WhiteBoy Taken
- 2 years ago
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Chris O'Brien took one look at her checkbook balance and swore. Damn! There was no way she could pay the rent and afford bus fare too, not to mention coincidentals like laundry and an occasional glass of wine. Then the worst realization imaginable struck the sandy haired girl between the eyes like 40,000 watts of voltage: there was no more money coming in until she found a job. Thank God they were getting food stamps!
Oh God! What to do? She collapsed on the single bed that squeeked under her slender weight and, covering her face with her hands, she wept, her five-foot four-inch body rocking back and forth on the Indian print bedspread. Why had she insisted on coming to San Francisco without a job? Her uncle Frank had warned her, her aunt Violet, her father, and her very own younger sister. But no, Chris O'Brien was going to prove her independence regardless of the ominous odds. So what if California already suffered from 13% unemployment, not to mention the spate of 18-22 year old jobless, of which she was but a statistic. Chris would prove them all overly cautious and narrow-minded. She would come in cold, get a well-paying, creative job with travel benefits. After all, she had a college diploma in one hand and a portfolio brimming with talent in the other. What more could she have going for her? Her professors at the University had encouraged her, telling her she should try cracking into the fashion design market out here on the West Coast. Sure, they'd said, it you want to start a career, go to New York; but the West Coast has lots more amenities. Now, after two months of scouring the streets, all she could show for her efforts was a bad blister on her left heel and an arm-long list of useless telephone numbers and contacts. And no money.
A roar as loud as her own crying rocketed through the Geary street apartment, the din's vibrating rattle making the stereo groan, then skip a cut. Chris pounded an angry fist into her knee. And this hole! It was filthy and noisy, snorted Chris. You couldn't listen to a record album without a bus interrupting everytime its brakes ground to a halt to repeat its never ending route up and down Geary Street all night. But you could hardly complain to a landlord about cockroaches and broken windows when you still owed last month's rent and had no prospects for paying the current month's either. You bit your lip and endured: that was city living.
What could she do? Chris bit into her trembling lower lips and stared blurrily at the yellow cracked wall. She might as well call her parents collect and humiliate herself by asking them to send her a one-way ticket back to Detroit and forget there was any part of America west of the Mississippi River. No. That would be giving in, sniffed Chris, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. She'd rather work at the telephone company, God forbid, than do that -- if they were hiring.
The twenty-two year old slim-hipped girl braced her foot on the bed board and, out of habit, twisted to reach her cigarettes on the night stand. With a wince and a snap of her fingers she remembered she'd smoked the last one last night -- or had her roommate bummed it? She couldn't remember which. Just yesterday she'd spent her last cash on a pair of stockings she didn't like, to wear to a job interview for a job she didn't want. Damn! she hissed, clenching her fists. We've got to do something. Anything!
And her roommate Sandy was no help either. God, she couldn't keep a dollar in her pocket for five minutes without it sending up flames. That, thought Christ pacing in front of the window, is the whole trouble with Sandy. Drugs. Money spent uselessly on drugs, and all it got you was a headache and another day in debt. In school it had been no problem even though they'd roomed together since neophyte freshman. One collect phone call to the folks telling them you needed another easel or art book, and the check was in the mail pronto. Now, being twenty-two and independent, neither of the girls could expect anything in the mail except for a good wish and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to back home. A case of responsibility, pure and simple.
Chris put her finger to her lip and concentrated on the old man across the street, stooping over to pick up cigarette butts from the gutter. Where had last summer's savings gone? She tapped her foot, mentally counting off the dollars. Rent-$70, clothes-about $10, rock concerts... ummm, that's where a good share of it had gone. And dope. One pound of top grade marijuana that she and Sandy had bought the first week in San Francisco. "Good stuff... safe connection... you can sell it, keep a couple lids for yourselves and make a killing on the rest." Right, thought Chris with a sarcastic nod of the head. Safe investment, huh! The dealer, some guy Sandy had picked up in the park and brought home for an afternoon of frolic and post-hippie lovemaking, sold them the goods and ripped them off on the same night. Some scam!
He'd come late at night to break up the kilo and weigh out the pound in front of the two girls. Next thing Chris remembered she was lying on the floor from an overdose of PCP sprinkled in the marijuana -- a drug she'd smoked occasionally while in school --with Sandy making passionate love to the dealer on the sofa. Chris, on hands and knees, had crawled to her bedroom, just one doorway beyond, and listened to the grunts and groans and slurping and slapping of flesh on naked flesh only to wake up the next morning to find her roommate passed out on the couch and Chris' purse laying open and empty... and the pound of dope picked up and carried off by the same hands that had brought it in only four hours earlier. It was a killing all right, mused Chris with the caustic wisdom of a victim of the city. A real lesson.
She'd blamed Sandy for it, calling her irresponsible and a poor judge of character, that she should have been able to pick up on the guy's vibes and known better than to buy dope from a stranger. But then, honestly speaking, if Sandy had to pass on her judgment of people, she wouldn't have passed kindergarten, for Sandy was a girl who knew what she wanted on the skimpiest of superficial levels and sacrificed anything to get it -- money, honor. It didn't matter. If it felt good, Sandy indulged. It was her life's principle. "Some people live by the ten commandments," Chris remembered her best friend saying, "and I have my fun." No one could argue the point; in a crazy sort of way it made sense.
Even Chris couldn't argue with Sandy on that issue. The long haired girl lit the half-burned cigarette she found among the marijuana roaches in the seashell ashtray and lit it, feeling the hot match warm her fingers as she thought on. No, Sandy had never been discriminate about her college dates. If they liked loud music, beer, and dope, they were Sandy's kind of people. Poor, rich, white, black, yellow, red -- Sandy had had them all. And loved it.
That must have been thought Chris pulling on the second-time- around cigarette, why Mom and Dad were opposed to her coming along with me out here to California in the first place. Though she was loathe to concede the issue, her parents were right. Sandy was getting out of hand with bringing home guys from the laundromat, the bus stop, and the pool hall -- anywhere she could find a willing mate who wanted to spend an afternoon in bed. And worst of all, they would crash all night with Sandy in her bedroom and play the stereo on full blast so that Chris couldn't get to sleep until the east turned yellow.
But damn it, you couldn't help but love Sandy no matter how many times she broke a promise or borrowed money. She was a true friend, a real sister, and Chris would do anything to help her roommate. After all, Sandy had stuck by Chris through all her traumas and hard times, always offering everything she had to give.
Like the time Chris's parents had decided to make a surprise Sunday afternoon visit to their oldest daughter in college, and Sandy had given up her afternoon to chat and play hostess to Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien while Chris lay in frozen silence behind her bedroom door with her boyfriend after a night of de-flowering love making. Chris had been far too embarrassed and shame-faced guilty to face her parents, especially with Dick haggling her for a second time around. Hadn't Chris a debt to pay there? Return one good turn for another? Sandy had shrugged it off, saying she enjoyed company. True, the dark haired girl did like people.
That, succinctly, was another one of Sandy's problems. But nobody could blame her. Everybody said she was lucky not to be scared for life. And to think her step-father was responsible.
Chris felt a wave of nauseating guilt. She drew heavily on the last drag of the tortured cigarette and snuffed out the filter in the carbon-stained seashell. For some unaccountable reason Chris sensed that she shouldn't even be thinking about Sandy's problems... that lurid, terrifying story had been related in confidence, and Chris wasn't even sure she had the facts straight. The antidepressant drugs -- stelazine and meloril -- the doctors administered to Sandy that night in the hospital after she'd attempted to commit suicide by threatening to jump out of a ten story campus building because of a breaking up with her boy friend, had triggered her memory and blurred her speech.
Chris had spent the night in the psych ward of the University hospital holding Sandy's cold, clammy hand and listening to the mumbled horror of a childhood nightmare. Had Sandy the courage to relate her story without the mellowing effect of drugs to ease the emotional and physical torture that scorched her body each time she talked about it, Chris was certain the objective truth might run like this:
The day that Sandy was to remember forever had dawned very hot, and she had decided to go for a walk down by the creek to get a bit of sunshine and daydream as twelve-year-olds do. A physically mature girl for her years, the black haired girl had walked with her back curved and her full young breasts jutting out and bouncingly firmly. She'd been happy; her mother, after a year of husbandless loneliness, had married a man at last, and Sandy was happy to have a father.
Sandy strolled along, occasionally raising her hand to shield her eyes against the glare of the sun. Born and raised in the Michigan countryside, she loved the out-of-doors and especially the creek, where as a child she used to build log dams and fish for trout in the cool fresh water. She sauntered down to the creek that ran through their property, down to its shady banks where she drifted under the willow trees, feeling the coolness like caressing fingers all over her body, and finally reached a sheltered place she knew. It was a spot where the creek widened out into a crystal pool that was hidden from all eyes by the bushes and a natural embankment. Here, Sandy kicked off her shoes and waded ankle-deep in the water, playfully kicking up a spray, with her dress showing a flash of nakedly white thigh. Here, in the tiny glen, Sandy felt that she was safe to do as she wanted.
It felt good being out of the house, because things hadn't been going as smoothly as the twelve year old thought they should. There had been much arguing between her mother and step-father, much of it having to do with Sandy and her newly discovered social life. Already at the approaching teenage year, she had dated once or twice and her step-father thought she was being too loose for a girl her age. He had made accusations which sent her mother into tears, and Sandy had the feeling he'd been following her, something her mother refused to believe of her new husband.
The young brunette hadn't counted on the prying eyes of her step-father, who made his quiet way up and down the creek embankment, and now stood looking down at Sandy tossing her thick mane of black hair. He crouched down behind a tree on the top of the knoll and watched Sandy sprawl in the grass and turn her face up to the warming sun. Her face was delicate, with a slender nose that ended in a provocative tilt. There was also a tilt to her wide pale green eyes. Her face was delicate and feminine, right down to her wide, fleshy mouth.
But it was her voluptuous young body that excited her step- father and made him chew on his lips. He watched his step- daughter from behind the tree and saw Sandy lean all her weight back on her arms, letting her head even further back so that her face and throat were presented to the warming sun. She raised one leg and bent the knee. The man held his breath as he watched her firmly white thighs. He saw her sprawled with the hem of her dress in her lap and her legs spread as she let the knee wantonly fall over to one side, revealing the tight white band of her panties that so snuggly held and hid her pussy. He stared as though mesmerized at the flimsly white panties covering the treasure he wanted to so badly to see, then blinked and wiped sweat from the palms of his hands by rubbing them on his pants.
Christ, his wife had one hell of a good looking daughter, alright. A lot of style for a young girl, the way she strutted her stuff, flashing her ripe breasts in front of the young guys. And already she'd come home at two o'clock in the morning on two different occasions. Hell if she wasn't out getting it!
Sandy sank back, her eyes closed, smiling slightly at the kiss of the sun on her face and neck. It felt good! The rays caressed her flesh and made her tingle in a drowsy kind of way. A slight breeze blew and sent ripples of pleasure over her face and neck. Sandy listened for a moment while lazily thinking how nice it would feel if she were to...
Her step father was like an Indian, freezing immediately when he saw the girl sit up and open her eyes and look around. Slowly, he sank back into the shade of the tree and held his breath. With one eye, he watched Sandy glance around and cock her head as if listening for something. Had he made a noise or did she hear someone coming? He was sure she'd run off and was waiting for her boy friend to show up.
No! He held his breath and felt his rapidly awakening cock give a hard jerk in his pants as he saw her unbuttoning the front of her dress and pull it free of her creamy shoulders and gather it around her incredibly slender waist. His mouth went dry as he saw her sitting with her breasts looking so full blown that they were literally stuffed into the bra and were straining to burst free. He watched as Sandy reached behind her with both arms. Her breasts jutted forward and up as she worked with the clasp in the hollow of her back. Her fingers snapped the clasp and her ripely fleshed mounds sprang quivering free.
The step-father, George, almost yelled and his cock jerked again so powerfully in the tight confinement of his jockey shorts that he bent over in pain.
Jesus, Christ! His step-daughter had beautiful tits!
His mouth was as dry as sand as he looked at her two nakedly free breasts with their tightly tensed nipples so dark and round. He watched her breasts quiver and shake in a wantonly provocative way; they were ripe and round with half-moons of shadow under them as she again leaned back all her weight on her arms and let her head loll back with her eyes closed. Her breasts were jutting up, right at him and the older man felt he could leap up, run down, surprise her, and grab those tits in his hands... and massage them... and put his hungry mouth over those tautly teasing nipples and bite and suck on them. He bent over again, forced to adjust his swelling cock in his pants.
"Jesus, I'm in for a show!" He whispered the words in his dry, caked throat as he waited for her boy friend to show up.
His hand swatted at the sweat forming on his upper lip just as Sandy sat up again, and looked around with a dreamy expression. He sank back further, keeping one eye on her and one hand on his painfully tight groin.
Sandy was feeling good, very good... and a little bold and wicked. Supposing someone should come along? She smiled, knowing that no one would. Only her mother was at home, and she was doing the wash. And her step-father... well, he was probably in town getting drunk. After all, it was Saturday afternoon. Just as well, her step-father had been accusing her of all sorts of ridiculous things of late, and she'd just as soon he spent his time on a bar stool, rather than trying to play father which he failed so miserably at.
Satisfied, she felt safe, felt that this was her day, her hour, that she could be safely alone and do exactly as she pleased, that she could be free and enjoy the sun. Free! The word hummed through her head like a song, a wantonly sensuous song. She cupped her budding breasts with either hand, touching them softly and intimately, her fingertips brushing across her already distended nipples as she marveled at the way her body had changed so dramatically in the last six months. Already the boys at school were calling her a cock teaser because of the way she strutted proudly. A thrill of lustful desire swept through her body, mixing, smoking and brooding, in her groin. Her entire young body seemed to, for a minute, throb with the hotly liquid desire of being a ripe woman.
Sandy almost lost her balance as she felt desire ripple through her body in increasing undulations as her fingertips brushed back and forth across her nipples. It felt so good!
God damn! She's acting like some twenty-two year old whore!
Lust twisted his face as he watched the unsuspecting girl gently teasing and exciting herself. He was right about her. She was putting out for somebody! Somebody definitely was getting her nooky! He clenched his fist and crouched low behind the tree, preparing to charge. He couldn't stand watching any longer and, damn, her mother never did that for him!
He was just about to go barreling down the hill as if her were pulling off an off-tackle plunge when he froze, catching his breath in an audible way he was afraid she heard. She was sitting up again and using her hands to push the dress down over her creamy-white hips. He held his breath as he watched her rocking from one cheek of her buttocks to the other, wiggling and writhing lazily as she brazenly slipped the bunched up dress down over her thigh and all the way down to her knees. She sat for a moment in her little white bikinis, feeling so drowsy in the sun.
George licked his dry lips and watched her with her naked breasts caught between her arms, pressing her cleavage tightly deep. Her breasts ballooned under her arms, making her nipples more tautly tempting than ever before. His eyes greedily took in her firmly flat stomach with its navel plainly visible as her abdomen tautly rippled when she again leaned back on her arms and tossed her wild black mane of hair.
Sandy basked in the gently, sensuous warmth of the sun. She closed her eyes and felt it warming her all over. On an impulse, she again sat up and hooked her dainty thumbs in her flimsy panties and pulled them off, feeling a rush of cooling air on her heat-moistened cuntal slit and in the deeply tight crevice of her buttocks.
George felt his body quivering like a big cat ready to leap. There she was before him, totally naked, her sensually voluptuous body so young and firm with a rubbery kind of resilience. He watched her breasts twin white orbs quiver elastically as she moved, lying down and stretching out in the hot sun. He saw her young naked loins moving enticingly as she stretched her legs.
His eyes were drawn to her groin where her firmly shaped thighs met her nakedly tempting torso and he saw her softly parted pubic hair that fuzzed out virginally. His eyes fastened on that slit and he caught a glimpse of warmly pink cuntal flesh as she lazily spread her legs. Her pulpy pussy lips were already glistening and swelling even as he watched. His cock throbbed and lunged once like a wild animal seeking freedom, and he gritted his teeth hard in an effort at self control.
"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...
blackownednakedbitchby nudemodel While still in its juvenile years a self-important white female or self-important white male hears about Black Superiority and white inferiority. Supported by white society, white family, white friends, and white neighbors, the white juvenile vigorously opposes the concept.Energized by its comfortable white community and its widespread white privilege, it rejects the idea of Black Superiority with vociferous arguments. These arguments tout its own...
Introduction: Hey Boyz: This is the sequel to my first sexual story which posted on 7-4-12 or so. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTs/FEEDBACK. Round 2: The announcer states that round 2 will begin in 10 minutes, no exceptions. Both teams head back into the locker rooms to discuss their strategies for round 2. The White team is bouncing with enthusiasm at their win. The crowd of whites cheers them on, but little do Brit and Longman know that Kitty has a Black fan in the crowd… This Black man squirts a water...
The announcer states that round 2 will begin in 10 minutes, no exceptions. Both teams head back into the locker rooms to discuss their strategies for round 2. The White team is bouncing with enthusiasm at their win. The crowd of whites cheers them on, but little do Brit and Longman know that Kitty has a Black fan in the crowd... This Black man squirts a water bottle full of some green liquid on Britney and Longman. "What the fuck man, we won fair and square, get off of us." Longman says...
It was a hot summer day in California. All these hot girls, so little time, Justin Thinks to himself. Now Justin isnt that great looking, but that doesnt matter because he is a black pornstar (He is well hung). Last week Justin got engaged to a black skater from Los Angeles, named Kitty. Kitty hates white guys, she couldnt imagine having sex with a white cracker. This is one of the reasons Justin likes her, he doesnt want his girl sleeping around with whites, he wants her assets all to himself...
Whites Taken by AfricansAs I have specified before ... I was an oil engineer on the African continent for two decades. I had witnessed many things that the main stream media has not addressed. Black on white dominance was very prevalent in many countries. There were many whites victimized of killings, theft, slavery and ****. I have written a number of stories of black lust on this dark continent. The sad truth is almost nothing has really changed ... it's just slipped under the rug.In 1982 a...
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This guide is intended for every whiteboi out there wishing to please his black daddy or any black man bcz this is hi duty. First you should be totally naked with a butt plug in your ass and chastity device worn. Then you must approach him while crawling with your ass sticking out and your head bowing in humility. You should kneel in front of him and ask permission to look at him. Once he says ok you should look him in the eyes with the most girlish way and ask if he will let you please...
It had been a couple days since Suzy’s brutal beating. Nik tried to keep his mind off of it. Work and grading assignments didn’t help. Gale was too close to the situation to talk to. Valerie and Michelle wanted Nik to distance himself from the entire affair. He called Maya, needing to see her, needing help to relieve feeling helpless and keep focused on more positive situations.That phone call was an hour ago, and now Nik sat in the large, lavish bedroom of Dr. Rai’s house. The building was...
Glug…glug…glug…slurp…glug…“You like it rough, don’t you?” Nik said, holding the woman’s hair like handlebars.His cock rammed down her throat hard and merciless. She did everything she could to not feel like puking. Eyes watered, fingernails dug into his quad muscles, and a dirty smile shone from the facial abuse.“Fuck, Daddy, I’m your China ****doll. Don’t take it easy on my throat. Harder!” she demanded, just before the thick, Ivory Tower of white cock shut her...
A week passed by without incident. Life almost felt too simple for Nik and the girls because of the small amount of peace that reigned. Nik and Michelle focused on their athletics programs, Valerie tried to keep Amanda in check, and Gale secretly trained Suzy at her gym. The week became an easy routine.“She is a dirty tease,” Michelle commented, looking at the photo on Nik’s phone.“She definitely is but she learned quickly how to push the right buttons,” he replied, closing the picture of Dr....
Suzy slipped back into the apartment at the crack of dawn. As expected, her mother was already servicing customers even this early in the day. No note on the table, no angry message, nothing to show any motherly care or concern. The Mulatto girl needed to pick up some books from her room in order to study for a test. Mistah Cracka-man’s words penetrated her thick skull just a little. Gale also had a heart to heart with her last night.Feeling cared for was weird to Suzy. She had friends, Sammy...
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“Owwww,” Nik said, shuffling in the hospital bed.He was in a private, spacious room. A TV hung from the corner ceiling, and there was various furniture s**ttered about the room. He could hear water running from the bathroom.“Good to know I’m alive,” he said, feeling up the wound.Fingertips grazed the many stables that sealed the hole shut. He felt weak but didn’t feel like any other damage was done.“Good to see you awake,” Dr. Rai said, coming out of the bathroom with a cup. “Here, take a...
For the students, the rest of the day went by without by without a problem. The police took Seth off to jail after taking witness reports from Nik and Suzy. More and more students gossiped about what happened. Unintentionally, Mr. Knight had taken down the top gang leader and one of his lieutenants in only a couple weeks. The power vacuum being created was immediately felt by the students. Ambitious gangbangers tried to stamp their authority over the vacant positions, while others tried to...
Nik walked into the empty halls of the gym. A beaming smile was glued to his handsome, chiselled face. Despite the bullshit with Michelle’s husband’s boss, the cosplay threesome was beyond words. He never came so hard in his life, never had so much fun, and was happy the three of them were still together.“What are you doing here so early, Suzy?” Nik asked, confused as he entered the classroom.The Goth girl sat at her desk, twirling a pigtail patiently. Her skirt was shorter than usual, and an...
Nik quickly composed himself, breathing in deep, making sure to remain calm. “So Gale knows my secret past. It is okay. I never did anything i*****l. No one else knows it. But I made a pact with Michelle and Valerie to always be truthful to one another, always sincere, even if it was negative or would create a problem.” Running a hand through his hair, Nik kept speaking. “Think...think...think...what am I going to do?” he whispered. “I’ll just tell them after I speak to Gale. I’m not lying,...
Michelle snuck out in the morning, but not before leaving a sexy note on the kitchen counter. Breakfast was already made for Nik and Valerie. It was fun being the cook, taking on the domesticated housewife role. Even though she technically was married, she never wanted to cook for the hubby. Getting a thank you text from Nik, saying he enjoyed the food, sent a tingle of joy in her heart. She knew it was real, unlike the marriage.The chocolately skin had a copious helping of white glaze all...
Nik walked through the doors of his home, tossed his bag in the corner, and proceeded to relax on the couch. The game was on and he half watched it as he shifted around, trying to find a comfortable spot from the pain of the knife wound. It dulled down but was still throbbing.“Fuck, this is going to make teaching tomorrow annoying.”He didn’t have to go. People wouldn’t blame him for taking time off after getting stabbed but he wanted to make a point, a statement to the students. Don’t fuck with...
The daylight sun broke the serene dream. An orgy of fit, firm, female bodies wrapped all over the young, virile white man. Black and yellow lips sucking, licking, caressing all over his muscular, dominant physique. It was only half a dream though as two of the women have already done the duty on multiple times. The third girl? Despite the crazy act, Nik was caught up dreaming about the Asian gym owner, literally.It was the first day of classes that came and hit the teacher like a blunt hammer....
“Everything is fine. That is kind of you to worry but I’m okay. I went out with a friend after work, had a bit too much to drink and I fell asleep at her place,” Michelle sort of lied to her husband on the other end of the phone. “It is tonight? Again? Fine, I’ll be back home soon.”The phone snapped shut and what was once a jubilant mood now turned sour.“I just got my holes gaped open by the biggest white cock and left with so much jizz in my womb that it’d be a miracle I’m not pregnant with a...
The couple turned towards the woman at the classroom door. Fresh cum dripped off of Principal Weiss’ face, cumdrunk lust still apparent on her face.“You two are lucky I’m the only one in the building,” Michelle said, walking over, shaking her head at the mess. “How long have you two been fucking?”CRASH!Michelle slipped on a puddle of cum, falling on her firm behind. A look of annoyance more than pain etched her face.“Long enough to turn this classroom into a bordello,” she continued, slowly...
“Gawd, Massa, ram me with your perfect cock. Gape my slutty holes that were made and bred for you. Thinking about you makes my cunt drip like a waterfall,” Michelle screamed out in her bedroom.The busty, fit teacher invited her new master home after the school day was over the following day. It took them nano-seconds for their clothes to be torn off, and their love making to begin. Her body quaked in pleasure, feeling his strong hands over her body. Everything he did to her made strong knees...
Cries of pleasure echoed out from the classroom. Moaning came from a statuesque black woman bent over the desk. Behind her was a powerfully built white man, quickly ramming his lengthy, thick cock into her black pussy. With every thrust of his powerful frame, she cried out for more. Her mind was lit up like a Christmas tree. She never had a white man before, but always dreamed that a white man could make her feel as good as she felt now. Fluids ran down her legs and inner thighs, making a mess...
This guide is intended for every whiteboi out there wishing to please his black daddy or any black man bcz this is your duty. First you should be totally naked with a butt plug in your ass and chastity device worn. Then you must approach him while crawling with your ass sticking out and your head bowing in humility. You should kneel in front of him and ask permission to look at him. Once he says ok you should look him in the eyes with the most girlish way and ask if he will let you please...
Please read "Into the Hole" before you read this story. It will make a lot more sense if you do! After the experience of seeing a couple make love in front of me and my wonderful orgasm, I go back out into the main hall of this Wonderland and find a bath in the corner of the room. I strip off my sticky cum soaked dress and climb into the already boiling water. I watch in amusement as cum slides from my skin into the water, rinsing me clean from the remnants of many pleasures. With a sigh, I...
SpankingLucky LottoChapter 2On Thursday evening as I was preparing dinner for my wife and me the phone rang, I went to answer it as Sara was taking a bubble bath after her exhausting day of house hunting. "hello" I said "is Sara there?" a strong male voice on the other end asked "she's not available right now may I take a message?" I asked pulling out my palm pilot quite use to taking messages for my wife. "yes you can, tell her this is Steve and I just wanted to know what time the limo was arriving...
it should be noted i am not the author....whitedog is..Lucky LottoChapter 1My name is Tim and this is a story of how the lottery can change many lives. My wife Sara and I have been married for twelve years, she is thirtysix and I am fortyfour. I met her through a blind date and even though she was much more attractive than me what they day about opposites attract in our case was quite true as Sara had a very outgoing, agressive dominant personality compared to my meek, shy kinda wimpish...
The snow was falling more heavily, the blanket thickening by the second. Greg thought they could navigate the side roads to the closest town to secure lodgings, but as the sun began to sink and darkness settled around them his hope began to fade."Dad, I'm getting scared," Janice admitted in a steady voice that was quickly losing confidence."Don't worry sweetheart, it can't be much further," he assured her in an uncertain tone that was also losing the edge of confidence."Dad?""Hold on, I'm...
I think of my early life as average for a woman of my time; went to college where I met Dan, married him, dropped out of college and worked mediocre jobs to help Dan get his degree. The plan was that after he got settled in his career, I'd go back to college and finish, but I got pregnant...then we had two more c***dren in quick succession. I became a housewife, Chair of our PTA, volunteer swing instructor at the local YWCA and the cool mom that always takes the k**s out for ice cream after the...
"Look, Jase, just because I love you doesn't mean I'm willing to do that with you," said Emma. "Can't we do something else?" "Like, what?" Jason said. "I dunno, like, talk, or something. How was your day?" "Boring. I couldn't want to see you. How was yours?" Emma sighed. " ... Boring. I couldn't wait to see you." A boy had made some quiet motions in her direction--a friend of a boyfriend of a friend, kind of boring. She'd been able to say, Sorry, I'm already seeing...
“You can’t wear them jeans on your first day at your new job Mary!” exclaimed Mum as we all stood around in the kitchen with tea-mugs. “It’s a factory job mum, you can wear what you like; anyway even Princess Ann wears jeans now! I laughed, “Yea, only while her stable lad is mucking out her stables no doubt!” “Oh well, they’ll probably put you into an overall when you get there anyway.” replied mum. Then the cockerel began crowing over his hens again. Mum continued, “If Shirley don’t get...
It's quite obvious at this point that some cultures have made it to that certain races have become fetishized. For example, Americans have managed to fetishized black men to a degree, often presenting them as men who are well-endowed, with penises much larger than white and Asian penises, and middle easterner penises as well. It's a weird fetish, and you might as well call it racist, seeing that it was born out of fear that many men harbor in their minds. The fear that a savage man who is not...
Porn ForumsReddit SnowWhites, aka r/SnowWhites! Talk about a niche subset of people who all love a certain type of girl. What /r/SnowWhites is offering is something that I never even knew was a thing. I had no idea that people liked black haired pale girls so much that they had to make an entire subreddit for it on Reddit.com. Anyway, I get that people like different things, so I’m not going to talk trash about anyone. In fact, I might just like what I see here. I’ve been scrolling through this sub for a...
Reddit NSFW ListPlease read ‘Into the Hole’ before you read this story. It will make a lot more sense if you do! After the experience of seeing a couple make love in front of me and my wonderful orgasm, I go back out into the main hall of this Wonderland and find a bath in the corner of the room. I strip off my sticky cum soaked dress and climb into the already boiling water. I watch in amusement as cum slides from my skin into the water, rinsing me clean from the remnants of many pleasures. With a sigh, I...
What can I say...life is great! I've got the hottest girl in school and every guy wants to be me. As the quarterback of the football team, I've got this school wrapped around my finger. I can pretty much get anything I want here at school. Oh...and did I forget to mention that I've got a big fat cock. I can't tell you how many of these girls have taken a ride on my 9 inch dick. I've got a reputation around school as being a big dicked alpha stud. Everything was going great in my life...until...
I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my lipstick, the bright red smudged across my pink lips. I needed to hurry and finish my make-up, John would be home soon enough and I didn’t want to make him wait. I was looking forward to our outing tonight. I was already dressed. My black high heel boots that came up to my knees, my black leather mini, my black cotton tank top with the word “Sissy” written in big silver letters across the front. My thong was a vinyl material that fit snug so I could...
I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my lipstick, the bright red smudged across my pink lips. I needed to hurry and finish my make-up, John would be home soon enough and I didn’t want to make him wait. I was looking forward to our outing tonight. I was already dressed. My black high heel boots that came up to my knees, my black leather mini, my black cotton tank top with the word “Sissy” written in big silver letters across the front. My thong was a vinyl material that fit snug so I could...
My name is Bradley. I used to be different. I was... I was like... like most of you. I was white, straight, and thought nothing would make me happier than a hot piece of ripe pussy. I could've NEVER imagined the way my life would become, and could NEVER have imagined that I was a hot piece of ripe pussy, and like all white boys... I am better equipped to satisfy black cock, than any vagina. Life often has its own plans, it doesn't always pan out the way you think it will, and there are events...
This story is about a white girl that cheats on her boyfriend and gets pregnant by a BBC. Cheryl is a 31-year-old white woman, and has been dating her white boyfriend, Mike, for 5 years. She’s a skinny, tall, blonde hipster type woman that looks way younger than her age. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, and perky little 34 B cup tits with pink nipples. She always shaves her pussy, and when she’s turned on and wet, her puffy fat labia lips spread open and show off her pink tender...
"That's it, baby, roll that fat ass. Work my black cock. Make me cum in your pussy," Ray told the white married woman moaning beneath him, her hands on his dark ass, urging him to fuck her deeper and harder. He tried recalling the middle-age slut's name. Yeah, she was that easy. The first time he'd ever really talked to her was less than an hour ago.Ray had seen her before though. She shopped at the grocery store where he worked. Most of the time she came in by herself, but occasionally her...
She is an incredibly attractive French Canadian bisexual slut at 31 and is Maitre_Renards personal pet slave. You have all heard about tails and the exploits of kinky oversexed French maids, but she beats them all! When in her 20s she had been obsessed with the internet, and all the possibilities of kinky sexual encounters that this new wonderful medium presented. Lust Pet is a dark brown red headed woman. She has 36” breasts, a 23” waist and very ripe round ass, the kind that is just...
Looking back now, as a mature, married, African-American man, living in Dothan (SE Alabama), I consider myself more fortunate than most. My name is Marcus, and I was born and raised here, and came of age in the 1980s, when the population was around fifty thousand. It wasn’t easy for black boys to get onto the path of success back then, but I was fortunate to have loving parents who sacrificed for my sisters and me.Our parents both worked in a peanut processing plant, and they made sure that we...
InterracialMy Wife's First Day at the Academy My wife Julie when in her 20s had been obsessed with the internet, and all the possibilities of kinky sexual encounters that this new wonderful medium presented. She, at the time was a very attractive dark headed girl that looked much like a young Liz Taylor. She had 36”DD breasts, a 23” waist and an over indulged full 37” and very ripe round ass, the kind exactly like J'Lo's that would be just perfect to abuse. But her real...
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. The September sun beat down on Lisa through the open sunroof of her blue Acura as she pulled up to her last case of the day in the middle of the projects. The young, 21 year old had recently graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in social work. Lisa had accepted this job with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) three months ago. She had just started to...
White Extinction – The Marriage PactThey appeared to be the perfect couple. The brazen lawyer Kate and her timid patrician accountant husband Mark. However, they were anything but. During the beginning of their engagement Kate visited the infamous website ZB.org out of curiosity due to its mention in conservative media. However, the contents… Propaganda, indoctrination speeches, and even testimonial videos of white girls swearing off the white race before being blacked. The interest led to her...
part 3 The white Slut Training Academy has some rather interesting and historical background along with the colorful and interesting way it came into being. Mitchaela Desade Van Semen is the philanthropist and benefactor of this all girls collage, and was the one, who's vision made it Possible. Mitch as a young girl was incredibly naive and innocent. This was a result of being raised in an indescribably brutally repressive and cloistered Catholic household by an absolutely...
African Anthropology, African Studies, and Black Philosophy had become some of the most common degrees for white females by 2018. The wave of multiculturalism led to many of them instinctively allying themselves with the progressive politics of the time favoring disenfranchised minorities. White guilt swept over them getting them in the door as they opened their minds and ideas to increasingly more extreme philosophies. White people brought slavery. White people brought colonialism. White...
Neil Pagginton the Third had it all. He was a successful businessman, a multi-millionaire and still in his 30's! He had all the right connections - his father had gone to Yale & Harvard, and his father before him. He didn't even have to take entrance exams. From there it was easy - a plum do-nothing position at his father's investment firm, stock option bonuses, a few insider stock trades here and there that the FEC would never look into and he was richer than most Americans ever...
White Boy in Asia Chapter one, Callum is bored, Callum was bored, lately there was nothing unusual about that, Bored was the norm, ever since his mum and dad had divorced and his dad had dragged him of to live a nomadic life style, in the Far East. Callum’s dad works for an international Aid Organization, they went to the Countries where his dad was needed the most, and this subsequently meant that the places he went to live and work, were invariably third world countries where poverty was...
White Boy in AsiaChapter one, Callum is bored;Callum was bored, lately there was nothing unusual about that, Bored was the norm, ever since his mum and dad had divorced and his dad had dragged him of to live a nomadic life style, in the Far East. Callum’s dad works for an international Aid Organization, they went to the Countries where his dad was needed the most, and this subsequently meant that the places he went to live and work, were invariably third world countries where poverty was the...
Miriam had dark desires from time to time but she knew that she shouldn't. The lovely blonde wife had been able to repress those feelings and desires before. She was happily married to her husband, Maurice, for fifteen years and had never strayed before. Before now, that is.It was really her husband's fault, she liked to think. Miriam enjoyed sex but for the past several years, the lovemaking with her husband didn't seem to satisfy the hunger within. She hadn't been sexually active during high...
“Come on hon.,” Billy begged me once again, “you know you’d love getting porked by some other men. Hell! With your reputation back in high school, I’d of thought you’d have jumped at a chance like this.”So much for love, honor, and respect, I thought, as I lay on our bed dressed like a fashion whore from Frederick’s of Hollywood all in black: nylons, garter belt, and demy bra that matched my high heels. I guess openly masturbating in front of Billy with a rubber dildo that he’d bought for me...
Dexter Williams strolled through the front doors of the five star hotel like he owned it. Making his way to the restaurant/lounge at the back of the hotel's first floor, he could hear the band playing in the lounge before he arrived at the entrance to the dining area. Known by the maitre d', Dex waived and continued on into the lounge.Twelve years since he graduated from college, the six foot five inch collegiate basketball player and business administration major had built quite a lucrative...
"Thank goodness it's Friday", Tammy said to her self, as she walked into her apartment. After a long day at work, all she wanted to do was soak in a nice hot bath. As she walked to the bathroom, she began taking off her clothes. She was a pretty woman, 39 years old, 5'2, 165lbs, 38D, and her pussy was completely shaved. She was a BBW, and very proud. If you didn't like the way she looked, then don't look, was her attitude.By the time she got to the bathroom, she was naked. She turned on the...
White Rain Sunlight streamed down onto the bright green grass of the front lawn. A large post-colonial building stood proudly above the manicured trimmings. Its white fa?ade seemed to pool upwards until the overhanging balconies of the 3rd floor created shade for those below. Little chips of stone fell whenever someone played their music too loud. The repairs should have been made years ago, but the owners had put it off for other repairs. The dormitory was a classroom before it had b...
(A repost - but we thought you all might like to read).White Mischief***Based closely on the real happenings of the wild and wealthy British in 1940's Africa involving d**gs, alcohol, sex and adultry. (couples, intr, swing)***This is based on a true story. A number of the events have been changed very slightly to protect the identities of those still living, as have the names; otherwise all is as was. Once upon a time, in a place far, far away … there was an idyllic location in the early...
Introduction: This is the first in what I hope will be a series of WSTA Stories The Babysitter The definition of A White Slut is usually a dirty minded sluttish woman that engages in vulgar and unsavory sex acts with anyone, mostly for money The Baby Sitter in this story is predisposed and easily turns into a slutty little white whore with little encouragement! It is also important that young women with these tendencies are exposed to this type of sexual abuse early on. So that they then can...