BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 38 The Unlit Cigarette
- 3 years ago
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For the next couple of days Mike couldn’t get his dinner with Connie out of his mind. He wasn’t sure if her talk about men preying on divorcees was just a rant, as she said, or a warning to him that he might be walking on unwelcoming ground. He questioned his own motives and came up with no good answers. He told himself he’d found her appealing before he’d known she was single. All finding out she was divorced did was open the door for him to ask her out, even then he’d mentioned the possibility she was going with somebody.
Then there was the matter of his calling her again. He wasn’t sure what to do under the circumstances. If he waited too long it could appear like he was just somebody on the make and he’d been scared off when he found out she wasn’t all that easy. On the other hand, he didn’t want to look too anxious, that would probably make him look like he fell into one of the predatory groups she’d mentioned and was trying to close in for the kill. He seemed to be in a no win situation. In the end it was Connie herself that solved his little paranoid dilemma.
When the phone rang one evening he assumed if it had nothing to do with work that it must be a telemarketer. It seemed somebody was always trying to sell him something. So, it was a surprise when he pick up the receiver and heard Connie’s voice.
“Hello, Mike, it’s Connie Friess.”
“Connie, hi! What’s up?”
“I was just wondering, are you going to be free any evening this week?”
“Yeah, any night except Thursday. Why, something going on?”
“Kind of, I thought perhaps you’d like to come over for dinner, I’m in the mood to cook.”
“Yeah, of course, you pick the night.”
“How about Wednesday, around six?”
“I’ll be there, no problem.”
After she hung up, he sat and thought about it. If she invited him to her apartment for dinner then perhaps their date hadn’t been the debacle he’d thought it was. On the other hand, he thought there was a possibility she was just trying to make up for her rant that night. Then he decided that once again he was over thinking it all. He decided to take the invitation at face value and not over analyze it. He wondered when he’d developed this habit of seeing the worst case scenario in these matters. All he knew was it was getting very annoying. Either way, he was glad she’d called.
Even though he promised himself that he wouldn’t question her motives, he approached Connie’s door with a certain amount of trepidation. He couldn’t help but think of their last meeting and wonder if he was in for another lecture or, even worse, if this was her way of making up for any embarrassment she may have caused. The later would have made him feel pitiful. Her welcoming smile when she opened the door, however, set his mind at ease.
“Mike, right on time, come in,” she gestured hospitably. “Dinner’s almost ready; it just needs a few more minutes. Can I get you a drink?”
“Sure, would you happen to have a beer handy by chance?”
“I do, I kind of figured that’s what you’d want so I made sure I had a six-pack handy.”
“You didn’t have to do anything special on my account, I’m glad you did, but you didn’t have to.” He paused for a second, realizing he was rambling. “But as long as you did, a beer would be great.”
The apartment was heady with the aroma of cooking food, this along with her warm greeting put any qualms he had to rest. As he followed her into the kitchen area he was once again, just glad to be with her. He sat down at the table and watched as she took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, opened it, and set it on the table in front of him.
“Thanks, is there anything I can do to help?”
“No,” she turned to the stove, “all that’s left to do is the potatoes, once I fry them we can eat, everything else is ready.”
“I’m not sure what it is, but something sure smells good.”
“Roasted chicken breasts,” she looked over her shoulder at him. “They’re filled with mushroom and bacon stuffing, hope you like them.”
“I’m sure I will, what’s not to like?”
She dumped a bowl of cubed potatoes into a skillet and stepped back as a cloud of steam rose up. Once the potatoes began to sizzle, she began tossing them with a spatula while adding some raw onions. He found the combined aromas intoxicating. The whole kitchen had comfortable homey feeling that he hadn’t experienced in years. He realized that this is what had been missing from his marriage, one of the things Joanie had been incapable of providing; the feeling of a home.
“You seem to be really at home in the kitchen.”
“I love to cook, but it’s a lot of work when you’re just doing it for yourself. It’s better when you’ve got someone to share it with. I seldom do anymore and I miss it.”
One item at a time, she began putting the food on the table; a platter with the chicken breasts, one bowl with red cabbage, another bowl with the potatoes and onions, and a filled gravy boat. After helping himself, he watched as she spooned the gravy over her chicken and on the potatoes. He followed her lead and did the same. Slicing into the chicken breast, now dripping with the rich heavy gravy, he placed it into his mouth, savoring the flavor. Swallowing it, he looked at her.
“If this is a sample of what you like to cook, you can invite me over anytime. Trust me, I’ll always be available, this is good.”
“Thanks,” she looked at him smiling, “I wasn’t sure this would be 100% to your taste.”
“Well, I like it. Don’t believe I’ve ever had any type of stuffing with bacon in it, it’s a nice touch.”
He continued to eat rather enthusiastically, not only was the food good, but he was overwhelmed by the feeling of coziness he was experiencing. It was difficult for him to believe that on the walk over he had been uncertain if he was really welcome, or whether she had merely felt obligated to pay him back for buying her dinner. Now, he couldn’t imagine her as being anything but genuinely hospitable. Even her lecture about men trying to take advantage of divorcees faded into the background. He wasn’t sure what had prompted it, but he was sure that she’d been talking to him and not about him. As they finished eating, he couldn’t help but think about how natural it felt for him to be around her.
“Very nice,” he said setting his fork down. “I wasn’t kidding when I said if this is the kind of thing you serve, any time you want company, just call me.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear that, I was really hoping you’d like it. Now, care for an after dinner drink?”
“Wouldn’t say no,” he attempted to sound casual, but was actually elated. He’d been hoping she’d offer some sort of invitation, some indication she saw him as more than a casual acquaintance. “But only if you’ll let me stay long enough to help you with the dishes.”
She looked at him, then at the pots and pans, some in the sink others still on the stove, then back at him.
“That’s not really necessary, you’re a guest, but if you really want to, I’m not one to refuse help. But, let’s have the drinks first. I’m having a sherry, care to join me or do you want to stick with beer?”
“Sherry sounds good, but I think I should stay with beer, I’m not too big on mixing my drinks.”
Connie got up and retrieved another beer from the refrigerator then pulled a bottle of sherry from an upper cabinet. Pouring herself a glass she picked up both drinks and gestured towards the living area.
“Let’s go into the other room.”
He thought it was funny that she referred to the far corner of the apartment as “the other room”, but he said nothing and quietly followed her. She set his beer down on the end table alongside the sofa. He was delighted when he realized she was going to join him on the couch, then disappointed when she sat down at the far end. However, once she sat down, she tucked one leg underneath herself and turned towards him, one arm on the back of the sofa the other holding the glass of sherry, he was once again elated. He was not an expert on body language, but this seemed to be an open and welcoming posture.
“Well, you know,” she said softly, “we never really did get to learn much about each other the other night. I thought tonight we could talk a little more.”
“Sounds good, I guess we did get a bit sidetracked at the restaurant.”
“Yeah, thanks to my little spiel. It occurred to me afterwards that complaining about men taking advantage of divorced women isn’t the best topic of conversation to use on a first date.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, it really didn’t bother me.” He was lying of course, but the fact that she’d said that made him feel good. “Anything in particular you’d like to know?”
“Just curious, why did you get divorced, if you don’t mind telling?”
“Simple,” he decided to be completely honest with her, “I caught my wife cheating on me. Caught her dead to rights and told her it was over. We talked about it and decided it was for the best. Neither of us had been truly happy for a long time. We’d just never admitted before.”
When he looked at her he saw a small, knowing, sympathetic smile on her lips. It was a curious type of smile and he wondered what was behind it.
“How long were you married?”
“Eleven years.”
“And it ended just like that?”
“Yeah, pretty much, it was all fairly amicable.” Then he added, “Of course, first I had to threaten to drag her into court and publicly air her little indiscretion, but after that she saw things my way. She didn’t want her family and friends to know what had gone on. She agreed to go along with me as long as we filed under irreconcilable differences.”
“A little bit of blackmail goes a long way sometimes,” she said, giving him a friendly wink.
“Yeah, I never thought of it that way,” he grinned, “but it did grease the skids a bit. Anyhow, that’s my tale of woe, now what’s yours?”
“My ex is a doctor.”
“Really? That’s interesting.”
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t do me any good. I met him when he was still in school. I thought we were in love, we moved in together. I worked and took care of the household bills like a damned fool. After a couple of years, I found out he was cheating on me. Unlike you, I didn’t call it quits. I threatened to, but he claimed it was just a onetime thing, that he’d been tired and drinking and it just happened. He swore he loved me and begged for another chance, even offered to marry me. I accepted, I believed him, I really thought he meant it. Now I know he was just securing his meal ticket.”
“So, he continued to run around on you?”
“Probably, but if he did he was pretty discrete about it, because I didn’t have a clue. But after he finished his internship he suddenly hooked up with a little nurse he’d met. I have to admit, she was gorgeous, so I became excess baggage.”
He thought of his own situation; Joanie had cheated and gotten caught, but he had been the one who ended the marriage. In his situation it had been a case of betrayal of trust, Connie’s had been one of rejection. He could not imagine what that had felt like; it had to have been much more traumatic.
“Aw, Christ, that’s cold.” It was the only response he could come up with.
“Yes,” she agreed, “it was, but it’s a common thing in the medical profession. Not all doctors do it, but it isn’t all that unusual; a young guy suddenly gains some prestige, and all kinds of pretty young things come flocking around, paying attention to them, ones who wouldn’t have noticed them before they got that MD after their names. It’s hard to resist, I guess. All I know is there are enough of us first wives and girlfriends around to form a club.”
“Yeah, but still, it just doesn’t seem right.” Then he paused briefly, “Although, I guess I shouldn’t talk; my ex-wife qualified as a trophy wife. I have to say, I didn’t see anything beyond her looks. Still, I didn’t throw anybody over to be with her.”
“Would you have?” she asked.
“I don’t know, I’d like to say no, but I honestly don’t know. At that age, I might have.”
“That’s the problem,” she downed her sherry, “I can’t say that if I was young and pretty I wouldn’t chase after a young doctor or lawyer if I had the chance and not worry about whether he was involved with someone. So, as hurt and disappointed as I was, I still can’t hate them.”
“No, I can’t say I hate my ex either. But if it’s any consolation, being married to a prom queen isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, the good doctor may be regretting his choice.”
Suddenly he couldn’t suppress a slight laugh, he shook his head slowly. Connie looked at him curiously.
“Well something struck you as funny, care to share it with me? I can always use a laugh.”
“Simple,” he smiled, “I’ve always been led to believe marrying a doctor is a common fantasy for a lot of women and I know for a fact a lot of guys would give their right arms to marry a girl who looked like my ex. So, you married a doctor and I married a stunning beauty and here we sit. A fat lot of good living the dream did us.”
“There are worse places we could be, don’t you think?”
“Oh, yeah, of course, I just meant dreams aren’t always what you’d expect. What’s that old cliché, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it? I’d say we’re living proof of that.”
“Well, the way I see it is, it’s not what you wish for as much as who you’re wishing for it with that’s the problem.”
“True enough, but this conversation is getting way too philosophical. Maybe it’s time we did the dishes before we forget? That’ll give me some time to think up an answer.”
Connie smiled and nodded her head, then wordlessly got up and headed towards the kitchen. Mike got up and followed her. Once there he began helping her clear off the table.
“So Mike, I’ll wash and you dry, how’s that sound?”
“It’s up to you, but it might be better if I washed and you dried. You know where everything goes so you could put them away as we go.”
“Good point, I thought most guys would rather dry though.”
“Washing never bothered me, gets the dirt from under my fingernails, kind of multi-tasking.”
Connie laughed slightly, then picked up a dishtowel. “Well start washing then, it’s all yours.”
Mike nodded, then turned the hot water on, filling the sink basin. As he added the liquid soap, in his mind he couldn’t help thinking about Connie and her experience; it must have been shocking to be traded in for a newer, or in this case younger, model. He shut off the water and slipped a stack of dishes in. Then he decided he had to say something.
“Look, I don’t want to keep bringing this up, but did your husband really leave you just because somebody younger took an interest in him? I’m sorry, but I can’t get that thought out of my mind.”
“Yes, yes he did. Actually, it gets worse.”
“Really? I don’t see how.” He looked at her and saw a tight lipped, pensive expression on her face. He thought he’d gone too far, that he was intruding into her private life. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this anymore; it’s really none of my business.”
“No, it’s all right; I’m just trying to figure out how to explain it.” She slowly shook her head before continuing. “Look, if you’d asked me when I was younger what I wanted for my life, what would make me happy, I’d have said a nice home, a good husband, and kids. I wanted to have children. The mothering instinct is strong in me. But it turns out I can’t have children.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“No, it’s all right, it’s life, it happens to a small percentage of us and I’m one of the unlucky ones, that’s all. The problem is my husband threw that back at me as a reason to get divorced.”
“God damn,” flabbergasted, he groped in his mind for something to say, all he came up with was, “you’re kidding, I mean, how, why?”
“It seems like he suddenly decided that he always wanted children too, and since I couldn’t get pregnant, what was the point of being married? It was all that simple.”
“How many kids does he have now?”
“None,” she had a sad smirk on her face.
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The media had gotten word that my entourage was staying at the Trinity Hotel in Cinnity. They had staked out the hotel’s ground-level entrance and the landing pad on the roof. The only way my people could come and go undetected was for Sereine to hop them in and out of the hotel. Since her ability to hop was limited by her recovery time, it was very inconvenient for all of my people. My bodyguards decided that the media representatives needed to be taught a lesson; namely, do not harass the...
As I was still interstate and Simon was on the spot she invited him home for a swim and a conversation where they could not be overheard, Anne had on numerous previous occasions been with guys when I was not around knowing it did not bother me in the slightest. I think swinging only works when there is ultimate trust between the couples otherwise it is a great way to break up a marriage. Once at our home the two of them took little time removing their clothes before diving in the pool, Simon it...
The day started like any other weekday alone since I was home schooled. My mom’s best friend was living with us but , she usually left very early. I was surprised to see that she left since she was up late the night before. I was only 13 back then. So I decided to clean the house a little bit before doing homework. Since Sherry had left her room open I decided to clean it up a bit. There I was when I stepped on something and I started to hear moans. I turned and it was the first time I had...
Hangover time! Brad wakes up with a brutal headache after a night of hard drinking with his buddy trying to recover from the breakup with his girlfriend. Brad’s bud left for work, but luckily his friend’s mom Alexis Fawx is still at home to help him nurse his hangover. And when the busty MILF hears about all of Brad’s trials and tribulations with his now ex-girlfriend – the one who strung him along for four years without EVER giving him sex – she figures there’s only one way to really cure...
xmoviesforyouWorkout with Lara by Noj © This story is contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. This is in no way connected with the subject and is entirely ficticious. Don’t use this without my permission. Now, on with the story! Angelina Jolie was getting prepared for her biggest film yet. Tomb Raider. She had been given the chance to take over as the pneumatic, energetic, pixelated babe. She knew she’d need to do a good job, and uphold the sexy reputation of Lara. She...
I had been waiting for Saturday all week long. Mom was at a week end seminar, Dad was gone on a business trip, and my sister was out with her friends. I had the house all to myself, or so I thought.First, I went out to lay by the pool to get a tan, it was the middle of the morning, when the heat wasn't so bad, and I had my tanning lotion ready. I stayed out there for about an hour or more, tanning each side 15 minutes at a time. Whenever I would get hot I would just take a dip in the pool to...
Hello friends, first of all, I would like to thank all the ladies, girls, and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an immense response which encouraged me to submit my new story for you all enthusiastic people. So sit back and be ready for another real-life encounter I had with Nagma (name changed due to secrecy reasons).Nagma is one of my regular story readers. I am Alok Saxena, 28 years of age and currently working with a reputed company and residing in Delhi. I am 5’7 inches...
Hi everyone, I am back to tell my threesome experience with couple I meet. I told u in my last post how I meet them and had threesome experience with them so I am telling about how we had threesome fun. If any couple or lady like to meet me or like to have fun with me means ping me at playboyhyd at or ping me at yahoo messager at playboyhyd is my id. Coming back to experience with couple hari and priya(name changed) in last post I told about them and how I message priya and then hari...
Hello doston me aman apni nayi kahani laya hu yeh kahani meri bahan ki hai meri bahan ki umaer 18 saal k thi aur hamare pados me ek sardar family rahty thi unki aur hamri achi bani hui thi sardar ki wife moti thi uski wife meri bahen se bahut banti thi ek din dopehar ka time tha me sardar ji ke ghar gaya meri bahen bhi waha hi thi me sidha hiander chala gaya ander jaker dekha ki unke bedroom me meri bahen bilkul nangi thi aur sardarki wiffe bhi nangi thi usne meri bahen ko chit letaya aur uski...
Prologue This began as a 200-word writing exercise based on a random magazine cartoon and influenced by an old joke. Too short to publish, I allowed it to expand itself and broach several categories - humor, exhibitionism, reluctance, bi-sex, First times and brush against loving wives. Not all VD stories are happy and romantic. As lonely Lisa’s story unfolds, we sense this is one of those. Isn’t it? And so it begins... “But, I didn’t call for help. I’m OK,” insisted grocery bag laden Lisa....
Summer Camp Swingers has always been a serial, published a chapter at a time. So the books in this series don’t begin and end like normal ones do. They’re meant to be read as a complete story, one after the other. When you reach the end of this book, pick up the next one and keep going. And when you reach the end of this series, start the next one. Keep going until you finish the Christy series. That’s 26 books in total, more than two million words. The Epilogue in So Long, Summer Camp...
The seven women found themselves eating alone, much to their displeasure. The king’s official cabinet was meeting behind closed doors and the others had enjoyed a soft mattress so well that they continued to sleep well past sunrise. The previous evening had not gone to plan. The ladies had found the history of Azkoval to be interesting but they had bigger goals for their time at the pool. Now Joseph was locked away with his advisers and it didn’t appear that he would return any time...
Lower Pidlington Women’s Institute was unique. It had far more members than most rural WIs, numbers having swelled from fourteen to four hundred after Lucy Warner (a village newcomer) took over as Entertainment Coordinator. LPWI was also ‘independent’ having been expelled from the British WI Federation when the Chair of the National Committee, Clarissa Hunt (who nobody liked), spotted her surname spelt with a C in LPWI’s monthly newsletter; a mistake no one admitted to or apologised for.The...
HumorYour body always looks good no matter what. I love to see it in those thin skirts you've got, that sexy business woman/librarian look. I see you eveytime I come to the library. My god I think you are so hot. I bet you are really smart too, mmmmmmm, that is sexy. I don't know if you have caught me staring at your deep cleavage or sweet ass. I hope not, I'd be so embarrassed. "Can you help me find this book I'm looking for?" "I think it is in the back section of the library......You'd better...
The ladies at my wife's office where planing a night out. They do this about three times a month. Of the five ladies my wife and two other cuckold their husbands the other two are in love with the idea of having sex outside the marrage but haven' t had the curage to do it as of yet. There is only one male in the office his name is Brad and he is gay. My wife has told me about some of the breakroom chats with him and how she said it makes her wet hearing about how he has sex with very well hung...
Saturday night, the four couples got together as usual, this time at Sean and Kat’s home. Owen and Pam also were invited. Owen made himself more welcome by carrying in a case of very expensive wine as a house gift. Several of the others thought his gift was over the top, especially since they didn’t know who Owen really was. Pam made both potato and three bean salads as her contribution to the meal, and also helped Alice prepare some baked beans and a blueberry pie. Over the previous...
With a final clang of metal on metal, the First Order drop ship landed inside the hanger bay of the First Order Resurgent Class Star Destroyer they would later find out was called the Finalizer. As they were led down the ramp of the drop ship, the girls could see hundreds of troopers, technicians, flight control crew and other members of the First Order, busy inside the massive hanger. TIE Fighters, shuttles and assault craft lay or hung in various states around the hanger. Everywhere they...
Unwanted Attention - Part 3: The Game By MindlessPath Rajan sat down beside me, he was rubbing his hands excitedly. I looked his way and noticed that he was staring at my breasts. I gave him an angry glare and he stopped staring. Earl and Danny were seated across from us and Fred was seated on the side. We started to play the role-playing game. Apparently the others had already made their characters. They had a rule about making characters, though. You could not make your own...
Sarah loves being a negative attention seeking shock value slut so she is our number 7We're back in the nation’s capital. This time we’re outside a large hospital. A small group of nurses are grabbing a smoke just off the hospital grounds. One of them – youngish, slim, and looking particularly good in her uniform, turns away from the group and walks over toward the camera. She has a wide toothy smile, red cheeks, pointy nose and a high forehead, all framed with silky brunette hair tied back in...
Hi guys, I am manish from bengaluru. My age is 25 and an average looking guy. I am writing story after a long time, hope you all doing good. Thank you for the readers who gave comments on my previous stories. Unsatisfied girls or women can contact me through the mail or ping me in hangout it will be kept full secrete and secured. Main ye story hindi me likh raha hoon kyu ki bahot logo ko hindi samaj me ata hain. Coming back to the story ye incident kuch din pehle hua tha with my iss reader...
This story is true, and from the late 70s, before we found out anonymous sex could kill you!My Saturday afternoon routine often included an hour or so at the local ABS, sucking and being sucked. Besides the fact that I LOVED to suck, I though dropping a load or two in the afternoon made me a better fuck with my girlfriend that night.This particular afternoon, I had cum once, and sucked off a couple guys. I thought I'd drop another load, and then head out. When a guy entered the booth next to...
I told you already, I have many romantic stories which are really real. This time I am going to narrate you about my sex adventure with Revathi a beautiful dancer. In one function when I was taking photographs I saw one beautiful girl , unmarried about 18 years of age , 5.4 height, 34d boobs, stiff body with nice cuts. She was wearing tight chudidar exposing her sexy body. In that function, somebody proposed to have a cultural programmed. So all gathered and started antakshari first. After...
Doston mujhe pata chal chuka hai ki apko meri adhi adhuri kahani bahut pasand aayi hai jismein ki kis tarah maine prema ko chudne ke liye raaji kiya aur woh pehle to ghabrayi , sharmayi, gussai par baad mein control mein aa gaayi aur phir shaam ko chudne ane ko keh gayi. main shaam nhone ka intezaar karta raha. aab apko age ki kahani deta hoon jisme prema janeman ki chudai hai.dopahar ko main market gaya aur sexy ladkiyon ke kapde liye phir khane peene kasaman liya aur pastries liya aur ghar...
Part 2As arranged, I turned up the following week.I was nervous not sure what to expect and would it be as exciting as the last time.I knocked on the door, the door opened and thee was Jimmy dressed only in a white dressing gown. He invited me in and ushered me to the living room.To my surprise sat on the settee was another gentleman, also dressed in a white dressing gown.I was introduced to Evan, Jimmy said he had invited him because 5 years ago Evan would have been me and he knows what I was...
Tarifa's Lieutenant Endith and the six remaining High Elf warriors with her lay on the forest floor, watching as the moon began to rise. They were on the edge of where the Book Cliffs met the timber of the Uinta Mountains. They had begun their journey three days before with thirteen in their party. At certain locations Endith had detailed an elfin warrior to remain behind, and return to report their progress. They had traveled quickly and quietly through the forests, looping far around where...
“Kevy! Wake up!” “Brit come on! I wanna sleep...” “No way mister, You promised we could go to the mall today, and you would get me those cute shoes I wanted. So get up!” she commanded Ugh, I yawned and I stretched. “Ok ok go get ready!” “Yayy!” she squealed She eagerly ran into the bathroom, and I heard the shower come on almost instantly. I looked at my phone and I had a missed call from my girlfriend Caroline. A part of me wondered why Brit didn’t wake me up, but the other part knew why....