An ClochánChapter 73 free porn video

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Sarah’s and Siobhan’s Clans watched the shuttle carrying the children and their visitors depart for Dóchas. The two clans walked back to Phoenix’s bridge sharing the observations they had made during the dinner with Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar. Their visitors had shown no reluctance in talking about their families and what life was like in the Oreschre World. At the same time they were quite interested in what life was like in the Órarduine World which led to them making numerous comparisons.

Siobhan said, “We haven’t had many visitors who were as relaxed as this group was.”

Joyce added, “I have the impression that some of that is because even when they are with their family they feel like outsiders.”

“We asked Muireann to ask the Coschenz who’ve joined us what they know of these people.”

“Good idea,” responded several.

Reaching the bridge Aoife said, “I suspect we should transfer, if we intend to be there when they arrive. Thanks for hosting dinner.”

Kendra said, “It was our pleasure and something we should do more often.”

“We agree, but I suspect that organizing it slips our minds since we see each other nearly every day,” responded Alison with a smile.

“True, but it is different when you relax together.”

“Agreed,” replied Sarah’s Clan.

Jill added, “So tomorrow when we see each other let’s set a date to either do this again or visit the entertainment area together.”

“We like that idea,” responded Kendra.

Sarah’s Clan said, “See you in the morning at Tara.”

“Definitely,” responded Siobhan’s Clan as Sarah’s Clan vanished.

Sarah’s Clan arrived in the hangar on Dóchas just before their children and guests. When the group exited the shuttle they said, “Welcome to Dóchas.” It was obvious from their expressions that Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar were surprised. It was also obvious that when they glanced at the Órarduine with them that they realized that they weren’t surprised.

The four guests responded with, “It is a pleasure to be here.”

Then Jar asked, “How did you do that?”

“We took a shortcut,” responded Jill with a smile.

Blee said, “This looks very similar to the other ship, but very different from ours.”

Janet said, “It is. This is the oldest of the seven ships. We need to go check some things on the bridge, why don’t you come with us? Alternatively, our children could give you a tour.”

Maz said, “Seeing the bridge sounds neat, but we don’t want to interfere with your tasks. The passenger ship was the first space ship we’ve been on.”

Jill replied, “To more fully answer your implied question, this ship’s mission is a lot different to that of your ship. The bridge is this way.” As they started walking she continued with, “This ship was initially built to be the lead ship for a group setting up a settlement on another planet. Since then it has been refitted to fill the role of a fleet command ship while still retaining some of its original purpose. As to you all being a burden, rest assured that you are not. We asked our children to pick you up because we thought you would be more comfortable with them.”

“We’ve really enjoyed their company.”

“After you see the bridge our children can give you a tour, however it is pretty late so perhaps it would be better to wait until morning for that.”

“Wow, today seems like it flew by. I am not sure that we will be permitted to return tomorrow.”

“Why is that?”

“Well we didn’t ask the Elders for permission before we left today. They are unhappy because of our interaction with the Security Teams on the ship.”

“I think we can figure out a way to avoid them being a problem for you.”

“I gather you all haven’t seen our orientation videos,” said Moya.

“We haven’t seen any videos, although I sort of remember them being mentioned,” responded Winz.

“We have three different orientation videos about us which differ only in detail. The shortest one is a brief story of how we came to be here and our origins. The other two provide more detail about our culture, physical characteristics, and social structure. They differ in the level of detail as one is made for visitors who will be staying with us for a short time, up to say several months, the longer one is for those who will be with us for an extended period or that we will have extensive interactions with. They are all available.”

Winz declared, “As far as I am concerned I would prefer the longer one, but I don’t know that we can reciprocate.”

Blee noted, “Well, to an extent we’ve already shared some information about our worlds. Once we see what is in your videos we could use that as a reference for sharing anything that we’ve overlooked. Even so, I am sure that there is a lot about our worlds that we don’t know.”

“Well there is no requirement for you to reciprocate,” Deirdre assured them. “Actually I think we’ve already shared a lot at dinner, but there is still a lot for us to learn about each other. You are not the first people we’ve met from the Oreschre World. Our family currently includes some Coschenz people.

“As to us, you’ve likely noticed that we refer to our families as clans. A clan typically consists of 8 to 12 adults but it can be as few as 2 or as many as 16. Both extremes are unusual. Our clan is known as Sarah’s Clan and we have 16 parents.”

“Wow,” replied Jar, Winz, Blee, and Maz.

“How do you decide on a clan name?” queried Jar.

“The members of the clan decide when it forms. From what our parents have shared with us, they chose Sarah since they all seemed drawn to her. This was back when the Órarduine were first coming together as an entity. Some believe that it goes back to when Sarah, Sally, and Rusty first met on a planet known as Earth.”


Maz said, “Your family structure sounds similar to ours but the number of adults in ours never exceeds 8 and is seldom less than 4. If I understood what you’ve said, and the interactions I’ve observed, your parents appear to all have equal status. In ours everyone defers to the male member.”

“We see our relationship as a joint effort,” responded Sally. “One of us may take lead when dealing with an issue. Who fills that role depends on the situation.”

Jar said, “I find the bluntness of this evening’s conversations very refreshing.” Blee, Winz, and Maz gasped as everyone in Sarah’s Clan chuckled. “Well it is true,” he added looking embarrassed.

With a smile Erin replied, “We think of it as being ‘frank’ or ‘plain spoken’. Some see blunt as a rather harsh word.”

“Thank you. Either of those words is much closer to what I meant. My excuse is that this is the first time I have had to express myself in Standard to someone who didn’t know our language or culture. Today there have been times when I was uncertain as how to express myself. There were also times that the comments I heard didn’t seem right.”

“Please, while you are with us always ask for clarification if you didn’t understand what someone said. Our preference is for people ask for clarification when they have any doubt. The basis for this stems from us spending a lot of time in hostile environments. In places like that errors that would be a minor issue on a planet are often deadly, in an environment such as space for example. Telepathy does give us a very efficient way to communicate in hostile environments but the fact that we are telepathic doesn’t mean we know whether a person understands what they heard.”

“I’ll remember that.”

Winz said, “From what I’ve heard your world seems to be very different from the one we grew up in.”

“In what way?” queried Earnán.

“Well I am not sure where to begin listing the differences I perceive although we did mention some at dinner. A key one is the way you all interact. You are all very open and sincere. Then there is the way you dress. Most amazingly, it seems that everyone listens before responding.”

Maz added, “I suspect the Elders had a fit when they learnt that we left the ship without seeking their permission.”

“They did, and were rather belligerent when they complained to our people,” responded Terry.

“I imagine Cathan was able to handle it.”

“She did.”

“She is really nice, as is her whole clan. In fact I’ve probably enjoyed interacting with them more than the others. I suspect that is because we know her family better than the others.”

On entering Dóchas’ bridge some of Sarah’s Clan went to their consoles and signed in.

Moya said, “As you’ve likely guessed, this is where our parents spend a good bit of their time. Sarah, Rusty, and Sally usually sit in the three seats in the center. Currently everyone else is near their primary station. Each of them has two primary specialties, but they can fill any role. While our parents are the Command Staff for this ship there are two other clans that can fill the roles in their absence. When holding at a location, like now, our ships don’t require a physical presence here, however when underway a clan is always present on the bridge.”

“This is amazing,” said Winz as she looked around. Her friends nodded indicating their agreement. “It all seems much more complex than what is on our ship.”

“It could be as I haven’t seen the bridge on your ship.”

Alison said, “There are about twice as many consoles used to manage this ship as there are on the passenger ships we are using.”

“So, are you ready to see the rest of the ship?” asked Keri.

“Sure,” replied Maz. “When is your rest period?”

“For the day shift, it generally begins in about 2 to 4 hours. Our day is 30 hours long and we’ve split it into 3 - 12 hour shifts. This results in an hour overlap at the beginning and end of a shift. All the dining rooms set out a fresh buffet 2 hours before and 1 hour after each shift, as well as for 2 hours at mid shift.”

“Wow. So tonight was a typical selection?”

“Yes and it changes during the week.”

Winz said, “Earlier you asked if we had seen any videos about you. I now remember that they were mentioned several times, but it was as something we would be shown in the future. I guess there was never an opportunity as we’ve been really busy assisting your people since we came out of hibernation.”

Jar said, “Perhaps the Elders were delaying them being shown, but as you noted we’ve been very busy, although things appear to be slowing down.”

“We heard about the assistance you’ve provided and we really appreciate it. Our Teams feel that you made a difficult task much easier. Thank you.”

“Well,” responded Jar, “there were times when it seemed like our elders were not pleased with us assisting you all.”

“That was also noted and we aren’t sure what to make of it.”

Looking at their parents Iris said, “You know, if they stayed here tonight we could show the videos this evening. That way we could give them a tour of the ship after breakfast.”

“That is fine with us,” responded Maeve. “I think it would benefit them to see the videos sooner rather than later. It also has the advantage of addressing issues they may be reluctant to ask about.” Turning to the four she said, “While this wasn’t intended, due to how late it is you all are very welcome to spend the night here. Alternatively we can take you back to your ship then tomorrow our children could bring you back for a tour. However, we are scheduled to leave for Tara shortly after breakfast.”

“Tara?” enquired Jar.

“Tara is our short name for Tara Ardchlár which is our settlement on Ananu. Tomorrow morning we are schedule to meet with your ship’s officers to discuss their situation. Then in the afternoon we are to meet with the passenger representatives, or more correctly Elders.”

“Will we need to be there?” queried Blee with a frown.

“From our perspective you don’t need to be, however they may feel differently if they believe they are responsible for you. This will be especially true if you decide to stay here tonight. Having said that, and remembering the ruckus they raised about your departure, I am inclined to think that staying here tonight would be best. Moya and Keri can bring you to Tara for the meeting. Your presence at the beginning would assure them of your wellbeing. Once the meeting is underway you could leave when our children do.”

“Once they see us I am not sure they will let us out of their sight,” said Blee. “In the past they’ve made things very difficult for anyone who didn’t agree with them. On top of that my clan is not one they particularly care for, well except for the talent we have. Even though they needed the talent, they always found fault with how it was used.”

“Well as you are in our world you can now look at it a little differently. You are all old enough, and mature enough, to make your own decisions and thus benefit, or otherwise, from those decisions. They cannot force you to do what you don’t let them impose on you. We realize that there could be consequences to dismissing any demands they make. Even so, while taking into account how they affect others you should make your decisions based on your wellbeing and desires.

“Also, although it hasn’t been specifically stated, we have the impression that many of your breed have paranormal abilities. While we don’t know any specifics regarding those abilities, you having them is not an issue with us provided they are not used in a negative or threatening manner. So based on your recent comments and current body language, we will support you.”

Marnia said, “You are welcome to spend tomorrow with us. After the tour there are some tasks that we need to do, but there isn’t any reason you couldn’t hang out with us as we do them. If we went to the meeting with you, then we could simply leave as a group like Maeve suggested.”

“Thanks,” replied all four with smiles.

Maz added, “While that might work, it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to compel us to return to the ship with them.”

“We can assure you that they will not be able to compel you to do anything,” said Janet firmly but with a smile.

“Marnia, while we don’t know the tasks you need to take care of tomorrow, we are willing to assist you where we can,” added Winz with a smile. The other three nodded their agreement.

Jar added, “While I would be interested in seeing how they react to your directness, I would prefer that I wasn’t in the same room.”

“Let’s back up for a minute. I gather you like the idea of spending the night here,” queried Maeve.

Winz looked at the others then said, “We would like that if it is not inconveniencing you.”

“It is not. Actually it is a pleasure to have your company. We will let Cathan know of the change. Moya, Keri, will you arrange their accommodations?”

“Certainly,” they both agreed.

“Presuming you are still here tomorrow evening, please join us for dinner.”

“Are you sure?” queried Winz with a concerned expression.

“Definitely. You are certainly welcome to spend another night, or more, here.”

“I suspect something is afoot.”

“Only time will tell. By the way, we thought there were only two breeds on Oreschre.”

“Our group of families is a very small segment of the Coschenz breed. Our breed differs in that many have abilities which you referred to as ‘paranormal’, which is a word I am not real familiar with.”

“Paranormal abilities typically are invoked or initiated by using special words or symbols. This is not true for those with psionic abilities. It is not clear to us whether the two types of abilities draw on the same source or not.”

“In general many of the Oreschre World view our paranormal abilities with suspicion. Many times we were blamed for incidents that weren’t easily explained, especially by those with limited education or strong biases. At times the accusations led to violence and death.”

Tara said, “It is late so let’s save that topic for tomorrow.”

Deidre said, “Now let’s go watch a video or two. On the way, we can show you where you will be staying. The compartments we have in mind are next to ours.”

After their children and guests had left the bridge Sarah said, “Are we jumping to conclusions?”

“Well, considering how these ‘Elders’ have been acting, no,” replied Janet. “Based on what we learnt this evening, I guess we should be referring to them as ‘Elders’ rather than ‘passenger representatives’.”

“We may not have a full grasp of the issues due to the fact that that our perceptions are based on interaction with 14 out of 10,000 or so passengers,” added Alena. “Right now I think that all the passengers should participate in any decision regarding the group’s future because it will be different to what they originally agreed to.”

“I agree, but that means bringing them out of hibernation,” responded Janet. “How long would that take?”

“That depends on their setup,” noted Judy. “Although we are still discussing it I don’t see any alternative. There are several issues that this detour has handed them. A key one is due to them using a fixed duration hibernation profile. While hibernation time can be shortened with minimal consequences it cannot be extended without risking the loss of over half those in hibernation, and likely more. Even then some of the survivors would be impaired to some degree. If they had used a flexible profile then this would not be an issue. However, the flexible profile requires more sophisticated equipment.

“As to the passengers current condition, our medical staff has significant concerns. These are based on the current messages being issued by the individual units to the hibernation AI. As a result we’ve discussed doing a detailed evaluation of all hibernation units. At this point we haven’t committed to doing that. Considering what I’ve heard this evening from our visitors, I am convinced that we should start immediately. However, it will likely put a strain on our resources and likely result in a lot of flak from the Elders.”

Jill said, “Can Jade help? What about the Atewa and Monque?”

“Good questions. I don’t think Jade has been asked. Perhaps our Medical AI can query her?”

“That would be less obvious than having the ship’s crew do it.”

Star added, “I will contact our AI.”


“As to the Atewa and Monque assisting, we can ask,” responded Judy. “Before we do that we should define what we want to accomplish and a probable sequence. The Elders will likely object.”

Alena said, “Strictly speaking, that is all they can do.”

Rusty said, “After we meet with the two groups we should have a better understanding of the situation. Our fellow Councilors may see things a bit differently than we do.”

Siobhan said, “We enjoyed the youngsters company at dinner this evening. I suspect Anna and Mark will join them tomorrow.”

“So you heard our conversation.”

“Part of it, however, we weren’t paying close attention. The reason we reached out is that we don’t think you noticed the change in meeting times. The meeting with the ship’s officers is now tomorrow right after lunch. Meeting with the passenger’s representatives, or Elders, is now set for the morning of the 35th. Security and Intelligence initiated the change as they need more time to study the data they have collected. It wouldn’t surprise me if they asked for more time.”

Erin responded, “So all the pieces are not quite what they first seemed.”

“Are they ever? But I am not sure that that is the issue.”

“Once in a while they are.” Erin laughed.

Rusty said, “Regardless of the status of the data analysis, we need to meet the representatives on the 35th.”

“We agree,” replied Conan.

Tara said, “Well I think it is time to call it a day. The next couple of days should be interesting.”

“Isn’t every day?” queried Aisling with a smile.

“Yes, Some more than others.”

“Sleep well,” said Siobhan’s Clan. “We enjoyed our excursion and we should do it again.”

“We did as well and you sleep well also.”

On the way to their suite Sarah said, “I am ready for a day of quiet relaxation with all of you.”

Aoife said, “Let’s schedule it. But it will be at least four days off.”

“I like that,” responded Joyce. “We might even be able to slip in a few relaxing evenings.”

“True. I really like that thought.”

“Well we’ve done that for martial arts practice,” responded Tara. “I think it has helped.”

Sarah, Siobhan, Keriann, Kathryn, Maureen, and Erica watched the officers from WZA90001 approach Central Square. With smiles they said, “Good afternoon, and welcome to Tara Ardchlár.”

“Good afternoon,” replied Captain Orengok.

“We trust that your ride here went smoothly.”


“We believe you have been shown images of us, so let’s hold introductions until we are inside where the others are waiting for us.”

“Yes your people on our ship showed us images of you all. They also provided us with some background on your World.”

“Good,” responded Siobhan as she gestured for them to walk with them.

“We’ve heard stories about you all at a couple of space ports. Some of those stories were unbelievable.”

“After our meeting perhaps you would share them with us,” said Keriann. “Since we don’t have commercial ships we haven’t heard any of them.”

On entering the auditorium the Órarduine could tell from the visitor’s expressions that they were a bit overwhelmed when they saw the size of the group there. After giving them a few moments to recover the Councilors said together, “Welcome to Tara Ardchlár on Ananu in Celia System. Today there are only some of the six Councilor Clans present. Two Councilor Clans are currently visiting another solar system. To hopefully make things easier, we will introduce ourselves in two steps. We will identify the individual clans then each member will introduce themselves.”

With a smile Siobhan continued, “There is no intent for this to be a memory test, so there is a seating chart showing who we are on your table.” Her comment prompted several of the visitors to smile.

After the Órarduine presented their clan groupings they each introduced themselves and formally greeted each of their visitors as they did so. When the introductions were finished Amy said, “There are refreshments on the counter. Please help yourselves at any time. Shall we take our places so we can begin?”

“I am Kathryn of Kathryn’s Clan. You are likely wondering why we’ve asked to meet with you since you’ve already spoken to our Intelligence and Security groups about your trip here. We’ve read their reports but there is nothing quite like hearing the information first hand. We gather that you were all surprised to learn that you were over twice the distance of your planned journey from your intended destination.”

“Very much so,” quickly replied Captain Orengok with the others nodding or mumbling their agreement.

“We understand that you’ve done this type of journey before, so what do you see as being unique about this one?”

“Ending up where you found us,” replied First Officer Murzinx prompting a lot of laughter.

“Good point. However, it doesn’t explain how the pirates knew you would be there so we would like to go over the sequence of events leading up to your arrival, beginning with when you were hired and ending when we found you.”

Captain Orengok interjected, “Before we get into that, I would like to note that while we weren’t very happy when we woke up, we are now very grateful that it was you who woke us up. I am not sure all the passenger representatives feel that way.”

“Actually we weren’t that close to your location when we noticed the presence of your ships. If you hadn’t paused for as long as you did, we probably would not have investigated. So how often have you relocated people for the Oreschre?”

“This was the fifth group. The first four groups were taken to planets that already had established settlements. This was the first time we were taking a group to an unsettled planet. Due to this our contract covered a longer time period.”

Same as An Clochán
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Part 1 - Fireworks I was jealous when my twin brother Jon told me he had a girlfriend. Jon was mine, and I didn't want to share him. I couldn't tell him that, of course. I was the fast girl during high school, and even in college, when my tastes went far beyond what I could get in back seat, I never even tried to make love to Jon. We were best friends, and sometimes he was the only guy in the world I could stand the sight of, but I never told him how I truly felt. But this woman, who he...

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Secluded HouseChapter 5 I Must Do It

I don't want to be alone! Why did he leave? The pain is getting worse again! Steven returned. He looked at me and smiled. "Did you miss me?'' he asked. "How did you know?'' "I see it in your eyes, Tiffany. Don't worry! Everything is going to be fine. With your permission, I will remove the splint," he said merrily. "Why?" "You will see. Have you ever broken a bone?" "No." Steven removed the splint. An ugly bluish swelling had formed at the place of the fracture. He...

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A Cheerleaders Mom Gets Pom Pomd

Being an adjuster for insurance companies has more than once landed my ass in the bed with a needy woman. I am a happily married man that stopped chasing women years ago. The only problem is that my wife’s sex drive has severely decreased over the last few years. We have three children and she teaches voice lessons in the afternoons so by the time I come home she has cooked dinner and is ready for a glass of scotch and some relaxation. By the time I’ve helped get the kids in bed it’s 10:00 p.m....

2 years ago
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Batteries Not Required

BATTERIES NOT REQUIRED Hazel Evans parked her car just down the street from the 'Naughty But Nice' adult store and sat there trying to work up the nerve to go in. She thought back on the nights when the need for relief in her pussy was almost unbearable! A year ago if you'd have even suggested that she'd even be considering visiting such a place, she'd have said you were crazy but she was horny! Her husband of twenty years had suddenly lost all interest in sex, leaving her feeling totally...

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Husband Cheats Wife Gets Even GayMakers

Peter knew how to do things discreetly. On a warm Sunday afternoon, he took a young woman out to lunch and spent a little time on the beach, all the while giving her the most suitable signals to arouse her spirits. They kissed and took a long walk on the sand, enjoying the vivacious activity among hundreds of beach-goers. And once they finished with their personal time, Peter dropped her off at her home in the suburbs. They shared their last kiss for the day before she got out of her car and...

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The Witch Wins

THE WITCH WINS by BobH (c) 2011 Note: This tale is a 'What If?' based on the story 'Merry-Go-Round' by Dale Ribbons and Eric, with their permission. The 'What if?' in this case being "What if the witch had won?", hence the title. There are a couple of points where, inevitably, it incorporates chunks of dialogue from their tale, though these have been recast so that they are now seen from the other person's pov. This is a standalone tale so you don't need to read 'Merry-Go-Round', but why...

2 years ago
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Aapne ne maire pheli story (tell me) padhi hogi. M w8ing 4 some1 4 helping me. Its not mine story. Its my friend story.kafi dino k baad hum sab apne ghar gaye. Mai yani mera dost. Mujhe apni pados ki bhabi ko bajar lekar jana tha. Maine kafi dino se bike nahi chlai thi to mujh se achi tarah control nahi ho rahi thi. Jab bhi mai brake marta bhabhi mujh se bilkul chipak jati. Or kheti hai kya kar raha hai.m sorry bhabhi kafi dino k bad chlai hai isliye. Hum saman khareed ne lage dekha ki hamare...

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The Wolf Pack

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 OFFICER BROWN This whole thing started when we moved from our home in Boston, so Tim could take a job with Atlanta PD. Tim had been unhappy with the Boston force for several years and one day a longtime friend of his gave him a head’s up about a position on Atlanta’s elite K-9 unit, called the ‘Wolf Pack’. The Wolf Pack had national attention as one of the premier K-9 teams. There is usually 13 team members each with their own German Shepard. Unfortunately,...

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Finding ShelterChapter 22

The ride to drop Cody off was relative quiet. I heard giggles and snickering from the backseat and Carrie — who had finished off the champagne that Kasey, Cody and I had left on the table — was smiling dreamily (or perhaps drunkenly) at me. I saw her glance downward at her dress and, like a fool, my gaze followed hers. She had lowered the bodice of her gown completely and her breasts were visible when she opened her coat. I smiled at the sight. "You have some serious kinks," I...

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Post Apocalyptic excerpt

The petrol gauge was blinking red as I drifted into Killearn Ohio, a chickenshit little town of maybe 4000 skulls in its prime, probably none now, but this wasn’t prime for any town any more. Still, best to be cautious.I freewheeled through the first set of dead lights and along the dusty main street in the hope but not expectation of finding some unused juice in the tank of some soccer mom’s station wagon that had been parked at a grocery store for the last 5 years. Actually groceries would be...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 35

Curses ... foiled again! Mother was waiting at the Dunkerque dock. "Fancy meeting you here," I said ... in a rather perturbed voice. Mom grinned, "They have airplanes in England." "Imagine that," I said. "They fly to France," she said. "Imagine that," with a little more sarcasm. "I understand the English learned how to find France by air during the war." "Mom ... your brother..." "Ah ... yes ... I had quite forgotten Harry." A USAAF pilot, Mother's brother and...

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Sleeping Over With Aunt Bethany

"This is so fun!" I said, feeling myself beam at my beautiful Aunt Bethany as I snuggled up to her in her cozy bed. "I never got to do this with my mom." I was just so in love with her, though I didn't know how to talk to her about it. Now laying with her, in our pjs, feel her breasts bare underneath her silky gown, smelling the soft skin of her neck right up against my face, I found her more intoxicating than ever. I couldn't help nuzzling her and rubbing my knees against her thigh. I was...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part III Karma Chamele

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------------------Sarah got home only a few minutes after...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 48 Overprotection

When I woke, Alistair was creeping into the room, and I startled him when I sat up. Laughing and clutching his chest, he lit a couple more candles and came in. I helped him off with his breastplate – I could barely lift the thing, so it was a bit difficult for him to take off alone, though I knew he could manage. He told me he and Wynne had wandered the market, and he thought he had located Gorim for me. He promised to take me there with Aedan the following morning. Otherwise, Wynne had...

2 years ago
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Please Sir

It had been a normal day in school when the Headmaster had summoned me too this office that afternoon and thats when the nerves set in. Girls had been called into his office before at random and came out different, they came out and refused to speak of what happened. Rumors spread that he was using the cane on girls to keep them in line during his uniform check and if he found anything wrong it was a swift thwack with the cane to the knuckles. So when my name was called out I became very...

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Mothers Day

"Hey Captain!" I said into my phone."Hey Sailor!" my dad said."How are they hanging?" I queried."One in front of the other, for speed!" He's a fighter pilot, that's the standard reply. "And yourself?""I'm high speed, low-drag sir!" We both chuckled. I'm not in the Navy, just going to college, but I know the lingo pretty good."You're going home for Mother's Day, right?" he asked."Oh yeah, dad. I'm going home, uh, Friday afternoon. After class gets out. Please tell me you sent something?"We both...

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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Just One HourChapter 4

Twenty minutes had gone. The brunette chick lay hands above her, tied to the metal bed board. She was shaking her head, begging over and over. The masked man now completely naked had yet another device in his hands. The thing was like a black sausage one end having a long rubber tube dangling from it. Attached to that far end was a hand pump. She already knew what was going to happen and she shouted and cried out for help. The man climbed onto the bed gripping her under her knees pushing...

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Academy Stars the Evaluation

Academy Stars, the Evaluation Begins By: Malissa Madison Donnie Pierce sat in the Meeting Hall of the Terrellian Intergalactic Academy, engaged in a Secure Conference that no one else was supposed to know about. Also in the conference were Commandant's Blackstar, Delia Scarr and Breeze Lander. There were five others not with a military academy, they were Hob Orchid, Jarda Nimbus, Commanders Otru Demure and Lydia Shore. But the one leading the video...

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NewSensations Alexis Zara Alexis And Her Husband Made A Promise

Sexed up wife Alexis thrusts her favorite suitor James over the couch hungry to get the fun started and not worried her husband did not make it back with them from dinner. James a bit uneasy is convinced with the promise Alexis and her husband have, to go ahead and fill her hunger up with his hard cock. Alexis drops to her knees sucking up all his inches and wrapping her juicy big tits around his meat making sure its harder than ever to go balls deep inside her tight married pussy for her face...

3 years ago
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A Mother Confesses Part 2 My Daughter

My affair with my daughter Alex began when I was forty-nine and she had just turned twenty-one. She had grown into a gorgeous young woman and had the confidence to match it. She was the same height as me and the same build which meant that my clothes were forever going missing and later turning up in her closet. I didn't mind though, I used to the do the same. The gal had good taste! We were always open with each other - and very close as a family. It was the same with my son Jonathon (Jon)...

4 years ago
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Delights of Dark Magic

"Well Potter, I must admit I had not expected this from you," hissed the serpentine Dark Lord, Voldemort from his throne. Before him stood an angry, recently of-age Harry Potter, fresh from a brutal duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. Surprisingly, Lord Voldemort's most favored Death Eater is still quivering in pain on the floor behind her younger opponent. Harry smirked, "You've seen the way they treat me, their so called 'savior'. I hate the Ministry, Voldemort... and I've grown to despise the...

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A Traitor Among Us

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

2 years ago
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Darling please let me

"Stan, let me suck your wonderful baby maker till I make you come tonight. I don't need your seed in my cunt now. I'm already having your baby, sweetheart." Stan replied, "Nothing could make me happier. You haven't done it since before we were married." They often gave each other oral sex but because they wanted to start a family, from the time of the wedding, Stan had always planted his sperm as deep in his wife's cunt as he could. Gloria slid down the bed and slipped her...

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The Game Changer

I pulled my hood over my face and scrunched over to blend into the crowd. The Food Court was packed with students hanging out with friends or families weaving through the many stores. I could feel my heart race as I could hear the braying laugh of Barry Falcon. Falcon was six feet tall and looked like he snacked in tires after practice. He had gotten into The Dagobah Institute based off an athletic scholarship and spent most of his time either prancing around on the football field or making my...

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Entfhrung einer Mutter

Katharina (39) stoppte ihren Minivan in der gepflasterten Einfahrt vor ihrem Einfamilienhaus. Mit einem leisen Surren schloss sich das Straßentor hinter dem geparkten Wagen, während die dreifache Mutter in Richtung der Eingangstür des Hauses ging. Sie hatte gerade ihre Kinder Lisa(18) und Paul (19) in die Schule gefahren und wollte nun erst einmal durchschnaufen. Jeder Morgen war ein einziger Kampf im Haus der Familie Grüzner, denn die Kinder kamen meist ewig nicht aus ihren Betten heraus und...

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My Crazy Doctor

The redhead’s name is Margot Stein and her appointment was in twenty minutes, but right then I was kind of occupied with the doctor, Dr. Ruth Marris. She was in the stirrups with me naked on the roll-around stool and my mouth sucking on her clit as I worked two fingers in and out of her. I can tell the stool was designed by a male gynecologist. I had a slim vibrating dildo in her butt, too, and she was ready to come. Her back was arched, pushing her front up and her butt down hard on my...

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Cousin Sister Ki Mast Chudai

By : Rajgupta1987 My Dear friends mai ISS ka bohut bada fan hu. Mera naam Raj Gupta hai. Mera ag 30 hai. Mujhe incent stories jada pasand hai. Mai kuch pehle ki baat hui ghatna bata raha hu. Pehle mai apne family ke bare mai bata du, mai apne mummy – papa ke sath rehta hu. Meri do behene hai, ek mujhe badi ek mujhse choti. Dono ka shadi ho gaya hai. Choti ka last December hua hai. Meri do cousin sister hai. Badi ka naam Sonam aur chhoti ka naam Payal hai. Payal ka age 22 yrs hai Bohot gori aur...

4 years ago
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Betty Smiths Transgender School

Betty Smith's Transgender School The court system has classified me as "Class 31". Which means my mother has full control over me. I have been in courts many times -- I guess this is like throwing me in jail. The State will pay all costs to have me re- educated, they say. Not sure what that means. My mother and I just left my doctor where the doctor gave me four shots. I was feeling very relaxed when my Mom told me of my new life because of the Court ruling me "Class 31". She...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 84 A Desperate Plan

With a two day drive back home, Lissa had plenty of time for quiet reflection. Things were spiraling out of control, and she worried about the end result. She had managed to put it out of her mind during the farewell party with her roommates, but now with nothing to occupy her attention, her thoughts kept returning to the problems she faced when she arrived home. She would have been happy for some company, and had tried to convince Alya to ride back with her and spend all summer there. But...

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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden's horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince's castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun's rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

Love Stories
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Sarada Sarada Ga Matallo

Around a month back I have received the following joke on my whatsapp Girl : ‘Emaindi.. inka kaledaa?” Boy : “Ayi poindi.. ayi poindi..pls.” Girl : “Thondara ga kanee..!” Boy : “Please.. konchem sepe.. konchem itu thirugu.. konchem terich pettu…” Girl : “…sare.. kanee..” Boy : “Thanks.. inka konchem tereichi pettu…” Girl : “Inkanaa….. Chalaa..?” Boy : “Chaalu.. ippudu easy ga vundi…” Girl : Thondaraga kanee.. Invigilator chooste nee papers, naa papers lakku pothadu thelusaa..? This is what I...

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Sex on Tennis Court 1

Hi am ritesh from maharashtra. With good physique, fair and height 6.1 feet and age 19years. Today i am going to share my first experience with my first girl friend . Note : Please masturbate while reading this story you will get let me start my story now my gf’s name is ritika she is also very fair ,medium sized boobs with very pink nipples.her height is 5.5 feet and her face cut is too awesome.daily i used to go to a club there i used to play lawn tennis and one day a new girl...

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Aunt Peggys Passion

Sunday mornings are not supposed to be noisy. But, this Lord's Day morning I was awakened by a loud voice speaking. Good god, that man was arguing again! Uncle George was again beastly berating and criticizing Aunt Peggy. The bad-tempered, rough-talking bear of a man was acting like the bastardly beast that he was. His brusque, gruff, gravelly voice carried all the way from the kitchen to my bedroom down the hall. If ever there was a man deserving of a good beating, then my Uncle George was...

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Bakers DozenChapter 7

I hadn't been mistaken - it was Julie! She and Sian were both still wearing their dressing gowns too. Something was badly wrong. Sian realised from my panicked expression that I had come to my senses enough to be spoken to. "I don't know what got into you two while I was downstairs trimming my bush, but when I got back upstairs, poor Julie had rushed up, thinking from the noise that someone was being murdered, and the two of us then watched you from the doorway. We'd never seen...

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Sex With Aunty

I am a new member to ISS.. I read most of the stories…. Recently I had a sexual encounter with my aunty…. Let me introduce myself I am Ram Kumar age 20 from Erode (Tamilnadu) doing my 3rd year of engineering in a nearby college. My aunty is 33 years of age and her house is just two houses apart from mine. She is little plump.. As my mother is working when I am in my school days I used to be in my aunt’s home in the evening after school. At that time she used to feed me and give me a bath. This...

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StepSiblingsCaught Kyler Quinn December 2022 Flavor Of The Month

Oh no! Kyler Quinn has been left home alone at Christmas time after she made her family disappear! At first it’s all fun and games with Kyler doing all the Christmas activities she’s ever dreamed of by herself. She starts by eating all the Christmas cookies and candy she can stomach, then goes on to watch scary movies and try on her mom’s lingerie. There’s just one problem: The Moist Bandits Oliver Flynn and Nathan Bronson plan to break into Kyler’s house and then...

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Just me second part

Things changed rapidly as it was he who advanced and started to remove my clothing and I was weakly protesting and struggling slightly, beetroot red by the time he stepped back to look at my very immature looking body now I just my panties on, no need for a bra even now so I was all but naked at last. Cousin took a few shots and I relaxed a little but still gasped and squealed when uncle slowly and deliberately slid my last skimpy covering off so that my sex was exposed to their view. The...

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Fucking A Different Bar Staff Sort Of With Kelly

It was the spring of 1987. Kelly and I had visited some friends and, on a whim, took a backroads route home. It was dinner time on a Saturday. We spotted a bar in the middle of nowhere with a full parking lot and decided to pull in.We had great service and a great meal. It was more than halfway through our meal when I noticed him. He was working the dining room from table to table and certainly seemed like he was the manager or owner.I nudged Kelly. When she spotted him, her jaw hit the floor....

Office Sex
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Daughters homecumming part 4 especially no

The story continues: The three of us continued our meal - it was almost surreal. All three of us knew that we had already passed normal family boundaries, and as I felt my mothers hand and fingers constantly probe between my legs, rubbing up and down against my panties, pressing them against my soaking wet slit, my lust and desire just kept on rising, so by the time we had finished, I was almost desperate for cock, for a tongue, for fingers to fuck me - anything to bring me off and give me the...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 03

Chapter 3 — Second Opinion September 1973 Any time Jim had a project or an assignment he tried everything he could to meet the expectations of those who expected him to perform. He tried his best every time, but he wasn’t successful on each and every occasion, of course. When that happened he felt bad and hoped for another chance. ‘Hey Rich—hey Rich, are you here?’ Jim had his arms full with two suitcases as he shouted out his roommate’s name. ‘Yeah, I’m here,’ was the muffled reply. ‘I’m...

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Peg Legs Lost Treasure

Several years ago, I wrote a story, “It’s Against the Law,” where I introduced three characters, Jack, who was an investigative reporter for a major Chicago newspaper, Dalton, who was a photographer with his own studio, and Dave, a sergeant on the Arlington Hills police force. In my sequel to the story, ‘But is it Immoral,’ I used Jack and Dalton again. Since then, I have received a bunch of emails and comments asking when they would get together again for another story, so I thought I’d have...

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