The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 3: Warnings And Assurances free porn video

July – August – Year 2
The “End of The Summer Pay The Fine Party” went over like gang busters. The food trucks made money, Shorty made almost $800 in tips, the band was well received and the neighborhood grew closer together. People that lived across the street from each other and had never met became friends. It was a good time and The Bar Bar was set up as the center of community activities.
I took some time to talk to the band members during the night and told them how my old band used to make sure they had a following at every gig we did. I explained that they could guarantee earning max payouts from bar owners if they were actively recruiting people to come and see them. I explained about the email lists and convinced them that the time it took to create the list was worth it in the long run.
While I was talking to them, Erin came up to us and asked if they were going to let me sing with them. She told them the short version of the evening at Lester’s. Well between that story and my interest in helping them make more money they figured what the heck and asked me to come up during the next set.
They opened the set and then asked everyone to give Erin a hand and bragged about our babies. Then they asked me to come up on stage and we did three songs that went over well. The crowd was dancing and movin’ to the groovin’ as the song says.
After I sang and the set ended, it seemed that my bonafides were established. The guys in the band asked more details about the email lists and we set a date in the next week to sit down away from the madness and on a computer to go over the procedure.
At the end of the night the Brothers and their wives and girlfriends helped clean up and put things away, so that Erin was home by her usual 3am time. Lynn and the babies left and went home after I sang and were out cold. Erin and I made love on the couch to celebrate a great day before going up to bed and cuddling with our wife in the middle.
The babies were so tired that they actually slept almost through the night. We got up at 6am to feed them and change them and we went back to bed to enjoy some more rest.
“We are sorry.”
“For what?”
“For the pain.”
“Baby, the pain is over now except for you to come back to us.”
“No, the pain to come. We are sorry.”
I woke with a start. I looked around. My wifes were sound asleep. I got up and quietly went to the nursery. The babies were also sound asleep. Had anyone else had my dream? The baby said the pain to come. I went back to bed and snuggled with Lynn putting my hand on her hip. She took it, still asleep, and pulled it to her breast. I laid there, wondering.
In the morning, I woke first and went to the kitchen to start the coffee machine and then went up to the nursery, just because I loved to look at my babies. I slowly opened the door to find all of the babies awake and looking at me in silence. They were! They were all looking at me as I opened the door. It looked like they had been posed.
I moved to the closest bassinette and picked up Taylor, my first new baby, and held her up next to my cheek. She turned her face to mine. Was that the response babies have to feed? Babies turned their heads to whichever side their cheek is touched, searching for the nipple. Or did she just give me a kiss on the cheek? This was freaky. I kissed her and put her back down. She turned her head and went to sleep. I looked at the other babies and they were all asleep again. I heard a noise and left the nursery and went to the kitchen to find Lynn pouring a cup of coffee.
“Good morning lover.”
“Good morning Sweetie. Thanks for starting the coffee.”
“Lynn, did the babies talk to you last night?”
“No. Why?”
“I had a dream. I will tell you about it when Erin wakes up. It has me pretty freaked out.”
“Seriously. I don’t want to tell it more than once.”
“Let’s wake Erin up if it is that freaky.”
“No, let her sleep, she had a huge day yesterday. Let her be.”
We sat in silence Lynn with her coffee, me with my grapefruit juice. After some long time we began talking about the search for a bigger house and the things that we wanted to have in the new house. We wanted at least five bedrooms and a den. It should have a three car garage and a huge back yard. It would be nice to have room to install a hot tub and a sauna and, of course be in a great school system. We were adding things to the wild list when we heard the bedroom door open and soft foot steps down the spiral staircase.
I listened to see if her motion was rousing the babies, but the nursery monitor was silent. Erin came into the kitchen. Her hair was a mess and her face was beautiful in the extreme, to me. I rose and gave her a hug and a kiss. Our wife kissed her as well. Erin went to get a cup of coffee and joined us at the table.
“We are going to need a bigger table as well.” I looked at Lynn.
“We were just talking about the new house and things we needed in it.” Lynn explained to Erin.
“We were also talking about a dream that I had last night. Did the babies talk to you last night?”
“No. Did they talk to you two?”
“No, only Paul had the dream and it freaked him out.”
“Ok, Sweetie, tell us about it, please.”
I told Lynn and Erin about the dream and that I was scared because all of the other times the dream conversations with the babies had meant something. So if that was to be correct, then something painful was coming and since the dream only came to me, then the pain would, apparently, come to me mostly.
Over the next few months I was a mess. I was waiting for the next shoe to drop. I found myself on more than one occasion sitting in the nursery talking to my sleeping babies. The babies grew like weeds and soon they were out of bassinettes and into small beds. Taylor and Margaret were going to be tall girls like their mother if their current growth rate was any predictor.
When the oldest girls were 4 months old their personalities were coming out. Taylor was my girl, Margaret was her Erin’s. The two girls were very close and spent their time together if they were not with their sisters. They were close to their sisters and did not separate themselves. It was funny to watch them learn to crawl towards us from anywhere we set them. They always moved as a pair. The only time they were apart was when they nursed or sat, separately, with their mother and me.
Genevieve and Erin were the same way with their sisters even though they were two months younger. All four of the girls had a motor and all four were always kicking and rolling around! Genevieve was my girl and Erin was Lynn’s. Generally speaking the blondes got more blonde and the red-heads got more red-headed.
One night, Erin came home from the bar and took Lynn and I to bed.
“My loving husband and wife, I think it is time for me to get knocked up again.”
“Paul. Lynn. I told you guys that I wanted to have lots of babies and it has been four months so I can get back to the work of baby growing.”
“Is it that time? Are you on the pill?”
“No, Paul I am not on the pill. I went back on it right after the babies were born, but I went off it last month. I am ready and I thought that since we had talked about having a lot of babies that you and Lynn would be ok with it.”
“Well ok.” Lynn smiled as I kissed Erin.
We finished our summer competitive season at the end of August and we did very well. I was invited to speak at the professional convention in Houston in September and accepted since I would not have to pay for the trip. I told the wives that I would be leaving on the Tuesday after Labor Day and return on Saturday. I had two presentations and wanted to attend several presentations given by coaches I respected and wanted to learn from.
After talking about it, the wives both agreed that I should go by myself and immerse myself in the experience like I always had. They would stay home with the girls and miss me. It took a very long ‘talk’ for the women to convince me that it was alright for me to go before I finally agreed.
On Labor Day, I spent the day having sex with my wives as much as possible. Lynn and I made love while I went down on Erin. Then Erin and Lynn 69’d each other until I was ready to go again and then I made love to Erin and tried to put babies in her again. By the time we were satisfied the orgasms for the women were innumerable. I had cum eight times that day before I could not get it up anymore. After the fourth one I couldn’t tell if any of them were ‘the one’ like we had felt before and the last four shots for me were barely dribbles.
Erin and Lynn fell asleep nursing the babies that night and back in bed I fell asleep cuddled up to Erin’s butt like it was a pillow, hoping that she was making babies as we slept. On Tuesday morning, we got up, had breakfast, and shared a quickie. I wanted to cum in Erin just to take another shot. The cab I had scheduled to pick me up was on time and at 7am I was on my way to the airport.
The plane landed at Hobby Airport and I went to the luggage area and picked up my bag. I took the shuttle to the car rental area and got a nice mid-sized car and took off for the convention hotel. I could have taken the shuttle to the hotel, but I intended to visit some of the local coaches while I was here and watch some practices.
I also wanted to sit in on some jam sessions that I found on the local blues society webpage. Driving in Houston is always a real experience. I lived there for several years with my first wife and my son is a proud Texan. I got to the hotel and paid for valet parking. I followed the bellman into the lobby and checked in, then followed the bellman to my room. I tipped him and pulled out my phone to call home.

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