Dare Book IIChapter 8
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Carlita's turn:
Mister Jackson, the old man next door, has banana trees behind his house. That is a cause for me to see him in his yard one day. We have been introduced. He knows me as Dave's wife.
"Hi, Carlita," he says when I wave.
"Hello, Mister Jackson," I reply. "I have a request. Perhaps we can have a trade."
"What do you want that I have, dear?" he asks.
"Banana leaves. You have banana trees. I need banana leaves."
"What does my neighbor need banana leaves for?"
I smile. I am thinking of the ladies who worked in the kitchen at the orphanage. When I was old enough to be useful, I often helped them and in return they taught me. "I wish to make tamales in the Guatemalan style. Sweet tamales with fruit and chocolate and nuts in them. Guatemalan tamales such as those are made with banana leaves."
He smiled back. "And if I were to provide you with leaves, I could expect tamales in return."
"I would be grateful. A plate of tamales would be one result."
"Come over then, dear. Show me which leaves you need."
After I put the leaves in my kitchen, I called Carlie.
"Hi, Lita!"
"Hello, sister," I said. "I told the children that one day I would make sweet tamales for them. My neighbor has given me banana leaves and I am hoping that you will bring the children over so we may cook together."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Lita," she said. "Let me get their shoes on."
I laid out my ingredients and started preparing them, just as I have learned.
The doorbell rang. I wiped my hand on a towel and went to let Carlie and the kids in.
We had fun. The tamales made by the children were not as neat as mine, nor were Carlie's, but this is their first time. I have had many times.
"You made so many," Carlie said.
"Yes. It is that way," I replied. "If you are going to make twelve tamales, is a lot of work. If you are going to make five dozen tamales, is only a little more work. I have some for me and my Dave. I have some for Mister Jackson in payment for the banana leaves. I have some for you to take home."
I set up my pot on the stove for steaming our tamales. "These are good for breakfast as well," I said.
"And what did you call these?" Carlie asked.
"Tamales negros. Black tamales. Every country has something like this – a dough with a filling. Some sweet. Some not sweet. Americans only know of the Mexican tamale which is like our tamale Colorado – red tamale. And your Italian food has ravioli. And there are many others. I hope you like these."
She eyed the kids. They had a spoon and were attacking the remainder of the fruit and nut filling left in the bowl. "I think I'll like them."
While the tamales steamed, Carlie and I talked. Of course, we were interrupted a time or two by the children, but we sent them out to play in the back yard. Much of the conversation was about the children.
"Have you and Dave talked about children?"
"We have," I said. "We will have children, but first I must go to college. I wish to be educated, then we will have children."
"And Dave knows this?"
"Of course. Dave brought the subject up."
"Why do you ask?"
"One time," she said, "He said that he didn't want to have children. Maybe it is because of you."
"I hope it is because of me, Carlie. I love Dave. I think he will be a good father. He is a caring person. Otherwise Carlita would be in a government shelter in Texas."
"You're right, Lita," she said. "I see the way he looks at you. He loves you. If you are good to him, he is yours forever."
"I want him to be mine forever, Carlie. Before I met him, I did not consider wanting a man. I met Dave. He changed me. For him only."
"You were fourteen..."
"I know, Carlie. But it is not unheard of for a girl of fourteen to marry. Among the poor, it is almost common. It gets a hungry mouth out of the house." I sighed. I knew of such. "It also often means a baby when the girl is very young. That is one reason I am waiting. My papers say eighteen. My body, it is fourteen."
"Yet you and Dave..."
"Yes. And he is very gentle with me unless I do not want him to be gentle. Sometimes I am excited and I do not want gentle. I want to be owned by Dave."
"Good! You enjoy your Dave. That is good, Carlita. I know women who do not enjoy sex very much."
"You and I, we have talked. I did not know about sex before Dave, except that it was forced on girls by men who wished to use them. No, I wish to use Dave and he likes being used."
"And you're home, making him tamales. You'll keep him."
Carlie left with a plate of tamales. A BIG plate. I brought a plate over to Mister Jackson. His wife met me at the door.
"Tamales negros," I told her. "They are sweet. Mister Jackson gave me the banana leaves to wrap them properly."
She smiled. "The old goat will be very happy to get these, Carlita. Thank you."
And I went back home to wait for my husband.
Tonight's class night. I have already invited Pat and Brindy to dinner with us. We will have tamales for dessert.
Brindy comes over in the middle of the afternoon. We work on her Spanish. She is my assistant in the class I teach. It works well, because Brindy tries to speak Spanish as my students try to speak English and sometimes they try to help each other.
It is a pleasant thing. I am – we are helping people who wish to be helped. The school thinks we are doing a good job. They say they will give me money to help if I go to college to become a teacher. When they first said that, I was very excited. I like this teaching. But I think that I don't want to be a teacher like Pat. Pat and Brindy tell me stories of what goes on in schools.
All my students here want to be here. In Pat's class many of her students do not want to be in school and they become problems. I do not like to think about having people around who want to be problems.
Pat showed up at our house about fifteen minutes before Dave did. We sat at the table and had our meal. I am proud to say that my tamales are well received.
After the meal, they went home. Dave moved to his chair. That means I get to sit on Dave. I like it. It is peaceful. He holds me in his arms and whispers loving words to me and if I turn a bit we can kiss and we have good music playing in the house and I am clean and safe and fed and happy and ever so loved.
Then it is time for me to go to class. Brindy's car pulls into the driveway and I go out to meet her.
We walk into the building together, Brindy and I, and we are greeted in English and Spanish. I suspect that many of my students are doing their best to speak English to me, and they also like to see Brindy smile when she returns their greetings in Spanish as well. Brindy is becoming more comfortable with her new language.
The class goes well. I started out from the first day telling my students that the more they spoke English, the easier it would get.
"When you see a baby learn to walk, his first steps are very hard, are they not?" I said this in English, then switched to Spanish and said the same thing. "Rodolfo," I said to one of my students. "Did you fall down often when you were little?"
"Si ... Jes..." His round, heavily tanned face smiled broadly.
"And now, Rodolfo, do you fall often?"
"Cervesa ... I fall. No cervesa, I walk. I run. I climb." Rodolfo is the class clown. He is smart. He works on a construction crew, but he wants to speak better English so he can become... "El jefe ... If I speak better Eengleesh, I will be the boss."
I'm the teacher, and because of my obvious age, I'm also a mascot and a little sister or daughter to many of them, and Brindy's, well...
"Dees Anglo girl, she ees trying ver' hard to learn Spanish ... why?" one older woman asked.
"To be able to talk to people like you. If you speak bad English and she speaks bad Spanish, maybe you can talk to each other."
She started to say something. I think Senora Vasquez thinks I am too young to be a teacher. "Senora Vasquez, you are in America. Do you not find people here who are good? Who are happy? Who will smile when you smile and laugh when you laugh?"
"Si. There are also..."
"And there were none like that in Mexico?"
She started to say something. I continued, "There are good people and there are not so good people everywhere. Brindy is good people. She likes to see people smile when she uses her bad Spanish."
"In Mexico..." she started.
I interrupted. "You are here. Did the Anglos kidnap you?"
"Be happy. I am happy to see you. You are happy when you have success with English."
Sometimes it is not about learning, I see. I understand that people are not all the same. It is not like mathematics where if I put the same numbers on the page, I get the same answer. So I get Senor Rodolfo, who always laughs, and Senora Vasquez, who is sour, like a bad fruit.
Back to Brindy.
The next day Dave is out of town for two days and Pat is in Houston for a seminar. Brindy does not want to miss our class, so she is not going.
I question this.
"I would go, but then Pat is in the seminar all day and I am in Houston by myself. I don't know Houston and I don't think I would like being there alone."
"Stay with me," I say.
"Your house or mine?"
"Mine," I reply. Of course. In my head I know that it is the house of me and Dave.
We go out to eat together, and then I call Dave and talk to him in one room and Brindy calls Pat and talks to her in the other. After our phone calls, she is back in the living room with me. I sit in Dave's recliner. It has his aroma, that smell that he let me choose for him.
Brindy notices me close my eyes and breathe to smell Dave.
"You really love him, don't you?"
"I do. He is my husband, forever."
"I think Pat really does love me," she said.
"I am happy to hear that. She has said this to you?"
"Yes, but it wasn't like it was just words. Carlita, you know what it feels like to be loved, don't you?"
I closed my eyes for a second. I know. It feels like Dave's arms. "Yes I do, Brindy. I cannot describe it."
"Neither can I," she said. "But I think I feel it."
"This is a good thing? Do women get married?"
"They can now. Used to not be able to. Now we could..."
"I would be at your wedding," I said.
"Thank you. I don't know who else might. My life with Pat is not general knowledge. I know that Dave knows. I do not think that Carlie and Gary know. I don't think that any of Pat's friends know. None of my friends know."
I do not know what to say. Pat and Brindy are the first female couple I have ever met. I think that my best plan is to be a friend and watch my sisters love one another.
"I know. And it is okay. I have never known Brindy without Pat. It is, to me, the way things are supposed to be."
Brindy smiled. "Thank you. I wish we had been in school together. You would have been a good friend."
"We ARE in school together..."
"We're TEACHERS!" she giggled.
"Oh, yeah..."
It was time for showering before bedtime. I say this to Brindy. "You can use the hall bathroom, or you can use the master bathroom. It has a bigger shower."
I smile. "Yes. Two of us in that shower. It was made for that, I think."
"Two of US?" Brindy squealed, smiling. "You and ME?"
That wasn't what I meant when I said it. I meant Dave and me, but I saw Brindy's face, so happy, I could not hurt her. "Yes, if you want that. Girls shower together in school, do they not?" In my orphanage, there was one shower for the girls. We all used it, several of us at the same time.
Brindy's head nodded. Her eyes smiled with her face. She was happy. "I will go get my clothes."
When she got back, she looked at me. "Well? We have to get undressed, I guess."
"Yes, it is preferred," I laughed. I started undressing, turning away from her. When I turned around, she was naked, covering her breasts with her arms. The part she didn't cover ... there was no hair.
"Where is your hair?"
She giggled. "That's Pat's thing. We shave. I thought it was weird at first, but now I like it. The things we do ... No hair in the way..."
I am thinking. Dave has never complained about my hair. I do not have much, like some of the older girls I have seen, but I do have hair. Should I surprise Dave? "Maybe I should shave. It would surprise Dave."
"I think he'll like it," Brindy said.
"I have never ... How do I do it?"
"I dunno. I shave Pat. Pat shaves me."
"You would shave me?"
"I would shave you."
"Let's shower, then. And maybe I get shaved." Okay. Maybe it was a little bit sexy, but mostly I was thinking about Dave when I surprise him.
In the shower, there is room for two of us, but I did not notice that when Dave and I are in the shower, we bump into each other very much. Dave has always washed me and I washed him.
Brindy and I tried washing ourselves. "Uh, Lita?"
"It is not enough room for both of us to shower."
Note from the author: There is not a lot of sex in this one, yet. However if you like this buildup let me know and I will write the next chapter with enough sex to satisfy all your desires. P.S. This is a story I wrote in 1998 and just ran across the other day. Never before published. Be kind LOL, this was a long time ago. ======================= Nights like this have always meant suspense to writers, as she looked out the windows at the lowering sky her mind drifted back to the time of their...
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Janet's ObsessionChapter IAs the intercom buzzer to her modest little apartment buzzed, Janet's heart raced. Rushing over she picked up the mouthpiece as the small black and white surveillance screen flickered to life, reflecting back to her a courier holding a padded parcel and a clipboard.“Yes”“Hi, package for a Miss Janet Finch”, the courier mouthed into the intercom.“Come in, up to level 1, I'll be out in a sec”, she quickly said while replacing the mouthpiece, pressing the electronic...
This featurette is a new adventure of the Fashionistas. The story continues with Rocco Siffredi as Antonio on a despondent but inspired creative fashion binge. His models are the stunningly beautiful Emma Hix and Naomi Swann who play girlfriends who connect via video phone while Emma has a ‘date’ with Rocco. Naomi roughly masturbates herself in anticipation. She secretly watches Emma and Rocco as Naomi herself is watched by a peeping drone. Rocco uses the beautiful Ms Hix as a model...
xmoviesforyou“You wish?” she said, as I saw a smile come to her face for the first time since this thing started. “Since you’ve left ‘shitforbrains, ‘ are you keeping his name or what?” I asked. She laughed so hard at my moniker for her ex, she had to pull over. “Yeah, for now – it’s a lot of trouble changing your name back, so I guess I’m Elizabeth Mendenhall for the short term. Thanks again for coming to get me, Ken – I owe you one!” “More than one, I think, sis!” I said. Back in Springfield, it...
Hi ISS readers…I am a great fan of ISS stories. Now I want to share one of my experience with My neighbor aunty Ratna. I am a sex loving guy and like to have sex with matured married lady. I am Sourabh, 25 years old good physic..having 7” tool. Before telling the story… I want to introduce Ratna aunty 1st. She is around 38 to 40 years old…her figure was very much attractive, having slit fat in belly area and on buttock which makes her more attractive. Her figure was like Bengali house wives....
Chelby waited for the ferry on the docks of Seattle that took her across the waters to the ship yard on the far side of Puget Sound. The evening was chilly and she could tell autumn was here. The sky was clear the air crisp and the stars sparkled overhead. She leaned over the side of the ferry to gaze into the water as the ferry chopped through it, she loved the wind in her face, and the way it caused her hair to fly wildly. It had been a long time since she had taken the journeys she would...
Hai friends, indru Tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan sontha athai penai matter adikiraan. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul sendru eppadi matter adikiraan endru paarkalam, en peyar akash vayathu 25 aagugirathu, enaku oru athai pen irunthaal aval peyar shalini vayathu 24 aagi irunthathu. Innum avaluku thirumanam seithu vaika villai. Thirumanam aagamal irupathum oru vithathil nalathu thaan, ilai endraal enaku en athai pen kidaithu iruka maatal. Eppozhuthum athai veetirku sendru amma palagaram...
Chuck Thursday Lisa and I woke early enough to workout for a few minutes before showering and dressing to go flying. She was headed to Montana and I was going to Las Vegas. I was going to be able to do some Marshal's Service business, plus do some further investigation of the sniper I had disposed of during the recent mission that never happened. The girls were not happy to have to get up this morning, but it was to be a full day for them. They had made plans to spend time with Sue and...
© copyright 2000-2001 How did I get here. I seriously questioned myself as the steel bar door slammed behind me. I looked around the cold barren cell, two cots, one up, one down, and a commode. The only luxury, a sink. I lie down on the made up bunk and think about the last five weeks of my life. How I, a substantial, law abiding yuppy, ended up her in the county jail. A twenty eight year old housewife living in an upper class neighborhood and, for gods sakes, a Volunteer of the Year...
‘Two more lattes please,’ So Jennifer, how are things now, since your split with Jack?’ ‘Oh, so, so. I’m doing ok. But well, you know.’ Sue eyed her friend. They had known each other since school. They had kept in touch with each other and met regularly for coffee, but this was their first meeting since Jennifer and Jack had split up. Sue had been unsure how to broach the issue. The topic had been skirted around as they drank their first coffees chatting about all sorts of things, but now...
So, to cut the long introductory indian sex story short, I met this guy on Tinder. We chatted for a while and . This guy introduced me to weed. We met a few more times and smoked weed. I was still learning how to smoke. It was quite risky to do it in open. So he suggested that he’ll arrange some pg room where I can get real high without giving a second thought. So, the day was decided & I went there. It all started with some casual talk, while he was rolling up some joints. I was literally...
In the morning, we still had our arms around each other. She had her head on my shoulder. Her beautiful eyes found mine and she kissed me on the cheek. "Morning, Jordan." I held her to me and said, "Morning, pretty one. Nice to have you right here." I saw her brows furrow and she looked troubled. "Anything wrong?" She pulled back and said, "No, I just need to get started." She quickly left the bed and went to her room. That day, after getting Brianna off to school, she was on the...
Michelle had been living with me and her father, Ronald, ever since she was kicked out of college for illicit drug use. She has been arrested by the police for public intoxication and possession after being found passed out on campus in the University Library. She swore to both me and Ronald that she would go back to school and quit using drugs. But deep down, I knew she was lying and wanted no more in life but to drink and drug. It has been six months since Michelle moved back home and got a...
Bob stayed over that night, and the kids saw when it was bedtime that he followed their mother into her bedroom. Both kids were already horny, but this made them frantic and Robby came in his sister three times before he was too tired to go on. Megan, for her part, stopped trying to count her orgasms and just drifted from one to another, concentrating on the feel of her lover's skin against hers, of his mouth on her slightly sore nipples, and the deep wonderful feel of his heat flowing into...
Kate realized that having two jobs made it very hard to find time during the week to date By Thursday, she couldnt wait for the weekend to come around. Most of the day on Friday, she was so horny that each encounter with a client had her daydreaming about what he or she would be like in bed. Kate chastised herself for letting her sex drive so completely control the rest of her life. Saturday, Kate ran all of the errands she had been putting off during the week and then started to plan the rest...
Introduction: A story about a young man's introduction to love... I was 14 years old and in grade 9. I never really wanted to take music lessons but it was a forgone conclusion in my family. Both my parents were very musical. My mother was a backup cellist in the cities symphony and my father had taken music lessons his entire c***dhood. My parents had tried to get me enthused about some instrument – any instrument, but to no avail.I had played the violin for a few years (an extremely painful...
We became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked. I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an...
Halsey lay next to Maia in the bed. She had just brought Maia to an intense orgasm. Maia was breathing slowly and deeply, waiting for her heart rate to slow. Halsey leaned across and kissed her passionately. “I really, really love you,” she said. “Oh, and I love doing this, too.” She was combing her lover’s pubic hair with her fingers. Halsey frowned, “Mine is so sparse.” Maia rolled onto her side to face her. “It’s a blond thing. Blonds have lower hair density than brunettes. File a complaint...
LesbianNote: As always, Read, Review, Enjoy! Harry pulled quickly away from Ginny, wanting to make it look as if he hadn’t intended to get caught. Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t find words powerful enough to express her feelings at the moment. Instead, through clenched teeth she said, "Harry Potter, you had better just stay away from me right now." She turned and walked with false calm out of the room. He let out the breath he’d been holding, glad that she hadn’t tried to...
We meet in the hotel bar, for an introduction to each other and for that first drink of alcohol to relax our minds. We decide to eat in the hotel restaurant. After a great meal, lots of great discussion and drinks, Kevin said, "Well, why don't we go up to our room and have another drink?" You agree nervously giggled and we all went up to our hotel room. We had some champagne delivered and continued to talk. After a few more drinks, I excused myself and went to the bathroom to 'freshen up'. I...
As we lay cuddling each other in our bed after the momentous day Angela had with catching her peeping toms in the act, little did we realised that it was almost 8 in the evening. Time had just blown by since Jack, Troy and Ethan had left our house earlier around 4 pm with Angela promising Troy, Ethan and Jack that she would be willing to have a foursome with them next time Jack came in to help her with her gardening.After her exhilarating sexual experience, Angela was engulfed with anticipation...
Wife Lovers‘I don’t think we should,’ said Sharon. Sharon and Susan were both crouched around Susan’s computer, looking at shoes. Susan and Sharon had become fast friends after Sharon and her husband John had moved in next door to Susan and her husband Tim. They had found that they had a lot in common, particularly a shopaholic streak that had at times taxed their respective husbands’ patience, not to mention pocketbook. ‘But look! They’re on sale! And they’re so cute!’ Susan stamped her feet. ‘I...