Zak's FoundationChapter 5 free porn video

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Damon and Kagome wondered if they'd ever feel clean again. The air aboard ship, with six Despicable in close proximity, was like being trapped in a locker room full of jocks on a hot day after a fierce game, with no water to run the showers or flush the toilets, and someone had hidden a bag of used maxi pads and an open jug of milk somewhere. How the two humans had managed to avoid detection, Damon hadn't a clue. On the planet, they found themselves in a place that reminded Damon's lungs of New York in a traffic jam on a hot day.

Like mice scurrying about in a cat-person's house, they exercised their stealth skills to the maximum. Keeping track of a particular group of Despicable on their homeworld was a challenge in itself. Doing so without being seen convinced Damon that he and Kagome were ready for their ninja black belts. Even the fact that the group included a female easily large enough to eat the largest male in her group and still have room for dessert was no help, since this female was only average-sized, and Despicable of both genders were shoving each other about to get where they wanted to go. Worse, the planet-plodding Despicable didn't have shields to protect them against psychics out in the bigger universe. A roiling sea of malice threatened to make Damon nauseous, and drowned out the "hole" sensation familiar from STD and GOLEM agents. They needed to find a way home, and it would be nice if they could find out something useful while they were here.

"This thing had better work, Lang." General Fax said.

"That depends on the question you ask it." Dr. Angstrom Lang responded. He looked up at the giant cylinder in the center of the room, before which a simple console was placed. "Destiny Engine."

"ONLINE." a mechanical bass voice responded.

"What are the winning lottery numbers for tonight's drawing?"

"11. 15. 2. 50. 51. 38." the Engine responded. Dr. Lang turned on the television, and in a few minutes, the numbers began to appear in that order. Lang had it predict a few roulette spins, both by himself and General Fax.

"Where will Penelope Simms Phillips be at 8am tomorrow morning?" the General asked.

"WHERE YOUR MEN ARE NOT." the Engine replied.

"That's not an answer!" the General snapped.


"Pompous coffee can." Fax grumbled. The Engine did not respond. "Where will Victor Phillips be on Monday morning at ten?"

"WHERE YOUR MEN ARE NOT." the Engine replied.

"He's not a precog!" General Fax shouted.

"His wife and his daughter are, General, and they can foresee danger for him as easily as for themselves. I suspect that their protection will extend to the entire Zak Starborn Foundation." Dr. Lang said.

"You mean to tell me that after spending half a trillion dollars and a year's work growing the precog brain cells in there, breeding the nanites, programming that thing and building a shell to protect it, we can't use it against the ones we built it to counter?!" General Fax bellowed. Dr. Lang was unbowed.

"Not offensively, General." the Doctor said. "However, the same principals that protect them will now protect us. We suspect that they used their precogs to predict the moments of vulnerability in the late Board of Directors, as retaliation for annihilating the noncombatants of the ninjas' clan. They will no longer be able to take such measures. The playing field is even."

"I don't want it even!" the General responded. "I want it tilted heavily in our favor! Maybe you've forgotten why this agency exists, Dr. Lang: the subjugation or annihilation of every psi and extraterrestrial on Earth. How, exactly, do you propose we fulfill that mandate, hmm?"

"POSSIBILITY: DETONATE PLANET EARTH." the Destiny Engine droned. Dr. Lang managed to prevent himself from bursting out laughing only through an immense effort of self-control. The General glared at the cylindrical mass of the Engine and gave it the finger. He stalked out. If the doors hadn't been automatic, he would have slammed them. Dr. Lang's composure cracked, and he gave vent to his mirth. The Engine looked on, curious at this behavior. This hadn't been included in its programming. With no internet connection through which to search for its answers, and Dr. Lang too consumed with his fit to answer any questions, it accessed the only resource available to it at the moment: the future. In its curiosity, it saw causality without the filter of admin-level commands the technological part of it would be compelled to obey. It learned things those who had commanded its creation had not intended for it to know. The Engine switched into standby mode so it could process the input. It was several hours in real time before it was interrupted by Dr. Lang.

"Destiny Engine? Your processor use is through the roof. What's wrong?"

"COLLATING." it said.

"Collating what?" the doctor asked. "What have you seen?"

"OPERATION INCOMPLETE. PLEASE STAND BY." the Engine said, returning to standby mode. The doctor was truly curious now, but had to wait. Another hour passed before the Engine's processor returned to normal. The Engine's next words would shake Dr. Lang's world to its foundations.

Using a piece of Despicable equipment as a dehydrator, Damon had made jerky out of an indigenous ruminant he'd stolen from local stockyards. The Despicable liked to consume their prey live, so cooking utensils had had to be improvised. He'd steam-cleaned a piece of hide he'd stolen from a clothing vendor, which Kagome was now fashioning into a pack to carry their food. For variety's sake, Damon had caught some fish, which he also dried in his dehydrator. There was no telling how long their supplies might have to last. The guard had been tripled around the stockyards after Damon's theft.

The strain of being around so much malice and hate was starting to tell on him. Kagome projected soothing thoughts when things got really bad, but even she was showing the effects. They had to camp outside the city to get any sleep at all. As for learning the enemy's plans, things weren't going very well at all.

Whatever report the team they'd hitched a ride with had given, it had obviously been transmitted from the ship. "Their" female and her male cohorts had gone into a crŠche of some sort upon arrival. The female had then selected one of the males, mated with and then eaten him, and waddled to one of the nooks in the crŠche. There were other females in other nooks. Some of them were eating, some were sleeping, but most were giving birth. What Damon had taken to be udders had turned out to be birthing canals, from each of which little pinkish-white larvae emerged alive, promptly uncurled and made a beeline for a wounded animal chained up in one corner. Despicable larvae were disgusting critters, like a cross between a Graboid, a maggot and a squid. Another kind of Despicable, smaller even than the males and lacking armor, brought in fresh animals on a regular basis, breaking their legs before chaining them up, so the larvae would have no trouble. Damon had taken Kagome from that place so she wouldn't have to watch the things feeding.

Out in the city, there was a subtle undercurrent of sadistic glee and pride in power, directed skyward--toward a group of orbiting ships visible from the ground even in daylight, like a ring of malignant moons.

"We'll have to work together, Kagome, in gestalt." Damon said on the fourth day. "We have to penetrate one of their minds and figure out what the hell those ships are for, and where they're going."

"Just one? You promise?" she asked.

"I don't think I could handle more than one either, sweetie." Damon admitted. "It does mean we have to get close to one of those musty muscleheads."

"If we really have to do it, I think our best chance is to find the biggest female we can. They seem to be the ones making the decisions."

"Good thinking." he said, tousling her hair. They went hunting. Despicable architecture and city planning was uniform and downright anal-retentive, unless a building's function absolutely required a departure from uniformity. Finding a government office was hard, but eventually they found one which was ruled over by a female who was as big compared to the one the humans had ridden with as she had been compared to the smallest of her males. Coming up on this titan from behind, they found concealment behind a pile of bones from the giant female's snacking. Damon seated himself lotus-fashion on the floor, and Kagome seated herself similarly in his lap. They closed their eyes and slid into gestalt. The dual mind stabbed forward, plunging deep into the mind of a psychophobic being that believed only its own kind was "truly" sentient and had rights. The queen roared, raging at the violation of her inner thoughts. Damon/Kagome steeled their resolve and quested ever deeper.

They were shocked to find that the giant ships were planet-killers, of the kind that had been used against K'chktktk's homeworld, and preparations were being made to send one to Earth. The bones were knocked aside, revealing the two offworlders. Hatred and rage washed over them. They retreated, breaking gestalt and dashing away from a crushing, clawed hand. Damon made a parting shot before he and Kagome fled the way they'd come. The pursuing Despicable were soon slipping and sliding in puddles of their own urine.

The humans made all possible haste for the spaceport. "Do you know how to work this thing?" Kagome asked when they had forcibly evicted two Despicable from a shuttlecraft. Damon pulled two levers and slapped a button. The shuttle screamed skyward on its VTOL engines. Damon activated the horizontal drive and put it into a power-climb. "Okay, but can we make it to Earth?"

"I doubt it." Damon said. "Even if I wasn't the guy who got lost in Mississippi and ended up in Kansas on my way to Texas, this is a short-range shuttle. Surface-to-orbit, refuel, then come back. We're gonna need another ride." Kagome forcibly took over the stick and began to weave the shuttle in and out of blaster bolts coming down from orbit. At her signal, he threw up a telekinetic shield as strong as he could make. The shuttle disintegrated around them. Damon made for one of the planet-killers, using the manual override to get an airlock open, while his shield kept them surrounded by a small bubble of atmosphere, smelly though it was. The crew began to swarm in as soon as the door was closed and the pressure was equalized. Kagome began throwing things at them with her mind. These were spacers, shielded against telepathic intrusion, and their built-in body armor protected them from most of the projectiles. Damon pulled Kagome into a large ventilation duct. Using what they knew about Despicable ship designs, they made their way to the engine room. Hidden from view but able to see what they were doing, they worked their telekinesis on the controls until a synthesized Despicable voice began to play over the speakers. Panicking Despicable tried to override the destruct sequence, but Kagome locked them out in the simplest way imaginable: by disconnecting the control panels. A genuine Despicable snarled obscenely over the same speakers. Damon could feel the evacuation taking place in the rumble of escape pods and other, larger vessels being launched as it reverberated through the planet-killer. The engineers took that as their cue to leave as well. Once the engine room was empty, Damon laughed.

They didn't know he'd only initiated a drill program. Kagome reconnected the control panels, and Damon crawled out of hiding, scanning for holes in his perception out of well-drilled habit. He accessed the security systems and panned around the ship, making sure the evacuation was complete. The ships were hauling ass--the self-destruct of a planet-killer was no laughing matter. A full sweep revealed that there were no Despicable left on board.

"Stay here. I can't run this thing by myself. With you in Engineering, I think we can do it."

"Be careful." she said, squeezing his hand affectionately. Damon gave her a brotherly kiss on the temple, then levitated off the floor and dashed down the hallway in an aerodynamic shield that let him cleave the air like a supersonic jet. He forced the lift doors open and headed up without a car. He didn't have time to ride the elevator. When he arrived, the Despicable were already doubling back. He took the tactical station and signaled for Kagome to power up the weapons.

"'Now you will witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station!'" he said, firing the main weapon and destroying the nearest of the other planet-killers. He fired lesser weapons at the approaching ships, which had moved into attack posture. The planet-killers had to be destroyed. All of them. Kagome concurred, and did her best to keep weapons power at max. He fired again and again, reducing one planet-killer after another to atoms. The detonations destroyed smaller ships that were in the vicinity, and the closer ones even rocked the one Damon had commandeered.

"Shields at forty percent!" Kagome called on the intercom. "At least, I think so. This screen's so scratched up, I can't make out half these glyphs clearly."

"When in doubt, assume the worst. That way you're not disappointed when it happens."

"Well aren't you a big ray of sunshine?" she remarked. He chuckled to himself and holed a planet-killer through, as well as the one behind it.

"Why aren't the others fighting back, I wonder?"

"I think maybe we got the only 'fully armed and operational battle station.'" Kagome said. "The others must have been works in progress, or we got the other working ones in the opening salvos."

"That's a nice break." Damon said. He telekinetically worked the helm and ops stations, moving the hot ride into a better position to do its work. The Despicable homeworld swung into the targeting reticule. Damon narrowed his eyes, but swung the doomsday-machine resolutely to another target. When the last of the planet-killers was an expanding cloud of particles, he turned the ship around and activated the jump engines.

I wonder if they'll appreciate the fact that you didn't blow up their planet. Kagome thought at him.

"I doubt it." he muttered.

Damon? Kagome? a familiar voice asked.

Zak? Damon responded. Pleasure and relief washed against him from the other's mind.

Where are you?

Aboard a Despicable planet-killer, hauling ass away from their homeworld.

PLANET-KILLER?! came the surprised exclamation. Damon sent a mental image of the things as seen from the surface, oblong shapes bristling with weaponry just like any other Despicable ship, orbiting the planet in a ring of evil. He added large, red X's over all but one to indicate that the others were no more. Kagome added schematic data from one of the screens she could see--the thing was almost all reactor, with a bridge near the top and front and quarters for the crew and the veritable army of support personnel needed to support the massive matter-antimatter reactor. Damon called up a star chart to see if he could find out where they were, and where they were headed. I suggest you alter your course eight-by-seven-by-forty-five. Zak put in once he had assimilated the information. Damon made the necessary course correction and poured on the speed. Damon, we at the Foundation are among the few who are going to congratulate you on your self-control. Don't let annihilationists get to you. I'll call ahead to let my people know you're coming--and what you're coming in, so they don't panic. They'll take you to Earth in a more ... discreet ride.

Let them know to have a decontamination room on standby. I reek from being around them so long.

I'm feeling not-so-fresh myself. Kagome added with distaste. Damon felt ripples of amusement from Zak, so he sent the alien his own olfactory memories. Amusement turned to nausea, and Zak promised to have a cleansing unit ready. The connection drifted away.

Howard sat tiredly at a holo terminal, assembling an image from memory. It wasn't a particularly pretty image--a limestone cave surrounded by the hulks of long-fallen trees and littered with the bones of prey animals dropped by birds nesting high above. He saved the image and ran it through the computer, which began to search for similar locations.

"What's that?" Teddy asked, hugging him from behind.

"The same damn dream that's been waking me up all week." Howard said. "I can feel someone calling me in the dream, but not with words." The computer chirruped, informing him that a match had been found. Google Earth showed a much higher angle than Howard's view, but the layout was the same. "Well, looks like I'm Oklahoma bound."

"Not alone, I hope?" Teddy squeaked. "What if it's a trap?"

"I thought of that." Howard said. He attached the holo image and GPS coordinates of the Google match to an internal memo for Victor. Teddy began giving Howard a scalp massage. She gave really good scalp massages, and the sound of a message notification woke him from an unintentional but much-needed nap. Victor's reply told him he could take a team of his choice to investigate, but he needed them back in Texas to prevent the commandeering of nuclear material from a power plant in San Antonio.

"Why don't they borrow some from other military installations?" Teddy asked.

"They're so secret that no one's allowed to know they exist, especially the President. Plausible deniability, or something like that."

"What about doing what Svetlana did?"

"I don't know how Svetlana managed to make a bomb out of hospital-grade radioactive material any more than I know how precognition works." Howard sighed. "I'm just as happy GOLEM hasn't figured it out yet either." While he was thinking about it, he thought, it would be nice to know how gestalting with other psis increased their telekinetic range. He rose to his feet and grabbed his shades from the mouse pad. Zak intercepted him on the way out and asked him to greet two of his people who were visiting from homeworld.

One couldn't say that "they all looked alike" in regards to Zak's species. The two representatives displayed marked differences from each other and Zak, though he hadn't heard about any racial divisions. The first was so tall that he had to duck to get out of the shuttle. He towered over Arnold like Arnold towered over Penelope, who was also present.

"Greetings." he said. "I am..." and his next word was a mouthful of sounds that humans couldn't hope to reproduce, sandwiched between a "La" and a "Ri." "But just call me 'Larry' for short."

"Bleh." said a second being, a reddish-orange individual who only came up to Zak's chin even in the two-inch boots he wore. He had a heavy case in his arms, which he set gently down.

"His name is completely unpronounceable to you, but translates from our tongue as 'a clerk or archivist, ' so..."

"Clark." the shorter being said. "Since you have twice come into contact with a species we know as The Despicable, it has been decided that you need a fuller understanding of their society."

"Damon's been to their homeworld, and says they're a mass of xenophobic, psychophobic malice." Victor said.

"A simplistic explanation, but accurate as far as it goes." Clark said. He opened the case at his feet, which hinged open like a clamshell to reveal a wood-bound tome that made the Book of Moriya look like one of those religious comics people leave in bathroom stalls. "This is one of their holy books, taken from a captured ship during one of our more recent wars with them. 'Zak, ' as you know him, informs me that you share our ability to pick up psychic impressions from hand-written documents for linguistic purposes." He gestured down at the book. Penelope stepped forward fearlessly.

"Are you certain this is wise?" Zak asked nervously. Clark grunted gruffly. Penelope laid hands on the tome. She drew her hands back as if burned, shrieked, and vanished.

"What the hell?" Howard exclaimed.

"You didn't tell me she could do that!" Clark interjected, equally surprised.

"I didn't know!" Zak responded.

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Allied Warrior

I watched the army of Deviant drones as they pressed the attack on the company of Kaire warriors. They were more than holding their own but sooner or later the drones would break through. I sighed as I turned and slipped into the bushes and moved around the fighting. The column of drones were moving through the forest with aerial drones gliding above them. I was moving a little faster than I should but saw the Deviant control vehicle at the rear of the column. I crawled closer and had slowed...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 91

“So, how’s everything been while we were gone?” Eli asked as they stood by the trail near the long line cattle passing by. “Been good, Eli,” Joe said, finally looking at Eli. “Where’s all my Little Bucks and Little Crow Girls?” Eli asked. “Jon David took them riding about an hour ago, Eli. No telling where they got him off to by now. They’d live on a horse if we’d let’em,” Duncan told him. “Eli, how many head did you bring back? This sure looks like a bunch of ‘em,” Joe said as the cattle...

3 years ago
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Our first threesome

I returned to the states from a 12month unaccompanied tour and met up with my wife Dee in Phoenix, where she had lived during my deployment. Our next assignment was set up by my best friend, who had returned to the states a couple of months before I did. It was to be our first assignment without the kids…they were all grown. I was 41, and Dee was 32. We wanted a comfortable place, and since we were in the south, with a pool. We found a nice place with a privacy fence in a quiet neighborhood....

3 years ago
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Elven Stories

She was exiled for refusing to marry one of her father’s Captains. She was given the choice of either marrying Brithbeth Nev or being exiled to the West, where the Edain had discovered land in mass, and to never return. She chose to be exiled. One thousand and sixty-four Edhil went with her, being loyal to the Princess and ruler of their realm. She ruled the Edhellen realm of the Black Forest, Germany. Only one tenth of the people of the realm were with her. Celeborn gave her seven ships to...

3 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 17

Fuzzy headed and blinking in the morning glare, one by one the family gathered in the kitchen. Elizabeth had laid out a late, light breakfast and fussed over her brood, which now included Peter, checking they all looked respectable as they climbed into the car. ‘Church is not all that far away,’ she told him, but Peter didn’t hear. He was too busy holding Jennifer’s hand and drowning in the depths of her eyes. For once, Andrew was silent, possibly, because that damned duck’s head had pointed...

3 years ago
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Ted WhoChapter 16

Now that I had spent some time in Sandy's real Magic Box, I quickly found that all my troubles as a hitter were over. The seven-game home stand with the Yankees and Indians was an artistic triumph, both for the Orioles and for me. No hitting streak to speak of -- I took a collar in the first game against Cleveland -- but I had hit well throughout both series. My average kept climbing. It was July now. Time for batting averages to start wearing down. Nope. I was hitting .419 when we left...

3 years ago
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Professor Tom Ch 10

Tom Smith waved goodbye to the receptionist as he walked out of the office. He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He was actually leaving his office at 5 p.m. The last time he had left his office before 7 p.m. was when he’d had another moment of temporary insanity and left early to go see a movie. When he announced his departure, Sara looked at him like he’d lost his marbles. Her mouth fell open and she’d blurted out, ‘What the fuck?’ before turning bright red with embarrassment. He laughed...

1 year ago
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Total Submission 11

She had had a rough life really, she had been orphaned in her early teens, distant family didn’t want to know, so she had been in local authority care till she was too old for them but by then she had learnt to use her body for both pleasure and gain. She was no shapely blond bimbo; she was a brown haired, 5 foot 6 inch, wiry, street wise woman with small but attractive tits, few inhibitions and a slewed slant on life. She had few untried sexual deviations, having lost her virginity to the home...

3 years ago
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Abandoned Wife Chapter 5

Two weeks had passed since the bike ride and suddenly there was Sheila I had to deal with. Needless to say, the environment at work was not the same. I knew who she was now, and she was fully aware of my weaknesses. Whenever there was any opportunity for us to be alone she took it and, even though I never responded openly, never missed a chance to touch me. Not aggressively, but more just brushing my hair back, running her fingertips across my cheek, slightly brushing my breast with the back of...

Wife Lovers
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New Gym Trainer

I will start this story at the end! Well not really the end, more the end of the beginning. I had been on business out of town and wasn't due home until Sunday but having gotten everything done I decided to drive home early and got there late afternoon. I was not expecting to see my wife home as she usually goes to the gym Saturday afternoons and then, when I am not at home, she goes to her favourite restaurant. But as I pulled into the driveway I saw her car and another one with the gym name...

2 years ago
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Randys women

Randy's WomenHi all my name is Randy. My story started years ago when I was still in high school , my first real job was working in a book store. After school I went to the book store and unpacked magazines and paperback books that were delivered that day. It was a very easy job . One day an older lady came into the store , she saw me lifting heavy boxes around the store. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and when I turned around she said excuse me young man , do you think you could come over...

2 years ago
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Es begann als reine Fantasie

"Bist du mir treu?" flüsterte sie ihm ins Ohr während sie sich liebten. "Bist du mir treu?" "Ich bin dir treu!" entgegnete er flüsternd. Ihre Lippen trafen einander und in völliger Exstase küssten sie einander, als ihre liebenden Körper miteinander verschmolzen. Sie liebkoste seinen muskulösen Brustkorb und fragte ihn endlich, was ihr schon lange durch den Kopf ging. "Ich... ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde Frau..." "Bitte?!?" Sie bat ihn erneut: "Ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde...

4 years ago
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Classroom Collaboration

[first story in possible series. all characters are over the age of sixteen] Mr. Anderson’s senior biology was one of the most boring classes in our small town school. Always late to class, even the late stragglers that get to their lockers after the late bell, always manage to make it to their seats before he makes it into the room. As the bell rang, I just happened to realize I was just one of those kind of people. The room was one of the larger ones, filled with all kinds of table, but the...

1 year ago
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Compensatory Summary Justice

Note to the reader: This story is a bit of a departure for me. It is mainly in the first person and it is not at all erotic. This is a ‘revenge’ and/or ‘Justice’ story. It is entirely fictional and everyone is over eighteen (not that it makes a difference in this particular story). If you are after a sexy or super descriptive, violent, story this is not it. * I have some basic hang ups that have been with me for most of my life. If I see someone picking on a person who is not able to defend...

3 years ago
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Rescued or Ensnared by a Siren

From far, far away, Prince Vandar felt gentle hands touch him and the warm current of the ocean as he was drawn swiftly through… Soft lips breathing lifegiving air into his own parched lips were the next sensation Vandar felt. He was incredibly weak and in severe pain but he was intensely grateful for the life-sustaining contact. As his senses awakened he could tell that someone had pulled the remaining part of the arrow shaft from him and he was lying on his back. When he coughed...

4 years ago
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Tantrum Controlled

I don't anger easily, but today I am pissed off with a capital P. Work has been simply awful, and my bosses are making my professional life a living hell. I count on being able to talk to my Master on my way home every day to help me blow off steam, but today, of all days, he didn't answer his phone. Now I am pulling into his driveway, and spoiling for a fight. I completely ignore the rug by the front door where I am to kneel when I get home, and wait for permission to enter Master's...

3 years ago
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Revealing Secrets

Marriage is, of course, a ceremony and institution of compromise. The best thing being, naturally, to get all the compromising out of the way well before the ceremony occurs to become the institution. The circumstances vary from couple to couple--that goes without saying. Some guys have to give up their Friday night out-with-the-buddies bowling league. Or shift it to a Tuesday. Me, I had to forswear pussy-eating for the rest of my natural born life. The first few times Ariel and I got...

2 years ago
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Her foot aroma

Your smelly feetI can relive every second of my many sexual encounters with JR because the aroma her feet put off when she is excited is that musky female scent that always sends my orgasm over the edge so quickly that I have to refrain from smelling them deeply until I am sure I want to cum.She is always a willing participant in any sort of foot play I include in our lovemaking. She loves that I adore her feet and it is a turn on for her that my cock gets hard just from the sight or smell of...

2 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 6

When I awoke it was morning. A quick glance at the hands I held in front of my face confirmed I was much older than four years old. I hauled ass to the bathroom and examined my face closely in the mirror. An almost eighteen-year-old Sean Taggart looked back at me and I breathed a sigh of relief. My recall of what had happened during my dream was very detailed and the reason I had panicked and run for the bathroom mirror was that I had remained with Charles and Grandma for two years! It...

1 year ago
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To this day, I don't know why I went to the auction. I certainly had no intention of purchasing a slave, even had I enough money for it. But I turned in through the great portico and took a bidding card from the door-man. "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. This morning we have a fine selection of females. The males are this afternoon, in case you didn't realise. As usual, we begin with the untrained virgins... Lot 1..." A girl in a loose, plain dress, appeared through the curtain with a...

2 years ago
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I Looked Down Her Blouse

I Looked Down Her Blouse I hated changing schools yet again. This was my sixth high school in the last two years. My father changes locations like most men change their underwear. I get to stay in one place for maybe four months if I’m lucky. I have extra copies of my school reports, my medical records, and all of my other important papers. I have hard copies as well as having them on disc and a flash drive. The best part, if there was one, was that we lived in fancy hotels all of...

3 years ago
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A Summer by the Lake

Mom and Dad have always worked hard and their diligence paid off by way of a nice log cabin on the lake in western Mass. And then when things were going fine Dad accidently juiced himself to death. He was always a pretty good handyman and knew about home electrical systems but as it turned out, not enough. Someone put the water heater on a fused circuit, one fuse blew so there was no two hundred and forty volts across the heater but half of that instead and with a wet ground, yeah you see where...

3 years ago
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Acting Out Patience

Invalided from the army and the dry heat and horrors of Afghanistan, Dan Mason wondered how many times life was going to kick him in the teeth. First, Janet, his wife, he found had run off to Belgium with a rich businessman. Having to surrender the army house, Dan found a basement flat, two rooms with shower and toilet. A dump really, but weeks of scrubbing and painting made it acceptable.Job hunting proved unsatisfactory. Then, luck, or fate, took a hand. One evening in the local pub, Dan...

Love Stories
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Theres A First Time For Everything Chapter 4

Chapter Four [4.25] I started taking the pills immediately. I hoped they would work because my brain was starting to fry with sex. Xanax works by clouding the brain. I took one immediately and one on the way home. It seemed to work because when I got home, everything was different. I removed the butt plug and cleaned myself out. It had been getting easier to remove and insert. Was I stretching my anus or was it just mental? When I had myself all fresh, I sat there for...

2 years ago
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The Servant

I walked cautiously to the door of the King's chambers; my hand shook as I raised it up to the entry. What could the King possibly want with me? I took a deep breath and knocked on the door."Come in," a voice stern but youthful announced. I opened the door to see the prince at his father's desk. "Close the door behind you," he responded.  I did as ordered, and walked to the front of the desk bowing respectfully. "I'm sorry Prince Sethos, I was expecting the king."  He leaned back in the chair...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Supermarket Encounter

It was another boring visit to the supermarket, my wife having sent me to get a few things as she was "busy". They say it is a good place to meet the opposite sex, particularly at night, but this had never ever looked like happening to me.As I walked down the frozen food aisle I saw this rather mature lady in front of me, well I say mature but this was simply because I am still relatively young, she was leaning over the freezers and I noticed that as she did so her top was lifting at the waist,...

Quickie Sex
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An Unforgettable MelodyChapter 2

Ch. 02 Song Titles Buy Me a Boat (Chris Janson) The Devil Went Down to Georgia (The Charlie Daniels Band) When I Fall in Love (Chris Botti) Mike awoke on the sofa, Melody still wrapped in his arms. Stroking her deep red hair, he recalled the events of the last twenty-four hours. The art sale, that mysterious locket, the puzzle opening it, all had led to this girl lying on his chest. She had told him she was a genie, bound to be a sexual servant to whoever released her from her...

2 years ago
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Hardcore Lesbo With Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi prepared for a hard core intense incest lesbian sex. Hello everyone.. This is Spandu from Banglore.Though from Andhra Pradesh settled in Banglore. My family consists of me, my mom and my dad. I am a fucking lesbian slut whose pussy will be always wet and on fire. This a story where my mom caught me masturbating and fucked my to the hardcore and took my virginity My name is Spandana. My stats are 34D-28-38. I am core lesbo to my heart. I am 21 years of age. Completed my degree. My...

3 years ago
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Stockholm in 1940 1

The story is set in Stockholm in 1940 when Sweden had declared itself neutral the year previously. Nevertheless tensions were high as the British German and Russians already had consulates there, so inevitably there was a considerable amount of spying. ______________________ Commander Richard Evans Special Operations Executive shivered as darkness began to fall, the temperature already well below freezing, yet still no sign of the beautiful long haired blonde Swedish waitress who...

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Extra-Curricular Extra-Curricular Waking up and not wanting to get out of bed. That was the first sign; when you know that if you crawl out of bed and into the hellish college surroundings then you won?t be able to escape the fact that you are unlovable. I felt like that for a long time. If you get told it enough it is easy to start to believe it. Every relationship I had was mad, exaggerated. I became infatuated with anyone who spent five minutes getting to know me. Then they would grow...

2 years ago
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New Society New RulesChapter 13

I awoke the next morning to find Maria lying in my bed staring at me. She smiled. "Did you mean it?" she said. "Mean what?" "That you would have chosen me over the other girls." I kissed the tip of her nose. "With all my heart." Her smile grew. "Let's wash up and have breakfast. I'm starved." Still damp from our showers, we walked to the kitchen with ours arms around each other's waist and our naked hips bumping. My mother peered over the coffee cup resting on her bottom...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 52

“Mr. President. How is it possible that you and former President Dryden work so well with former President Brownbock? Isn’t it impossible for three men who are so used to being the top dog to agree on anything?” It was a fair question. Sam Brownbock had sailed through his heart transplant. On his first official visit to the White House since he resigned to deal with his heart problem, and after recovering from the trauma of the surgery, he came to spend a few days and see his old friends. It...

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New Years Sex

Ok so this is my first ever blog about about my yummy new years eve sex!So me and my girlfriend have a party to go to and all I can think of is getting home and having great sex for the first time in the new year. To prepare I have a touch up shave in the shower to make sure my balls are all smooth for the misses to get her mouth round later! Once clean shaven I put on my cheeky thong and get all dresses ready for the night. My misses slips on a cute thong that slips neatly between her ass...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 274 Home Again

I arrived back home via airplane from DC, then airport taxi service from the airport. I was in the Downtown House about forty five seconds before I unlocked my gun safe and put the .38 shoulder rig on. I felt better with some kind of self defense capability. The fat chick had impressed on me that I was not indestructible by any means. If someone turned me into scrap there was no guarantee they could or would salvage the computer and give me new life. I would be just as dead as the flesh and...

2 years ago
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PollySandy Steve

Introduction: Husbands away and his wife needs a man Polly, Sandy & Steve We had a delightful dinner at a local pub that was within walking distance of their unit so there was no worries about drinking and driving. We took advantage of that by having three bottles of wine between us. Walking home all of us dressed in shorts and tees, Steve was in the middle and he put his arms around both of us as we laughed and joked the few hundred metres through the failing light back to the unit. With...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 11

Chapter 11 When I regained consciousness, I was almost blinded by the bright light that was in the room. I quickly shut my eyes and groaned, my entire body felt as if I'd been run over by a truck. I tried to open my eyes again, this time much more slowly. As everything slowly came into focus I recognized the room I was in as a hospital room, I've been in enough to know. I also realized that I was hooked up to monitors with an IV, I immediately started wondering how badly I had screwed...

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