The Demons Within16 Medically Restrained
- 3 years ago
- 23
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“Come on in,” the receptionist said, waving him in. “Dr. Punjab is waiting for you in his office. It’s the first door on your left.”
As Phil walked down the hall, every eye in the practice followed his every movement. Entering the office, he observed a thin, fairly short man with neatly-trimmed black hair and dark skin.
“Ah, Mr. Walker. Glad to meet you,” he said, standing and extending his hand.
“I’m happy you could fit me in, though I was surprised by the seven o’clock call telling me to drop everything and come in immediately.”
“Blame my staff. After news of your actions began to spread, someone recalled you were on our wait list. They persisted, and you’re in. Technically, since this isn’t our normal start time, it was easy to arrange. My people are so curious; they came in early, even those with the day off.”
“I hate putting anyone out on my account,” Phil said, shaking his hand. “I’m unsure there’s even any point to my being here. I haven’t had any episodes since the initial one, and I’m fine now. I almost didn’t come in, except you seemed so insistent. As for your staff, I’m sorry, but I wasn’t planning any performances.” He sat, studying the charts of people’s brains on the walls. “I only dance in the park, and occasionally sing in the shower.”
“Very droll, Mr. Walker. But seriously, your case fascinates me. Given your tendency to... ‘act out’, I didn’t think it wise to wait for an opening.”
Phil waved his hand. “It’s not so bad. In fact, I no longer believe there’s anything wrong. I saw a few spots initially, but in the weeks since, there aren’t any other symptoms.”
“If you don’t mind, I’ll be the judge of that. Could you walk out the door and back again?”
Sighing, Phil did. When he sat, Rajai Punjab didn’t seem pleased. “There are no obvious signs of mental impairment, but your actions are disturbing.”
“The news reports are overblown. No one ever pressed charges, and everyone enjoys my little dances. It cheers people up.”
“Yes, I understand the claims of your curing people were invented by the press. I’m more concerned with the changes in your personality. That’s a more alarming signal something is occurring inside your brain. The fact you’re acting out in unexpected ways, at unusual times, is a serious warning.”
He started scribbling on his prescription pad. “This is for a full cranial MRI. I had the hospital move you to the top of their list since you’re considered a public safety risk.”
“I’m not—”
“It doesn’t matter whether you’ve physically injured someone or not. What does is you aren’t behaving as you normally would, which makes your future actions suspicious. If you’re acting out like this now, it’ll only grow worse if your condition persists.”
“What condition? So far, I haven’t been diagnosed with anything. We’ve only talked a couple seconds. How can you assume my entire past is meaningless in so little time?”
Rajai laid his hands on his desk, considering Phil. “I’m not passing judgment, but clearly you’ve never performed these little dances in public, before. The fact you are so soon after your initial ‘incident’ indicates there’s something impacting your behavior. We may not know what, but that’s why the scan is vital. As you say, you aren’t showing secondary symptoms, yet I want to identify what we’re dealing with quickly. Waiting until it worsens isn’t an option. Your internet fame has given you the perfect opportunity to get immediate treatment. Most people languish awaiting an appointment. Take advantage of the opportunity.” He handed Phil another paper. “We’ve scheduled you another appointment. As soon as I get the results, I’ll analyze them myself. Oh, and I also arranged for Dr. Altinon, an oncologist, to review the scan results. Since I suspect it’s cancerous, he’s the best qualified to review the results. If it’s serious, I’ll arrange a combined review appointment with us both. If not, you’ll need to make two separate appointments.”
“Great, two appointments just to hear there’s nothing to worry about. Sounds like a lot of extra worrying for nothing.”
“It’s better being prepared and not need it, than being unprepared when it’s vital. This worries me—whatever it is.”
“When you see there’s nothing wrong, will you drop this nonsense?”
Rajai chuckled. “Sure, if there’s nothing amiss, I’ll discharge you without a second thought. Plenty of people experience mid-life crises with no brain abnormalities, but I’m convinced there’s more at stake here. The sooner we identify it, the more disruptions we can avoid.”
“Look, I can prove I’m stable and not suffering from anything.”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Walker, I’m not in the least concerned with your little dances. However, you’ve got to admit, you only started these actions after you suffered these...” he glanced at his forms, “blinding headaches. You also split from your wife, moved into an expensive hotel and made new friends, no longer associating with your older pals.”
Phil shuffled in his chair before nodding. “Yeah, that’s all true, but—”
“Just have the scan done. If I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to admit it. However, if I’m not, your condition—which is stable—will only worsen.”
The conversation was at an impasse. Rajai was obviously finished, and left Phil with nothing to respond to. As the awkward silence enveloped the room, Phil mumbled “Good bye” and departed. He felt even more nervous about everyone watching him exit.
“Ah, Phil, just the person I was waiting for,” Sergeant Becker said as Phil entered the squad room. He turned, waving to someone in the other room.
“Sorry, it took me a bit longer to get out this morning.”
“I see you brought a new guest,” Gregory said, evaluating the new addition.
“Sergeant, this is my daughter, Toni. She wanted to ensure you weren’t trying to entrap me.”
Gregory chuckled. “No, we were initially skeptical, but he offered convincing evidence he’s legit.”
“Good, we were waiting for you to arrive,” the DA said, exiting one of the side offices. “We have some wonderful news.”
“Toni, this is the resident District Attorney. William, this is my daughter.”
“Pleased to meet you,” he said, smiling, “though I was anticipating your other friends.”
“She’s aware of my activities and worries about my being injured again.”
“That’s something we seem unable to protect him from, but let me catch you up. As you’ve probably guessed, a lot happened since last night.” As William began, Tina and Floyd joined them, though no one stopped to introduce them.
“We arrested Bora Berk late last night, and interviewed his family. They were concerned he was becoming radicalized, but were unaware he was involved with anything specific. As you suggested, they believed he was working full time. He and Ankur lost their jobs because of their volatile natures almost a year ago. That provided ample time and the frustration to drive them to extremes. Anca Berk told us how to find her husband’s partner. After receiving a court order, we broke into his house, arresting Ankur before he could trigger any booby traps.
“Based on the clues you drew out of Hannibal, we identified where they hid the bombs. We also leveraged the information, getting him to reveal what they were doing: including others who offered assistance or provided supplies. Everyone is under observation. By revealing a little of what we knew and antagonizing them, they volunteered enough details for us to figure out the rest.”
“Ankur is an odd case,” Gregory said. “His surname is Naik and he’s from India. He’s Muslim and faced discrimination there. He came to America seeking a better life, but was disillusioned by how he was treated here. He thinks little of anyone with handicaps, considering them expendable and actively sought them out. He selected Hannibal because he was the most delusional, while remaining focused. It was a perfect combination for him.”
“How many were involved?” Toni asked. “More importantly, does my father need to be glancing over his shoulder from now on?”
William chuckled, enjoying the exchange. “No, your father is safe. He requested we not reveal his involvement, so we won’t acknowledge him. No one else was directly involved, although several were implicated. Homeland Security is immensely pleased, though we never revealed how we uncovered the information. If you ever want the recognition, they’re eager to promote your efforts, as would we.”
“No, thanks,” Phil said. “But if you don’t mind, could I view either of the accused?”
“I was hoping you’d ask. I’m dying to hear your analysis of them.”
“Is that wise?” Toni asked. “After all, they’ll know my father was involved.”
“Possibly,” William conceded, “though they won’t know who he is or what role he played. Several people stopped by to interview or observe them, so I doubt they’ll give him much notice.” He motioned them along as he led them to the holding cells.
As they walked, Floyd leaned in, whispering to Phil.
“Thanks for what you did. My wife noticed before I could say anything. Once I said what you suggested, she assured me she supported whatever I planned and was proud I sought support. She was never convinced my previous sessions with the department psychologist were accomplishing anything.”
“He’s more even tempered,” Tina observed. “He’s also more thoughtful, observant and patient. Hell, he even bought me coffee this morning.”
“Sergeant Becker noticed and asked me about it. Before I could admit anything, he guessed your involvement. He’d like to discuss the issue with you. He thinks you could improve morale for the entire department. He even proposed paying you using the savings from our current in-house counseling sessions. By treating you as a ‘confidential informant’, they’d save so much, few will question the transfers.”
“We need to discuss it privately,” Phil said, shaking his head. “At the moment, I’m fairly busy and my emergency visits are likely to draw attention themselves.”
“Just keep it in mind. I’m sure he’ll corner you about it before long.”
The two suspects were in separate cells, under the careful watch of a single guard. Both stood as the crowd entered the room.
“You can all go to hell!” Ankur shouted, shaking his bars and snarling, though his wrath seemed reserved for William. He looked nothing like a typical Indian. He was bald, short stubble announcing he regularly shaved his head, but otherwise his features were clearly middle-eastern. “I’d do it again and I’ll never renounce my heritage. You may have caught me, but you’ll never silence me. Take me to court. I want a public trial so I can publicize how corrupt western culture is!”
Instead of answering, William turned to Phil. “So, what do you think?”
Phil shrugged. “Want me to treat him?”
He waved his hands. “No, no. Don’t take our star criminal away. We worked too hard to corner the creep.” Once he dropped his hands, he turned, reevaluating Ankur. “Do you really think you could?”
“Absolutely. He suffers from the same thing many of your cops do. So far, I haven’t observed it outside of the police, but it motivates both. While the messages they espouse differs, the root cause is identical. What’s more, they’re easier to deal with.”
“There ain’t nothin’ wrong wit’ me, you racist bigot! If I get loose, I’ll kill every American I can!”
William dropped his voice. “Damn, I wish you hadn’t told me. With no one coming forward claiming an official diagnosis, it’s an easy choice. Now that I know he’s suffering from a definite mental illness, I feel guilty moving on this.”
“It don’t matter,” Ankur bellowed, guessing what he’d said. “You’ll never change me.” He raised his fist as Toni clutched Phil’s side. “الله أكبر!” Soon Bora took up the call, both yelling it at the top of their lungs. “Allahu Akbar!”
William guided them out. “Do me a favor, once they’re convicted and heading to a Supermax prison, cure him then so he’ll realize what he’s done.”
“That’s the definition of ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. Still, I’ll consider it. It would provide an excellent counter to the usual terrorist claims. If you gave him credit for future outreach, everyone would benefit.”
As they closed the door behind them, William stopped, turning to Phil. “Oh, there is one more little thing. It seems Commissioner Beckley and Mayor Winford want to meet and thank you for your efforts.”
Phil slapped his forehead. “Jeez. You’re killing me. I told you I didn’t—”
“Yes, you made it clear you don’t want any publicity,” William said. “Although your name was left off the department’s paperwork, given the unusual nature of the case, our superiors kept asking for explanations. Listing you as an informant wouldn’t work, since we’d have to explain what you did. Once Commissioner Beckley learned you were the primary break in the case, he pushed the issue with the mayor. They’ve agreed to keep it under wraps, but want to thank you personally. Frankly, I think they’re just curious about you.”
“I don’t know. My job is hard enough as it is. People stop me in the street, requesting my assistance with neighbors and friends. I’ve got no privacy anymore. Everyone is watching my every move. The more people who know what I do, the more dangerous it is.”
Toni clutched his arm. “Dad, I know this is rough on you, but could you do it for me? It would mean the world, not only to me, but to Mom too. I realize the two of you aren’t getting along, but keeping her in the dark while doing God knows what, doesn’t help. Her seeing you receive this recognition will make amends and make her feel better about you.”
He glanced at everyone trying to appear to not be listening. “Honey, she threw me out of the house and told me never to return. I doubt she wants anything to do with me.”
“You’re wrong about that. Even if you can’t explain what you’re doing, hearing of your accomplishments, even indirectly, will reassure her you aren’t losing touch with reality. All she wants is to know you’re alright.”
“You mean that I won’t embarrass her?”
“You’ve got to admit, she’s taken a lot of flak for your actions lately. Until you intervened for her friend, she had no clue you weren’t unhinged. This would reassure her immensely, which makes your life much easier, if nothing else.”
Phil sighed, before turning back to William.
“All right, I’ll relent. Just ensure they don’t leak anything about me. The fewer people who know about this, the better.”
“Not just for you,” he added. “Can you imagine how the press would respond if someone asked why they’re meeting with you? You don’t make it easy to support you. Now let’s get you back upstairs.”
Mayor Trevor Winford stepped forward, extending his hand as Phil entered the large office.
“Mr. Walker. I’m so pleased to meet you. Apparently we’re in your debt, yet you refuse any public recognition. We aren’t used to such selfless generosity.”
Phil shook his hand. “I didn’t do much, I only talked some sense into one lost individual.”
“That’s not what Homeland Security says,” Commissioner Chet Beckley exclaimed, slapping Phil’s back. “This is a big win for everyone. You’re stepping back allows more light to shine on us. However, your explanation isn’t as simple as you make it out to be.
“Someone who wasn’t able to make a single sensible statement is now willing to testify against the two men who spearheaded the entire plot. No one thought there was any chance of getting any information out of him. His testimony, delivered in clear, honest and sympathetic language, will seal this case for us. It’ll also cast the city’s disabled in a more positive light.”
“I did what I could,” Phil said, “but any credit goes to Hannibal himself. He’s the one who turned his life around. Aside from connecting with him, there wasn’t much else I did.”
“That’s not what the rumors swirling around you say,” Mayor Winford said.
Phil chuckled. “And how much credence should I give to your political opponents’ accusations during the next election?”
“Ah, point taken. As we all know, things are often said which don’t translate into reality. Still, I’m not sure how to interpret the veracity of the claims about your abilities. In either case, I’m glad of what you’ve done for the city.” Reaching behind him, he removed an object, handing it to him.
“For what it’s worth, here is the proverbial key to the city. Though this traditionally works better in public, I trust you’ll take it as evidence Philadelphia credits you for your efforts.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.”
Toni spoke up from near the door, where they’d remained. “Can we get a photograph to remember this with?”
“Not only can we do that, but we have our own professional photographer.” Trevor waved her and her mother forward, responding to Phil. “If you wouldn’t mind, why don’t we include your lovely wife and daughter?”
Toni squeezed in beside her father as he wrapped his arm around her. Jane sidled up on the other, wrapping her arm around him, smiling proudly for the camera.
“I’d appreciate it if you sent those to my dear wife,” Phil said after the photographer took several shots. “You might as well give her the key too. If I take it, it’ll only shatter the next time I’m attacked.”
“Please, that’s hardly an appropriate thing to say,” Jane countered, playfully slapping his shoulder. “But you’re right; I know the perfect spot where it will remain safe, over the mantelpiece.”
“I know you don’t want any recognition, but is there anything we could help you with?” The mayor asked, shaking his hand again.
“Actually, there is one minor point, though it’s a request for your esteemed commissioner. Since the public fascination draws increased attention to me, I’m increasingly forced to defend myself. If it’s possible, I’d appreciate an allowance to carry a knife for my personal defense. I swear I won’t harm anyone with it. If I do, I won’t object to you charging me, but I’d rather not be stopped for carrying it. Since I never know when I’ll be attacked, I need to keep it with me. Also, because of circumstances I can’t explain, I have to handle it as often as I do my old walking aid. I tried crafting an older cane into a blade, which only attracted more attention. A medium sized knife would be less obvious while easier to use.”
The commissioner chuckled. “From your medical expenses the department is covering and the testimony of my officers, who were unable to defend you in their own station house, I understand your concern. I’ll have someone draft a personal-use exemption. If anyone stops and questions you for carrying it, show it to them. You may still be questioned for possessing it, but when they call for confirmation our switchboard will confirm you’re authorized to carry it.”
“Thank you, sirs. That, more than anything else, will ease my mind.”
“And mine,” Toni added. “You don’t realize how much I worry about this big galoot!”
“The galoot with the key to the city in his pocket, no interest in recognition, one less cane and the ability to defend himself against unseen attackers,” the mayor reminded her.
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“Uh, I think this is the wrong place.” “It’s the correct address,” Phil insisted. “That may be, but clearly, this isn’t right,” Abe countered. “It’s a church. What makes you think it’s the wrong one?” Meg asked. Abe bit his lip, not wanting to state the obvious, but his sister had no problem with stating what he was thinking. “Your uncle doesn’t think Tracy would attend a colored church.” Abe was silent for several moments, but couldn’t keep his frustrations bottled up. “Seriously,...
Friday, July 17, 2009, 11:00 AM The tunnel reverberated with the screaming. Tricia, Annie, and Joey were shrieking and crying as they plummeted through the fiery shaft. The walls were covered in flames, and they could see faces formed in the flames, faces screaming in their own agonies. The solid fire whip that wrapped around Tricia’s and Annie’s bodies cut hard into Tricia’s stomach, and she clawed at the mystical bonds, trying to free herself. She couldn’t find a break in the whip. All...
I am re-posting my story as it seemed not to have loaded the first time. The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my...
The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my side of the story only in hopes of getting back the man I love so...
The ringing alarm clock hits Jerry's head like a freight train. He rolls over and hits the off button. The only thing he wants to do is go back to sleep. His better judgment tells him it's a workday. Sleeping in is not an option. He drags his naked body into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. Stumbling back to the living room, he sits down in his chair and closes his eyes, trying to catch a few more zzz's before the coffee is done.Sitting in the chair, still half asleep, he notices a...
TransI walked off the shuttle with returning men and women on leave. I crossed to the sergeant on the orders desks and slipped my ID tags across. She looked at me for a minute before touching them and then smiling, “the Demons have been waiting sir.” I smiled, “so I was told sergeant.” She handed the tags back, “My cousin top sergeant Samantha Morgan said you were nice.” I looked her over, “how is Sam?” She grinned, “suffering a term teaching the basic training course.” I laughed and glanced...
Alana felt distressed. The weather had deteriorated and she felt the stirrings of the approaching electrical storm. Winds strengthening and blowing her long auburn tresses around her pretty face. Little she could do with manacled wrists attached to chains which only allowed her s few feet I’d movement. The creature could smell the human and instinctively knew it was a female, a distressed one at that. It made a pleased grimace which was never human, baring it’s long canine like fangs. The...
It’s been a rather quiet and boring month since your best friend Amy left on another of her business trips and left you in charge of watering her plants. You’re used to doing this for her since she tends to leave unexpectedly for a couple of weeks, but now you’re getting worried because this is the longest she has ever been gone without giving you a call. You don’t even know where she went! Over at here place, you finish watering the azaleas when you finally decide to look around and see if you...
FantasyAbe jumped as Phil approached, trying to hide the person he was with. For a larger, older man, Phil moved quietly. Phil noticed the young woman behind Abe, but glanced around anyway. “So, did you find any likely candidates? I don’t see anyone nearby.” “I ... I did,” Abe said, biting his lip. He hesitated a moment and then stepped aside, revealing the young girl. “This is my niece, Meg Whiting.” The girl did a little curtsy, smiling brightly but nervously. “Pleased to meet...
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Nathan Kelly announced, “the University of Washington today has an announcement which stands to shake the very foundation of education. We are completely revising and restructuring our Psychiatry program. It will be, undeniably, unlike any other in the world. Our current students needn’t worry, as most are already involved in the changes. After all, the majority of the program centers on the associated medical degree, however they’ll have to relearn the majority of...
Mara woke to the sound of rattling chains. She had been taken down duning the night and placed in a small wire cage in the corner of the room. Her holes were still plugged, the leather strap holding them in was painfully wound around her hips and legs. She was lying on her side, her belly protruding out in front of her. She tried to move to sit up but her muscles were so weak from being suspended and the weight of her stomach was unfamiliar to her. One of the threshers walked up to her cage,...
He answered after the third ring, the clock already ticking down the minutes Phil had access to the phone. “Mathew Tate.” “Mathew, I’m ... in a bit of a pickle. I’m currently in jail and this is my one call. I need help.” “Okay, calm down, we’ll work this out. Where are you and what are the charges?” “I’m in the county lockup in Upper Darby. They’re charging me with public nuisance and intimidation.” Mathew chuckled. “What, some customer stiffed you?” “No, I’m innocent. I was...
“Are you ready for another go?” Emma asked, greeting Phil as he pulled into a parking spot. “Or rather, can you survive another one?” Ethan teased. “Yeah, though this time will be a little different,” Phil said, exiting his car. “Instead of the typical crowd scene, I told Melissa I was done with waiting room demonstrations. I insisted I’d only handle five of her worst cases. That way, the chances of complications are reduced, as are the number of observers. If I take out one creature each,...
Some time ago I submitted a story with the title DEMONS TO SLAY. Many of the comments posted criticized the fact that the story had an unsatisfactory ending. This story is a version of the original that has a much happier ending. This is a fictional story. Any resemblance to persons living or dead and institutions is coincidence. DEMONS SLAIN CHAPTER ONE The West Country was as beautiful as ever. I enjoyed my work, but the times when I came down to Devon and travelled the western counties...
Betty and Abe were accompanying Phil and Meg across the University of Washington campus, and were surprised by how Meg was treated by the students, who were mostly 18 years old or older. They’d expected Phil to be well-respected, but were surprised by the reactions to Meg. “Hey, Meg! Hearing wonderful things about you.” “Way to go, Meg! The entire campus is buzzing about your work.” “Excuse me,” Betty said, pitching her voice low so it wouldn’t carry. “Why is everyone raving about Meg if...
The camera zoomed in, focusing on a crowd of reporters and onlookers, a stage full of prestigious city officials, and a single overweight plumber, occasionally talking to himself. The image focused on the Mayor and Police Commissioner, holding hands over their heads in a show of strength. The mayor backed off, conceding the stage to Commissioner Malcolm, who approached the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a most unusual press conference. Since there’s bound to be a lot of...
Our world is full of wonder and it is also full of darkness. There has always been a balance and even when I was young I wanted to keep that balance. The weapons were shiny swords or the new guns. Those were muzzle loading and most had coarse powder that create clouds of smoke when fired. I designed and created something better and it all came from watching a farmer. He had cut and used a special sled behind horses to rake the cut hay into a single row. A few days later another sled pulled by...
“The demon,” the Great Mother spoke, and her voice boomed all around us, “is too strong!” Silence fell over the hall like a leaden blanket. A pair of feet shuffled on the floor next to me and stirred up dust. A choked sob sounded from somewhere further back. A muffled, crashing noise made it through the thick wooden gates and made some of my fellow sisters whimper in fright. I had seen him with my own eyes, felt the raw power spring forth from his hands and shake the foundations of our refuge....
“Mother! We’re home –!” Bells sang, bursting through the door, dragging Eigis behind her. Outside the sun was halfway through sinking behind the horizon, and it was almost night. A tall, long boned woman turned from where she’d been preparing a batch of rolls for the oven. She was wearing a ruffled homespun apron decorated with a cross-stitch of daisies over traveling clothes and armor. A welcoming smile lit up her angular, fox like face, making her half moon shaped eyes crinkle...
With great effort, the Helltaker journeyed into hell, bashed skeletons, kicked rocks, solved every puzzle, and ultimately, gathered the finest cuties throughout the netherworld into his own demon harem. Armed with nothing more than a sharp suit, sexy shades, a great chocolate pancake recipe, and the wit to pick the right dialogue options- or the grit to go through it again when he failed- our hero made his dream a reality. Life with demon girls (and one angel) hopping in and out of his...
You don't know how you got here. One minute you were in your bed getting ready to sleep after a vigorous jerk off season of watching hot guys fuck & suck on the internet. You closed your eyes quickly entering a deep sleep and the next thing you knew you were here. Not that you knew where here was. Everything was pitch black. So dark in fact that you couldn't even tell if your eyes were open or not. You couldn't even see your own body. As you were adjusting to your new surroundings, a sudden...
GayInner Demons By Paradox West Haven RV Park, Pennsylvania I woke up still feeling the lingering tears that had dampened my cheeks from the night before. They had long since dried, leaving twin, clammy tracks on my face that had me wanting to race into the bathroom and scrub my face clean with scalding hot water. However, I didn't do that, since it would have undoubtedly woken up the beautiful blonde whose arms I was currently entwined in. Unlike me, she continued to...
When Ryan stepped through the door of his apartment, Nahash was waiting there for him, lounging on the couch as she watched him hang up his coat. She was treating it like a chaise longue due to her size, reclining on it as she leaned with one arm on the backrest and the other trailing over the side. Her long legs were crossed, hanging over the adjacent armrest, her cloven hooves touching the floor. She had always been distractingly attractive, but for the first time, he felt free to really...
“Meg, I can’t believe how well you handled that!” Emma raved. “If I knew it was that easy, we wouldn’t have wasted so much time over the past year. We never guessed we could negotiate with demons, and you make it look so simple.” “No, shit!” her brother Ethan added. “I never expected to get my own demon and devil out of the deal either. What’s more, my demon is here to help, not torment me like they did before. It’s the difference between night and day. Now we know how to proceed in the...
*Author’s note: This story is Public, if you have an idea, start writing (but please read the rules first)! If you are not sure about something you want to write, feel free to ask me anytime!* Mankind faced the threat of extinction, as a strange epidemic eradicated all men. To save humanity, an ancient witch circle stepped out of the shadows and taught the people their art; the art to summon a demon and merge with it, becoming a futanari. With this, humans could prevail. Today, the countries'...
Fantasy“All right, what’s so important that you’re taking me away from my other priorities? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still mopping up operations. I’m talking to hundreds of curious creatures, fending off the media until I have a better grasp of where we stand, and I’m nervous about leaving that little weasel, Desttr, alone for too long.” “That’s not a very ‘accepting’ statement,” Sweizzr reminded him. “No, but I’m being honest. I still don’t trust the bugger.” Ignoring the distraction,...
Vijaya is working in IT sector in a prestigious position. Her company offers free medical check-up for the employees. She called the doctor’s clinic to get an appointment. After getting appointment, she took leave from her office that day and reached the clinic. She took her 19 year old son, Jay to accompany her as he was enjoying his holidays then. They reached the clinic well before the scheduled time.“Good Afternoon,” Vijaya said. “I have an appointment with Dr. Sharma at 4.30pm.”The...
Vijaya is working in IT sector in a prestigious position. Her company offers free medical check-up for the employees. She called the doctor’s clinic to get an appointment. After getting appointment, she took leave from her office that day and reached the clinic. She took her 19 year old son, Jay to accompany her as he was enjoying his holidays then. They reached the clinic well before the scheduled time. “Good Afternoon,” Vijaya said. “I have an appointment with Dr. Sharma at 4.30pm.” The...
IncestMy next assignment out of grad school was to an east coast fighter base located in a very popular tourist area. This time, however, I was not a member of a fighter squadron. Armed with my new computer science degree, I was to be the director of the wing's computer operations and network management division on the wing staff. I was now a wing staff support officer 'affectionately' known by the squadron fighter jocks as 'straphangers', meaning staff officers that came down to fly with them...
Phil considered, once again, what to admit to his family. He didn’t want to undermine their confidence and shake their faith in him. Opening his front door, he forced himself to smile. “Hello. How’s everyone doing?” His unexpected greeting surprised Toni and his wife, Jane. More than anything else, as it wasn’t his typical approach. “I’m glad you enjoyed your afternoon off,” Toni replied. “I hope you got it out of your system.” “Why? Is there more demand than usual?” “Uh, not...
Linda?s Medical NightmareBy the Bitchfinder GeneralPart OneFor the next couple of days things went quiet. Michelle managed to control herself and behave properly both in class and in a counselling session she had with Linda. Hoping the troublesome student had learned her lesson, Linda relaxed.Then her world was turned upside down. Under the terms of her contract while she remained on her three months probationary period she had to go through a monthly medical assessment. With her somewhat...
When I arrived on the other side I realized why there was someone to latch on to my hand and make sure I kept walking. When I went through the “portal” I was startled by the change of everything around me. The natural reaction was to stop in my tracks. If you stopped the pad wouldn’t activate for the next person. The marine kept me moving. The marine on the other side was very friendly and my women were in a group out of the way. The Marine led my group to the back of the compartment. They...