my new robes.
I wished I could feel their naked skin, though.
Then Pyrriah broke the kiss and gasped. She broke from me and rushed over to a merchant who had weapons on display. Behind the old man out front was the open workshop. Men were moving about, most my age but a middle-aged and grizzled man supervised them. They wore pants and leather aprons, no shirts. Muscles rippled as they pounded hot metal. Fires burned. The ringing sound echoed. Sparks flared.
“Look, “ Pyrriah purred. She picked up a curved sword with a straight hilt. The blade was slender and sinuous. “What is this?”
“A tulwar, “ said the man. “You be careful with that. It has an edge. That’s good steel. High-quality blade. You could cut off your own hand if you’re not careful.”
“It’s perfect, “ Pyrriah said and fell into a strange stance. It looked so natural. Her legs spread apart, difficult because of the tightness of her robe. She held the blade out before her, looking dangerous. Then she swiped at the air before her.
It wasn’t just clumsy slashes, either. They looked too precise. Too controlled to be random. My brow furrowed as I watched the blade flashing before her. She whirled about and came to a stop, breathing slightly, her hair’s glow spilling past her face.
“I thought you didn’t know what that was?” the old man grumbled. “You pullin’ on my cock or somethin’.”
“Sorry, “ Pyrriah said. She looked shocked that she had done that. Then she glanced at me.
“How much for the sword?” I asked.
“Oh, eight gold dupondius.”
I blinked at the amount. Nothing we’d bought had cost a single gold dupondius, not even the jewelry. It seemed like a lot of money, but the way Pyrriah held the sword stirred something in me. She looked perfect with it.
“I’ll buy that one for her and this one for me, “ I said, picking up another blade. They were similar construction, but there was a subtle difference between the two. I held it, struggling to adopt her pose.
What looked natural for her felt awkward for me.
“Shift your grip, brother, “ she said. “And not as tight. Yes, yes, and move your feet further apart.”
My sandaled feet shifted on the ground. I came closer to her stance, but I still felt awkward. My leg muscles stretched in new ways. The sword wasn’t heavy, but it had a weight that I could feel in the strain in my forearms.
“We’ll practice, “ she promised, smiling at me.
I nodded to her. But why did she have this natural affinity? The questions surrounded my twin sister ached at me. I wanted to know. I had so many questions I needed answers from the oracle: how to save my father from Throwia’s bondage, how to breed my step-mother and half-sisters, and what exactly Pyrriah was.
“Do you want a sword, Lasla?” I asked.
“Mmm, I think I would rather use my toys, “ she said and winked at me. She created a long dildo in her hand out of celestial gold. She waved it at my sister.
The merchant’s jaw dropped. “You just ... How ... What magic is that?”
“The naughty kind, “ Lasla said and made it vanish.
Pyrriah gasped. She shuddered and shot Lasla a wild look. Color blossomed across my twin’s tan cheeks. Her hips wiggled. I could hear a faint humming, the sound of one of Lasla’s naughty toys buzzing away.
I grinned. I didn’t know Lasla could make them appear in a woman’s cunt. That was naughty. Pyrriah’s warrior stance faltered as her hips wiggled. She squirmed in her robe, looking so delicious in her new outfit. My cock throbbed.
“We’ll take the swords, “ I said, grinning from ear to ear.
The merchant nodded, and I counted out the coins. We had already spent about a quarter of them. I strapped my sword belt with the scabbard on with ease while Pyrriah squirmed there. Her breasts jiggled in her robe as she struggled to fasten hers. She whimpered, her hair flashing with red light.
The merchant gave us strange looks.
“Oh, Lasla, “ Pyrriah moaned one we were out of earshot, “I’m going to pull this dildo out of you and jam it so far up your backside.”
“Promise?” asked Lasla, her eyes flaring.
I laughed.
We moved through the town, heading towards the sea. The temperature grew cooler. A salty scent filled the air. Ship masts appeared, but the sun was setting. Darkness was falling on the world. Mother suggested we find an inn. I had heard about those in the stories. Places where Angela and her companions had fun, like that inn in Lor-Khev where a Halanian belly dancer had enticed Sophia to dance with her. They had put on a wild show.
It was where the had met Chaun the Changeling bard. He was great at cuckolding men and fucking their wives.
I wanted to fuck a wife. A proper wife, not one of my mothers.
We found an inn. We walked in and a friendly man greeted us. He had the swarthy, brown skin of the locals, a thick, bristling beard of black with two streaks of gray in it. He marched up in not a robe, but baggy pants and a vest.
“Welcome, welcome, travelers, “ he said. “Come and take your ease in the Oasis. Finest inn in Remna.” He frowned, eyeing them. “Though your features are foreign, you look newly clad in our garb.”
“We had some issues with our clothing, “ I said. “We’d like a room.”
“Just one?” he asked, glancing around.
“With the biggest bed, “ I said, “for me and my women.”
“Of course, of course, “ he said, glancing at them. “Such beautiful roses. That’ll be a silver a pierce for the night with dinner and breakfast included.”
I pulled out the coin. The moment he took it, he turned and called, “Anadalia, my beloved, we have guests.”
From across the room a willowy and mature woman sauntered. She wore the same loose pants and vest, though hers were of purple cloth with a pink band around her breasts since she didn’t have the robe closed. She wore a sparkling amethyst in her bellybutton. Her black hair fell down around her face.
“Oh, guests, “ she said, smiling at us. “How lovely.”
“Yes, yes, “ he said. “Show them to the corner room, third floor. That shall suit them nicely.”
“Just the one room?” Anadalia said.
“Mmm, yes, yes, “ moaned Pyrriah, her body shuddering, the vibrating dildo humming away in her cunt. “Our man likes to keep us close.”
“You are all his women?” The innkeeper’s wife raised a thin, dark eyebrow. “My. How do you keep up with three women.”
“We have to keep up with him, “ Lasla said, a big grin on her face.
I offered Anadalia my arm. “Shall we see this room. See if it meets your needs.”
I glanced at her tits jiggling in her breast band and moving beneath her vest. “We’ll see. Though it is promising.”
“Oh, you’re a bad one, huh?” she said, her voice throaty. She stared at me with that hot look. I stirred it in women. My sisters and mothers had resisted, not wanting to transgress, but this wicked wife had smoldering eyes.
“You have no idea, “ I said. “If I’m going to stay in this inn, I’ll need to do a thorough examination of the accommodations.”
“And just what do you think the accommodations are in this inn?”
“Bed, food, comfort, “ I said, grinning at her. Those breasts jiggled as we rose up the stairs.
“And did you not bring three comely ladies to provide that comfort?” she asked as we reached the second floor and continued up another set of stairs. The walls, made of smooth, beige mud that had hardened solid, passed by us.
“They are my solace, “ I said. “But there are always new flowers to pluck. New delights to sample. A man has to enjoy new beauties to appreciate the ones he owns.”
“And what will my husband think of this?” she asked. “I don’t recall you negotiating any extra accommodations beyond the usual, right?”
“He will think, ‘I am an innkeeper who sees to the comforts of my guest and will have a reputation that shall draw me more business.’”
We reached the third floor as she laughed. “Oh, so you think my comfort is something every guest who slumbers beneath our roof should enjoy. We have girls for that. They would be more than willing to provide that.”
“But I’m not interested in girls tonight, “ I said. “I want a woman. Ripe and mature.” I glanced at the last door. “Is this it.”

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