Ivy's AphrodisiacChapter 7 free porn video

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"Well he's a pleasant fellow." Commented Michael when they were on dance floor.

Ivy didn't reply to Michael verbally. Instead she opted for a less traditional dance hold and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Michael, knowing that Ivy was hurting, wrapped his arms tightly around her back and lowered his head to whisper soothing words into her ear. Michael loved Ivy, but only as sister and his heart ached for her. "It's okay Sweet. He didn't hurt my feelings and besides you should be happy he made the remarks to me."

Ivy jerked her head back to look at Michael in disbelief. "What do you mean I should be happy? He has no right to be disrespectful to you or to any other man I'm close to."

Michael shook his head and smiled into her lovely, sad face. "He was defending his territory Sweet. I would kill to have a man so wrapped up in me that he became jealous without cause." Michael's voice was just mocking enough to make Ivy laugh.

"Michael you are terrible." Ivy laughed as she pulled his beautiful head back to her neck. "And since we're talking about men. A little birdie told me that Carlos is coming tonight and that his anorexic date has left him."

Michael tried to lift his head, but Ivy twisted her fingers in his curly hair, effectively trapping him. "Ivy you're not planning to keep me here all night are you? After all it would be cruel to leave Carlos alone in his time of need."

Ivy could feel Michael smile against her neck as he spoke. "No, I won't keep you. Just stay with me for a little longer. I don't get to see you very often and I miss our late night ice cream talks." She felt him kiss her neck affectionately and tighten his hold as they simply enjoyed each others company.

Nikolai stood across the room with his back against the wall and watched with hooded eyes as Ivy and Michael pressed their bodies closer together. He has to get himself under control, he mused as he ran a hand through his hair making it stick up a little.

Cole approached Nikolai and crossed his arms across his broad chest as he stood next to him. "Staring at them isn't going to help." Cole offered.

Nikolai grunted in response, but continued his loathing of the young blond man holding tightly onto what was his. His brows knit together as he realized the direction his thoughts were taking. His. Where the hell had that come from? "If I take one step towards them I can't guarantee that you won't need to hire someone to clean up the blood that will spill."

Cole had known Nikolai for nearly twenty years and even though he had thirteen years on the other man he couldn't ask for a better friend. "Well, that would put a damper on things. I suggest you try doing something a little less violent and a lot more polite." Cole said to himself as much as to Nikolai. After all he had been forced to stand back and watch Sine be traded from one man's arms to another.

Nikolai turned to look at Cole with serious eyes. "What do you suggest? That I walk over there, tap on his shoulder and ask if I could cut in?" Nikolai's voice was gruff with anger.

"That my friend is exactly what I suggest." Cole replied as his eyes caught and held Sine's captive. "In fact I'm going to take my own advice right now." Cole pushed away from the wall and walked straight to the woman who made his body throb.

Nikolai watched in disbelief as Cole walked past his wife and straight to Ivy's tall friend. "Well if he can do it I guess it won't hurt me." Nikolai mumbled to himself as he walked towards the entwined couple before him.

"Don't look now, but your caveman is heading this way and he doesn't look too pleased." Michael's voice muffled in Ivy's neck.

Ivy's body tensed as she sensed Nikolai standing just over her shoulder. Her hands reflexively fisted tighter in Michael's hair causing him to quickly move his hands from her back and grab her wrists.

Nikolai growled possessively when he saw Michael grip Ivy's wrists. "Excuse me, I think you have had her long enough. It would be my pleasure to take over from here." The words were spoken through clinched teeth.

Ivy realized she was pulling Michael's hair when he gripped her wrists tightly. She sent him an apologetic smile as she released him from her punishing grip. "Is that your way of asking me to dance?" Ivy said as she turned towards Nikolai.

Nikolai bit back the burning comment on his tongue and tried for some patience. "I'm sorry if that seemed rude. Michael would you mind if I danced with Ivy?" Nikolai forced his voice to be calm.

"Well, I don't know. Ivy and I were just getting reacquainted, weren't we Sweet?" Michael said to a shocked Ivy. "Besides, Ivy's a big girl; she can make her own decisions." Ivy shook her head lightly at Michael as he tempted Nikolai to kill him where he stood.

Ivy took one look at Nikolai's enraged face and new that she had to get him away from Michael. "Of course I'll dance with you Nikolai." She said as she pushed Michael in a safer direction and walked to place her hand on Nikolai's tense arm.

After Michael walked away Nikolai looked down into the small face of the woman who was making him act like an idiot. Holding out his hand, Nikolai waited for her to slip her hand into his before he pulled her body close with a hand placed in the middle of her smooth back.

Ivy loved dancing like this. Her hand in his. Her other hand on his broad shoulder, while she absorbed the heat from the hand splayed wide on her back. Ivy felt herself being drawn into his now dark green eyes and soon everything around her faded into nothing.

"Do you love him?" Nikolai cursed himself the moment her asked and read the answer in her golden eyes.

"Yes." Ivy answered simply.

Nikolai's eyes lit with fiery anger at the thought of her loving anyone but him. "Are you playing some kind of game with me or are you always unfaithful to those you love?"

Ivy watched in amusement as Nikolai developed a tick in his jaw. "I am never unfaithful and I do hope to be playing a game with you very soon." Ivy sent him a seductive smile and allowed her caressing hand to creep into the hair at the back of his head.

Nikolai couldn't seem to get a grip on his emotions around her as he found himself going from anger to arousal from one second to the next. "You're playing with fire here Ivy. I suggest you explain quickly."

Ivy's eyes glittered with humor as she watched Nikolai struggle for control. "Well, you see I do love Michael and I always have. Except now I can tell everyone that I love him as a brother since his mother married my father. Besides that, he would be more interested in you than me anyway. And as for playing with fire. I have had to play with my own fire for the past week because of your teasing and now I'm hungry Niko. So hungry for the feel of you I ache." Ivy pulled Nikolai's head down as she spoke and buried her face in his neck as she slipped her other hand over the hard beat of his heart.

Nikolai felt her seductive words slide over his body and into his soul as he placed his now free hand on the back of her neck. He loved it when she became lost in him and called him Niko. He loved the sound of his name on her tongue period. Nikolai heard Ivy inhale deeply into his neck, even as he felt her hot tongue slip out to taste him causing him to moan. "God I want you." He whispered into her sweet vanilla smelling skin.

Ivy answered by slipping her hand inside his jacket and around his back where she set slowly rubbed. She felt the muscles in his back tighten and then his hand was sliding slowly down her bare back which raised goose-bumps of her sensitive flesh. "Please Niko. No more teasing, I can't take anymore. I need you." Ivy whispered against his hot neck even as she nipped at him with her teeth.

Nikolai sent his hand further down her down her silky back until his fingertips were sliding under the soft fabric of her gown where he set up a slow rub of his own. As Nikolai let his fingertips glide over her he could hear her breathing quicken and her heart pound against his chest. "This is how I do things Ivy. I won't be rushed. It will be so much better for you if you let me draw it out slowly, making you hotter and more desperate than you have ever been. Will you do this? Will you give yourself over to me completely Ivy?" Nikolai's voice becoming a deeper baritone as his own arousal spiked at the thought of her body splayed open for his pleasure.

The sound of Nikolai's deep timber caused Ivy's womb to clinch in anticipation, even as she felt a warm gush of slick fluid as her body prepared for him. She knew that there was something important behind Nikolai's question, but she mind was too fogged by the scent and feel of him. "Yes. Anything. Just do something." Ivy was on the verge of either begging him or climbing up his body and taking him right where they stood.

Nikolai pulled back from Ivy's sweet smelling skin and looked into her desire laden eyes. "Show me the gardens Ivy." Nikolai commanded as he unwrapped her hands from his neck and back.

Ivy couldn't understand why he would want to see the gardens at this moment, but she obeyed him anyway and moved towards the open French doors which led to the moonlit gardens.

Once outside in the fresh night air Ivy's mind began to clear from the lust that had moments ago made her forget that they were not alone while dancing. See looked at him slightly embarrassed by her behavior. "I don't normally act like this." She confided quietly.

"I didn't think you did. It pleases me greatly that I make you forget yourself." Nikolai smiled as he gripped the back of her neck and rubbed his thumb across her lower lip causing her to open her mouth and gently suck on him. His thoughts immediately went to her wrapping her hot little mouth around his throbbing cock as she nibbled on his thumb. "God what you do to me." Nikolai whispered as he removed his finger from her hot mouth.

Ivy suddenly remembered his request to see the gardens, so she took his hand and led him away from the noise of the party.

They walked quietly, still hand in hand around the moonlit gardens when she came to stop by a large willow tree. The tree had been her hiding place as a child with its branches drooping carelessly to the ground, hiding her from the outside world.

Ivy smiled slyly at Nikolai as she released his hand and walked away from him and into the cover of the tree. There she slowly circled the great tree truck with her hand running along its rough bark as Nikolai pushed through the protective layer provided by the tree.

"I would play here as a kid. I even ran away from home and hid here for an entire day before mom found me." Ivy held her hand out to Nikolai and waited for him to take it. "Look at this. I carved this when I first met Michael in the first grade." She said pointing to the M + I Forever as she smiled as the memory.

Nikolai stood behind Ivy and wrapped his arms around her slender waist as he studied the crooked lettering. "So it's your fault he like men. You scared him away from girls." Nikolai teased as began kissing Ivy's neck.

His hot lips brought a moan from Ivy's mouth and she tilted her head to give him better access to her fevered skin. "I want you here Niko. I can't wait anymore." Ivy said as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and ground her soft backside against the proof of his arousal.

Nikolai's breath caught at the feel of her softness against him as his hands splayed against her trembling belly and slowly drew the up over her ribs where he paused with his thumbs softly rubbing the underside of her heaving breasts. "You must give me control Ivy. Once we start there is not going back. Do you understand?" As he spoke he slid his hands further up gently skimming her tightened nipples as he traveled her arms until he was tightly encircling her wrists and placing them on a low hanging tree branch.

"Don't move". Was whispered into her ear as she felt the slow slide of his tongue trace the shell of her ear before his lips left a moist trail down her neck, where he scrapped her flesh with his teeth.

As she stood there gripping tightly onto the branch, Nikolai was wrapping her heavy hair around his wrist as he continued tasting her. As his mouth reached the clasp behind her neck his free hand slid slowly up her hip until he was unclasping the gown.

Ivy pushed back harder against Nikolai as her breasts were bared to his ever wondering hands. Ivy turned her head in order taste Nikolai as he circled her sensitive nipples with his fingertips. Ivy could no longer contain the sounds of distressed pleasure that was tore from her as his firm fingers enclosed on her nipples and pinched as he twisted slightly.

Nikolai felt Ivy's body continual trembling as she rubbed against him and he knew that she was close to coming. He wanted to hear her scream as he tortured her flushed body and so he continued punishing her hard nipples as he whispered in her ear. "Come for me Ivy. I want it from you now."

Ivy bit her lip to keep from screaming as Nikolai pulled and twisted her nipples until they were burning. She felt as if her body was going up in flames and lost the battle of keeping quite when she heard the command from Nikolai's strong voice.

Nikolai held tight as Ivy tensed in his arms and cried out her pleasure into the night air. He felt her body slowly relax and he was encouraged to see that she retained her death grip on the branch above her head. "That's my good girl." Nikolai praised softly in her ear as he unzipped and carelessly stripped the gown away from her body. "I'm going to taste you now baby. I have been dreaming of feasting on your pussy since I first saw you." Nikolai smiled as he felt her answering shudder.

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Part 1 With a flash of light, Trent appeared on the front porch of the house he sought. He looked around and quickly tossed out a mental shield to cloak his presence. He scanned the house and verified it was empty. Trent was not alone on this excursion. He had Sabrina Spellmen with him. He had ensnared the girl on a previous jaunt and had enlisted her into his service. "No one is home. Let's go inside." he said. "I'm right behind you Master." Sabrina replied as she followed him into...

3 years ago
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The Gypsy And The StrangerChapter 4

"Bye Papa, I won't be long." she called out to her father. Romano had been outside of his wagon and heard her. "Now where is that witch going? Can't she stay put? He gives her too much freedom!!" He waited in the dark and saw her climb down from their vurdon. She was holding a folded blanket and towel. "Ah... so she was going to have a midnight swim perhaps?" He decided to follow her... and good. She didn't have her blasted dog with her for once!! She headed down to the stream. It...

3 years ago
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1st time Part 2

George woke first and damn did he have a hangover. His head felt like it was about to bust open, and he was sick also. He knew from the past that he wouldn't be able to get much work done today. Should he call in sick or just struggle and go in anyway. He lay there staring at the ceiling figuring out what to do. He had sick leave built up, he hadn't missed a day in over a year, he felt like pure hell, and he had to piss. He started to roll over when he realized his 9 year old daughter was...

2 years ago
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Mene Sagi Behen Ko Choda

Hello friends. Ye meri pehli story he agar koi galati ho kaye to maf karna. Mera name raman he me vidisha mp ka rehne wala hu. Me 20 saal ka hu aur mere lund ka size 6 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota h ko kisi ko bhi satisfied kar sakta he.Mere ghar me mere alawa 3 log mom, dad aur choti behen he. Mom housewife aur dad ki private job he aur ye story meri aur meri cchoti behen ki he jo 12 class me he. Aur abhi 18 year ke h. Meri choti behen ekdum mst mal he 32-34-32 figure bilkul mst kisi ko bhi pani...

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Elaines Dog ShowChapter 3

"Elaine? Elaine, honey, are you okay?" Wanda called through the locked bedroom door. Elaine opened her eyes and moved her head to the right, focusing them on the small alarm clock on the bedroom dresser. It was eleven o'clock! "Sam! Sam, wake, up!" Elaine whispered, as she rolled back and shook the big man's shoulders. "It's almost midnight, and I've got to go." "Hmmmmm?" Sam mumbled sleepily, blinking his eyes open then reaching over and stroking her tits lightly. "No more...

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Since the main character didn't invite her ordeal I put this into non consent. But it could have went into others. All characters are over 18. My first sense of awareness was of a pulsing on my nipples. Something was oscillating on my breasts. A slight sucking then nothing. Several seconds later, again the feeling of sucking on my nipples, then nothing. I tried to open my eyes but I found out I couldn't. My eyes had been covered and my world was black. There was a device sealed in some way on...

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Evelyn couldn't remember ever being so sad and all alone. Why had Anthony been taken from her she morosely wondered as tears coursed down her cheeks, streaking her mascara and makeup? It wasn't fair. She had no one. Even though it had been over six months, she still felt so helpless and alone. She had no one to comfort her. To console her. And she was so lonely, she ached. What could she do, she asked herself? This couldn't go on much longer, or she might do something drastic. Do something...

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My Best Friends Wife Part 2

I never intended to write a second part to this story, but after some careful consideration, I noticed I left myself open for a sequel. Enjoy and please leave feedback! Cindy arrived the next morning as Shane and I began to prepare for breakfast. She looked beautiful as ever. ‘Hey baby.’ I said to Cindy as she walked up and gave me a hug. ‘How are you, love?’ She asked with a grin. ‘Was last night fun?’ ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ I shot back with a devious smile and a laugh. ‘Oh...

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AnnetteChapter 31

On their return Peter and Louise went straight to the Gower where they had found a small cottage. Peter started his sailing business immediately but they needed ready money so Louise found an administrative job in Swansea. Their plan was for her to join Peter and run the office once the sailing became a decent business. With Autumn almost upon him, Peter had plenty of time to prepare his yard and organise the advertising for an April launch. He broke even in the Summer but they had to rely on...

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Her First Affair II

Her First Affair II The following week was torture. To see Marty not 30 feet away and not being able to take her in my arms. To talk to her around others and pretend that nothing had happened. I was certain that just by looks that anyone interested could tell, yet we made no outward appearance other than being friends. Each day we would make or usual trek at lunch to the restaurant at the end of the mall. Each day we would buy a sandwich and pitcher of beer, sharing both between chat and jokes....

Wife Lovers
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 21

The next morning after breakfast I rounded up Shamona, Miya, Liya and Dana. I told them I was getting Red and Jake ready to go and asked them to get ready also. Once I'd finished that, I got Red saddled. I also packed Jake lightly. I included my camp saws and hand axes. I figured I would need them soon. About 15 minutes later Shanana came up with a couple of bundles she wanted to stow on Jake. "Food" she said matter-of-factly. Almost on her heels Miya and Liya arrived with small packs of...

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If You Leave

The ringing of the cell phone cut insistently through the fog in Charlotte’s mind, refusing to let her sink back down into her relaxed, dreamy trance. ‘Yes, hello,’ someone said irritably as they finally answered it. Wait…trance? She cracked an eyelid open just a little, the act seeming to take a lot more effort than she’d expected. When did she go into a trance? ‘Yeah, I really can’t talk now,’ the man said as Charlotte tried to focus on him through eyes that were used to wearing glasses. She...

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Becoming a Blonde Blueeyed Buxom Bimbo Part 2

SRU: Becoming A Blonde, Blue-Eyed, Buxom, Bimbo. Part 2 by Yvonne Moore SRU: Becoming A Blonde, Blue-Eyed, Buxom, Bimbo. Part 2. "And, -like- if you girls -like- think I'm going to wear the clothes we -like- bought in the mall, you're -like-totally crazy!" "Besides I have -like- my own business to run, -like- how will I go to work like this!" He shrieked while squeezing his large breasts. "Now, -like- all I have to do is -like- take this dress and make-up off, go to sleep and...

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The Most Erogenous Zone Part Five of Nine

Her clit, when I touched it, was hard and erect and she gasped as my finger slid over it. Her inner lips were puffy and yielding, her juices sluicing their slick, viscous invitation from her hot pussy as I parted them with my other fingers; she’d clearly been telling the truth about her arousal, not that I’d needed to touch her pussy to know. I’d been very surprised when Julia had called my teasing bluff, and now I couldn’t seem to stop myself.I passed my middle finger across her soft, ready...

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Teacher Helps Me Concentrate On Studies

This happened when I was in college and I had a teacher Salma Madam, She was a sex bomb and I could not concentrate on her classes, as I used to be busy fantasize about her, she too noticed this and one day she called me, when the classes got over and we were alone. She asked me: Rahul, what is the problem, nowadays I find that you are not attentive in class and your marks are going down. Do you have any problems? I didn’t know what to say, I told her nothing Madam, I am fine after much coaxing...

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Banging my cousin

I was 18 and the first time I was out on my own,it was also the first time I made a girl cum. I rented a cottage on the lake for the summer and looked forward to having a few parties . It was there where my friend Don showed up with his girlfriend Nancy with her friend Bonnie tagging along . Bonnie was a couple of years younger but was very cute and she also had a great personality. She was about 5’5 skinny as a rail and had almost nonexistent breasts .She had long black hair and dark eyes but...

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Thieves Lust

We do not. We work whenever and wherever our marks are most vulnerable. This particular mark was named Lord Gelvin Farthingworth the Third. Fifty-eight years old, Male, Human, landholder, and heir to the largest fortune in the realm. He keeps an unusually regular schedule. On Worshiptide he wakes, uses the facilities, dresses, and then eats a light breakfast before spending the day in quiet contemplation in his study. Firsday the man spends the morning going over the previous weeks...

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Electricians Apprentice

We were having some work done in the house and the Electrician, Fred and his apprentice, Jono, arrived to do the job. Half way through the day Fred told me he had to go and get some more wire, I said “Ok” “I’ll only be gone around 45 minutes and I’ll leave him here if that’s Ok” I nodded as Jono smiled at me, something he’d been doing all day.As soon as Fred went I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:45pm and made a mental note as I didn’t want to get caught out with what I was planning....

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 7 Like a Record Baby Right Round Round Round

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 9, 2009) Chapter 7 - Like a Record, Baby Right Round Round Round Tuesday morning presented the conundrum I didn't want to face. Leaving my hair down made it pretty obvious that I had gotten a girl's haircut. But putting it...

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DaftSex Lesbian

I've been thinking about to what end lesbian porn is popular and is watched by both straight women and men. Well, for men it's actually easy to figure out because they are basically aroused by visual cues that emphasize youthfulness and downplay dramatic emotional display. Lesbian porn is almost like the dramatic playout of women’s emotional being almost like a symbol of what they would rather have. I can’t deny that this shit is deep as hell but most probably the hell about it that most men...

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who said being a slut is a bad thing

My name is Sara am a natural blonde and yes i have blue eyes am about 5;10 and a size 10 with 32b breasts, i wasn't always a slut, before i went to uni i was a good girl, i had a few boyfriends but nothing different to everyone else. Oringally am from a small town in wales but when i went to uni it was my first time in the big city world and i discovered a whole new world. i was 18 when this happened. I was over at my friends place becky watching a movie and drinking wine with one of...

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Darrington Hall Chapter Two

As Sarah started to unpack her belongings, Mary explained her duties to her.“I am the madam’s personal maid, but there will be times when you will have to take care of things she wants to be done. You will have to make the beds and tidy the rooms used by her or Sir Charles, and their guests. Miss Chambers, the housekeeper is in charge of all servants, I usually keep her rooms tidy, but again there will be times when you have to. You have a one-half day a week off and will be expected to attend...

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Center of MassChapter 20

The next morning, I was expecting to find a resumption of the battle. However, the neighborhood was strangely quiet. I scanned our entire perimeter with my binoculars, but could not see a single Navajo. Where the hell did they go? For that mater, where were Joe and Running Fox? Alice was cooking breakfast when the prodigals came in. As soon as I saw them, I knew something serious had gone wrong. Joe was slumped over his saddle and was in the saddle more by Running Fox's efforts than his...

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The Allure of VirginityChapter 6 Dendy Park

Ella and I walked to the lockers from our chemistry class. The locker rooms were so crowded during lunch that it took about a whole minute for me to move ten metres from one end of the room to the opposite end. Someone's body odor forced me to hold my breath while I plowed through the crowd. Ella followed me to my locker. She had news for me. "Keith, could you do me a favour? If any of my friends ask you where I'll be this lunch, tell 'em I sneaked out with the guys." "Where are you...

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Nina8217s fucking Good Morning

Six months back Vishal joined our AD agency, very good sketch artist. Other days as a photographer, I accompanied him for a photo shoot. First we went to his house, he introduced me to his wife Nina and two year old daughter Deepa, both had a very attractive smiling face. Vishal asked for nice coffee and something to eat, but Nina opened her eyes big, bitten her lips and slapping on her own right chic said ” again you forgot? ” My experienced eyes saw one more side of Nina, she had very...

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Early Morning Delight

Early Morning Delight by Ms. Madison (After a few attempts, I am rather proud of this story. I'd say this one wastruly inspired, as none of the ones I've written in the past have been as easy,steamy, and fulfilling. Please send me your comments. Enjoy!) ------------------------------------------------------------- He touches my face, rubs his fingers over my lips. He feels my teeth. My handsare caught above my head ? I try to pull down again, but can't get free. Hechuckles over watching me...

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