When To Tell Her David s Story
- 3 years ago
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The next few weeks were kaleidoscopic. There were the bar exams and the preparations for Ginger's wedding as well as preparations for their own honeymoon on Maui. Bill changed their travel plans slightly: Instead of coming back to Los Angeles, they were leaving for Maui from San Francisco. They went up to Seattle on the Thursday before the Saturday wedding and were met by Bob Jamison who looked at Ali sheepishly while Barbara was sitting in the car glaring at him.
Ali looked at her two friends and asked, "What's wrong? What's Bob done to get in your doghouse, Barb? And why is he looking so sheepish?"
Bob replied, "It's all my fault. I took those pictures in to the office and showed them around. I did something else, too, that I should have told you about. I ... I guess I'm an unreconstructed techie. I have all kinds of toys that Barb teases me about. At any rate, I had a miniature tape recorder in my pocket at your graduation, Ali. I taped your speech and then asked my secretary to transcribe it."
He took a deep breath and smiled wryly. "Then things started to get out of hand. It seems my secretary's best friend is another secretary. My secretary was so impressed with the content of your speech, she made a copy for her friend. Her friend was so impressed, she showed it to her boss. Then I get a call from him: He's the chairman of the company. One thing led to another. He's another great fan of yours, it seems. My secretary even shows him the picture of you kissing me, for chrissakes, so he figures you're a very good friend!"
"I am a good friend, aren't I?" Ali asked with a smile.
Bob smiled, nodded, and continued, "Anyway, he was very impressed. He asked if I could bring you in to meet him while you're in town!" Then he breathed a sigh of relief.
Barbara said, "Ali, I told him you would tell him to take his idea and shove it, along with a 747 fuselage, right up his ass! The nerve! If I didn't love him so damned much and need him so damned much, I would have done it myself."
She smiled at Bob and gave him a soft kiss. "Confession is good for the soul, dear. She didn't even bite."
Ali glanced at her husband who nodded. She turned to Bob and said, "Okay. When would it be convenient to meet the chairman? His name is Homer Cumings, isn't it? Since my speech was on a law topic, I would like my partner to meet him, too. Is she available?"
Bob called the Boeing office on the car phone. He was told the chairman was available to see Ali at any time at her convenience. Barbara called the house and Ginger answered. Barbara asked, "Ging, are you decent?"
Ginger replied, "I'm always decent, Mother. I'm a good girl ... Remember?"
Barbara passed the receiver to Ali with the comment that it was all her idea, so on her head be it. Ali said, "Hi, Ging! We've got a date in thirty minutes with the Chairman of Boeing. I want you to meet us at the office in your best summer lawyer suit. Can you do it?"
She heard a yelp at the other end of the phone. "My God! The chairman! Ali, you're crazy! It's a twenty minute drive from here to the office."
"And that gives you a full ten minutes to get ready," Ali replied. "What's the problem? Now shut up and get your overworked ass in gear. We'll meet you in the lobby. Bye, partner."
Barbara looked at Ali and said, "What, friend, is this all about?"
Ali grinned and said, "It's the very first new-business call by the partners of Clifford & Jamison. Don't you think The Boeing Company is a big-enough potential client for both of the firm's name partners to attend? Besides, I have a whole deck of business cards for 'Virginia Jamison' that may be obsolete on Saturday. I never asked Ginger if she wants to stick with her maiden name professionally."
They drove to the Boeing headquarters, went into the lobby and found Ginger there waiting for them. Ali grinned at her and winked, "Partner, you look perfect! By the way, I have something for you." She gave Virginia a leather card case with her engraved business cards. "You can't tell a lawyer without her business card."
Bob Jamison escorted the two women to the Chairman's office. Bill and Barbara decided to wait downstairs and look around at a small museum the company maintained for visitors. Ali, Ginger, and Bob Jamison were ushered into the Chairman's office.
Bob was about to perform the introductions when Cumings came around his desk and took both of Ali's hands in his. He looked in her eyes and finally said, "Miss McGrath, it really is you! You are even more beautiful in person than you are in your films. I am genuinely delighted to meet you. And who is this?"
Ali said, "Mr. Cumings, I would like you to meet my law partner, Virginia Jamison. Ginger, of course, is Bob's daughter; we met while she was in school in Los Angeles. We have just formed a law firm, Clifford & Jamison."
Bob excused himself and the girls sat down. Cumings began by offering coffee which the girls accepted. When they had the coffee he began. "Miss McGrath — Mrs. Clifford, I mean — my secretary gave me a copy of your speech at UCLA. I was most impressed. Could you tell me about your firm? What type of law do you intend to practice?"
Ali smiled and said, "It's a general practice but with a focus — at least initially — on civil liberties." She explained about her experience in the movies, including the fact that she had been almost literally starving to death when Bill Clifford found her. She emphasized that, in her opinion, the Constitution guaranteed equality of opportunity, not equality of result. Civil rights was to be the firm's initial focus.
"Mrs. Clifford," Cumings began, "as you may know, we are the largest builder of commercial aircraft in the world. At the same time we are also a major defense contractor. We are constantly under attack for our personnel policies. I share your view. I would like to retain your firm to do two things: First, I would like you to review our policies to determine if they are discriminatory in any way. Second, assuming you approve of our policies, I want you to defend us in court, if necessary. Are you interested?"
"Mr. Cumings, of course we're interested. We accept the assignment. Would you like to begin with a retainer arrangement?"
"That would be fine. What is your normal retainer?"
"It's $50,000 per month," Ali replied. She heard Ginger choke on her coffee when she heard the amount. Cumings said that was agreeable. Ali said, "If it's satisfactory, Mr. Cumings, we would like to begin our work with Boeing in July. In the meantime, Virginia and I have some personal affairs to attend to: our honeymoons." Ali gave him her patented smile and he melted.
"By any chance is your husband here with you, Mrs. Clifford? I've never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have heard a great deal about him," Cumings asked.
Ali said Bill was waiting for her in the lobby, but she was sure he would be pleased to meet him. Cumings called his secretary in and a few minutes later ushered Bill and Barbara Jamison into the office. Barbara already knew the chairman and was greeted warmly. Bill shook hands and sat down. Ali explained that Clifford & Jamison had just been retained by Boeing, and Bill expressed his pleasure.
Cumings and Bill started to talk so the women excused themselves and went down to Bob Jamison's office. "Dad," Ginger exclaimed, "guess what? Clifford & Jamison are now retained counsel for The Boeing Company! At $50,000 a month!" She turned to Ali and said, "My God, Ali, what do we have to do for that kind of money? And where did the number come from, anyway. I think you heard me choke when you said it."
Ali grinned and said, "It's bigger than a bread box and smaller than a house. I thought $100,000 a month to start would be a bit much. Anyway, partner, now we're in business!"
Awhile later, the chairman's secretary escorted Bill Clifford to the crowded office. He kissed Ali and congratulated her. "As usual, young lady, you're still working for me ... sort of: I just agreed to join the Board of Directors of The Boeing Company."
That night there was a family celebration and the next evening Ali and Bill hosted the rehearsal dinner. They had learned that Charley was an orphan, so Ali took over as mother of the groom. At the end of the dinner Charley got up and offered a toast, "To my dear friend, Allison McGrath Clifford, who tonight is acting as my mother. Tomorrow, as the bride's best friend, she will be matron of honor. Later, she'll be partying with the mother of the bride, whose best friend she is, too. Still later, she'll be my wife's law partner. Finally, she will continue to be my wife's inspiration.
"Ali, without you Ginger would still be hiding in her shell. You demonstrated to her that it's acceptable to be beautiful as well as smart. You released emotions that no one knew were there. Ali, thank you for everything. And I do mean everything!"
The next day was the wedding. Ali was with Barbara and Ginger as Ginger dressed. She was standing in front of a full-length mirror wearing only her bikini pants with a garter belt and her white stockings. Her complexion was a gloriously smooth light tan. She was radiant, and Ali said so. "Honey, just think. Now it will all be legitimate. Are you all set?"
Ginger grinned and turned, looking at herself in the mirror. "Mom, how about if I go just like this? I'll wear my veil, of course."
Barbara looked at her daughter thoughtfully. "I think it's a fine idea. The gown is returnable. Sure! Do it! Don't you agree, Ali?"
"I did at first, Barb, but now I don't. If the bride goes that way, I'll have to take off my dress, too. Since my body is now back in shape and it's a hot day, I have no problem with that. On the other hand, the other bridesmaids will have to leave their dresses off, too. I'm not sure all of our underwear would match. Then there are the ushers: they would cheer the idea of not having to wear their monkey suits. And you know damn well there's no chance of them staying dressed if the bridesmaids aren't. No, Ginger, I'm afraid you'll have to wear your dress." Ali had made her speech while maintaining a completely straight face.
Barbara looked at her friend. "Ali, you have comedic talents I never knew existed! But you're right, of course. I knew Ging had superb judgment when she invited you to be her maid of honor!" The girls all laughed and Ginger finished dressing.
The ceremony was beautiful. Ali was standing beside Ginger when the priest said to Charley, "You may kiss the bride." He took his wife in his arms, and Ali knew it was where Ginger wanted to be. They went down the aisle and then out to the reception at the country club.
When the reception was over and the last guests had left, Bill and Ali went back to the Jamison's house. The two women kicked off their shoes and leaned back on the sofa, while Bob Jamison made drinks for them all. Bill said, "Barbara, Ali and I still haven't bought a wedding gift for Charley and Ginger. It's a disgrace, and I apologize. We just ... blew it. We're sorry. What do you suppose they would want?"
Barbara looked thoughtful and replied, "Well, Charley wants a beautiful girl who's loving, a sex-pot, intelligent, and knowledgeable about law. Ali, you made him one. Then Virginia wanted a tall, dark man who would respect her for her brains. And she wanted a position in a good law firm. You got her the man and made her a partner in a firm with Boeing as a client. So I guess the answer is you've already given them each his heart's desire."
She smiled at Ali with deep affection. "It looks to me like you've done enough. What you gave them was each other ... and God knows, they're madly in love. Aside from that, how about a nice kitchen spoon? You know, one of those wooden ones Charley can use to spank Ginger with? And a kitchen towel for Charley to use to dry the dishes. Or do you think the two items would be more than you would care to spend? Either one alone would be fine, but I know you're very generous people who tend to go overboard on gifts, so maybe both?"
Ali slid over and kissed Barbara on the cheek. "Thanks, Cousin. Do you know what? I was so happy today. Looking at those two just makes me happy. They are so deeply in love! Exactly like you and Bob. They make everyone around them feel warm and loving, too. And Barbara, the wedding was beautiful. It was simply gorgeous! I envy them so!"
They finished their nightcap and returned to the hotel.
The next morning Bill and Ali flew to San Francisco and then boarded their plane for Maui. Bill was pleased when she took a blanket from the overhead compartment and spread it over them both. Under the blanket she slipped off her blouse and put his hand on her full breast. She was about to go to sleep when she saw him looking at her with a question in his eyes.
Ali whispered, "This is my honeymoon, remember?" Suddenly there was a look of concern in her eyes, "You didn't change your mind, did you?" He smiled and shook his head. She returned the smile and fell asleep with his hand cupping her breast.
They had an oceanfront suite at Kapalua. After eating a fine dinner, they went up to their room and then followed their usual pattern with Ali preparing for bed first. Bill came out of the bathroom naked for the first time in their married life. He smiled as Ali looked at his body longingly. He got between the covers and she came to him. For the first time, he started to caress her entire body while she caressed his. He focused on her erogenous zones: her lips which he kissed warmly, her breasts, her buttocks and her loins. She responded with increasing passion. Her kisses were like fire.
Her hands were busy, too. She caressed him, focusing on his groin. She carefully caressed his cock and was pleased to feel how big it was getting. With her eyes dancing she said, "Darling, you're so big! I have a confession to make, Bill. I'm really very inexperienced with men. Believe it or not, I've only made love three times in my whole life: And that counts everything. I'm going to need help and coaching. Your cock is so big, and my pussy is so small!"
Bill smiled softly at his wife and kissed her. Suddenly, there was a flow of passion between them. He pulled away slightly and looked at her face. She was lying on her back with her golden hair spilling over the pillow. She was beautiful.
"My God! No wonder you've been jealous of Barb and Ginger. You were really serious when everyone thought you were kidding about being virginal. You really are."
Ali smiled ruefully and nodded. "I sure am, Darling. It's disgusting. You marry a woman thirty-five years old and find she's essentially untouched ... and scarcely knows what to do in bed. Can you teach me?"
He ran his hand between her thighs which she had spread wide to provide him easy access. His hand had been stroking her inner thighs. Finally, he moved a finger into her vaginal opening and began to explore. He encountered her clit and he tweaked it with his finger. Her pelvis started to move involuntarily. Putting her arms around his neck, she pulled his face towards hers. She kissed him warmly as his finger continued to stimulate her cunt.
Finally, she whispered, "Take me, Bill! Please. I need it so badly. I've needed you inside me for months. I'm tight, I know, but I'll try to help you."
He got between her legs and she guided his cock into the mouth of her cunt. Slowly he eased in, feeling the wetness from her flowing vaginal juices. As he started to penetrate, she loosely wrapped her legs around his hips. He stroked in and out, going deeper each time.
"It feels so good!" she murmured. "What do you want me to do? How can I make it better for you?" Her pelvis was slowly moving under him and he realized he was all the way in.
He whispered, "I've never felt anything like it, darling. Your cunt feels like a very warm, moist glove just gripping my cock." He could feel her using her vaginal muscles to massage his cock inside her. "I don't know what you're doing, or how," he said, "but it feels absolutely marvelous!"
Just then he felt a violent shudder in her loins as she climaxed. He stopped moving and waited for her contractions to pass. Then he began to move with long strokes. She asked him to stop for a moment and kneel when he was fully inside her. She moved her legs up to his shoulders and linked her ankles behind his neck to ensure maximum penetration. Then he began his slow stroking again.
It felt to Ali like his cock was reaching inside her to her stomach. She thought about her film roles and all the times she had faked sex for the camera. Suddenly, she exploded again. She reached three more crests, each higher than the one before, but still Bill maintained his control. Finally, her head was shaking from side to side and her pelvis had taken on a life of its own. He could feel her reaching her ultimate peak as he let go.
The release of his semen took her over the brink. Her pelvis jerked uncontrollably as she almost fainted from the extraordinary stimulation. She was gasping for breath as Bill moved away from her. Then she let her legs fall to the bed as he collapsed beside her.
Ali softly kissed him and murmured, "Thank you, darling husband. That was perfect!" Her eyes closed and she went to sleep. Bill was asleep moments later.
The next morning Ali awakened to find Bill's hand caressing her breast. She put her hand over his and murmured happily. "That feels so good," she whispered. She turned to look at his face. "Bill, does last night count as consummating our marriage? Frankly, I feel consummated to beat hell. Do you feel like trying again? And could I be on top? Would you mind?"
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I stepped out of my small car and grabbed my shopping bags. I headed toward the little blue beach house that Mom and Dad had left me and my three older brothers last year before their tragic deaths from the boating accident. I didn't want to think about that, though. When I got inside and rushed upstairs to my room, I stopped in shock and accidentally dropped my bags on the floor. My big brothers relaxed on my bed, completely naked and stroking their big cocks while smirking at me. They were...
Damien watched her, her ivory skin glowing under the moonlight. The bed clothes were a rich royal blue that made her cream colored body stand out against them. Her hair shone like a golden river and her eyes shimmered like aquamarines. She was naked, cloaked only in the light from the moon. Her breasts moved with every breath she took, her nipples hardened to pink rosebuds. Her stomach, not as flat as it had been a few months ago, was beginning to show the evidence of his heir growing within...
Love StoriesComing of age was one of those expressions that Matt Baker had never considered in any detail. He had ambled along through his teenage years, noticing girls more and more without being in a mad rush to do anything. It was after turning 16 that his hormones really kicked in. The trouble was, that Matt was just naturally shy and had never plucked up the courage to ask a girl out. Since then, events had begun to overtake him. He was gradually beginning to discover the pleasures of the flesh. ...
You were just sitting in class like usual, with your eyes glued to your phone to pass the time, until your phone froze with a notification showing a progress bar and text shifting from 'scanning app use', 'scanning search history','scanning storage' and so on. After scanning all of your personal data, the progress bar was at 100% and you got a new notification explaining how your phone would be undergoing an experimental update shortly and that it would allow you to experience a much more...
The Christmas present With the pass of time and paying attention to her, her moods and how she behaved when problems or difficulties in the ranch arises, her reactions, her tantrums and her forlorn attitude I had realized that she was a lonely woman a very lonely woman, a woman with the need to have someone to lean on, a love-starved woman; a woman in need of someone who would love her. And in the closed boundaries of the ranch house with a particularly inclement weather on the outside that...
Changing Channels?Blast from the Past Emma Hanson was a little pissed.? Her boyfriend Jason had apparently gotten a new TV for Christmas and asked her if she could sign for it at his apartment while he was back east for the holidays.? Of course the delivery guy left her standing there with a big box and no way to get it up the stairs to his second-floor digs. Men are so clueless, she thought.? Fortunately she was able to call her dorm mate Jessica for help.? Jessica Wallace was...
Her pretty face was calm, eyes closed. She was sprawled out, naked, basking in the sun on a lawn chair. Her silky, long, dark hair splayed out across the chair, her double D tits out in the open, her nipples erect and perky begging to be touched. Mmm, the fondling and licking and sucking I imagined doing to her breasts.I let my gaze travel down her body past her flat, lean stomach down and down further. She lay with her toned, lean legs spread, her shaved mound also taking in the bright rays of...
LesbianChoices, Chapter 10 Choice at McDonald's "Blair, you were amazing. Your performance was exciting, daring, frightening even. Son... Blair, I mean, I've never been prouder of you." Laird then literally applauded his youngest child in front of Kirk and Blair's two biggest admirers, Maggie and Big Al, who joined Laird in clapping loudly enough to turn the heads of two families sitting near to them in McDonald's. Laird continued: This is the first ballet I've ever seen. And...
The following story is mostly true and re-told to the best of my memory. Of course this did take place a few years ago so I have no doubt that I might have forgotten a few details, still I’ll try my best to re-tell it just as I experienced it. As a favor to you I’ll skip over the boring parts of this story. No one wants to know about how many times you sharpen a pencil during an exam or how many answers you erased and re-wrote. People just want to know what your final score was. So this is one...
A Birthday to Remember - Wife dominates him like never before.Ray spent the day before his birthday doing all of the things that he wanted. He started his day with a hard workout at the gym and a long soak in the steam room, and then proceeded to have a hearty breakfast at his favorite restaurant. He spent the rest of his morning shopping around his favorite shops before relaxing at a local theater. His wife Amy came along for the ride, and also enjoyed everything her husband had planned out....
Day 9 I woke up in the morning on Rachel’s bed. She’s still asleep, half-naked next to me. My beautiful, beautiful sister. She likes my kisses, so I wake her up with lots of kisses. I went to my room to freshen up. Shit, some unknown number is calling me. Could that be Discreet? Secretary: Good morning, Mr. Holmes. Yes! It’s them. Me: Morning. Secretary: We’ve processed the results of the questionnaire you filled out for us yesterday. Based on the test results, we are happy to...
IncestCHAPTER ONE BETH "Aw. Don't worry Rich. It doesn't matter." It had happened again. I'd been seeing Beth for a whole year. And we'd been trying to have sex for a month. In all that time we'd not once actually managed. Beth is so understanding. And beautiful. "Seriously babe. Please don't worry about it. I have to get to work anyway. Important meeting today." Beth smiled sympathetically as she spoke. I just looked embarrassed again, glowing red. There was nothing more I could...
Barbara and I walked into daddy’s big bedroom each of us wrapped only in a bath towel just like he asked us to do. We entered the room and saw my dad lying on the bed, completely nude slowly stroking his daddy cock. When he heard us he looked up and smiled. “There are my two beautiful ladies. Come stand by the bed for me, let me look at you both”, he said. We stood there looking at him playing with his big cock. We looked at each other and then back at the big cock in front of us. He smiled...
This story is a sequel to my story ‘A story-tribute to Susie,’ where I write about how I really, really want to fuck XHamster user soeager2. While being in Boise for two weeks on company business, I tried to make time as often as I could to get together for some hot times. Susie had some limited availability and we could only spend the most of two Friday afternoons together. She also came by the office all dressed up so we could sneak off to a nearby hotel for a lunch-time fling at a nearby...
October, 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden “First thing, I haven’t been to bed with him. I wouldn’t feel right doing that unless I had spoken to you about it first.” “Do you want to do that?” “I don’t know. Maybe. He’s a pretty decent guy and I enjoy being with him. But right now, I like being with you more. It’s difficult. I know you are leaving in nine months, and I’ll only see you once every three or four weeks, and that I could see him every day, but I don’t want to end what you and I have...
It was nice not having to deal with Tony Rochelli's insults and jibes when school started back on the Tuesday after the MLK long weekend. Tony was still on in-school suspension for the next two days, no one, me included, knew that the axe was going to fall on his head that Saturday night. The Cavanaughs kept Shelia home from school all the rest of the week. The flu was the reason the school received and it was the story Tony got when he was unable to talk to her on the phone all week. Not...
Scott and Luke Pascal had just celebrated their shared 17th birthday. The twins were physically identical in every sense - they had the same electric blue eyes, the same short dirty blonde hair, the same devilish grin when they got away with something wicked. But their similarities didn’t stop at their faces. For the two had well sculpted bodies which they had worked on together for many years. Hours every week were spent in the gym, giving them perfection in their physiques. In truth, Scott...
It sounds like a good party is going on. Sound is all I have had to go by for quite a while after someone zipped my eye holes shut. Sound and various fondlings and feelings. It is an odd feeling being and object, a piece of art. To have someone fondling and stroking your cock who you’ve never met, cannot see and is having a conversation about it with someone else as if you aren’t even there. One woman, whose deep, throaty voice make me believe is considerably older than my 25 years, is...
Mexican Crossing The whispering about the "penguin drop" as it was being called in hushed speculation around the agency refused to quiet down. Deputy director Alfred Jameson tried to keep a lid on the issue. He reminded the head of his analyst section that the incident was classified beyond a need to know security level. That seemed to stimulate more whispers and rumors. Physical evidence of the "incident" remained at the McMurdo Sound research station, locked in the base commander's...
With the tornado warning sounding the high school students were told the stand in the interior hallway as they lined the hallway the noise of the wind prevented any talking. Many of then went to the basement. They were all frightened because this loud noise and soon the roof over them was now gone and many unable to hold tightly on to something were sucked out. Eric held on the girl at his side and soon she was on top of him imprisoned by walls that came together above them just the two of...
Becky and I went to high school together and were friendly, not friends, but friendly. She wasn’t the prettiest girl I knew and was always a little on the sidelines, so to speak. That all changed when we ended up at the same local college. What was a mild interest was fueled by the raging hormones and lonely nights away from home. The tension between us was what you could call thick. Becky had a plain face and was about 5’3”, with shoulder length brown hair. Thin, but had that soft, curvy,...
Jamie's knees were shaking. She could barely stand, and after everything that happened, wondered just what else Erin would get her into. Sitting at the food court of the mall, Jamie's mind wandered away to think up an excuse to get away from Erin, when Erin asked her a rather strange question. "You must think that I'm pretty disgusting huh?" Jamie heard her ask. "Huh? What are you talking about?" She asked. "I saw the look on your face earlier." Erin said, and rested her chin on one...
"Fuck, babe, you're so tight." Okay, so I hadn't picked the guy for his eloquence, but he had a nice thick cock and no issues with me calling the shots. That's what mattered. And my fans, they were enjoying. I would hear the clicking sounds of their comments and wanted to give them more. More than they have ever watched from me. I was becoming what they wanted. A lady ready for the camera. I flexed my muscles the way I'd been taught, and he swore again. "I work out," I said and flexed again. I...
FemaleSummer Experiment Chapter 23 Frankie went back into the bedroom and looked at the photos once more before he closed up his computer and saved the files. He was hoping to remember everything Carlos and Juan had taught him yesterday. He giggled over what he had learned. It was a lot more than hair and makeup tips yesterday and wondered if he'd get a chance to explore them with Alex. Of course, he would. After all, when it came to Alex, he was in charge. Frankie slipped off his...
It's only a short walk from the school to Riverside. I was there by three-fifteen. I signed in at the desk. There were no office chores for me to perform today. Before they selected someone at random for me I volunteered to read for Mr. Sullivan. No one was surprised. I always choose Mr. Sullivan. They're happy to have me volunteer. Mr. Sullivan isn't the most popular resident and more than a few of the volunteers are afraid of him. Well, maybe afraid is too strong a word. But he makes...