Haleys Au Pair Adventure
- 4 years ago
- 30
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At 6:30 I went down to the research floor and caught Iggy as he was leaving.
"She'll be at the bus shell at the corner. She just left. Good luck, and thanks, Rob"
I went to my car and drove to the corner in the industrial park and there she sat in the bus shell.
I pulled up and rolled down the window.
"Keep driving mister, you can't afford me!" she hollered with a grin before she ran out to the car.
All the way back she bubbled and talked about what a great day she had and thanked me a 100 times for helping her get the job. Iggy laid on the line to her that he was watching her closely for the remainder of the week. If he brought her back it would be on 30 day trial. At the end of 30 days, he had the option of hiring her. After explaining what I already knew she paused.
"The only reason why he wouldn't hire me today is that I could do his job, right?" She said innocently.
"You're sure you could do his job?" I said with a suspect squint.
"Hmmm, yeah, part time. What he needs are more people like me. Do they not hire good people because they don't pay?" She wondered.
"They don't hire good people because they can't find them. CAD people are a dime a dozen. CAD people with the geological and science background like you are few. Iggy does real well; do you have any idea how much they're paying you?" I wondered.
"Well, I'm getting $15 an hour this week, a secretary's pay and $1200 a week as a 4 week trial temp in my field. On the application for "salary objective" I put down what Nations Grid was supposed to pay me. They paid my scholarship, and it was 3 years ago, but it seemed logical to ask that much. Mr. Cooper knows I'll negotiate." She said in her new found confidant way. "Rob, for $15 I could live and eat for a week before. I don't know what to do with all that money."
"Gail, a house, a car, clothes and good food are all things you deserve. You won't have a problem spending and saving for a future. How much did you put down?" I wondered.
"Eighty K, do you think that's too much?"
"I don't know, maybe at our level in the industry. National Grid is a lot bigger company."
"Maybe that's why they were going to pay that much."
"I won't get involved here, just let me tell you that Iggy Cooper won't lead you astray or short change you."
"I'm sure I'll be happy." She said as she turned in the seat and paused long enough to punctuate the fact that "shop talk" was over.
"I missed seeing you today, but I kept thinking about this morning." She said in a low voice.
I smiled, not taking my eyes off the road and then shot her a glance.
"I thought a lot about that too. What happened overnight? You were the answer to a lot of my questions this morning." I said not trying to be too committal.
"I know, wasn't that weird? When I woke up I just had this need within me and it wasn't just "getting off". I had done that the night before. It felt good, but afterward it was empty. When I woke up I just went in the bathroom, freshened up and took off my bed clothes. I had a need for you, and just you. Does that scare you?" She wondered.
"A little, but when I saw you I felt the same need. I didn't want to ravish you and tease you for an hour; I just wanted to be inside you. Not being able to finish in you is a let down, but I can live with it." I said as I pulled up my drive.
"I'm so sorry! I want to make you so happy!" She said in heartfelt apology.
"Don't apologize. I know what the score is and you make me real happy." I said, deepening my commitment.
She leaned over in the car and hugged up to me.
"Great, I want to make you real happy. Ummm, did I make you real happy with my mouth? I liked doing that. It's pretty sexy to do, it seems dirty, but... " She said not making eye contact.
"Of course I like that a lot, but just be comfortable and... "
"I never tasted it before then; you were the first to do that to me. You know, shoot off in my mouth. I tried to move away but it hit off my teeth some got in. It tasted a little sexy, that's why I took the rest of you. I was afraid you would think I was awful; especially when I told you the other thing." She further confessed in her low voice still looking down while hugging me.
"Gail, what other thing? Why are you beating yourself up? There's nothing wrong with being a sexy woman. All's fair in the pursuit of love." I said trying to console her.
"The other thing? When I told you I did backdoor so I wouldn't get pregnant. You told me you liked my ass." She said sobbing a little.
"Come on Gail, we were so positive this morning. I don't care what you did before, and it's none of my business. I won't judge you. We've all done things we might be ashamed of later, but at the time we did them, we were sure it was right. Nine times in ten if presented the same circumstances, we would do it all over again. Now come on, I don't want to be kissing no sad face." I said as she pulled away and turned and smiled at me with teary eyes.
I kissed her long hard and deep, eventually pushing her back onto the seat, covering her body. I wanted to leave no doubt that I was interested and not just here for the sex. Gail, in her sexy innocence was stealing my heart. The things she felt shame over only proved to me her passion, not only for me but for the sex itself.
I let my face up from hers and dried her eyes with my fingers.
"Come on, let's go inside and fix some dinner." I said as I got up and out my car door with her by the hands, pulling her through.
Inside I told her it was her choice for dinner and she said that anything would do, she had only had half of Iggy's lunch and was starved. We had a good laugh over that. Before I forgot, I gave her $50 to cover her expenses the rest of the week because tomorrow she was going to have to take the bus to the office. I was, of course, going to ride with her and then ride home before I drove myself to work. I got another big kiss and made points with her again.
After we changed into casual clothes and started dinner I poured wine to sip while we waited.
"When are you going to stop treating me like your lost little sister outside of the house?"
"What do you mean?"
"Riding with me to work tomorrow, giving me lunch money, things like that."
"Gail, I'm just doing those things because of your situation, and I'm responsible for putting you in the situation. The fact I care very deeply for you might have something to do with it as well. If you think it's because I think you can't handle all of this, as you're implying, you're wrong." I said with an edge to make the point I was upset she took offense to my help.
"Very deeply? That's a step forward from "like you a lot". Did my little wake up this morning have something to do with that?" She said in a way that left me befuddled on how to take it.
"What are you saying Gail? You're trying to put a gauge on things instead of letting them take a course. It's like you're trying to earn that "lover" badge so you can rip off the roommate tag. Let things take their natural way. I thought we were having fun here getting to know each other. Yes we have taken some giant circumstantial strides in our relationship. But, let's not get lost on the fact that we have only been together a few days, and you have only been back as a member of the real world for a few days. We have a way to go here, but remember that I am with you, side by side. I spent four years in a relationship with someone who was not sincere and, I found out later, lacked character. I recognize that you're sincere and have all the character in the world. Please let us just happen the way our relationship takes us." I said as I moved close to her and took her hands in mine.
I kissed her on the cheek and got nose to nose with her.
"I want to love you as much as you want to love me. Let's not let anything drive this but our true feelings. If you're afraid that I'm a run-around, don't fret. Our first night together may have been a little recreational as far as the sex went, but this morning wasn't. It meant something to me and I would never think so little of it as to pursue anyone else in any way without you knowing. Trust me on that. Let us happen. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not putting you out. We could end up great lovers; we could end up great friends. We have a lot of time to work on it. Are you with me?"
Gail nodded her head as she teared up a little.
"The last thing I want to do is push you away. I need you as a friend and a lover right now. Please be patient with me." She said quietly.
"You're not pushing me away. Don't TRY to do anything. Let it happen. Think about it; you had no relationships for 7 years and before that, they were based on sex, you've never worked a full time job, and you're on the brink of landing an 80 THOUSAND dollar a year job. Your plate is full and everything is happening fast. Sit back and enjoy the good fortune you've found. Think about how proud your Mom and sister would be of you. They might even approve of me." I said as I smelled our dinner that I needed to check on.
I went to move toward the over to check on things but she held my arm with a death grip to pull me back.
"I lived with my aunt because she could be strict with me. My Mom couldn't control me. She would love you for continually pushing me back in line. Her hands were full with my sister and when my grades went in the toilet during my second year High School, coincidental to when I started partying, she sent me to live with Aunt Midge to be in a small town and away from temptation. I still found the boys and the parties, but I was the top of my class and got the highest SAT's ever there and got the full scholarship. We had nothing so I wouldn't have gone to school otherwise. Keep centering me when I need it. I'll do my best to make all of you proud. Be my friend first, and I can't help what else happens." She said before letting my arm go so I could check the oven.
As I took our bubbling vegetable casserole out of the oven I asked her to come over and get the aroma. I used that as a chance to be close to her ear and say, "Thanks for enlightening me on those few things. I think we, you and I, will do just fine and you will make everyone proud."
Gail began to sing my praises as a chef when I had to stop her.
"I hate to blow your image of me as a gourmet, but the sauce and meatballs in Florida were made by Rita, and I pay one of my neighbors, who is a TV chef here, to prepare me frozen, oven ready, dinners. Yes I do cook a little, but things like this take too much time. You'll meet her and her husband, who owns a local restaurant, soon I suspect." I said hoping I didn't deflate her image of me too much.
"Well aren't you the gigolo, having women cook for you?" She joked.
"Oh for sure! I have to pay them to cook for me! That's rich huh? As far as Rita, if she knew I fed you her sauce and then we made love, she would poison the next batch." I laughed in self deprecation.
"Rita has a thing for you?"
"Well, let's just say she and I would make a good couple if she weren't so possessive and clingy. Very nice lady and a smart successful business woman, but when I wasn't nearby in Florida she called 5 times a day and called in the middle of the night to see if I was alone. I gave her the ultimatum that I would call her once a day when I was out of town and she not question me otherwise, or break off our relationship and stay friends. She chose to stay friends. She wanted that control and I wouldn't give it to her. My word is my bond."
"She still thinks she can have you?"
"I won't lie to you; we still slept together from time to time after we broke it off. But, not in a long time now. You have nothing to worry about, if that's what you mean." I assured her.
"When do you leave to be out of town again?" She wondered, thinking ahead to how she might handle my being away.
"A week from next Monday, 13 more days. Are you going to be ready to be on your own by then?" I asked
"You mean out of here?" She asked in a panic.
I looked up from serving our dinner onto our plates to glare at her with the side of my mouth turned down in mock disgust.
"Yeah, like I'm going to throw you out on the street. Of course HERE! We're roommates, remember?" I said as she smiled back.
We ate with just small talk, mostly about how good the food was. She loved the no-meat, low-fat aspect of the dinner. She only had to tighten up her little belly to make herself not self-conscious about wearing a bathing suit or bare midriff. It was something she hadn't done in a long time as well. After dinner she went up to lay out clothes and make a shopping list of things she thought she would need now that she was settled in a bit. I went out to water my the hanging plants and when I came back she was ready to hit the WalMart. She asked me to come with her in the store as she was not accustomed to shopping in a store so big. When they rang up the $79 total she looked at me with the $50 I had given her.
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It should have taken two years to design and build the structure Caitlin and I drew the plans for, for the new company, as yet un-named, that would come into existence. But two things sped that process up. The first was that the funding was already there, and contractors could be told to begin work as soon as possible. The second was that, until that structure was completed, all of us were crammed in what had seemed like a fairly large house, before Kat and I got married. Now, with four...
I sat there and looked around the room as the turkey was being carved and shook my head in disbelief at the way things had turned out. I grew up next door to Matilda and Michael. Matty was sweet on me and Michael, who was two years older than me was a bully. So, Matty and I played and Michael and I fought. Sometimes he would win and sometimes I would and we ended up having a rough and tumble kind of friendship. Matty and I did the usual childhood things that curious boys and girls do; we...
When Mike and Lynn arrive home from the Ritz, where her husband watched his wife fuck her businessman lover, they shower and immediately go to bed and fall fast asleep.The next morning Mike wakes up a little earlier than this usual time. Lynn is sleeping soundly on her side. He lowers the covers, baring her back to the swelling of her hips. There are slight bruises on her hips where Derek gripped her while taking her anally.He lightly strokes her back and kisses the nape of her neck.Lynn stirs,...
Cuckoldby mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-five: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven o'clock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot. Mary and I sent our bodyguards to raid the house and were watching from our...
Rachel - Crossing the Line III ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 19th, 10:51 AM My life may have been heaven, but my hair was giving me fits at the moment! The long hot bath I had just taken did wonders for my aching muscles, it was certainly easier to move around now. Bending over to pick something up off the floor took some thought before executing that maneuver. I had knocked my comb off the counter in the bathroom and, not giving my previous night's workout much thought, bent...
It was a warm summer morning already on the way to being hot when I was getting ready to go to the local supermarket to get a few things while my husband, Jerry, watched our toddler Saturday morning. I stopped to check myself out in the mirror before leaving in my new pair of hot pink, satiny, skin-tight short shorts. I was trying them out for the first time along with the new thong Jerry had just bought for me, celebrating getting back down to 95 pounds after having Christy a little over a...
It all started when I needed an SD card for my phone, the old one had stopped working. I went to the electronics drawer and found one that had the right amount of storage. But before putting it in my phone I decided to first copy any folders on my computer before formatting it. It was not one of the usual brands my wife and I buy, I thought but maybe it had come with something we had bought; us both being electronic junkies.A week passed and one Saturday while my wife, Amy, was out at some art...
Fair Warning: This story is mostly a tease, but I hope it leaves you wanting the next chapter. Tom Clark slapped his belly as he looked at himself in the mirror. Rather than the flab he gotten used to over the years, his flat hand met real muscle, and like they said on those old cereal commercials, he no longer pinched more than inch on his waist. It was true that at the age of 47, Tom was in the best shape of his life, and it was all thanks to his daughter, Brin. After a scare with his heart -...
IncestI was shaving my oldest son's prick hair, and my buddies were leaning in to get a close look, trying to help out. My son always hates these shaving parties, but I insist on shaving his pubes and balls and asshole myself. It's not easy to bring up three teenagers on your own, and I insist that my boys are hygienically clean and ethically moral. I have three boys as I said, Dan who is the oldest and the most trouble, Steve, who is going through that awkward stage, and Mike who is the youngest and...
The Deception of Choice. ~ The Epilogue ~ Preamble. A night at the opera for Grace and Helen and Francesca. And, as is appropriate, and traditional, and altogether in keeping with the reverence for the eternal verities that has so marked the telling of this tale, the end is signalled when the fat lady sings.. Not that anyone would ever call that epitome of svelte elegance, Grace de Messembry, fat! Even if she were surely no-one would dare? No I speak metaphorically only of...
A little about me first. I’m in my early 50’s, regular build, and I say average looking man. I have never had the women chase me like some hunks would, but did Ok in my younger days. My cock is average size, but at the lower end of the range. I’m happily married to a wonderful wife for near 25 years. Like some guys I think I spend time on the net looking at porn. It all starts of fine, your fantasize about the girl next door, the trophy wife across the street, and so on. Well for me it went to...
It doesn't matter if you haven't read Part 1 - enjoy!PART 2 – FACTORY VISITFucking Nigel was supposed to have been a one off thing – just a bit of fun to kill time. It was Nigel’s fault we kept going - I was so jealous that Phea was getting regularly fucked at the office and I wasn’t – boo hoo, so sad for me. Problem is – I do enjoy a good cock, especially the ones that cum inside me. It’s not that Nigel stopped fucking Phea, and why would he, she is a very cute little fuck buddy – she was...
"What is it?" Sammi asked, twisting around to see past me. "Is someone there?" I looked at Sammi. "Um ... It's Jordan." Sammi frowned at me. "She isn't mad, is she?" She untangled herself from me and looked. I looked too. Jordan stood there like she was a statue. I really didn't like what I was seeing. Sammi pushed at my chest. "Get up. We'll have to clean up sooner or later anyway." I nodded, eased out of her, and crawled off of the bed. Sammi raised her legs and peeled...
Hi dear friend’s this is my story on this site. I am a guy of 30 years, from Mumbai; I am in search of female interested in me for having sex, erotic chat, phone chat etc. Interested girls, women ladies can contact me at mail I stay in a housing complex. There’s a middle aged couple staying in the flat opposite mine (it is on the same floor and there are only 2 flats on a floor, with only a very narrow corridor). For a long time I have had a crush on bhabhiji and have visualized her many times...
The Range Sergeant stood safely on the opposite side of the crevasse from the slope of the mountain where the firing range was located. All personnel had been notified that the Daisy Bell would be in use and everyone had been warned to stay away from the areas where the snow slides were to occur, but he intended to monitor the volume of snow that would be dislodged onto his range. Also, he had come to the range to ensure that none of his people were in a danger area. He stood, his head reared...
I explained how size is important and how I love being teased and licked and how around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual,...
Martina wanted to do something useful with her life besides mothering. Pushed into a marriage at sixteen, when three children arrived eighteen months apart she visited the government health clinic and unbeknownst to family and spouse and church, had the operation that shut down the production line. She wasn’t yet twenty-one. Seeing the small note at the supermercado in their small town in northern New Mexico, she was intrigued and borrowed her brother’s rattletrap truck to check it out. Up in...
Andy's Summer Vacation By Alyssa Davis It was a cloudy June afternoon, one week out of school on summer vacation, and already all my friends were out of town. Boredom took me to my mother's bedroom to talk to her. Unnoticed, I stood watching her at her dressing table applying her makeup. I always enjoyed watching her apply all the her beauty aids and found it fascinating. She did it with such artistry. The transformation from a plain housewife to a very fashionable lady was...
Mary struggled to carry all of the packages upstairs on her aching feet. After the second trip everything was in the bedroom and Mary began putting all of the new clothing away. She placed the "toys" on the bed with the 6" heels as Lisa had requested. When everything was done as ordered she wanted to sit and rest her feet but she remember what happened the last time she sat without permission. Her plugged ass was now just uncomfortable as she adjusted to the invasion but her nipples were...